HAIKUS: October 2011

By Peter Y. Chou

These haikus were written as exercises in mindfulness—
an attempt to catch the fleeting moment in my daily walks,
while reading, listening to music, and pondering about life.
(Underlined words are not for emphasis but to web links.)
This web page best viewed with Times font size 14.

Saturday, October 1, 2011, 12:30-4:40 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
Typed quotes from Helen Luke's journal
Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On

Real education is
awakening attention
to the voice of God.
Saturday, October 1, 2011, 5:00-5:35 pm
Los Altos Library: Checked out book of
Parabola interviews "Gathering Sparks" (2001)
Selected by David Appelbaum & Joseph Kulin

Twenty-two interviews
of insightful experiences
on transcendence.
Sunday, October 2, 2011, 3:00-5:30 pm
Sunnyvale & Mountain View: Friend takes me
shopping at Felipes (1101 W. El Camino),
99 Ranch Market (1350 Grant Road),
and Safeway (2580 California Street)

Almonds, raspberries,
tofu, bean curd, custard buns,
strawberries, salmon fish fillets.
Sunday, October 2, 2011, 8:00-10:00 pm
Stanford Flicks: Kenneth Branagh directs
"Thor" (2011) with Chris Hemsworth,
Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston,
Anthony Hopkins, Trailer; Film Review

Thor exiled to earth
while evil brother Loki
takes over the kingdom.
Monday, October 3, 2011, 3:30-10:15 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Piero Scaruffi hosts LASER Series 4.8
Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous

Networking of artists
scientists, and inventors
working on paradigm shifts.
Monday, October 3, 2011, 3:30-10:15 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Piero Scaruffi: Consciousness, Jazz, Films.
Cognitive Science, Essays, Hikes, History, Poems

Piero's mind is an oak
tree branching upward
bearing illumined fruits.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011, 10:00 am-5:00 pm
Mountain View: Stayed up till 7 am cleaning
my apartment and throwing away newspapers
for today's installations of two new windows

Found buried treasures
Homage to Pythagoras
and Dark Wood to White Rose.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011, 5:30-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Helen Luke: "Dark Wood to White Rose: Journey and Transformation in Dante's Divine Comedy"

Dante called his tale
The Comedy for the end
is the joy of Love.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 2:30-5:40 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Formatted 18 photos (Oct. 1-2) and composed
web page "Photos: Images of Animal Clouds"
(Missed Buses 35, 88, & Palm Express to Stanford)

After returning
Cloud Collector's Handbook,
saw many "animal clouds".
Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 7:15-9:00 pm
Stanford University, Pigott Hall, Room 113
Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous (4.8):
Henrik Bennetsen (Katalabs), "Next Phase of Web"
(Got here half-hour late; missed most Henrik's talk)

Virtual Gallery
to see art and sculptures
in 3-dimensional space.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 7:15-9:00 pm
Stanford University, Pigott Hall, Room 113
Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous (4.8):
Rachel Beth Egenhoefer (USF), "Knitting Code"

Knit and purl stitches
form code of zeroes and ones
that's visible onscreen.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 7:15-9:00 pm
Stanford University, Pigott Hall, Room 113
Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous (4.8):
Trudy Myrrh Reagan (Artist), "Essential Mysteries"

Boundary between
energy/matter, life/death,
Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 7:15-9:00 pm
Stanford University, Pigott Hall, Room 113
Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous (4.8):
Wayne Vitale (Composer), "Makrokosma Bali"

Ancient Hindu text
and Bali music merged
into rich sonic canvas.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 9:00-9:20 pm
Stanford University, Pigott Hall, Room 113
After meeting, chatted with host Piero Scaruffi,
artists Trudy Myrrh Reagan and Nora Raggio

Trudy and Nora had read
poems at Waverley Writers.
Nora gives me ride home.
Thursday, October 6, 2011, 11:25 am-9:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
"Welfare mom creates million dollar biz: how she did it" (By Sarah B. Weir, Shine, 10-6-2011)

"You can create your own life"
inspired her to make jewelry
with Native American motifs.
Thursday, October 6, 2011, 11:25 am-9:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
SETI posted Anthony Aguirre's 7/27/2011 talk
Video: "Are we living in a multiverse?"

