Happy Birthday!
April 5

Born on April 5

Jean Honore Fragonard

Louis Spohr

Spencer Tracy

Bette Davis

Herbert von Karajan

Gregory Peck

Events on April 5

April 5, 1242: Alexander Nevsky
of Novgorod defeats Teutonic
Knights in the Battle on Ice

April 5, 1722: Dutch navigator
Jacob Roggeveen is first European
to discover Easter Island

April 5, 1803: Beethoven conducts
his Second Symphony premiered
in Vienna's Theater an der Wien

April 5, 1815: Mount Tambora
erupts in Indonesia killing 10,000,
sending ash 18 miles into the sky.

April 5, 1902: Maurice Ravel's
"Pavane for a Dead Princess"
premiered in Paris

Julie Andrews & Rex Harrison
April 5, 1965: 37th Academy Awards:
"Mary Poppins" & "My Fair Lady"

April 5 Postmarks on Postage Stamps

April 5, 1898: Canada 51
One cent, orange
Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee

April 5, 1900: Hawaii 81
2 cents, rose
View of Honolulu

April 5, 1803: Hungary 421
70 filler, scarlet
Palace at Budapest

April 5, 1945: Canal Zone 105 & C7
1 cent, green & 5 cents, yellow-green
William Crawford Gorgas & Gaillard Cut

April 5, 1972: U.S. 1448-1451a
2 cents block, black & multicolored
Cape Hatteras, First Day of Issue

April 5: Journal Writings on this Date

Sicily, April 5, 1787:
We explored the city thoroughly. The architecture is similar to that of Naples,
but the public monuments— the fountains, for instance are even further
removed from canons of good taste. There is no instinctive feeling for art here
as there is in Rome, to set a standard... one fountain,much admiredby all the
islanders, would not exist had Sicily not happened to have deposits of beautiful
marble of every colour at a time when a sculptor who was an expert in making
animal figures happened to be in high favour. This fountain is hard to describe...
all sorts of animal heads, look out, craning their necks— horses, lions, camels,
elephants in succession. Within this circular menagerie, one is rather surprised
to see a fountain. Four flights of marble steps lead up it from openings cut in
the enclosing wall, allowing people to draw the copiously flowing water.
Italian Journey (1786-1788), pp. 223-225

Eugène Delacroix
River Sebou, Morocco, April 5, 1832:
Fine valley to the right, stretching back as far as one can see.
Crossed a Moorish bridge. Faded paint. The city in the distance.
At the river Sebou. Crossed many mountains; big squares, yellow,
white, and violet with flowers. The place where we camped at the
edge of the river. During the day, while we were resting before
our arrival, met a courier who brought us letters from France.
Very great pleasure.

Paris, April 5, 1849:
Large and simple truths do not need, for their utterance and for
impressing the minds of men, to borrow the style of Hugo, who has
never come within a hundred leagues of the truth and of simplicity.
Journal, 4-5-1832, p. 118; 4-5-1849, pp.193-194

Henry David Thoreau
Concord, Massachusetts, April 5, 1841:
Surely faith is not dead. Wood, water, earth, air are
essentially what they were; only society has degenerated.
This lament for a golden age is only a lament for golden men.
Journal (1841), p. 244

Concord, Massachusetts, April 5, 1853:
The bluebird comes to us bright in his vernal dress as a bridegroom.
Has he not got new feathers then? Brooks says "the greater number of
birds renew their plumage in autumn only;" if they have two moults,
spring and autumn, there is still but one of the wings and tail feathers.
Journal (1853), p. 93

Concord, Massachusetts, April 5, 1856:
Saw half a dozen white sheldrakcs in the meadow, where Nut Meadow Brook
was covered with the flood... These ducks would all swim together first
a little way to the right, then suddenly turn together and swim to the left,
from time to time making water fly in a white spray, apparently with a wing.
Journal (1856), p. 251

April 5: Birth Flower, Birthstone, Zodiac Sign

Birth Flower: Daisy
Innocence, loyal love, purity,
beauty, keeper of secrets
Birthstone: Diamond
Love, strength, courage,
Imagination & illumination
Zodiac Sign: Aries, the Ram
Pioneering leadership, boldness,
initiation, innovation, courage

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