Saturday, August 5, 2017

Dear Cathy:


Here is a Quadra Rose
with 66 petals in bloom
for your 66th Birthday.

66¢ U.S. Postage Stamps issued in 2013

U.S. #4735
Wedding Cake
(issued 1-18-2013)

U.S. #4736
Swallowtail Butterfly
(issued 1-23-2013)

Art and Astronomy for Awakening

Hiroshige (1858)
100 Views of Edo
Woodcut #66

Messier M66 Galaxy
near constellation Leo
30 million light-years away

Happy Hellos from Highways 66

U.S. Route 66
Chicago-Santa Monica
2448 miles long

King's Highway 66
Ontario, Canada
64.3 miles long

U.S. Route 66
West end of trail
Santa Monica, CA

Happy 66th Birthday Dear Cathy—
May you find 66 a wonderful year!

With well wishes,


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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (8-5-2017)