(563 BC-483 BC)

Buddha (563 BC-483 BC)

Peace Verses from
The Dhammapada
(circa 240 B.C.)

Edited by Peter Y. Chou

Tranquil is the thought, tranquil the word and deed
of that supremely tranquil person who is
emancipated through Perfect Knowledge.

Better than a thousand meaningless words
collected together is a single meaningful word
on hearing which one becomes tranquil.

Better than a thousand meaningless verses
collected together is one meaningful verse
on hearing which one becomes tranquil.

There is no fire like lust, no blemish like demerit,
no suffering like the taking up of the ill body,
no happiness like peace.

Cut off your sticky affection, as one plucks with
one's hand the white autumnal lotus. Develop the
Way of Peace, the Nirvana taught by the Happy One.

He who is tranquil in body, tranquil in speech,
tranquil in mind, who is well integrated,
and who is unattached to worldly things—
such a person is said to be at peace.

He is a sage who has abandoned violence towards
living beings, be they moving or stationary,
and who neither slays nor causes others to slay.

He is a sage who would utter gentle instructive,
true speech by which one would give offense to none.

Buddha (circa 563 BC-483 BC),
Dhammapada (circa 240 B.C.)
(translated from the Pali by Sangharakshita)
Dhammapada: The Way of Truth, Windhorse, Birmingham, UK, 2001

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© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: peter@wisdomportal.com (3-31-2003)