On the Number 42

42 in Mathematics
1) The 21th even number = 42
2) The 28th composite number = 42
3) The 8th abundant number = 42
4) The 7th pronic number = 42
5) The 6th Catalan number = 42
6) 6 x 7 = 3 x 14 = 2 x 21 = 42
7) Sum of the 11th & 13th composite numbers = 20 + 22 = 42
8) Sum of the 7th & 18th composite numbers = 14 + 28 = 42
9) Sum of the 9th & 16th composite numbers = 16 + 26 = 42
10) Sum of first six even number = 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 12 = 42
11) Sum of the 8th nd 9th prime numbers = 19 + 23 = 42
12) Sum of 6th and 9th Fibonacci numbers = 8 + 34 = 42
(Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci, 1170-1250)
13) Sum of 5th, 6th, and 9th Fibonacci numbers = 5 + 8 + 34= 42
14) Sum of 6th, 7th and 8th Fibonacci numbers = 8 + 13 + 21= 42
15) Sum of the 1st and 5th abundant numbers = 12 + 30 = 42
16) Sum of the 2nd and 4th abundant numbers = 18 + 24 = 42
17) Sum of the 3rd and 8th triangular numbers = 6 + 36 = 42
18) Sum of the 4th and 10th lucky numbers = 9 + 33 = 42
19) Sum of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 7th lucky numbers = 1 + 3 + 7 + 21 = 42
20) Sum of the 1st, 6th & 8th lucky numbers = 1 + 15 + 25 = 42
21) Sum of the 1st, 4th, & 9th lucky numbers = 1 + 9 + 31 = 42
22) The 3x3x3 Magic Cube
with rows summing to 42
    8 + 24 + 10 = 42
    12 + 7 + 23 = 42
    22 + 11 + 9 = 42
    15 + 1 + 26 = 42
    25 + 14 + 3 = 42
    2 + 27 + 13 = 42
    19 + 17 + 6 = 42
    5 + 21 + 16 = 42
    18 + 4 + 20 = 42
23) Square root of 42 = 6.48074
24) Cube root of 42 = 3.4760266
25) ln 42 = 3.737669618 (natural log to the base e)
26) log 42 = 1.62324929 (logarithm to the base 10)
27) Sin 42o = 0.669
Cos 42o = 0.743
Tan 42o = 0.900
28) 1/42 expressed as a decimal = 0.0238095
29) The 97th & 98th digits of e = 42
The 100th & 101st digits of e = 42
The 144th & 145th digits of e = 42
e = 2.7182818284 5904523536 0287471352 6624977572 4709369995
        9574966967 6277240766 3035354759 4571382178 5251664274
        2746639193 2003059921 8174135966 2904357290 0334295260
(Note: The 99th-108th digits of e = 7427466391 is the first 10-digit prime in
consecutive digits of e. This is the answer to the Google Billboard question
that may lead to a job opportunity at Google.com, (San Jose Mercury News, 7-10-2004)
30) The 92nd & 93rd digits of pi, π = 42
The 202nd & 203rd digits of pi, π = 42
31) The 1561st & 1562nd digits of phi, φ = 42
Phi or φ = 1.61803 39887 49894 84820 45868 34365 63811 77203 09179 80576
                      28621 35448 62270 52604 62818 90244 97072 07204 18939 11374
                      84754 08807 53868 91752 12663 38622 23536 93179 31800 60766
                      72635 44333 89086 59593 95829 05638 32266 13199 28290 26788
1.61803398874989484820 is an irrational number,
also called the Golden Ratio (or Golden number).
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) first called it the sectio aurea,
(Latin for the golden section) and related it to human anatomy.
Ratios may be found in the Pyramids of Giza & the Greek Parthenon.
32) Binary number for 42 = 101010
(Decimal & Binary Equivalence; Program for conversion)
33) ASCII value for 42 = *
(Hexadecimal # & ASCII Code Chart)
34) Hexadecimal number for 42 = 2A
(Hexadecimal # & ASCII Code Chart)
35) Octal number for 42 = 052
(Octal #, Hexadecimal #, & ASCII Code Chart)
36) The Greek-based numeric prefix tetracontakaidi- means 42.
37) The tetracontakaidigon is a polygon with 42 straight sides.
38) The tetracontakaididron is a solid polyhedron with 42 planar faces.
39) The Latin Quadraginta duo means 42.
40) The Latin-based numeric prefix quadrage- means 40.
A person who is from 40 to 49 years old is a quadragenarian.
41) The Roman numeral for 42 is XLII.
42) Sì Shí Er (4, 10, 2) is the Chinese ideograph for 42.
43) is the Babylonian number for 42
Georges Ifrah, From One to Zero: A Universal History of Numbers,
Penguin Books, New York (1987), pp. 326-327
44) 42 is expressed in Hebrew as Mem Beth
Hebrew alphabet has numerical equivalence.
In Hebrew Gematria 42 means "God, majesty, greatness".
45) 42 in different languages:
Dutch: tweeënveertig, French: quarante deux, German: vierzig zwei, Hungarian: negyvenkét,
Italian: quaranta due, Spanish: cuarenta y dos, Swedish: fyrtiotvå, Turkish: kirk iki

42 in Science

46) Atomic Number of Molybdenum (Mo) = 42 (42 protons & 42 electrons); Atomic weight = 95.95
Molybdenum minerals have been known throughout history, but the element was discovered in 1778
by Carl Wilhelm Scheele. The metal was first isolated in 1781 by Peter Jacob Hjelm. Pure molybdenum
is used in specialized high temperature applications because it maintains its strength better than
molybdenum steel, a common high-strength alloy. Metallic radius 1.291 Å. Molybdenum melts at
2610oC, boils at 4830oC, and is suitable for alloys & electronic filaments. Mo spelled backwards in OM!
[Addendum: In a featured article "Seeing Beauty in Atoms", New York Times, July 6, 1993, B5),
the 1981 Nobel Laureate & poet Roald Hoffman at Cornell recently completed a theoretical analyis
of the molecular interactions of molybdenum & iron in the enzyme nitogenase— the chemical that
permits bacteria livig in the roots of legumes to fix nitrogen from the air into compounds essential
to plant life. Hoffman says, "The molybdenum atoms at the edges of these iron clusters were the
really weird ones to work out, but we've finally got a structural model for this enzyme, based
on its molecular orbitals," he said. In his quest for understanding, rather than for mere data,
Hoffman believes that many things can be better explained by poetry or art than by equations.
Additional Note: While I was doing my doctoral research in protein structures at Cornell with
H.A. Scheraga, my housemate (1968-1970) Leonard Wan was researching with Roald Hoffman.
I learned that Hoffman was writing poetry from Maxine Kumine when going to her poetry
reading at San Jose State University (3-11-1993) where she read 18 of her poems.]
47) Inorganic compounds with molecular weight = 42:
Lithium hypofluorite, FLiO, MW = 41.939
Sodium fluoride, NaF, MW = 41.988
Azide radical, N3, MW = 42.02
Silicon nitride, SiN, MW = 42.0922
Calcium hydride, CaH2, MW = 42.094
48) Organic compounds with molecular weight = 42:
Ethynol, C2H2O, MW = 42.0367
Ketene, C2H2O, MW = 42.0367
Cyanamide, C2N2, MW = 42.04
Propene, C3H6, MW = 42.08
Cyclopropane, C3H6, MW = 42.08
49) Organic compounds with boiling point = ±42oC:
Methyl Iodide, (CH3I), BP = 42.4oC
Propane, (C3H8), BP = -42.1oC
50) Organic compounds with melting point = ±42oC:
Benzoic anhydride, C14H10O3, MP = -42oC
γ-Butyrolactone, C4H6O2, MP = -42oC
1,3-Dioxane, C4H8O2, MP = -42oC
51) 42nd amino acid in the 141-residue alpha-chain of Human Hemoglobin is Tyrosine (Y)
42nd amino acid in the 146-residue beta-chain of Human Hemoglobin is Phenylalanine (F)
Single-Letter Amino Acid Code
Alpha-chain sequence of human hemoglobin:
Beta-chain sequence of human hemoglobin:
52) The 42nd amino acid in the 153-residue sequence of sperm whale myoglobin
is Lysine (K). It is next to Glutamic Acid-41 & Phenylalanine-43.
Lysine-42 is the seventh residue of the 7-residues C-helix.
[A.B. Edmundson, Nature 205, 883-887 (1965)]
Richard E. Dickerson & Irving Geis, Structure and Action of Proteins (1969), p. 52
53) The 42nd amino acid in the 124-residue enzyme Bovine Ribonuclease
is Pro (P). It is next to Lysine-41 (K) and Valine-43 (V).
[C. H. W. Hirs, S. Moore, and W. H. Stein, J. Biol. Chem. 238, 228 (1963)]
54) Amyloid (1-42), human is well suited to the quantitative determination of A 42 peptide.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by the presence of extracellular plaques
a 40- to 43- amino-acid peptide cleaved from amyloid precursor protein by secretase
(BACE) and a putative (gamma) secretase. [ChemBioChem, Vol. 4, 748-753 (2003)]
55) Bac5 comprises 42 amino acid residues with a repeated motif of Arg-Pro-Pro triplets
also alternating with single apolar residues. Bactenecins are highly cationic polypeptides
of the large granules of bovine neutrophils, exerting in vitro a potent antimicrobial activity.
B.W. Frank, et. al., Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 265, 18871-18874 (1990)
56) Messier M42 also known as the Orion Nebula is a diffuse nebula situated in the Milky Way,
being south of Orion's Belt in the constellation of Orion. It is one of the brightest nebulae,
and is visible to the naked eye in the night sky. M42 is located at a distance of 1,344 light years,
and is the closest region of massive star formation to Earth. The M42 nebula is estimated to be
24 light years across. Its mass is 2,000 times that of the Sun. First discovery of Orion Nebula
is credited to French astronomer Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc, on 26 November 1610.
Charles Messier first noted the nebula on March 4, 1769. As the Orion Nebula was the
42nd object in his catalog list (1774), it became identified as M42.
57) NGC 42 is a galaxy in the Pegasus constellation. It gravitationally interacts with NGC 41. Digital Sky Survey Image)
58) Asteroid 42 Isis is a large main-belt asteroid, measuring 100.2 km in diameter. It was discovered by N.R. Pogson on
May 23, 1856, at Oxford. It was Pogson's first asteroid discovery. Asteroid's name was chosen by Manuel John Johnson,
director of Radcliffe Observatory in Oxford. Although Isis is the name of an Egyptian goddess, the name was chosen
in homage to Pogson's astronomer daughter, (Elizabeth) Isis Pogson. Also, the Isis is the stretch of the River Thames
that runs through Oxford. It has mass of 1.58 x10 kg, & a period of 3.82 years (1393 days) with dimension of 102.73 km.
59) Kepler-42 is a red dwarf located in the constellation Cygnus and approximately 131 light years from the Sun. It has three known extrasolar planets, all of which are smaller than Earth in radius, and likely also in mass. Kepler-42's mass is estimated to be 0.13 times
that of the Sun, with radius 0.17 times that of the Sun, just 1.7 times that of the gas giant Jupiter. On 10 January 2012, Kepler Space Telescope discovered 3 transiting planets in orbit around Kepler-42. These planets' radii range from those of Mars to Venus. The Kepler-42 system is only the second known system containing planets of Earth's radius or smaller. Photo Source: Kepler-42 (en.wikipedia.org)
60) Mars orbits the Sun 42 times in 79 years according to ancient Babylonian astronomers.
The Babylonians of first millennium BC were keen observers of the night sky and the
planets' movements were of interest to them for astrological purposes. They identified repeating periodicites among the planetary apparitions, which they named Goal-Year periods (from a set of clay cuneiform tablets) known as the "Goal-Year texts", which date
from the 3rd century BC). Venus has the shortest interval with repeated apparitions after
8 Earth years. Mercury's apparitions repeat every 46 years. For Mars, 37 synodic periods
(37 x 779.94 days) = 28857.78 days, which divided by Earth's sidereal period gives 46.00 Earth years. Hence Mars' apparitions will repeat after 79 years, during which interval
Mars will have orbited the Sun 42 times. Photo Source: Mars Orbits the Sun (www.space.com)
42o Rainbow Discovery by René Descartes (1596-1650)—
In 1637, at the age of 41, Descartes placed a glass globe
of water as a model of a raindrop in the sun, and found
that a ray of light entering and leaving a rainbow bends
at 42o (angle DEM) at the outer red edge, and 40o at the
inner violet edge. He changed the rainbow's name
from the goddess Iris to Arc-en-ciel, "Arch-in-the-sky".
Photo Source: Descartes Rainbow (commons.wikimedia.org);
42 Degrees Raibow (eo.ucar.edu)
62) No. 42 Wing is a Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) wing responsible for supporting
the service's Boeing E-7A Wedgetail aircraft. It was first formed in February 1943, and
commanded RAAF radar stations in north Queensland and the south coast of Dutch
New Guinea until being disbanded in October 1944. During mid-2000s it was decided
to re-establish No. 42 Wing as part of the process of introducing the RAAF's six Boeing
E-7A Wedgetail airborne early warning & control aircraft into service. Unit was reformed
at RAAF Base Williamtown on Jan. 1, 2006. No. 42 Wing commands a single unit, No. 2
Squadron, & has role of conducting planning, communicating with higher headquarters
and working to support the Wedgetail fleet. Photo Sources: No. 42 Wing (en.wikipedia.org)
42 Radar Squadron is a unit of the Canadian Forces under Royal Canadian
Air Force. Squadron operates AN/TPS-70 radar from CFB Cold Lake in Alberta
Canada. 42 Aircraft Control & Warning (AC&W) Squadron of CAF became
operational in June 1955. Squadron was originally used to provide radar control
to CF-100s flying around CFB Cold Lake. In October 1962, 42 AC&W Squadron
became 42 Radar Squadron in the SAGE system as part of 28th North American
Air Defence System (NORAD) Region. Photo Source: 42 Radar Squadron Patch
(www.c-and-e-museum.org); 42 Radar Squadron Coat of Arms (www.c-and-e-museum.org)
64) X42 Jet
is a model aircraft made in USA.
This single-engine jet goes up to 1000 mph.
Photo Source: X42 Jet (roblox.com).
65) Douglas XB-42 Mixmaster was an experimental bomber aircraft, designed for a high top speed. The unconventional approach was to mount the two engines within the fuselage driving a pair
of contra-rotating propellers mounted at the tail in a pusher configuration. First XB-42 was delivered to the USAAF and flew at Palm Springs, California on 6 May 1944. XB-42 set a speed record of 433.6 mph in Dec. 1945, flying from Long Beach, CA to Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. (2,300 miles) in just 5 hours, 17 minutes. Photo Source: Douglas XB-42a (wikimedia.org)
66) HMS Phoebe (F42) was a Leander-class frigate of the Royal Navy (RN). She was, like the rest of her class, named after a figure of mythology. Built by Alexander Stephen and Sons on the River Clyde, she was launched on 19 December 1964 and commissioned on 15 May 1966. In the year of her commission, Phoebe assisted in the emotionally charged withdrawal from Aden in 1967. Between 1973 & 1977 Phoebe was used for filming of the popular Warship BBC drama, set on board the fictional HMS Hero. In September 1982, Phoebe deployed to the South Atlantic in aftermath of Falklands War. Phoebe decommissioned (1991) & sold for scrap the following year. Photo: HMS Phoebe (F42) (en.wikipedia.org)
67) T42 medium tank was a 90mm gun tank powered by the AOS-895-3, a 6-cylinder,
Air cooled, Opposed cylinder, Supercharged engine displacing 895.9 cubic inches.
It was intended to fulfill OTCM 32529's, dated December 2, 1948, call for a tank
weighing 36 tons & equivalently armed as the M46 while having superior armour.
Mass 74,500 lbs; Length 314.7 in; Width 140.8 in., Height 126.3 in., Crew 4;
Operatonal range 70 miles; Speed 32 mph. Photo Source: T-42 Medium Tank (wikimedia.org).
68) T42 super-heavy tank was a Soviet tank project of the interwar period. It was developed in 1932 by the OKB-5 design bureau at Bolshevik Plant no. 232 under
the direction of a German engineer-designer Edward Grotte. Development did
not advance past stage of construction drawings and scale models. Design was
passed over in favour of T-35 project which was already at the prototype stage.
Photo Source: T42 Soviet Super Tank (commons.wikimedia.org)
69) New South Wales 42 class locomotive was a class of diesel locomotives built by Clyde Engineering, Granville for the New South Wales Government Railways in 1955-1956. The design was based on the Electro-Motive Diesel EMD F9 locomotive and were very similar to the GM 12 class then being built by Clyde Engineering for the Commonwealth Railways. They initially worked express passenger services including the Brisbane Limited, Intercapital Daylight and Melbourne Limited and later the Southern Aurora and Spirit of Progress. Photo Source: Locomotive 4201 (commons.wikimedia.org)
70) Amtrak Locomotive 42, freshly painted as a tribute to U.S.'s Veterans makes a station stop at Plano, Illinois leading the daily #380. To commemorate 50th anniversary of Vietnam War and honor those that have served, Amtrak painted the locomotive red, white & blue with "America's Railroad Salutes Our Veterans" logo and 50 stars. Locomotive 42, in celebration of Amtrak's 42nd year of service,
was painted as part of a regularly scheduled upgrade at Amtrak Beech Grove Indiana maintenance facility. Photo source: Amtrak Locomotive 43 (flickr.com)
71) Classic Shelby GT350 Race Car #42, Cars like this classic Shelby GT350 from decades past
are often exclusive trophies in private collections. If lucky, you might see one as part of a
Cars and Coffee event on a Saturday morning. However, the hero in this photo is a classic
Ford Mustang Shelby GT350 doing what Carroll Shelby intended his Mustangs to do, race.
This photo is part of the RallyWays Automotive Photography Portfolio by Danny Cruz.
Photo source: Classic Shelby GT350 Race Car (rallyways.comm)
72) Hawkeye Belle Rose
Pink blend Shrub
White, light pink shading
Blooms with 36-42 petals
Extremely fragrant
Diameter: 4.25 inches
Height: 4 feet-5 feet
Bred in 1975, USA
by Dr. Griffith J. Buck
Source: heirloomroses.com
73) 42 teeth in a dog or wolf. Puppies have 28 teeth and lose them in six months.
The 42 teeth that replace them as adults last for the rest of the dogs' lives.
Wolves have 42 teeth. There are 20 teeth in the upper jaw (six incisors, two canine, eight premolars,
& four molars), and 22 teeth in the lower jaw (six incisors, two canine, eight premolars, & six molars).
74) 42 teeth in a sperm whale according to Herman Melville's
Moby Dick (1851), (Chapter 74: The Sperm Whale's Head):
There are generally forty-two teeth in all in old whales;
much worn down, but undecayed, nor filled after our
artificial fashion. Image Source: Moby Dick (wtop.com)
75) 42 days in the gestation period of a ferret (Mustela putorius furo),
domesticated form of the European polecat, a mammal belonging
to the same genus as the weasel. They have an average length
of 20 inches, including a 5.1 inches tail, weigh 1.5-4.0 pounds,
with a lifespan of 7 to 10 years. Females may have two or three
litters each year. The litter size is between three and seven kits.
Photo Source: Ferret (petco.com)

42 in Mythology & History

76) 42 is often interchangeable with 40, for 6 weeks of 7 days ae often regarded, like the 40 days, as a time of preparation
or waiting. Medieval Christian theologians pointed out that ther were 42 stations that the Children of Israel had to pass
between Egypt & Sinai, and this sequence appears again in Christ's incarnation in the 42nd generation after Abraham.
42 is also the number of judgment, for the Egyptian Book of the Dead speaks of 42 judges who will examine the dead;
it also enumerates 42 sins. In the Old Testament one reads that 42 boys were torn to pieces by bears because they had
ridiculed the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 2:23-24), and Jehu kills 42 brothers of Ahaziah (2 Kings 10:14).
— Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers, Oxford University Press, New York, 1963, p. 254
77) Paper 42 of The Urantia Book (1924) is titled "Energy-Mind and Matter".
There are 12 sections. Topics covered include Paradise Forces and Energies, Universal Nonspiritual Energy Systems,
Classification of Matter, Energy and Matter Transmutations, Wave-Energy Manifestations, Ultimatons, Electrons,
and Atoms, Atomic Matter, Atomic Cohesion, Natural Philosophy, Universal Nonspiritual Energy Systems,
Universe Mechanisms, Pattern and Form— Mind Dominance
78) The 42nd day of the year = February 11
[American chemist Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839-1903), born February 11, 1839;
American inventor Thomas Edison (1847-1931), born February 11, 1847;
Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard (1898-1964), born February 11, 1898;
British philosopher Antony Flew (1923-2010), born February 11, 1923;
Canadian actor Leslie Nielsen (1926-2010), born February 11, 1926]
79) 42 B.C.
Julius Casear is deified by the Roman triumvirate, which erects
    a temple to Caesar in the Forum and obliges Roman magistrates
    to take an oath to support the arrangements of the late Caesar.
Cassius is defeated by Marc Antony & Octavian at Philippi, and
    commits suicide after hearing a false report that Brutus has also
    been defeated. Brutus has in fact, won a victory over Octavian,
    but he is finally defeated 20 days later, and also commits suicide.
— James Trager, The People's Chronology, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, NY, 1979, p. 33
80) 42 A.D.
Romans take control of Ceuta.
• Roman emperor Claudius is also a Roman Consul.
81) Washington is a state in the northwestern region of the United States.
Washington was the 42nd State admitted to the Union on November 11, 1889.
three days after Montana. Its nickname is "The Evergreen State" and its motto
is al-ki, "bye and bye" in Chinook Jargon. Washington is 18th largest in area,
13th in population. Its highest point is Mount Rainier (14,411 feet). Its capital
is Olympia, and largest city is Seattle, named after Chief Seattle (1786-1866).
Corporations located in the state include Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks, Boeing,
Costco, Nordstrom, T-Mobile, & Weyerhaeuser. Photo: State Seal (wikimedia.org)
82) Bill Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States (1993-2001).
Prior to the presidency, he was governor of Arkansas (1979-1981), and again (1983-1992),
and attorney general of Arkansas (1977-1979). A member of the Democratic Party, Clinton
was ideologically a New Democrat and many of his policies reflected a centrist "Third Way"
political philosophy. At age 46, he became the third-youngest president and the first from
the Baby Boomer generation. Clinton left office with highest end-of-office approval rating
of any U.S. president since World War II, and has continually scored high in the historical
rankings of U.S. presidents, consistently placing in top third. Since leaving office, he has
been involved in public speaking and humanitarian work. He created William J. Clinton
Foundation to address international causes such as prevention of AIDS & global warming.
Clinton published his autobiography, My Life (2004). Photo: Bill Clinton (commons.wikimedia.org)
83) League of Nations was an intergovernmental organization founded on 10 January 1920
as a result of Paris Peace Conference that ended World War I. It was the first worldwide
intergovernmental organization whose principal mission was to maintain world peace.
Its primary goals, as stated in its Covenant, included preventing wars through collective
security & disarmament, settling international disputes through negotiation & arbitration.
Other issues included human & drug trafficking, arms trade, global health, & prisoners of
war. Soviet Union became a member on Sept. 18, 1934, and was expelled on Dec. 14, 1939
for invading Finland. Of the League's 42 founding members, 23 (24 counting Free France)
remained members until it was dissolved in 1946. Photo: League of Naions (commons.wikimedia.org)
84) 42 Articles of Religion of Church of England was drawn up in 1553, under direction of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer.
It was in this document that Calvinist thought reached the zenith of its influence in the English Church. It later formed
the basis for the 39 Articles, drawn up by the Church in convocation in 1563. Clergymen were ordered to subscribe
to the 39 Articles by Act of Parliament in 1571, and incorporated into the Book of Common Prayer.
85) 42 years the Holy Grail fed Joseph of Arimathea when he was imprisoned by the Romans.
The Holy Grail of the Middle Ages was he mythical cup from which Christ drank at the
Last Supper. It was in this cup brought by Joseph of Arimathea fom Pontius Pilate,
Joseph gathered the blood which flowed from Christ's wounds, and the cup was kept
in a castle guarded by Amfortas. Then followed the quest of he Holy Grail by Sir Galahad.
The Grail was brought by Joseph of Arimathea to Glastonbury, which was the most sacred
spot in Somersetshire. Photo Source: Joseph of Arimathea (familytombofjesus.wordpress.com
86) Gutenberg Bible was among earliest major books printed using mass-produced movable metal type
in Europe. It marked the "Gutenberg Revolution" & age of printed books in the West. Widely praised
for its high aesthetic & artistic qualities, the book has iconic status. It is an edition of Vulgate printed
in 1450s in Latin by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany. Also known as the 42-line Bible
since there are 42 lines of type in each column of most pages. 49 copies (or substantial portions
of copies) have survived. They are thought to be among the world's most valuable books,
although no complete copy has been sold since 1978. A single complete copy of the Gutenberg
Bible has 1,286 pages (bound in two volumes); with four pages per folio-sheet, 322 sheets of
paper are required per copy. Photo Source: 42-LIne Gutenberg Bible (indiana.edu)
87) 42 Prison Cells in the infamous D-block at Alcatraz Prison, comprising 36 segregation cells and
6 solitary comfinement cells. D Block was prison's maximum security area & was reserved for
the wprst offenders of the prison. One redeeming feature of the cells was that they were bigger
than found elsewhere in the prison. Block 42 was the longtime home of Robert Stroud, aka the
Birdman of Alcatraz, who developed his interest in birds at Leavenworth Prison before entering
the less ornithologically friendly confines of Alcatraz in 1942. Photo Source: Alcatraz (wikimedia.org)
— Derrick Niederman, Number Freak, Perigee Book, New York, 2009, p. 133
; Four of the 42 cells in D-block are thought to be haunted.
88) TIFF Version 42: When Matt Brown invited me to Adobe Systems' Teaching Lab (May 30, 1993) using their Quadra 950
Computer, we discussed file formats. He told me that TIFF (Tagged-Image File Format) which transports images into
page-layout programs (PageMaker or QuarkXPress) always had Version #42 embedded inside the program. When people inquired about it, Aldus Corporation would only say it was done for deep philosophical reasons. I was intrigued by this and wrote four newsletters #13-16 "On the Number 42" (June 20-July 16, 1993) for Foothill College graphic design class.
89) At Age 42:
Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788) was an English portrait and landscape painter, draughtsman, and printmaker. Along with his bitter rival Sir Joshua Reynolds, he is considered one of the most important British portrait artists of the second half of the 18th century. He painted quickly, and the works of his maturity are characterised by a light palette and easy strokes. Despite being a prolific portrait painter, Gainsborough gained greater satisfaction from his landscapes. He is credited (with Richard Wilson) as the originator of the 18th-century British landscape school. Gainsborough was a founding member of the Royal Academy. At age 42, Gainsborough painted The Blue Boy (1770), considered his most famous work. This full-length portrait (48" x 70") is thought to be of Jonathan Buttall (1752-1805), son of a wealthy hardware merchant. Sold to the American railway pioneer Henry Edwards Huntington for $728,800, then-record price for any painting. Now in Huntington Library, San Marino, California.
Photo Source: Thomas Gainsborough (wikipedia.org)

