By Peter Y. Chou,
# | Stanza in Poem | Literary Sources |
1 |
The cube of the Trinity Dante's vision of Beatrice love, sweetness, beatitude |
On the Number 27 Dante, Vita Nuova, 3.3 Dante, Vita Nuova, 27.8-12 |
2 |
Double flame, the 9th hour's rays the smile of the universe O joy! gladness! love & peace! |
Dante, Inferno 27.1; Purgatorio 27.6, Dante, Paradiso 27.5 Dante, Paradiso 27.7-8 |
3 |
At the 27th step of π, O God created the soul of the universe |
π = 3.141592653589793238462643383279 George Burns in Oh God! on the 27th floor Platonic Lambda in Plato's Timaeus 35b |
4 |
27 houses of the Moon 27 bones in the human hand 27th day Mozart was born |
27 days of moon's visibility On the Number 27 Mozart's birthday: January 27, 1756 |
5 |
Darkness upon the face of the deep the First Mystery the Treasury of the Light sings praises |
Genesis I.2 (KJV: word 27 = deep) Pistis Sophia, Verse 27 Books of Jeu, Verse 27 |
6 |
at the foot of the mountain thunder providing nourishment perseverance brings good fortune |
King Wên, I Ching, Hexagram 27, Image I Ching, Hexagram 27, Image I Ching, Hexagram 27, Judgment |
7 |
Be mindful be aware of what you do, all things spring from seeds, the silence of wishes and desires |
Buddha, Dhammapada, 27; Koran 27.88 Chuang Tzu, Chapter 27 Rumi, Dîvân-i Kebîr, Verse 27 |
8 |
beyond words the language of birds a dark gorge babbles, a pine sighs and solid mountains pass away |
Buddha, Lankavatara Sutra, II.27; Koran 27.16 Han-shan, Cold Mountain, Poem 27 Mohammed, Koran, 27.88 |
9 |
The arrow soars through space Can you produce or reduce the void? Stop seeking and be tranquil. |
Setcho, Hekiganroku, Case 27 Huang Po, Transmission of Mind, Section 27 Huang Po, Transmission of Mind, Section 27 |
10 |
Sincerity penetrates all spirits This is a place where flowers bloom, trees dance and dreams melt away. |
Shao Yung, Supreme Principles, Section 27 Milarepa, Mila Grubum, Ch. 27 Milarepa, Mila Grubum, Ch. 27 |
11 |
The truth that has not been taught "Not mind, not Buddha, not things" Golden breeze soft rain clouds the sky |
Mumon Ekai, Mumonkan, Case 27 Mumon Ekai, Mumonkan, Case 27 Setcho, Hekiganroku, Case 27 |
12 |
the fragrance of spring flowers yellow and blue and red, wild-almond, lotus, magnolia |
Dogen, Poems, Verse 27 Pearl Poet, Pearl, line 27 H.D., Walls Do Not Fall, Poem 27 |
13 |
The wise open their wings to God not as geese but as eagles good deeds return a thousandfold |
Yunus Emre, Lyric Poems, Verse 27 Yunus Emre, Lyric Poems, Verse 27 Yunus Emre, Lyric Poems, Verse 27 |
14 |
The nightingale sang last night: "The Endless has no end the Tao is Yin & Yang following each other." |
Hafiz, Tongue of the Hidden, Verse 27 Kabir, Raga Gauri-Purabi, Verse 27 Lo Ch'in-shun, Knowledge Painfully Acquired, 27 |
15 |
The Rose Garden of Wisdom hides mysteries pour rich orange round the purple core, white daisy, white gold |
Michael Maier, Atalanta Fugiens, Emblema 27 James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, 27.29 William Carlos Williams, Spring and All, 27 |
16 |
The soul's impassioned flight mind's journey of beautous black night and Phoenix light in the sunbeam |
Shakespeare, Sonnets, 27.9 Shakespeare, Sonnets, 27.3, 27.12 Marsilio Ficino, Letters, 27 |
17 |
See the one in a thousand threads water in the stream, river, and pond, the sea falling snow in wintry air |
Oppen, Of Being Numerous, 27 William of Auvergne, Trinity, 27 Walllace Stevens, Man with Blue Guitar, 27 |
18 |
Morns like these we parted sleep from the waking-dream and reap nothing but the air burst into leaf |
