Selected Poems 2022 The first poem "Blessings for the New Year" (1-1-2022) has 9 rhyming quatrains featuring poets Lord Byron, Richard Lovelace, William Blake, plus Leonardo Da Vinci and Albert Einstein to launch the New Year 2022 off with blessings.
"2022 New Year's Resolutions for Rudy"
(1-1-2022) has 4 rhyming quatrains for my friend Rudy to be more positive in his life and excel in his work.
"Riddle of Bowing"
(1-2-2022) are five answers to Lew Welch's first American koan "Why do we bow?"
published in his Ring of Bones (1973).
"Riddle of the Hands"
(1-3-2022) are five answers to Lew Welch's first American koan "Why hands come together when we pray?"
published in his Ring of Bones (1973).
"On Darkness"
(1-4-2022) has 8 quatrains inspired by Cathy sharing her sister Carol quoting
Pir Elias Amidon: "Between the dark sky and
the dark earth we hang a light in a dark tree
and sing of our wonder together". I'm also quoting Wendell Berry:
"To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight, /
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings, /
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings."
"Five Amazing Trees"
(1-5-2022) was composed afer receiving photos of 63 amazing trees from Pinteret
on New Year's Day. Selected five favorite images to share with verses.
(1-6-2022) January 6 is Epiphany, celebrating 12 days after birth of Chtist.
"Pythagoras on Numbers"
(1-7-2022) Pythagoras is one of my favorite sages saying "All is number". Citing some trivia numbers,
including 430 billion birds & 3.04 trillio trees on earth.
"Wolf Moon"
(1-17-2022) is the year's first Full Moon. Honoring it with Native American name.
"Puppy & Ducklings"
(1-20-2022) Video inspired this poem of puppy chasing ducklings.
"Stop to Smell the Roses"
(1-22-2022) 6 photos from Pinterest on animals attached to flowers. Shouldn't we too,
stop our busy activities and appreciate nature's glories all around us?
"Music of Erik Satie"
(1-24-2022) Apollinaire writing his poem, Debussey composing music, Picasso & Braque sketching
at Le Chat Noir at Montmartre where Erik Satie plays the piano to inspire them..
"Squirrel & Kitten"
(1-28-2022) Photo from Pinterest inspired this poem featuring dialogue
"Squirrel Sonnet"
(2-12-2022) Squirrel is pushing away the wind or some invisible monster
"Oriental Turtle Dove"
(2-14-2022) Mercury News story (2-11-2022)
"Mega-rare turtle dove in Palo Alto".
Sonnet celebrates its flight across the Pacific to be here in time for Valentine's Day.
"Snow Moon"
(2-18-2022) Native Americans call February's Full Moon the "Snow Moon".
"Twosday 2-22-22"
(2-22-2022) My Columbia friend Richard Hanauer was first to
inform me on palindrome date 2-22-22 as Twosday. Poem celebrates
this sacred number 22 in the Hebrew alphabet, Tarot cards, Kabbalah, Bible, literature and sports.
"Ninth Birthday Poem"
(3-5-2022) Written for my grandniece Lilly, with 26 images.
"Meditations on 45: Quieter than Sleep"
(3-5-2022) Notes for my niece Elisa's 45th birthday
"Eye to Eye"
(3-6-2022) "Are you going to eat me? / Just a friendly kiss / jump on me for a ride."
Adventure of Puppy Scotty giving Baby Parakeet a ride, looking for her Mom.
"Shell Ridge Hike"
(3-8-2022) Poem with 8 images inspired by 25 Photos by Jose Carlos Fajardo
taken on hikes at Walnut Creek's Shell Ridge (2021-2022)
Published "Immersed in nature at Shell Ridge", (By Joan Morris, Mercury News, 3-6-2022, F8)
"Snowy Owl Sonnet"
(3-11-2022) Facial expressions of 8 owl photos inspired this sonnet
with 250 BC Greek coin of owl (Athena's bird) ending the poem.
"Reaching for the Apple"
(3-14-2022) Video showing chicken jumping up 5 times before snatching
the apple as its prize. Forget the apple folklores and enjoy an apple pie on π-Day!
"Dog Leaps Across River"
(3-16-2022) Photos assembled from screenshots of video
"Dog Jumping into Water" from Pinterest (3-15-2022).
Poem honors this feat & human long-jumpers.
"Worm Moon"
(3-18-2022) Native Americans call Full Moon of March the "Worm Moon"
not because earthworms are coming out but beetle larvae worms
emerge from thawing bark of trees.
"March Madness Sonnet"
(3-20-2022) March Madness games are here best time of the year!
