HAIKUS: June 2020
By Peter Y. Chou |
These haikus were written as exercises in mindfulness an attempt to catch the fleeting moment in my daily walks, while reading, listening to music, and pondering about life. (Underlined words are not for emphasis but to web links.) This web page best viewed with Times font size 14. |
Monday, June 1, 2020, 2:25-2:43 pm Mountain View: Walk to Valero Gas Station for "Daily Post"; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 3:10 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home 64 oz Silk Vanilla Oatmilk $2.99; Pepperidge Farms Chessman & Brussels Cookies @ 99¢ ($2 coupon off). |
Monday, June 1, 2020, 4:20-7:40 pm Mountain View: Al Guzman emailed on pressing Power Button for Forced Quit; Screen went dark. It worked! Cubic Plug-In cord to Apple Laptop remained Cold connected to Power Surge instead of Hot in bedroom electric outlet. |
Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 1:03-1:10 pm KDFC: 104.9 FM: André Previn conducts Royal Philharmonic Orchestra to Edward Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance March #1 "Land of Hope" (1901); (CD); (YouTube: 1; 2, 3, 4) Elgar's 163rd birthday today His "Pomp & Circumstance March" played at all high school graduation. |
Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 2:25-2:49 pm Mountain View: Walk to Valero Gas Station Middlefield Rd; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 3:08 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home; Phone call from Edgar of AT&T who's sending someone to my apt on June 3 to install WI-FI Sig. Select Florentine Quiche $4.28; Sig. Select Cheese & Bacon Quiche $4.28; 2 Pepperidge Farms Milano Cookies @ $1.99. |
Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 7:00 am-7:03 pm Mountain View: Yesterday's phone call from Edgar of AT&T who's sending someone to my apt 6/3 to install WI-FI (8 am-noon), but none showed up; Phoned AT&T (12:10-12:28 pm); Pirinces said a technician will come 4:45-6:15 pm; Again no show. Phoned AT&T (6:45-7:03 pm); Adencia says AT&T is not sending technicians out due to COVID-19; UPS will deliver package 6/4 for WI-FI self-installion. |
Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 11:04 am & 1:37 pm Mountain View: Sent "Thirteenth Birthday Poem" (16 rhyming couplets) to grandniece Sophia; also "Alone but not Lonely" poem to niece Elisa; "Betsy Ross flag has 13 stars, 13 stripes 13 bumps on pineapples that are ripe" "At 13, Chopin writes his first mazurka while Beethoven publishes three sonatas. Emily Dickinson's 13th poem is on sleep while Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep." |
Thursday, June 4, 2020, 9:00 am-1:20 pm Mountain View: Phone call from Gino of AT&T: He'll be here in half-hour (9:30 am) to install WI-FI in my apt; Shows up @ 12:05 pm; Checked telephone pole connections, utility box by laundry room; telephone jack outlets in kitchen connected by strip extension wire (provided by neighbor Don) Took Gino (who made thousands WI-FI connections) hour & 20 minutes to finish job; No way for me to do WI-FI self-installation. |
Thursday, June 4, 2020, 5:00-7:30 pm; Mountain View: After seeing on TV Sunday CBS Movie "Indiana Jones & Last Crusade" (1989), Read about 1st Crusade (1096), 2nd Crusade (1145), 3rd Crusade (1198); Last Crusade (movie 1938) Video of Choosing Grail: Nazis chose wrongly golden emerald chalice bringing horrible death Indiana Jones chose wisely Jesus was carpenter so it's a wooden cup giving eternal life. |
Friday, June 5, 2020, 1:55-2:16 pm Mountain View: 1:42 pm Bus #40 to Chef Chu News bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"; Sprouts Market (630 San Antonio Road); Closed yesterday 3 pm due to anticipated protest groups in parking lot; Opened today. 2 lbs package Strawberries $2.98; 1.37 lbs Raw Sunflower Seeds @ $3.29/lb = $4.51; 1.31 lbs Dark Chocolate Almonds @ $4.99/lb = $5.54. |