Emily Dickinson, Poem 27; Pound, Cantos, 27 Ezra Pound, Cantos, 27 Ezra Pound, Cantos, 27 |
19 |
Awakening is the dissolving of appearance, evaporation of a dream, vanishing as an object |
Wei Wu Wei, Open Secret, Ch. 27 Wei Wu Wei, Open Secret, Ch. 27 Wei Wu Wei, Open Secret, Ch. 27 |
20 |
A blue streak speed the Falcon words like shafts of lightning silent drums, summer of your heart |
Rig Veda, IV.27; Joyce, Finnegans Wake, 27.11 St. Francis of Assisi, Little Flowers, Ch. 27 Edna St. Vincent Millay, Collected Sonnets, 27 |
21 |
Consciousness of balance is Nirvana this universe an eternal cycle pulsating rhythm of thought & rest |
Merrell-Wolff, Aphorisms, 27 Paul Brunton, Notebooks, Vol. 1, Ch. 27 Paul Brunton, Notebooks, Vol. 1, Ch. 27 |
22 |
The night is black as a black stone carved stone upon stone, I sleep. Can you tell the down from the up? |
Tagore, Gitanjali, Verse 27 Ezra Pound, Cantos, Ch. 27 Ezra Pound, Cantos, Ch. 27 |
23 |
Summer is over, spring follows winter as clover knows golden fruits, roses answer the thorniest question |
e.e. cummings, Xaipe, 27 e.e. cummings, Xaipe, 27; Millay, Sonnets, 27 e.e. cummings, Xaipe, 27 |
24 |
"The stone man is crying why?" I know not its meaning "Only go straight don't know" |
Seung Sahn, Koan 27 Tagore, Gitanjali, Verse 27 Seung Sahn, Koan 27 |
25 |
but i am nought, i have nought be nothing to be filled up holy emptiness is everywhere |
Robert Lax, 27th & 4th Robert Lax, 27th & 4th Kerouac Golden Eternity, Verse 27 |
26 |
Life is not holy because it is beautiful. It is beautiful because it is holy |
Robert Lax, A Thing That Is, Poem 27 Robert Lax, A Thing That Is, Poem 27 Robert Lax, A Thing That Is, Poem 27 |
27 |
Be generous with your time rekindle the flame Wake up! We're all in heaven now. |
Kerouac Golden Eternity, Verse 27 James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, 27.13 Kerouac Golden Eternity, Verse 27 |
Meditation Notes to Poem:
I spent ten days compiling the web pages "On the Number 27"
to celebrate my niece Elisa's 27th birthday on Feb. 27.
This poem was begun at midnight on February 28, 2004 and
when I finished the 27 stanzas of triplets on three sheets
of lined yellow sheets, it was 8:30 am.
For the context of sources for the lines in this poem, consult
On the Number 27 to see how this poem was constructed.
What unites the writers quoted in this poem is the number 27. That is,
the writer's words appeared in verse 27, sonnet 27, chapter 27, line 27,
or page 27. It was exhilarating assembling this poem together from the
words of my favorite poets, philosophers, and sages. As to the meaning
of this poem, I'm still exploring the rich treasure trouve before me.
When insights come, they will be added to this web page. Readers are
invited to participate in providing a richer understanding of this
puzzle poem.
Stanza 1: cube of the Trinity
Stanza 2: Fire images in Cantos 27 of Dante's Commedia
Stanza 3: At the 27th step of π, God created the soul of the universe
Stanza 4: Moon Phase when Mozart was born
Stanza 5: deep darkness, First Mystery, Treasury of the Light
Stanza 6: Hexagram 27 of the I Ching: "Providing Nourishment"
Stanza 7: Be mindful, all things spring from seeds and desires
Stanza 9: The arrow soars through space
Stanza 10: Sincerity penetrates all spirits
Stanza 11: The truth that has not been taught
Stanza 14: The nightingale sang last night
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© Peter Y. Chou, P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: (2-29-2004) |
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