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Lectures & Events at Stanford University
Lecture Notes
Edited by Peter Y. Chou |
Stanford University is a wonderful place for learning. After Professor Freccero's course on "Dante's Paradiso" (Spring 2001), I extended my library privileges to use their libraries. Often I'll notice posters and flyers on campus of outstanding scholars invited to Stanford for lectures that are open to the public free of charge. Listed below are my notes taken at these lectures at Stanford University and a few outside events of interest. Also added are relevant web links to the lectures as well as books & sources recommended by the speakers in the pursuit of greater learning. (Note: * Links are inactive on notes not yet typed. Cyan colored dates = notes completed). |
Dec. 5, 2005 Monday 7 pm-9:15 pm |
Tibetan Film Series: Film: We're No Monks: A struggle for identity (Review, BBC News) Directed by Pema Dhondup (Clear Mirror Pictures, 2003) Math Building 380, Room 380-Y, Stanford Quad |
Dec. 1, 2005 Thursday 7:30 pm-9 pm |
Kenneth Fields,
Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Albert Gelpi, & Hilton Obenzinger Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass: A 150th Anniversary Celebration Kresge Auditorium, Stanford University |
Nov. 29, 2005 Tuesday 7 pm-8 pm |
Venerable Jian Hu, Abbot, Chung Tai Zen Center, Sunnyvale Chinese Zen Masters: "Why Did Bodhidharma Come to the East?" History Corner, Building 200, Room 002, Stanford University |
Nov. 28, 2005 Monday 7 pm-9:00 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Tibetan Film Series: Films: Shadow Over Tibet (1994) & Home to Tibet (1996) (Video) Math Building 380, Room 380-Y, Stanford Quad |
Nov. 20, 2005 Sunday 3:00 pm-4:30 pm |
Robert Fisk, Foreign correspondent, Independent, London The Wars of the Middle East- History Unleashed (Articles, Book) Cubberley Auditorium, Stanford University |
Nov. 17, 2005 Thursday 7 pm-8 pm |
Prof. Farhang Mehr, Boston University "Zoroastrianism and Its Contributions to World Religions" History Corner Building 200, Room 002, Stanford University |
Nov. 15, 2005 Tuesday 7:30 pm-9:00 pm |
Prof. Stephen Tobriner, Dept. of Architecture, UC Berkeley Bracing for Disaster: Engineers, Architects & the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 (Quake '06 Centennial Series) Kresge Auditorium, Stanford University |
Nov. 15, 2005 Tuesday 4:15 pm-5:30 pm |
Prof. David Spergel, Princeton University Cosmology from WMAP and Beyond (flyer) Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 201, Stanford University |
Nov. 14, 2005 Monday 7:30 pm-9:00 pm |
Prof. David Spergel, Princeton University Taking the Universe's Baby Picture: Measuring the Size & Shape of the Universe (flyer) (The 24th Annual Bunyan Lecture) Mudd Chemistry Bldg, Braun Auditorium, 333 Campus Drive, Stanford University |
Nov. 10, 2005 Thursday 5:30 pm-8:30 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Pamela Davis Kivelson, Artist in Residence, SCIL Before Recognition: Experiments in Art and Science at the Threshold of Perception (Project, Artworks) Peter Wallenberg Learning Theater, Building 160, Stanford University |
Nov. 10, 2005 Thursday 12:15-1:30 pm |
Michael Zimmermann and
Carl Bielefeldt "The Dalai Lama and His Visit to Stanford." Religious Studies Colloquium and SCBS Building 70, Room 72A1, Stanford University |
Nov. 8, 2005 Tuesday 7 pm-8 pm |
Prof. Hazel Markus How I Write, Stanford Writing Center, Basement of Margaret Jacks Hall, Building 460, Stanford University |
Nov. 8, 2005 Tuesday 4:00 pm-6:00 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Prof. Linda Williams, UC Berkeley,
Schedule: Screening Sex Discussion Seminar: "Hard-Core Eroticism: In the Realm of the Senses" Stanford Humanities Center, 424 Santa Theresa St., Stanford University |