Friday, June 5, 2020, 4:00-8:00 pm Mountain View: 2:47 pm Bus #40 at San Antonio Rd & El Camino Real to Central XPwy & walk home; UPS delivered AT&T WI-FI package around 4 pm not knocking on my door; Al Guzman will come 9 am tomorrow to return to sender at UPS Store #2847 530 Showers Dr., Suite 7 Mountain View, CA 94040 Phone: (650) 948-0111. |
Saturday, June 6, 2020, 3:00-3:26 pm Mountain View: Walk to Valero Gas Station at Middlefield Rd for "Daily Post" & "Daily News"; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 3:51 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home 64 oz Open Nature Almond Milk $2.73; Sig. Select Cinnamon Appe Sauce $1,89; 2 Waterfront Chunk Imitation Crabmeat @ $1.42. |
Saturday, June 6, 2020, 4:00-4:50 pm Mountain View: UPS Store #2847 closed @ 3 pm Saturday; Al Guzman found UPS Store #4562, 2625 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto, that's open till 5:30 pm Melissa at UPS opened AT&T package to check if WI-FI installation gadget & peripherals are there & wrote receipt for return. |
Sunday, June 7, 2020, 3:15-4:15 pm Mountain View: Olivia Newton-John is granddaughter of 1954 Nobel physicist Max Born who suggested "Newton" in her name; Dad's friend Professor Wei did his Ph.D. with Max Born, and has 4 letters from Einstein; Received letter (11/20/1987) from Prof. Wei in Szechwan discussing the philosophical poems sent to him. When Mom & Jimmy visited Prof. Wei (1985), told them to give him 1981 CD of Olivia Newton-John singing "Let's Get Physical". |
Sunday, June 7, 2020, 8:30-11:00 pm; Mountain View: Watching neighbor Don Richard's TV Sunday CBS Movie: Randal Kleiser directs "Grease" (1978), with John Travolta Olivia Newton-John, Stockard Channing, Jeff Conaway, Barry Pearl, Michael Tucci, Kelly Ward, Didi Conn, Jamie Donnelly, Dihah Manoff; (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); (Reviews: 1, 2, 3, 4) $6 budget with box office $396 million, surpassed "Sound of Music" in 1978; Now 7th-highest-grossing live-action musical. |
Monday, June 8, 2020, 8:29-8:34 am KDFC: 104.9 FM: John Jeter conducts Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra to Florence Price's Symphony #1 in e minor; (CD); (YouTube: 1; 2; 3) Mystery in History 1932 Disney's Flowers & Trees, 1st animated cartoon presented (7-30); War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco opens (11-1); Radio City Music Hall opens in New York City (12-27-1932) |
Monday, June 8, 2020, 9:00-10:40 am; Mountain View: Al Guzman (San Jose) phoned for 3-way conferencing with Network Solutions (hosting my web site Wisdomportal.com); Spoke with Joe on renewing my SSL Certificate (expired 5-22-2020); Trouble with Firefox & Safari seeing Confirmation; Joe sent email @ 12:36 pm on SSL Validation Al will pay $119.98 for 2-years for SSL (expires 6-8-2022) with his credit card that I'll reimburse wth check. |
Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 11:45 am-12:00 pm Mountain View: Public Storage (Old Middlefield Way) Bus #40 runs every hour; Rudy saves me time driving to Public Storage to pay $136 (email receipt 12:36 pm) Hackers spent $1,784.56 from Rudy's Wells Fargo savings; needs to show Lodi's reimbursements at Bay Area banks. |
Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 12:30-8:02 pm Mountain View: Network Solutions Joe Harris emails (10:13 am) that SSL Validation he did yesterday passed their Security Division inspections NY Times Best-Sellers List didn't appear until 1931; Publishers Weekly Best-selling novels (1920-1929); Le Monde's 100 Books. |
Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 8:29-8:40 am KDFC: 104.9 FM: Werner Ehrhardt conducts Concerto Köln to Josef Myslivecek's Overture in A (CD) (YouTube: 1, 2, 3): Mystery in History 1772 Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa is founded in California (9-1); Second voyage of James Cook found ice floes south of New Zealand (12-14); Scottish Daniel Rutherford discovers nitrogen gas, isolating it from air (1772) |
Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 10:42 am-7:30 pm; Mountain View: F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Great Gatsby" (4-10-1925); Hitler's "Mein Kampf" published (7-18-1925); Hitler saw Spear of Longinus that pierced awakening on hearing "whoever possessed the Spear will rule the world"; Conquered Austria (3-12-1938) SS squad's first port of call was Hofburg Museum, resting place of Spear of Destiny, brought back to Nuremberg Castle. |
Thursday, June 11, 2020, 12:30-1:09 pm Mountain View: Rudy drove to Valero Gas Station for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Shopped at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); Rudy gave me $1.89 for 4 Sweet Baby Ray Barbecue Sauces (reg. $11.96) Gallon Value Corner Nonfat Milk $2.98; 2 oz Hand Sanitizer (reg. $5.99) for $2.99 Free from Monopoly Coupon for Rudy. |
Thursday, June 11, 2020, 3:30-7:30 pm Mountain View: Dr. Liteh Chang 2:38 pm email from Kaiser Permanente on appointment for yearly checkup; Emailed back (3:33 pm) that I'm fine & not interested in phone or video appt. Request to extend Refills=0 for vials of Humulins; Also picking up 2 vials next time to save 3 hours Bus trips to Kaiser. |
Friday, June 12, 2020, 8:29-8:36 am KDFC: 104.9 FM: Lance Friedel conducts Royal Scottish National Orchestra to Domenico Cimarosa's The Secret Wedding: Overture (1792); CD); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3) Mystery in History 1792 U.S. Post Office Department established, (2-20); Kentucky becomes 15th state to enter the Union (6-1); Cornerstone of U.S. Executive Mansion is laid (10-13-1792). |
Friday, June 12, 2020, 12:20-12:40 pm; Mountain View: 12:04 pm Bus #40 to Chef Chu's news bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly" Shop at Sprouts Market (630 San Antonio Rd) 1:17 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy & walk home; Dale's Tree Service chopped down Pepper Tree (Montecito Ave) 1.58 lbs Walnut Halves @ $4.99/lb = $7.88; 19 oz bag Raw Wheat Germ $2.79; Bunch of Green Onions 79 cents. |
Saturday, June 13, 2020, 1:10-1:33 pm Mountain View: Walk to Valero Gas Station for "Daily Post" & "Daily News"; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); Caught 1:38 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walked home Sig. Select Ultra-Thin Supreme Pizza $3.99; 3 lbs Sig. Cafe Mustard Potato Salad $5.69; Sig. Select Cold Brew Coffee (8 oz) Free. |
Saturday, June 13, 2020, 2:20-9:30 pm Mountain View: After yellow ribbon put around "Old Witch" Pepper Tree at Montecito Ave on May 5, this Heritage Tree was chopped down yesterday; Took photo of stump & empty space "Old Witch" Pepper Tree branches twisting and turning sculpting empty space. |
Sunday, June 14, 2020, 12:25-9:00 pm Mountain View: Searched 1975 Scott's Postage Stamps catalogue and found 4 stamps showing Vanishing Point for Ch. 8 of "Platonic Lambda"; Vanishing point walking down Palm Drive; My insight on Finnegans Wake, page 293 Korea 711, Seoul-Pusan XPwy (1970); New Zealand B6, Road to Health (1953); Persia 107, Railway (1957); Philippines 583, Wright Park, Baguio (1952). |
Sunday, June 14, 2020, 12:25-9:00 pm Mountain View: Another interpretation of Joyce's Finnegans Wake, page 293 in Carla Baricz's "Finnegans Wake Diagram & Giordano Bruno" "Joyce Studies Annual", Volume 2008, pp. 235-242 Stumbled on this treasure from JSTOR journals To support researchers in this time where many are unable to get to physical libraries, JSTOR have expanded free read-online access from 6 to 100 articles/month through 12-31-2020. |
