Allen Mandelbaum's translation (1980)
1.40 |
con miglior corso e con migliore stella esce congiunta, e la mondana cera più a suo modo tempera e suggella. |
joined to a better constellation and along a better course, and it can temper and stamp the world's wax more in its own manner. |
2.30 |
volta ver' me, sì lieta come bella, "Drizza la mente in Dio grata", mi disse, "che n'ha congiunti con la prima stella". |
to me (her gladness matched her loveliness): "Direct your mind to God in gratefulness," she said; "He has brought us to the first star." |
2.137 |
così l'intelligenza sua bontate multiplicata per le stelle spiega, girando sé sovra sua unitate. |
unfold and multiply its bounty through the varied heavens, though that Intellect itself revolves upon its unity. |
4.23 |
Ancor di dubitar ti dà cagione parer tornarsi l'anime a le stelle, secondo la sentenza di Platone. |
And you are also led to doubt because the doctrine Plato taught would find support by souls' appearing to return to the stars. |
4.52 |
Dice che l'alma a la sua stella riede, credendo quella quindi esser decisa quando natura per forma la diede; |
He says the soul returns to that same star from which so he believes it had been taken when nature sent that soul as form to body; |
5.97 |
E se la stella si cambiò e rise, qual mi fec'io che pur da mia natura trasmutabile son per tutte guise! |
And if the planet changed and smiled, what then did I who by my very nature am given to every sort of change become? |
6.112 |
Questa picciola stella si correda di buoni spirti che son stati attivi perché onore e fama li succeda: |
This little planet is adorned with spirits whose acts were righteous, but who acted for the honor and the fame that they would gain: |
7.138 |
Creata fu la materia ch'elli hanno; creata fu la virtù informante in queste stelle che 'ntorno a lor vanno. |
The matter they contain had been created, just as within the stars that wheel about them, the power to give form had been created. |
8.11 |
perché non corra che virtù nol guidi; sì che, se stella bona o miglior cosa m'ha dato 'l ben, ch'io stessi nol m'invidi. |
that it not run where virtue does not guide; so that, if my kind star or something better has given me that gift, I not abuse it. |
8.110 |
e ciò esser non può, se li 'ntelletti che muovon queste stelle non son manchi, e manco il primo, che non li ha perfetti. |
That cannot be unless the Minds that move these planets are defective and, defective, the First Mind, which had failed to make them perfect. |
9.33 |
D'una radice nacqui e io ed ella: Cunizza fui chiamata, e qui refulgo perché mi vinse il lume d'esta stella; |
Both he and I were born of one same root: Cunizza was my name, and I shine here because this planet's radiance conquered me. |
10.78 |
Poi, sì cantando, quelli ardenti soli si fuor girati intorno a noi tre volte, come stelle vicine a' fermi poli, |
After those ardent suns, while singing so, had wheeled three times around us, even as stars that are close to the fixed poles, they seemed |
12.29 |
del cor de l'una de le luci nove si mosse voce, che l'ago a la stella parer mi fece in volgermi al suo dove; |
then from the heart of one of the new lights there came a voice, and as I turned toward it, I seemed a needle turning to the polestar; |
13.4 |
quindici stelle che 'n diverse plage lo ciel avvivan di tanto sereno che soperchia de l'aere ogne compage; |
in heaven's different parts, those fifteen stars that quicken heaven with such radiance as to undo the air's opacities; |
14.86 |
Ben m'accors'io ch'io era più levato, per l'affocato riso de la stella, che mi parea più roggio che l'usato. |
lady; and I was sure that I had risen because the smiling star was red as fire beyond the customary red of Mars. |
15.16 |
e pare stella che tramuti loco, se non che da la parte ond'e' s'accende nulla sen perde, ed esso dura poco: |
a star that shifts its place, except that in that portion of the heavens where it flared, nothing is lost, and its own course is short |
17.77 |
Con lui vedrai colui che 'mpresso fue, nascendo, sì da questa stella forte, che notabili fier l'opere sue. |
You shall beside him see one who, at birth, had so received the seal of this strong star that what he does will be remarkable. |
18.68 |
tal fu ne li occhi miei, quando fui vòlto, per lo candor de la temprata stella sesta, che dentro a sé m'avea ricolto. |
such change I, turning, saw: the red of Mars was gone and now the temperate sixth star's white heaven welcomed me into itself. |
18.115 |
O dolce stella, quali e quante gemme mi dimostraro che nostra giustizia effetto sia del ciel che tu ingemme! |
O gentle star, what and how many gems made plain to me that justice here on earth depends upon the heaven you engem! |
22.112 |
O gloriose stelle, o lume pregno di gran virtù, dal quale io riconosco tutto, qual che si sia, il mio ingegno, |
O stars of glory, constellation steeped in mighty force, all of my genius whatever be its worth has you as source: |
23.92 |
e come ambo le luci mi dipinse il quale e il quanto de la viva stella che là sù vince come qua giù vinse, |
And when, on both my eye lights, were depicted the force and nature of the living star that conquers heaven as it conquered earth, |
24.147 |
Quest'è 'l principio, quest'è la favilla che si dilata in fiamma poi vivace, e come stella in cielo in me scintilla". |
This is the origin, this is the spark that then extends into a vivid flame and, like a star in heaven, glows in me." |
25.70 |
Da molte stelle mi vien questa luce; ma quei la distillò nel mio cor pria che fu sommo cantor del sommo duce. |
This light has come to me from many stars; but he who first instilled it in my heart was the chief singer of the Sovereign Guide. |
28.19 28.21 (2) |
e quale stella par quinci più poca, parrebbe luna, locata con esso come stella con stella si collòca. |
and any star that, seen from earth, would seem to be the smallest, set beside that point, as star conjoined with star, would seem a moon. |
28.87 |
così fec'io, poi che mi provide la donna mia del suo risponder chiaro, e come stella in cielo il ver si vide. |
become after my lady had supplied her clear response to me, and like a star in heaven truth was seen. And when her words |
30.5 |
quando 'l mezzo del cielo, a noi profondo, comincia a farsi tal, ch'alcuna stella perde il parere infino a questo fondo; |
so that the span of heaven high above begins to alter so, that some stars are no longer to be seen from our deep earth; |
31.28 |
O trina luce, che 'n unica stella scintillando a lor vista, sì li appaga! guarda qua giuso a la nostra procella! |
O threefold Light that, in a single star sparkling into their eyes, contents them so, look down and see our tempest here below! |
32.108 |
Così ricorsi ancora a la dottrina di colui ch'abbelliva di Maria, come del sole stella mattutina. |
So, once again, I called upon the teaching of him who drew from Mary beauty, as the morning star draws beauty from the sun. |
33.145 |
A l'alta fantasia qui mancò possa; ma già volgeva il mio disio e 'l velle, sì come rota ch'igualmente è mossa, l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle. |
Here force failed my high fantasy; but my desire and will were moved already like a wheel revolving uniformly by the Love that moves the sun and the other stars. |
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