Universe is expanding
instead of slowing down
because of dark energy.
Friday, October 7, 2011, 1:00-4:00 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
Tomas Tranströmer— My Nobel prize-winning hero
(By Robin Robertson, Guardian, UK, 10-7-2011)

One of Robert Bly's
poet-friend is now
Literature Nobel Laureate.
Friday, October 7, 2011, 1:00-4:00 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
Tomas Tranströmer's "Half-Finished Heaven"
and "Alone" (poems translated by Robin Fulton)

Each man is a half-open
door leading to a room
for everyone.
Friday, October 7, 2011, 1:00-4:00 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
"Swedish Poet Wins Nobel Prize for Literature"
(By Julie Bosman, New York Times, 10-7-2011)

Tomas Tranströmer,
visionary poet sees
the beauty of nature.
Friday, October 7, 2011, 1:00-4:00 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
"Apple's Visionary Redefined Digital Age"
(By John Markoff, New York Times, 10-6-2011)

Steve Job's Mac opened
the door for me to be
more creative since 1991.
Friday, October 7, 2011, 1:00-4:00 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
"Burleson finds common ground in painting, poetry"
(By Suzanna Caldwell, newsminer.com, 10-7-2011)
Poem: "Never Night" and Two Rivers Paintings

Word & sound are paint dots—
Poems are sound sculpted.
Paintings are color sculpted.
Friday, October 7, 2011, 5:30-7:00 pm
Stanford University, Building 70, Room 72A1
Juhyung Rhi, "Images at the Threshold: Reading Buddhas & Bodhisattvas in Indian Buddhist Art";
(Missed Lecture; Walked around Lake Lagunita)

Buddhas and Bodhisattvas—
how artists portray
these enlightened beings.
Friday, October 7, 2011, 7:30-9:20 pm
Palo Alto: Friends' House, 957 Colorado Ave,
Waverley Writers Monthly Poetry Reading—
Tom Digby ("The Flu Shot") gave me ride home

Read two poems tonight—
"Michelangelo's Bow"
& "Mind: Questing or Resting?"
Friday, October 7, 2011, 7:30-9:20 pm
Palo Alto: Friends' House, 957 Colorado Ave,
Willy ("Timeless Once Upon") suggests that
I do reversal: quest in sleep & rest in waking

I tell Willy and Trudy
about Mandukya Upanishad
to be awake in all three states.
Saturday, October 8, 2011, 1:00-4:00 pm
Stanford Annenberg Auditorium, Cummings Bldg
Juhyung Rhi, Buddhist Images in Gandharan Monasteries: The Context of Creations

Buddha in Swat Valley,
Greco-Buddha Head,
Group of Gandhara Buddhas
Saturday, October 8, 2011, 1:00-4:00 pm
Stanford Annenberg Auditorium, Cummings Bldg
Juhyung Rhi, Buddhist Images in Gandharan Monasteries: The Context of Creations

135 images shown
on Gandhara excavations
of Buddhas and stupas.
Sunday, October 9, 2011, 6:15-7:45 pm
Stanford University: Finding Cemex Auditorium
Knight Management Center (641 Knight Way)
Rudy picks me up at Los Altos Library
for drive to see Stanford Flicks

Monument to Change
with constantly changing
patterns in an 8-hour cycle.
Sunday, October 9, 2011, 8:00-10:15 pm
Stanford Flicks: Justin Lin directs
"Fast Five" (2011) with Vin Diesel, Paul Walker,
Dwayne Johnson, Jordana Brewster, Joaquim de Almeida, (YouTube: 1, 2), Film Review

Chase and stunt scenes
are fast and furious making
this film a huge success.
Monday, October 10, 2011, 1:30-2:40 pm
Mountain View: Friend takes me shopping
at Milk Pail (2585 California Street)
and Safeway (2580 California Street)

