On the Love of the Soul

Maitreyi said: "What should I then do with
possessions that cannot give me life eternal?
Give me instead your knowledge, o my Lord."

On hearing this Yajñavalkya exclaimed:
"Dear you are to me, beloved, and dear are the words you say.
Come, sit down and I will teach; but hear my words with deep attention."

Then spoke Yajñavalkya:

In truth, it is not for the love of a husband that a husband is dear;
but for the love of the Soul in the husband that a husband is dear.

In truth, it is not for the love of a wife that a wife is dear;
but for the love of the Soul in the wife that a wife is dear.

In truth, it is not for the love of children that children are dear;
but for the love of the Soul in children that children are dear.

In truth, it is not for the love of riches that riches are dear;
but for the love of the Soul in riches that riches are dear.

In truth, it is not for the love of religion that religion is dear;
but for the love of the Soul in religion that religion is dear.

In truth, it is not for the love of power that power is dear;
but for the love of the Soul in power that power is dear.

In truth, it is not for the love of the heavens that the heavens are dear;
but for the love of the Soul in the heavens that the heavens are dear.

In truth, it is not for the love of the gods that the gods are dear;
but for the love of the Soul in the gods that the gods are dear.

In truth, it is not for the love of creatures that creatures are dear;
but for the love of the Soul in creatures that creatures are dear.

In truth, it is not for the love of the all that the all is dear;
but for the love of the Soul in the all that the all is dear.

It is the Soul, the Spirit, the Self, that must be seen and be heard
and have our thoughts and meditation, O Maitreyi.
When the Soul is seen and heard, is though upon and is known,
then all that is becomes known...

Religion, power, heavens, beings, gods, and all will abandon us
if we think that they are apart from the Soul.
Because religion, power, heavens, beings, gods, and all rest on the Soul.

                        — Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad (600 B.C.)
                            translated by Juan Macaro
                            Penguin Books, Baltimore, 1965

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