"And Nothing But the Moo" says the placard on a Safeway cart that attracts my attention the last "O" appearing as a donut- shaped wrapper with the words "Real California Cheese". Suddenly I understood why the cow is sacred in India, mother goddess of the universe MOO spelled backwards is OOM or OM, symbol of Pure Consciousness. Now everything makes sense Krishna the celestial cowherd, Lao Tzu on his water buffalo, Taurus in the midst of spring. "MOO" is the cow's mantra, "OOM" the yogi's, "MOM" the babe's. When the cow moos, the yogi chants, and the babe cries it's time to return home, be a child again, and drink in the whole pure white Milky Way and be a visionary galactic person too. Peter Y. Chou Palo Alto, 5-9-1991 |
© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: (8-23-2008) |