Red grapes, red leaf lettuce,
pizza, popcorn fish & shrimps,
danish, orange juice, and milk.
Monday, October 10, 2011, 3:30-6:15 pm
Palo Alto: Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Printing my poems inspired by Mary Oliver as gift
of gratitude to her ("Thirst", "Such Singing", Bly)

"Speculations on the Soul"
and "What Will You Do with
the Rest of Your Wild Life?"
Monday, October 10, 2011, 8:00-9:00 pm
Stanford University: Cemex Auditorium
Knight Management Center (641 Knight Way)
Mary Oliver Poetry Reading to over 600

Swan, Wild Geese, Sometimes,
Summer Day, Blue Iris,
Allegro, Mysteries, Yes.
Monday, October 10, 2011, 9:15 pm
Stanford University: After Mary Oliver Reading,
no Q&A or book signing. She goes backstage in
Green Room chatting with Prof. John Felstiner

Mary Oliver signs
A Poetry Handbook.
I give her my poems.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 2:30-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Your Website Value ranks sport's popularity

Football is twice popular
than baseball that's twice that
of soccer, hockey, basketball.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 2:30-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Full Moon tomorrow (Greenwich: Oct. 12, 2:06)
(Hunter's Moon or Moon of Falling Leaves)

Sky and Telescope confirmed
that the bright star below
the Full Moon is Jupiter.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 8:00 am-7:20 pm
Mountain View: Found 105 postage stamps with
90 denomination in 1975 Scott Stamp Catalogues
while workers painted my apartment front door

Sixteen pages notes
on Scott numbers, colors,
and date of stamp issue.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 8:00-10:00 pm
Mountain View to Palo Alto: Waited for paint
to dry on my apartment door before catching
7:30 pm Bus #35 to Foothill Middlefield Lab

Today is the 13th anniversary
of WisdomPortal.com
May it continue to shine!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 8:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Downloaded 6 U.S. postage stamps with 90¢
at United States Postage Stamps By Year

Stamps with 90¢—
Washington, Lincoln,
and Oliver H. Perry.
Thursday, October 13, 2011, 2:30-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Jobs painted as romantic teen in 'Rolling Stone'
(By Rachel Metz, Mercury News, 10-13-2011)

Jobs said he was part
of poets and visionaries
called "wheat field group".
Thursday, October 13, 2011, 2:30-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Download postage stamps with 90 denomination
to Number 90 for Prof. Scheraga's 90th birthday

Plane over Great Wall,
Airplane over Pyramids,
and René Descartes.
Thursday, October 13, 2011, 2:30-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Download postage stamps with 90 denomination
to Number 90 for Prof. Scheraga's 90th birthday

Brazilian Bull's Eye,
Austria Styria costume,
and Pierre & Marie Curie.
Friday, October 14, 2011, 2:50-6:06 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
While searching for stamps with 90 denomination
found this cute photo of Kitten & Ducks at
Let's be friends (If they can do it, so can we)

Cross species adoptions
Love last photo best:
Kitten found ducks as friends.
Friday, October 14, 2011, 2:50-6:06 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
"Numberplay: Turtles All The Way Down",
(By Pradeep Mutalik, New York Times, 10-10-2011)
Steve Job's birthday & Pythagoras 3-4-5 triangle

Steve Job's birthday 2/24/1955—
2 x 2 x 4 x 1 x 9 x 5 x 5 = 3600
9 x 16 x 25 = 3600.
Friday, October 14, 2011, 2:50-6:06 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
Wheat Field, Palouse Wheat Field, Moscow, Idaho,
MMA: Van Gogh's Wheat Field with Cypresses,
(Luke 10:2); Chatted with Jack over an hour

The harvest is great,
but laborers are few—
pray to keep on working.
Friday, October 14, 2011, 8:00-10:00 pm
Stanford Flicks: Mike Mills directs "Beginners"
(2011): Ewan McGregor, Christopher Plummer,
Mélanie Laurent, Goran Visnjic, Cosmo the dog,
(Official Site, Trailer), Film Review

