LINC 62: Class Fall 2019
Foothill College Fast Tech Classes
Instructor: Kimberley Randall

By Peter Y. Chou,

LINC62: Cloud-Based Word Processing Tools
Online (1 unit): October 28-November 22, 2019
This course provides hands-on experience using cloud-based word processing
programs to create and publish interactive hyperdocs. Topics include: formatting
techniques; editing tools; using styles; creating section breaks; inserting text boxes,
graphic objects, and multimedia; creating tables; working with headers and footers;
and merging documents; using Track Changes for collaboration, publishing to the
web, and other advanced features.

Module 1: Welcome and Introductions (Due October 30, 2019)
What are your expectations for this course? Instructional tech strategies
tried with students? What grade levels of people do you work with?
Share something you are passionate about!
    • Hello. I'm Peter Y. Chou, and am interested in "Cloud-Based Word Processing Tools". That's why I'm taking this LINC62 class. Used BBEdit to write HTML
in designing my web site
    Taught HTML and Web Design at Foothill College (circa 1997). Have not
instructed students for awhile. Taught Chemistry at WPI (1977-1980),
General Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical Statistical Mechanics.
Taught K-12 students (3rd grade to 12th grade) to write poetry
in California-Poets-In-the-Schools (CPITS) program (1991-99).
Poem: "The Study of Transformation"
    Done research in Prediction Protein Structures from amino acid sequences
(1970-1980). Turned my love to poetry. The two disciplines are connected.
Proteins are the language of life. Poetry is language of the human heart.
Chou-Fasman Method in "Prediction of Protein Conformation" is a
Science Citation Classic, cited over 1160 publications. Although
published in 1974, it is still in use on the web.
    Post Enlightenment News & Poetry News from Google Alerts. Passionate
about Enlightenment in experiencing cosmic awareness in everyday life through
art, music, and poetry, This is the vision shared at my web site

Module 1: Challenge (Due November 4, 2019)
Watch videos of these Cloud Based Word Processing tools and choose one—
Google Suite & Docs, Microsoft Office 365 & What is Word?,
Apple iCloud Drive & Apple Pages, Keynote and Numbers
    • After watching the three videos, plus 10-minute video by Christoph Magnussen comparing Office 365 vs Google's G Suite, decided to use Google Docs for my work.
Linked to my book project Platonic Lambda: Soul of the Universe and its Table of Contents. The Preface written earlier (6-26-2018) linked to 14 poems relating to the Platonic Λ. Rewrote Preface: Platonic Lambda (11-5-2019) summarizing 13 chapters in the book, even though 6 have not been written yet— Vanishing Point, Wizard's Hat, Church Steeple, Compass, Flying Geese Λ-Formation, & Galactical Collision.
Complete Module 1: Challenge Web Page

Module 2: Challenge (Due November 10, 2019)
Use Google Docs to create Multimedia Text Set. Examples of Templates:
Earth in Action; Election Text Set; Risk & Exploration; Solar Eclipse.
    • Used Solar Eclipse as template for Multimedia Text Set: "Platonic Lambda:
Soul of the Universe"
with web links to videos of 360o viewing outside & inside of Pyramid of Giza, & Mickey Mouse wearing Wizard's Hat in "Sorcerer's Apprentice".
Complete Module 2: Challenge Web Page

Module 2: Disscussion (Due November 10, 2019)
Read & Discuss Multi-Media Text Set: 1) Jeremy Knight's "Earth in Action" and
2) Jennifer Wolfe's "Risk & Exploration". How this could be beneficial for learning?
    • I have not heard of Multi-Media Text Sets before this LINC 62 assignment. I agree with Kate Petty that "students going to one app for 5 minutes and another app for another 5 minutes". This shows their attention span are quite short. A Healthline article on "Causes of a Short Attention Span" says "People with a short attention
span may have trouble focusing on tasks for any length of time without being easily distracted." Some may be due to Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Mary Oliver writes in "The Summer Day"— "I don't know exactly what a prayer is. /
I do know how to pay attention". Because she is so attentive, her poems are exquiste and enlightening about nature. I recall poet John Ciardi's first words in his March 19, 1972 talk on "Dante's Divine Comedy"— "A man is defined by his attention. Dante's attention was God. That's why he experienced Paradise." (Poem).     I've used "Earth in Action" as a template to create "Response to Platonic Lambda Λ". On the left column: Text/Media, on the right column: Reader's Response. To engage students, listed poems to read concerning the Soul; Listen to mountain music; Explore Coast Redwood on Nature Hikes; Watch Mickey Mouse in "Sorcer's Apprentice" wearing
a Λ-shaped Wizard Hat; Wonder at "Walking Man" and Leonardo's "Nose" shaped like Λ whenever we're walking and breathing; and ponder on the Colliding Galaxies with similar Λ-shape as when God created the "Soul of the Universe"
    I've used Wolfe's "Risk & Exploration" for "Multimedia Text Set" that is more expansive. I feel that Multi-Media Text Sets are valuable instructional tools to help students focus on topics that will lead them to explore further. This is the purpose of education for the enlightened mind.
Complete Module 2: Discussion Web Page

