Notes to Poem: Mango Mystery
Descartes' dream:
November 10, 1619:
Eve's garden & Descartes dream:
The contrast is that Eve's apple caused Adam's fall from grace,
whereas the maiden's melon caused Descartes' rise to illumined
consciousness where he discovered a new geometry & philosophy.
Rumi Daylight:
This book Rumi Daylight : A Daybook of Spiritual Guidance translated by Camille & Kabir Helminski (1990)
was on my desk at the time. Jelaluddin Rumi (1207-1273)
was a Sufi mystic poet born on September 30, 1207 in Balkh (now Afghanistan). Escaping Mongol invasion, his family
moved to Konya, Turkey, when he was still a child. At age 37, Rumi met a whirling dervish, Shams of Tabriz, and became
spiritually enlightened. He poured out his mystical ecstasy in six books of verse, the Mathnawi, one of the greatest
spiritual masterpiece on oneness with God and all creation. Rumi died on December 17, 1273.
Mandorla: Although the geometric symbol of the earth is the square
(or the cube) and the symbol of heaven is the circle, two circles are sometimes
used to symbolize the Upper and the Lower worlds, that is, heaven and earth.
The union of the two worlds, or the zone of intersection and interpentration
(the world of appearances), is represented by the mandorla, an almond-shaped
figure formed by two intersecting circles. In order that, for the purposes of
iconography, the mandorla might be drawn vertically, the two circles have come
to be regarded as the left (matter) and the right (spirit). The zone of existence
symbolized by the mandorla, like the twin-peaked Mountain of Mars, embraces
the opposing poles of all dualism. Hence it is a symbol also of the perpetual
sacrifice that regenerates creative force through the dual streams of ascent and
descent (appearances & disappearance, life & death, evolution & involution).
Morphologically, it is cognate with the spindle of the Magna Mater
and with the magical spinners of thread.
vesica piscis, or
ichthys, the almond-shaped aureole,
the "mystical almond" which depicts divinity; holiness; the sacred;
virginity; the vulva. It also denotes an opening or gateway and the
two sides represent the opposite poles and all duality. The mandorla
is also used to portray a flame, signifying the spirit or a manifestation
of the spiritual or soul principle.
J. C. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols
Note: In the summer of 1979, I was invited by the French government to the University of Paris, Orsay for a 6-week workshop
on "Protein Folding". We had a holiday on August 15, 1979 for the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. I took the train to Chartres that day
and witnessed the parade of the "Virgin's Veil" from Chartres Cathedral around the town. I purchased
Villette's book and the Chartres postcards on that occasion.
Almond Symbolism: Virginity; the self-productive; the yoni; conjugal happiness. It is also the
vesica piscis which in art, often surrounds virgin Queens of Heaven; the mandorla. As the first flower
of the year the blossom is "the Awakener", hence it depicts watchfulness; it also represents sweetness, charm,
and delicacy. Chinese: Feminine beauty, fortitude in sorrow, watchfulness. Christian: Divine
favour and approval. The purity of theVirgin. Hebrew: "Skeked" to waken and watch.
Iranian: The Tree of Heaven. Phrygian: The father of all things: Spring. It is associated with
the birth of Attis, the almond having sprung from the male genitalia of the androgynous Cybele.
(Cooper, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols, p. 10)
Dryden says "mangos offer little nourishment": Quoted in the Oxford English Dictionary:
touch my fingers and thumbs forming seven mandorlas: The almond-shaped giant mango pit inspired this poem
as I read about mandorla symbolisms and the vesica piscis how it resembles the "fish of Christ" when two
circles intersect to form a chalice for the spirit. This is what happens when two friends meet and while talking, they are
exchanging alchemical gold from their inner souls. When we pray, our hands touch fingers and palms united.
If we keep our fingers touching but separate our palms something miraculous happens: we've formed a miniature
cathedral with our hands. The space between the touching fingers forms a mandorla, and there are seven of them!
This is my new discovery and may readers experience this miracle for themselves. Contemplating on these outer
seven mandorlas of the fingers may correspond to the inner
seven chakras of the spine and lead to cosmic illumination. Then, there is no inner or outer, above or below heaven & earth
dancing here & now in joyous bliss. Om Shanti. Shanti. Shanti.
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