Nov. 8, 2005 Tuesday 4:15-5:30 p.m. |
Prof. Peter Skilling, UC Berkeley "Romance and Riddle: Buddhist Literature of Siam" Encina Hall West Room 208, 616 Serra St., Stanford University |
Nov. 8, 2005 Tuesday 12:00 pm-1:15 pm |
Sylvia Ford, Early Childhood Consultant Screen Time and Children Explore that pros and cons of young children't use of technology such as TV, video games and computers. Strategies for setting limits. Assembly Room, Bechtel International Center, 422 Lagunita Dr., Stanford University |
Nov. 7, 2005 Monday 7 pm-8:45 pm |
Tibetan Film Series: Film: Cry of the Snow Lion (2003) (Review) Math Building 380, Room 380-Y, Stanford Quad |
Nov. 5, 2005 Saturday 1 pm-5 pm |
Eavan Boland, Kenneth Fields, Albert Gelpi and others Robert Creeley Poetry Symposium Bender Room, Green Library, Stanford University |
Nov. 4, 2005 Friday 2:30 pm-4:30 pm |
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Aurora Forum: The Heart of Nonviolence Memorial Church, Stanford University |
Nov. 1, 2005 Tuesday 4:15 pm-6:15 pm |
William Craft Brumfield,
Professor of Slavic Studies,
Tulane University The Revival of Russia's Spiritual Heritage: The Tikhvin-Dormition Monastery and the Return of the Tikhvin Icon Building 200 (History Corner), Room 030, Stanford University |
Oct. 30, 2005 Sunday 7 pm-8:30 pm |
Tibetan Film Series Satya: A Prayer for the Enemy (Review) & The Reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche (Review) Building 380, Room 380-Y, Stanford Quad |
Oct. 28, 2005 Friday 7:30 pm-9 pm |
Fritz Lang's
Gothic Masterwork: Destiny or Death Is Tired (1921) Filmography: Fritz Lang Assembly Room, Bechtel International Center, 422 Lagunita Dr., Stanford University |
Oct. 27, 2005 Thursday 5:45 pm-7 pm |
A Medical Seminar with Dr. Tsondue Gyatso, Traditional Tibetan Physician Medical School Office Building, Room 303, 251 Campus Drive, Stanford University |
Oct. 27, 2005 Thursday 2 pm-5 pm |
A Century of Relativity 1905-2005: An Einstein Workshop Dr. Tilman Sauer, California Institute of Technology, "Heuristic Aspects of Einstein's Unified Field Theory Program" & Dr. Dean Rickles, University of Calgary, "What Price Determinism?" Peter Wallenberg Learning Theater, Building 160, Stanford University |
Oct. 26, 2005 Wednesday 6:30 pm-8 pm (could not attend) |
Dr. Tsondue Gyatso, Traditional Tibetan Physician Tibetan Medicine Building 380, Room 380Y, Stanford University |
Oct. 25, 2005 Tuesday 7 pm-8:30 pm |
Malavika Sarukkai
(flyer) "Mudra The Poetry of Expression": a Bharatnatyam Lecture-Demonstration of Classical Indian Dance Graduate Community Center, Havana Room 750 Escondido Road, Stanford, CA 94305 |
Oct. 24, 2005 Monday 7 pm-8:30 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Tibetan Film Series Red Flag Over Tibet and Tibet's Stolen Child Building 380, Room 380-Y, Stanford Quad |
Oct. 17, 2005 Monday 7 pm-8:30 pm |
Tibetan Film Series: Bruce Walker Film: Shadow Circus: The CIA in Tibet & Tibet in Exile Building 380, Room 380-Y, Stanford Quad |
Oct. 15, 2005 Saturday 9 am-3:30 pm |
Knowledge and Belief: 25th Anniversary Conference and Reunion Conference Statement, Speakers, Schedule Stanford Humanities Center, 424 Santa Theresa St., Stanford University |
Oct. 14, 2005 Friday 1 pm-5:00 pm |
Knowledge and Belief: 25th Anniversary Conference and Reunion Conference Statement, Speakers, Schedule Stanford Humanities Center, 424 Santa Theresa St., Stanford University |
Oct. 4, 2005 Tuesday 6 pm-7 pm |
Dr. Steve T. Georgiou The Way of the Dreamcatcher: Spirit Lessons with Robert Lax: Poet, Peacemaker, Sage Stanford Bookstore Alcove, Stanford University |
Sept. 19, 2005 Monday 10 am-Noon |
Stanford University Nobel Day Nobel in the Past, Present, and Future* (sponsored by Stanford's Office of the President) Peter Wallenberg Learning Theater, Building 160, Stanford University |
Sept. 18, 2005 Sunday 8:00 am-5:30 pm |