William Herschel (1738-1822) was a German-born British astronomer, composer and brother of fellow
astronomer Caroline Herschel, with whom he worked. On 13 March 1781, at age 42, while making
observations he made note of a new object in the constellation of Gemini. This would, after several
weeks of verification and consultation with other astronomers, be confirmed to be a new planet,
eventually given the name of Uranus. This was the first planet to be discovered since antiquity and
Herschel became famous overnight. As a result of this discovery, George III appointed him Court
Astronomer. He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society and grants were provided for the
construction of new telescopes. Herschel pioneered the use of astronomical spectrophotometry,
using prisms and temperature measuring equipment to measure the wavelength distribution
of stellar spectra. Herschel also discovered infrared radiation. Photo: William Herschel (wikipedia.org)

Simón Bolívar (1783-1830) was a Venezuelan military and political leader who absolved from the Spanish Empire what are currently the Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Panama. Bolivar was 42 years old on August 6, 1825, at Congress of Upper Peru, "Republic of Bolivia" was created. Bolivar is one of the few people to have a country named after him. Bolivar is viewed as a national icon in much of modern South America, and is considered one of the great heroes of the Hispanic independence movements of the early 19th century, Towards the end of his life, Bolivar despaired of the situation in his native region, with the famous quote "all who served the revolution have plowed the sea". On 17 December 1830, at the age of 47, Simón Bolívar died of tuberculosis. Bolivar appears on the banknotes of 1000 peso Colombia, 100 Sucres Ecuador, and
100 Bolivares Venezuela. Photo Source: Simon Bolivar (commons.wikimedia.org)

David Livingstone (1813-1873) was first European to see Victoria Falls on November 16, 1855 at age 42. Mosi-o-Tunya "Smoke that Thunders" waterfall is in southern Africa on the Zambezi River at the border between Zambia & Zimbabwe. Livingstone wrote "Scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight." He named it "Victoria Falls" after his monarch Queen Victoria. Livingstone was a British physician and pioneer Christian missionary, an explorer in Africa, and one of the most popular British heroes of late 19th-century Victorian era. His meeting with Henry Morton Stanley on 10 November 1871 gave rise to the quotation "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"
Photos: David Livingstone (wikipedia.org); Southern Rhodesia #37A Victoria Falls (steveirwincommonwealth.co.uk & bigblue1840-1940.blogspot.com)

Julia Ward Howe (1819-1910) was an American poet and author, best known for writing "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" at age 42. She was also an advocate for abolitionism and was a social activist, particularly for women's suffrage. Howe's more famous lyrics were written in November 1861 and first published in The Atlantic Monthly in February 1862. The song links the judgment of the wicked at the end of the age (Old Testament, Isaiah 63; New Testament, Revelation 19) with the American Civil War. Since that time, it has become an extremely popular and well-known American patriotic song.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on. / (Chorus) Glory, Glory, hallelujah! /
Glory, glory, hallelujah! / Glory, glory, hallelujah! / His truth is marching on.

Elaine Showalter's biography of Howe; Photo Source: Julia Ward Howe (nytimes.com)

Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) was an English photographer known for his pioneering work in photographic studies of motion, and early work in motion-picture projection. At age 42, Muybridge was asked by Leland Stanford to photograph horses in motion (1872). Muybridge used an array of 12 cameras photographing a galloping horse in a sequence of shots. He proved that Stanford was right— all four feet of a horse were off the ground at the same time while trotting. In 1877 and 1878, he perfected the use of multiple cameras to capture motion in stop-motion photographs, and his zoopraxiscope, a device for projecting motion pictures that pre-dated the flexible perforated film strip used in cinematography.
Photo: Eadweard Muybridge (wikipedia.org); Horse Galloping with four feet off the ground (britannica.com)

Sitting Bull (1834-1890) was a Hunkpapa Lakota leader who led his people during years of resistance to United States government policies. At age 42 Sitting Bull kills Lt. Colonel George A. Custer (age 36) and defeated the 7th Cavalry force of 700 men at the Battle of Little Bighorn (Montana) on June 25, 1876.
During a Sun Dance around June 5, 1876, on Rosebud Creek in Montana, Sitting Bull, the spiritual leader of the Hunkpapa Lakota, reportedly had a vision of "soldiers falling into his camp like grasshoppers from the sky." Public shock & outrage at Custer's death and defeat, and government's knowledge about remaining Sioux, led them to assign thousands more soldiers to the area. Over the next year, new American military forces pursued the Lakota, forcing many of them to surrender. Sitting Bull refused to surrender & in May 1877 led his band across the border into North-Western Territory, Canada. He remained in exile for four years. Sitting Bull was killed by Indian agency police on Standing Rock Indian Reservation during an attempt to arrest him, when authorities feared that he would join the Ghost Dance movement. Photo Source: Sitting Bull (wikipedia.org)

Max Planck (1858-1947) was a German theoretical physicist whose discovery of energy quanta won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. On December 14, 1900, at age 42, Planck presented at the German Physical Society (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG), his derivation (now known as the Planck postulate) that electromagnetic energy could be emitted only in quantized form, the energy could only be a multiple of an elementary unit: E = hν. Planck constant, h = 6.626x10-34 joule-second. The Planck constant is of fundamental importance in quantum mechanics, and in meteorology. In 1905, Albert Einstein adapted the Planck postulate to explain photoelectric effect. Planck's postulate was further applied to understanding the Compton effect, and was applied by Niels Bohr to explain the emission spectrum of the hydrogen atom and derive the correct value of the Rydberg constant. Physics Nobel Prizes were awarded to Einstein (1921), Compton (1927), and Bohr (1922), all using the Planck constant. Photo Sources: Max Planck (wikipedia.org)

Bernard Berenson (1865-1959) was an American art historian specializing in the Renaissance.
His book Drawings of the Florentine Painters (1903) was an international success. His wife Mary
is thought to have had a large hand in some of the writings. Berenson was a major figure in
the attribution of Old Masters, at a time when these were attracting new interest by American
collectors, and his judgments were widely respected in the art world. At age 42, Berenson
completes the fourth and last part of his history North Italian Painters of the Renaissance
(1907, begun at 29). In this work, he expressed a devastating & still controversial judgment
of Mannerist art, which may be related to his love for Classicism and his professed distaste
for Modern Art. He played a pivotal role as an advisor to Isabella Stewart Gardner, who
needed help in navigating the complex and treacherous market of newly fashionable
Renaissance art. Berenson's influence was enormous, while his 5% commission made
him a wealthy man. Photo Source: Bernard Berenson (wikipedia.org)

Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame
in the era of silent film. He became a worldwide icon through his screen persona, "The Tramp", and is considered one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry. His career spanned more than 75 years, from childhood in the Victorian era until a year before his death in 1977, and encompassed both adulation and controversy. At age 42, he directed and starred in City Lights (1931). In 2007, the American Film Institute ranked it 11th on its list of the best American films ever made.
In 1949, the critic James Agee called the film's final scene "the greatest single piece of acting ever committed to celluloid". Chaplin wrote, directed, produced, edited, starred in, and composed
the music for most of his films. He was a perfectionist, and his financial independence enabled him
to spend years on the development and production of a picture. His films are characterized by
slapstick combined with pathos, typified in the Tramp's struggles against adversity.
Photo Source: Charlie Chaplin in City Lights (wikipedia.org)

Clark Gable (1901-1960) was an American film actor and military officer, at his height during the 1930's and 1940's, often referred to as "The King of Hollywood". At age 42 Clark Gable gets the Distinguished Flying Cross for flying five missions over war-time Germany (October 1943). Gable was best known for Gone With The Wind (1939), as Rhett Butler opposite co-star Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara. He won Best Actor Academy Award for Frank Capra's film It Happened One Night (1934). Other notable films include Red Dust (1932), Hold Your Man (1933), and China Seas (1835) with Jean Harlow; Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) with Charles Laughton; San Francisco (1936) with Jeanette MacDonald; Mogambo (1953) with Grace Kelly; and The Misfits (1961) with Marilyn Monroe. Photo Source: Clark Gable (wikipedia.org)

John Cage (1912-1992) was an American composer, music theorist, artist, and philosopher. A pioneer of indeterminacy in music, electroacoustic music, and non-standard use of musical instruments, Cage was one of the leading figures of the post-war avant-garde. Critics have lauded him as one of the most influential composers of the 20th century. He was also instrumental in the development of modern dance, mostly through his association with choreographer Merce Cunningham, who was also Cage's romantic partner for most of their lives. "At age 42, John Cage composed 4'33" (1954)— four minutes, thirty-three seconds, of silence." (Tolstoy's Bicyle, p. 302). David Tudor gave the first New York City performance of 4'33" on April 14, 1954 at Carl Fischer Concert Hall. Musicians who present the work do nothing aside from being present for the duration specified by the title. The content of the composition is not "four minutes and 33 seconds of silence," as is often assumed, but rather the sounds of the environment heard by the audience during performance. Photo Source: John Cage (wikipedia.org)

Ted Williams (1918-2002) was an American professional baseball player and manager. He played his entire 19-year Major League Baseball career as a left fielder for the Boston Red Sox from 1939 to 1960. Williams is regarded as one of the greatest players in baseball history. At age 42, Williams ended his career, hitting a home run in his very last at-bat on September 28, 1960. An essay written by John Updike for The New Yorker (10-22-1960), "Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu", chronicles this event. Career Statistics: Batting Average .344; Hits 2654; Home runs 521; RBI 1839. On-base % .482 (MLB record). Two-times AL MVP (1946, 1949); 2x Triple Crown (1942, 1947). Elected to Baseball Hall of Fame (1966).
Williams is the last to hit over .400 (not done in 77 years as of 2018). On the final day double header against Philadelphia A's (9-28-1941), Williams was batting .39955, which would have been officially rounded up to .400. Red Sox manager Joe Cronin offered him the chance to sit out the final day, but he declined. Williams went 6-for-8, finishing the season at .406. Photo Source: Ted Williams (newyorker.com)

Federico Fellini (1920-993) was an Italian film director and screenwriter. Known for his distinct style that blends fantasy and baroque images with earthiness, he is recognized as one of the greatest and most influential filmmakers of all time. His films have ranked, in polls such as Cahiers du cinéma and Sight & Sound, as some of the greatest films of all time. At age 42, Fellini directed (1963), a surrealist comedy-drama film. Stars Marcello Mastroianni as Guido Anselmi, a famous film director who suffers from stifled creativity as he attempts to direct an epic science fiction film. It features soundtrack by Nino Rota with costume & set designs by Piero Gherardi. Won 1963 Academy Awards for Best Foreign Film & Best Costume Design. Now considered as one of greatest films of all time. Movie was confusing to me, until reading an essay that is about a dream inside a dream. My favorite scenes: (1) Trapped inside tunnel traffic; (2) "Ride of the Valkyries"; (3) Claudia; (4) Harem Scene.
Rotten Tomatoes Reviews: Critics: 98%, Audience: 92% Photo Source: Federico Fellini (wikipedia.org)

Robert F. Kennedy (1925-1968) was an American politician and lawyer who served as the 64th United States Attorney General from January 1961 to September 1964, and as a U.S. Senator from New York from January 1965 until his assassination on June 6, 1968, at age 42. Kennedy, like his brothers John and Edward, was a prominent member of the Democratic Party and has come to be viewed by some historians as an icon of modern American liberalism. As Attorney General, he advocated for the civil rights movement, fight against organized crime and the Mafia, and involvement in U.S. foreign policy related to Cuba. He defeated Republican incumbent Kenneth Keating for Senate in New York in 1964. During his campaign, he visited Cornell University. After his speech, was lucky to greet him, when I raised the book The Speeches of Senator John F. Kennedy: Presidential Campaign of 1960 over my head. Bobby came over, and gladly autographed it for me, and shook my hand.
Photo Source: Robert F. Kennedy (wikipedia.org)

Gary Player (born 11-1-1935) is a South African professional golfer widely considered one of the greatest golfers ever. At age 42, Gary Player won three championships in a row— the U.S. Masters
(4-9-1978), Tournament of Champions (4-16-1978), and Houston Open (4-23-1978). Over his career, Player accumulated 9 major championships on the regular tour and 9 Champions Tour major championship victories. At age 29, Player won 1965 U.S. Open & became only non-American to win all four majors in a career, known as the career Grand Slam. Player became only the third golfer in history to win the Career Grand Slam, following Ben Hogan and Gene Sarazen, and only Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods have performed the feat since. Player has won 165 tournaments on six continents over six decades and was inducted into World Golf Hall of Fame in 1974. Photo Source: Gary Player (wikipedia.org)

[Sources: Jeremy Baker, Tolstoy's Bicycle (1982), pp. 300-304; and Wikipedia Web Links.]

