Google Search
over 63,000 searches per second
90.46% of the search engine market
Google Rankings &
Science Citation Index

Peter Y. Chou

Science Citation Index published
by Eugene Garfield (1964-2000)
now by Clarivate Analytics

Preface: My roommate in Cambridge, Massachusetts (1970-1971), Dr. Steve Gould, when we were both postdoc researchers at Brandeis University, asked me in a May 20 email @ 10:40 am, after receiving Google Ranking #1
for WisdomPortal Web Pages
— “Congratulations on the success of your web site! From where do you obtain the Google rankings? And what exactly to the numbers represent? A person could either know the URL of your web site and open it directly or come to it by entering a search term like "wisdom" or "enlightenment". Do the numbers represent all the times that wisdoms portal was called up to the screen? Does the algorithm track exactly where the site appears? For example, the first screen, the third screen? If the first screen, the top, the middle?”
• I spent an hour 50 minutes answering him (5/21: 1:09-2:59 am). However, the message disappeared from Yahoo Mail. I wondered whether he received that email sent @ 2:59 am on May 21. Steve emailed back on May 24 @ 1:27 pm, including the email sent him. I'm glad it was not lost, and am sharing what I wrote below.

Dear Steve—

Thanks for your May 20 email @ 10:40 am

When you enter a word or phrase in the Google Search Box—
a list of the top 10 results shows up plus the number of web sites surveyed.

For example when Enlightenment News is typed in the Google Search Box,
you'll get— About 61,900,000 results (0.35 seconds)
#1 is Enlightenment— News, Research and Analysis
#2 is Enlightenment News from Around the World— Wisdom Portal
#3 is Column: COVID-19 and the Enlightenment— Opinion

When wisdom portal is typed in the Google Search Box,
you'll get— About 46,000,000 results (0.38 seconds)
#1 is Wisdom Portal Home Page
#2 is The Wisdom Portal— Home | Facebook
#3 is Wisdom Portal | Pathways Institute

I've not explored what content is on the #2 and #3 sites,
but I'm sure I have more pages than them.
My Home Page will not hold readers for long
unless they click to the 17 links to inner pages
with more texts and images.

When the Singularity Conference was held at Stanford
September 12-14, 2003, my web pages "Singularity Resources"
was not even listed among the Google Results on Singularity.

Then some Silicon Valley Tech Magazine wrote
"The best site on Singularity Resources is at"
That article propelled my page to #1 in Google Search,
and it remained there until I went offline on 6-26-2015

Now typing Singularity Resources
About 11,900,000 results (0.32 seconds)
Ranked #17
Singularity Resources— Wisdom Portal

The other number #1 rankings back in 2015 are also lower now—
Dante Resources #2 (13,200,00)
Apple Symbolism #4 (19,800,00)
Magpie Symbolism ? (8 files not uploaded)
Ralph Waldo Emerson & John Muir #3 (565,000)

The top rankings at Google show
that I did a lot of work to attract
readers to those web pages.

The Chou-Fasman Method got top ranking
at Science Citation Index (1987)
("this paper has been cited in over 1160 publications,
making it the most cited paper for this journal")
because I surveyed a larger data base of
proteins for the helical, β-sheet, & reverse
turns potentials than anybody else.

When I presented the paper
"β-turns in proteins" (JMB, 115, 135-175, 1977)
at the ACS Meeting in San Francisco on June 10, 1976
"X-ray atomic co-ordinates from 29 proteins of known
sequence and structure were utilized to elucidate
459 β-turns in regions of chain reversals"

a professor asked me "there are only 19 proteins
of X-ray structures published, how did you survey
29 proteins?" I told him "by private correspondence
with X-ray crystallographers who sent me their
atomic coordinates by tape."

When Dorothy Hodgkin gave a talk at Harvard,
I thanked her for sending me the X-ray data
for insulin. She told me Scheraga and many
research labs wanted that data. But she asked
Tom Blundell, her senior worker to send it to me.
I was honored by her kindness to a postdoc.

With joyous wishes,

5-21-2021, 2:58 am

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email address: (5-24-2021)