Institute for the Study of Accelerating Change ACC2005: Artificial Intelligence Intelligence Amplication Tresidder Union, Stanford University |
Sept. 17, 2005 Saturday 8:30 am-12:30 am |
Institute for the Study of Accelerating Change ACC2005: Artificial Intelligence Intelligence Amplication Tresidder Union, Stanford University |
Sept. 16, 2005 Friday 9:00 am-4:30 pm |
Institute for the Study of Accelerating Change ACC2005: Artificial Intelligence Intelligence Amplication Gates Building, Stanford University |
June 28, 2005 Tuesday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm |
Philip H. Bucksbaum Otto Laporte Professor of Physics, University of Michigan & SLAC The Physics of Super Lasers* Panofsky Auditorium, SLAC Campus, 2275 Sand Hill Road |
June 7, 2005 Tuesday 7:30 pm-9:00 pm |
Walter Mooney,
U.S. Geological Survey "The Great Sumatran Earthquake and Tsunami" Sponsor: Peninsula Geological Society Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 201, 370 Serra Mall, Stanford University |
May 27, 2005 Friday 7:30 pm-9:30 pm |
Brian Flemming, Director Documentary Film: The God Who Wasn't There Hosted by Rational Thought Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 201, 370 Serra Mall, Stanford University |
May 24, 2005 Tuesday 7 pm-8 pm |
Richard Carrier Author of Sense and Goodness Without God "Miracles and the Historical Method" Hosted by Rational Thought Building 260 (Pigott Hall), Room 113, Stanford University |
May 24, 2005 Tuesday 4:15 pm-5:30 pm |
Professor Peter L. Galison Professor of History of Science and of Physics "Physics History of the Present" The Robert Hofstadter Memorial Lectures Hewlett Teaching Facility, Room 201, 370 Serra Mall, Stanford University |
May 23, 2005 Monday 8 pm-9:30 pm |
Professor Peter L. Galison Professor of History of Science and of Physics "Ths Assassin of Relativity" The Robert Hofstadter Memorial Lectures Hewlett Teaching Facility, Room 200, 370 Serra Mall, Stanford University |
May 23, 2005 Monday 5 pm-6 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Professor Michael Gazzaniga Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Dartmouth College "Distributed Systems and Conscious Unity" Kresge Auditorium (Law School), Stanford University |
May 20, 2005 Friday 9:30 am-5 pm |
Izaly Zemtsovsky, ethnomusicologist,
Alma Kunanbaeva, anthopologist, Peter Newsom, M.D., Galiya Kassymova, folk healer, and Saben Baribaev, musician Eurasian Shamanism as Healing Tresidder Memorial Union, Oak Lounge, Stanford University |
May 14, 2005 Saturday 2 pm-4:15 pm |
Moderator Adam Johnson,
Michael Ray,
Eli Horowitz, Jodee Rubins, Pat Walsh & Stephen Elliot, Publishing: The Inside Story Building 420 (Jordan Hall), Room 040, Stanford University |
May 11, 2005 Wednesday 7:30 pm-9 pm |
Professor Channing Robertson, Stanford University Ruth G. and William K. Bowes Professor of Chemical Engineering Brainstorms: The Flight of Sports Balls Kresge Auditorium, Stanford University |
May 11, 2005 Wednesday 5 pm-7 pm |
Professor Eric Santner Department of German Studies, University of Chicago On Creaturely Life: From Rilke to Celan Building 260 (Pigott Hall), Room 252, Stanford University |
May 10, 2005 Tuesday 5:30 pm-7:30 pm |
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living Foundation & Professor Myron Scholes, Frank E. Buck Professor of Finance Emeritus, Stanford GSB Leadership and Trust Kresge Auditorium, Stanford University |
May 9, 2005 Monday 4 pm-5:20 pm |
Anton Shammas, Professor of Middle Eastern Literature, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan Ibn Al-Haytham Puts Cervantes in Perspectives, Literally Levinthal Hall, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University |
April 26, 2005 Tuesday 7:30 pm-9:30 pm |
Jean-Claude Koven,
Author of