42 in Geography

90) In geography, the latitude of a location on the Earth is the angular distance of that location south or north of the Equator. The latitude is an angle, and is usually measured in degrees (marked with o). The equator has a latitude of 0o. The North Pole has a latitude of 90o north (written 90o N or +90o). The South Pole has a latitude of 90o south (written 90o S or -90o).
91) Cities located at 42o west longitude:
Ipatinga, Brazil: 42o31' W. longitude;
Guanambi, Brazil: 42o46' W. longitude;
Teresina, Brazil: 42o48' W. longitude
92) Cities located at 42o north latitude:
Sofia, Bulgaria: 42o 42' N latitude
Windsor Ontario: 42o 16' N latitude
Ames, Iowa: 42o 2' N latitude
Springfield, Mass.: 42o 12' N latitude
Worcester, Mass.: 42o 16' N latitude
Boston, Mass.: 42o 22' N latitude
Lawrence, Mass.: 42o 42' N latitude
Kalamazoo, Michigan: 42o 17' N latitude
Battle Creek, Michigan: 42o 19' N latitude
Detroit, Michigan: 42o 25' N latitude
Holland, Michigan: 42o 42' N latitude
Elmira, New York: 42o 10' N latitude
Binghamton, New York: 42o 13' N latitude
Ithaca, New York: 42o 27' N latitude
Albany, New York: 42o 39' N latitude
Klamath Falls, Oregon: 42o 9' N latitude
Erie, Pennsylvania: 42o 5' N latitude
Racine, Wisconsin: 42o 43' N latitude
93) 42 was used as the Country Calling Code on International Telephone; for Czechoslovakia; Following the break-up
of Czechoslovakia in 1993, the successor states, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, continued to share the 42 country
until 28 February 1997, with the Czech Republic then adopting 420 and Slovakia adopting 421.
94) European Route E42 is a road in Europe and a part of United Nations International E-road network.
It connects Dunkerque, a major ferry and container port at the northern end of the French coast with
Aschaffenburg on the north western tip of Bavaria. Along the way it also passes through Wallonia in
Belgium & German Länder of Rhineland-Palatinate & Hessen. Route length is 680 km (420 miles).
95) Interstate I-42 is located between Garner to Morehead City, North Carolina; Length 142 miles;
On May 24, 2016, AASHTO assigned Interstate 42 for the route. The Fixing America's Surface
Transportation Act, signed by President Obama on Dec. 14, 2015, added US 70 corridor between
Garner & Morehead City to Interstate system as a future Interstate. Justification for designation
included better connections with Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina Global
Transpark, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, and the Port of Morehead City with
the rest of state and the eastern seaboard
96) California State Route 42 is a decommissioned state highway in southern region
of the U.S. state of California, running along Manchester Avenue, Manchester
Boulevard and Firestone Boulevard in Los Angeles and the cities south of it.
The entire route was deleted from the California Freeway and Expressway
System in 2000, with the remaining portion of SR 42 being relinquished to
local jurisdictions in that year, but the route is still signed off as SR 42.
Highway 42 Wisconsin is a scenic breathtaking drive in Door
County in the fall. Your reward at the tip of the penisula, just
past Gills Rock, is a winding stretch of road encapsultated
by a sunburst of autumnal color. This road will leave you
speechless as you observe the natural beauty of the area
without ever needing to step foot outside your car.
98) U.S. Virgin Islands Highway 42 is the highest-numbered main road on St. Thomas,
U.S. Virgin Islands. It serves Mahogany Run Golf Course, a major golf course on
the island, and provides access to world-famous Magens Bay beach from the eastern
part of St. Thomas. Its eastern terminus is with Highway 38 near the town of Tutu,
and the road runs exactly 3 miles (5 km) to Highway 35 near Magens Bay.
99) King's Highway 42 was a provincially maintained highway in the Canadian province
of Ontario. The 52.8-kilometre (32.8 miles)-long route connected Highway 29 at Forthton
with the town of Westport, intersecting Highway 15 en route. Within Westport, the route
followed Concession Street, travelling southeast. It made two 90 degree curves south of
the town, first to the northeast and then back to the southeast, remaining close to the
shoreline of Upper Rideau Lake. It began in 1935, and was decommissioned in 1997.
Its lenght was 32.8 miles. In 1997, it was transferred to the United Counties of Leeds
& Grenville, subsequently being redesignated as Leeds and Grenville County Road 42.
100) Israel Highway 42 is a north-south highway in central Israel. It leads from just south
of Ashdod Interchange in the south to Gan Rave interchange in the north. The road
is 19 km (12 miles) long. Junctions & interchanges on route: Ben Zakai (Route 4102),
Yavne (Route 4111), Kfar Babirol (Route 411), Ayanot (Entrance Road), Beit Oved
(Route 4303), Rishon Letzion (Route 430), Rishon Letzion (Highway 4).
101) Japan National Route 42 also called Kumano Kaido or Tropical Route is a national
highway connecting Hamamatsu, Shizuokaand Wakayama, Wakayama in Japan.
Part of the route requires crossing Ise Bay on the Ise-wan Ferry. It is the 8th longest
national highway in Japan (313.5 miles). It has existed from 1945-present. It passes
through Shizuoka Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Mie Prefecture, Wakayama Prefecture.
102) 30 Hudson Street, also known as Goldman Sachs Tower, is a 238 meters (781 feet),
42-story building in Jersey City, New Jersey. It is the second tallest building in
New Jersey. Completed in 2004, the tower was designed by César Pelli.
It houses offices, a cafeteria, a health unit, and a full-service fitness facility
including a physical therapy clinic. Provident Bank of New Jersey and
Così outlets are located on the ground level, & open to the general public.
Photo Source: Goldman Sachs Tower (wikimedia.org)
103) 500 West Madison is a 42 story, 588-foot (180 m) skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois. Located between
Clinton and Canal Streets on Madison Street, the structure was designed by Murphy/Jahn in
a late modernist style. The building, previously named the Northwestern Atrium Center and
Citigroup Center, was constructed between 1984 and 1987 on the air rights obtained by the
destruction of the head house of the 1911 North Western Station. The building contains retail
and offices, and is connected to the platforms of Ogilvie Transportation Center.
Photo Source: Citigroup Center Chicago (wikimedia.org)
104) 399 Fremont Street is a 122 meters (400 feet) residential skyscraper in the Rincon Hill
neighborhood of San Francisco, California. The tower has 447 residential units on
42 floors, & 25,000 square feet of amenity space. Construction began in January 2014
by General Contractor Swinerton, and was completed in April 2016. 399 Fremont is
a luxury apartment home community owned and managed by UDR, featuring
upscale apartments and on-site amenities including fitness center, lap pool,
and resident media lounge. There are 447 units in the building. The roof is
400 feet high. The architect was Solomon Cordwell Buenz and cost was
$317 million. Photo Source: 399 Fremont Street, San Francisco (wikimedia.org)
105) 611 Place is a 42-story 189 m (620 ft) skyscraper at 611 West 6th Street in Downtown Los Angeles, CA,
designed by William L. Pereira & Associates and completed in 1969. The building was commissioned
by now-defunct Crocker Citizen's Bank, and served as its Southern California headquarters until 1983,
when it moved to Crocker Center, now Wells Fargo Center (Los Angeles). Subsequently bought by
AT&T. It was the tallest building in Los Angeles upon completion, and the first building to surpass
Los Angeles City Hall in terms of structural height. 611 Place is also destroyed by an earthquake
in the 2000 movie Epicenter. Photo Source: 611 Place Los Angeles (wikimedia.org)
106) One California Plaza is a 42-story 176 m (577 ft) skyscraper located in the Bunker Hill District
of downtown Los Angeles, CA. With a second skyscraper, Two California Plaza, it comprises
California Plaza project. The Plaza also is home to Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art,
Colburn School of Performing Arts, the Los Angeles Omni Hotel, and a 1.5-acre water court.
Completed in 1985, One California Plaza has 1,050,000 sq ft of office space. The towers were
designed by Arthur EricksonArchitects and named BOMA Building of the Year in 1989.
Photo Source: One California Plaza (wikimedia.org)
107) Transcon Tirumala Habitats is a 42-story skyscraper located in Mumbai, India.
Ranked 36th in tallest buildings in Mumbai. It is the city with the 26th highest
number of skyscrapers in the world. Most Mumbai skyscrapers are residential.
This building was finished in 2017, is 518 feet tall, with 377 units and 42 floors.
Address: 622-B, Opposite S.H Kelkar & Company, Balrajeshwar Road, Mulund,
Mumbai. Map shows it's north east of Vihar Lake, south of Kopineshwar Temple
and Ganesh Theatre. Photo Source: Transcon Tirumala, Mumbai (makaan.com)
108) Tower 42 is a 183 metres (600 feet) skyscraper in the City of London, England.
It is the fourth-tallest in the City & tenth-tallest in Greater London. Its original
name was the National Westminster Tower (commonly known as the NatWest
Tower), having been built to house NatWest's international headquarters. Seen
from above, shape of tower resembles that of NatWest logo (3 chevrons in a
hexagonal arrangement). The tower, designed by Richard Seifert & engineered
by Pell Frischmann, is located at 25 Old Broad St. Built by John Mowlem & Co
between 1971 & 1980, first occupied in 1980, & formally opened on 11 June 1981
by Queen Elizabeth II. Photo Source: Tower 42 (wikimedia.org)
109) East 42nd Street Sign, New York City
1st Ave: United Nations Headquarters; 2nd Ave: Tudor City Place;
3rd Ave: Daily News Building; Lexington Ave: Chrysler Building;
Park Ave: Grand Central Terminal; Madison Ave: Baxter Building
(Fantastic Four 's Headquarters) 5th Ave: Bickford's Cafeteria
Photo Source: East 42nd Street Sign NYC (depositphotos.co)
110) West 42nd Street, New York City
9th Ave: Port Authority Bus Terminal; 8th Ave: The Empire Theater
& The Liberty Theatre; 7th Ave: Times Square Subway Station &
One Times Square (NY Times Building); Broadway: Conde Nast
& Former Knickerbocker Hotel; 5th Ave: New York
Public Library
. Photo Source: West 42nd Street, NYC (colourbox.com)
111) 42nd Street Times Square Subway Station is a New York City Subway station complex
located under Times Square & Port Authority Bus Terminal, at intersection of 42nd Street,
7th and 8th Avenues, & Broadway in Midtown Manhattan. It's the busiest station complex in
the system, serving 64,531,511 passengers in 2016. Allows free transfers between IRT 42nd St.
Shuttle, BMT Broadway Line, IRT Broadway-7th Avenue Line & IRT Flushing Line, with a
long transfer to IND 8th Avenue Line one block west at 42nd St-Port Authority Bus Terminal.
Photo Source: 42nd Street Times Square Subway (shotwithmyphone.com)
112) Former Knickerbocker Hotel at South Broadway East 42nd Street was built between 1901 and 1906
for John Jacob Astor IV, this Renaissance Eclectic structure was once one of the city's most fashionable
hotels, housing celebrities like George M. Cohan and Enrico Caruso (who used to serenade fans from
the balcony of his suite). The hotel's King Cole Bar was noted for its Maxfield Parrish mural, which
now graces a bar of the same name at the St Regis-Sheraton. The hotel later became known as the
Newsweek Building (1940-1959) when it housed the newsweekly's offices.
113) Conde Nast Building, at 4 Times Square is located at North Broadway, East 42nd Street.
This 1999 Fox & Fowle building houses The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Vogue, GQ, Wired
& other Conde Nast publications. Noted for having a glitzy glass face on the Times Square
side (including NASDAQ video facade) and a more demure masonry cliff on 42nd Street.
Avant garde architect Frank Gehry designed the cafeteria. The 809-foot, 52-story building
is 28th tallest building in New York City and contains 1,600,000 square feet of floor space.
114) Chrysler Building at 405 Lexington Avenue is located at East 42 Street. At 1,046 feet (318.9 meters),
the structure was world's tallest building for 11 months before it was surpassed by Empire State
Building in 1931. It is the tallest brick building in the world with a steel framework. As of 2018,
the Chrysler is the eighth-tallest building in the city, tied with The New York Times Building.
The added height of the 123-foot spire allowed the Chrysler Building to surpass 40 Wall Street
as the tallest building in the world and Eiffel Tower as the tallest structure. Chrysler Building
was thus the first man-made structure to be taller than 1,000 feet. It is now seen as a paragon
of the Art Deco architectural style; and in 2007, it was ranked ninth on the List of America's
Favorite Architecture by the American Institute of Architects.
115) Daily News Building at 220 East 42nd Street is an Art Deco landmark built in 1930 for the offices
of New York Daily News— designed by Raymond Hood, who also designed Chicago's Tribune Tower.
It became the Daily Planet for the 1978 Superman movie. Lobby features an enormous rotating
globe. The building has 36 floors. The Daily News moved out in 1994, but WPIX/Channel 11,
New York's WB station, is based here, as is the New York Tolerance Center, a project of the
Simon Wiesenthal Center. When living in NYC (1949-1963), enjoyed visiting the Daily News
Building's Rotating Globe
if walking nearby, as it was the world's largest indoor globe.
116) Grand Central Terminal at 89 East 42nd Street at Park Ave, is a commuter rail terminal
located in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. It is the southern terminus of the Metro-
North Railroad's Harlem, Hudson & New Haven Lines, serving the northern parts of the
New York metropolitan area. It also contains a connection to the NYC Subway at Grand
Central-42nd Street. The terminal is the third-busiest train station in North America,
after Toronto Union Station and New York Penn Station. Grand Central covers 48 acres
and has 44 platforms, more than any other railroad station in the world. Its platforms,
all below ground, serve 30 tracks on the upper level and 26 on the lower.
117) United Nations Headquarters is located at 1st Avenue between 42nd Street & 48th Street in Manhattan. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. gave U.N. the money to buy it for its headquarters.
Construction began in 1947, with Switzerland's Le Corbusier as consultant. Completed in 1952 by architectual firm Harrison & Abramovitz. Secretariat Building, 544 feet high and only 72 feet thick, is counterbalanced by the General Assembly Building. The building closest to 42nd Street is Dag Hammarskjöld Library, built in 1963. Since Dad was China's Ambassador to the UN (1946-1971), visited here often. Hammarskjöld's Meditation Room
118) New York Public Library at 476 Fifth Ave. is located between 40th and West 42nd Street, directly east of Bryant Park, on the site of the Croton Reservoir. The architectural firm Carrère and Hastings constructed the structure in the Beaux-Arts style, and the structure opened on May 23, 1911. The marble facade of the building contains ornate detailing, and the Fifth Avenue entrance is flanked by a pair of stone lions that serve as the library's icon. They were sculpted by the Piccirilli Brothers based on a design by Edward Clark Potter. The famous marble lions in front of the library are nicknamed Patience (south) and Fortitude (north)—
so dubbed by Mayor Fiorella LaGuardia. Interior of the building contains Main Reading Room, a space measuring 78 by 297 feet (24 by 91 meters) with a 52-foot-high ceiling.
Photo Source: New York Public Library (wikimedia.org)
119) One Times Square is located at 42nd Street & 7th Ave. It is best known as the building upon
which the famous New Year's Times Square Ball drop is performed annually. It was originally
built by the New York Times in 1904 as a headquarters for their operations, and at 25-stories,
395 feett (120 meters) it was the second tallest building in the world. The Times celebrated its
opening with a fireworks display on Jan, 1, 1905, at midnight, starting an annual celebration
that continues to this day. The famous New Year's Eve Ball drop tradition began in 1907,
adapted from the United States Naval Observatory practice of dropping a Time Ball down
a flag pole every day at noon. The world's first illuminated news ticker (the "Motogram")
circles the building; it got its start reporting the 1928 election returns. (Hoover won.)
Times Square, nicknamed "The Crossroads of the World" and "The Great White Way",
has achieved the status of an iconic world landmark and is a symbol of New York City
and the United States. Photo Source: One Times Square (wikimedia.org)
120) The Liberty Theatre at 234 West 42 Street was built here in 1904; George M. Cohan debuted
the songs "Give My Regards to Broadway" and "Yankee Doodle Dandy" here that year, and
in 1915, the cinema milestone Birth of a Nation had its New York premiere. Now it serves
as the base of the Hilton Times Square, whose 21st-floor lobby features the Pinnacle Bar.
(Note Tom Otterness' cartoon-like sculpture Time + Money on the Hilton's entrance.)
Facade of Liberty theater was later absorbed into Ripley's Odditorium, which is part of
Forest City Enterprises entertainment complex. Photo Source: Liberty Theatre (cinematreasures.org)
121) Empire Theatre at 236 42nd Street & 8th Ave was designed by architect Thomas W. Lamb
& opened in 1912 as the Eltinge 42nd Street Theatre, named for Julian Eltinge, top female
impersonator of the American stage. The Eltinge became setting for decades of legitimate
theater & burlesque. Abbott & Costello debuted here as part of Eltinge Follies in 1935.
Converted into a movie theater in 1942 first as the Laffmovie, and later renamed Empire,
the theater closed in mid-1980s. Following renaissance of 42nd St, AMC decided to make
the entire former Empire Theatre the lobby of its new new flagship 25-screen megaplex.
Photo Source: Empire Theatre (flickr.com)
122) Patrick's Restaurant at 259 West 42nd Street and 8th Ave, is located in the Theater District
of Times Square, Manhattan. Patrick's is a new classic NY restaurant. Serving prime steaks,
super-serious burgers and a first-class raw bar. It's a large comfortable place with two bars,
a fireplace, and lots of comfy booths. 23 reviewers who have eaten at this restaurant have
rated it 4 out of 5 stars. Patrick's Times Square is brainchild from the family run Dallas BBQ
New York franchises, who are known for their service and good food. It is a recommended
place to celebrate New Year's Eve. Photo Source: Patrick's Restaurant (yelp.com)
123) Port Authority Bus Terminal at West 42nd Street and 9th Ave, just west of Times Square,
is the biggest bus terminal in the U.S. & serves more people than any bus station in the world,
with over 7200 buses & 200,000 people passing through every weekday. For millions of people,
the first steps they take in Manhattan are inside the Port Authority. Terminal was built in 1950
(expansions in 1963 & 1980) by same folks who brought us World Trade towers. Area around
Port Authority used to be considered most dangerous in Manhattan, but gentrification of
Times Square has turned the corner into a busy confluence of tourism & chain restaurants.
Photo Source: Port Authority (1.bp.blogspot.com)
124) 42 Rue Bonaparte in St-Germain-des-Pres district of Paris, was Jean-Paul Sartre's old apartment.
No sign or plaque to mark the apartment's previous esteemed resident. This still-bohemian yet
chic inner-city street is lined with cafés, boutiques and galleries. The footpath here is only 2½ feet wide, so although it's not too crowded, pedestrians regularly spill out on to the cobble-stoned street. Sartre moved in here when he was 41 years old to live with his mother, following death of her second husband Joseph Mancy. After coffee & morning cigarette, he would work at his desk for several hours before breaking for lunch with Simone de Beauvoir at nearby Café de Flore or Café Deux Magots. Photo Source: 42 Rue Bonaparte (warrenkward.com)
125) Librairie Leymarie is located at 42 Rue St. Jacques, 75005 Paris. It was built on seven floors
in 1885. The building is located in the Sorbonne district and includes 9 apartments. The station "Cluny La Sorbonne" is the nearest metro station. On the ground floor is a bookstore publisher with ancient editions of science, psychology, and astrology. Inside the store is a bust of Allan Kardec (1804-1869), founder of Spiritism. There are books on Renaissance Magic, Planetary Positions (to cast horoscopes). Librairie Leymarie is located a block south of Cluny Museum
with its fampus Unicorn Tapestries. It is north of Sorbonne University and the Pantheon.
Photo Source: 42 Rue St. Jacques (facebook.com)
126) Hotel Luxembourg is located at 42 Rue De Vaugirard, Paris 75006 France. It has 23
air-conditioned rooms, carefully chosen to offer comfort. The rooms are decorated
in the style of Louis XV , Louis XVI and Napoleon, with a focus on the needs and
expectations of todays traveler, such as duvets goose feathers from Denmark,
marble bathrooms, mini bar. It has 4.5 out of 5 rating based on 1309 guest reviews.
It is 0.1 mile from Luxembourg Palace, 0.3 mile from Luxembourg Garden, 0.4 mile
from the Sorbonne and Latin Quarter. Photo Source: Hotel Luxembourg (hotelplanner.com)
127) Microsoft Building 42 is located at 15590 NE 31st St., Redmond, WA 98052
It is part of the Redmond Main Microsoft Campus.
128) Genentech— Building 42 is located at 475 East Grand Ave, South San Francisco, CA 94080
129) The Library in Building 42 on the Google Campus, Mountain View, CA
was the epicenter of product management: Jonathan Rosenberg's office.
Immediately next to his office stood a collection of three bookcases
containing a library of different books on various topics that JR curated.
130) Building 42 at Pershing Hall is located at 42 Moraga Ave, Presidio of San Franciso, CA 94129.
Built in 1903, the elegant Georgian Revival-style building was named after General Pershing,
who served at the Presidio of San Francisco, and who became commander of the American
Expeditionary Force in France during World War I.
131) Stanford Bronze Plaque 42 on the ground to the right of
Stanford's Memorial Church, is 12 paces from front door
of Building 60 (classrooms of Physics Learning Center).
It is dedicated to the Class of 1942. The first graduating
class at Stanford was 1892. In 1980, Stanford Provost
Don Kennedy strolled around the Inner Quad and
calculated that it would take 512 years for the bronze
class plaques embedded in the walkways to circle
the entire area ending with the Class of 2403.

42 in Sports & Games
Baseball's 42nd World Series (1945): Detroit beats Chicago 4-3
Ten years ago, Tigers beats Cubs 4-2 in 1935 World Series.
Game 1 (10-3-1945): Chicago beats Detroit 9-0.
Game 2 (10-4-1945): Detroit beats Chicago 4-1.
Game 3 (10-5-1945): Chicago beats Detroit 3-0.
Game 4 (10-6-1945): Detroit beats Chicago 4-1.
Game 5 (10-7-1945): Detroit beats Chicago 8-4.
Game 6 (10-8-1945): Chicago beats Detroit 8-7.
Game 7 (10-10-1945): Detroit beats Chicago 9-3.
Hal Newhouser won Games 5 and 7 for Detroit Tigers.
Hank Greenberg hits .304, with 2 homers and 7 RBIs.
— Joseph L. Reichler (Ed.) The Baseball Encyclopedia,
    7th Ed., Macmillian, NY (1988), p. 2758.
Photo Sources: 1945 World Series Programs— Chicago Cubs (left); Detroit Tigers (right) (baseball-almanac.com)
Baseball's 42nd All-Star Game (7-13-1971) at Detroit's Tiger Stadium
American League finally snaps the National League's dominance,
winning the first time in 9 years since 1962. AL beats NL 6-4 with
homers by Reggie Jackson, Frank Robinson, and Harmon Killebrew.
Jackson's homer was an epic shot off the light towers, 520 feet away.
Hank Aaron's homer was his first in All-Star competition. Johnny
Bench & Roberto Clemente homered for the NL.Vida Blue was
the winning pitcher. — Joseph L. Reichler (Ed.)
The Baseball Encyclopedia, 7th Ed., Macmillian, NY (1988), p. 2853
Photo Sources: 1971 MLB All-Star Game Programs (imdb.com)
134) National Football League's 42nd Super Bowl (2008): New York Giants (NFC) beats New England
Patriots (AFC) 17-14 at University of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Arizona. The game is regarded
as one of the biggest upsets in the history of professional sports. Patriots entered game as 12-point
favorites after becoming first team to complete a perfect regular season since 1972 Miami Dolphins.
Giants had a 10-6 record, and became the first NFC wild card team to win a Super Bowl. Game is
best remembered for Giants' 4th-quarter game-winning drive. Down 14-10, New York got the ball
on their own 17-yard line with 2:39 left and marched 83 yards down the field for 13-yard touchdown with 35 seconds remaining. Eli Manning was the game's MVP. Photo Source: Super Bowl XLII (wikipedia.org)
135) 42nd NBA Finals (1988) Western Conference champion Los Angeles Lakers defeated Eastern Conference champion Detroit Pistons 4 games to 3. One of Pistons guard Isiah Thomas's career-defining performances came in Game 6. Despite badly twisting his ankle midway through the period, Thomas scored an NBA Finals record 25 third-quarter points, as Detroit fell valiantly,
103-102, to Lakers at the Forum. Lakers won Game 7 beating Pistons 108-105. James Worthy
had a triple-double: 36 points, 16 rebounds, 10 assists, and was awarded the Finals MVP.
Photo Source: 1988 NBA Finals Ticket (wikipedia.org)
136) Even though the Stanley Cup Finals was first awarded in 1893, it did not become official
until 1914 Stanley Cups Finals. So the 42nd NHL Finals is the 1956 Stanley Cup Finals.
It was contested by the Montreal Canadiens and the two-time defending champion Detroit Red Wings in the fourth Detroit-Montreal series in the 1950s, the two teams having met in the previous two years as well as 1952; Detroit won all three. Canadiens were appearing
in their sixth consecutive Finals, the Red Wings their third. The Canadiens would win
the series 4-1 (March 31-April 10). Jacques Plante held the Red Wings to just ten goals
in the five games. Photo Source: 1955 NHL Champions (sportsecyclopedia.com)
137) Players who batted .300 in a season after age 40—
Jim O'Rourke .304 in 1892 at age 42 with New York Giants;
Luke Appling .301 in 1949 at age 42 with Chicago White Sox.
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 139
138) Batters who hit .400 in a season
George Sisler .420 in 1922 with St. Louis Browns;
Ty Cobb .420 in 1911 with Detroit Tigers.
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 142
139) Most consecutive games with a hit in a single season
Bill Dahlen 42 games in 1894 (June 20-August 6) with Chicago Cubs
(Ranked #4 after Joe DiMaggio 56, Willie Keeler 44, Pete Rose 44)
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 147
140) Joe DiMaggio got 91 hits during his 56-game hitting streak.
His 42nd hit was on June 16, 1941 (29th consecutive-hit game)
when he doubled off Al Minar of the Cleveland Indians.
His 42nd consective hit game was on June 29, 1941 with hit
off Red Anderson of Washington Senators.
141) Rickey Henderson had his 42nd stolen base (2nd base)
in the 3rd inning against Dennis Eckersle of Boston Red Sox
on May 23, 1982 in his season stolen base record of 130 in 1982.
142) Most Home Runs by a Second Baseman in a Season—
#1 Roger Hornsby, 42 with St. Louis Cardinals in 1922;
#2 Davey Johnson, 42 with Atlanta Braves in 1973.
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 167
143) 40 Home Runs & 40 Stolen Bases in a Season— (40-40 Club)
Jose Canseco, Oaland Athletics (1988): 42 Homers, 40 Stolen Bases;
Barry Bonds, San Francisco Giants (1996): 42 Homers, 40 Stolen Bases;
Alex Rodriguez, Seattle Mariners (1998): 42 Homers, 46 Stolen Bases.
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 150
144) Most Career Shutouts by a Pitcher—
#38 Catfish Hunter 42; #39 Bucky Walters 42
(#1: Walter Johnson 110, #2 Grover Alexander 90, #3 Christy Mathewson 79)
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 205
145) Most Home Runs Allowed in a Season—
#8 Denny McLain in 1966 with Detroit Tigers
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 265
146) Most Consecutive Scoreless Innings by a Pitcher—
#12 Rube Foster, 42 in 1914 (May 1-May 26) with Boston Red Sox
(#1: Orel Hershiser 59.0, #2 Don Drysdale 58.2, #3 Walter Johnson 55.2)
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 270
147) Most Games Started by a Rookie Pitcher, since 1893—
#2 Irv Young 42 in 1905 with Boston Braves;
#2 George McQuillan 42 in 1908 with Philadelphia Phillies.
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 358
148) Most Runs Scored in a World Series—
Mickey Mantle, 42 with the New York Yankees (1951-1958)
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 10.
149) Triple Crown Winners with 42 Home Runs—
Roger Hornsby .401 BA, 42 Home Runs, 152 RBIs in 1922 with St. Louis Cardinals
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 31.
150) Most Regular Season Wins in Baseball—
#3 1909 Pittsburgh Pirates 110-42.
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 32.
151) Most Regular Season Losses in Baseball—
#4 1952 Pittsburgh Pirates 42-112.
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 32.
152) Widest Victory Margin in NCAA Football Bowl Games
#6 Texas 42 Maryland 0 in 1978 Sun Bowl
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 36.
153) Most Consecutive Winning Seasons in College Football
#1 Notre Dame, 42 from 1889 to 1932.
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 43.
154) Longest Unbeaten Streaks in College Football
#8 Yale, 39-0-3 42 games, from 1904-1908
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 43.
155) Most Points Scored in NFL Super Bowls
#1 Jerry Rice, 42 points (7 touchdowns) with San Francisco 49ers
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 55.
156) Most Points in Final Four Single-Game Leaders in NCAA Basketball—
#4 Bob Houbregs, 42, Washinton vs. Louisiana State (1953, 3rd)
#4 Jack Egan, 42, St. Joseph-PA vs. Utah (1961, 3rd)
#4 Gail Goodrich, 42, UCLA vs. Michigan (1965, F)
(#1 Bill Bradley, 58, Princeton vs. Wichita State, 1965, 3rd)
Note: Bill Bradley wore uniform 42 playing for Princeton.
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 129.
Photo Source: Bill Bradley (thewelcomeblog.com)
157) Most Rebounds in NCAA Basketball
#3 Tom Heinsohn, 42, Holy Cross vs. Boston College (3-1-1955)
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 88.
158) Most Wins for NHL Goalies—
#7 Jacques Plante, 42, for Montreal Canadiens, 1955-56
#7 Jacques Plante, 42, for Montreal Canadiens, 1961-62
#7 Ken Dryden, 42, for Montreal Canadiens, 975-76
#7 Mike Richter, 42, for New York Rangers, 1993-94
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 129.
159) Oldest Winners of PGA Masters in Golf
#3 Gary Player, 42 years, 159 days, in 1978 with 277
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 138.
160) Oldest Singles Champion of U.S. Open Tennis
#3 Molla Mallory, USA, 42 years, 170 days, in 1926
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 161.
161) 42nd Wimbledon Mens Tennis: Gerald Patterson beats Randolph Lycett
(6–3, 6–4, 6–2) on July 10, 1922.
162) 42nd Wimbledon Womens Tennis: Helen Wills Moody beats Helen Jacobs
(6-1, 6-2) on July 5, 1929.
163) 42nd Kentucky Derby was won by George Smith in 2:04.00
with Jockey Johnny Loftus aboard (May 13, 1916).
164) 42nd Preakness Stakes was won by Kalitan in 1:54.40
with Jockey Everett Haynes aboard (May 12, 1917).
165) 42nd Belmont Stakes was won by Colin miraculously recovered from injury,
a day before, with Jockey Joe Notter aboard (May 30, 1908).
166) 42nd U.S. Golf Open: Ralph Guldahl shoots a 284 to win over Dick Metz's 290
at Cherry Hills Country Club in Englewood, Colorado, for his second straight U.S. Open title (June 11, 1938)
167) Jackie Robinson Wore Uniform #42 for the Brooklyn Dodgers
Jackie Robinson, (1919-1972) was an American professional baseball player who became the first African American to play in Major League Baseball in the modern era. Robinson broke the baseball color line when the Brooklyn Dodgers started him at first base on April 15, 1947. When the Dodgers signed Robinson, they heralded the end of racial segregation in professional baseball that had relegated black players to the Negro leagues since the 1880s. Robinson was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962. Robinson had an exceptional 10-year MLB career. He was recipient of the inaugural MLB Rookie of the Year Award in 1947, was an All-Star for six consecutive seasons (1949-1954), and won National League Most Valuable Player Award in 1949— the first black player so honored. Robinson played in six World Series and contributed to Dodgers' 1955 World Series championship. In 1997, MLB retired his uniform number 42 across all major league teams; the first pro athlete in any sport to be so honored.
He was first black television analyst in MLB & first black vice president of a major American corporation, Chock full o'Nuts. 42 was a film bio on Robinson (2013). Photo Source: Jackie Robinson (www.pinterest.com)

Number #42— Jackie Robinson Stealing Home!
Jackie Robinson was the first black baseball player in the major leagues.
Rookie of the Year in 1947, batting title (.344), and MVP in 1949. Coming to
America from China, I rooted for the Brooklyn Dodgers while growing up
in New York City. Jackie Robinson was one of my favorite heroes, and in
these photos from Branch Rickey's The American Diamond: A Documentary
of the Game of Baseball
(1965), we see Robinson's daring base-running,
stealing home (bindu!) as he did in the first game of the 1955 World Series. New York Yankees defeated the Dodgers in the 1947, 1949, 1952, 1953 World Series. The Dodgers finally won their first World Series in 1955 beating the Yankees 4-3. In the 8th inning of Game 1 with Yankees leading 6-4, Robinson stole home against Whitey Ford. Bill Summers signaled Robinson safe to the protest of Yogi Berra claiming he was out.
"Dear Mr. President: He was out! Y. Berra"
168) Baseball Players with Uniform #42

Jerry Coleman #42
New York Yankees
U.S. Marines (1942-64)

Bruce Sutter #42
Chicago Cubs (1976-1980)
St. Louis Cards (1981-1984)
Atlanta Braves (1985-86, 88)

Dave Henderson #42
Mariners (1981-1986)
Boston Red Sox (1986-1987)
Oakland A's (1988-1993)

Mo Vaughn #42
Boston Red Sox (1991-1998)
Anaheim Angels (1999-2000)
New York Mets (2002-2003)

Mariano Rivera #42
NY Yankess (1995-2013)
Inducted MLB HOF
(2019) 100% 1st Ballot
Jerry Coleman (1924-2014): was a MLB second baseman for the New York Yankees and manager of the San Diego Padres
(1980). Coleman was named Rookie of the year in 1949 by Associated Press, & was an All-Star in 1950 and later that year was
named the World Series Most Valuable Player. Yankees teams on which he was a player appeared in six World Series during his career, winning four times. Coleman served as a Marine Corps pilot in World War II and the Korean War. He later became a broadcaster, and he was honored in 2005 by National Baseball Hall of Fame with Ford C. Frick Award for his broadcasting.
Bruce Sutter (b. Jan. 8, 1953): is a former Major League Baseball right-handed relief pitcher. He was arguably the first pitcher to make effective use of the split-finger fastball. One of the sport's dominant relievers in the late 1970s and early 1980s, he became the only pitcher to lead the National League in saves five times (1979-1982, 1984). In 1979, Sutter won the NL's Cy Young Award as the league's top pitcher. Sutter was inducted into Baseball Hall of Fame in 2006, his 13th year of eligibility.
He was the fourth relief pitcher to be inducted. He was also selected to the St. Louis Cardinals Hall of Fame in 2014.
Dave Henderson (1958-2015): nicknamed "Hendu", was an American professional baseball player. He played in MLB for the Seattle Mariners, Boston Red Sox, San Francisco Giants, Oakland Athletics and Kansas City Royals during his 14-year career,
primarily as an outfielder. Henderson is best remembered for the two-out, two-strike home run he hit in the top of the ninth inning in Game 5 of the 1986 American League Championship Series. He helped his teams reach the World Series four times during his career— Boston in 1986, and Oakland from 1988 to 1990, with Oakland winning the championship in 1989..
Mo Vaughn (b. Dec. 15, 1967): nicknamed "The Hit Dog", is a former Major League Baseball first baseman. He played from 1991 to 2003. Vaughn was a 3x-time All-Star selection and won American League MVP award in 1995 with Boston Red Sox.
Vaughn had his career year with Red Sox in 1996, batting average .326, with 44 home runs, and 143 RBIs. On Sept. 24, 1996,
he hit three home runs against the Orioles, going 4-5 with five RBI in a 13-8 win. In May 30, 1997 game against the Yankees, Vaughn went 4-for-4 with 3 solo homers in the Red Sox's 10-4 win. Career: .293 batting average, 328 homers, 1064 RBIs.
Mariano Rivera (b. Nov. 29, 1969): is a Panamanian-American former professional baseball pitcher who played 19 seasons
in MLB for NY Yankees (1995-2013) Nicknamed "Mo" and "Sandman", he spent most of his career as a relief pitcher and
served as Yankees' closer for 17 seasons. A 13-time All-Star and 5-time World Series champion, he is MLB's career leader
in saves (652) and games finished (952). Career: 82-60 Won-Loss, 2.21 ERA, 1173 Strikeouts. Elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2019 in his first year of eligibility, becoming the first player ever to be elected unanimously by the BBWAA.
Reference: Sporting News, Best By Number: Who Wore What With Distinction (2006), pp. 130-131; Photo Sources: Jerry Coleman (baseballhall.org);
Bruce Sutter (mlblogsgogocards.wordpress.com); Dave Hendersonm (amazon.com); Mo Vaughn (masslive.com); Mariano Rivera (www.wsj.com)
169) NFL Football Players with Uniform #42

