Computer Graphics— Digital Art for Dance Gallery: Inspirit

Dragonfly Mandala

by Peter Y. Chou (1993)

Kikaku tells Basho,
"Dragonflies— take off their wings,
and they're chili peppers."
Basho says, "No, that's not haiku!
Chili peppers— add wings to them
and they're dragonflies."
Kikaku bows to the Master,
"Now I understand."


by Peter Y. Chou (1993)

The hands of the clock
are the wings of an angel,
all you need to do is spread
out your mind, delve into inner
space— here time falls away
cracking like an egg shell,
you're not yolk & white
but sun & sky, your spirit
rising beyond time.

Sufi Dancer

by Peter Y. Chou (1993)

His right palm raised to heaven
his left hand lowered to earth—
the Sufi dancer swirls in tune
with the earth and the moon,
a golden river of light flows
through his spine as he sows
tiny seeds of starflakes into
birds, flowers, stones, and
children of the world.


by Peter Y. Chou (1993)

Squaring the Circle—
bringing heaven to earth.
Dante has done it when
he gave us the Paradiso.
Now I transform the square
to circle in forty steps
from magenta to yellow
in a sky of blue. The Flood
has ended— a crow enters
a tunnel of silken light
and a dove flies out.

© Peter Y. Chou: Digital Art— Transformation (Adobe Illustrator 3.0);
Dragonfly Mandala, Timelessness, Sufi Dancer (Adobe Photoshop 2.5).
Shown in Dance Gallery: Inspiritmultimedia performances at Smithwick Theatre,
Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, California, June 25-26, 1993 & May 14, 1994.

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