HAIKUS: May 2020
By Peter Y. Chou |
These haikus were written as exercises in mindfulness an attempt to catch the fleeting moment in my daily walks, while reading, listening to music, and pondering about life. (Underlined words are not for emphasis but to web links.) This web page best viewed with Times font size 14. |
Thursday, April 30, 2020, 6:40-8:36 pm Mountain View: After 3.5 years off the web, with free hosting @ sislands.com (4 years) & tdl.com (13 years), Al Guzman helped to upload WisdomPortal.com with SSL https (5-23-2018); Have not checked my emails at peter@wisdomportal.com regularly; Deleted hundreds of junk mail spams; 101 emails on collaborations (9/2019-4/2020). |
Friday, May 1, 2020, 11:34-11:46 am KDFC: 104.9 FM: Hilary Hahn plays violin as Eiji Oue conducts Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra to Niccolo Paganini's Violin Concerto #1 in D Op. 6 (1818); (CD); (Hahn, Sarah Chang, Sayaka Shoji) Paganini's scoring: 1 flute, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 1 bassoon, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 1 trombone, & strings. |
Friday, May 1, 2020, 2:15-2:28 pm Mountain View: 1:34 pm Bus #40 to Chef Chu's news bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"; 2:14 pm Wells Fargo to transfer $1500 from Savings to Checking Acc't; 15 minutes wait to bank, but no wait to Sprouts (630 San Antonio Rd); 2:51 pm Bus #40 2.47 lbs Red Grapes @ 98¢/lb = $2.42; 2.74 lbs Roma Tomatoes @ 77¢/lb = $2.11; 2.63 lbs Dried Apricots @ $2.99/lb = $7.86. |
Friday, May 1, 2020, 4:14-8:30 pm Mountain View: Email from Steve Gould, housemate in Cambridge, MA (1970-1971) when postdoctoring at Brandeis University; He liked my poem "Alone but not Lonely"; Asked if I've seen Renoir's Boating Party Renoir's Boating Party (1881); Individual Portraits by Renoir; Jean Renoir: "Renoir & Aline Charigot". |
Saturday, May 2, 2020, 1:55-2:14 pm Mountain View: 12:43 pm Walk to Valero Gas Station, Middlefield Rd. for "Daily Post" & "Daily News"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 1:38 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home 32 oz. Lucerne Hazelnut Coffee Creamer $3.29; Free 3 Sponges from Monopoly Game Coupon; Checkout James gave me 200 Monopoly Tickets. |
Saturday, May 2, 2020, 2:34-8:30 pm Mountain View: Steve Gould's 5/2 email quotes Pascal "All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone." cited by Roger Cohen in today's NY Times. Pascal in "Science Versus Poetry"; Pascal's 11/23/1654 vision of God; Poem: "An Enlightened Story". |
Sunday, May 3, 2020, 12:15-3:05 pm Mountain View: Safeway Checkout James gave me box of 510 Monopoly Tickets yesterday when I said "Haven't won anything"; Ripped 200 tickets last night (11:00 pm-1:00 am) & 310 tickets today; D623A Oikos & 3 D-coupons won $5 cash; 28 Free Coupons for 56 more Monopoly tickets; 28 Instant Winners Coupons for 28 Free items. |
Sunday, May 3, 2020, 4:08-8:30 pm Mountain View: Steve Gould's 5/3 email: Likes "Science Versus Poetry" poem; & story sittng between 2 Nobel laureates; Steve sat at table dining at Cornell where Hans Bethe was with Richard Feynman! Steve likes 3 quotes from British sage Paul Brunton on loneliness from his Notebooks (1, 2, 3). |
Sunday, May 3, 2020, 8:00-10:30 pm; Mountain View: Watching neighbor Don Richard's TV Sunday CBS MovieL Steven Spielberg directs "Raiders of the Lost Ark"(1981), starring Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, Ronald Lacey, John Rhys-Davies, Denholm Elliott , Wolf Kahler, Pat Roach; (YouTube: 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5); (Film Reviews: 1, 2, 3, 4) Steven Spielberg honors Orson Welles in final scene of Ark in crate wheeled in vast warehouse is tribute to Citizen Kane's sled "Rosebud", |