Sid Luckman #42
Chicago Bears

Charley Conerly #42
New York Giantss

Charley Taylor #42
Washington Redskins
(1964-1975, 1977)

Paul Warfield #42
Cleveland Browns (1964-69)
Miami Dolphins (1970-74)

Ronnie Lott #42
SF 49ers (1981-1990)
LA Raiders (1991-1992)
Sid Luckman (1916-1998) was an American football quarterback for Chicago Bears of the NFL (1939-1950). During his
12 seasons with the Bears he led them to four NFL championships (1940, 1941, 1943, & 1946). Sportswriter Ira Berkow
wrote that Luckman was "the first great T-formation quarterback", and he is considered the greatest long-range passer
of his time. Named NFL's MVP in 1943. Luckman was also a 3x NFL All-Star (1940-42). Had his Chicago Bears No. 42
retired, and tied NFL record of 7 touchdown passes in a game. Inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1965.
Career Passing yards: 14,686. At Columbia University, passed for 20 touchdowns & was third in 1938 Heisman Trophy.
Charley Conerly (1921-1996) was an American football quarterback in the NFL for the New York Giants (1948-1961).
Conerly was inducted into College Football Hall of Fame in 1966. He was a two-time Pro Bowl selection in 1950 & 1956
and was NFL's MVP in 1959. Conerly was named NFL "Rookie of the Year" in 1948, a season when he set many Giants
rookie franchise records that still stand. Led the Giants to 3 NFL Championship games in four seasons (1956, 1958-1959),
including a 47-7 victory over Chicago Bears in 1956 NFL Championship Game. During his professional career, he earned
the alliteration nickname "Chucking Charlie Conerly". Caeer Passing yards: 19,488, New York Giants' Uniform #42 retired.
Charley Taylor (b. Sept. 28, 1941) is a former American football player, a wide receiver in the NFL for 14 seasons, all with
Washington Redskins. Taylor was inducted into Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1984. With Taylor, Redskins made the playoffs
5 times (1971-1974, 1976) & reached Super Bowl once (VII), after the 1972 season. Taylor was switched from running back to wide receiver in 1966 & led NFL in receiving in both 1966 & 1967. Had a record-tying 7 seasons with 50 or more receptions.
In the season finale (1975), Taylor passed Don Maynard & became NFL's all-time receptions leader with his 634th career
catch on December 21 against Philadelphia Eagles. Following Maynard's retirement in 1973, Taylor was league's active
leader in receiving yards for four seasons. He began 1974 with 7,470 yards, then 11th all-time, and climbed up to 4th.
Paul Warfield (b. Nov. 28, 1942) is a former professional American football wide receiver who played in the National Football League (NFL) from 1964 to 1977 for the Cleveland Browns and Miami Dolphins, except for a year in the World Football League (WFL) with the Memphis Southmen. He was known for his speed, fluid moves, grace, and jumping ability.
A consistent big-play threat throughout his career, his 20.1 average yards per reception is the highest in NFL history among players with at least 300 receptions. He was 8x Pro Bowl (1964, 1968-1974) & won Super Bowls VII and VIII (1973-1974)
with the Miami Dolphins. Warfield was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1983, his first year of eligibility.
Ronnie Lott (b. May 8. 1959) is a former American professional football player who was a cornerback, free safety, and
strong safety in the NFL for 14 seasons during the 1980s &1990s. He played for San Francisco 49ers, Los Angeles Raiders,
New York Jets, and Kansas City Chiefs of the NFL. Lott was elected into Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2000, and is widely
considered to be one of the best of all time at the safety position in NFL history and one of the best players in NFL history.
He was 10xPro Bowl (1981-1984, 1986-1991) and won 4 Super Bowls XVI (1982), XIX (1985), XXIII (1989), XXIV (1990)
with San Francisco 49ers. Lott's San Francisco 49ers No. 42 uniform retired. He's a founder of HRJ Capital (1999).
Reference: Sporting News, Best By Number: Who Wore What With Distinction (2006), pp. 130-131; Photo Sources: Sid Luckman (www.cbssports.com);
Charley Conerly (wbays.com); Charley Taylor (pinterest.com); Paul Warfield (www.amazon.com); Ronnie Lott (profootballhof.com)
170) NBA Basketball Players with Uniform #42

Nate Thurmond #42
SF Warriors (1963-1974)
Chicago Bulls (1974-1976)

Connie Hawkins #42
Phoenix Suns (1969-1973)
LA Lakers(1973-1975)

James Worthy #42
Los Angeles Lakers

Kevin Willis #42
Atlanta Hawks (1984-1994)
Miami Heat (1994-1996)

Elton Brand #42
LA Clippers (2001-2008)
Philadelphia 76ers (2008-2012)
Nate Thurmond (1941-2016): was an American basketball player who spent majority of his 14-year career in the NBA
with the Golden State Warriors. He played the center and power forward positions. Thurmond was a 7-time All-Star
and the first player in NBA history to record an official quadruple-double. In 1965, he grabbed 42 rebounds in a game;
only Wilt Chamberlain & Bill Russell recorded more rebounds in an NBA game. Thurmond was named both a member
of the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame and one of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA History. Known to fans
as "Nate the Great", Thurmond's No. 42 jersey was retired by both Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers.
Connie Hawkins (1942-2017): was an American basketball player in American Basketball League (ABL), American Basketball Association(ABA) and National Basketball Association (NBA), Harlem Globetrotter, Harlem Wizard and
New York City playground legend. It was on the New York City courts that he earned his nickname "The Hawk".
Hawkins was named to the ABA's All-Time Team. Due to knee problems, Hawkins played in the NBA for only 7
seasons. His performances throughout the ABL, ABA and NBA helped get Hawkins inducted into Naismith Basketball
Hall of Fame in 1992. Career: Points: 11,528; Rebounds: 5450; Assists: 2556.His jersey #42 was retired by Phoenix Suns.
James Worthy (b. Feb. 27, 1961): is an American former professional basketball player who is currently a commentator,
television host, and analyst. Named one of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA History, "Big Game James" was a 7-time
NBA All-Star, three-time NBA champion, and the 1988 NBA Finals MVP with the Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA.
Worthy played in 4 Game 7s in his career & averaged 27 points, 8.2 rebounds on 60% shooting in these contests. Ranks
sixth all-time in Lakers team scoring (16,320), third all-time in team steals (1,041) and seventh all-time in team field goal percentage (.521). Worthy was inducted into Basketball Hall of Fame in 2003. His jersey No. 42 was retired by the Lakers.
Kevin Willis (b. Sept. 6, 1962): is an American retired professional basketball player mostly known for playing with the Atlanta Hawks in the NBA. He was a 7-foot power forward/center. Willis is one of 15 players in NBA history with over
16,000 career points and 11,000 career rebounds. Named to NBA Eastern Conference All-Star Team in 1992, when he finished the season with a career-high average of 15.5 rebounds a game. Willis holds career averages of 12.2 ppg, 8.4 rpg, and 0.9 apg while averaging 27 minutes per game in 21 NBA seasons. Shares record for most seasons played in NBA with Robert Parish, Kevin Garnett, Vince Carter & Dirk Nowitzki. During 2004-05 season, Willis was the oldest player in the league at age 42.
Elton Brand (b. March 11, 1979): is an American retired professional basketball player and the current general manager
of the Philadelphia 76ers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). After playing college basketball for Duke, he was selected with the first overall pick in the 1999 NBA draft by the Chicago Bulls, and later played for Philadelphia 76ers,
the Los Angeles Clippers, Dallas Mavericks and Atlanta Hawks. He was a two-time NBA All Star (2002, 2006) and an
All-NBA Second Team selection in 2006. Career Statistics: Points: 16,827; Rebounds: 9040; Assists: 2184.
Reference: Sporting News, Best By Number: Who Wore What With Distinction (2006), pp. 130-131; Photo Sources: Nate Thurmond (i.pinimg.com);
Connie Hawkins (2kmtcentral.com); James Worthy (photofile.com); Kevin Willis (aminoapps.com); Elton Brand (philadelphia.cbslocal.com)
171) Lee Petty drove NASCAR Race Car #42
Lee Petty, (1914-2000) was an American stock car racing driver who competed during
the 1950s & 1960s. He was one of the NASCAR pioneers and one of its first superstars.
He is also father of Richard Petty, who went on to become one of the most successful stock car racing drivers of all time. In the 1959 Inaugural Daytona 500 (2-22-1959), Petty drove a 1959 Oldsmobile Super 88 (No. 42). The race lasted 3:41:22, with average speed
of 135.521 mph. Petty, Johnny Beauchamp, and Joe Weatherly crossed the final lap for a photo finish. Beauchamp was declared the winner, but with national newsreel photos, Petty was declared the official winner. Photo Source: Lee Petty's #42 Race Car (www.squadron.com)
42 Official Laws in Cricket
Cricket is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of 11 players
on a field at the centre of which is a 20-metre (22-yard) pitch with a wicket
at each end, each comprising two bails balanced on three stumps. The regulations are entrusted to London's Marylebone Cricket Club (founded
1787) with 42 official laws. There are 18 rules in Law 42 governing fair
and unfair play. — Derrick Niederman's Number Freak on #42 (p. 131).
Photo Sources: Cricket (espncricinfo.com); MCC Logo (wikipedia.org)
42 Eyes in Court Cards & 42 Dots in a Pair of Dice
There are 42 eyes in a deck of playing cards: three two-eyed Kings,
one one-eyed King; four (all two-eyed) Queens; two two-eyed Jacks,
and two one-eyed Jacks, making a total of 21. And this number must
be doubled because the images on the face cards appear twice on each
card. (Speaking of games & doubling, we see that there are a total of
21 dots on a die (1+2+3+4+5+6), and therefore 42 dots on a pair of dice.)
— Derrick Niederman's Number Freak on #42 (p. 131).
Photo Sources: Court Cards (numericana.com); Pair of Dice (stock.adobe.com)

42 in Collectibles, Coins & Postage Stamps

174) 1942 Coins in U.S. Currency: Washington Quarter 25¢, Mercury Dime 10¢, Jefferson Nickel 5¢, Lincoln Penny 1¢

Image sources: Washington Quarter (coinvalues.com; ; Mercury Dime (usacoinbook.com );
Jefferson Nickel (coins.com); Lincoln Penny (usacoinbook.com)
175) 1942 U.S. Walking Liberty Half Dollar
Obverse: Lady Liberty walking, holding branches, sunrise ahead
Reverse: Bald Eagle rising from a mountaintop perch
U.S. 1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar was a silver 50-cent piece
or half dollar coin issued by the U.S. Mint from 1916 to 1947. It was
designed by Adolph A. Weinman. Obverse resembles Oscar Roty's
"Sower" design for French coins. Art historian Cornelius Vermeule characterized Walking Liberty half dollar to be "one of the greatest
United States coins— if not of the world". American Silver Eagle
(1986-present) uses Weinman's original "Walkimg Liberty" design.
Image source: Walking Liberty Half Dollar (usacoinbook.com)
176) 1842 U.S. Seated Liberty Silver Dollar
Obverse: Seated Liberty with 13 Stars & Coinage Year
Reverse: Bald Eagle with Olive Branches & Arrows
U.S. 1842 Liberty Seated Dollars were designed by U.S. Mint engraver
Christian Gobrecht. They were issued by a variety of mints over their
three-decade run, including Philadelphia, New Orleans, Carson City,
& San Francisco Mints. Silver dollars were struck from 1840-1873.
184,618 were minted. $2,500 for uncirculated coins. Proofs sell for $45,000.
177) 1842 U.S. Braided Hair Large Cent
Obverse: Lady Liberty with Braided Hair & Coinage Year
Reverse: One Cent surrrounded by Olive Branches
U.S. 1842 Braided Hair Lady Liberty was designed by U.S. Mint engraver
Christian Gobrecht. He gave Liberty a slimmer, more youthful appearance.
Issued 1839-1857. Coin was 100% copper with diameter of 28.5 mm (1.12 inch).
1842 Braided Hair Large Cent had a Large date shown at left while the other
had a smaller date. Image source: Braided Hair Large Cent (usacoinbook.com)
178) 1842 Canada Penny,
Obverse: Bank of Montreal; Reverse: One Penny, 1842, Coat of Arms
1842 Canada Penny had a mintage pf 240,000. During first half of the 19th century
there was a chronic shortage of small coins in Lower Canada. In 1835, following a government decision to remove all lightweight pieces from circulation, the shortage became acute. No official coins were issued but Bank of Montreal, Quebec Bank,
City Bank and La Banque du Peuple were given authority to issue penny and
halfpenny tokens. Image source: 1842 Canada Penny (coinsandcanada.com)
179) 1842 Spain 8 Maravedis Isabella
Obverse: Queen Isabella II facing right divides 8 M value
Reverse: Cross with castles & lions in angles, legend around
Denomination: 8 maravedis
Composition: Copper
Date: 1842
Price: $30
Image source: 1842 Spain Isabella (vcoins.com)
180) 1842 British Opium War Silver Medal
Obverse: Youthful Queen Victoria facing left
Reverse: Nanking 1842, British Lion with paws atop of vanquished Chinese Dragon.
The Treaty of Nanking, signed in 1842, marked end to First Opium War (1839-1842) waged between Great Britain and China. The medal was designed by William Wyon (1795-1851), official chief engraver of the Royal Mint (1828-1851). This Medal was estimated at $4000-$8000 at Heritage Auctions, and sold for $26,290.00 (6-22-2017). Image source: 1842 British Opium War Medal (coins.ha.com)
181) China 1842 Medal to the British Royal Navy
This medal was awarded in 1843, under the direction of Queen Victoria, to all those who had taken part in certain specified actions namely: In the Canton River operations of 1841, at the first and second capture of Chusan, in 1840 and 1841, at the battles of Amoy, Ningpo, Chinhai, Tsekee, Chapoo, Woosung, in the Yangtze River, and in the assault of Chinkiang. Approximately 7,500 medals were awarded to men of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Seamen aboard HEIC Ships. This medal sold for $490.00 (August 11, 2005)
Image source: China 1842 Medal to Royal Navy (omsa.org)
182) There are 100 Marvel Value Stamps
issued 1974-1976 in Marvel Comic Books
Stamp #42 Man-Wolf
from Giant-Size Super-Heroes #1
Artist: Gil Kane & Mike Esposito
Comic Issues containing this stamp:
Amazing Spider-Man #139, Decemember 1974
Amazing Spider-Man #147, August 1975
Kull the Destroyer #15, August 1974, p. 19.
183) There are 200 cards in Wings: Friend or Foe (Topps 1952)
Card #42 is IL-12, Russian Transport
184) There are 160 cards in World on Wheels (Topps 1953)
Card #42 is M24 Tank "General Chaffee"
185) There are 135 cards in Look 'n See (Topps 1952)
Card #42 is John Paul Jones (Naval Hero) (Source)
186) There are 156 cards in Scoop (Topps 1954)
Card #42 is Massacre in Chicago (February 14, 1929)
187) There are 64 cards in Firefighters (Bowman 1953)
Card #42 is 1923 Hose Cart (Source)
188) There are 80 cards in Flags of the World (Topps 1956)
Card #42 is Brazil
189) There are 48 cards in Antique Autos (Bowman 1953)
Card #42 is Packard-Tourist
(Back of card with 3-D drawing viewed with 3-D glasses in gum packs)
Photo Sources: Card Front (ebay.com); Card Back (deanscards.com)
190) There are 80 cards in Davy Crockett (Topps 1956, orange back)
Card #42 is Serving His Country
191) United States Postage Stamps with 42¢ denominations
U.S. postal rate 41¢ from May 12, 2008 to May 11, 2009;
Note: Stamps were downloaded from the web; Click on stamp for their source.

U.S. #4249 John Hersey

John Hersey (1914-1993
42¢ (issued April 22, 2008)
U.S. #4252 Eric Sevareid

Eric Sevareid (1912-1992)
42¢ (issued April 22, 2008)
U.S. #4349 Latin Jazz

Latin Jazz Musicians
42¢ (issued July 26, 2007)
U.S. #4359

Botticelli "Virgin"
42¢ (10-23-2008)
U.S. #4273 America

American Flag & Clouds
42¢ (issued 6-14-2008)
U.S. #4275 Alaska

Alaska Flag & Humpback Whale
42¢ (issued 6-14-2008)
U.S. #4279 California

California Flag & Coast
42¢ (issued 6-14-2008)
U.S. #4347

Sunflower 42¢;
U.S. #4276 Samao Flag

American Samao Flag & Palm Trees
42¢ (issued 6-14-2008)
U.S. #4377 Arizona Flag

Arizona Flag & Cactus
42¢ (issued 6-14-2008)
U.S. #4346 Albert Bierstadt

"Valley of the Yosemite"
42¢ (issued 8-4-2008)
U.S. #4334 Gymnast

Olympic Gymnast
42¢ (issued 6-19-2008)
U.S. #4375 Year of Ox

Chinese Year of the Ox
42¢ (issued 1-8-2009)
U.S. #4354 Studebaker

Studebaker Golden Hawk
42¢ (issued 10-3-2008)
U.S. #4357 Chrysler

1957 Chrysler 300C
42¢ (issued 10-3-2008)
U.S. #4266

Minnesota Statehood
150th Anniversary
42¢ (issued 5-17-2008)
U.S. #4265 Sinatra

Frank Sinatra
42¢ (issued 5-13-2008)
U.S. #4350 Davis

Bette Davis
42¢ (issued 9-18-2008)
U.S. #4377 Poe

Edgar Allan Poe
42¢ (issued 1-16-2009)
U.S. #4341 Baseball

"Take Me Out to
the Ballgame"
42¢ (issued 7-16-2008)
U.S. #4342-4345 Art of Disney 42¢ (issued August 7, 2008)

              42¢ Pongo & Pup                       42¢ Steamboat Willie                     42¢ Princess Aurora                   42¢ Mowgli & Baloo
U.S. #4360-4363 Nutcrackers 42¢ (issued October 23, 2008)

      42¢ Drummer Nutcracker       42¢ Santa Claus Nutcracker           42¢ King Nutcracker                 42¢ Soldier Nutcracker
U.S. #4380-4383 Abraham Lincoln 42¢ (issued February 9, 2009)

          42¢ Lincoln as Railsplitter                 42¢ Lincoln as Lawyer                 42¢ Lincoln as Politician                 42¢ Lincoln as President
192) Foreign Postage Stamps with 42 denomination:

Austria 447
Coat of Arms
42 pf (7-3-1945)

Austria 471
Views: Traunkirchen
42 groschen (1946)

Austria J220
Numeral Postage Due
42 groschen (1947)

Belgium Q415
Ostend Station (Parcel Post)
42 francs (issued 3-1971)

Germany 549
Numeral 42
42 pf (issued 1946)

Germany B145
Man Holding Rearing Horse
42 pf + 108 pf (7-12-1939)

Germany B173
42 pf + 108 pf (7-20-1940)

Germany B192
Amazons on Horses
42 pf + 108 pf (7-20-1941)

Germany B203
Race Horses
42 pf + 108 pf (7-14-1942)

Germany B173
Hunter on Horse
42 pf + 108 pf (7-27-1943)

Germany B192
Race Horse & Foal
42 pf + 108 pf (7-23-1944)

Hungary B55
Eagle with Swords
40 filler + 2 f (1917)

Belgium 1780k 0.42 Euro
René Magritte, Artist
(issued January 18, 2000)

Belgium 1780m, 0.42 Euro
Bertolt Brecht, Playwright
(issued January 18, 2000)

Belgium 1780n, 0.42 Euro
James Joyce, Writer
(issued January 18, 2000)

Belgium 1753
King Albert II
0.42 Euro (11-18-2000)

Belgium 1780p 0.42 Euro
Bela Bartok, Musician
(issued January 18, 2000)

Belgium 1780q, 0.42 Euro
Andy Warhol, Artist
(issued January 18, 2000)

Belgium 1780s, 0.42 Euro
Henry Moore, Sculptorr
(issued January 18, 2000)

France 1421, 42 Centimes
Coin Pre-cancel
(issued 2-16-1975)

Belgium 1779d 0.42 Euro
John F. Kennedy
(issued 12-4-1999)

Belgium 1779k, 0.42 Euro
Jesse Owens
(issued 12-4-1999)

Belgium 1779o, 0.42 Euro
The Beatles
(issued 12-4-1999)

Belgium 1779p, 0.42 Euro
Charlie Chaplin
(issued 12-4-1999)

Belgium 1779s, 0.42 Euro
Hergé as Marionette
(issued 12-4-1999)

Bulgaria 3046
Johann Sebastian Bach
42 stotinki (3-25-1985)

Bulgaria 3047
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
42 stotinki (3-25-1985)

Bulgaria 3048
Peter Tchaikovsky
42 stotinki (3-25-1985)

Bulgaria 3049
42 stotinki (3-25-1985)

Bulgaria 3050
Giuseppi Verdi
42 stotinki (3-25-1985)

Bulgaria 3379
1879 Bulgarian stamp
42 stotinki (issued 11-22-1988)

Bulgaria 3388
1850 France stamp
42 stotinki (issued 2-23-1989)

Bulgaria 3532
1849 Bavaria stamp
42 stotinki (issued 4-6-1990)

Bulgaria 3260
Red Deer
42 stotinki (issued 6-23-1987)

Gilbraltar 1053
Legends of the Sea Ship
42 pence (issued 9-15-2006)

Gilbraltar 1077
Oceania Cruise Ship
42 pence (issued 5-15-2007)

Gilbraltar 1154
Grand Princess Ship
42 pence (issued 9-15-2008)

Malta 2018
View of Ghajn Tuffieha Bay
0.42 Euro (issued 7-27-2018)

Malta 1535
Fleur-de-lys Aqueduct
0.42 Euro (issued 4-21-2015)

French Polynesia 414
Early Tahiti
42 francs (issued 4-24-1985)

Fr. Polynesia 486
Tahitian Doll
42 fr. (6-27-1988)

Fr. Polynesia 555
42 francs (1-9-1991)

French Polynesia 518a
Get Well Soon
42 francs (issued 9-27-1989)

French Polynesia 518b
Messages: Good Luck
42 francs (issued 9-27-1989)

French Polynesia 518a
Happy Birthday
42 francs (issued 9-27-1989)

French Polynesia 518a
Keep in Touch
42 francs (issued 9-27-1989)

French Polynesia 518a
42 francs (issued 9-27-1989)
Note: Searched Vol. II 1975 Scott Stamp Catalogue and found 12 stamps with 42 denomination. None were found in
Vol. III 1975 Scott Stamp Catalogue in countries J-Z among the 1179 pages. Since my 1975 Stamp Catalogues are 44 years old,
found more stamps with 42 denomination on the web. Consulted 2018 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue Volumes 2A-3B
(Los Altos Library) for Scott Catalogue #s. All stamps shown above were downloaded from the web using Google Images
and eBay searches. Click on the stamp for image sources. Some stamps were retouched in Adobe Photoshop for centering and perforations with black background added. Dates of issue were found in Scott Catalogues as well as the Scott Catalogue #s.