Monday, June 15, 2020, 4:20-4:43 pm Mountain View: 3:55 pm Walk to Valero Station at Middlefield Rd for "Daily Post"; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); Caught 5:00 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave & walked home Gorton Salmon BOGO free coupon saved me $32. Sig. Select Ultra-Thin Supreme Pizza $3.99; Bag Express Farm Spinach for Salad $1.99; 8 Gorton Salmon Fillets @ $1.99 = $15.96. |
Monday, June 15, 2020, 5:40-9:00 pm Mountain View: Table of Contents from my book "The Platonic Lambda" is halfway complete with just 7 chapters written; Need to concentrate on Ch. 8 "Vanishing Point" & Ch. 9 "Wizard's Hat" Notes from Poem helps completing Ch.8. Books on Arthurian Legends, Irish Mythology, & Grail Legends from my library aid me writing Ch. 9. |
Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 12:40-8:30 pm Mountain View: Foothill College has no access to scientific journals; Need to consult references 112-117 cited in my review Ann. Rev. Biochemistry 47, 251-276 by Tanaka & Scheraga attacking my protein predictions as "intuitive & not scientific". Ann downloaded all 6 Macromolecules papers; but couldn't find accusations in them; Maybe it's in Israeli J. Chem. 12, 239-286 (1974). |
Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 12:40-8:30 pm Mountain View: Last night (9:30 pm-12:55 am) typed passages in Ch. XX-XXIV "The Holy Grail" about Merlin (pp. 347-399) for Ch. 9 "Wizard Hat"; After the "Old Witch" Pepper Tree was chopped down, need to add Witch's hat in Ch. 9 of "Wizard Hat" Medieval woodcut of Two Witches & Cat, Wicked Witch of the West in "Wizard of Oz", Origins of conical hats in witches. |
Wednesday, June 17, 2020, !:00-1:19 pm; Mountain View: 12:48 pm Red Bus to Showers Dr.; 1:00 pm Bus #22 to San Antonio Road; Sprouts (630 San Antonio Rd); 1:36 pm Walk to Whole Foods; 2:07 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy & walk home; 2.04 lbs Organic Black Grapes @ $1.48/lb = $3.02; 2.37 lbs Roma Tomatoes @ 77 cents/lb = $1.82; 2.87 lbs Raw Almonds @ $4.99/lb = $14.32. |
Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 2:50-8:30 pm; Mountain View: Computerized Chou-Fasman Method Printout (pp.106-107) in Advances of Enzymology, Vol. 47, 45-148 (1978) at 10th International Congress of Biochemistry, Hamburg; 3 "M"s came yesterday Macromolecules papers (1976-77) sent by Ann, Macadamia nuts enjoyment email sent by Karen, Merlin's hat, Witch's hat, Dunce's cap for Chapter 9. |
Thursday, June 18, 2020, 11:30 am-12:08 pm Mountain View: Walk to Valero Gas Station at Middlefield Rd for "Daily Post" & "Metro" 12:08 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home; Email from colleague Karen Burke (11:29 am) Lost touch for around 50 years After her Ph.D. with Scheraga (1973), she got M.D. & now works at Mt. Sinai in NYC. |
Thursday, June 18, 2020, 9:45 pm-12:30 am Mountain View: Wrote poem "Received Emails from Best Poet & Best Fiction Writer on the Same Day" after finding Feb. 11, 2010 emails from Kay Ryan (11:25 am) and Joyce Carol Oates (3:29 am) My poem "You Can't Catch Me" cites 84 titles from Oates' books; only Balzac published more with 100+ novels. |
Friday, June 19, 2020, 1:45-2:21 pm; Mountain View: 1:25 pm Red Bus to Showers Dr.; 1:34 pm Bus #22 to Chef Chu's news bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"; Wells Fargo (2600 W. El Camino Real); Banker Elidel Navales; 2:47 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy & walk home. Wells Fargo set-up Auto-pay $10/month WI-FI fee to AT&T, PO Box 5014 Carol Stream, IL 60197-5014 |
Friday, June 19, 2020, 4:20-5:45 pm; Mountain View: With Hair Salons closed in Santa Clara, due to Shelter-In-Place during COVID-19 pandemic, Rudy came and gave me a haircut outside of my apt using scissors; Swept up loose hair on pavement with broom. Last haircut at Lam's (1-10-2020); Hair getting bushy & ticklish around ear, so nice trim by Rudy keeps me in comfort. |
