On the Number 93

1) The 47th odd number = 93
2) Product of the 2nd and 11th prime numbers = 3 x 31 = 93
3) The 22nd lucky number is 93.
4) The sum of the 2nd, 6th, and 19th lucky numbers = 3 + 15 + 75 = 93
5) The sum of the 2nd, 7th, and 17th lucky numbers = 3 + 21 + 69 = 93
6) Sum of numbers 13 through 18 = 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 = 93
7) Sum of the 2nd, 5th & 8th square numbers = 22 + 52 + 82 = 4 + 25 + 64 = 93
8) Sum of the 6th even number & 9th square numbers = 12 + 81 = 93
9) Sum of the 29th and 33rd composite number = 44 + 49 = 93
10) Sum of the 2nd odd & 45th even numbers = 3 + 90 = 93
11) Sum of the 2nd, 4th and 23rd prime numbers = 3 + 7 + 83 = 93
12) Sum of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 9th, and 10th Fibonacci numbers = 1 + 1 + 2 + 34 + 55 = 93
(Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci, 1170-1250)
13) The 14th & 15th digits of pi, π = 93
The 42nd & 43rd digits of pi, π = 93
The 45th & 46th digits of pi, π = 93
14) The 93rd & 94th digits of phi, φ = 93
Phi or φ = 1.61803... is a transcendental number,
also called the Golden Ratio (or Golden number).
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) first called it the sectio aurea,
(Latin for the golden section) and related it to human anatomy.
Ratios may be found in the Pyramids of Giza & the Greek Parthenon.
New Insight: Since 93 is found at the 93rd digit of φ, and
the earth's distance from the Sun is 93 million miles, is our Solar System
the work or design of a Divine Architect or Mathematical God?
15) Atomic Number of Neptunium (Np) = 93 (93 protons & 93 electrons)
Neptunium is a radioactive rare earth metal and has at least 3 allotropic forms.
It is named for the planet Neptune. Np-237 is a by-product from nuclear reactors.
16) Atomic Weight of Niobium (Nb) = 93 (92.90638)
Niobium is a shiny, white, soft, and ductile metal, and takes on a bluish tinge
when exposed to air at room temperatures for a long time. The name niobium was adopted
officially by IUPAC in 1950, but a few commercial producers still refer to it as columbium.
17) The 93rd day of the year (non-leap year) = April 3
[American author, Washington Irving (1783-1859) was born on April 3, 1783.
Film actors Leslie Howard (1893-1943) born April 3, 1893 and Doris Day born April 3, 1924.]
18) The 93rd day of the year (leap year) = April 2
[German painter, Max Ernst (1891-1976) was born on April 2, 1891, NY Times obituary;
King Charlemagne (742-814) was born on April 2, 742.]
19) Jiu Shí San is the Chinese ideograph for 93.
20) The Roman numeral for 93 is XCIII.
21) Green Bamboo Plant
Category: Artificial hanging plants
Made by: Yiwu Choucheng Ludao Crafts Co., China
Color: green
Type: flame-retardant plastic
Size: 74-cm long (29.1 inches)
Branches: 7
Leaves: 93 leaves
22) British writer Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) found 93 stones at Stonehenge (1730).
John Evelyn found 95 stones (Diary, July 22, 1654).
John Ray (1662) and Sir John Clerk (1727) found 94 stones.
Christopher Chippindale, Stonehenge Complete (1994), p. 46. (Stonehenge & Druids)
23) I-93 is a 210-mile interstate highway running through Massachusetts (56 miles),
New Hampshire (142 miles), and Vermont (12 miles). The southern end is Dedham, MA at I-95 and the northern end is St. Johnsbury, VT at I-91. Originally constructed in the early 1960. (Map of New Hampshire, Project Information)
24) 93rd Street Elementary School is in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
It is in Southern Los Angeles, between the Harbor 110 Freeway & the Watts district.
Its address is 330 East, 93rd St., Los Angeles, CA 90003. Its zip code contains only 93.
25) Bovine Cytochrome b5 is an electron transport protein.
It is 93 amino acids long with 732 protein atoms.
Serine is its last residue 93 as well as its first residue.
26) United Airlines Flight 93 was one of the four hijacked planes during the 9/11 terroist attack in 2001. It was flying from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, California, and crashed in rural southwest Pennsylvania, with 45 people on board.
(CNN, Memorial, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
27) Messier object M93 is a open cluster which is located in the constellation Puppis.
It is a relatively close member of Messier's catalog located 3600 light years from earth.
M93 was discovered by Charles Messier and cataloged by him on March 20, 1781.
28) 93 million miles is the mean distance from the earth to the sun,
also known as the astronomical unit (AU).
29) With just 9 straight cuts, a potato can be split into 93 pieces (Number Game).
30) Current 93 is British rock band started in 1982 by David Tibet.
Starting in 1986, the group turned to a more "apocalyptic folk"
sound with acoustic guitars and atonal vocals.
31) In the 99 Names of Allah, the 93rd Name is An-Nur: The Light, The One who guides.
["Al-Wadud, The Loving" was listed as the 93rd Name of Allah in
Arthur Jeffrey, Islam: Muhammad and His Religion (1958), pp. 93-98].
32) Pittsburgh Steeler's linebacker Andy Russell made a 93-yard fumble return
for a touchdown against Baltimore Colts in the Dec. 27, 1975 AFC Playoff game.
This NFL-record 93-yard fumble return was voted as the 7th greatest play in
the history of Three Rivers Stadium.
33) In the 1989 Super Bowl XXIII with the score tied 6-6 in the 3rd quarter, Cincinnati Bengals' kick returner Stanford Jennings took San Francisco 49ers' Mike Cofer's kickoff and returned it 93 yards for a touchdown without making a single cut. After Breech's successful extra-point kick, Cincinnati had a 13-6 lead. But Joe Montana's touchdown pass to John Taylor with 34 seconds remaining won it for the San Francisco 49ers 20-16.
34) Joseph Haydn's Symphony #93 in D Major (1791) is called "London" and
was composed before his "Surprise" Symphony #94 in G Major (1791).
93 Million Miles
is a song from Jared Leto's
band, 30 Seconds to Mars
(Simba Records, 2003).
The song begins:

Where does your garden grow?
Tell me the secrets that you know
Another time, another place
Where are the holy ones?
Selling the secret to the sun
Welcome to the Universe
Cross the line
Lose your mind
Come crawl inside...
It's like a Deadsy song
Pretty but something's always wrong
Show me a secret Mason sign...