Oliver meets new love Anna
after his Dad dies of cancer
who reveals that he was gay.
Saturday, October 15, 2011, 1:20-4:40 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
Charles Baudelaire's "The Sun", (Le Soleil)
from "Fleurs du mal" (1857)

The sun's waves of heat
beat down on fields of wheat
while I walk alone and play.
Saturday, October 15, 2011, 1:20-4:40 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
Ch. 22 of J.D. Salinger's "Catcher in the Rye" from
Robert Burn's "Comin' Through the Rye" (1782)

All these kids coming
through the rye— and I'd
be the catcher in the rye
Sunday, October 16, 2011, 4:00-5:45 pm
Los Altos Hills Library: "Steve Jobs Trip to India"
(By Tutuzdad-ga, Answers.Google.com, 10-7-2004)

Jobs went to India
with Dan Kottke in search
of spiritual enlightenment.
Sunday, October 16, 2011, 4:00-5:45 pm
Los Altos Hills Library: "Steve Jobs Trip to India"
(By Tutuzdad-ga, Answers.Google.com, 10-7-2004)

Jobs sought Neem Karoli Baba
in Kanchi, teacher of Ram Dass
but Baba had just died.
Sunday, October 16, 2011, 4:00-5:45 pm
Los Altos Hills Library: Searched for uniform #90
Mario Williams, Houston Texans outside linebacker

Issac Sopoaga
49ers defensive tackle
from Pago Pago, Samoa..
Sunday, October 16, 2011, 4:00-5:45 pm
Los Altos Hills Library: B.J. Raji
Green Bay Packers, uniform #90

B. J. Raji, nose tackle
for Green Bay Packers
nicknamed "The Freezer".
Monday, October 17, 2011, 3:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Downloaded five uniforms & one car with #90
referring to "Best By Number" (2006) book

Bob Kurland, Joe Juneau,
Neil Smith, Jevon Kearse,
Alonzo Spellman, Dick Trickle.
Monday, October 17, 2011, 3:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
90 in Collectibles and Coins: 1990 Panda Coin,
#90 Wings & Wheels Topps 1952-1953 Cards

1990 China Panda Coin,
#90 Wings: F-89 Scorpion Jet,
#90 Wheels 1915 Ford Fire Chief's Runabout.
Monday, October 17, 2011, 3:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
"The 7 Success Principles of Steve Jobs"
(By Carmine Gallo, Forbes, Jan. 4, 2011)

Do what you love.
Sell dreams, not products.
Put a dent in the universe.
Monday, October 17, 2011, 3:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
"A Star-Studded Memorial to Steve Jobs" (Stanford)
(By Nick Wingfield, New York Times, 10-17-2011)

Bill Clinton, Bill Gates,
Joan Baez, Yo-Yo Ma
came to honor Steve Jobs.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 12:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
12 Most Inspiring Quotes from Steve Jobs
(By Phil Gerbyshak, Sept. 8, 2011)

Design is not just what
it looks and feels like.
Design is how it works.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 12:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
1952 Topps 175: Billy Martin, Rookie Card
One of Jack's favorite baseball players

Billy hit .392
and had 174 RBI
in 1947 of pro ball.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 12:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
90th Happy Birthday for my Cornell Professor;
Haiku inspired by Hiroshige's Woodblock #90

People shopping at night
on this busy street under
the bright Full Moon.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 12:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
On the Number 90 for Scheraga's 90th birthday;
#90 in Mathematics; #90 uniforms; #90 in stamps

Six polyhedrons with 90 edges.
Sum of Platonic Solids' edges:
4 + 12 + 12 + 30 + 30 = 90.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011, 12:00 am-2:00 am
KSFO 560 AM: Coast-to-Coast AM, George Noory
interviews Erik von Daniken, Bio, "Ancient ET Visitations", Book: "Odyssey of the Gods"

Speculates Greek gods
were ET beings arriving
here thousands of years ago.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011, 5:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
90 in Science: Three hours typing 49 chemicals
with molecular weight = 90 & melting point = 90.