42 in Books & Quotes
193) Quotes on 42:
Give my regards to Broadway,
    Remember me to Herald Square,
Tell all the gang at 42nd Street
    That I will soon be there.
George M. Cohan (1878-1942)
    Give My Regards to Broadway (1904)
Photo Source: Give My Regards to Broadway (wikimedia.org)
James Cagney singing song in Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
194) I'm forty-two years old— which is a lot more like middle age
than forty or even forty-on4. Neither old nor young.
Claire Messud (b. 1966), The Woman Upstairs (2013)
Cited in 100 Years (Wisdom from Famous Writers on Every Year of Your Life),
Joshua Prager (selections) & Milton Glaser (visualizations),
W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 2016
195) Bollingen Series LXII is The Origins and History of Consciousness
By Erich Neumann (1905-1960); Translated by R.F.C. Hull with
Foreword by C.G. Jung; Princeton University Press, NJ, 1969
196) Volume 42 of Time Magazine (1st issue: March 3, 1923)
runs from July 5, 1943, XLII, No. 1
(Cover: Red Army's Vasilevsky)
to December 20, 1943, XLII, No. 26 (Greer Garson)
Lieutenant General Patton (7-26-1943, XLII:4);
Ingrid Bergman (8-2-1943, XLII:5);
Bob Hope (9-20-1943, XLII:12);
General John J. Pershing (11-15-1943, XLII:20)
Photo Source: Ingrid Bergman (time.com)
197) Volume 42 of the Dictionary of Literary Biography
is titled "American Writers for Children Before 1900"
Edited by Glenn E. Estes, Gale Research, Detroit, 1985
DLB 42 During the two centuries prior to 1900 there was an increasing polarity between writing for children intended to instruct and writing intended for pleasure and delight. The critical biographies in DLB Volume 42 deal with authors whose books were intended to bridge the gap. Writers in this volume are 18th & 19th century American childrens authors who set trends or modified and refined the art of writing for children. Several of these writers 19th-century work continued to influence writing into the early decades of the 20th century. 52 entries include: William Taylor Adams, Louisa May Alcott, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Mary Mapes Dodge, Charles Austin Fosdick, Joel Chandler Harris, Kirk Munroe, Howard Pyle, Frank R. Stockton, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Susan Bogert Warner, Noah Webster and Augusta Jane Evans Wilson.
198) Forty-two Years Amongst the Indians and Eskimo
by Beatrice Batty (1833-1933): Subtitle: Pictures from the Life of
the Right Reverend John Horden, First Bishop of Moosonee (1893)
Publisher: The Religious Tract Society, London, 1893, 223 pages;
This volume of 21 chapters are based on the Bishop's own letters.
His adventures among the Indians and Eskimos over 42 years are
well written by an explorer in her own right (lived to 100 years).
15 illustrations in the book. Map; Group of Eskimos; Dog Sledge;
Indian on Snow-Shoes; Read book online. Photo Source: amazon.com
199) 42 Is Not Just a Number: The Odyssey of Jackie Robinson, American Hero (2017)
by Doreen Rappaport (b. 1939). In 1946, Branch Rickey, Brooklyn Dodgers manager,
recruited Jackie Robinson. Jackie faced cruel and sometimes violent hatred and
discrimination, but he proved himself again and again, exhibiting courage,
determination, restraint, and a phenomenal ability to play the game. In this
compelling biography, award-winning author Doreen Rappaport chronicles
the extraordinary life of Jackie Robinson and how his achievements won over—
and changed— a segregated nation. A children's book for age 8-12 years.
Photo Source: amazon.com
200) 42 Seconds: The Jesus Model for Everyday Interactions (2018)
by Carl Medearis (b. 1962). The average length of Jesus' conversations as recorded
in the Gospels was 42 seconds long. This is good news for all of us. It frees us up
to talk about the most important part of our lives in a way that's natural, meaningful,
and helpful instead of clumsy, awkward, and irrelevant. 42 Seconds is a simple book
that uses the ordinary moments of our lives the way Jesus used the same moments
in his own. The premise is straightforward: If we can learn from Jesus how to have
great conversations, it will change our lives and the lives of those around us.
Chapters for churches and small groups. Photo Source: amazon.com
201) 42 Famous Classics Arranged for Easy Piano (1977)
by Allan Small (b. 1947). 42 of the most famous classics arranged for simplified piano.
These enchanting melodies supply students of the first and second levels of study with
an introduction to world's finest music. Table of Contents shows Minuet from Bach (p. 4)
to Boccherini (p. 64). Other pieces include Beethoven's Ninth Symphony Theme (p. 5),
Brahms' Lullaby (p. 6), Debussy's Claire De Lune (p. 46). Wedding March by Mendelssohn
(p. 30) and Wagner (p. 26), Strauss's Blue Danube (p. 14), Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony
(p. 28), and Waldteufel's Skater's Waltz (p. 16). Photo Source: amazon.com

42 in Art, Music, & Film
Krishna Print 42 shows beautiful Divine Couple
Lord Krishna with Srimati Radharani
on a swing in the spiritual world.
Darshan Art Gallery featuring 122 paintings
of Lord Krishna. Source: Krishna (stephen-knapp.com)
203) Woodblock Print 42 of 100 Views of Edo (1856-1858)
by Japanese painter & printmaker Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858)
is titled "Cherry Blossoms by Tama River" (1856)
Brooklyn Museum Notes: The "Tama River", actually the Tama River
Aqueduct, carried much of the drinking water for the city of Edo along
a 30-mile course. Hiroshige's springtime view vividly conveys a freshness
and vitality befitting this lifeline. The cherry trees were planted along much
of the embankment in the 1730s. The placement was not only aesthetic but
also practical: the trees' roots strengthened the banks, and their petals and
leaves were thought to possess antitoxic powers that kept the water pure.
Source: Woodcut #42 (theartofjapan.com)
204) Untitled #42 (2015)
is a 36"x75" oil painting on canvas
by contemporary Canadian
artist Peter Triantos
Painting shows 8 abstract faces
with triangular eyes in a white background.
Photo Source: Last painting: Untitled #42 (petertriantos.com)
205) My Wife's Lovers (1893)
is a canvas painting by Austrian artist Carl Kahler (1855-1906)
depicting American millionaire Kate Birdsall Johnson's
42 Turkish Angora cats. Named by the owner's husband,
the work shows her fondness for Persian & Angora breeds.
The canvas measured 70 inches by 102 inches. Shown at the
1893 Chicago World's Fair, where it created a sensation.
Kate owned 350 cats housed in her summer house Buena Vista
near Sonoma, CA. Painting sold for $826,000 at Sotheby in
November 2015. Photo Source: My Wife's Lovers (wikimedia.org)
206) Johann Sebastian Bach's Church Cantata #42 (BWV 42)
"On the evening, however, of the same Sabbath" was composed in Leipzig (1725). and first performed
April 8, 1725, Leipzig. The cantata in 7 movements is scored for soprano, alto, tenor, and bass soloists,
a 4-part choir only in closing chorale, two oboes, bassoon, two violins, viola and basso continuo.
207) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Symphony #42 in F major K. 75
was written from March to August 1771 in Salzburg.
The symphony is scored for two oboes, two horns and strings.
In contemporary orchestras, it was also usual to include bassoons
and harpsichord if they were available in the orchestra to reinforce
the bass line and act as the continuo. Symphony has 4 movements:
Allegro, Menuetto, Andante, Allegro. Unusually, the minuet & trio
is the 2nd rather than the usual 3rd movement. (YouTube:
Sir Neville Marrine conducting Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields)
208) Joseph Haydn's Symphony #42 in D major (1771); Scored for
for two oboes, two bassoons, two horns and strings.
209) Beethoven's Opus #42 Notturno in D major, for viola and piano
was arranged by Franz Xaver Heinz Klein in 1803.
It is related to Beethoven's Serenade for Violin, Viola and Cello, Op. 8,
written 1796-1797, published in 1797 by Artaria in Vienna. (YouTube)
210) Franz Schubert's D #42 is Misero pargoletto
composed 1913, 1 song, 2 settings (YouTube)
211) Felix Mendelssohn's Opus #42
"Wie der Hirsch schreit" ("As pants the Hart")
was composed & published 1837 (revised 1838) for soloists, mixed choir and orchestra.
Mendelssohn set the music to Martin Luther's German translation of Psalm 42. (YouTube)
212) Frederic Chopin's Opus #42 is Waltz in A-flat major composed in 1840.
Though none of Chopin's works were actually intended to be danced to,
this waltz does appear to be appropriate for use in the ballroom.
It is often considered to be one of the finest and most perfect of
Chopin's many waltzes. (YouTube: Artur Rubinstein)
213) Robert Schumann's Opus #42 "Frauen-Liebe und Leben" (A Woman's Love and Life)
It is a cycle of poems by Adelbert von Chamisso, written in 1830. They describe
the course of a woman's love for her man, from her point of view, from first meeting
through marriage to his death, and after. (YouTube)
214) Johannes Brahms' Opus #42 is Three Songs (Lieder) for Mied Chorus
(A cappella, with optional piano accompaniment)
Composed between Oct. 1859 and June 1861;
Published 1868 in Bremen
215) Jean Sibelius's Opus #42 is Romance, for string orchestra in C major,
Sibelius wrote this miniature (five-minute) composition in 1903, between
two versions of a work on a much grander scale: the popular violin concerto.
Unlike the concerto, the charm of Romance comes from a simple setting of
a characteristic melody, with effective use of the string orchestra. (YouTube)
216) Sergei Prokofiev's Opus #42 is American Overture in B flat major
for 17 instruments (or orchestra). He produced the present chamber work
on a commission from New York's Aeolian Publishing Company in 1926.
The work opens with a big, playful main theme whose first two notes
are played 4 times before bouncing on to complete a chipper procession
of graceful joy. (YouTube)

42 is a song by Coldplay, a British rock band. It was written
by all members of the band for their 4th album, Viva la Vida.
It was released June 12, 2008. Length: 3:57;
Label: EMI, Pariophone, Capital. Lyrics:
"Those who are dead, are not dead / They're just living
in my head / And since I fell for that spell / I am living
there as well / Oh... / Time is so short and I'm sure /
There must be something more"

The mysterious title "42" may be related to the fact that there
were 42 songs that were trashed during the X&Y recording
sessions, or it may be reference to Douglas Adams's novel
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Image: Viva la Vida (wikimedia.org)
218) Summer of '42 is song by Michel Legrand for film of same title;
Released in 1971 by Warner Brothers Records; Length: 3:51; Lyrics:
The summer smiles the summer knows / And un-ashamed, she sheds her clothes /
The summer smoothes the restless sky / And lovingly she warms the sand on which you lie /

The summer knows the summer's wise / She sees the doubts within your eyes /
And so she takes here summer time / Tell the moon to wait and the sun to linger /

Twists the world round her summet finger / Let you see the wonder of it all /
And if you've learned your lesson well / There's little more for her to tell /
One last cares it's time to dress for fall

Image Source: Summer of '42 (discogs.com)
219) Summer of '42 is a 1971 American coming-of-age comedy-drama film
based on the memoirs of screenwriter Herman Raucher (b. 1928).
It tells the story of how Raucher, in his early teens on his 1942
summer vacation on Nantucket Island (off the coast of Cape Cod),
embarks on a one-sided romance with a young woman, Dorothy,
whose husband has gone off to fight in World War II. Film directed
by Robert Mulligan; Cast includes Jennifer O'Neill (as Dorothy),
Gary Grimes, Jerry Houser, Oliver Conant, Katherine Allentuck,
Christopher Norris. Film opens with a series of still photographs
appearing over melancholic music by Michel Legrand. Mulligan
made film for $1 million & it became a box office hit at $32 million.
Image Source:: Summer of '42 Movie Poster (wikipedia.org)
220) 42nd Street is a 1933 American pre-Code musical film, directed by
Lloyd Bacon; Starring Warner Baxter, Bebe Daniels, George Brent,
Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell and Ginger Rogers. The choreography
was staged by Busby Berkeley. Songs written by Harry Warren
(music) and Al Dubin (lyrics). Script was written by Rian James
and James Seymour, based on the 1932 novel of same name by
Bradford Ropes. This backstage musical was very successful at
the box office ($2.2 million on $439,000 budget) & is considered
a classic by many. Film was nominated for 1933 Academy Award
for Best Picture. In 2006, it ranked 13th on AFI's list of best musicals.
Last 20 minutes of the film are devoted to three Busby Berkeley
production numbers: "Shuffle Off to Buffalo",
"(I'm) Young and Healthy", and "42nd Street";
Ruby Keeler dancing up a storm (colorized);
Image Source:: 42nd Street Movie Poster (wikipedia.org)
221) 42 is a 2013 American biographical sports film written and
directed by Brian Helgeland about the racial integration
of American professional baseball by player Jackie Robinson,
who wore jersey number 42 through his Major League career.
The film stars Chadwick Boseman as Robinson, Harrison Ford
as Branch Rickey, with Alan Tudyk, Nicole Beharie, Christopher
Meloni, André Holland, Lucas Black, Hamish Linklater, and
Ryan Merriman appearing in supporting roles.The film had
$40 million budget with box office of $97.5 milliom.
Rotten Tomatoes Reviews: Critics 80%, Audience 85%
Image Source:: 42 Movie Poster (wikipedia.org)
222) The 42nd Street Cavalry was a TV mystery romance show (11-17-1974)
directed by Jerry Jameson. It starred Dennis Weaver as McCloud,
J.D. Cannon as Peter B. Clifford, Terry Carter as Sgt. Joe Broadhurst,
Julie Sommers as Sgt, Mildred Cross, and Peter Mark Richman as
Captain Dettmer. On temporary assignment with the NYPD
Mounted Police, McCloud and a nervous policewoman botch
the attempt to capture a group of radicals who stole a huge
cache of weapons— so both go undercover posing as crazed
gun buyers. Image Source:: McCloud DVD (imdb.com)
223) 42nd Academy Awards were presented on April 7, 1970, at Dorothy Chandler Pavilion,
Los Angeles. For the second time since the 11th Academy Awards, there was no host.
Best Picture: Midnight Cowboy (Jerome Hellman, producer);
Best Director: John Schlesinger for Midnight Cowboy;
Best Actor: John Wayne for True Grit;
Best Actress: Maggie Smith for The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
Best Supporting Actor: Gig Young for They Shoot Horses, Don't They?;
Best Supporting Actress: Goldie Hawn for Cactus Flower;
Best Documentary Feature: Arthur Rubinstein— The Love of Life
Image Source:: 42nd Academy Awards (wikipedia.org)

42 in the Bible
224) 42 occurs in the Bible 14 times:
he may flee thither: and to them ye shall add 42 cities.
Numbers, 35:6
there fell at that time of the Ephraimites 42,000.
Judges, 12:6
there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare 42 children of them
when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem.

2 Kings, 2:24
Take them alive. And they took them alive, and slew them at the pit
of the shearing house, even 42 men; neither left he any of them.

2 Kings, 10:14
42 years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign,
2 Chronicles, 22:2
The children of Bani, six hundred forty and two.
Ezra, 2:10
The children of Azmaveth, forty and two.
Ezra, 2:24
The whole congregation together was forty and two thousand three hundred and threescore,
Ezra, 2:64
The men of Bethazmaveth, forty and two.
Nehemiah, 7:28
The children of Delaiah, the children of Tobiah, the children of Nekoda, 642.
Nehemiah, 7:62
The whole congregation together was forty and two thousand three hundred and threescore,
Nehemiah, 7:66
And his brethren, chief of the fathers, two hundred forty and two:
Nehemiah, 11:13
and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
Revelations, 11:2
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies;
and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

Revelations, 13:5
The Complete Concordance to the Bible (New King James Version)
Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN (1983), p. 325
225) 42nd word of the King James Version of the Bible's Old Testament Genesis = said
1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
    And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3: And God said , Let there be light: and there was light.
    And the evening and the morning were the first day.
    — Genesis I:1-3 (translated 1611)
226) In the 42nd Psalms, Prophet David pours his soul to God:
  1. As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.
  2. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?
  7. Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls;
      all your waves and breakers have swept over me.
  8. By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me—
      a prayer to the God of my life.
  9. I say to God my Rock, "Why have you forgotten me?
      Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?"
11. Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?
      Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
      — Psalms 42 (1048 BC),
227) 42nd Book of Enoch describes dwelling places of Wisdom:
1. Wisdom found no place where she might dwell;
    Then a dwelling-place was assigned her in the heavens.
2. Wisdom went forth to make her dwelling among the children of men,
    And found no dwelling-place:
    Wisdom returned to her place,
    And took her seat among the angels.
3. And unrighteousness went forth from her chambers:
    Whom she sought not she found,
    And dwelt with them,
    As rain in a desert
    And dew on a thirsty land.
Book of Enoch, XLII.1-3 (circa 105 B.C.-64 B.C.)
     translated by R. H. Charles, S.P.C.K., London, 1917, pp. 61-62
228) 42nd Saying of Gospel of Thomas:
Jesus said, "Be passersby."
Gospel of Thomas Saying #40 (114 sayings of Jesus, circa 150 A.D.)
     (trans. Marvin Meyer, 1992; adapted by Elaine Pagels, Beyond Belief, p. 238)
229) Chapter 42 of Pistis Sophia (circa 150 A.D.):
When then Jesus had spoken these words unto his disciples, he said unto them:
"Who hath ears to hear, let him hear; and let him whose spirit seetheth up in him,
come forward and speak the solution of the thought of the fifth repentance of Pistis Sophia."
And when Jesus had finished saying these words, Philip started forward, held up and laid
down the book in his hand,— for he is the scribe of all the discourses which Jesus spake,
and of all of that which he did,— Philip then came forward and said unto him: "My Lord,
surely then it is not on me alone that thou hast enjoined to take care for the world and write down all.
It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Philip, that he said unto him: "Hearken, Philip, blessed one,
that I may discourse with thee; for it is thou and Thomas and Matthew on whom it is enjoined by the
First Mystery to write all the discourses which I shall speak and do, and all things which ye shall see.
But as for thee, the number of the discourses which thou hast to write, is so far not yet completed.
When it is then completed, thou art to come forward and proclaim what pleaseth thee. Now, therefore,
ye three have to write down all the discourses which I shall speak and do and which ye shall see,
in order that ye may bear witness to all things of the kingdom of heaven."

Pistis Sophia, Chapter 42
     ((Translated by Violet MacDermott, Edited by Carl Schmidt,
     (Nag Hammadi Studies, IX: Pistis Sophia, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1978, pp. 58-59)
230) In Chapter 42 of The Aquarian Gospel, Jesus bids the magians farewell.
Goes to Assyria. Teaches the people in Ur of Chaldea. Meets Ashbina,
with whom he visits many towns and cities, teaching and healing the sick.
  1. In Persia Jesus' work was done and he resumed his journey towards his native land.
  4. In Ur, where Abraham was born, he tarried for a time; and when he told the people
      who he was, and why he came, they came from near and far to speak to him.
  5. He said to them, We all are kin. Two thousand years and more ago, our Father Abraham lived
      here in Ur, and then he worshipped God the One, and taught the people in these sacred groves.
  6. And he was greatly blessed; becoming father of the mighty hosts of Israel.
10. But this shall not for ever be; the time will come when all your deserts will rejoice;
      when flowers will bloom; when all your vines will bend their heads with luscious fruit;
      shepherds will again be glad.
11. And Jesus preached to them the gospel of goodwill, and peace on earth. He told them of
      the brotherhood of life, and of the inborn powers of man, and of the kingdom of the soul.
12. And as he spoke, Ashbina, greatest sage of all Assyria, stood before his face.
13. The people knew the sage, for he had often taught them in their sacred halls
      and groves, and they rejoiced to see his face.
14. Ashbina said, My children of Chaldea, hear! Behold, for you are greatly
      blest today, because a prophet of the living God has come to you.
      beyond the surging crowd; and there was none to help her to the fount.
15. Take heed to what this master says, for he gives forth the words that God has given him.
16. And Jesus and the sage went through the towns and cities of Chaldea
      and of the lands between the Tigris and the Euphrates;
17. And Jesus healed a multitude of people who were sick.
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, Chapter 42
     Transcribed from the Akashic Records by Levi H. Dowling
     DeVorss & Co., Santa Monica, CA, 1908, Reset 1964, pp. 81-82

42 in Books on Philosophy and Religion
231) Hymn 42 in Book 3 of the Rig Veda is a song to Indra, the God of Strength:
1. COME to the juice that we have pressed, to Soma, Indra, bleat with milk:
    Come, favouring us, thy Bay-drawn car!
2. Come, Indra, to this gladdening drink, placed on the grass, pressed out with stones:
    Wilt thou not drink thy fill thereof?
3. To Indra have my songs of praise gone forth, thus rapidly sent hence,
    To turn him to the Soma-draught.
4. Hither with songs of praise we call Indra to drink the Soma juice:
    Will he not come to us by lauds?
5. Indra, these Somas are expressed. Take them within thy belly, Lord
    Of Hundred Powers, thou Prince of Wealth.
6. We know thee winner of the spoil, and resolute in battles, Sage!
    Therefore thy blessing we implore.
7. Borne hither by thy Stallions, drink, Indra, this juice which we have pressed,
    Mingled with barley and with milk.
8. Indra, for thee, in thine own place, I urge the Soma for thy draught:d
    Deep in thy heart let it remain,
9. We call on thee, the Ancient One, Indra, to drink the Soma juice,
    We Kuśśkas who seek thine aid.

Rig Veda Book 3, 42.1-9 (circa 1500 B.C.)

Book of the Dead cover
Chapter 42 in The Papyrus of Ani, Egyptian Book of the Dead:
"I am one who rises and shines, wall of walls, most unique one of
the unique ones, and their is no day devoid of it's duties. Pass By!
Behold, I have spoken to you, for I am the flower which came out
of the Abyss, my mother is Nut. O you who created me, I am one
who cannot tread, the great knot within yesterday; my arm is
knotted into my hand, I will not know him who would know me,
I will not grasp him who would grasp me. O Egg, O Egg, I am
Horus who provides over myriads, my fiery breath is in the faces
of those whose hearts would move against me. I rule from my
throne, I pass time on the road which I have opened up. I am

Papyrus Plate 32 for Chapter 42
released from all evil, I am the golden baboon, three palms and two fingers high, which has neither arms nor legs, in front
of Memphis. If I am hale, then will the baboon which is in front of Memphis be Hale."

Egyptian Book of the Dead: Book of Going Forth by Day
    Complete Papyrus of Ani, Chapter 42, Plate 32 (circa 1250 B.C.)
    (translated by Raymond Faulkner), Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1994
    Image Sources:: Book Cover & Papyrus Plate 32 (wisdomportal.com)
233) 42 Assessors in Egyptian Mythology (2925 B.C.)
The deceased answered the questions of the 42 Assessors before the soul is weighed
against Maat, the Egyptian goddess of Truth & Justice. As daughter of Ra and wife
of Thoth, Maat was held in high esteem by the gods. She emerged from the primal
waters in her father's ship of the sun, in which she is depicted as riding. Her emblem
is a tall ostrich feather which she wears in her head. In The Book of the Dead, Maat is
present in "The Weighing of the Heart" in the Judgment Hall of Osiris in which her
"feather of truth" is placed on one side of balance scales weighed against the heart
of the deceased. A forked upright supports the beam of the scales. At one end are
attached two cords which hold the pan of the scales wherein is a square weight, and from the other hang two
cords which seem to be connected by cross cords or bars. Those souls whose good deeds exceeded their evil ones
went to heaven, otherwise the monster Ammit, "Eater of the Dead", a beast with crocodile's head, a lion's body,
and a hippopotamus's hind-quarters would devour them. Across the Hall is a row of mummied human forms,
each wearing the "feather of truth" on his head. These are the 42 Assessors or spirits whom the deceased must
address individaullay by name, and make the "Negative Confession" declaring that he had not
committed a sin such as "Hail Usekh-nemmet, I have not done inquity... Hail Am-khaibitu, I have
not committed theft... Hail Mert-f-em-tes, I have not acted deceitfully... Hail Set-qesu, I have not
uttered alsehood... Hail Kenemti, I have not cursed any man." A complete listing of 42 Assessors
may be found in E.A. Budges's Osiris: The Egyptian Religion of Ressurrection (1911), I.340-342.
[Mayet (Maat) from Egyptian Mythology (Hamyln, 1965), p. 115 & Scales of Maat (Truth) from Budge, Osiris I.316]
Image Source: Maat (cornerofknowledge.com)
234) 42nd Hexagram of the I Ching: I / Increase (1000 B.C.)
Upper Trigram: sun, the gentle, wind
Lower Trigram: chên, the arousing, thunder
INCREASE. It furthers one
To undertake something.
It furthers one to cross
the great water.
Wind and thunder: the image of INCREASE.
Thus the superior man:
If he sees good, he imitates it;
If he has faults, he rids himself of them.
Image Source:: Hexagram 42 (bobbyklein.com)
Lao Tzu (604-517 BC), Tao Te Ching, Verse 42:
The Tao gives birth to One.
One gives birth to Two.
Two gives birth to Three.
Three gives birth to all things.
All things with backs to the female
and stand facing the male.
When male and female combine,
all things achieve harmony.
Ordinary men hate solitude.
But the Master makes use of it,
embracing his aloneness, realizing
he is one with the whole universe.
— translated by Stephen Mitchell
     Harper Perennial (1994)
236) Lao Tzu (604-517 BC), Hua Hu Ching Verse 42:
Nothing in the realm of thoughts or ideologies is absolute. Lean on one for long, and it collapses.
Because of this, there is nothing more futile and frustrating than relying on the mind. To arrive
at the unshakable, you must befriend the Tao. To do this, quiet your thinking. Stop analyzing,
dividing, making distinctions between one thing and another. Simply see that you are at the
center of the universe, and accept all things and beings as parts of your infinite body. When
you perceive that an act done to another is done to yourself, you have understood the great truth.

(translated by Brian Walker, Hua Hu Ching: The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu,
Harper San Francisco 1992)
Confucius (551 BC-479 BC), Confucian Analects, 14:42
1. The Master was playing, one day, on a musical stone
in Wei, when a man, carrying a straw basket passed
the door of the house where Confucius was, and said,
"His heart is full who so beats the musical stone."
2. A little shile after, he added, "How contemptible
is the one-ideaed obstinacy those sounds display!
When one is taken no notice of, he has simply at
once to give over his wish for public employment.
"Deep water must be crossed with the clothes on;
shallow water may be crossed with clothes held up."
3. The Master said, "How determined is he in his
purpose! But this is not difficult!"
Confucius (551 BC-479 BC), Confucian Analects, 14:42
translated by James Legge (1893); Hong Kong Edition (1962)

China #741 Confucius
(issued 8-27-1946)
238) Verse 42 of Pythagoras's Golden Verses:
Wherein have I done amiss? What have I done? What have I omitted that I ought to have done?