Going Deeper: How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense, "Going Deeper: Discover Your Full-Spectrum Self" East-West Bookstore, 324 Castro St., Mountain View, CA |
April 20, 2005 Wednesday 4 pm-6:20 pm |
Zi Sheng Wang (Chiyan Rangdro), Qigong Master & Professor of Sports Physiology Tibetan Qigong & Non-Invasive Acupuncture Hoover Pavilion 211 Quarry Road, Farquhar Room, 4th floor, Stanford University |
April 20, 2005 Wednesday Noon-1:10 pm |
Philip L. Fradkin,
Author & Environmental historian Taking Cover: The 1906 Earthquake, The Destruction of Stanford University, and the Politics of Great Disaster Building 200 (History Corner), Room 307, Stanford University |
April 10, 2005 Sunday 3 pm-4:30 pm |
Robert L. Byer,
Andrei Linde,
Douglas Osheroff,
Helen Quinn Professors in Applied Physics, Physics, & SLAC, Stanford University The Most Important Achievement in Physics in the Last 100 Years Stanford University Community Day Building 200 (History Corner), Room 2, Stanford University |
April 9, 2005 Saturday 1 pm-4 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Kiki Chang &
Terence Ketter Stanford Professors in psychiatry and neuroscience on their research The Human Brain: A Year-Long Series Cubberley Auditorium, School of Education Bldg, Stanford University |
April 5, 2005 Tuesday 8 pm-9:15 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Bharati Mukherjee, UC Berkeley 1988 National Book Critics Circle Award Lawrence and Madeline Stein Visiting Writer, Stanford Reading from her work Kresge Auditorium, Stanford University |
April 3, 2005 Sunday 2 pm-3:30 pm |
Marcus J. Borg
(Autobiography) Hundere Chair in Religion and Culture Philosophy Department, Oregon State University "A Tale of Two Christianities" Stanford Memorial Church, Stanford University |
April 2, 2005 Saturday 1:30 pm-6 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Cynthia Epstein,
Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Karen Offen, Marilyn Yalom, & Wang Zheng The Knowledge Revolution: Celebrating Over 3 Decades of Feminist Scholarship Conference celebrating the Institute for Research on Women & Gender's 30th Anniversary Stanford Humanities Center, 424 Santa Theresa St., Stanford University |
April 1, 2005 Friday 4:30 pm-6 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Lillian Robinson, feminist scholar Principal of the Simone de Beauvoir Institute, Concordia University, Montreal From Greeks to Geeks: Feminist Mythologies in the Comics Terrace Room, Margaret Jacks Hall (Bldg. 460), Stanford University |
March 28, 2005 Monday 7 pm-8:45 pm |
Prof. Robert Laughlin, Stanford Dept. of Physics 1998 Nobel Laureate in Physics (fractional quantum Hall effect) A Different Universe: Remaking Physics from the Bottom Down* William R. Hewlett Teaching Center, Hewlett 201 370 Serra Mall, Science & Engineering Quad, Stanford University |
March 10, 2005 Thursday 3 pm-5 pm |
Merce Cunningham, Choreographer Open Rehearsal & Backstage Tour Stanford Presidential Lectures in the Humanities and Arts Memorial Auditorium, Stanford University |
March 9, 2005 Wednesday 7 pm-9 pm |
Merce Cunningham, Choreographer Cunningham In Conversation with John Rockwell Stanford Presidential Lectures in the Humanities and Arts Dinkelspiel Auditorium, Stanford University |
March 2, 2005 Wednesday 5 pm-7 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Lorraine J. Daston, Raymond F. West Memorial Lecturer Director at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Lecture: "Science as Work: Modern Obsessions" Levinthal Hall Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University |
March 1, 2005 Tuesday 4 pm-6 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Lorraine J. Daston, Raymond F. West Memorial Lecturer Director at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Seminar: "The Morality of Natural Orders I: The Power of Medea" Levinthal Hall Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University |