Messier M90 galaxy,
Lockheed XF-90 Fighter,
F-90 Blackhawk comics.
Thursday, October 20, 2011, 12:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
"Hawaii astronomer captures image of forming planet" (Audrey McAvoy, Yahoo News, 10-20-2011)

First planet being born
observed— LkCa15b is
450 light years from Earth,
Thursday, October 20, 2011, 12:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
On the Number 90 for Scheraga's 90th birthday;
#90 in History: March 31 is 90th day of the year

René Descartes, Joseph Haydn,
Lawrence Bragg, Octavio Paz
all born on March 31.
Thursday, October 20, 2011, 12:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
Christopher Wren's London Spiral staircase
led to other notables born on October 20:

Christopher Wren, Arthur Rimbaud,
Charles Ives, John Dewey,
James Chadwick, Mickey Mantle.
Thursday, October 20, 2011, 12:00-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
#90 in Geography: Latitude of North Pole (90o N)
and South Pole (90o S); 90o longitude cities:

Dubuque IA, Jackson MS,
Memphis TN, New Orleans LA,
St. Louis MO, Dhaka Bangladesh.
Friday, October 21, 2011, 2:30-7:15 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
#90 in History: Finding bio info on people 90 years old from Jeremy Baker's "Tolstoy's Bicycle" (1982);
Stamps of Wright, Nightingale, Stokowski, Dewey

Frank Lloyd Wright, Florence Nightingale,
Leopold Stokowski, Imogen Cunningham
Christopher Wren, and John Dewey.
Friday, October 21, 2011, 8:00-10:30 pm
Stanford Flicks: David Yates directs "Harry Potter & Deathly Hallows— Part 2" (2011): Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Ralph Fiennes, Helena Bonham Carter, (Official Site, Trailer), Film Review

Harry Potter throws
away his magic wand
after his victory.
Saturday, October 22, 2011, 1:00-5:00 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
#90 in History: Pablo Picasso & Georgia O'Keeffe
from Jeremy Baker's "Tolstoy's Bicycle" (1982)

90 children released
90 doves to celebrate
Picasso's 90th birthday.
Saturday, October 22, 2011, 1:00-5:00 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
"Family Circus" comics (10-19-2011)
"Is this a magic wand or just a stick?"

Conductor's baton,
artist's paintbrush and
writer's pen are magic wands!
Sunday, October 23, 2011, 2:15-6:10 pm
Santa Clara Valley: Monte Bello Open Space Preserve— Hiked on new White Oak Trail and Canyon Trail & Stevens Creek Nature Trail
(Bay Area Hiker, 4-2002 Photos, 8-2000 Photos)

Newt swimming in creek
reminds me of Macbeth's
three witches' incantation.
Sunday, October 23-24, 2011, 11:00 pm-2:00 am
KSFO 560 AM: Coast-to-Coast AM, George Knapp
interviews Jeffrey Kripal, Bio, "Sci-Fi, Superheroes, & the Paranormal", Books: "Mutants and Mystics", "Authors of the Impossible: Paranormal & Sacred"

Sci-fi and comic book
writers put their mystical
experiences in their works.
Monday, October 24, 2011, 1:40-3:40 pm
Mountain View: Banking & Shopping at CVS
(2630 W. El Camino), Milk Pail (2585 Calif. St.)
and Safeway (2580 California Street)

Vitamin C, mixed nuts,
red grapes, potato chips,
broccoli, Roma tomatoes.
Monday, October 24, 2011, 4:40-10:00 pm
Stanford University Main Quad: Photos of Bronze
Plaques #90, #89, #91, #92 for Numbers Collection;
Middlefield Lab: Photoshop cleaning of Plaque #90

Photoshop clone & brush
tools to clean up Stanford
bronze plaque number 90.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 11:30 am-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Lab: "7 Phrases NEVER to Use at Work" (CBS MoneyWatch.com, 10-19-2011): When, Someday, Willpower,
Want/Wish/Hope, Not good enough,
I don't have the time, It's not the right time.

