LINC 58: Project-Based Learning
Lisa DeLapo

Project-Based Learning

Krause Center, Foothill College

May 21-June 22, 2018

Edited by Peter Y. Chou

Lisa DeLapo

Preface: William Cavada's Adobe InDesign class (LINC 72B) from 5/11-6/18/2018 was cancelled due to low enrollment.
I had to enroll in a Foothill College class to keep my VTA Bus Pass valid. So I registered for Lisa DeLapo's Project-Based Learning class (LINC 58) from May 21-June 22, 2018. This class is intended for educators (K-14) who want to develop understanding and competencies in using 21st century skills strategy of global project-based learning to create powerful, culturally diverse learning environments. Participants will create a project that engages students in learning curricular content. Below are the 8 assignments for this four-weeks, 2 units Online Class. Included the instructor Lisa DeLapo's comments on these homework. Registered for Pass/Fail for class, received the maximum 100 points for these projects.

Web Pages Done in Lisa DeLapo's LINC 58 Project-Based Learning Class

Project-Based Learning Collaboration
Above & Below Video (2011)
Module 1 Discussion: Reaction to Above & Beyond Video (5-24-2018)
First assignment was to watch 5-minutes video Above & Beyond (2011)
and give our reaction and commentary. First impression was "Rah! Rah! Rah! Hurray!" for Charlie & Maya designing a car that could fly and won the race.
Is not "Above & Beyond" better than "Below & Staying Still"? Keep moving ahead faster & faster. Then I recalled teachings of the sages that inspired the poem "Above & Beyond"&#!51; When asked "What is your star?" Chung Gang dropped to his knees and felt around the floor. Zen Master Mang Gong said to him "You have truly become a Buddha." Also cited Joseph Campbell and Swami Chinmayananda, concluding poem— "The truck is going places— / above and beyond, but I'm staying / home right here residing within."
Lisa DeLapo (5-25-2018): Peter, This poem is very insightful, and I love all the deep thought that went into formulating it. As I said in my personal conversation with you today, the short video is up to interpretation by each student - no right or wrong answer! I love that you put it into context with your faith, beliefs, and journey. I, too, search the earth like Chung Gang - the stars are within all of us!

Smith's Castle, Wickford, RI
Junior Historians Project
Module 1 Challenge: Junior Historians at Work (5-26-2018)
First Challenge Assignment was to visit sites using Project-Based Learning— Buck Institute, New Tech Network Network, Edutopia. Select videos to watch and write commentary using Sketchnotes. Brought blue felt tip pen & yellow marker for sketches. Since Los Altos Library has Photoshop, used Script Type to simulate handwriting & download images instead of drawing for Sketchnotes page. Water Quality Project at Buck Institute used by Brooklyn High School students. Junior Historians at Work by 4th graders researching Smith's Castle and publishing their findings in local newspaper. Photoshop file @ 72 dpi too faint to read. Done over file @ 200 dpi that's more readable. Suggested projects for young historians: Do Events Page on their birthdays. (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4)
Lisa DeLapo (5-31-2018): Peter, The depth at which you respond makes me so honored to be your instructor. I am learning so much from your input. You truly have a gift for writing, and I appreciate the way you associate your new learning with things you've read or studied in the past.

Outdoor Nature Hikes
for Project-Based Learning Class
Module 1 Challenge: Nature Hikes (5-27-2018)
After 7 hours composing "Module 1 Challenge Sketchbook" above on "Junior Historians", felt something was missing. Buck Institute, New Tech Network, and Edutopia have lots of Project-Based Learning tutorials, but mostly indoors, only one outdoors. Reminded me of Whitman's 1965 poem "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer". Found photo showing Whitman's frustration, and another with his delight gazing at the stars. Recommend instructors to take students out for hiking and explore nature more. Suggested Newsletter by Midpenisular Open Space Preserve with many free docent-led hikes. Photos at Portola Redwoods State Park (7-1-2012): Top of Redwood, Middle of Redwood, Bottom of Redwood, showing Platonic Lambda Λ image of the World Soul. Pasted and resized images of squirrel and bunny to "Sunshine on Hill image".
Lisa DeLapo (5-31-2018): Peter, The depth at which you respond makes me so honored to be your instructor. I am learning so much from your input. You truly have a gift for writing, and I appreciate the way you associate your new learning with things you've read or studied in the past.