"Goldfinch Greetings"
(4-8-2022) Pinterest photo of bright yellow goldfinch inspired this poem of paintings
and postage stamps of goldfinch. "This goldfinch a burst of sunshine /
"Pink Moon"
(4-17-2022) Native Americans call Full Moon of April the "Pink Moon"
"All Seats Full"
(5-1-2022) "All seats are full / Four baby ducks /
are on board now /
"Rich Strike Wins Kentucky Derby"
(5-7-2022) At 80-1 odds, Rich Strike bolts ahead of favorites
in the most stunning upset of the Kentucky Derby ever.
"Happy 22nd Anniversary"
(5-8-2022) Cathy met me at Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
"Dream of The Starry Night"
(5-10-2022) My friend Steve Gould sends photos of four paintings seen at MOMA,
that inspired this poem "Thought I was having fun jiving /
to African tunes in the Red Studio / can't beat dancing outdoors uplifted /
to the skies swinging with the stars."
"Remembrance & Forgetfulness"
(5-11-2022) 36 couplets on Remembrance & Forgetfulness are pairing
positive & negative concepts, although nothing is superior in essence. However, "Remember Oneness /
Forget the rest." & "Remember the Mind / Forget all else." are worth pondering.
"Savor these Sculptures"
(5-12-2022) Archer, Dog, and Lion, / all sculpted from wood /
"Flower Moon"
(5-16-2022) Native Americans call Full Moon of May the "Flower Moon" with blossoms springing forth.
"Let's celebrate this / May "Flower Moon" with / landing at Plymouth Rock.
"Dog & Ducklings"
(5-27-2022) Mama dog / surprised at / what her puppy //
has brought home / for dinner / duckling feast. //
Puppy says / "They're my friends / can't eat them."
"Three Bears Waiting"
(6-1-2022) Three bears waiting, / waiting, waiting, / on top of waterfalls... // Not as lucky
as Goldilocks, / a salmon leaps // into jaws of / a brown bear/
"15th Birthday Poem"
(6-3-2022) Wrote this poem for my grandniece Sophia with 31 images.
"15 petals in / City of York flower.
Earth rotates 15o / every hour... //
Mercury with caduceus /
is a healing priest /
Proverbs: 15:15 "a merry
heart has a continual feast".
"Animals Comaraderie"
(6-6-2022) "Puppy cuddling mother hen /
she hides him under her wing, / then gives him a ride like a king... //
Goat snuggles to sheep / their eyes closed, / and both are asleep."
"Cute Children with Animals "
(6-8-2022) 15 photos to warm the heart "Boy with barn owl, boy walks with goose, /
boy hugging dog, boy talking to rabbit, / boy feeding a raccoon which is best?"
"More Delightful Animals"
(6-10-2022) 15 photos of more deightful animals "Bunny befriended by chick, /
Girl kissing a fawn, / Pig & lamb has clicked // Chimp hugs kitten, /
Raccoon hugs dog, / nice snuggling friends."
"Strawberry Moon"
(6-25-2021) Native Americans call the Full moon of June the "Strawberry Moon"
last of Spring, first of Summer. Stamps showing strawberries from San Marino & USA.
"Warriors Win 4 NBA Championships in 8 Years"
(6-17-2022) "Celtics are longer, stronger, younger, /
Warriors are older, smarter, wiser / a match between brawn against brain?... //
Steph Curry was given the NBA / Finals MVP, an award he has yet /
to win, recognizing his greatness."
"Steve Kerr's Four Core Values"
(7-1-2022) Joy, mindfulness, compassion, competition, / brought him 9 championships /
5 as player, 4 as coach / sharing this talisman with players / has made the Warriors a winner.
"Buck Moon"
(7-13-2022) Native Americans call the Full Moon of July the "Buck Moon"
"Meditations on 71:
Shine divine lamplight into a bright morning" Notes
(8-5-2022) Poem written for Cathy's 71st birthday, using writer's words from verse 71, sonnet 71, chapter 71,
"Vin Scully: In Memoriam"
(8-8-2022 "Let's not mourn his passing at 94, /
but celebrate his broadcasting / golden voice that inspired us... //
He was a minimalist being silent / at key sports moments, letting the / crowd's reaction doing talk-the-talk."
"Cute Children with Animals 2"
(8-27-2021) "Exuberant girl holds white bunny, / lifting it
"Sturgeon Moon"
(8-28-2021) Native Americans call the Full Moon of August the "Sturgeon Moon"
since that's when this huge fish is caught. "Pray to the Sturgeon Full Moon /
this giant ancient fish will bring / your fondest wish to fulfillment."
"Harvest Moon"
(9-2-2021) Native Americans call the Full Moon of September the "Harvest Moon"
since farmers gather crops at this time. "Algonquin tribes call it the Corn Moon, /
Europeans call it Ripe Fruit Moon, and / Chinese eat moon cakes on this date."
"Collecting QE II Postage Stamps "
(9-6-2021) "It was my first triangle stamp /
a semi-postal from New Zealand / showing a young Princess Elizabeth. //
Due to her long 70-years reign, / her portrait appeared on postage stamps /
more than any person, plant, or animal."
