You are clouds all packed up into your skins.
You are beautiful diamonds.
You are little white stones on the ocean floor.
You are cool, soft dreams that we have at night.
You are magical flowers that grow in the field.
You are the lighted moon that we see at night.
You are an everlasting hope for survival.
You are the petals of a forbidden daisy.
You are the only snow we might see in the desert.

— Elise Cowan, 5th Grade
Cabrillo Elementary School, San Francisco
Claudia Dudley, Poet-Teacher
Snow We Might See in the Desert (1992)


Love begins when you feel your heart
spinning in the deepest places

Love begins when you hear songs
going on and on like the wind

Love begins when you see butterflies
fluttering over the mountains

Love begins when you feel
like you are under Yosemite Falls
the wet grass in your hand

— Lauren Barcelon, 5th Grade
Anthony Chabot School, Oakland
Judyth Collin, Poet-Teacher
Remembering What Happened (1991)


Am I real? I said to myself
as I pushed
my bike up the long steep driveway
or am I a kid on a T.V. screen
or a sketch by Van Gogh
or am I in the longest dream ever dreamt?

Suddenly a bird woke my silence
I watched it flutter from tree to tree
That is real, I said to myself

That is real

— Felicia Gealy, 6th Grade
Mendocino Middle School,
Karin Faulkner, Poet-Teacher
Waiting to Move the Mountain (1994)

Book Order Form

___ Please send me more information on CPITS.
___ I like to sponsor a poet residency for our school.
___ I like to volunteer. Please contact me.
___ I like to order the following CPITS Statewide Anthology:
TITLE (year):					              PRICE
___  A Tree in the Sky (1995)			      $10.95
___  Waiting to Move the Mountain (1994)	  $10.95
___  On the Other Side of that Window (1993)  $10.95
___  Snow We Might See in the Desert (1992)	  $10.95
___  Unborn Dreams: L.A. Riot Poems (1992)	   $5.00
___  Remembering What Happened (1991)		   $8.95
___  A Chant a Mile Long (1990)			       $7.95
(Please include sales tax & shipping: $2/one book; 50¢/additional books)

Please make checks payable to:
California Poets in the Schools
1333 Balboa Street, Suite #3
San Francisco, California 94118 or Call us: (415) 221-4201

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© Peter Y. Chou, Wisdom Portal, P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email address: peter(at) (12-12-96, updated 2-22-99)