Princess Elizabeth Stamps
from Newfoundland

By Peter Y. Chou

When Ann told me about Newfoundland as part of Canada, I recall Princess Elizabeth stamps from Newfoundland. My 1975 Scott's Postage Stamps Catalogue (p. 451): "Newfoundland was a self-governing Dominion of the British Empire from 1855 to 1933, when it became a Crown Colony. In 1949, it united wih Canada." The last stamp was issued on her 21st birthday. She'll be Queen in 5 years (Feb. 6, 1952). Added Time magazine covers of Elizabeth.

Newfoundland 192
Princess Elizabeth, age 5
(issued Jan. 2, 1932)

Newfoundland 247
Princess Elizabeth, age 12
(issued May 12, 1938)

Newfoundland 269
Princess Elizabeth, age 21
(issued April 21, 1947)

Note:: Clicking Catalogue #s will show source of stamps, in Firefox & Chrome Browsers but not in Safari browser.

Time Magazine Covers of Elizabeth

Princess Lilybet, Age 3
(April 29, 1929)

Princess Elizabeth
(March 31, 1947)

Queen Elizabeth
(February 18, 1952)

Queen Elizabeth
Person of the Year (1-5-1953)

Queen Elizabeth
(March 29, 1959)

Queen Elizabeth
(June 3, 2002)

Queen Elizabeth
(April 17, 2009)

Queen Elizabeth
(June 4, 2022)

Queen Elizabeth (1926-2022)
(September 29, 2022)

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