Don Quixote: Spain 1998 Postage Stamps

Edited by Peter Y. Chou

Spain (Scott#2951), issued Sept. 25, 1998
Sheet of 12 multicolored stamps, 20 centimos

En un lugas de la Mancha
Somewhere in La Mancha
Llenósele la fantasía
Swept away by imaginations
Armado caballero
The knight's army
Don Quixote
Riding on
His Horse
to Battle the
La del alba sería
In the unsmilingly dawn
Le molió como cibera
Molio as Cibera
El donoso escrutinio
Scrutinizing Donso
Has de saber, amigo Sancho
How do you know, my friend Sancho
Los gigantes
The giants
Viole bajar y subir con tata gracis
Falling so deep with so much grace
El escuadrón de ovejas
The squadron of sheep
Los galeotes
The galls
Los cueros
The cow hides

Spain (Scott#2952), issued Sept. 25, 1998
Sheet of 12 multicolored stamps, 20 centimos

El encantamiento
The enchantment
Oh princesa del toboso
Oh Princess of Toboso
El caballero de los espejos
The knight of the mirrors
Sancho Panza
Riding on
His Donkey
El leon
The lion
La cueva de montesinos
Cave of the Montesinos
Clavileño (wooden horse)
Sancho gobernador
Governor Sancho
Doña Rodriguez
Dona Rodriguez
Compañero mío
My life companion
Parecioles espaciosísimo
Far horizons
El caballero de la blanca luna
Knight of the White Moon
La vuelta a casa
On the way home

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (5-27-2005)