36) There are 93 circles
in this pattern based
on a 17x17 square.

Richard Phillips,
Numbers: facts, figures and fiction
Cambridge University Press,
UK, 1994, p. 62
37) Volume 93 of the Dictionary of Literary Biography
is titled "British Romantic Poets, 1789-1832, First Series"
John R. Greenfield (Ed.), Gale Research, Detroit, 1990
The book covers 20 British poets including Blake,
Coleridge, Lamb, Scott, Sotheby, and Wordsworth.
38) Stanford Bronze Plaque 93
on the ground near the entrance of Stanford University's Memorial Church is dedicated to the Class of 1893. The first graduating class at Stanford was 1892. Another Plaque 93 near Building 80 is dedicated to the Class of 1993. In 1980, Stanford Provost Don Kennedy strolled around the Inner Quad and calculated that it would take 512 years for the bronze class plaques embedded in the walkways to circle the entire area ending with the Class of 2403.
39) Cities located at 93o longitude:
Krasnoyarsk, Russia: 92o 57' E longitude & 56o 1' N latitude
40) Hymn 93 in Book 7 of the Rig Veda is a song of praise to the Gods Indra & Agni:
Slayers of enemies, Indra and Agni, accept this day our new-born pure laudation.
Again, again I call you prompt to listen, best to give quickly strength to him who craves it.
For ye were strong to gain, exceeding mighty, growing together, waxing in your vigour.
Lords of the pasture filled with ample riches, bestow upon us strength both fresh and lasting.
To this our Soma-pressing, Indra-Agni, come ye prepared to show your loving-kindness,
For not at any time have ye despised us. So may I draw you with all strengthenings hither.
So Agni, kindled mid this adoration, invite thou Mitra, Varuna, and Indra.
Forgive whatever sin we have committed may Aryaman and Aditi remove it.
While we accelerate these our sacrifices, may we win strength from both of you, O Agni:
Ne'er may the Maruts, Indra, Visnu slight us. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.

Rig Veda, Book 7, 93.1-2, 93.6-8 (circa 1500 B.C.)
41) 93rd word of the King James Version of the Bible's Old Testament Genesis = Let
1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
    And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4: And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5: And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
    And the evening and the morning were the first day.
6: And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,
    and let it divide the waters from the waters.

    — Genesis I.1-6 (1611)
42) The 93rd Psalm on the majesty of God:
Yahweh, the rivers raise,
the rivers raise their voices
the rivers raise their thunders;
Greater than the voice of ocean,
transcending the waves of the sea,
Yahweh reigns transcendent in the heights.
Psalms 93 (1000 BC), The Jerusalem Bible
(Ed. Alexander Jones), Doubleday, NY, 1968, p. 760
43) "Ambrosia & rosy nectar" in Line 93 from Book 5 of Homer's Odyssey
The goddess [Calypso] spoke, and then set a table
With ambrosia and mixed a bowl of rosy nectar.
the quicksilver messenger [Hermes] ate and drank his fill.

Homer, The Odyssey, V.92-94 (circa 800 BC)
(translated by Stanley Lombardo), Hackett, Indianapolis, IN, 2000, p. 72
44) 93rd Verse of Buddha's Dhammapada: Canto VII— The Holy One
He whose mental attachments are extinguished, who is not attached to food,
and whose range of experience is liberation through realization of Emptiness
and the Unconditioned, his path, like that of birds in the sky, is difficult to trace.

Buddha, Dhammapada Verse 93 (240 B.C.)
(translated by Sangharakshita, Dhammapada: The Way of Truth, 2001)
45) 93rd Verse of the Bhagavad Gita (c. 400 BC)
(Krishna's lecture to Arjuna on karma yoga):
As the use of a well of water where water everywhere overflows,
such is the use of all the Vedas to the seer of the Supreme.
a peace that is ever the same.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, Verse 46 [note: 47 verses in Ch. 1]
(Translated by Juan Mascaro, Penguin Books, 1962, p. 52)
46) 93rd Verse in Chapter 18 of Astavakra Gita
(Sage Astavakra's dialogue with King Janaka):
He who is contended in reposing in inner self and devoid of movement of sorrows,
which is experienced in inner of mind, how and to whom say that cannot be spoken?

Astavakra Gita Chapter 18, Verse 93 (circa 400 B.C.)
47) Section 93 of Plato's Phaedo— Attunement of the Soul:
Then how will a person who holds that the soul is an attunement account
for the presence in it of goodness and badness? Will he describe them
as yet another attunement or lack of it? Will he say that the good soul
is in tune, and not only is an attunement itself, but contains another,
whereas the bad soul is out of tune and does not contain another attunement?

Plato (428-348 BC), Phaedo 93c (360 BC)
(trans. Hugh Tredennick), Edited by Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns,
Plato: The Collected Dialogues, Bollingen Series LXXI,
Princeton University Press, 1961, p. 75
48) Section 93 of Plato's Meno— Teaching of Virtue:
The question is, have the good statesmen in Athens also been
good teachers of their own virtue? Can virtue be taught?
Can good men hand on to someone else the goodness that was in themselves?