Monday, May 4, 2020, 8:32-8:38 am KDFC: 104.9 FM: Joshua Bell plays violin as John Williams conducts London Symphony Orchestra to Gershwin's Nice Work If You Can Get It (1937); (CD); (YouTube performes: Joshua Bell; Kelli O'Hara, Peggy Lee & Frank Sinatra, Billie Holiday); Mystery in History 1937 Howard Hughes sets record flying from Los Angeles to NYC in 7 hours 28 min. (1-19); John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men published (2-6); Animated cartoon Daffy Duck debuts (4-17-1937). |
Monday, May 4, 2020, 11:45 am-12:48 pm Mountain View: Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station to get today's Daily Post" Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave): Free items from Monopoly tickets to give Rudy & Don Richards; 12:53 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home 2 French Breads, 2 Animal Crackers, 5 lbs Flour, 8 Hamburger Buns, Blueberry Waffle, Kale Salad, Can of Corn ($22.32 items Free). |
Monday, May 4, 2020 3:11-8:30 pm Mountain View: Got 110 Monopoly tickets in Safeway shopping; Found 6 free items; & 4 free Monopoly coupons (expires 5/5); William Cavada sent Add Code for his class LINC-80B, but Al Guzman couldn't register "Section Census Past Date Authorization not allowed" even with Cavada's Add Code. Why is Foothill making it difficult? |
Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 2:00-2:57 pm Mountain View: Half-hour walk to Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave): Required to wear mask as well on Bus #40; 50% off (48 oz.) 2 Reser Deviled-Egg Potato Salad @ $3.99; 3:08 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home 16 oz Apple Vinegar, 16 oz Northern Beans, 16 oz Rotoni Pasta, 2 Chocolate Donuts, 2 Ice Drinks (Black Raspberry & Grapefruit); ($10.43 items Free from Monopoly Coupons). |
Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 3:50-8:30 pm Mountain View: Rudy using Zoom for his Anthropology class; Karen using Zoom to teach her student piano lessons; Al using Zoom for faculty & student meetings; May need Zoom for LINC-80B Multimedia Class When teaching poetry writing at CPITS, gave lessons composed in QuarkXPress to students; No scanner available to scan these documents & FTP to upload them. |
Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 12:20-12:34 pm Mountain View: Take 1:10 pm Bus #40 to Sprouts (630 San Antonio Rd); No papers today; Need to wear mask for 1:23 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy & walk home via Madrone Apts 3.76 lbs Brazil Nuts @ $8.99/lb = $33.80; 6 Kettle Potato Chips (Sour Cream, Ranch, BBQ, Cheese & Garlic) BOGO 2 free = $6.02. |
Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 2:20-8:30 pm Mountain View: Without using Zoom for Cavada's LINC-80B Multimedia Class or scanning my past poetry lessons, need web pages to inspire students Select poet from "Call to Poetry"; Select exercise in "HyperDocs for Poetry Writing" Find figure in "Geometry Playground" to write. |
Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 9:30-9:50 am Mountain View: Al Guzman woke me up saying he can't register me in Cavada's LINC-80B "Multimedia in the Classroom II" class since "Section Census Past Date Authorization not allowed" even with Cavada's Add Code; Cancel Google ChromeBook I didn't order. |
Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 2:20-8:30 pm Mountain View: Art gallery reopens: Is it 'essential'? (By Aldo Toledo, Mercury News, 5-5-2020) Menlo Park Police: "Opening gallery is ridiculous" Emailed Katharina: William Blake is on her side, that her action is honorable and heroic. |
Thursday, May 7, 2020, 12:44-2:06 pm Mountain View: 12:44 pm Bus #40 to Old Middlefield; Walk to Public Storage & slipped $136 in envelope under the door (mailbox broken) for May rental fee 3:10 pm Bus #40 to Rengstorff & Middlefield to pick up "Daily Post" & "Metro" newspapers; 3:45 pm Red Bus to Montecito & walk home. |
