Books with Color Titles at Stanford Library

Survey by Peter Y. Chou

Preface: Out of curiosity, I performed a Socrates Computer File Search at Stanford University Libraries to see which color appeared most in book titles. Colors were searched under "Title" and arranged in the frequency of citations. No attempt has been made to cull out place & family names (e.g., Orange County, Red China, Black, White, Brown, etc.) which may bias this listing. This study was completed during the Lunar Eclipse visible at the Stanford Engineering Library from 9 to 11 pm on November 28, 1993. This survey was conducted while taking "ART-20A: Color", a class with Professor Linda Lum at Foothill College (Autumn 1993)

Color # of Citations Sample Title of Book
Black 6335 Ellis Peters, Black is the Colour of My True-Love's Heart (1967)
White 4802 Harald Lange, Kilimanjaro, The White Roof of Africa (1985)
Red 3128 Jack Micheline, River of Red Wine and Other Poems (1986)
Gold 2720 Jean Mambrino, The Inner Gold (1970) [Interieur Poems]
Green 1756 William Butler Yeats, The Green Helmet and Other Poems (1910)
Blue 1629 Gary Gildner, Blue Like the Heavens (1984) [New & Selected Poems]
Silver 1463 John D. MacDonald, The Lonely Silver Rain (1985)
Brown 1230 Eugene O'Neill, The Great God Brown (1926)
Orange 881 Gordon T. McClelland, California Orange Box Labels (1985)
Gray 541 Hazel S. McCartney, In the Gray Rain (1957)
Yellow 484 Mary C. Richards, Imagine Inventing Yellow (1991) [New & Selected Poems]
Purple 125 Alice Walker, The Color Purple (1982)
Pink 121 Christopher Hope, The Dragon Wore Pink (1985)
Violet 107 David Lindsay, The Violet Apple & the Witch (1976)
Scarlet 105 Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter (1883)
Plum 51 Brook Astor, The Last Blossom on the Plum Tree (1986)
Crimson 41 Whidden Graham, Crimson Hairs, An Erotic Mystery Story (1970)
Orchid 41 Joan S. Grigsby, The Orchid Door: Ancient Korean Poems (1935)
Sky Blue 37 Maksim Gorky, A Sky-Blue Life (1964)
Indigo 31 Ntozake Shange, Sassfrass, Cypress & Indigo (1982)
Blue-Green 31 N.G. Carr, Biology of Blue-Green Algae (1973)
Lavender 24 Olive Green, Lavender and Old Lace (1902)
Turquoise (Cyan) 19 David Rains Wallace, The Turquoise Dragon (1985)
Beige 18 Duke Ellington, Black, Brown & Beige (1988) [Sound Recording]
Mauve 13 Thomas Beer, The Mauve Decade (1926) [American Life - End of 19th Century]
Royal Blue 12 H. A. Applebaum, Royal Blue, Culture of Construction Workers (1981)
Magenta 10 H.C. Wylly, The Campaign of Magenta and Solferino (1859)
Maroon 8 Mayne Reid, The Maroon (1873) [Planter Life in Jamaica]
Navy Blue 6 George Bruce, Navy Blue and Gold (1936) [Story of Naval Academy]
Yellow-Green 5 Marvin Bell, These Green-Going-to-Yellow: Poems (1981)
Yellow-Orange 4 Frederick Test, Nature of Red, Yellow and Orange Pigments in Woodpeckers (1942)
Red-Orange 2 A. S. King, Relative Intensities of Yellow, Orange and Red Lines of Calcium (1909)
Red-Violet 2 C.W. Bauschlicher, Dissociation Energy of Red & Violet Band System of CN (1987)
Blue-Violet 1 A. S. King, The Electric Furnace Spectrum of Iron in the Ultra-Violet (1922)

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (2-19-2008)