Plato (428-348 BC), Meno 93b (380 BC)
(trans. W. K. C. Guthrie), Edited by Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns,
Plato: The Collected Dialogues, Bollingen Series LXXI,
Princeton University Press, 1961, p. 377
49) Section 93 of Plato's Timaeus does not exist
as Plato ends his cosmological treatise at section 92c.
The division of the sections in Plato's dialogues is a modern invention,
but the symbol is meaningful here. Since Plato talks of the world as "a visible animal",
then heaven may be regarded as "invisible spirit". So Plato ends his book on
cosmology before Section 93— a number connected with the astronomical unit (AU)—
93 million miles (distance between Earth and the Sun), unknown during the time of Plato.
Perhaps contemplation of emptiness at the conclusion of Plato's Timaeus
and the number 93 may lead us to more wonder of this universe.
We may now say that our discourse about the nature of the universe
has an end. The world has received animals, mortal and immortal, and
is fulfilled with them, and has become a visible animal containing the visible—
the sensible God who is the image of the intellectual, the greatest, best, fairest,
most perfect— the one only-begotten heaven.

Plato (428-348 BC), Timaeus, 92c
(trans. Benjamin Jowell), Edited by Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns,
Plato: The Collected Dialogues, Bollingen Series LXXI,
Princeton University Press, 1961, p. 1211
50) 93rd Aphroism Patanjali's Yoga Sutra:
By contentment, the acquisition of extreme happiness.
Vyasa Commentary: Whatever of pleasure is there in the world of desires,
and whatever of larger happiness is there in the world of heaven, they do
not come to the sixteenth part of the joy due to the suppression of desires.

Vachaspati's Gloss: The wise man who gives up desire so difficult to
give up by the ignorant and never becoming old with age is full of bliss.

Patanjali (circa 200 B.C.), Yoga Sutra II.42: Aphroism 93 (circa 200 B.C.)
translated by Rama Prasada, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, New Delhi, 1995, pp. 167-168
51) 93rd Book of Enoch describes Apocalyse of Weeks:
And after that in the fourth week, at its close,
Visions of the holy and righteous shall be seen,
And a law for all generations and an enclosure shall be made for them.
For who is there of all the children of men that is able to hear the voice
of the Holy One without being troubled? And who can think His thoughts?
and who is there that can behold all the works of heaven? And how
should there be one who could behold the heaven, and who is there that
could understand the things of heaven and see a soul or a spirit and
could tell thereof, or ascend and see all their ends and think them or
do like them? And who is there of all men that could know what is the
breadth and the length of the earth, and to whom has been shown the
measure of all of them? Or is there any one who could discern the length
of the heaven and how great is its height, and upon what it is founded,
and how great is the number of the stars, and where all the luminaries rest?

Book of Enoch XCIII.6 11-14 (circa 105 B.C.-64 B.C.)
translated by R. H. Charles, S.P.C.K., London, 1917, pp. 132-133
52) 93rd Saying of Gospel of Thomas:
"Do not give what is holy to dogs, or they might throw them upon the manure pile.
Do not throw pearls [to] swine, or they might make [mud] of it."

Gospel of Thomas 93 (114 sayings of Jesus, circa 150 A.D.)
(trans. Marvin Meyer, 1992; adapted by Elaine Pagels, Beyond Belief, p. 239)
53) Chapter 93 of Pistis Sophia (circa 150 A.D.):
Jesus continued again, he said to his disciples: "listen and continue to be sober,
and hear the whole knowledge of the mystery of the Ineffable... And that mystery
knows why the stars came into existence, and why the clouds... And that mystery knows
why the earth dried and why the water came over it. And that mystery knows why the west
wind came into existence, and why the east wind... And that mystery knows why the stars
of the sky came into existence, and the discs of the luminaries, and why the
firmament with all its veils... And that mystery knows why the angels
came into existence, and why the archangels... And that mystery knows why the lords
came into existence, and why the gods... And that mystery knows why the five trees came
into existence, and whey the seven amens. And that mystery knows why the mixture
which does not exist came into existence, and why it was purified."
Pistis Sophia Ch. 93
(Translated by Violet MacDermott, Edited by Carl Schmidt,
Nag Hammadi Studies, IX: Pistis Sophia, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1978, pp. 425-435)
54) 93rd Trigraph of the Ling Ch'i Ching: Wei Hsing / Not Yet Formed
The image of a dragon ascending
A solitary yang ascends through yin
Chen (Thunder)— True east

A hidden dragon is about to ascend,
dark clouds are rising up.
All under Heaven will receive good fortune.
At first there will be obstruction, later happiness.

The crescent moon restored to fullness,
On the flowered branches the colors renewed.
Along the road returning to T'ao-yüan,
Someday you will meet a spiritual immortal.

Tung-fang Shuo,
Ling Ch'i Ching (circa 222-419)
(trans. Ralph D. Sawyer & Mei-Chün Lee Sawyer, 1995, p. 216)

55) 93rd Verse of Sagathakam: Lankavatara Sutra:
When the mind is evoked, forms begin to manifest themselves;
really [if] no minds, no forms; the mind is due to [the accumulation of]
delusions since beginningless past; then the Yogin by his transcendental
wisdom sees the world shorn of its appearance (abhasa).
The Lankavatara Sutra (before 443 AD)
(translated from the Sanskrit by D. T. Suzuki, 1932, p. 233)
56) Chapter 93 of Mohammed's Holy Koran is titled "The Brightness"
I swear by the early hours of the day,
And the night when it covers with darkness.
Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor has He become displeased,
And surely what comes after is better for you than that which has gone before.
And soon will your Lord give you so that you shall be well pleased.

Mohammed, Holy Koran Chapter 93.1-5 (7th century AD)
(translated by M. H. Shakir, Holy Koran, 1983)
57) 93rd Verse of Chapter 6 in Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara:
As a child cries in pain when his sand castle is broken,
so my own mind (citta) reacts at the loss of praise and fame.

Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara: Entering the Path of Enlightenment
VI.93 (Perfection of Patience: Ksanti-paramita) (circa 700 AD)
(translated by Marion L. Matics, Macmillan, London, 1970, p. 181)
58) 93rd Verse of Chapter 9 in Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara:
This examination has for this very reason been its antidote.
The food of the Yogis is that contemplation which has arisen
in the field of imagination.

Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara: Entering the Path of Enlightenment
IX.93 (Perfection of Wisdom: Prajña-paramita) (circa 700 AD)
(translated by Marion L. Matics, Macmillan, London, 1970, p. 220)
59) Section 93 of Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Joshu:
The master instructed the assembly saying, "Kashyapa transmitted
it to Ananda. Tell me, whom did Bodhidharma transmit it to?"
A monk asked, "Supposing that the Second Patriarch
'got the marrow', what about it?"
The master said, "Don't slander the Second Patriarch."
The master then said, "Bodhidharma had a saying,
'Someone who is outside attains the skin;
someone who is inside attains the bone.'
Tell me, what has the one who is inside attained?"
A monk asked, "What is the truth of 'attaining the marrow'?"
The master said, "Simply be aware of the skin,
where I am the marrow is not established."
The monk said, "What is the marrow?"
The master said, "In that case, the skin too is sought and not found."
Chao Chou (778-897),
The Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Joshu
translated by James Green, AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek, CA, 1998, pp. 39-40
[Note: The Second Patriarch of Zen refers to Hui-k'o (Eka). The First Zen Patriarch,
Bodhidharma, said that he had four types of disciples: those who realized the skin, those
who realized the muscle, those who realized the bone, and those who realized the marrow
of his teaching. Hui-k'o was the only one who got the marrow.]
60) Section 93 of Record of the Chan Master "Gate of the Clouds":
"I have only recently arrived at your Dharma seat
and am not yet clear about the style of your teaching."
The Master replied, "Well, what could I say without your questions!"
Master Yunmen (864-949),
Record of the Chan Master "Gate of the Clouds"
translated by Urs App, Kodansha International, NY & Tokyo, 1994, p. 130
61) Case 93 of Hekiganroku: Taiko's "You Fox-Devil"
Main Subject: A monk asked Taiko, "What is the meaning of Chokei's words,
'He seems to observe reflection and thanksgiving before the midday meal'?"
Taiko performed a dance. The monk made bows. Taiko said, "What makes you
make the bows?" The monk performed a dance. Taiko said, "You fox-devil!"

Setcho's Verse:
One arrow glanced off, the second struck deep;
Don't tell me yellow leaves are gold.
If the waves of Sokei were all the same,
Many would drown on land.
Setcho (980-1052), Hekiganroku, 93 (Blue Cliff Records)
(translated by Katsuki Sekida, Two Zen Classics, 1977, pp. 385-386)
62) Page 93: Milarepa's song to the pigeons"
from Mila Grubum or The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa:
Milarepa sang:
At all times, in every way, keep watch upon yourself.
At all times try to conquer the evil thoughts within you!
Whatever you may meet in your daily doings,
You should contemplate its void and illusory nature.
Were even one hundred saints and scholars gathered here,
More than this they could not say.
May you all be happy and prosperous!
May you all, with joyful hearts,
Devote yourselves to the practice of the Dharma!
The maidens of Heaven were all very happy, and in their delight and
satisfactionthey again turned their bodies into pigeons, and flew up toward Heaven.
Milarepa then ate the offered rice, and set out for the Gray Rock Vajra Enclosure.
Milarepa (1040-1123), The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa, Ch. 8
(translated by Garma C. C. Chang, Shambhala, Boston, 1999, p. 93)
63) Verse 93 of Rubáiyát, of Omar Khayyam (1048-1122):
Indeed the Idols I have loved so long
Have done my credit in this World much wrong:
Have drown'd my Glory in a shallow Cup
And sold my Reputation for a Song.
(translated by Edward Fitzgerald, London, 1st Ed. 1859, 2nd Ed. 1868)
64) Aphroism 93 of Guigo's Meditations:
God's will about man, not man's will about God, must be done.
Guiges de Chastel (1083-1137), Meditations of Guigo, Prior of the Charterhouse
translated by John J. Jolin, Marquette University Press, Milwaukee, 1951, p. 17
65) Section 93 in Chapter II:
"The Essentials of Learning"
of Chu Hsi's Chin-ssu lu (1175):
It is fundamental to understand what is good.
Hold it firmly and it will be established in you.
Extend it and enlarge it and it will be great.
Neglect it and it will be small.
It depends on you to make it great.
Chu Hsi (1130-1200), Reflections on Things at Hand (Chin-ssu lu)
translated by Wing-Tsit Chan
Columbia University Press, NY, 1967, p. 82
66) "All creatures are God's" in the 93rd Line of Eschenbach's Parzival:
Condwiramur, with thee I will
Compare this red and whiteness.
God enriches me with brightness,
Since here the like of thee I spy.
I praise the hand of God on high
And all the creatures that are His.
Condwiramur, thine image 'tis,
Since white snow under the blood doth show
And blood has rendered red the snow.

Wolfram von Eschenbach (1165-1217) Parzival (1195)
Book VI "Parzival at King Arthur's Court" Lines 88-96
(translated by Edwin H. Zeydel & Bayard Quincy Morgan,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1951, p. 145)
67) Section 93 of William of Auvergne's The Trinity, or the First Principle:
Since love can only be caused for another, it is clear that it cannot be generated or born, and thus it cannot be a son. Furthermore, because to be love is to be a gift, to love will necessarily be to give a gift. But giving a gift and giving are essentially a path for obtaining or having what is caused, not a path toward being, whereas generation is essentially a path toward being for what is generated... Hence, the first generative intellect is not pregnant with will, nor is will its offspring. Thus its offspring is wisdom, and this is what Ecclesiasticus says: "Wisdom was created first of all, and understanding of prudence from all eternity" [Si 14:4].
William of Auvergne (1180-1249), The Trinity, or the First Principle, Ch. XV
(translated by Roland J. Teske & Francis C. Wade,
Marquette University Press, Milwaukee, 1989, pp. 128-129)
68) Verse 93 of Rumi Daylight:
God connected Spirit with a body,
in order that the prophet or saint
might become a refuge for the whole world.