Not good enough to wish
for willpower— It's not
the right time when someday...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 11:30 am-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab
#90 in History: architect Ninian Comper, composer Havergal Brian, film director Abel Gance— creative people in their 90s. Anthony Payne's review in Daily Telegraph on premiere of "Sinfonia Tragica" (1973):

91-year old Stokowski
conducting Sinfonia by
91-year old composer Brian.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011, 12:00 pm-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Lab: Answered Patrick's 10/18 email from Boston College inquiring address of poet Li-Young Lee (Stanford 5-23-2006)

Lost Li-Young Lee's address—
suggest contacting W.W. Norton
who published Behind My Eyes.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011, 12:00 pm-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Lab: Listening
to Li-Young Lee reading poem "To Hold"
from his book "Behind My Eyes" (p. 98)

Our mutual hearing...
into the light of a joint
and fragile keeping
Wednesday, October 26, 2011, 12:00 pm-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Lab: Rudy tells me
that ships have numbers since he worked on nuclear
submarine, USS Trident Ohio Class SSBN-726

Planes and tanks have numbers—
now I learn that ships
and subs have them too.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011, 12:00 pm-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Lab: Found site
with Naval Ship Numbers; Locomotive #90,
Amtrak Train #90; 90th Street Subway Stations:

Beach 90th Street/Holland,
90th Street/Elmhurst Ave
New York City subway stations.
Thursday, October 27, 2011, 12:00 pm-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab:
"Apps, Not Siri, Threaten Google Search"
(By Brian Solomon, Forbes, Oct. 27, 2011)

iPhone apps users
will bypass Google's Search
and avoid viewing their ads.
Thursday, October 27, 2011, 12:00 pm-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Lab: Shanghai's
Han Shan Temple 90 led me to Zhang Ji's
poem "A Night Mooring by Maple Bridge"

The moon goes down at
Cold Mountain temple while
midnight bells keep ringing.
Thursday, October 27, 2011, 12:00 pm-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab:
#155-161: 90 in buildings; #90 in Sports:
#162-183: 90 in baseball and football

SABR Baseball List & Record Book
helped in finding baseball
records connected with 90.
Thursday, October 27-28, 2011, 11:00 pm-1:00 am
KSFO 560 AM: Coast-to-Coast AM, George Noory
interviews Evelyn Paglini (web site), Biography,
"Occult & Predictions", Predictions, Evelyn's Links

Live like Plotinus
in tune with the One,
be untouched by black magic.
Friday, October 28, 2011, 1:45 pm-7:50 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
"Essay: 'Anonymous' and the Shakespeare conspiracy theory that wouldn't die" (NY Times)
(By Ron Charles, Washington Post, Oct. 28, 2011)

Roland Emmerich's film
Anonymous hints that
Edward de Vere was Shakespeare.
Friday, October 28, 2011, 1:45 pm-7:50 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
"Are there really seven billion of us?"
(By Rema Rahman, BBC News, Oct. 28, 2011)
Birthdate: BBC calculates What's your number?

Plan International
will anoint a girl born in
India as the 7 billionth person.
Friday, October 28, 2011, 1:45 pm-7:50 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
"Alien Caught on Film in Brazil Rainforest"
(Image credit: Michael Cohen, Oct. 22, 2011)
Skeptics: Alien not moving at all during video.