"Sun & Moon in Myth & Legends "
(9-9-2021) "Sun and Moon forever a pair, / Masculine, Feminine Yang & Yin. //
Sun is constant, its rays are bright, / Moon is fickle with phases of light."
Why Is the Moon Smiling?
(9-10-2021) "Are you my huckleberry friend / drifting, waiting for me at the bend?" /
sang Audrey Hepburn in "Moon River"... The Moon is smiling because /
not the Sun but her companion / the Earth has asked her to dance."
"Hunter's Moon"
(9-20-2021) Native Americans call October's Full Moon "Hunter's Moon" since
farmers prepare for winter time. Joseph Haydn's Symphony 73 "The Hunt" /
has hunting horn calls in the final fourth /
movement La chasse Presto.
(10-12-2022) "Just realized the four archways on top /
of my Home Page at WisdomPortal / gateways to the imagination, leading to /
inspiration, insights, and illumination."
"Archway to Heaven"
(10-16-2022) "I wonder if there are archways in heaven /
"Yes!" said Archer with bow, Sagittarius. / Even closer is the Crescent Moon at night /
which we witness every month in the sky... / Heavenly archway rainbow in the sky"
"Pretty Legs in Movie 42nd Street"
(10-22-2022) When the camera panned through those /
dancer's legs "Platonic Lambda Λ" / I tell myself, "Soul of the Universe"... //
Never thought seeing "42nd Street" / turning from sexual to spiritual /
would be such a joyous treat."
"Dog Selects a Treat"
(10-30-2022) "2-Card Monte played with his dog /
switching around two cups with treats. / Dog selects cup on his left side /
is fed the one candy inside. // Cup not chosen has a dozen treats /
dog appears disgusted, / so he spits out the one treat offered. /
Many finds this video funny. Why?"
"Halloween Treats 2022"
(10-31-2022) "Skeletons are rattling, / ghosts & ghouls tattling, /
"Audrey Hepburn Grocery Shopping"
(11-3-2022) "Here she is with her pet fawn Ip, / shopping cart by her side, kneeling /
near the floor, examining contents / in a box of Honey Graham crackers."
"Halloween Haikus"
(11-4-2022) Human Haikus Composition: "It's Halloween time /
children out trick-or-treating / under the full moon."
Ai Haikus Generator: "Happy halloween / the moon is shining brightly / it's a scary night."
"Beaver Moon"
(11-8-2022) Native Americans call the Full Moon of November the "Beaver Moon" since
beavers prepare for winter time. "Beaver is Canada's National Animal/
appearing on their first postage stamp /
in 1851, then again 103 years later."
"Trees Forming Archways"
(11-11-2022) "Going through arched Acacia Trees / in Kenya entering another world, /
as arches symbolize transformation. //
Pure delight seeing trees grow together /
like married couples falling in love /
inosculation means "to kiss inward."
"Isolation: Far Away from People"
(11-18-2022) "What is the farthest you've ever been from anyone else?" /
Finally found Astronaut John Glenn, / 248 miles over & orbiting the Earth /
"Rhino Awakens Dog"
(11-20-2022) In Nepal, when sleeping dog was awakened by a rhino,
"Thankfulness 2022"
(11-24-2022) "Thanks to Dad and Mom / for their loving kindness... //
Thanks to Mother Nature / for her endless wonders. //
Thanks to the World-Mind / for its Grace and Blessings."
"Gap Between Thoughts"
(11-26-2022) "Catch the gap between thoughts" /
Swami Chinmayananda tells students / searching and seeking enlightenment."
"Celebrating Charles Schulz's 100th Birthday"
(11-26-2022) "Schroeder plays "Ode to Joy" /
to celebrate Schulz's / 100th birthday... //
Snoppy is dancing / with joy in abundance / for this centennial!".
"Zen Art Followed Me"
(12-1-2022) "Zen art" trailed me over the years.
My body has moved from Ithaca / to Boston to Worcester to Palo Alto, /
but my mind stayed with enlightenment."
"Garden Party"
(12-4-2022) Inspired by Ricky Nelson song
"Garden Party" (1981); "None were lovelier than the pair /
Dante dancing with Beatrice / there was magic in the air... // Over in the kitchen, all alone / Emily Dickinson slowly cooking /
the precious Philosopher's Stone."
"Garden Party: Act 2"
(12-6-2022) "Hokusai painted Mt. Fuji's top, /
Basho's haiku at a silent pond, / the frog jumps in PLOP! // It's all right now, have more to tell /
from this year's Garden Party /
"Cold Moon"
(12-7-2022) Native Americans call the Full Moon of December the "Cold Moon"
since freezing season of Winter is coming. "Santa's reindeers are coming by /
bringing toys to children everywhere / as snowy Cold Moon lights up the sky."
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