Jelaluddin Rumi (1207-1273), Mathnawi, I.2521
Rumi Daylight, Verse 93
(Edited by Camille & Kabir Helminski, 1994, p. 62)
69) Verse 93 of A Hundred Verses from Old Japan:
Would that I might this lovely scene
    Enjoy for evermore—
The fishing-boats with busy crews
    Who tow upon the shore
    Or labour at the oar.

Sanetomo Minamato (d. 1219), Minister of the Right District of Kamakura
William N. Porter, A Hundred Verses from Old Japan, Verse 93 (1909)
[a translation of Hyaku-nin-isshiu, 1235 A.D. by Sadaiye Fujiwara (1160-1242)]
70) Dante allowed entry through Purgatory
in the 93rd line of Purgatorio:
Ma se donna del ciel ti muove e regge,
come tu di', non c'è mestier lusinghe:
bastisi ben che per lei mi richegge.
But if a lady come from Heaven speeds
and helps you, as you say, there is no need
of flattery; it is enough, indeed,
Purgatorio I.91-93 ( Allen Mandelbaum translation, 1982, p. 7)
71) Beatrice informs Dante that he is no longer earthbound but flying home
to heaven toward the Empyrean in the 93rd line of Paradiso:
Tu non se' in terra, sì come tu credi;
ma folgore, fuggendo il proprio sito,
non corse come tu ch'ad esso riedi".
You are not on the earth as you believe;
but lightning, flying from its own abode,
is less swift than you are, returning home."
Paradiso I.91-93 ( Allen Mandelbaum translation, 1984, p. 7)
72) Verse 93 of Hafiz: The Tongue of the Hidden:
All unaware, Hafiz, you came to dwell
Within this house of life; and now to Hell
    They say you must at any moment go:
Well, as you leave, sing life a brave farewell!

Hafiz (1320-1389), Hafiz: The Tongue of the Hidden, Verse 93
adaptation by Clarence K. Streit, Viking Press, NY, 1928
(Author on Time cover, March 27, 1950)
73) Verse 93 of The Divan of Hafez:
In this dark night of mine, the road to my destination is lost.
Come out from a corner, O guiding star.
Any direction I went, my terror but increased.
Beware of this desert and this endless road!
How can one conceive an end to this road, which has
More than a hundred thousand stations in its beginning?
Your love will come to your help if, like Hafez,
You recite the Qur'ân by heart in fourteen versions.

Hafiz (1320-1389), The Divan of Hafez, Verse 93
translated from the Persian by Reza Saberi,
University Press of American, Lanham, MD, 2002, pp. 114-115
74) Line 93 from the Pearl Poet's Pearl: "Made sounds of such sweet delight"
Her reken myrthe moght not retrete;
Fir quen those bryddes her wynges bete,
Thay songen wyth a swete asent.
So gracios gle couthe no mon gete
As here and se her adubbement.
To match a sound so delicate;
The notes their wing-beats did create
Made sounds of such sweet delight
Such charm no man could fabricate,
As here in all their splendour bright.
Pearl (c. 1370-1400) Lines 91-95
(Ed. Malcolm Andrew & Ronald Waldron, 1987, p. 59)
(This Pearl translation: by Bill Stanton, another by Vernon Eller)
75) Line 93 from the Pearl Poet's Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:
A knight's adventure in jousting:
He in his nobility had undertaken that he would never eat
on such a holiday until he had been told a far-fetched tale
of some adventurous exploit, of some great marvel
which he might believe in of princes,
of (feats of) arms, of other adventures,
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (c. 1375-1400) Lines 91-95
( Edited by J.J. Anderson, Everyman, London, 1996, p. 171)
76) Sloka 93 of Kabir's Slokas of Kabir:
keep company with the sages;
they will stay with you till the end.
Don't associate
with the godless;
they will destroy you.
Kabir (c. 1398-1518)
Songs of Kabir from the Adi Granth (translated by Nirmal Dass)
State University of New York Press, Albany, 1991, p. 278
77) Letter 93 of The Letters of Marsilio Ficino:
You praise my lyre, Aurelio, with songs worthy of praise. I in turn, will praise
your songs with the lyre. Would that my lyre were worthy of praise so that what you
say were true. Then I should sing truly and both of us give the truest praise.
The truest praise is that which is worthy of praise. Farewell.

Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499), Letter to Giovanni Aurelio of Rimini
The Letters of Marsilio Ficino, Vol. I, Shepheard-Walwyn, London, 1975, p. 144
78) Section 93 of Wang Yang Ming's Instructions for Practical Living:
The Teacher said: “The tree can sprout because there is the root beneath.
With the root, the plant will grow. Without it, the plant will die, for without the root,
how can it sprout? The love between father and son and between elder and younger brothers
is the starting point of the human mind's spirit of life, just like the sprout of the tree.
From here it is extended to humanness to all people and love to all things. It is just the
growth of the trunk, branches, and leaves. Mo Tzu's universal love makes no distinction in
human relations and regards one's own father, son, elder brother, or younger brother as being
the same as a passer-by. That means that Mo Tzu's universal love has no starting point. It does
not sprout. We therefore know that it has no root and that it is not a process of unceasing
production and reproduction. How can it be called humanity? Filial piety and brotherly respect
are the root of humanity. This means that the principle of humanity grows from within.”

