"Scarlet Ribbons for Her Hair"
Harry Belafonte Singing on
Ed Sullivan Show, March 29, 1964

By Peter Y. Chou

"Scarlet Ribbon" Album (1959)

Ed Sullivan Show (3-29-1964)

Bow of Scarlet Ribbons

Preface: Since January 2003, George Noory has been the weekday host of the late-night radio talk show Coast to Coast AM. I listened to this show on the paranormal, and printed its weekly schedule for my friend Connie (2000-2010). Around Christmas time, George Noory will play his favorite Christmas music "Scarlet Ribbons" (1959). The music was written by Evelyn Danzig and the lyrics by Jack Segal. I recall listening to Harry Belafonte singing this song on the Ed Sullivan Show (March 29, 1964). When he died at age 96 on April 25, 2023, I decided to compose this page to honor him and this song.

You know I peeked in to say goodnight,
When I heard my child in prayer.
She said, "And for me some scarlet ribbons,
Scarlet ribbons for my hair."

All the stores were closed and shuttered,
And all the streets were dark and bare.
In our town, no scarlet ribbons,
Not one ribbon for her hair.

Through the night my heart was aching.
And just before the dawn was breaking,
I peeked in and on her bed,
In gay profusion lying there,
Lovely ribbons, scarlet ribbons.
Scarlet ribbons for her hair.

If I live to be a hundred,
I will never, never know from where,
Came those lovely scarlet ribbons,
Scarlet Ribbons for her hair.

Scarlet ribbons, there's magic in the air.
Scarlet, scarlet ribbons for her hair.

© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com
    May 4, 2023

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P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (5-4-2023)