Peter's Rumpelstiltskin Dream

My friend Connie whom I've known for 12 years was upset at me for forgetting her middle name which begins with "K". I guessed “Karen, Kate, Kathy, Kelly, Kristine, Kristol.” “No, it's none of these, and I'm not going to tell you!” Later I read an article in the San Jose Mercury News (March 31, 2002) about a son auctioning off his mother for a day on eBay. Recently Connie's son emailed me a photo of her two-month old granddaughter smiling. These events merged in my dream of Rumpelstiltskin challenging me to guess Connie's middle name.

Dream of Rumpelstiltskin
dancing in the woods
ready to take a baby away.
I saw Rumpelstiltskin in the woods at play
dancing merrily and he had this to say:
Today I bake, tomorrow I take away
baby Parker to auction off on eBay
unless you guess Connie's middle name
or you have only yourself to blame!
Soon I'll be gone in my merry way
spinning reams of gold from bales of hay.

Every nook and cranny in his memory lanes
Peter searched her name and almost went insane.
Then suddenly out of the sky came a bluejay
who whispered in his ear “It's Connie Kay!”
Parker is not under Rumpelstiltskin's spell
but back in Grandma's arms and all is well.

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (4-2-2002)