Wang Yang Ming (1472-1529),
Instructions for Practical Living or Ch'uan-hsi lu (1518), I.93
(translated by Wing-tsit Chan, Columbia University Press, NY, 1963, p. 57)
79) Facial expressions in 93rd Sonnet of William Shakespeare:
So shall I live, supposing thou art true,
Like a deceived husband; so love's face
May still seem love to me, though altered new;
Thy looks with me, thy heart in other place:
For there can live no hatred in thine eye,
Therefore in that I cannot know thy change.
In many's looks, the false heart's history
Is writ in moods, and frowns, and wrinkles strange.
But heaven in thy creation did decree
That in thy face sweet love should ever dwell;
Whate'er thy thoughts, or thy heart's workings be,
Thy looks should nothing thence, but sweetness tell.
How like Eve's apple doth thy beauty grow,
If thy sweet virtue answer not thy show!
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Sonnets XCIII, Commentary
80) 93rd Haiku of Basho's Haiku (1678):
Seeing the first blossoms
Of the year, I shall live
Seventy-five years longer!
Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), Basho's Haiku, Vol. 2, Haiku 93
(translated by Toshiharu Oseko, Maruzen, Tokyo, 1996, p. 52)
81) 93rd Section of Swedenborg's Arcana Coelestia (1837):
The state of the celestial man, thus gifted with the tranquillity of peace—
refreshed by the rain— and delivered from the slavery of what is evil
and false, is thus described by the Lord in Ezekiel XXXIV.26-27:
“And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I
will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.
And the tree of the field shall yield her fruit, and the earth shall yield her
increase, and they shall be safe in their land, and shall know that I am the Lord.”

Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)
Arcana Coelestia, 93 (Swedenborg Foundation, NY, 1965, p. 49)
82) 93rd Section of Swedenborg's Worlds in Space (1758):
They went on to say that the food eaten in that world [Mars] is the fruit of trees, especially a certain round fruit which grows on their earth, and also vegetables. Their clothing consists of garments which they make out of the bark fibres of certain trees. These have such a consistency that they can be woven and also glued together with a kind of gum they have. Moreover they reported that they know there how to make liquid fires, to provide themselves with light in the evening and at night.
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), The Worlds in Space, 93
(translated from Latin by John Chadwick, Swedenborg Society, London, 1997, p. 65)
83) Poem 93 of Goethe, the Lyrist: 100 Poems
Wie das Gestirn,
Ohne Hast,
Aber ohne Rast,
Drehe sich jeder
Um die eigne Last.
Like stars above,
Without haste,
But steadfastly paced,
Resolve round the duties
With which you are faced.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), "Like stars above"
Goethe, the Lyrist: 100 Poems, (translated by Edwin H. Zeydel, 1955, pp. 164-165)
84) 93rd Haiku of Issa's Haiku:
From burweed,
such a butterfly
was born?
Kobayashi Issa (1763-1827),
The Dumpling Field: Poems of Issa, Haiku 93
(translated by Lucien Stryk, Swallow Press, Athens, Ohio, 1991, p. 30)
85) 93rd Poem of Thomas Cole:
Hast thou forgotten me my friend
Me and the hours in social converse pass'd
When our glad spirits each supporting each
On the strong wings of sympathy upborne
Into the realms of extacy have soar'd—
Far, far, above the dense foul atmosphere
Of Worldly things— Hast thou forgotten me.
Me and our wanderings in the mountain's wilds
By those lone lakes that sleep so calm
Beneath the shadows of the piny hills—
Or that bleak cliff on which we stood amaz'd
And look'd upon the world beneath our feet,
And on the clouds huge rolling o'er our heads
And felt like spirits of the air sublime
Free and unfettered by our mortal bonds.
Hast thou forgotten too our deep commune
When night had hung o'er mountain top and vale
Her gloomy veil impervious, and had pour'd,
On every eye but ours, the balm of sleep.
Though darkness was around, our souls were light
Kindled by inspiration— and we had
Such views sublime of the great universe
And of its God as mortals seldom gain—
Hast thou forgotten me my friend
O no! it cannot cannot be; our souls
So many times have drunk from the same cup
Which nature held— that they are link'd
In hands which nought but death hath pow'r to break.

Thomas Cole (1801-1848), Thomas Cole's Poetry, Poem 93
(Compiled & Edited by Marshall B. Tymn, 1972, p. 190)

Thomas Cole, Self-Portrait (1836)

86) Chapter 93 of Melville's Moby-Dick (1851):
Now, in general, Stick to the boat, is your true motto in whaling; but cases will sometimes
happen when Leap from the boat, is still better... It was a beautiful, bounteous, blue day!
the spangled sea calm and cool, and flatly stretching away, all round, to the horizon,
like gold-beater's skin hammered out to the extremest. Bobbing up and down in that sea,
Pip's ebon head showed like a head of cloves... The sea had leeringly kept his finite body up,
but drowned the infinite of his soul. Not drowned entirely, though. Rather carried down alive
to wondrous depths, where strange shapes of the unwarped primal world glided to and fro before
his passive eyes; and the miser-merman, Wisdom, revealed his hoarded heaps; and among the joyous,
heartless, ever-juvenile eternities, Pip saw the multitudinous, God-omnipresent, coral insects,
that out of the firmament of waters heaved the colossal orbs. He saw God's foot upon the treadle
of the loom, and spoke it; and therefore his shipmates called him mad. So man's insanity is heaven's
sense; and wandering from all mortal reason, man comes at last to that celestial thought, which,
to reason, is absurd and frantic; and weal or woe, feels then uncompromised, indifferent as his God.