Saturday, June 20, 2020, 2:00-2:42 pm Mountain View: Walk to Valero Gas Station at Middlefield Rd for "Daily Post" & "Daily News" to give friends; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 2:55 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave & walk home 2 Potato Taters (2 lbs) & Onion Rings @ $1.67; Open Nature Almond-Coconut Milk $1.99 with 75 cents off Just-For-U coupon = $1.24; Sig. Select Hazelnut Spread ($1.25) Free. |
Saturday, June 20, 2020, 3:35-8:30 pm MV: Ann downloaded 14 Scheraga papers, and finally found the GOOSE in the last paper: F.R. Maxfield & H.A. Scheraga (page 5148) Biochemistry Vol. 15 5138-5153 (1976) "It seems that these rules [Chou & Fasman] leave much to the INTUITION of the individual investigator, and it is, perhaps, not surprising that we have been unable to reproduce them.". |
Sunday, June 21, 2020, 12:00-8:30 pm Mountain View: "Ring of Fire": Rare solar eclipse (By Sam Yeh, USA Today, 6-21-2020) Photo from Yunlin county, center Taiwan An annular eclipse occurs when the moon covers the sun's center, leaving the sun's visible outer edge to form a "ring of fire" around the moon. |
Sunday, June 21, 2020, 12:00-8:30 pm Mountain View: Poem "Ring of Fire Late Show" written after watching live-stream video in Singapore & Rajasthan, India "Ring of Fire" Eclipse seen from Singapore last night was live-stream on Dec. 26, 2019, and not from this year's eclipse. |
Sunday, June 21, 2020, 9:30-11:55 pm Mountain View: Grateful Dead: A look back at the band's magical year of 1970 (2 albums in 1970 "Workingman's Dead" & "American Beauty" changed everything for Bay Area's Jerry Garcia band (By Jim Harrington, Mercury News, 6-4-2020, Eye, pp. 2-4) Revered by Deadheads and honored by the Library of Congress, the May 8 show at Cornell University's Barton Hall made Grateful Dead's history. |
Sunday, June 21, 2020, 9:30-11:55 pm Mountain View: Since I'm not familiar with any of their songs, listened to 7 Grateful Dead's songs mentioned by Jim Harrington's article "Uncle John's Band"; "Friend of the Devil"; "Truckin'"; My favorite is "Ripple" "Ripple" (Radio City, 10/31/80); "Sugar Magnolia" (Stanford, 2/9/73); "Brokdown Palace" (SF, 6/8/77); "Attics of My Life" (1970). |
Monday, June 22, 2020, 12:45-12:55 pm Mountain View: Walk to Valero Gas Station at Middlefield Rd for "Daily Post" to give friends & neighbors; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 1:15 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave & walk home Sig. Select Florentine Quiche @ $4.27; Sig. Select Bacon & Cheese Quiche @ $4.27; No Freezer room for Van De Kamps 10 Fillets. |
Monday, June 22, 2020, 2:00-8:30 pm Didn't bookmark "Robert Hunter, Grateful Dead Lyricist, Dies at 78" (By Neil Genzlinger, NY Times, 9-25-2019) or "Jerry Garcia of Grateful Dead, Icon of 60's Spirit, Dies at 53" (By Jon Pareles, NY Times, 8-10-95) Karen Kao doesn't play Grateful Dead on her piano, but sends interview video of Garcia & Bob Weir on Letterman (4-13-1982). |
Monday, June 22, 2020, 9:23-10:00 pm Mountain View: Rudy's Anthropology class to critique video "Ishi: The Last of His Kind" UC Berkeley abuse of Yahi man 106 years ater (By Jessica Jimenez, Daily Californian, 9-1-2017) UC Berkeley anthropologists Alfred Kroeber and Thomas Waterman named him "Ishi", the Yahi word for "man." |
Monday, June 22, 2020, 10:00-11:55 pm Mountain View: Ishi says "the white man is clever but not wise""; he loved children & visited hospital patients, bringing them joy; Alfred Kroeber was a savage anthropologist; Daughter was Ursula K. Le Guin Ursula LeGuin lectured at Stanford; she signed her Buffalo Gals & Other Animal Presences for my niece Elisa. |
Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 1:00-1:15 pm; Mountain View: 12:49 pm Red Bus to Showers Dr.; 1:00 pm Bus #40 to San Antonio Road; Sprouts (630 San Antonio Rd); 1:40 pm Free Ellenos Yogurt out at Safeway; 2:06 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy & home; Raincheck: Terra Chips Original @ $2.50; Terra Veggie Chips Sweets & Beets @ $2.50; Terra Veggie Chips Mediterranean @ $2.50. |
Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 3:11-8:30 pm; MV: Writing Ch. 11: "Ancient of Days" (Compass); Blake's 1794 etching in "Exploring Silicon Valley" "Blake, Freemasonry and the Builder's Task" (By Stuart Peterfreund, Mosaic, Vol.17, 35-57, 1984) William Blake was not a Freemason, but knew many Masonic members, using the compass in his famous etching. |
Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 3:11-8:30 pm Mountain View: Pondering on 17-syllable haiku in Grateful Dead's "Ripple" (1970): Ripple in still water / When there is no pebble tossed / Nor wind to blow: No "ripple" in Bible, Dante, or Emily Dickinson No wind or tossed pebble to make ripple it must be from angel's wings. |
Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 3:11-8:30 pm Mountain View: Pondering on Hunter's favorite lyric: "Let it be known there is a fountain / That was not made by the hands of men,"" "Fountain(s)" cited 34x in Bible, Psalms 36:9 "For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light, shall we see light." |
Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 12:35-12:55 pm; Mountain View: 11:50 pm Red Bus to Showers Dr.; 12:20 pm Bus #22 to Smart & Final (141 E. El Camino) 10% Discount Coupon in Mercury News flyer 1.91 lb Black Seedless Grapes @ 99¢/lb = $1.89; 1.86 lb Black Seedless Grapes @ 99¢/lb = $1.84; 2 Land-O-Frost Smoked Ham (9 oz) @ $1.99. |
Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 1:10-1:36 pm; Mountain View: 99 Ranch Market (1350 Grant Rd) 1:54 pm Bus #22 to Showers Dr. Missed 2:06 pm Bus #40; 2:49 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy & home Kimbo Jumbo Thick Dry Bean Curd $2.29; 2 Pulmuone Firm Tofu (16 oz) @ $1.29 = $2.58; 2 Kimbo Spinach Wontons (24 ct) @ $4.09 = $8.18. |
Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 10:10-10:17 am KDFC: 104.9 FM: José Serebrier conducts Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra to J.S. Bach's Sheep May Safely Graze, BMV 208 (1713); CD); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3); Sheep Year 2003; Sheep Year People Text: Sheep may safely graze and pasture / In a watchful Shepherd'ssight. Where the rulers well are ruling, May one rest and peace discover And what nations blissful makes. |
Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 3:30-8:30 pm; Mountain View: Grateful Dead's song "Ripple" (1970): released in album "American Beauty" (11-1-1970) Wrote out lyrics to the song's 23 lines; written by Robert Hunter (8-18-1970) Composed poem "Inspired by 'Ripple'" (27 lines; 9 stanzas of 17-syllable haikus) Golden words glowed as sunshine tunes flowed on the harp voice came with music |
Thursday, June 25, 2020, !:35-1:50 pm; Mountain View: 1:19 pm Red Bus to Showers Dr.; Wal-Mart news bins for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; 1:33 pm Bus #22 to San Antonio Road; Sprouts (630 San Antonio Rd); 2:06 pm Bus #40 didn't stop; Next 2:51 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy & walk home. 2 Solgar Magnesium Citrate (120 tabs) (reg.$15.99); on sale $12.79 + $1.15 tax = $13.94 x 2 = $27.88; Sprouts Tender Spinach Leaves for Salad @ $1.99. |
Thursday, June 25, 2020, 4:00-9:00 pm; Mountain View: Blake's "Ancient of Days" (1794) shows God creating the world with compass; Compass & Square with G in center is Freemason's logo; What does "G" stand for? Freemasonry founded in France, so why not "Dieu"? "The Hiram Key" (1997) tells about Hiram Abif, founder of Freemasonry, but nothing of its logo. |
