Dante Alighieri

Poetry on Peace

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321):

Peace in Paradiso (1321)

Edited by Peter Y. Chou

9 samples of peace citations in Dante's Paradiso
2.112 Dentro dal ciel de la divina pace
si gira un corpo ne la cui virtute
l'esser di tutto suo contento giace.
Within the heaven of the godly peace
revolves a body in whose power lies
the being of all things that it enfolds.
3.85 E 'n la sua volontade è nostra pace:
ell'è quel mare al qual tutto si move
ciò ch'ella cria o che natura face".
And in His will there is our peace: that sea
to which all beings move-the beings He
creates or nature makes-such is His will."
4.117 Cotal fu l'ondeggiar del santo rio
ch'uscì del fonte ond'ogne ver deriva;
tal puose in pace uno e altro disio.
Such was the rippling of the holy stream
issuing from the fountain from which springs
all truth: it set to rest both of my longings.
15.99 Fiorenza dentro da la cerchia antica,
ond'ella toglie ancora e terza e nona,
si stava in pace, sobria e pudica.
Florence, within her ancient ring of walls—
that ring from which she still draws tierce and nones—
sober and chaste, lived in tranquillity.
27.8 Oh gioia! oh ineffabile allegrezza!
oh vita intègra d'amore e di pace!
oh sanza brama sicura ricchezza!
O joy! O gladness words can never speak!
O life perfected by both love and peace!
O richness so assured, that knows no longing!
30.102 Lume è là sù che visibile face
lo creatore a quella creatura
che solo in lui vedere ha la sua pace.
Above, on high, there is a light that makes
apparent the Creator to the creature
whose only peace lies in his seeing Him.
31.17 Quando scendean nel fior, di banco in banco
porgevan de la pace e de l'ardore
ch'elli acquistavan ventilando il fianco.
When they climbed down into that flowering Rose,
from rank to rank, they shared that peace and ardor
which they had gained, with wings that fanned their sides.
31.111 tal era io mirando la vivace
carità di colui che 'n questo mondo,
contemplando, gustò di quella pace.
such was I as I watched the living love
of him who, in this world, in contemplation,
tasted that peace. And he said: "Son of grace,
33.8 Nel ventre tuo si raccese l'amore,
per lo cui caldo ne l'etterna pace
così è germinato questo fiore.
That love whose warmth allowed this flower to bloom
within the everlasting peace—was love
rekindled in your womb; for us above,

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321),
Commedia (Divine Comedy),
translated by Allen Mandelbaum
Alfred Knopf, New York, 1995

Notes: The word "pace" (peace) appears 36 times in Dante's Commedia:
Inferno (5): 1.58, 5.92, 5.99, 23.107, 27.28
Purgatorio (17): 2.99, 3.74, 5.61, 6.87, 6.137, 10.35, 11.7,
13.124, 15.131, 16.17, 21.13, 21.17, 24.141, 26.54, 27.117, 28.93, 30.9
Paradiso (14): 2.112, 3.85, 4.117, 6.80, 10.129, 11.80,
15.99, 15.148, 16.147, 27.8, 30.102, 31.17, 31.111, 33.8
[Ernest Hatch Wilkins, Thomas G. Bergin, & Anthony J. De Vito,
A Concordance to the Divine Commedy of Dante Alighieri,
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1966 ].

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email: peter@wisdomportal.com (3-24-2003)