Herman Melville (1819-1891), Moby-Dick, Chapter 93: The Castaway
87) Letter 93 of Emily Dickinson:
Mattie was here last evening, and we sat on the front door stone,
and talked about life and love, and whispered our childish fancies
about such blissful things— the evening was gone so soon, and
I walked home with Mattie beneath the silent moon, and wished for you,
and Heaven. You did not come, Darling, but a bit of Heaven did, or so
it seemed to us, as we walked side by side and wondered if that great
blessedness which may be our's sometime, is granted now, to some...
How dull our lives must seem to the bride, and the plighted maiden,
whose days are fed with gold, and who gathers pearls every evening;
but to the wife, Susie, sometimes the wife forgotten, our lives perhaps
seem dearer than all others in the world; you have seen flowers
at morning, satisfied with the dew, and those same sweet flowers
at noon with their heads bowed in anguish before the mighty sun;
think you these thirsty blossoms will now need naught but— dew?
No, they will cry for sunlight, and pine for the burning noon, tho'
it scorches them, scathes them; they have got through with peace—
they know that the man of noon, is mightier than the morning and their
life is henceforth to him... I have got the letter, Susie, dear little bud,
and all— and the tears came again, that alone in this big world,
I am not quite alone. Such tears are showers— friend, thro' which when
smiles appear, the angels call them rainbows, and mimic them in Heaven.
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
Letter 93 to Susan Gilbert Dickinson, early June 1852
The Letters of Emily Dickinson, Volume I (Biography)
(edited by Thomas H. Johnson, Harvard University Press, 1955, pp. 209-211)
88) 93rd Poem of Emily Dickinson:
Went up a year this evening!
I recollect it well!
Amid no bells nor bravoes
The bystanders will tell!
Cheerful— as to the village—
Tranquil— as to repose—
Chastened— as to the Chapel
This humble Tourist rose!
Did not talk of returning!
Alluded to no time
When, were the gales propitious—
We might look for him!
Was grateful for the Roses
In life's diverse bouquet—
Talked softly of new species
To pick another day;
Beguiling thus the wonder
The wondrous nearer drew—
Hands bustled at the moorings—
The crown respectful grew—
Ascended from our vision
To Countenances new!
A Difference— A Daisy—
Is all the rest I knew!

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, Poem 93 (circa 1859)
(edited by Thomas H. Johnson, 1955, pp. 46-47)
89) 93rd New Poem of Emily Dickinson:
Good times are always mutual;
that is what makes good times

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
(Letter 471 to Louise & Frances Norcross, August 1876)
New Poems of Emily Dickinson
(edited by William H. Shurr, University of North Carolin Press, 1993, p. 27)
90) "Restless explorations" in Line 93 of Walt Whitman's Passage to India (1871):
Down from the gardens of Asia, descending, radiating,
Adam and Eve appear, then their myriad progeny after them,
Wandering, yearning, curious with restless explorations,
With questionings, baffled, formless, feverish with never-happy hearts,
With that sad, incessant refrain, Wherefore, unsatisfied Soul?
    and Whither, O mocking Life?

Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
Passage to India Section 6, Lines 89-93
A Textual Variorum of the Printed Poems, Vol. III, Poems, 1870-1891
(Edited by Sculley Bradley, Harold W. Blodgett, Arthur Golden, William White
New York University Press, 1980, p. 568)
93rd Verse in Tagore's Gitanjali:
I have got my leave. Bid me farewell, my brothers!
I bow to you all and take my departure.
Here I give back the keys of my door—
and I give up all claims to my house.
I only ask for last kind words from you.
We were neighbours for long, but I received more
than I could give. Now the day has dawned
and the lamp that lit my dark corner is out.
A summons has come and I am ready for my journey.

Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)
Gitanjali: Song Offerings (1912), Verse 93

Rabindranath Tagore
92) 93rd Page lines in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake, (12 samples):
the Switz bobbyguard's curial but courtlike: Commodore valley O (93.6)
hairy, Arthre jennyrosy?: the firewaterloover returted with such a (93.7)
the twofromthirty advocatesses within echo, pulling up their briefs (93.12)
And so it all ended. Artha kama dharma moksha. Ask Kavya for (93.22)
the kay. And so everybody heard their plaint and all listened to (93.23)
their plause. The letter! The litter! And the soother the bitther! (93.24)
soap. From dark Rasa Lane a sigh and a weep, from Lesbia (93.27)
Looshe the beam in her eye, from lone Coogan Barry his arrow (93.28)
of song, from Sean Kelly's anagrim a blush at the name, from (93.29)
ther, from hymn Op. 2 Phil Adolphos the weary O, the leery, (93.33)
O, from Samyouwill Leaver or Damyouwell Lover thatjolly (93.34)
weak tribes, loss of strenghth to his sowheel, from the wedding (93.36)
James Joyce (1882-1941), Finnegans Wake, (1939), p. 93
93) Chapter 93 of Ezra Pound's Cantos (selections):
"A man's paradise is his good nature"...
Apollonius made his peace with the animals...
"The waves rise, and the waves fall
But you are like the moon-light:
            Always there!...
The light there almost solid.
holding that energy is near to benevolence...
The trees sleep, and the stags, and the grass;
The boughs sleep unmoving...
    Six ways to once
    of a Sunday. Velocity.
Without guides, having nothing but courage
Shall audacity last into fortitude?

Ezra Pound (1885-1972), The Cantos (1-95), New Directions, NY, 1956, pp. 83-92
94) Poem 93 of e. e. cummings's 95 Poems (1958):
everywhere's here
(with a low high low
and the bird on the bough)
—we never we know
(so kiss me)shy sweet eagerly my
most dear

the new is the true
and to lose is to have
—we never we know—
(the earth and the sky
are one today)my very so gay
young love

we never we know
(with a high low high
in the may in the spring)
(forever is now)
and dance you suddenly blossoming tree
—i'll sing
e. e. cummings (1894-1962), 95 Poems (Norton, 1958), "Poem 93"

95 Poems
95) Sonnet 93 in Pablo Neruda's 100 Love Sonnets (1960)
If some time your breast pauses, if something stops
moving, stops burning through your veins,
if the voice in your mouth escapes without becoming word,

Matilde my love, leave your lips half-open:
because that final kiss should linger with me,
it should stay still, forever, in your mouth,
so that it goes with me, too, in my death.