— Pythagoras (580 B.C.-500 B.C.), Golden Verses, Verse 42
(translated by A.E.A., Collectanea Hermetica, Vol. V, 1894)
reprinted in Percy Bullock, The Dream of Scipio, Aquarian Press,
Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, UK, 1983, p. 55
239) Aphorism 42 of Symbols of Pythagoras:
Ab arca cyparissina abstineto.
Abstain even from a cypress chest.
— Pythagoras (580 B.C.-500 B.C.), Symbols of Pythagoras
(translated by Sapere Aude, Collectanea Hermetica, Vol. V, 1894)
reprinted in Percy Bullock, The Dream of Scipio, Aquarian Press,
Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, UK, 1983, p. 77
240) Fragment 42 of Heraclitus (540 B.C.-480 B.C.):
You could not discover the limits of soul,
even if you traveled every road to do so;
such is the depth of its meaning.

— Philip Wheelwright, Heraclitus,
Athenum, New York (1964), p. 58
Originally published by Princton University Press, 1959
Romania #1442, 10 Bani stamp honoring 2500th anniversary
of birth of Heraclitus of Ephesus (issued October 25, 1961)
Image Source: Heraclitus Romanian Stamp (stampsoftheworld.co.uk)
241) Section 42 of Plato's Philebus— Socrates to Protarchus on pleasure & pain:
But now, from being viewed respectively close to and at a distance, and being
compared, various pleasures seem greater and more intense when set against
the distress, and the opposite with the distress set against the pleasures.

Plato (428-348 BC), Philebus 42b (360 BC)
(trans. R. Hackforth), Edited by Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns,
Plato: The Collected Dialogues, Bollingen Series LXXI,
Princeton University Press, 1961, p. 1122
(Note: Above translation by J.C.B. Gosling)
242) Section 42 of Plato's Timaeus— Timaeus to Socrates on the soul's journey:
He who lived well during his appointed time was
to return and dwell in his native star, and there
he would have a blessed and congenial existence.

Plato (428-348 BC), Timaeus 42a (360 BC)
(trans. Benjamin Jowett), Edited by Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns,
Plato: The Collected Dialogues, Bollingen Series LXXI,
Princeton University Press, 1961, p. 1171
243) 42nd Verse of Buddha's Dhammapada: Canto III— The Mind
An ill-directed mind does greater harm to the self than
a hater does to another hater or an enemy to another enemy.

Dhammapada Verse 42 (240 B.C.)
(translated by Harischandra Kaviratna, Dhammapada: Wisdom of the Buddha, 1980)
244) 42nd Verse of Chapter 2 of Bhagavad Gita
(Krishna's lecture to Arjuna on karma yoga):
There are men who have no vision, and yet they speak
many words. They follow the letter of the Vedas,
and they say: 'there is nothing but this.'
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, Verse 42
(Translated by Juan Mascaro, Penguin Books, 1962, p. 52)
245) 42nd Verse of Chapter 18 of Bhagavad Gita
(Krishna's lecture to Arjuna on renunciation & surrender):
The works of a Brahmin are peace, self-harmony, austerity and purity;
loving-forgiveness and righteousness; vision and wisdom and faith. (18:42)
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18, Verse 42
(Translated by Juan Mascaro, Penguin Books, 1962, p. 119)
246) 42nd Verse in Chapter 18 of Ashtavakra Gita
(Sage Ashtavakra's dialogue with King Janaka):
Some think that 'existence' is, and others that 'nothing' is,.
Rare is the one who thinks neither. He is perfectly serene— free from distractions.

Ashtavakra Gita, Chapter 18, Verse 42 (circa 400 B.C.)
Translated by Swami Chinmayananda (1972), p. 302
Online translation by John Henry Richards (2015)
247) 42nd Aphroism Patanjali's Yoga Sutra:
2:42— Supreme happiness is gained via contentment.
3:42— By self-control on the mind when it is separated from the body—
the state known as the Great Transcorporeal— all coverings are removed from the Light.

Patanjali (circa 200 B.C.), Yoga Sutra I.42: Aphroism 42 (circa 200 B.C.)
translated by BonGiovanni; (another translation by Rama Prasada,
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, New Delhi, 1998, p. 69)
248) Buddha's Sutra of 42 Sections (67 A.D.)
This text is attributed to Kasyapa Matanga & Gobharana, the first Hindu monks to arrive
in China (Han Dynasty). It is a collection of Buddha's saying compiled in the fashion of
of the Confucian Analects, beginning each chapter with "The Buddda said:". The book
begins with "The Buddha thought: To be free from the passions and to be calm, this is the
most excellent way" and ends with "I consider this universe as small as a holila fruit.
Nirvana is awakening from a daydream or nightmare." Section 13: "Those who are pure in heart
and single in purpose are like a polished mirror, and are able to understand the supreme way."
Soyen Shaku's translation (1906)
John Blofeld's translation (1977)
Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale (2009)
249) 42nd Aphroisms in Marcus Aurelius's Meditations:
4:42To be in process of change is not an evil, any more
than to be the product of change is a good.
(p. 73)
7:42Right and good fortune both are on my side. (p. 111)
8:42I who have never wilfully pained another,
have no businessess to pain myself.
(p. 130)
9:42Man is born for deeds of kindness; and when he has done
a kindly action, or otherwise served the common welfare, he has
done what he was made for, and has received his quittance.
(p. 149)
Marcus Aurelius (121-180), Meditations 6.41: Aphroism 41 (circa 161-180)
translated by Maxwell Staniforth, Penguin Books, Baltimore, MD, 1964, p. 100
Image Source: Marcus Aurelius (rationalwalk.com)
250) 42nd Trigraph of the Ling Ch'i Ching: Kang Chang / Firmness Extending.
Firmness Extending.
The image of being of the same mind
Yang dwells above yin.
Sun (Wind) * Southeast.
Two men of the same mind,
acting as exterior and interior.
Dwelling together in one state,
they are like lips and teeth.
Two intents cast their lot together,
The seasons of Heaven again change to be open.
The time is coming when the myriad affairs will proceed smoothly.
At this moment do nothing hurried or bumptious.
—Tung-fang Shuo,
Ling Ch'i Ching (circa 222-419)
(trans. Ralph D. Sawyer & Mei-Chün Lee Sawyer, 1995, pp. 42-43)
251) Text 42 of On Prayer: 153 Texts
of Evagrios the Solitary (345-399 AD)
Whether you pray with brethren or alone,
try to pray not simply as a routine,
but with conscious awareness on your prayer.

The Philokalia (4th-15th century AD),
translated by F.E.H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, & Kallistos Ware,
Faber & Faber, London, 1979, p. 60)
252) Text 42 of On Those who Think that They are Made Righteous by Works: 226 Texts
of Saint Mark the Ascetic (early 5th century AD)
He who repents rightly does not imagine that it is
his own effort which cancels his former sins; but
through this effort he makes his peace with God.

The Philokalia (4th-15th century AD),
translated by F.E.H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, & Kallistos Ware,
Faber & Faber, London, 1979, p. 129)
253) Text 42 of On Watchfulness and Holiness
of Saint Hesychios the Priest (circa 7th century AD)
The inexperienced have as weapons the Jesus Prayer
and the impulse to test and discern what is from God.
The experienced have the best method and teacher of all:
the activity, discernment and peace of God Himself.

The Philokalia (4th-15th century AD),
translated by F.E.H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, & Kallistos Ware,
Faber & Faber, London, 1979, p. 169)
254) Text 42 of On Spiritual Knowledge and Discrimination: 100 Texts
of Saint Diadochos of Photiki (400-486 AD)
Self-control is common to all the virtues, and therefore whoever practices
self-control must do so in all things. If any part, however small, of a man's body
is removed, the whole man is disfigured; likewise, he who disregards one single
virtue destroys unwittingly the whole harmonious order of self-control. It is
therefore necessary to cultivate not only the bodily virtues, but also those
which have the power to purify our inner man... At the judgment what crown
will he deserve, when a just reward is given only to those who have accomplished
works of righteousness in a spirit of humility?

The Philokalia (4th-15th century AD),
translated by F.E.H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, & Kallistos Ware,
Faber & Faber, London, 1979, p. 266) Full Text; Google Text
255) Text 42 of For the Encouragement of the Monks in India who had Written to Him: 100 Texts
of Saint John of Karpathos (circa 680 AD)
If you have resolved to clothe yourself in dispassion,
do not be negligent, but strive to attain it with all your strength.

The Philokalia (4th-15th century AD),
translated by F.E.H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, & Kallistos Ware,
Faber & Faber, London, 1979, p. 307)
256) Text 42 of On the Character of Men: 170 Texts
of Saint Anthony of Egypt (251-356 AD)
Through his intelligence man is linked to that power which is ineffable
and divine; and through his bodily nature he has kinship with the animals.
A few men— those who are perfect and intelligent— endeavour both to
root their mind in God the Saviour and to keep their kinship with Him;
and this is manifest throught their actions and holiness of life. But most
men, being foolish in soul, have renounced that divine & immortal sonship,
turning towards a deadly, disatrous and short-lived kinship with the body.
Concerning themselves, like animals, with material things and enslaved
by sensual pleasures, they separate themselves from God; and through
their desires they drag down their soul from heaven to the abyss.

The Philokalia (4th-15th century AD),
translated by F.E.H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, & Kallistos Ware,
Faber & Faber, London, 1979, p. 335)
257) 42nd Verse of Chapter 2 in Lankavatara Sutra:
Mahamati the Bodhisatva-Mahasattva's Questions to the Buddha:
Beings are born in the various paths of existence,
what are their specific marks and forms? How is abundance
of wealth acquired? Pray tell me, thou who art like the sky?
42nd Verse of Chapter 3 in Lankavatara Sutra:
Prajna, with me, is of three kinds; whereby he wise
grow powerful, individual signs are discriminated,
and all things are manifested.

The Lankavatara Sutra (before 443 AD)
(translated from the Sanskrit by D. T. Suzuki, 1932, pp. 26, 137)
258) Kuan Yin's 42 Principal Emblems
from The Heart of Dharani of Great Compassion Sutra (660 A.D.)
Finely wrought statues or paintings of Kuan Yin
may depict her 42 principal hands holding
these emblems or forming these mudras. The initiate
may use the emblems and mudras, each with its mantra,
to attain he ends they signify. [John Blofeld, Bodhisattva of
Compassion: Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin
(1978), pp. 151-153]
Statue of Kuan Yin (Tang Dynasty, 618-907 A.D.)
in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Image Source: Kuan Yin Statue (store.metmuseum.org)
  1. The Wish Fulfilling Gem, signifying attainment of all wholesome wishes.
  2. A rope, wherewith she binds all harmful circumstances.
  3. A jewelled bowl, containing cures for maladies.
  4. A sword, for subduing water spirits.
  5. A vajra or two-headed adamantine sceptre, for subduing demons.
  6. A vajra-dagger, for bringing about the capitulation of enemies.
  7. One hand held out with fingers and thumb pointing upwards
      so that it somewhat resembles a bowl, for subduing fear.
  8. A solar disc containing a bird, for banishing darkness.
  9. A lunar disc containing a rabbit, for counteracting poison.
10. A bow, signifying a glorious career.
11. An arrow, to bring friends nigh.
12. A willow branch, for driving away sickness.
13. A white brush or flag-shaped duster, for banishing hardships.
14. A 'long-life' vase, siginfying all that is virtuous and loving.
15. A dragon-headed tablet, for subduing wild beasts.
16. An axe, signifying protection against oppressive authorities.
17. A jade bracelet (rounded and yet roughly triangular),
      to obtain filial service from sons and daughters.
18. A white lotus, signifying the attainment of merit.
19. A blue lotus, signifying rebirth in the Pure Land.
20. A precious mirror, signifying wisdom (prajna).
21. A purple lotus, signifying that one will behold the Bodhisattvas.
22. A jewelled bowl of fruit, for escaping from pits.
23. A cloud of five colors, for entering upon the way of the immortals.
24. A water-bottle in the palm, for rebirth in heaven (Brahma-loka).
25. A red lotus, for attaining rebirth in an angelic sphere (deva-loka).
26. A halberd, for counteracting the effects of people's dishonesty.
27. A conch-shell, for summoning gods (devas) and beneficent spirits.
28. A club, to win command of spirits.
29. A rosary, wherewith to call upon the Buddhas of the Ten Quarters
      to welcome one to the Pure Land.
30. A vajra-topped bell, to achieve marvellous musical accomplishments.
31. A precious seal, wherewith to obtain the gift of eloquence.
32. A hook, wherewith to command the protection
      of benevolent devas and dragon-kings.
33. A monk's iron-tipped staff, signifying a compassionate
      desire to protect others.
34. Two hands palm to palm but not quite touching,
      signifying capacity to revere and love all sentient beings.
35. A Buddha figure surrounded by a nimbus and seated on a lotus,
      signifying spending life after life with the Buddhas always at one's side.
36. A palatial pavilion, signifying that one dwells life after life
      in the palace of the Buddhas.
37. A precious volume, wherewith to achieve great learning.
38. A golden wheel, signifying that from this very life until the
      attainment of Buddhahood, the Wheel of Enlightenment
      will never cease to turn for us.
39. Two hands wrist to wrist with the fingers nearly horizontal
      and pointing to right and left, and with a Buddha
      figure floating just above, to bestow empowerment.
40. A bunch of grapes, for ensuring bountiful harvests of fruit and crops.
41. The hand held open, fingers pointing downwards with the nectar
      of wisdom and compassion (known as sweet dew) pouring from
      the eye in the palm's center, wherewith to assuage hunger and thirst.
42. Right hand resting on the left, palms upward, signifying power
      to subjugate vengeful spirits in all the innumerable universes.
259) Lankavatara Sutra:
Mahamati the Bodhisatva-Mahasattva's Questions to the Buddha:
Beings are born in the various paths of existence,
what are their specific marks and forms? How is abundance
of wealth acquired? Pray tell me, thou who art like the sky?
42nd Verse of Chapter 3 in Lankavatara Sutra:
Prajna, with me, is of three kinds; whereby he wise
grow powerful, individual signs are discriminated,
and all things are manifested.

The Lankavatara Sutra (before 443 AD)
(translated from the Sanskrit by D. T. Suzuki, 1932, pp. 26, 137)
260) Chapter 42 of Mohammed's Holy Koran is titled "The Counsel"
42.3: Thus does Allah, the Mighty, the Wise, reveal to you, and (thus He revealed) to those before you.
42.4: His is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and He is the High, the Great.
42.5: The heavens may almost rend asunder from above them and the angels sing the praise of their Lord
        and ask forgiveness for those on earth; now surely Allah is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

42.53 The path of Allah, Whose is whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever
          is in the earth; now surely to Allah do all affairs eventually come.

— Mohammed, Holy Koran Chapter 42.3-5, 42.53 (7th century AD)
(translated by M. H. Shakir, Koran, 1983)
261) 42nd Verse of Chapter 5 in Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara:
Although one is powerless to act for the best when
bound by fear, agitation, and so forth, still, on an
occasion of charity (dana), the overlooking of
conventional morality (sila) is advised.

Santideva (685-763)
Bodhicaryavatara: Entering the Path of Enlightenment
V.42 (Guarding of Total Awareness: Samprajanyaraksana) (circa 700 AD)
(translated by Marion L. Matics, Macmillan, London, 1970, p. 166)
262) 42nd Verse of Chapter 7 in Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara:
Formerly, I too inflicted such pain upon beings: So it is
also suitable for me, one who has done injury to beings!
but for me let there be hatred of the hate.

Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara: Entering the Path of Enlightenment
VI.42 (Perfection of Patience: Ksanti-paramita) (circa 700 AD)
(translated by Marion L. Matics, Macmillan, London, 1970, p. 177)
263) 42nd Verse of Chapter 7 in Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara:
For the doer of good, no matter where his heart's desire
turns, there, because of his merits, he is reverenced as
a consequence of the value of the fruit [of his action].

Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara: Entering the Path of Enlightenment
VII.42 (Perfection of Strength: Virya-paramita) (circa 700 AD)
(translated by Marion L. Matics, Macmillan, London, 1970, p. 190)
264) 42nd Verse of Chapter 9 in Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara:
But [it is argued] the Mahayana is unproven. How is
your own Scripture proven? It is proven because of
both of us. It is not proven without you.

Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara: Entering the Path of Enlightenment
IX.42 (Perfection of Wisdom: Prajña-paramita) (circa 700 AD)
(translated by Marion L. Matics, Macmillan, London, 1970, p. 215)
265) 42nd Verse of Chapter 10 in Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara:
May the monasteries (vihara) be prosperous and full of good
reading & recitation. May the congregation (sangha) be eternally
complete, and the work of the congregation (sangha) prosper.

Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara: Entering the Path of Enlightenment
X.42 (Consummation: Parinamana) (circa 700 AD)
(translated by Marion L. Matics, Macmillan, London, 1970, p. 231)
266) Record 42 of Rinzai, aka Linji Yixuan (died 866):
a. Obaku came into the kitchen and asked the cook what he was doing.
The cook said: "I am sorting out the rice for the community (of monks).
Obaku said: "How much do they eat a day?" The cook answered: "Two
and a half stone." Obaku asked: "Isn't that rather a lot?" The cook
replied: "I rather fear it is too little." Obaku hit him.
b. The cook reported this to master Rinzai. The master said:
"I will go and test that old fellow (Obaku) for you." When he came
to attend Obaku, the latter at once mentioned the above dialogue
with the cook. The master said: "The cook does not understand.
Please, Osho, say a turning word," and then asked: "Isn't that
rather a lot?" Obaku said: "Why not say, tomorrow they'll have
to eat still more." The master said: "Why talk of tomorrow, eat it
at once," and so saying, slapped Obaku, who said, "What madman
has come here to stroke the tiger's whishers!" gave a Katsu and left.
c. Afterwards, Issan asked Gyosan: "How do you understand what
those two venerables were talking about?" Gyosan countered:
"How do you understand it?" Issan said: "Only when rearing a child
does one come to understand a father's kindness." Gyosan said:
" Not at all." Issan asked: Then what?" Gyosan said: "It is like
ruining one's home by inviting a thief into it."
Rinzai (d. 866), The Zen Teaching of Rinzai
translated with notes by Irmgard Schloegl,
Shambhala, Berkeley, 1976, pp. 65-66
Image Source: Rinzai (greatthoughtstreasury.com)

Koan 42 of Joshu aka Chao-Chou (778-897):
A monk asked, "How should I look upon this matter [i.e., Zen]?".
Joshu said: "What you say sounds strange to me."
The monk repeated his question: "How should I look upon this matter?"
Joshu said: "Your not knowing 'how to look upon it' seems strange."
The monk asked: "Will I ever be able to accomplish it?"
Joshu said: "Whether you can accomplish it or not,
    you must see for yourself."
Note: Zen is nothing you "look upon".
Chao-Chou (778-897), Radical Zen: Sayings of Joshu
translated with commentary by Yoel Hoffman,
Autumn Press, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1978, p. 27

Record 42 of The Wan Ling Record of Zen Master Huang Po
Q: What is implied by 'seeing into the real Nature'?
A: That Nature and your perception of it are one. You cannot use it to see
something over and above itself. That Nature and your hearing of it are one.
You cannot use it to hear something over and above itself. If you form a concept
of the true nature of anything as being visible or audible, you allow a dharma of
distinction to arise. Let me repeat that the perceived cannot perceive. Can there,
I ask you, be a head attached to the crown of your head? I will give you an example
to make my meaning clearer. Imagine some loose pearls in a bowl, some large globules
and some small.Each one is completely unaware of the others and none causes the least
obstruction to the rest. During their formation, they did not say: "Now I am coming
into being': and when they begin to decay, they will not say: 'Now I am decaying.'
None of the beings born into the six forms of life through the four kinds of birth are
exceptions to this rule. Buddhas and sentient creatures have no mutual perceeption
of each other. The four grades of Theravadin adepts who are able to enter Nirvana
do not perceive, nor are they perceived by Nirvana. Those Theravadins who have
reached the 'three stages of holiness' and who possess 'ten excellent characteristics'
neither perceive nor ar perceived by Enlightenment. So it is with everything else,
down to fire and water, or earth and sky. These pairs of elements have no mutual
perception of each other. Sentient beings do not ENTER the Dharmadhatu, nor
do the Buddhas ISSUE FROM it. There is no coming and going within Dharmata,
nor anything perceptible. This being so, why this talk of 'I see', 'I hear', 'I receive an
intuition through Enlightenment', 'I hear Dharma from lips of an Enlightened One',
or of "Buddhas appearing in the world to preach the Dharma'? Katyayana was
rebuked by Vimalakirti for using that transitory mentality which belongs to
the ephemeral state to transmit the doctrine of the real existence of matter.
    I assure you that all things have been free from bondage since the very
beginning. So why attempt to EXPLAIN them? Why attempt to purify
what has never been defiled? Therefore tt is written: 'The Absolute is THUSNESS—
how can it be discussed? You people still conceive of Mind as existing or not existing,
as pure or defiled, as something to be studied in the way that one studies a piece of
categorical knowledge, or as a concept— any of these definitions is sufficient to throw
you back into the endless round of birth and death. The man who PERCEIVES
things always wants to identify them, to get a hold on them. Those who use their
minds like eyes in this way are sure to suppose that progress is a matter of stages.
If you are that kind of person, you are as far from the truth as earth is far from
heaven. Why this talk of 'seeing into your own nature'?
Huang Po (d. 850)
The Zen Teaching of Huang Po (On the Transmission of Mind)
Translated by John Blofeld, Grove Press, New York, 1958, pp. 116-118
Image Source: Huang Po (1sphere1people.com

Huang Po
Chapter XLII Of the many miracles performed by holy friars
    There was the very old Brother Lucido, who truly shone in sanctity and lowed
with divine charity, and whose glorious tongue, inspired by the Holy Spirit, reaped
marvelous fruit in preaching. Another was Brother Bentivoglia of San Severino, who
was seen by Brother Masseo of San Severino to be raised bodily in the air, while
he was praying in the woods, and suspended there for a great length of time.
Because of this miracle, Brother Masseo, then a country priest, became a Friar Minor,
and he was of such sanctity that he performed many miracles in life and after death...
    Another famous friar was Brother Pietro da Montecchio, who was seen
by Brother Servodeo d'Urbino, then his guardian in the old shelter of Ancona,
suspended in the air about five or six cubits off the ground, near the foot
of the crucifix of the church before which he had been praying.
Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)
The Little Flowers of St. Francis and Other Franciscan Writings
Translation by Serge Hughes, Mentor-Omega Book, New York, 1964, pp. 123-125

270) Case 42 of Mumonkan: The Girl Comes out of Samadhi
Manjusri went to the assembly of Buddhas & found that everyone had departed
to is original dwelling place. Only a girl remained, sitting in samadhi close to
the Buddha's throne. Manjusri asked Buddha, "Why can the girl get near the
Buddha's throne, while I cannot?" Buddha said, "Bring her out of her samadhi
and ask her yourself." Manjusri walked around the girl three times, snapped his
fingers once, took her to the Brahma heaven, and exerted all his miraculous
powers to bring her out of her meditation, but in vain.
    The World-Honored One said, "Even 100,000 Manjusris cannot make her
wake up. But down below, past twelve hundred million lands as innumerable
as the sands of the Ganges, there is the Bodhisattva Momyo. He will be able to
arouse her from her samadhi." Instantly the Bodhisattva Momyo emerged from the
earth and made a bow to the Buddha, who gave him his imperial order. Bodhisattva
Momyo went over to the girl and snapped his fingers once. At this she woke up.
Mumon's Comment:
Old Shakyamuni put a petty drama on the stage and failed to enlighten the masses.
I want to ask you: Manjusri is the teacher of the Seven Buddhas: why couldn't
he arouse the girl from her samadhi? How was it that Momyo, a Bodhisattva at the
beginner's stage, could do it? If you understand this intimately, you will enjoy
Nagys'a grand samadhi in the busiest activity of consciousness.
Mumon's Verse:
One was successful, the other was not;
Both secured freedom of mind.
One in a god-mask, the other in a devil-mask;
Even in defeat, a beautiful performance.
— Mumon Ekai; (1183-1260), Mumonkan, 42
(translated by Katsuki Sekida, Two Zen Classics, 1977, pp. 121-122)
271) Case 42 of Hekiganroku: Ho Koji's "Beautiful Snowflakes"
Engo's Introduction: He talks independently, acts independently; and he trudges
through the mire for the sake of others. He talks with others, acts with others;
and he stands alone, like silver mountains and iron cliffs. If you doubt and
hesitate, you will be a ghost haunting a skull. If you stop to think, you will
fall into hell. Don't you see the bright sun shining in the sky and feel the
cool breeze blowing across the face of the earth? Was any of the great ones
of ancient times like this? See the following.
Main Subject:
Ho Koji was leaving Yakusan. Yakusan let ten zenkaku [Zen students] escort him
to the temple gate to bid him farewell. Koji pointed to the falling snowflakes
and said, "Beautiful snowflakes, one by one; but they fall nowhere else."
Then one of the the zenkaku, named Zen Zenkaku, said, "Then where do they fall?"
Koji gave him a slap. Zen said, "Koji! You shouldn't be so abrupt." Koji said,
"If you are like that and call yourself a zenkaku, Emma will never let you go."
Zen said, "What about yourself?" Koji gave him another slap and said, "You look,
but you are like a blind man; you speak, but you are like a deaf-mute." [Setcho adds
his comment: "Why didn't you hit him with a snowball in place of your first question?"]
Setcho's Verse:
Hit him with a snowball, hit him with a ball!
Even the best will fail to reply.
Neither heaven nor earth knows what to do;
Eyes and ears are blocked with snow.
Transcendent serenity and purity!
Even the blue-eyed old monk can't explain.
— Setcho (980-1052), Hekiganroku, 42 (Blue Cliff Records)
(translated by Katsuki Sekida, Two Zen Classics, 1977, pp. 262-263)
272) Chang Tsai (1020-1077), Correcting Youthful Ignorance, Section 42:
Man's strength, weakness, slowness, quickness, and talent or lack
of talent are due to the one-sidedness of the material force. Heaven
(Nature) is originally harmonious and not one-sided. If one cultivates
this material force and return to his original nature without being
one-sided, one can then fully develop his nature and [be in harmony with]
Heaven. Before man's nature is formed, good and evil are mixed. Therefore
to be untiring in continuing the good which issues [from the Way] is good.
If all evil is removed, good will also disappear [for good & evil are relative
and are necessary to reveal each other]. Therefore avoid just saying "good"
but say, "That which realizes it (the Way) is the individual nature."
(Wing-Tsit Chan, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy, 1963, p. 512)
273) Ch'eng Hao (1032-1085), Selected Sayings, "On Understanding
the Nature of Jen (Humanity)" Section 42:
"What exists before physical form [and is therefore without it]
is called the Way. What exists after physical form [and is therefore
with it] is called a concrete thing. If anyone regards purity, vacuity,
one-ness, and greatness as the Way of Nature, he is speaking in terms
of concrete things and not the Way.