Tourists filmed children
in foreground with an alien
standing under Brazilian trees.
Friday, October 28, 2011, 1:45 pm-7:50 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
"ART: A Cosmopolitan Trove of Exotic Beauty"
(By Holland Cotter, NY Times, Oct. 28, 2011)
Metropolitan Museum's Islamic Art (360o View)

One moment, while sitting face to face
with her I tied my soul, like my heart,
to the end of her curls
Friday, October 28, 2011, 1:45 pm-7:50 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
"Cardinals' Game 6 win could be best ever"
(By Jeff Passan, Yahoo Sports, Oct. 28, 2011)
Cardinals win 10-9: David Freese homer in 11th

Twice Rangers were a strike
from winning the Series
and lost 10-9 in 11th inning.
Friday, October 28, 2011, 1:45 pm-7:50 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
"Where does Game 6 rank among sporting events?
(By Reid Lawrence, StLToday.com, Oct. 28, 2011)
NY Times, 10-28-2011: 1, 2, 3; Fan returns ball

Thomson, Mazeroski, Fisk,
Gibson, Puckett, Carter,
and now— David Freese!
Friday, October 28, 2011, 1:45 pm-7:50 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
While watching Bobby Thomson's "Shot Heard 'Round the World" video, noticed that he wore
uniform #23 the same as David Freese!

Greatest moments in baseball
history— Bobby Thomson and
David Freese wore uniform #23!
Friday, October 28, 2011, 1:45 pm-7:50 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
What's so special about the number 23?
#23, Number 23, 23 facts, "The Number 23" film,
1988 World Series hero Kirk Gibson wore #23!

Michael Jordan's uniform,
23 and Me Blimp, and
23 human chromosomes
Saturday, October 29, 2011, 1:00 pm-2:00 pm
Mountain View: Friend takes me shopping
at Trader Joe's (590 Showers Drive)
and Safeway (2580 California Street)

Plain yogurt, spinach salad,
tater tots, cranberry cereal,
dairy creamer and nonfat milk.
Friday, October 28, 2011, 2:40-5:00 pm
Los Altos Hills: Krause Center for Innovation
23 is lowest prime with consecutive numbers;
Most quoted biblical passage is Psalm 23:

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters."
Sunday, October 30, 2011, 11:00 pm-2:00 am
KSFO 560 AM: Coast-to-Coast AM, John B. Wells
interviews L. A. Marzulli (Biography), Blog,
"The Cosmic War", Articles, Interviews,
Book: "The Cosmic Chess Match (2011)

Supernatural is beyond
physics— can't explain
the Shroud of Turin.
Sunday, October 30, 2011, 11:00 pm-2:00 am
KSFO 560 AM: Coast-to-Coast AM, John B. Wells
interviews L. A. Marzulli (Bio), "Cosmic War", Book: "The Cosmic Chess Match, Alien Hybrids,
Video: Twin Madness in the Fast Lane

Twin sisters may be Nephilim
hybrids with super strength—
after rammed by traffic cars.
Sunday, October 30, 2011, 11:00 pm-2:00 am
KSFO 560 AM: Coast-to-Coast AM, John B. Wells
interviews L. A. Marzulli (Biography), Blog,
"The Cosmic War", Articles, Interviews,
Book: "The Cosmic Chess Match (2011)

Humans are pawns in cosmic
chess match
in end times and
seven years of tribulation.
Monday, October 31, 2011, 1:45 pm-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab:
"Steve Jobs' Final Words Shared in Sister's Eulogy" (ABC News & Yahoo News, Oct. 31, 2011)
Given at Oct. 16 Stanford Memorial Church

Steve Jobs' last words on deathbed—
"Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow."
much like Thomas Edison!
Monday, October 31, 2011, 1:45 pm-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab:
"OP-ED: A Sister's Eulogy for Steve Jobs"
(By Mona Simpson, NY Times, Oct. 30, 2011)
Steve looked at his sister, children, wife,
and then over their shoulders past them—

He seemed to be climbing—
Steve's final words were:
Monday, October 31, 2011, 1:45 pm-10:00 pm
Palo Alto, Foothill Middlefield Computer Lab:
“'Oh Wow': What Do Steve Jobs's Last Words Really Mean?“ (By Christopher John Farley, Wall Street
Journal, Oct. 31, 2011), Here's my guess: Read his
last words upside down in a mirror for meaning—

Steve Jobs' last chanting—

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© Peter Y. Chou, Wisdom Portal
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (10-2-2011)