Thursday, May 7, 2020, 10:18 pm Mountain View: Katharina Powers from Art Ventures Gallery said Goethe is her hero too after I sent her "My Hero: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe" After sending "Poetry Painting Music", she wrote "you are so nice, thank you very much. A good poem is all I needed just now." |
Friday, May 8, 2020, 12:12-12:23 pm Mountain View: 10:48 am Red Bus to California St; 11:37 am Grey Bus to Cal-Train Station; Half-hour walk to Kaiser Permanente (555 Castro St.) Humulin $12; 4 Diabetic drugs $35.33; Walk to Cal-Train Station for 1:20 pm Bus #40 home; Picked up "Daily Post" & "Daily News"; No "Palo Alto Weekly". |
Friday, May 8, 2020, 3:17-8:30 pm Mountain View: 20th anniversary meeting Cathy at Foothill Computer Lab (5-8-2000); 19th Anniversary Page; 5-8-2000; Without BBEdit, can't compose "20th Anniversary Page" Austria stamps: Numerals 5, 8, 20 groschen; Hungary stamps: Numerals 5 8, 20 filler; 20 Years Cake with soaring bird; Hexagram 20 of "I Ching" is "Contemplation". |
Saturday, May 9, 2020, 10:10-10:30 pm Mountain View: Wells Fargo sent me new Debit Card (expires June 2024) to replace old card (expires June 2020); Too long lines at Safeway for shopping; 11:10 pm Bus 40 to Central Xpwy & home Dillon Magee at Wells Fargo xeroxed my Cal-Fresh Card to send AT&T for $10/month WI-FI. |
Saturday, May 9, 2020, 12:00-1:00 pm Mountain View: Al Guzman gave me Apple Laptop from College Buys at 10 am; paid $679.25 (Fidelity check): Plugged in using bedroom electric outlet; Listened Voice Over Instructions; Set up Date & Time & Password. Apple MacBook Air 13.3" (Refurbished) Laptop has Safari Browser but no MS Office 2016 as advertised. |
Saturday, May 9, 2020, 1:27-7:30 pm Mountain View: Michael McClure, 87: Poet who helped kick off Beat Generation (On October 7, 1955, a then 22-year-old McClure helped organize famous Six Gallery beat poetry reading.) (Associated Press, Mercury News, 5-7-2020) McClure read at the Human Be-In at Golden Gate Park that launched the Summer of Love in 1967. |
Saturday, May 9, 2020, 1:27-7:30 pm Mountain View: Met Michael McClure (5-15-2003) at Stanford's "Practioners of Reality: Symposium on Poetry & Buddhism" with Norman Fischer & Leslie Scalapino; McClure was 70-years-old then; Liked his Poem #51 from "Ghost Tantras" McClure also came to Symposium honoring Robert Creeley (11-5-2005) with poem "Mariposa Lily" for his widow. |
Sunday, May 10, 2020, 2:37-3:01 pm Mountain View: CVS (2630 W. El Camino Real) 200 tablets CVS Vitamin C 1000 mg @ $17.49 BOGO Free + 78 cents tax = $9.53 2 jars 500 tabs Vitamin C (500 mg) BOGO free @ $16.88 (+ tax), bought at CVS (8/21/2019); Rudy paid $8.44 for jar. |
Sunday, May 10, 2020, 3:20-4:03 pm: Mountain View: Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd); Got 4 free items from Monopoly Game for Rudy; 4:16 pm Bus 40 to Central XPwy & walk home. 6 pack Cinnamon-Apple Sauce $1.99; Vanilla-Cinnamon Coffee Creamer $3.00; 6 ct Blueberry Strudels @ 50% off $2.50. |
Monday, May 11, 2020, 9:15-9:30 am Mountain View: Al Guzman phoned waking me up at 9:15 am; Tells me College Buys will send him MS Office 2016 they didn't install on Laptop Since I don't have Internet connection yet via WI-FI, may need to go to MacDonald; Al will come @ 9 am Wednesday to help. |
Monday, May 11, 2020, 11:50 am-12:29 pm: Mountain View: Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); Got 3 free donuts from Monopoly Game for Rudy; 12:40 Red Bus to Montecito Ave & walk home. Used 2 Coupons @ $1.00 off for Nonni Toffee Almond Biscotti $2.49, Nonni Thin Additives Cookies $2.49. |
Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 3:00-8:00 pm: Mountain View: Yesterday (11:30 am) took photos of gnarly Heritage Pepper Tree to be cut down because it is dead Heritage Pepper Tree raggedy hag on this street: "The Old Witch is dead". |
Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 3:00-8:00 pm: Mountain View: Looked through Hike Photos (2014-2019) for gnarly Pepper Trees I walk by on Montecito Ave Pepper Trees on Montecito Ave already chopped down; to be cut down. |
Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 8:31-8:36 am KDFC: 104.9 FM: Joshua Bell plays violin as David Zinman conducts Philharmonia Orchestra to Leonard Bernstein's West Side Story "Maria" (1957); (CD); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4) Mystery in History 1957 Elvis Presley appears on Ed Sullivan Show for 3rd & final time (1-6); Eisenhower sworn in for 2nd term, as U.S. President (1-20); First nuclear-powered submarine, USS Nautilus, logs its 60,000th nautical mile (1957). |
Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 9:00-10:00 am Mountain View: Al Guzman comes to my apt to download MS Office 2016 from College Buys to my Apple Laptop; He prefers to do this in his car using his Sprint Hotspot gadget rather than in my neighbor Don Richards' apartment's WI-FI. Bluetooth technology to pair with Al's smart phone, but it's not connecting; Then tried WI-FI that seemed to work better; Could check emails on my Apple Laptop; May 10 Al's email has College Buys link to download MS Office 2016. |
Thursday, May 14, 2020, 8:34-8:43 am KDFC: 104.9 FM: Daniel Hope plays violin with Zurich Chamber Orchestra to Antonio Vivaldi's 4 Seasons: Winter in f Op. 8 #4 RV 269 (1723); (CD); (YouTube: Daniel Hope, Cynthia Freivogel , Julia Fischer, Federico Agostini); History Mystery 1723 Handel's opera "Ottone" premieres (1-12); Bach's friend Carl Friedich Abel born (12-22); Britain passes Workhouse Test Act (1723), |
Thursday, May 14, 2020, 10:50-11:19 am Mountain View: Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station to pick up "Daily Post" & "Metro" Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); $5 cash on four Monopoly tickets; 2 Ultra-soft Tissues (88¢) Free; 11:26 am Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home Lucerne Lowfat Strawberry Yogurt $1.69; Express Farms Spinach for Salad $1.25; Orange-Mango & Coconut Drinks Free. |
Friday, May 15, 2020, 11:25-11:32 am Mountain View: Woke up at 11:25 am; Dressed quickly to mail Application for $10/month WI-FI at AT&T, PO Box 5030, Charleston, IL 61920 in Outgoing Mailbox; Mailman didn't come yet. Couldn't solve 5/14 Jumbles Puzzle: No vowels in "Irated"; IAE in "Tirade" Answer: IN PLAIN "SITE". |
Friday, May 15, 2020, 2:00-2:21 pm Mountain View: 1:42 pm Bus #40 to Chef Chu's news bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"; Sprouts (630 San Antonio Rd); No lines to wait; 2:48 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy & walk home. 1.44 lbs Broccoli Crowns @ $1.28/lb = $1.84; 6 bags Kettle Potato Chips @ 99¢ = $5.94; 3.28 lbs Red Seedless Grapes @ 98¢/lb = $3.21. |
Saturday, May 16, 2020, 12:45-1:01 pm Mountain View: Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station to pick up "Daily Post" & "Daily News" Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 1:36 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home 6 boxes Quaker Instant Oatmeals $10.00; Coffee Mate Coconut Coffee Creamer $3.00; Panko Bread Crumbs ($2.79) Free for Rudy. |
Saturday, May 16, 2020, 2:26-7:30 pm Mountain View: 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake in Nevada felt in Bay Area (Halfway Las Vegas & Reno, 35 miles west of Tonopah, with 12 aftershocks) (By Evan Webeck, Mercury News, 5-16-2020) Baseball perfect games by A's pitchers: 5-8-1968: Catfish Hunter; 5-9-2010: Dallas Branden. |
Saturday, May 16, 2020, 8:00-10:15 pm; Mountain View: Watching neighbor Don Richard's TV PBS Movie Barry Levinson directs "Bugsy"(1991), starring Warren Beatty, Annette Bening, Harvey Keitel, Ben Kingsley, Elliot Gould, Joe Mantegna, Bebe Neuwith, Bill Graham, Wendy Phillips; (YouTube: 1, 2, 3 4); (Film Reviews: 1, 2, 3, 4) Playboy Warren Beatty married Annette Bening (Virginia Hill) after making the film Bugsy. |
