LINC-90C: Orientation

Instructor: Kim Randall

March 8, 2021

By Peter Y. Chou

"Introduction Discussion in Orientation"— Due Wed. March 3:
For this discussion please investigate these lists above and explore
at least 3 online collaboration tools (from these lists).
In the discussion prompt below please share about one of the tools
you explored. Questions below are just to help you craft your response.

1. What make the tool unique?
2. What unique collaboration features does it offer?
3. How could it be used in your particular setting? (work, classroom, school)?
4. What questions do you have about it?


There are 37 Online Collaboration Tools
listed in "Best Student-Collaboration Tools"
After exploring over a dozen of these Tools,
I'm commenting on three Tools I like best—

1) Breakout EDU

This tool is unique offering physical & digital puzzle games
that help students in collaborative learning. I like their tips
for great group work in the classroom. Instead of assigning
students specific jobs (timekeeper, recorder, speaker, illustrator),
Let them participate in all the activities, so they take pride in
shared ownership. When I taught K12 students to write poetry
in the classroom at CPITS (California Poets In The Schools),
each student wrote their poems individually. They don't know
what other classmates wrote, until the year-end "Poetry Anthology"
is published. Since kids love puzzle games, can design "Collaborative
Poem". Each student writes one line and pass the paper to the next
student, who adds another line. If there are 14 students in the class,
they'll have a 14-lines poem. Because it is composed by different
students, the poem may not have coherence. However, there may
be surprising elements, such as fantasy on display.
Will have students check out "Rhyming Zone"
if they wish to compose a rhymed poem or sonnet.


This tool offers "Multifaceted interactive whiteboard promotes collaboration".
Students can work together on projects in an effective, visual way, in class or remotely.
They have 10 images in their Tutorials. Some of their charts appear cluttered and
over-extended. A whiteboard should be simple and pictorial to facilitate easy
addition. I like their slide #8 showing "Cupcake, Sliced Birthday Cake, 3-tiered
Wedding Cake"-- from the simple to the grand. To stir up students' imagination,
I'll include "Earth" as 4th image, "Solar System" as 5th image, and "Milky Way"
as 6th image. Our "Earth" is a big cake to treat us, the "Solar System" with
planetary neighbors dancing around the Sun, and the Sun taking us around
the "Milky Way galaxy". A bite of "Cupcake" with a cup of "Milky Way" to drink.
This Mural will engage students' minds to a grander mystery where we live.

3) Skype

Live video communication has potential to open lots of doors
Unlike other tools with lots of slides in their Tutorials,
Skype has just one— a couple laughing at their computer screen.
They've connected with friends or with a web site entertaining them.
The quote in their slide— "Wherever you are, wherever they are—
Skype keeps you together."

This orchestra's Betthoven 'Ode to Joy' Skype concert is everything the world needs
By Maddy Shaw Roberts (March 23, 2020)
"From us, for you"— this wonderful Dutch orchestra came
together to perform a virtual concert for their followers
amid the coronavirus pandemic.

KDFC's 250 top classical music poll shows #1 as
Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony #9

Year after year, Beethoven's Symphony #9
has been voted #1 by classical music listeners.

Beethoven's Symphony #5 with the most famous
4 notes "dun-dun-dun-Dun" in music
was voted #8 most popular—

I would share on Skype my poem
on "Beethoven's Fifth Symphony"
invoking us to wake up! wake up!

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© Peter Y. Chou, Wisdom Portal
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (3-8-2021)