Friday, June 26, 2020, 3:00-3:14 pm; Mountain View: 2:20 pm Red Bus to Showers Dr.; 2:30 pm Bus #40 to Chef Chu's news bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly" for friends; Shopping at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd) 3:35 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy & walk home. Lemon & Cheese Strudels (10 ct) 50% off $5 price = $2.50 plus $2 off Bakery coupon = 50¢; Overcharge $1.50; Refund 1 cash; Free 5.3 oz Ellenos Greek Yogurt not in stock. |
Friday, June 26, 2020, 4:15-7:40 pm; Mountain View: Since French cathedrals are older than British, thought Masonry cult began in France; Grand Lodge of England founded 6-24-1717; Oldest Churches in Europe Found dozen Church Steeples for Ch. 10 Temple d'Auguste et de Livie, Vienne, France (1st century); Basilica of Saint-Pierre-aux-Nonnains Metz, France (380); Church of St. Martn, Canterbury, UK (597). |
Saturday, June 27, 2020, 2:45-3:05 pm Mountain View: Walk to Valero Gas Station at Middlefield Rd for "Daily Post" & "Daily News" for neighbors; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 3:09 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home 32 oz Lucerne Strawberry Yogurt @ $2.29; Cinnamon Apple Sauce (6 ct cups) @ $1.99; Free 8 oz Primo Taglio Swiss cheese not in. |
Saturday, June 27, 2020, 4:08-9:40 pm Mountain View: Worked 10 pm-12:32 am last night bookmarking 29 images for Notes to poem "Inspired by Ripple", not aware how late it was; Kirsten Agresta Copley Playing Harp "Ode to Joy" hand-me-down from Schiller to Beethoven; Germany 353 & 354 stamps next to each other. |
Sunday, June 28, 2020, 1:40-11:40 pm Mountain View: Downloaded BBEdit 13.0 for 30-days free trial, but can't use it since it's for Mac OS 10.14.2 or higher; while my refurbished Apple Laptop is 10.12.2 Downloaded older BBEdit 12.1.6 to use for my Mac OS 10.12.2 Laptop First time using BEdit since March 14. |
Sunday, June 28, 2020, 1:40-11:40 pm Mountain View: Emailed Poems during Pandemic and latest poem "Inspired by Ripple" to friends; Cousin Scott sends video of 10-months-old grandson Matt; Denise moved from Atlanta to Wisconsin Felix says he looks for my email in his Inbox like a hawk; Frank Peter likes "hermit" lifestyle- low profile". |
Monday, June 29, 2020, 12:45-1:08 pm Mountain View: Rudy drove me to Valero Gas Station at Middlefield Rd for "Daily Post"; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); Rudy paid $22.81 for bargains at Sprouts and Smart & Final; 4:45 pm Jack Mullen came for 3 bags of papers (saved since 3/15) Sig. Select Thin-Crust Supreme Pizza $3.50; Ellenos Greek Yogurt (5.3 oz) $2.79 Free; Free Primo Taglio Swiss Cheese (8 oz) not in. |
Monday, June 29, 2020, 2:10 pm-2:00 am Mountain View: Feels great using BBEdit to write Notes to Poem "Inspired by Ripple"; Fun to find images illustrating the nine haikus in the poem; Teachings of sages Paul Brunton & Shivapuri Baba will bring you home; but Odysseus may be better Odysseus is a humble sage who'll bring you home to OM, your soul, center of your heart, the real treasure house. |
Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 2:00-12:00 pm Mountain View: Finished Notes to Poem "Inspired by Ripple" last night at 2:00 am; First time writing Notes before poem was typed done today @ 2:50 pm; Downloaded Cyberduck 6.6.2 free so could upload work done to WisdomPortal.com Last time using Cyberduck was March 14 at Krause Center, uploading LINC70B final projects Santa Clara & Nikko. |
Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 2:00-12:00 pm Mountain View: Since last upload using Cyberduck was on March 14, over 3 months ago, forgot entries of Server, Username, & Password; Before calling Network Solutions for help, recalled they sent me this info a long time ago; Found it and could log in! Used haikus typed in Yahoo Drafts, composed Haikus for June 1-15, and June 28-30 using BBEdit. |
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© Peter Y. Chou,
Wisdom Portal P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: ![]() |
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