(Wing-Tsit Chan, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy, 1963, p. 537)
274) Ch'eng I (1033-1107), Selected Sayings, Section 42:
Question: "What is the difference between jen and the mind?"
Answer: Mind is comparable to seeds of grain. Nature of growth is jen.
Comment: The concept of jen has gone through many stages of development.
From the earliest idea of jen as a specific virtue, notably benevolence. Confucius
changed it to the general virtue (humanity). Throughout the ages it has been variously
interpreted as affection, love, universal love, impartiality, consciousness, unity with
Heaven and Earth, but the idea that jen is "seed", which is life-giving, is a unique
contribution of Ch'eng I. As such it brought the concept of jen to the highest stage
of development up to this time. It is more than a pun on the word jen, meaning seed.
It is the generative force of all virtues. It is this life-giving quality that enables man to form
a unity with Heaven, Earth and all things and makes it possible for him to overcome evil.
This is the reason why the Ch'eng brothers said that jen embraces the four virtues of
righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faithfulness in the Five Constant Virtues as has
been done in tradition. Chu Hsi hits the right note in saying that jen embraces the four virtues
because of its spirit of life and because it is originating. No doubt the Ch'eng brothers' general
concept of the universe as a process of production & reproduction has contributed to the idea.
(Wing-Tsit Chan, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy, 1963, p. 560)
275) Sections 42 of Chu Hsi's Chin-ssu lu:
The mind is the principle of production. As there is the mind,
a body must be provided for it so it can produce. The feeling
of commiseration is the priciple of production in man.
— Part I, Section 42: On the Substance of the Way (p. 30)
Seeing, hearing, thinking, reflection, and movement are
all matters of nature. What man has to do is to realize
wherein they are correct and wherein they are wrong.
— Part II, Section 42: Essentials of Learning (p. 58)
"If one does not preserve himself, no advantage will come to him."
If one does not establish himself, even if he intends to do good,
he will still be overcome by material things. One must not allow
the myriad things in the world to disturb him. Once one has
established himself, he can handle things in the world very well.
— Part IV, Section 42: Preserving One's Mind (p. 141)
Chu Hsi (1130-1200), Reflections on Things at Hand (Chin-ssu lu)
translated by Wing-Tsit Chan, Columbia University Press, NY, 1967
276) Section 42 of Complete Works of Lu Hsiang-shan (1139-1193):
The Way refers to existence before physical form [and is without it],
whereas concrete things refer to existence after physical form [and is with it].
Both heaven and earth are concrete things. What they produce and support
necessarily have principle in them.
Cited in Reflections on Things at Hand (Chin-ssu lu)
translated by Wing-Tsit Chan, Columbia University Press, NY, 1967, p. 587
277) Guide for the Perplexed, Book I, Chapter LXII
The name of 42 letters is exceedingly holy;
it can only be entrusted to him who is modest,
in the midway of life, not easily provoked to anger,
temperate, gentle, and who speaks kindly to his
fellow men. He who understands it, is cautious
with it, and keeps it in purity, is loved above
and is liked here below; he is respected by his
fellow me; his learning remains with him, and
he enjoys both this world and the world to come.
Maimonides (1135-1204)
Guide for the Perplexed (1190)
translated by M. Friedlander
Dover Publications, NY, 1956
Image Source: Israel #74 Maimonides (issued 8-3-1953) (hipstamp.com)
278) 42 in the Kabbala:
Jewish rabbis in the Middle Ages developed Kabbalah,
an esoteric system where the sum of letters ina word is given
a numerical equivalence to interpret the Scriptures mystically.
A similar system, gematria was used in 5th century B.C. Greece.
Thus, Ama (1+40+1 =42): Mother; title of Binah (3rd Sephira:
Understanding). ChLD (8+30+4 = 42)— Cheled: World; our own
Earth. YWD FF WW (10+6+4+5+5+6+6 =42)— Yod He Waw:
The three consonants in Tetrgrammaton (Holy Ineffable Name
of God. YHWH, Yahweh: Name of Four Letters corresponding
to the four elements Yod (fire), He (water), Waw (air), He (earth).
Charles Ponce cites in his Kabbalah (1965), the name with
believed to be composed of the first 42 letters in the Bible, an ascription which many
Kabbalists firmly held to. Each term of this holy name was believed to hold
as much magical potency as the entire name. Moses de León (1240-1305) was
a Spanish rabbi and Kabbalist who is the composer of the Zohar.
Image Source: 42 Letters of Bible (kabbalahsecrets.com)
Koan 42 of Master Kido's Every End Exposed
I Will Have Nothing to Do with Buddha
A monk knocked on Master Kakurin's door. Kakurin asked,
"Who is it?" The monk said, "A monk." Kakurin said,
"Even if Buddha comes, not to mention a monk, I will
have nothing to do with him." The monk said, "Why
will you have nothing to do with Buddha if he comes?"
Kakurin said, "There is no room for you to stay."
Master Kido
The selling of my sheets was not in vain.
Master Hakuin
To come despite the long distance.
Plain Saying
Longing for your high virtue, I have come from far away.

Kido Chigu (1185-1269)
aka Xutang Zhiyu
NOTE: The monk should have introduced himself in a simpler way.
Kakurin may have to deal with "monk" or "Buddha" when reading the sutras
or holding a lecture, but what is the use of opening one's door to an abstract
entity? In contrast to the monk's behavior, the comments suggest the natural
attitude of a pupil who comes to ask for the teaching of a master.
Master Kido (1189-1269), Koan 42,
Every End Exposed (100 Koans
of Master Kido with the Answers of Hakuin-Zen)
Translated with Commentary by Yoel Hoffman,
Autumn Press, Brookline, MA, 1977, p. 65
Image Source: Kido (terebess.hu)
280) 42 Gates in Buddhist Philosophy The doctrine of the 42 Siddham letters
as given in the Hua Yen & Pan Jo Ching have special meanings, independent
of all letters; and each letter has its own specific value as a spirittual symbol
[W.E. Soothill, A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms (1937)]. According
to Tientai doctrine: Among the 42 degrees (shijuni i) of bodhisattvas,
the ten grounds (juji) which are from the 31st to 40th degrees
of abiding, ten degrees of practice, ten degrees of dedication—
are called the three classes. The degree of enlightenment equal
to buddha's (togak) and the degree of buddha's inconceivable
enlightenment (myokaku are the supreme stages.
Dogen (1200-1253), Moon in a Dewdrop: Writings of Zen Master Dogen
Edited by Kazuaki Tanahashi, North Point Press, New York, 1985, p. 340
Image Source: 42 Siddham Letters (
281) 42 Stages to Enlightenment
First there are the forty stages on the path of Bodhisattva development
• The ten abodes of inspiration
• The ten practices of virtue
• The ten transfers of merit
• The ten groundings of enlightenment
Lastly there are the two levels of Enlightenment
• The manifestation of the Buddha
• The original, eternal Buddha
Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia
Section 42 of Wang Yang Ming's
Instructions for Practical Living:
I asked about the similarity and difference between
The Great Learning and the Doctrine of th Mean.
The Teacher said "Tzu-ssu (492-431 BC) incorporated
the fundamental ideas of the The Great Learning
in the first chapter of the Doctrine of th Mean."
Wang Yang Ming (1472-1529),
Instructions for Practical Living
or Ch'uan-hsi lu (1518), I.42
translated by Wing-tsit Chan,
Columbia University Press, NY, 1963, p. 36
283) 42 Triangles around the Center in Sri Yantra:
This is the most celebrated of all tantric yantras. A mystical construction
of the cosmos, the Shri Yantra is formed by the interpenetration of two sets
of triangles— four apex upward, representing the male principle (purusha)
and five apex downward, symbolizing he female principle (prakriti), thus
forming (14 + 10 + 10 + 8) = 42 triangles around a central triangle. Just as
mantras are chanted sacred sound symbols, and mudras are hand gestures
to aid mediation, yantras are visual power-diangrams which help us make
the spiritual journey home to the primordial center (bibdu), and to intuit
the unity of our little self with the great Cosmic Self. The most complete
and minimal symbol, bindu is the point of origin and end— beginnings
& dissolutions. It is the source of all creation and becoming, the atomized
form of the world, both nuclear and galactic in dimensions. The bindu prefigures the mandala (Sanskrit
for "circle"). An archetype from the unconscious, the circle is a universal symbol of essence which is,
becomes, and returns to itself. The yogi-artist inwardly identifies with the form he is contemplating
and recognizes the relationship of center to the circumference. The center represents its true nature—
the mandala embraces all. Shri Yantra shown above is from Rajasthan, circa 1700, Gouache on paper.
Sources: Madhu Khanna, Yantra (1979), p. 113; Ajit Mookerjee, Yoga Art (1975)
Image Source:Shri Yantra (sriyantraresearch.com)
42nd Section of Swedenborg's Worlds in Space (1758):
It needs to be known that no spirit is able to see the sun of the world at all,
or any light from it. The light of the sun is to spirits and angels like thick
darkness. Spirits merely retain an idea of that sun from seeing it when in the
world, and it is envisaged as a dark patch, behind and a long way off, in height
slightly above head-level. The planets belonging to the solar system are to be
seen in fixed positions relative to the sun. Mercury is behind, a little to the right;
Venus to the left, a little behind; Mars in front to the left; Jupiter likewise to
the left and in front, but further away; Saturn right in front at a very great
distance. The moon is on the left, fairly high up; and the satellites of each planet
are to the left of it. That is how spirits envisage their planets; and the spirits are
to be seen in the vicinity of their own planet, but outside it. However, the spirits
of Mercury in particular are not to be seen in a fixed direction or at a fixed distance;
they appear now in front, now to the left, now a little behind. The reason is that
they are allowed to travel around the universe to acquire knowledge.
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), The Worlds in Space, 42
(translated from Latin by John Chadwick, Swedenborg Society, London, 1997, p. 40)
Image Source: Swedenborg (publicdomainreview.org)

Emanuel Swedenborg
Section 42 of Sage Ninomiya's Evening Talks:
"The Object of Study"—
Wealthy farmer sending son to Seido for higher education, came to sage for advice.
A farmer has his duty as a farmer and a rich man his as a rich man. However rich,
a farmer may be, he must have a good knowledge of agricultural affairs, and
whatever amount of gold a rich man may possess, he must lead a life of thrift
and industry and concede whatever possession he can spare, so as to enrich and
beautify his native place and repay in that way the blessings of his country...
If you regard that agriculture is a low occupation and a farmer is a lowly person,
the learning you acquire will make you still more vainglorious and there is no
doubt that you will finally brring ruin to your house... Do not take lightly what
I tell you, for it will never fail... My advice is probably more precious than
10,000 books kept in the libray of the Seido. If you follow my advice, your
house is safe; if you do not, ruin of your house stares you in the face...
The young man who did not follow the sage's advice, went to the capital,
but before e could complete his studies, all the fields in the possession
of his father changed hands... Isn't such destiny overtaking them sad?
But we often come across cases of people committing similar blunders.
Sontoku Ninomiya (1787-1856),
Sage Ninomiya's Evening Talks, Section 42
translated by Isoh Yamagata,
The Tokuno Kyokai, Tokyo, 1937, pp. 86-88
Image Source: Ninomiya from 1 yen 1946 banknote (featurepics.com)

Sontoku Ninomiya
286) Aphorism 42 of Franklin Merrell-Wolff's Consciousness Without an Object (1973)
When ever-becoming cancels the
ever-ceasing-to-be then Rest is realized.

Commentaries: This seems self-evident, as Rest is clearly the other
of all action, whether in the positive or negative sense. But one might
draw the erroneous conclusion that Rest and Action exist exclusively
in discrete portions of time. Actually, Rest and Action may be realized
at the same time. At a sufficiently profound level of realization,
ceaseless Action leaves the eternal Rest inviolate. The disjunction of
these two complementaries is valid only for partial consciousness.

Franklin Merrell-Wolff
Franklin Merrell-Wolff
Franklin Merrell-Wolff (1887-1985),
Philosophy of Consciousness Without an Object
(Reflections on the Nature of Transcendental Consciousness)
(Julian Press, NY, 1973, p. 113, p. 247)
Verse 42 in Jack Kerouac's Sutra,
Scripture of the Golden Eternity (1960):
Do you think the emptiness of the sky will
ever crumble away? Every little child knows
that everybody will go to heaven. Knowing
that nothing ever happened is not really
knowing that nothing ever happened,
it's the golden eternity. In other words,
nothing can compare with telling your
brother and your sister that what happened,
what is happening, and what will happen, never really happened,
is not really happening and never will happen, it is only the
golden eternity. Nothing was ever born, nothing will ever die.
Indeed, it didnt even happen that you heard about golden
eternity through the accidental reading of this scripture.
The thing is easily false. There are no warnings whatever
issuing from the golden eternity: do what you want.
Jack Kerouac (1922-1969)
The Scripture of the Golden Eternity
Totem/Corinth Book, NY, 1970, pp. 40-41
288) Chapter 42 of Wei Wu Wei's The Tenth Man (1966)
is titled “'Reincarnation' Again”:
    The low-down on 'reincarnation' is just that I never was 'born'
and could not possibly 'die'. So what? So of course the chap who
is convinced he was Julius Caesar, and the girl who 'remembers'
she was Cleopatra: each and all and every one of them, are right.
So indeed they were.
    Why? Because so was I, of course, bald as
an egg and with a lovely nose (respectively).
    What is there, what could there be,
to be born or to die— except hair and noses— anyway?
    So I have always been alive, and never dead?
Good Heavens, No! The reason is that I have
never been alive and so I can never be dead.
    That is the final truth concerning 'reincarnation'.
(If you don't see it now— patience, you will.)
Wei Wu Wei (1895-1986), The Tenth Man (1966), p. 86 (Archive, Tenth Man)

        Paul Brunton

Notebooks of Paul Brunton
Volume XVI, Paras #42
from various chapters

Volume 16:
Enlightened Mind,
Divine Mind

Larson Publications
Burdett, NY, 1988,
Part 1:
pp. 8, 36, 81-82,
155-156, 195;
Part 2:
pp. 8, 44, 63
Part 3:
p. 9, 19, 29
Part 4:
pp. 7-8, 26

Poem: "What a Soap
Box Taught Me
About Sage & Sin"

before my first
meeting with PB
in Montreux

Visit with PB
at his home,
Corseaux sur Vevey
in September 1979

Conversation with PB
"Can a Cow Be Self-Realized?" (10-26-78)
Para #42 from Volume 16, Part 1
of Paul Brunton's Enlightened Mind, Divine Mind
Notebooks: "World-Mind in Individual Mind—
    The illuminated men of earlier generations, who usually appeared at the
beginning of each historical epoch and from whose ranks the great social
lawgivers & religion-founders were drawn, had no personal master for none was
available at the time. Who taught them? It was none other than the World-Mind,
operating directly through each man's Overself & within his human consciousness.
Whoever is unable to find an outward master in our own times may still find,
when he has worked on himself sufficiently to be ready for it, this same direct
inward help (grace) from the World-Mind if he turns to that Mind. (1.42)
    The difference between the intermediate and the final state is the difference between
feeling the Overself to be a distinct and separate entity and feeling it to be the very
essence of oneself, between temporary experience of it & enduring union with it. (2.42)
    It is true that most people believe that they cannot think like the sages
or live like the saints and that it is useless to entertain any further thought about them.
They look at the world around them & see the events which are taking place or read about
them and they believe that this is not the kind of world with which sages and saints could
cope and that therefore they have little value for us today. But here they are not altogether
right. A study of history from the earliest times will show that whenever sages and saints
have appeared there were great evils in the world of their time and they were always
exceptional figures among their peoples. The memories of them have remained carefully
kept and guarded by those who know the importance of right values. That importance
remains today & what these figures of eminent wisdom & holiness have to tell us about
the higher laws of life and the higher nature of man is still as true as ever it was. (3.42)
    The sage has conquered separativeness in his mind and realized the ALL as himself.
The logical consequence is tremendous. It follows that there is no liberation from the round
of births and rebirths for the sage; he has to go through it like the others. Of course, he does
this with full understanding whereas they are plunged in darkness. But if he identifies himself
with the All, then he can't desert but must go on to the end, working for the liberation of others
in turn. This is his crucifixion, that being able to save others he is unable to save himself.
"And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, 'And he was numbered with the transgressors.'"
Why? Because compassion rules him, not the ego. Nobody is likely to want such a goal (until,
indeed he is almost ready for it) so it is usually kept secret or symbolized. Again: "For this
is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (4.42)
    The man who goes around pointing out people's mistakes to them becomes
unwelcome and unpopular. Even the spiritual guide is not an exception, for his criticism
is received with treble force by those who worship him. A prudent guide will soon learn,
by experience, that it is better to shut his mouth than to tell his disciples what they
do not want, and do not like, to hear. (5.42)
Para #42 from Volume 16, Part 2 of Paul Brunton's Notebooks: "World-Idea"—
    The answer to those who admit they can understand and accept the existence of suffering when it is the result of karma caused by man's conduct toward man, but cannot understand and accept it when caused by Nature's havoc, by earthquakes and floods, by wild beasts and tornados, may not be a palatable one. It is that calamity and suffering, destruction and death, are ordained parts of the divine World-Idea, which needs them to ensure the evolution of entities. It is also that, after all, these things happen only on the surface of their consciousness, for deep down in the Spirit there is perfect harmony and unbroken bliss.(1.42)
    Optimism becomes as unreasonable as pessimism when both ignore the two-faced
character of fortune and Nature, the Yin-Yang interplay. (3.42)
    A tension holds all things in equilibrium between coming together of their elements, temporary maintenance of their forms, and passing away into dissolution. This includes the mineral, the plant, the animal, and the human. But when we look at the last-named, a new possibility opens up which could not have happened to Nature's earlier kingdoms. All things dissolve in the end, I wrote, but man alone dissolves consciously into a higher Consciousness. (4.42)
Para #42 from Volume 16, Part 3 of Paul Brunton's Notebooks: "World-Mind"—
    Nobody can tell us what God looks like, for God has no form at all. (1.42)
    The World-Mind is in us all, reflected as "I." This is why ever-deeper pondering and
penetration are needed to remove the veil of individuality and perceive BEING. (2.42)
    All those who pretend to give answer to the purpose of life, and why the universe
was created, may be answered with the words of India's oldest known book, the Rig-Veda:
"Who knows exactly, and who shall in this world declare, whence and why this creation
took place? The gods are subsequent to the production of this world: then who can know
whence it proceeded? He who in the highest heaven is the ruler of this universe—
he knows or does not know!" (3.42)
Para #42 from Volume 16, Part 4 of Paul Brunton's Notebooks: "The Alone"—
    Because of Mind's presence, that which men call God arises, creates, and dissolves entire worlds, kingdoms of Nature; yet Mind itself never moves, never acts, is forever still, is the ultimate of all ultimates, forever the only Unpassing, the only Unconditioned, the untouchable Mystery..(1.42)
    Because there is nothing quite like it in human experience and because there is no opposite
in the entire cosmos from which it can be differentiated, the Absolute Being remains utterly
incomprehensible to the human intellect. (2.42)
290) "Maturity Of Being" is Lesson 42
of Subramuniyaswami's Merging with Siva (1999):
    Now we begin to see the vastness and yet the simplicity of the superconscious mind
as awareness flows through it. Nothing is there for awareness to attach itself to. When aware
of something other than itself, awareness is in its natural state in subsuperconsciousness.
Occasionally in superconsciousness we can feel and actually inwardly see the inner body,
the body of the soul, and we can feel this body inside the physical body. This is the body
of light. Then we know through feeling and seeing that this body has existed and will exist
forever and ever and ever, and we enjoy moving within the energies of this inner body.
As we feel them, we become so quiet, so centered, that awareness is aware of itself so
intently that we are right on the brink of the Absolute, ready to dissolve, to merge, into
That which is man's heritage on Earth to realize, the maturity of his being, the Self God.
    We grow up physically. We grow up emotionally. We acquire a lot of knowledge. We must
acquire the best knowledge, the cream of all knowledge. This is the knowledge of the path to
enlightenment. And then, as awareness soars within, we begin to experience the realms of superconsciousness,
man's natural state. Then we have our ultimate experience, awareness dissolving into itself, beyond super-
consciousness itself. After Self Realization, you are looking at the film, the movie of the actors and actresses,
including yourself, previously seen as real, being more subsuperconsciously conscious of the light projected
on the back of the film than of the pictures displayed, which were seen as real before this awakening.
Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001)
Merging with Siva: Hinduism's Contemporary Metaphysics
Himalayan Academy, Kapaa, Hawaii, 1999, pp. 84-85.
Image Source: Subramuniyaswami (gurudeva.org)
291) Koan 42 of Zen Master Seung Sahn— Where Are You Going?
Ancient Buddhas went like this.
Present Buddhas go like this.
You go like this.
I also go like this.
What is the thing that is not broken?.
Who is eternally indestructible?
Do you understand?
In the three worlds,
all Buddhas of the past, present and future
simultaneously become the Path.
On the ten levels,
all beings on the same day enter Nirvana.
If you don't understand this, check the following:
The statue has eyes and tears silently drip down.
The boy sniffles wordlessly in the dark.
  1. Who is eternally indestructible?
  2. What do the following sentences mean?
      a. In the three worlds,
          all Buddhas of the past, present and future
          simultaneously become the Path.

      b. The statue has eyes and tears silently drip down.
      c. The boy sniffles wordlessly in the dark.
Where does mind come from? Where does it go?
Originally there is no name and no form.
Open your mounth, everything appears.
Close your mouth, everything disappears.
If you have no mouth, then what?
If you don't understand, go ask
the gold Buddha-statue.
He will teach you.
Seung Sahn (1927-2004),
The Whole World Is A Single Flower
365 Kong-ans for Everyday Life
Tuttle, Boston, 1992, pp. 35-36

42 in Poetry & Literature
292) Poem 42 of Su Tung-p'o (1036-1101)
is titled "Written on Abbot Lun's Wall at Mount Chiao" (1074):
The Master stays on Mount Chiao,
(though in fact he's never "stayed" anywhere).
No sooner had I arrived than I asked about the Way,
but the Master never said a word.
Not that he was lost for words—
he saw no reason for replying.
Then I thought, Look at your head and feet—
comfortable enough in hat and shoes, aren't they?
It's like the man with a long beard
who never worried how long it was.
But one day someone asked him,
"What do you do with it when you sleep?"
That night, pulling up the covers,
he couldn't decide if it went on top or under.
All night he tossed and turned, wondering where to put it,
till he felt like yanking it out by the roots.
These words may seem trite and shallow
but in fact they have deep meaning.
When I asked the Master what he thought,
the Master smiled his approval.
Line 2: The Master dwells in the realm of Buddhist nondualism,
where relative concepts such as "staying" or "going" have no validity.

translated by Burton Watson,
Selected Poems of Su Tung-p'o,
Copper Canyon Press, 1994, p. 60)