Denise Kreb's
Genius Hour Guidebook
Module 2 Discussion: What Is Genius Hour? (6-4-2018)
The 1:42 video by John Spencer tells that 20% time in the classroom is spent on activities students are passionate about. It's not a free-for-all. Teachers need to structure student's time so they'll be productive & be empowered by their projects. Genius Hour began with Google, where employees were given 20% of their time to work on projects they're passionate about. Products such as Google News, Gmail, Adsense, Google Glass were innovations created as
a result of this self-directed research time. Later, this successful system was adopted by teachers and used in the classroom to allow students to explore their passions. Links to Wettrick's "Pure Genius"; Kreb's "Genius Hour Guidebook"; McNair's "Genius Hour: Passion Projects"; Juliani's "Inquiry & Innovation". "Genius Hour" is incongruous— "Hour"
implies time, tick-tock of clock; "Genius" works out of the box in eternity. 1993 Poem on "Timelessness""The hands of the clock / are the wings of an angel, / all you need to do is spread / out your mind, delve into inner / space— here time falls away / cracking like an egg shell, / you're not yolk & white / but sun & sky, your spirit / rising beyond time."
Lisa DeLapo (6-4-2018): Thank you Peter. I loved the fact that you took "genius" and "hour" and found they don't really fit together. A genius thinks outside the box while the hour is set in time - so right! Your poem, Timelessness, is my favorite thus far.

Mount Ladakhi
near India-Pakistan border
Module 2 Challenge: Research & Information Literacy & Proposal Template (6-7-2018)
Research & Information Literacy is Module 2 Challenge. 2:05 Video "Information Literacy in the Real World" by Vanessa Garofalo says with abundant information, we could be misled and absorb fake news. So it's important to check the source and make sure they are scholarly and reliable. We need to go to multiple sources (Newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, Google Scholar Search) to verify information. Distinguish Fact (News stories) from Opinion (OP-ED articles). In finding credible sources, we need to check for Authority, Accuracy, Coverage, Currency, and Objectivity. Is web page done by a high school student with no expertise, or by a professor with years of published research on the topic? Google Scholar links only to academic peer-reviewed journals, filtering out unreliable sources. "How to spot fake news?" articles (IFLA,, Harvard) . Second part of Challenge is Proposal Template: Genius Hour from Google Docs. Proposed Topic: "Mountain" with the Λ shape image. Answering Question: How the Soul is related to the triangular shape Λ of the Mountain?
Lisa DeLapo (6-4-2018): This is wonderful. I appreciate the work and thought that went into it.

Stamp design
using France B393
"Coco Writing"
by Pierre Renoir
(issued 12-13-1965)
Module 3 Discussion: "Learning Process" (6-11-2018)
"Learning Process Is More Important Than End Product". Tennis champion Arthur Ashe said "Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome." Tony Fahkry's article "The Journey Matters More Than the Destination" has many illuminating insights on this theme. Assigned reading: "PBL vs Product-Based Learning" (By Aaron Eisberg, PBL Blog, BIE, 3-28-2018), summarizing as to why PBL focuses on process and not the end product. In "Innovation is a process, not a product.", George Couros writes "Have a mind that is open to anything, and that is attached to nothing." If all educators were open to embracing that notion that learning is about constant growth and development, not only in our students, but in ourselves, education would make tremendous shifts. After reading the first article, What can you share as your own experience where process ended up being greater than the end product? Described my difficulty in "Learning to Write Free Verse Poetry" (1987-1989), and how my perserverance led to success and zcceptance to Squaw Valley Poetry Writing Workshps (1989-1990). Sample poem "Blue Heaven, Green Earth" (7-13-1990). Enjoyed teaching K-12 students in California-Poets-In-The-Schools (CPITS 1990-1996)). Sample students' poems— Sasha's
"My Dream", Elena's "If I Were Cupid" and Paul's "Be True to Yourself" in "Valentine ♥ Mints Poems". San Francisco Arts casted my poem in bronze, displaying it near the Ferry Building.
Lisa DeLapo (6-11-2018): I wish you much bliss as you continue to write poetry. Everyone's a critic - so just jump back on the horse, so to speak, and keep on writing about your philosophy and nature and other incredible things you read about. I do feel the magic in your words, and I love that you share it here with us.

