A POETIC INTERLUDE Am I a man? Yet also am I a god, For I am that which comprehends both gods and men. I move among men in the form of a man, Fallible, more or less good, like the rest. Yet, also, I shine with the gods in Glory. I compress Myself in the mineral, Inert and long-enduring. Ceaselessly I grow as a plant, and am driven by desire as animal. I am in all, yet ever Beyond all. A Flame am I that nowhere remains; I consume all. As I write I am sitting on a pavement of cement. A tree grows near, its roots, soft and brittle, beneath that pavement. Ceaselessly, slowly, but inevitably, those roots expand. The cement gives way, its resistance impotent. So, too, I expand, inevitably, remorselessly, in this world. Before Me no crystallization can stand. In the end, all other powers fail; My own, once more, return to Me. What matters health, sickness or death; Passing modes in the endless Stream of Life? In health I go forth, perchance to forget; In sickness I look within and remember. Which is the greater blessing? I know not. Men seek health. I seek not at all. I give health and accept the blessing of sickness. Yet, beyond all these, AM I Unbound. Do I look for faults in men? Then surely I will find them; Dishonesty, lust, greed, hatred, and all the rest. All these come with immense fecundity. Do I look beyond to the good? Then what a glorious paragon is man! Generous, kind, and fair-dealing. Which of these is the real? Neither and both. Man reflects just what I seek. Franklin Merrell-Wolff (1887-1985) Pathways through to Space, LIV (9-11-1936) (2nd Edition, Julian Press, NY, 1973, pp. 136-137) |
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© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: peter@wisdomportal.com (9-9-2002) |
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