By Peter Y. Chou,
Module 3: Challenge Create Template of Tech Tools for HyperDocs
Check these for ideas on Tech Tools:
Jen Givens: EdTech Tools for HyperDocs
Thomas C. Murray: Tech Tools for Engagement
Larry Ferlazzo: 2000 Categorized "Best" Lists Blog
Hook Students "Corkboards" (or "Bulletin Boards") is a way to grab students' attention. Wallwisher now called Padlet allows one to post photos, documents, web links, video, and music to make the text come alive. Popplet is a tool3 for the iPad and web to capture and organize your ideas at school or for work. Stoodle is a free tool where users can join an online classroom by simply sharing an URL. It offers real time collaboration and communication, multiple users can work on the same virtual whiteboard at the same time. |
Curated links to explore Without leaving your classroom, Virtual Field Trips allow students to visit museums, parks, zoos, historical landmarks and many more interesting places around the world (Need to sign up with Microsoft in Education). Explore Coast Redwood & Goosepen Redwood on local Nature Hikes. |
Lesson objectives through direct instruction Explain Everything is a complete online & mobile whiteboard app that turns ideas into understanding. Teach, present, sketchnote, create videos, and work together using this tool (1:51 video). Richard Wagner said "When you create you do not explain" (1853). So less explanations, the better, if we wish our students to be constantly creative in their work. |
Students' creations based on learning Adobe Spark can transform your ideas into stunning visual stories. (See 1:21 video). Spark is available on the web and on mobile so you can create and share whenever inspiration strikes. My Storybook helps to make your story come to life. Learn how to craft you book step by step. Full Page Screen Capture shows you how to capture the online screen without requesting any extra permissions. Press Alt+Shift+P & turn a full web page into an image that may be scaled in Photoshop for later use. On Macs, Press Command-Shift-3 for screen shot; On PCs, Alt+PrtScn. |
Students share creations RSA Animate is an innovative, accessible and unique way of illustrating and sharing the world-changing ideas from the RSA's free public events programme. Powtoon creates awesome videos & presentations to share. Over 72 million powtooons have been created. Wakelet save, organize, and share content from across the web with everything in one place. |
Students reflect & engage in metacognition A survey in Google Search shows 1.88 trillion results on "reflection". "Reflection" in physics: "image in a mirror", in metaphysics: "thoughts of the past". Wordsworth in "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood" (1804), writes in stanza V on Plato's idea of pre-existence "Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: / The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star, /... But trailing clouds of glory do we come / From God, who is our home". Enlightened rishis of Isa Upanishad (600 BC) proclaimed "OM. O my soul, remember past strivings, remember!" Searched "Reflections" on Larry Ferlazzo's "Best Lists" gave "Important Reflections on Education Research" (12-16-2018) and "Reflections on Daniel Pink's New Book, Drive" (1-1-2010). Pink writes that what motivates us is not money, but the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and our world." Ask students "What motivates them?" |
More fun for students who finish early Wonderopolis features "Wonder of the Day" such as "Marfa Lights" and "Are All Bubbles Round?". Similar to Astronomy Picture of the Day. Nov. 14, 2019 shows "Planet Mercury Transits the Sun on 11-11-2019". Other interesting pictures: "Ghost Aurora over Canada" (10-27-2019) and "Horsehead Nebula" (10-6-2019). Used "Horsehead Nebula" to create "Leaping into the Great Dark" (1998) (Montage Process). "Extend" implies "going outward" as in "Above & Beyond" (5 minutes video). Poem afterwards on "below & staying still" to experience transcendence. |
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© Peter Y. Chou, P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: (11-14-2019) |
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