Saturday, May 16, 2020, 10:25-11:50 pm; Mountain View: TV PBS Movie Mel Brooks directs "The Producers"(1967), starring Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder, Dick Shawn, Estelle Winwood, Christopher Hewett, Kenneth Mars, Lee Meredith, Renée Taylor, Andreas Voutsinas, Bill Macy; (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4); (Film Reviews: 1, 2, 3, 4) Film about producing worst play "Springtime for Hitler" but it turns out a success. |
Sunday, May 17, 2020, 1:55-2:15 pm Mountain View: Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd); Safeway 3-Days Weekend Specials (May 15-17); 2:51 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy & walk home 6 Quaker Instant Oatmeals @ $1.67 (Raisin, Dates, Walnuts; Apple Cinnamon); 2 Turkey Hill Ice Cream (1.5 qt) BOGO (Butter Pecan & Black Cherry) $5.49 |
Sunday, May 17, 2020, 3:30-7:00 pm Mountain View: Using neighbor Don's computer; Bookmark PBS movies yesterday on his TV "Bugsy" (1991) & "The Producers" (1967) Gather "#13" links for grandniece Sophia's 13th birthday (June 3) U.S. Great Seal: Eagle holding 13 olive leaves & 13 arrows. |
Sunday, May 17, 2020, 8:00-10:30 pm; Mountain View: Watching neighbor Don Richard's TV CBS Movie: Brian De Palma directs "Mission Impossible" (1996), starring Tom Cruise, Jon Voight, Emmanuelle Béart, Ving Rhames, Vanessa Redgrave, Henry Czerny, Jean Reno, Kristin Scott Thomas, Emilio Estevez, Ingeborga Dapkunaite; (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4); (Film Reviews: 1, 2, 3, 4) Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt seeks the mole that infiltrated the IMF after his team was killed. |
Sunday, May 17, 2020, 10:45 pm-12:30 am; Mountain View: Reading my books on Numbers for ideas on "Thirteenth Birthday Poem" for grandniece Sophia's 13th birthday (June 3) Quote from George Orwell's 1984 (1949): "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." Annemarie Schimmel on Babylonian's fear of #13 in Mystery of Numbers (p. 204) Baker's dozen is thirteen: 12 + 1; Babylonian's superstition: 12 signs of the Zodiac didn't include the Sun. |
Monday, May 18, 2020, 12:45-1:09 pm Mountain View: Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station to pick up "Daily Post" for friends; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 1:30 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave & walk home 32 oz Lucerne Strawberry Yogurt $1.59; Ultra-soft Facial Tissues ($1.67) Free; 9 Donuts (89 cents x 9 = $8.01) Free. |
Monday, May 18, 2020, 2:00-8:00 pm Mountain View: Bookmark "Mission Impossible" 1996 movie seen yesterday with Don on his TV; Thanks to Safeway manager Antonio Cesareo on redeeming Monopoly coupons a year late. Gave Don 3 free donuts; Free items for Rudy: 6 Donuts; 3 Boxes of Tissues; Can Green Beans; Italian Panko Bread Crumbs. |
Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 11:50 am-12:10 pm Mountain View: Half-hour walk to Middlefield Rd; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 12:15 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave & walk home 3 lbs Select Mustard Potato Salad $4.99; 3 Signature Care 325 mg Aspirin, 100 tablets @ $6.25 x 3 = $18.75) Free items for Rudy. |
Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 1:00-8:00 pm Mountain View: Sending "Eating a Healthy Breakfast" to Rudy again (designed web page 10-16-2018) so he will not have nutritional deficiency Send Mary Oliver's "When Death Comes" poem to Carol Rivers for soothing sorrow when her husband died. |
Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 1:05-1:24 pm Mountain View: 12:50 pm Red Bus, 1:00 pm Bus #40 to Sprouts (630 San Antonio Road); 2:02 pm Bus 40 to Central Xpwy & walk home 1.16 lb Dk Chocolate Almonds @ $4.99/lb = $5.79; 0.86 lb Dried Cranberries @ $4.29/lb = $3.69; 0.91 lb Cashew Pieces @ $5.99/lb = $5.45; 0.76 lb Banana Chips @ $2.99/lb = $2.27; |
Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 3:08-7:30 pm Mountain View: Went back to dream (4 am, Tuesday 5/19) to learn on woman's report "Lincoln on the Use of the Adjective" Lincoln wrote 5-7-5 syllables Haiku: Washington D.C. shining city, and Lincoln a good President. |
Thursday, May 21, 2020, 11:50 am-12:12 pm Mountain View: Rudy came & drove to Valero Gas Station for today's "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); to buy this week's specials with clipped-off coupons Express Farm Spinach for Salad $1.25; 4 Lucerne Coffee Creamers @ $2.49; 2 Lucerne Sliced Cheese @ $1.99; 2 Vlasic Pickles Spears @ $1.99. |
Thursday, May 21, 2020, 11:50 am-12:12 pm Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); Buy Specials for Rudy: 16 oz Planters Honey Roasted Peanuts $1.99; Lucerne Sliced Cheese (Pepper Jack & Aged Swiss) @ $1.99; 64 oz. Apple Cider $1.49 Rudy paid $25 for above + 3 Kettle Chips $2.97; 6 Quaker Instant Oatmeals $10.00; 2 lbs Red Grapes $1.96; Turkey Hill 1.5 qt Ice Cream $2.75; Free ($29) Monopoly items. |
Thursday, May 21, 2020, 1:52-7:00 pm Mountain View: Using neighbor Don's computer; Found Mom's birthday October 6 (lunar calendar) or October 30 (solar calendar) was on date when George Marshall won 1953 Nobel Peace Prize Harrison Salisbury's "Time" (9-30-1985) article on Deng Xiaoping inspired essay "The Mystery Woman". |
Thursday, May 21, 2020, 1:52-7:00 pm Mountain View: Using neighbor Don's computer; When falling asleep, I try to capture moment between waking & sleep; Paul Brunton says this is easier than from sleep to waking. PB on "waking to sleep" to abide in twilight zone of enlightened state (1, 2, 3) |
Friday, May 22, 2020, 1:55-2:09 pm Mountain View: 1:38 pm Bus #40 to Chef Chu news bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"; Sprouts Market (630 San Antonio Road); 2.14 lbs Red Grapes @ 88¢/lb = $1.88; 2.37 lbs Roma Tomatoes @ 68¢/lb = $1.61. Bought dozen at Sprouts Roma Tomato a day keeps doctors away. |
Friday, May 22, 2020, 2:15-2:56 pm Mountain View: Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd.), $1 cash refund for Turkey Hill Ice Cream, $1 coupon bought 1.5 qt for $2.75; Planters Peanuts @ $1.99 sold out; No rainchecks. 3:30 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy & walk home Safeway Friday Specials 3 lbs Reser's Potato Salad $5.00 Forgot to buy 32 oz Potato Tots 3/$5. |
Saturday, May 23, 2020, 11:30 am-12:12 pm Mountain View: Walked to Valero Gas Station for copies of today's "Daily Post" & "Daily News"; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); to buy this week's specials with clipped-off coupons; Refunded $15.05 overcharge without coupons 3 Lay's Kettle Potato Chips @ $1.99; 4 No-salt Planters Peanuts (16 oz) @ $1.99; 3 Baby Ray's Barbeque Sauce @ 55¢; 2 Baby Ray's Honey Mustard @ 24¢. |
Saturday, May 23, 2020, 8:00-10:30 pm Mountain View: Watching neighbor Don Richard's TV PBS Movie: William Wyler directs "Funny Girl"(1968), starring Barbra Streisand Omar Sharif, Kay Medford, Anne Francis, Walter Pidgeon, Mae Questel, Gerard Mohr, Frank Faylen, Mittie Lawrence, Lee Allen; (YouTube: 1, 2, 3 4); (Reviews: 1, 2, 3, 4) Barbra Streisand was in my friend Richard Hanauer's 1959 Erasmus High Year Book. |
Sunday, May 24, 2020, 3:10-3:30 pm Mountain View: Karen picks me up at my apt (3 pm); Drives to Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); This week's specials: Mini Seedless Watermelon (regular $4.99) for $1.99; Manager Antono Cesareo not in today; Can't exchange Vlasic Pickles Spears for flat Sandwich Pickles due to COVID-19 rules; Karen still confused at my "not 17-syllables haikus" May 23 purchase $10.08 with coupons; Luis charged $30.88; 5/23 Refund $15.05 not enough; received $8 more refund today. |