I will die kissing your crazy cold mouth,
caressing the lost buds of your body,
looking for the light of your closed eyes.

And so when the earth received our embrace
we will go blended in a single death, forever
living the eternity of a kiss.

Pablo Neruda
Love Sonnet XCIII, 100 Love Sonnets: Cien Sonetos de Amor
Editorial Losada, Buenos Aires, 1960 (trans. Stephen Tapscott, 1986, p. 197)
96) Chapter 93 of Wei Wu Wei's Ask the Awakened (1963)
is titled "Doctrine of Bodhidharma as Developed by the Patriarchs":

is also
But the absence of
is the

'Birthlessness', permanence, eternality, as opposed to the transiency of phenomenal existence, indicate this direction of measurement, which has to be envisaged as being at right-angles to that of serial time. Its timelessness (which is the only eternity) is its essential nature for us. This means that the 'vertical' mind could never be reached via the 'horizontal' dimension, except at the point of intersection which is the now-moment.

Wei Wu Wei (1895-1986), Ask the Awakened (1963), pp. 220-224

Paul Brunton (1898-1981),
Notebooks of Paul Brunton,
XV, Paras #93
from various chapters
Volume 15:
Advanced Contemplation
& The Peace Within You
Larson Publications,
Burdett, NY, 1988,
Part I: pp. 78, 144, 181-182;
Part II: pp. 13, 25, 48, 89

Para #93 from Volume 15 of Paul Brunton's
Notebooks: "Advanced Contemplation"—
Not by his ego's own will can he take hold of this jewel, but only
by the Grace substituting that other Consciousness for his ego's.
He feels that he is gazing down at himself from a height,
seeing his personal ego for the trivial thing that it is.
He enters the third stage, contemplation, when the thought or thing
on which he fixed his mind alone remains there whereas the consciousness
that he is meditating vanishes. He finishes this stage when this residue
is none other than the Overself, thus transcending his personal self
and losing it in the Overself.

Para #93 from Volume 15 of Paul Brunton's
Notebooks: "The Peace Within You"—
He is happy even though he has no blessed consciousness of the Overself,
no transcendental knowledge of it, but only secondhand news about it.
Why, then, is he happy? Because he knows that he has found the way to
both consciousness and knowledge. He is content to wait, working
nevertheless as he waits; for if he remains faithful to the quest,
what other result can there be than attainment? Even if he has to wait
fifty years or fifty lifetimes, he will and must gain it.
He walks on his serene course, kept to it by remembering
where his true allegiance lies.
The man who practises this spirit of detachment is no longer the victim
of conflicting emotional states. He feels free inside himself.
This centre of his own being never moves. It is forever in stillness. (4.93)
98) "Seeking for Understanding"
is Lesson 93 of Subramuniyaswami's
Merging with Siva (1999):

The physical body is really created by the
sum total of the conflicts and tranquillities
within the subconscious state of mind.
As man becomes enlightened through cognition,
the conflict lessens, giving birth to the dawn
after the darker hours. Hence the statement
about the third eye, "When the eye becomes single,
the whole body shall be filled with light."

Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001)
Merging with Siva: Hinduism's Contemporary Metaphysics
Himalayan Academy, Kapaa, Hawaii, 1999, pp. 192-196
99) Page 93 of Zen Master Seung Sahn's The Compass of Zen (1997):
If God truly loved human beings, he would have taken away the Tree of Knowledge. That is God's big mistake. Why wouldn't he take it away? If you make some poison, put it in front of your child, and then tell your child not to eat it, who do you blame when your child eats it? Whose mistake is it? He made this tree. So the teachings of primary cause and dependent origination are very interesting. They simply and clearly point to, Who made this? Who made that? God made this tree, and whatever came from it, not Adam and Eve. So who made God who made the tree and all the suffering that came from it? If you want to understand who made God, here is a hint: Saying "God" is already a big mistake. If you open your mouth, primary cause appears. If you keep it shut, then primary cause disappears. It is very easy to see. Don't make God. Don't make Buddha. From moment to moment, don't make anything.
Seung Sahn (born 1927), The Compass of Zen,
Shambhala, Boston, 1997, p. 93
100) At Age 93:
Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), philosopher, mathematician, and Nobel laureate
resigns from the British Labour Party (1965), as a protest against its acquiescence
in the Vietnam War. Russell tears up his membership card at a public meeting.
P. G. Wodehouse (1881-1975), British writer, dies at the age 93 on Feb. 14, 1975.
He has published a Jeeves book at 90; he published 13 books during his 80s.
Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President, dies at age 93 on June 5, 2004
[Sources: Jeremy Baker, Tolstoy's Bicycle (1982), pp. 512-513;
World Almanac Book of Who (1980); New York Times (June 6, 2004)]
101) Numerology: words whose letters add up to 93

(9 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 5 + 9 + 2 + 5) + (1 + 3 + 7 + 8 + 1) + (6 + 4 + 5 + 7 + 1) = 50 + 20 + 23 = 93

(3 + 6 + 4 + 7 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 5) + (3 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 9 + 6 + 5) = 35 + 58 = 93

(7 + 9 + 5 + 1 + 2) + (7 + 8 + 9 + 3 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 5 + 9) = 24 + 69 = 93

(1 + 3 + 9 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 5) + (7 + 8 + 9 + 3 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 7) = 31 + 62 = 93

(3 + 1 + 3 + 9 + 6 + 6 + 9 + 5 + 9 + 1) + (3 + 5 + 9 + 4 + 5 + 9 + 1 + 5) = 52 + 41 = 93

(4 + 9 + 5 + 4) + (3 + 9 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 1) + (1 + 7 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 2 + 1) = 22 + 33 + 38 = 93

(3 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 3) + (3 + 6 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 9 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 1) + (4 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 5)
= 26 + 49 + 18 = 93

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email: peter@wisdomportal.com (6-1-2004)