Japan 222: Mount Fuji
(issued December 1, 1935)
Module 3 Challenge: Doing the Work (6-12-2018)
Skills involved in doing this project: • Researching: Books on symbolism and mythology
of mountains. Books on the soul from different philosophical & religious traditions. If information is not in books, will do Google Search to fill the gaps. • Writing: With the information gathered from books and the web, need to edit them in a coherent manner for readers to digest. • Creating: Formatting text & photographic images in HTML, so web pages are attractive to hold the readers' attention. • Synthesizing: Writing essay to answer overarching question: "How the Soul is related to the triangular shape Λ of the Mountain?"
Topics done so far: Mountain Art, Mountain Music , Mountain Poetry, Mountain Postage Stamps, Mountain Books, Mountain Writings. Topics still to do: Mountain Quotes from Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (13th Edition, 1955), Bible on Mountains using Complete Concordance to the Bible: New King James Version (1983), Mountain Symbolism,
Mountain Mythology, Mountain Photography, Mountain Resources. Lots of work ahead.
Lisa DeLapo (6-11-2018): Great summary of your learning and process.

10th Oxherd Drawings:
"In the Marketplace"
Sage's empathy
in helping others
Module 4 Discussion: Design Thinking: Empathy— "What Is Religion?" (6-16-2018)
Design Thinking is a design methodology that provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. Began by Herbert Simon (1969), it was refined by SAP's Hasso Plattner to five stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototyp, Test. This process provides a guide-line for students to keep on track with their projects. Because "Empathy" was listed as the first step of Design Thinking "solving the problem for another person", I've selected an actual event of Janurary 14, 2018— listing 4 emails sent to my friend Rudy, answering his 1/13 query "What Is Religion?" (1) Empathy is Characteristic of the Sage; (2) Define the Problem: Use OED to define religion; (3) Ideate: Coming up with different solutions— Citing How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain by Newberg & Waldman offering neurological findings from MRI brain scans instead of religious or philosophical viewpoints; (4) Prototype: Building one solution and getting feedback— Cited religion definitions in enlightened sage Paul Brunton's books; (5) Test: Test out the prototyped solution— Krishnamurti's response on "What Is a Religious Man", and Paul Brunton's comments on Krishnamurti. Using Design Thinking to answer overarching question: How the Soul is related to the triangular shape Λ of the Mountain?
Lisa DeLapo (6-18-2018): Excellent response, and I wonder what Rudy thought. I honestly pondered how you might answer this question in regards to philosophy and your book writing, and I was pleasantly surprised to see you could apply it. Once again, you have made me see things differently. I appreciate your work so much, Peter!

Matterhorn Reflection
Switzerland Poster
Module 4 Challenge: Final Mountain Project (6-26-2018)
Assignment 4 for LINC 58: Project-Based Learning's Module 4 Final Project is to showcase your work to an audience (Slideshow, Website, Google Document, Screencast, iMovie). Selected to do website uploading my work to Network Solutions, the web host website for In Proposal Template, outlined my book Platonic Lambda: Soul of the Universe. with "Mountain & Λ shape image" as the first chapter. In "Mountain Project", I described the work done, and web pages still to finish. Summary of the work accomplished. "Mountain Quotes" (6-18); "Bible on Mountains" (6-20); "Mountain Symbolism" (6-19); "Mountain Mythology" (6-22); "Mountain Photography" (6-25); and "Mountain Resources" (6-25) The essay to answer question: "How the Soul is related to the triangular shape Λ
of the Mountain?" has web links to 15 poems written (2010-2018) on the "Platonic Lambda". Irish sage Wei Wu Wei says "an awakened sage lives & thinks vertically"— no wonder the Platonic Lambda Λ "Soul of the Universe" is shaped like a mountain.
Lisa DeLapo (6-28-2018): Peter, it has been a joy seeing your assignments and discussion items for this course. You inspired me with your thoughts and ideas, and I appreciate the effort, creativity, and depth of your work. I hope to be lucky enough to have you in another course - Lisa Delapo, Jun 28 at 12:22 pm

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (7-9-2018)