Su Tung-p'o
293) Verse 42 of Rubáiyát, of Omar Khayyam (1048-1122):
I must abjure the Balm of Life, I must,
Scared by some After-reckoning ta'en on trust,
Or lured with Hope of some Diviner Drink,
To fill the Cup--when crumbled into Dust!
(translated by Edward Fitzgerald, London, 1st Ed. 1859, 2nd Ed. 1868)
294) Verse 42 of Rumi's Daylight
To speak the same language is kinship and affinity:
when you're with those in whom you can't confide,
you're like a prisoner in chains.
Many Indians and Turks speak the same tongue;
yet many pairs of Turks find they're foreigners..
The tongue of mutual understanding is quite special:
to be one of heart is better than to have a common tongue.
Jelaluddin Rumi (1207-1273),
Mathnawi, I.1205-7 Rumi Daylight,
(Translated Camille & Kabir Helmminski, 1999, p. 37)

295) Discourse 42 of Rumi's Signs of the Unseen
God "spoke" to Moses but not through sound or words,
not by means of a throat or tongue. One needs a throat
and lips in order to produce words, but God transcends
such things as lips, mouth, and throat. So the prophets
converse with God in the non-phoonic, non-sonic world in
a way that cannot be comprehended by the imagination of
these partial intellects. However, the prophets come out
of the non-phonic world into the world of words and
become as children for the sake of these children here,
as the Prophet said, "I was sent to call."
Jelaluddin Rumi (1207-1273),
Signs of the Unseen: The Discourses of Jalaluddin Rumi ,
(Translated by W.M. Thackston Jr., Threshold Books, 1994, p. 162)

Dante's journey in 42nd line of Paradiso:
con miglior corso e con migliore stella
esce congiunta, e la mondana cera
più a suo modo tempera e suggella.
joined to a better constellation and
along a better course, and it can temper
and stamp the world's wax more in its own manner.
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321),
Paradiso I.40-42 (Allen Mandelbaum translation, 1984)
Image Source: Mexico #C308 airmail: Dante (issued 11-23-1965)
honoring the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth (colnect.com)
297) Ghazal 42 of Hafiz
I long to open up my heart
For my heart do my part.
My story was yesterday's news
From rivals cannot keep apart.
On this holy night stay with me
Till the morning, do not depart.
On a night so dark as this,
My course, how can I chart?
O breath of life, help me tonight
That in the morn I make a start.
In my love for you, I will
My self and ego thwart.
Like Hafiz, being love smart;
I long to master that art.
Hafiz (1320-1389), Ghazal 42
translated by Shahriar Shahriari,
Los Angeles, CA, 2000

298) Line 42 from the Pearl Poet's Pearl: "Shadowed with plants both bright and clean"
Quen corne is coruen wyth croke3 kene.
On huyle þer perle hit trendeled doun
Schadowed þis worte3 ful schyre and schene,
Gilofre, gyngure and gromylyoun,;;
When corn is cut with sickles keen,
There that pearl rolled into the ground,
Shadowed with plants both bright and clean,
Wallflower, ginger, gromwell abound
Pearl (c. 1370-1400) Lines 40-43
(Ed. Malcolm Andrew & Ronald Waldron, 1987, p. 59)
(This Pearl translation: by Bill Stanton, another by Vernon Eller)
299) Line 42 from the Pearl Poet's Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:
Arrayed of the Round Table rightful brothers,
With feasting and fellowship and carefree mirth.
There true men contended in tournaments many,
Joined there in jousting these gentle knights,
Then came to the court for carol-dancing,
For the feast was in force full fifteen days,
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (c. 1375-1400) Lines 39-44
Translated by Marie Borroff, Norton, NY, 2010, p. 4 (Part I)
300) Poem 42 of Kabir's 100 Poems of Kabir:
There is nothing but water at the holy bathing places;
    and I know that they are useless, for I have bathed in them.
The images are all lifeless, they cannot speak;
    I know, for I have cried aloud to them.
The Purana and the Koran are mere words;
    lifting up the curtain, I have seen.
Kabir gives utterance to the words of experience;
    and he knows very well that all other things are untrue.
Kabir (1398-1518), 100 Poems of Kabir, Poem XLII
Translated by Rabindranath Tagore,
assisted by Evelyn Underhill,
Macmillan & Co., London, 1915, pp. 49-50

India #237 Kabir
(issued Oct. 1, 1952)
301) Poet justifies her aloofness and her cold chastity
in 42nd Sonnet of William Shakespeare:
That thou hast her it is not all my grief,
And yet it may be said I loved her dearly;
That she hath thee is of my wailing chief,
A loss in love that touches me more nearly.
Loving offenders thus I will excuse ye:
Thou dost love her, because thou know'st I love her;
And for my sake even so doth she abuse me,
Suffering my friend for my sake to approve her.
If I lose thee, my loss is my love's gain,
And losing her, my friend hath found that loss;
Both find each other, and I lose both twain,
And both for my sake lay on me this cross:
    But here's the joy; my friend and I are one;
    Sweet flattery! then she loves but me alone.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
    Sonnets XLII, Commentary

Hungary CB3 William Shakespeare
(issued October 16, 1948)
302) Only citation of 42 in Shakespeare—
Like death when he shuts up the day of life.
Each part, deprived of supple government,
Shall, stiff and stark and cold, appear like death,
And in this borrowed likeness of shrunk death
Thou shalt continue two and forty hours
And then awake as from a pleasant sleep.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
Romeo and Juliet, IV.1.103-108 (1597)
Image Source: Juliet in Friar Lawrencee's Cell, engraving by E.M. Ward (1816-1879); British Museum
303) Chapter 42 of Melville's Moby-Dick (1851):
What the white whale was to Ahab, has been hinted; what, at times, he was to me, as yet remains unsaid...
This elusive quality it is, which causes the thought of whiteness, when divorced from more kindly associations,
and coupled with any object terrible in itself, to heighten that terror to the furthest bounds. Witness the white bear
of the poles, and the white shark of the tropics; what but their smooth, flaky whiteness makes them the transcendent
horrors they are? That ghastly whiteness it is which imparts such an abhorrent mildness, even more loathsome than
terrific, to the dumb gloating of their aspect. So that not the fierce-fanged tiger in his heraldic coat can so stagger
courage as the white-shrouded bear or shark... Is it that by its indefiniteness it shadows forth the heartless voids
and immensities of the universe, and thus stabs us from behind with the thought of annihilation, when beholding
the white depths of the milky way? Or is it, that as in essence whiteness is not so much a color as the visible
absence of color; and at the same time the concrete of all colors; is it for these reasons that there is such a dumb
blankness, full of meaning, in a wide landscape of snows- a colorless, all-color of atheism from which we shrink?

Herman Melville (1819-1891), Moby-Dick, Chapter 42: The Whiteness of The Whale
304) 42nd Poem of Emily Dickinson (1859):
A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!
Your prayers, oh Passer by!
From such a common ball as this
Might date a Victory!
From marshallings as simple
The flags of nations swang.
Steady— my soul: What issues
Upon thine arrow hang!

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
(edited by Thomas H. Johnson, 1955), p. 24
305) 42nd New Poem of Emily Dickinson:
I am sure I feel as Noah did,
docile, but somewhat sceptic.
— Emily Dickinson (Letter 286, Oct. 1863)
New Poems of Emily Dickinson
(edited by William H. Shurr, University of North Carolin Press, 1993, p. 23)
306) "Rule Forty-two. All persons more than a mile high
to leave the court." Everybody looked at Alice.
"I'm not a mile high," said Alice. "Nearly
two miles high," add the Queen. "Well,
I shan'n't go, at any rate," said Alice:
besides, that's not a regular rule:
you invented it just now."
"It's the oldest rule in the book,"
said the King. "Then it ought
to be Number one," said Alice.
Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
Alice in Wonderland (1865), Ch. XII—
Image Source: John Tenniel's Alice in Wonderland
illustration (1865); 1000museums.com
307) "Lo soul for thee" in Line 42 of Walt Whitman's Passage to India (1871):
Passage to India!
Lo soul for thee of tableaus twain,
I see in one the Suez canal initiated, open'd
Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
Passage to India Section 3, Lines 41-43
From Leaves of Grass
The "Death-Bed" Edition, Modern Library,
Random House, Inc., New York, 1993, p. 512)
42nd Verse in Tagore's Gitanjali:
Early in the day it was whispered that we should sail in a boat,
only thou and I, and never a soul in the world would know
of this our pilgrimage to no country and to no end.

    In that shoreless ocean, at thy silently listening smile
my songs would swell in melodies, free as waves,
free from all bondage of words.

    Is the time not come yet? Are there works still to do?
Lo, the evening has come down upon the shore and in
the fading light the seabirds come flying to their nests.

    Who knows when the chains will be off, and the boat,
like the last glimmer of sunset, vanish into the night?

Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)
Gitanjali: Song Offerings (1912), Verse 42

Rabindranath Tagore
42nd Page of A.E.'s Song and Its Fountains (1932)
I began a concentration on that intuition. But there was some wisdom
within me greater than my own which stayed me, for I had hardly begun
my meditation than I was enveloped by that terror I spoke of, the fear
that there would be revelation of things I could not endure; resurrection
of tragedies and crucifixions of the heart; of things I had done which
were awful & unspeakable, the punishment for which was yet to fall...
I seemed to be warned that if I persisted in this meditation I would
arouse dragons that lay in slumber. I would be beset by powers I was
too feeble now to master, and they would make wreck of the life which
was slowly gathering itself from that defeat of the spirit.
A.E. aka George William Russell (1867-1935)
Larson Publications, Burdett, New York, 1991, Ch. 5, p. 42
Photo Source: A.E. (wikipedia.org)

George W. Russell
42nd Page lines in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake, (8 samples):
along, the trio of whackfolthediddlers was joined by a further— (42.1)
intentions— apply— tomorrow casual and a decent sort of the (42.2)
hadbeen variety who had just been touching the weekly insult, (42.3)
under the shadow of the monument of the shouldhavebeen legis- (42.19)
lator (Eleutheriodendron! Spare, woodmann, spare!) to an over- (42.20)
flow meeting of all the nations in Lenster fullyfilling the visional (42.21)
area and, as a singleminded supercrowd, easily representative, (42/22)
what with masks, whet with faces, of all sections and cross sections (42.23)
(wineshop and cocoahouse poured out to brim up the broaching) (42.24)
James Joyce (1882-1941), Finnegans Wake, (1939), p. 42

James Joyce
311) 42 Citation in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake (1939)
"Shem's bodily getup, it seems, included an adze of a skull,
an eight of a larkseye, the whoel of a nose, one numb arm up
a sleeve, fortytwo hairs off his uncrown, eighteen to his mock lip"
Finnegans Wake 169.13 (Chapter 1.7)
Did Joyce have in mind Matthew 10:30: "The very hairs of your
head are all numbered."? Shem was one of the three sons of Noah
(Genesis 5:32), and according to the Book of the Cave of
, Shem and Melchizedek laid the body of Adam to rest
after the Flood at a secret spot named the Place of the Skull.
[C.G. Jung, Mysterium Coniumctionis (1954), pp. 388-389]
312) Sonnet 42 in Edna St. Vincent Millay's Collected Sonnets (1941)
What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why,
I have forgotten, and what arms have lain
Under my head till morning; but the rain
Is full of ghosts tonight, that tap and sigh
Upon the glass and listen for reply,
And in my heart there stirs a quiet pain
For unremembered lads that not again
Will turn to me at midnight with a cry.
Thus in the winter stands the lonely tree,
Nor knows what birds have vanished one by one,
Yet knows its boughs more silent than before:
I cannot say what loves have come and gone,
I only know that summer sang in me
A little while, that in me sings no more.

Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950), Sonnet 42
Collected Sonnets of Edna St. Vincent Millay
Harper & Brothers, NY, 1941, p. 42

Edna St. Vincent Millay

313) POEM 42 in Anna Akhmatova's Selected Poems (2006)
Everything is looted, spoiled, despoiled,
Death flickering his black wing,
Anguish, hunger— then why this
Lightness overlaying everything?

By day, cherry-scent from an unknown
Wood near the town. July
Holding new constellations, deep
At night in the transparent sky—

Nearer to filthy ruined houses
Flies the miraculous...
Nobody has ever known it,
This, always so dear to us.

Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966),
Poem 42 (1921), Selected Poems
translated by D.M. Thomas,
Penguin Classics, NY, 2006, p. 51

Anna Akhmatova

314) e. e. cummings, 1x1 (1944)
Poem 42

might these be thrushes climbing through almost(do they

beautifully wandering in merciful
miracles wonderingly celebrate day
and welcome earth's arrival with a soul)

                      (always we have heard them sing
the dark alive but)
                                look:begins to grow
more than all real, all imagining;

and we who are we?surely not i not you
behold nor any breathing creature this?
nothing except the impossible shall occur

— see!now himself uplifts of stars the star
(sing!every joy)— wholly now disappear
night's not eternal terrors like a guess.

Life's life and strikes my your our blossoming sphere

e. e. cummings (1894-1962), 1x1 (1944), "Poem 42", Harcourt, Brace & Company, New York, 1944, p. 42

e. e. cummings
315) e. e. cummings, 73 Poems (1963)
Poem 42


g can


the m




e. e. cummings (1894-1962),
73 Poems (1963), "Poem 42", Harcourt, Brace & World, New York, 1962, p. 42

316) e. e. cummings, 73 Poems (1963)
Poem 42

neither awake
(there's your general
yas buy gad)
nor asleep

boored & spurred
with an apish grin
(extremely like
but quite absurd

gloved fist on hip
& the scowl of a cannibal)
there's your mineral
general animal

(five foot five)
neither dead
nor alive
(in real the rain)

e. e. cummings (1894-1962),
Xaipe (1963), "Poem 42",
Harcourt, Brace & World, NY, 1962, p. 42
in Complete Poems 1904-1962 (p. 640)

317) Sonnet 42 in Pablo Neruda's 100 Love Sonnets (1960)
Radiant days rolling on the water, intense as the inside
of a yellow rock, its splendor like honey:
that wasn't damaged by all the turmoil.
That kept its four-square purity.

Yes, the daylight crackles like a fire, or like bees,
getting on with its green work, burying itself in leaves:
a bright world that flickers and whispers.

Thirst of fire, scorch and multitudinousness of summer,
which builds an Eden with a few green leaves—:
because the dark-faced earth does not want suffering;

it wants freshness— fire— water— bread, for everyone:
nothing should separate people
but the sun or the night, the moon or the branches.

Pablo Neruda
Nobel Prize 1971
Love Sonnet XLII, 100 Love Sonnets: Cien Sonetos de Amor
University of Texas Press, Austin, 1986, p. 91 (translated by Stephen Tapscott)
318) Citation of 42 in Louis MacNeice's "Star-gazer" (1963)
Forty-two years ago (to me if to no one else
The number is of some interest) it was a brilliant starry night
And the westward train was empty and had no corridors
So darting from side to side I could catch the unwonted sight
Of those almost intolerably bright
Holes, punched in the sky, which excited me partly because
Of their Latin names and partly because I had read in the textbooks
How very far off they were, it seemed their light
Had left them (some at least) long years before I was.

And this remembering now I mark that what
Light was leaving some of them at least then,
Forty-two years ago, will never arrive
In time for me to catch it, which light when
It does get here may find that there is not
Anyone left alive
To run from side to side in a late night train
Admiring it and adding noughts in vain.

Louis MacNeice
Louis MacNeice (1907-1963)
Collected Poems, Faber & Faber, London, 1967, p. 544
319) Citation of 42 in Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979)
"Seventy-five thousand generations ago, our ancestors set
this program in motion," the second man said, "and in all
that time we will be the first to hear the computer speak."...
"We are the ones who will hear," said Phouchg, "the answer
to the great question of Life...!"
"The Universe ...!'' said Loonquawl.
"And Everything ...!"...
"Alright," said the computer and settled into silence again.
The two men fidgeted. The tension was unbearable.
"You're really not going to like it," observed Deep Thought.
"Tell us!"
"Alright," said Deep Thought. "The Answer to the Great Question..."
"Of Life, the Universe and Everything..." said Deep Thought.
"Is..." said Deep Thought, and paused.
"Forty-two," said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm...
"Forty-two!" yelled Loonquawl. "Is that all you've
got to show for seven and a half million years' work?"

Douglas Adams

1979 Edition Cover
Douglas Adams (1952-2001)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Pan Books, UK, 1979, Ch. 27-28, pp. 179-181
320) Poem 42 in Tomas Tranströmer's Selected Poems 1954-1986 (1987)
(There are 118 poems in this edition; Poem 42 is "The Half-Finished Heaven")

The Half-Finished Heaven

Despondency breaks off its course.
Anguish breaks off its course.
The vulture breaks off its flight.

The eager light streams out,
even the ghosts take a draught.

And our paintings see daylight,
our red beasts of the ice-age studios.

Everything begins to look around.
We walk in the sun in hundreds.

Each man is a half-open door
leading to a room for everyone.

The endless ground under us.

The water is shining among the trees.

The lake is a window into the earth.

Tomas Tranströmer: Selected Poems 1954-1986
Edited by Robert Hass (translated by Robert Bly),
Ecco Press, NY, 1986, p. 61

Tomas Tranströmer
Nobel Prize 2011
321) There are 207 poems in Robert Creeley's Selected Poems, 1945-2005 (2008)
Poem #42 is "And"—
A pretty party for people
to become engaged in, she was

twentythree, he
was a hundred and twentyseven times

all the times, over and over
and under and under she went

down stairs, through doorways,
glass, alabaster, an iron shovel

stood waiting and
she lifted it to dig

and back to mother,

father and brother,
grandfather and grandmother—

They are all dead now.

Robert Creeley (1926-2005),
Selected Poems, 1945-2005
    University of California Press,
Berkeley, 2008, p. 71

Poem 42 of The Collected Poems of Kenneth Koch:
is "Poem"—
And so unless
I'm going to see your face
Bien soon
What's the point in everything
Going on this
Way like a chimney
Or a pint of marriage a
Western carriage
Cold and drear
like an Afric foe
Whose stretcher bearer
Is starving while
Feeding him greens
Yesterday you said
Today you'd say
If tomorrow has
Gone to bed (as in Proust)
Because of the rings
And the lilac weather
Of a gift;
You promised, as
The stars were
Green and blue
Points, a red and white gift; yesterday
As I say, it was all very
Clear; and yes glitters
Upon the carriage
In green briars
And modesty, not
A baby carriage! I wish
Tears, together,
South, university, winter—
Not: jesting with
Summer, very free. I know
I know it is white than
When hourly the grape undone
By fox's gift; and
Then too you must know
It's not really
The faculty for wishing
The stone me with paper—
Here's a kiss from today.
Kenneth Koch, (1925-2002)
The Collected Poems of Kenneth Koch
Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2006, pp. 87-88
(Note: Koch was my Freshman English Professor at Columbia, 1959-60;
He taught children to write poetry in NYC; My teaching at CPITS)

Kenneth Koch
323) Poem 42 of Talking to the Sun is "Sonnet"
Guido, I wish that you, Lapo and I
Were carried off by magic
And put in a boat, which, ever time there was a wind,
Would sail on the ocean exactly where we wanted.

In this way storms and other dangerous weather
Wouldn't be able to harm us—
And I wish that, since we all were of one mind,
We'd go on wanting more and more to be together.

And I wish that Vanna and Lagia too
And the girl whose name on the list is number thirty
Were put in the boat by the magician too

And that we all did nothing but talk about love
And I wish that they were just as glad to be there
As I believe the three of us would be
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), "Sonnet"
cited in Kenneth Koch & Kate Farrell (Eds),
Talking to the Sun (An Illustrated Anthology of Poems for Young People)
Metropolitan Museum of Art & Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1985, p. 36
324) There are 284 poems in Robert Bly's Stealing Sugar from the Castle (2013)
Poem #42 is "Sitting on Some Rocks in Shaw Cove"—
I sit in a cliff hollow, surrounded by fossils and furry shells.
The sea breathes and breathes under the new moon.
Suddenly it rises, hurrying into the long crevices in the
rock shelves, it rises like a woman's belly as if nine months
has passed in a second; rising like the milk to the tiny veins,
it overflows like a snake going over a low wall.
Robert Bly (born 12-23-1926)
Stealing Sugar from the Castle: Selected & New Poems 1950-2013
W.W. Norton & Co., New York, p. 68
(2008 Stanford Workshops, Reading)
325) There are 46 poems in Mary Oliver's Evidence (2009),
42nd poem is "First Days in San Miguel de Allende"

The tops of the northbound trains are dangerous.
Still, they are heaped with hopefuls.

I understand their necessity.
Understanding, however, in not sharing.

Oh, let there be a wedding of the
mind and the heart, if not today
then soon.

Meanwhile, let me change my own life
into something better.

Meanwhile, on the streets of San Miguel de Allende
it is easy to smile.
"Hola," I say to the children
"Hi," they say as I pass

with my passport, and money, in my pocket.

Mary Oliver
Mary Oliver (1935-2019),
    Beacon Press, Boston, 2009, p. 67
326) There are 229 poems in Kay Ryan's
The Best of It (2010), 42nd poem
I have a mania for straight writing— however
circutious I may be in what I myself say.."
— Marianne Moore

What we would
and what we can say
stray as in a dream;
a certain mad rectitude
creeps in, by which
something simple as an apple
can never be determined
wholly edible.
The crisp act is deferred
the object blurred by scruples.
The more we cherish clarity
in principle, the more it is
impossible. Will enamel
ever strike the fruit?
Will Eve grow wild and forgivable?
For it's unlovable
to talk too long with snakes,
whose reason fork
the more the more
she hesitates.

Kay Ryan,
US Poet Laureate
Kay Ryan (born 9-21-1945),
    The Best of It (New & Selected Poems),
    Grove Press, NY, 2010, p. 51
    from Flamingo Watching (1994)
    (2010 Stanford Workshops)
In James Richardson's By the Numbers (2010)
the poem "Vectors 3.0: Even More Aphroisms
and Ten-Second Essays" has 170 aphroisms.
Aphroism 42

For those who tread lightly enough the air is a stair.

James Richardson (born 1-1-1950),
    By the Numbers
    Copper Canyon Press,
    Port Townsend, WA, 2010, p. 35

James Richardson
There are 173 poems in Jane Hirshfield's
Women in Praise of the Sacred (1994)
(43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women)
42nd poem is by Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179),
"Alleluia-verse for the Virgin"
from The Circling Wheel
Alleluia! light
burst from your untouched
womb like a flower
on the farther side
of death. The world-tree
is blossoming. Two
realms become one.
(translated by Barbara Newman)

Jane Hirshfield
Jane Hirshfield (born 2-24-1953),
    Editor of Women in Praise of the Sacred
    (43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women)
    HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 1994, p. 71
Further Contemplation on 42
Pouring over my notes on the number 42, my friend the turtle
whispers to me "forty-two— fortitude!". I open to Evan-Wentz's
Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines (1958, p. 151) to find: "The yogi's
four degrees of fervency— warmth (fire to consume vulgarity so
one catches a glimpse of reality), climax (fuller dawning of reality),
fortitude (clearance of all doubts), and the Best of Truth (Enlightenment).
We've seen how the number 42 brings us back home to the origin in
all the spiritual traditions. Perhaps as a child, I was subconsciously
stirred by those photos of Jackie Robinson with his uniform #42
sliding or touching home plate (See Item #167 Robinson). A baseball
diamond does resemble bindu center of the Shri Yantra. Now I open
to the King James Bible (1611) of Genesis I:1-3 (See Item #225):
42nd word of the Bible's Genesis = said. So before there was light,
there was sound, the vibration of silencee coming into manifestation
as this universe is born anew to sing its song once more.

Michelangelo's Creation of the Sun & Moon
Sistine Chapel, Vatican City
330) Numerology: words whose letters add up to 42

DOLPHIN = 4 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 5 = 42

INITIATE = 9 + 5 + 9 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 42

KNOWLEDGE = 2 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 42

MULBERRY = 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 9 + 9 + 7 = 42

TRICKSTER = 2 + 9 + 9 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 9 = 42

TRIGRAMS = 2 + 9 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 42

TRIPITAKA = 2 + 9 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 42

WINDMILL = 5 + 9 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 9 + 3 + 3 = 42

BALANCE MANTRA = (2 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 5) + (4 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 9 + 1) = 20 + 22 = 42

BAMBOO TREE = (2 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 6 + 6) + (2 + 9 + 5 + 5) = 21 + 21 = 42

BEAUTY MIND = (2 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 7) + (4 + 9 + 5 + 4) = 20 + 22 = 42

BUDDHA MUSIC = (2 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 1) + (4 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 3) = 22 + 20 = 42

GOLDEN NET = (7 + 6 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 5) + (5 + 5 + 2) = 30 + 12 = 42

MAGIC MILK = (4 + 1 + 7 + 9 + 3) + (4 + 9 + 3 + 2) = 24 + 18 = 42

OM CIRCLE = (6 + 4) + (3 + 9 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 5) = 10 + 32 = 42

RAIN DANCE = (9 + 1 + 9 + 5) + (4 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 5) = 24 + 18 = 42

RUBY MOON = (9 + 3 + 2 + 7) + (4 + 6 + 6 + 5) = 21 + 21 = 42

SECRET EYE = (1 + 5 + 3 + 9 + 5 + 2) + (5 + 7 + 5) = 25 + 17 = 42

SKY DRAGON = (1 + 2 + 7) + (4 + 9 + 1 + 7 + 6 + 5) = 10 + 32 = 42

STAR RUBIES = (1 + 2 + 1 + 9) + (9 + 3 + 2 + 9 + 5 + 1) = 13 + 29 = 42

Star Ruby

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