HAIKUS: February 2013
By Peter Y. Chou |
These haikus were written as exercises in mindfulness an attempt to catch the fleeting moment in my daily walks, while reading, listening to music, and pondering about life. (Underlined words are not for emphasis but to web links.) This web page best viewed with Times font size 14. |
Friday, February 1, 2013, 7:30-9:40 pm Palo Alto: Friends' House, 957 Colorado Ave, Waverley Writers Monthly Poetry Reading (Gave Terry and Joan "Snow Angel" poem) Read "Celestial Snow Angel" and "Feminine Street Names" showing them NASA's photo. |
Friday, February 1, 2013, 7:30-9:40 pm Palo Alto: Friends' House, 957 Colorado Ave, Waverley Writers Monthly Poetry Reading Tom Digby ("Bubbles") read "Hidden Wings" Fairies climbed to mountaintop and found sparkling jewels forgetting their wings to fly. |
Saturday, February 2, 2013, 11:40 am-12:05 pm Mountain View: Friend takes me shopping at Safeway (1750 Miramonte Avenue) today as she's going on Los Trancos hike tomorrow Mustard potato salad, pizza, popcorn, bananas, tomatoes, Swiss cheese. |
Saturday, February 2, 2013, 1:14-5:00 pm Los Altos Hills: Foothill College Krause Center "The Boy With a Thorn in His Joints" (Susannah Meadows, NY Times Magazine, 2-3-2013) Three-year old boy diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. |
Saturday, February 2, 2013, 1:14-5:00 pm Los Altos Hills: Foothill College Krause Center Joseph Campbell: "Life has no meaning". Finally located quote near end of book "Power of Myth" (1988), p. 229 Campbell: "I don't believe life has a purpose. Life is a lot of protoplasm." Bill Moyers: "Not true not true." Campbell: "Follow your bliss and you'll experience the radiance and epiphany." While writing poem on "The Meaning of Life" recalled Campbell's dialogue with Moyers. |
Sunday, February 3, 2013, 8:00-9:42 pm Stanford Flicks: Cubberley Auditorium Stephen Chbosky directs "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" (2012); with Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, Ezra Miller, Mae Whitman, Johnny Simmons, Kate Walsh, Dylan McDermott, Melanie Lynskey, Paul Rudd, Reece Thompson; (YouTube: 1, 2); (Reviews: 1, 2, 3, 4); Film based on 1999 book High school freshman is nervous, shy, suicidal, and slow to make friends. |
Sunday, February 3, 2013, 4:06-5:45 pm Los Altos Library: "The Author Himself Was a Cat in the Hat" (Leslie Kaufman, NY Times, 2-4-2013) Theodor Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss) had a hat resembling the one worn by Cat in the Hat. |
Sunday, February 3, 2013, 4:06-5:45 pm Los Altos Library: "Chinese Symbolism & Art Motifs" by C.A.S. Williams (3rd edition, 1988) on sale for $5 Bought a fresh copy of this classic reference for bargain price of $5. |
Sunday, February 3, 2013, 10:00-10:45 pm Palo Alto: Jack came to Stanford Flicks and gave me ride home after "Wallflower" movie; I left Los Altos Library at 5:45 pm when Baltimore Ravens led SF 49ers 28-6; Jack told me there was half-hour blackout at Superdome & SF 49ers rallied to make Superbowl close, but losing 34-31 at 5 yard line (NY Times). Hubris that Jim Harbaugh and 49ers lost Superbowl XLVII as everyone thought they'd win. |
Sunday, February 3, 2013, 11:15 pm-3:00 am KKSF 910 AM: Coast-to-Coastam.com George Noory interviews Raymon Grace (Bio, Web: 1, 2, 3) & Linda Rosenbaum (Bio, Web); "Clearing & Dowsing"; BOOKS: The Future Is Yours: Do Something About It!, Techniques That Work for Me; My Husband Has ADD; YouTube; Video: Curing ADD &OCD Using power of intent, human mind can direct and clear negative energies. |
Monday, February 4, 2013, 12:00-12:16 pm Mountain View: Friend takes me to Office Depot (910 El Monte Ave) to buy Emtec 8GB flash drive for $4.99 and Emtec 16GB flash drive for $7.99 Fry's Electronics sold out HP 16GB flash drive @ $8.99 so bought Emtech drives instead. |
Monday, February 4, 2013, 1:00-10:00 pm Palo Alto: Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab "Bones Under Parking Lot Belonged to Richard III" (John F. Burns & Alan Cowell, NY Times, 2-5-2013) King Richard III's bones found at Grey Friars Church site in Leicester, England. |
Monday, February 4, 2013, 1:00-10:00 pm Palo Alto: Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab Italian Film Classics at Stanford Pigott Hall, Building 260, Room 113, Mondays 6-9 pm; Discussion with film scholar Sarah Carey (DLCL) Great Italian films to be shown at Stanford this winter semester. |
Monday, February 4, 2013, 1:00-10:00 pm Palo Alto: Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab Saw Fellini's "La Dolce Vita" (1960) last time at Stanford (10-17-2007); Closing shot of Paola (Valeria Ciangottini) smiling; (YouTube: 1, 2, 3) One of my favorite film images Paola smiling at Marcello at end of La Dolce Vita. |
Monday, February 4, 2013, 1:00-10:00 pm Palo Alto: Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab "THINK BIG: 7 speakers, 12 minutes each" (By Lucia Huntington, Harvard Gazette, 2-1-2013) Professor Roberto Mangabeira Unger said No one should ever have to do work that can be done by a machine. |
Monday, February 4, 2013, 1:00-10:00 pm Palo Alto: Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab Federico Fellini's "La Dolce Vita" (1960); Sense of Cinema; Glamor.com; GoneMovies.com; Paola's smile could save Marcello's life of decadence Marcello's photographer Paparazzo is the inception of today's term "paparazzi". |
Monday, February 4, 2013, 10:15 pm-3:00 am KKSF 910 AM: Coast-to-Coastam.com; George Noory interviews Paul H. Smith (Bio, Web: 1, 2, 3, 4) & Tom McNear (Bio, Web); "Remembering Ingo Swann"; BOOK: "Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate: America's Psychic Espionage Program"; Ingo Swann (Photos; YouTube, Swann Database) Ingo Swann, psychic, artist, and remote viewer started SRI remote viewing program. |
Monday, February 4, 2013, 10:15 pm-3:00 am KKSF 910 AM: Coast-to-Coastam.com George Noory interviews Rob MacGregor (Bio, Web: 1, 2) & Trish MacGregor (Bio, Web); "Alien Abductions & Synchronicities"; BOOKS: 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, Synchronicity and Other Side, Aliens in the Backyard, "The Fog: On the Bermuda Triangle"; Broadcast Bruce Gernon's flight into Bermuda Triangle and UFO abductee's experiences. |
Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 12:30-10:00 pm Palo Alto: Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab "10 Tips to Protect Yourself Online" (By Joanna Stern, Yahoo! News, 2-4-2013); Be careful when clicking on links. Use different passwords for every account. |
Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 12:30-10:00 pm Foothill Middlefield Lab: Quirks of the Game: Other Calls That Altered the Course of the Super Bowl (By Stuart Miller, NY Times, 2-5-2013) Officiating hurt 49ers and gave momentum to Ravens in the Superbowl. |
Wednesday, February 6, 2013, 10:16-10:33 am KDFC 104.9 FM: Yo Yo Ma plays Antonin Dvorak, |