Feb. 28, 2005 Monday 7 pm-8:30 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Lorraine J. Daston, Raymond F. West Memorial Lecturer Director at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Lecture: "Science as Pleasure: Enlightenment Seductions" Levinthal Hall Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University |
Feb. 26, 2005 Saturday 3:00-6:00 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Conference: Thinking Allegory Otherwise* Harry Berger, Jr.: Allegorical Capture and Interpretive Release in 17th Century Dutch Painting (Response: Michael Marrinan) 5:00-6:00 pm Roundtable Final Discussion Stanford Humanities Center, Levinthal Hall, Stanford University |
Feb. 25, 2005 Friday 5:00-6:30 pm (Didn't Attend) |
Conference: Thinking Allegory Otherwise* Angus Fletcher: Allegory Without Ideas (Response: Hayden White) Stanford Humanities Center, Levinthal Hall, Stanford University |
Feb. 23, 2005 Wednesday 7:30 pm-10:30 pm |
Akira Kurosawa Red Beard* (1965) 7th Film in Kinuyo Tanaka Series Sponsor: Department of Asian Languages Cubberley Auditorium, Stanford University |
Feb. 22, 2005 Tuesday 6:30 pm-9 pm |
Nicolas Philibert, Film Director Être et avoir (To Be and To Have)* (2002) From Script to Screen: Conversations on Contemporary French Cinema Cubberley Auditorium, Stanford University |
Feb. 18, 2005 Friday 11 am-6 pm |
Vision in the Middle Ages: A Symposium* 11:00-12:30 Visible Speech: Philippe Buc, Seth Lerer, Niklaus Largier 1:30-3:30 Performing the Invisible: Thomas Sheehan, Bissera Pentcheva, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht 4:00-6:00 Vision in Dante's Paradiso: Rachel Jacoff, Heather Webb, Robert Harrison Building 260 (Pigott Hall), Room 113, Stanford University |
Feb. 9, 2005 Wednesday 4 pm-5 pm |
Professor Eric Graf, University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign The Pomegranate of Don Quijote I.9 Building 260 (Pigott Hall), Room 216, Stanford University |
Jan. 26, 2005 Wednesday 7 pm-8:30 pm< (Didn't Attend) |
Dr. Jeff Cuzzi,
Astronomer, NASA Ames Research Center Exploring the Lord of the Rings: Cassini & Saturn 5th Annual Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series Smithwick Theater, Foothill College, Los Altos Hills |
Jan. 26, 2005 Wednesday 4 pm-5 pm |
Glen Worthey Humanities (R)e-search I: Online Image Collections at Stanford* (Scholars' Workshops at Green Library) Multimedia Room 121A, Bing Wing, Green Library, Stanford University |
Jan. 25, 2005 Tuesday 5:15-6:30 pm |
Nicole Lopez, Dept. of French & Italian Poetry-as-Object and Objects-in-Poetry* Sponsored by the Division of Literatures, Cultures, & Languages Building 260, Room 2 (Pigott Hall), Stanford University |
Jan. 25, 2005 Tuesday 11 am-12:30 pm |
C. K. Williams,
Princeton University Poetry Colloquium* Building 460, Room 426 (Terrace Room), Stanford University New York Times, January 13, 2005 |
Jan. 24, 2005 Monday 8 pm-9:30 pm |
C. K. Williams,
Princeton University Poetry Reading* The Jean & Bill Lane Lecture Series Kresge Auditorium, Stanford University "Beauty in Art, Music, Literature and Philosophy" |
Jan. 19, 2005 Wednesday 7:30 pm-9:30 pm |
Yasujiro Shimazu Tale of Shunkin* (1935) Second Film in Kinuyo Tanaka Series Sponsor: Department of Asian Languages Cubberley Auditorium, Stanford University |
Jan. 19, 2005 Wednesday 5:15 pm-6:30 pm |
Mario Poceski,
University of Florida, Gainesville Stages of Transcendence: Conception of a Progressive Path of Cultivation and Realization in Mid Tang Chan Buddhism* Sponsored by the Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies Building 60, Room 61G, Stanford University |
© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: peter(at)wisdomportal.com (12-5-2005) |
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