Meditations on 46: Open your heart

By Peter Y. Chou,

Line in Poem Literary Sources
Pushing upward has supreme success—
putting you in the way of Divine Virtue.
See all minds and all things as One
universe— a harmonious oneness.
King Wen, I Ching Hexagram 46 (1000 BC)
Pythagoras, Golden Verses, Verse 46 (500 BC)
Huang Po, Wang Ling Record, Record 46 (850)
Lao Tzu, Hua Hu Ching, Verse 46 (circa 517 BC)
Hidden treasure dwells in righteousness.
Be still, and know that I am God—
from God all things come and is in all
Mystery of Mind will always remain.
Book of Enoch: Ch. 46.2 (105 BC)
King David, Psalms 46.10 (1023 BC)
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, Verse 46 (400 B.C.)
Paul Brunton, Notebooks, Volume 16, Part 4, (2:46) (1988)
Philosophy ascends from darkness to light—
O Light show me thy ways, guide me in thy light
Offer a cup filled with divine drink—
Go on and on and in and in and in.
Marsilio Ficino, Meditations on the Soul, Letter 46 (1490)
Pistis Sophia, Chapter 46.4-5 (150 AD)
A.E., Song and Its Fountains, p. 46 (1932)
Master Subramuniya, Merging into Siva, Lesson 46 (1999)
Yes, springtime needed you!
Daisy called from hillside, I bring my Rose
today my life is all astir with joy—
within the seed are flowers, fruits, and shade.
Rainer Maria Rilke, Duino Elegies, I.46 (1923)
Emily Dickinson, Poem 46 (1864)
Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali, Verse 46 (1912)
Kabir, 100 Poems of Kabir, Poem XLVI (1518)
Strength never comes through idleness—
Woohoo, what'll she doo!
Just see, just hear, just do it—
unify internal and external life.
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ, Chapter 46 (1851)
James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, 46.32 (1939)
Seung Sahn, Whole World Is A Single Flower, Koan 46 (1992)
Ch'eng Hao, Selected Sayings, Section 46 (1085)
The path not taken is not kept open—
She wanders alone in the garden,
Wanderer, your path is dark—
to walk away, walk away, to come again.
Kay Ryan, The Best of IT, Poem 46 (1994)
Ludwig van Beethoven, Op. 46 Adelaide (1795)
Anna Akhmatova, Selected Poems, Poem 46 (1922)
Robert Creeley, Selected Poems, 1945-2005, Poem 46 (1959)
At twilight, fine rain was still falling,
in the sky only the moonlight stays:
such gaiety and glee, glorious to hear—
green sea, green chill, branchings of green.
Su Tung-p'o, Poem 46 (1074)
Zhou Xuanjing, Women in Praise of the Sacred, Poem 46 (1124)
Pearl Poet, Sir Gawain & the Green Knight, Line 46 (1400)
Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets, Love Sonnet XLVI (1960)
Void's immobility makes all things move
Pure sky, level sand in the distance—
Leaves of blue came drifting down.
I'm just going to go out to sleep.
Book of Angelus Silesius, Page 46 (1677)
Walt Whitman, "Passage to India", Line 46 (1871)
Kenneth Koch, Collected Poems, Poem 46 (2006)
Mary Oliver, Evidence, Poem 46 (2009)
Open your heart, I'll give a piece of forever
stars in my eyes wishing to see blossoms
with an eye made quiet by the power
of great artists keep on sculpting Light.
e. e. cummings, 1x1, Poem 46 (1944)
Matsuo Basho, Haiku 46 (1678)
William Wordsworth, "Tintern Abbey", Line 46 (1798)
Hafiz, "The Gift", Poem 46 (1389)

Meditation Notes to Poem:

This poem was written for my niece Elisa's 46th birthday on February 27, 2023.
For context of sources for the lines, consult my web page On Number 46 to see
how this poem was constructed. Despite the difference in space and time of the
composition of each line, what unites these writers quoted is the number 46.
Writer's words appeared in verse 46, sonnet 46, chapter 46, line 46, or page 46.
The poem was arranged essentially in chronological order from "Be still, and know that I am God" in King David's Psalms 46 (1023 BC) and "Pushing upward has supreme success" in Hexagram 46 of King Wen's I Ching (1000 BC) to Mary Oliver's "I'm just going to go out to sleep" from Poem 46 in Evidence (2009) and Kenneth Koch's "leaves of blue" in Poem 46 of his Collected Poems (2006).

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (2-27-2023)