I enrolled in the online class LINC-405 in Summer 2021.
The 7 assignments done were assembled in
LINC-405 Summer 2021.
William Cavada rolled me over to take LINC-405 this Fall Quarter.
Attended the first LINC-405 class via Zoom on September 20, 2021.
Since I took Adobe Photoshop with Cavada (June 2017),
asked him how to place a label on a bottle.
He said use "warp" in
"Transform" Edit Menu. Below is step-by-step process how this was
done to create the "Zeus Juice" energy drink bottle.
1. Finding a Bottle
2. Finding Image of Zeus
Zeus with Lightning Bolt |
While there are hundreds of portraits
of the Olympian God Zeus in Google
Images, selected the one showing Zeus
with a lightning bolt in his hand
The image at left is 1044x768 pixels. When cropped it is 602x747 pixels. |
Cropped Image of Zeus |
3. Pasting Zeus on the Bottle
Zeus on Bottle |
Copy & Paste Image of Zeus
(602x747 pixels) on the
Nos Energy Drink Bottle.
4. Resized Zeus on the Bottle
Zeus Resized |
Go to Edit Menu in Photoshop;
Select Transform & Scale
to fit Zeus label on Bottle.
5. Warp Zeus label on Bottle
Warped Zeus
Label & Trimmed |
Go to Edit Menu
in Photoshop;
Select "Warp" to wrap
Zeus label on Bottle.
Trim excess on outside.
6. Bottle with Yellow Background
Background |
Used light yellow
(RGB: 255/255/153)
as background color
7. Type Zeus Juice on Bottle
Zeus Juice
on the Bottle |
Font: Luminari
30 pt strong
at top of Bottle
8. Type Energy Drink on Bottle
Energy Drink
on the Bottle |
Font: Luminari
18 pt strong
at bottom of Bottle
9. Finished Product: Zeus Juice
Zeus Juice Energy Drink |
Premium energy drink
Menthol, eucalyptus,
peppermint, jasmine tea,
spinach & kale extracts,
kiwi, lemon and lime,
carbonated water,
bubbles of oxygen,
secret "x" ingredient
Zeus Juice favorite
of Olympics champions.
No wonder they're sold out.
Need to order a case next time. |
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© Peter Y. Chou,
Wisdom Portal P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (10-8-2021)