Module 3: Challenge (Due November 15, 2019)
Explore lists from "Tech Tools for HyperDocs" and "Tech Tools for Engagement".
Turn in a template or list of 1-3 tech tools you could use in a HyperDoc and
how you might use them (brief description).
    • Checked for ideas on Tech Tools: Jen Givens: EdTech Tools for HyperDocs, Thomas C. Murray: Tech Tools for Engagement, and Larry Ferlazzo: 2000 "Best" Lists Blog. Made Template "Digital Tools for HyperDocs" with 7 stages: Engage, Explore, Explain, Apply, Share, Reflect, Extend— to keep students attentive.
Complete Module 3: Challenge Web Page

Module 3: Discussion (Due November 15, 2019)
Share which stage of HyperDocs you think is the most important and why,
and which stage of a HyperDoc you think you'd struggle with designing/
creating for your students the most (and why).
    • (1) Which stage of HyperDocs is most important & why—
If I were to pick the most important stage, it would be the first "Engage the students"— Hook them and get their attention! That's why "Corkboards"
are essential to keep students alert and active. Padlet, Popplet, and Stoodle
were Tech Tools to engage the students.
    • (2) Which stage of HyperDocs is most difficult to design & whywhy—
The HyperDocs stage most difficult to design and create would be "Reflections". Students have short attention spans, mind wandering from one subject to another. They rarely have time to focus deeply within themselves, reflecting on the important issues of life. Wordsworth writes "Poetry takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility" (1801). His "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood" (1804) is one such poem. Larry Ferlazzo's Best Lists for "Reflections" gave "A Few Reflections on Daniel Pink's New Book Drive" (1-1-2010). Pink writes that what motivates us is not money, but the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and our world." Ask students "What motivates them?" Reflections need not be ruminations on past events and memories. They could also include projections into the future on our dream projects. In Mary Oliver's poem "Summer Day" (1992), she asks "Tell me, what is it you plan to do / with your one wild and precious life?" Sarah asked me this question out of the blue at ballroom dancing (Sept. 20, 2008). My response was this Poem two weeks later (10-4-2008) with Notes (10-6-2008). After students read my Poem & Notes, perhaps they'll make up a bucket list of what they wish to accomplish in life. A more recent poem "My New Mantra" (3-31-2019) with Notes (4-18-2019) lists gurus & sages I've learned from, and Picasso's "I do not seek— I find."
Complete Module 3: Discussion Web Page

Module 4: Challenge (Due November 22, 2019)
For Final Assignment, create a HyperDocs around any topic you wish to teach. Make it visually appealing and organized. In Apply section, include opportunity for student choice. Check out for templates at these sites: HyperDoc Girls: 10 Templates for HyperDocs and Nadine Gilkison: Kindergarten to 5th Grade.
    • Decided to compose "HyperDocs for Poetry Writing". I've taught in the CPITS Program (1991-1996) teaching students from 2nd-9th grade to write poetry in the classroom. Included also exercises from Stanford University Poetry Workshops attended (2017-2011). To make this HyperDocs page visually appealing, I've searched for poets on postage stamps to illustrate each of the 7 stages: Rumi for Engage, Blake for Explore, Emily Dickinson for Explain, Shakespeare for Apply, Goethe for Share, Whitman for Reflect, Dante for Extend. For "Apply", I've included Kay Ryan's class on "Poetry & Prayer" for students to find their "temple of words" for a poem. For "Share", gave 7 web sites where students may submit their poems. Poetry lessons & links are provided in all the 7 stages of the HyperDocs to inspire students to write.
Complete Module 4: Challenge Web Page

Module 4: Discussion (Due November 22, 2019)
Watch this HyperDoc "lesson in action" Video
"Teaching with HyperDocs: A Comma Lesson". Comments & Reflections on
1) Important parts of the HyperDocs?; 2) Teaching strategies with students?;
3) "Ah ha"s after watching video?; 4) Comments on another classmate's response.
    • (1) Most important part of HyperDocs is "Engage"— hook students' attention.
(2) One of the teaching strategies was "Watch: Commas Song" was shown before "Read: 8 Comma Rules". Music will always grab students' attention more than reading texts. (3) Liked the video of actual classroom teaching with students in rapt attention to the instructor showing them books, and screen slides and videos to keep them alert. Faces of these young students show their eagerness to learn this lesson.
(4) Liked Heather Clealand's idea of comparing HyperDocs to Dance Choreography, that all parts are essential for a dance performance.
Complete Module 4: Discussion Web Page

| Top of Page | Module 4: Discussion | Poetry Writing HyperDocs | Module 3: Discussion |
| Digital Tools for HyperDocs | Response to Platonic Λ | Preface: On the Soul |
| Multimedia Text Set | Platonic Λ Content | Preface: Platonic Lambda Λ |
| Module 2: Discussion | CPITS | Poetry News | Poems 2019 | Home |

© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (11-22-2019)