Sunday, May 24, 2020, 7:00-11:15 pm Mountain View: Watching neighbor Don Richard's TV CBS Movie: James Cameron directs "Titanic"(1997), starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Frances Fisher, Gloria Stuart, Bill Paxton, Suzy Amis, Danny Nucci, David Warner, Jason Barry; (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4); (Reviews: 1, 2, 3, 4) Photo: Leonardo DiCaprio has arm around Arline at Rick Yorn's wedding. |
Monday, May 25, 2020, 11:55 am-12:06 pm Mountain View: Walk to Valero Gas Station, No Monday "Daily Post" published today; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 12:50 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave & walk home; Used Don's small computer (1:33-7:30 pm) 2 Nonni's Almond Biscotti @ $2.49; 2 Nonni's Thin Additives Cookies @ $2.49; $1 refund (2 coupons on Vlasic Pickles). |
Monday, May 25, 2020, 1:33-7:30 pm Mountain View: After seeing 1997 "Titanic" film yesterday, recall Thomas Hardy's poem "The Convergence of the Twain" (1912); Discussion of poem; Elaine Scarry's "The Call to Poetry"; Poem; Notes "And as the smart ship grew In stature, grace, and hue In shadowy silent distance grew the Iceberg too." |
Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 8:28-8:32 am KDFC: 104.9 FM: Itzhak Perlman plays violin with Samuel Sanders plays piano to George Gershwin 's Porgy and Bess: It ain't necessarily so (1935); (CD); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4); Mystery in History 1935 Amelia Earhart: First to fly solo from Hawaii to CA (1-11); Porky Pig debuts as 1st major Looney Tunes character (3-9); 1st nighttime MLB game between Cincinnati Reds & Philadelphia Phillies (5-24-1935) |
Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 2:20-2:47 pm Mountain View: 100 degrees in Santa Clara; No walking, 2:08 pm Bus #40 to Middlefield Rd; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 3:08 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home 32 oz Lucerne Strawberry Yogurt $1.69; Express Farm Spinach for Salad $1.25; Galbani Mozarella Cheese Sticks $2.99; 16 oz SeaPak Popcorn Shrimps $6.99. |
Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 12:15-12:37 pm Mountain View: 98 degrees in Santa Clara; 12 pm Google's Red Bus to Showers Drive; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 1:21 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home Cheese Danish Coffee Cake $5.00; Special 50% off $2.50; 1 Reward Coupon $2.00 off bakery products; Final price: 50¢. |
Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 2:00-7:30 pm Mountain View: Planned to buy specials for Rudy at Sprouts (630 San Antonio Road) Red & Black Seedless Grapes @ 98¢/lb, but price for both went up to $1.98/lb. Special Safeway bargains for Rudy Baby Ray's "Honey BBQ Sauce" @ 55¢; "Honey Mustard" Dipping Sauce @ 24¢. |
Thursday, May 28, 2020, 11:35 am-12:08 pm Mountain View: 92 degrees in Santa Clara; 30-minutes walk to Valero Gas Station for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; 12:08 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walk home "Daily Post" didn't publish newspapers 4 days (Sunday-Wednesday 5/24-5/27); Only 2 copies of "Metro" in news bin. |
Thursday, May 28, 2020, 1:00-7:30 pm Mountain View: Thought neighbor Don's WI-FI in his apt will let me connect my Apple Laptop to the Internet for downloading MS Office from College Buys. Using Al Guzman's Sprint Hotspot still can't connect to Internet with Network WI-FI on my Apple Laptop. |
Friday, May 29, 2020, 11:20-11:55 am Mountain View: 11:20 am Red Bus to Showers Dr; 11:32 am Bus #21 to San Antonio Rd; Pick up at Chef Chu's news bins: "Daily Post", "Metro"; "Palo Alto Weekly" 11:55 am Bus #40 home Got off Bus #40 at Central XPwy to walk home; Neighbor Don on bus going to Rengstorff Safeway to shop. |
Friday, May 29, 2020, 1:48-7:30 pm Mountain View: Ernest Hemingway met F. Scott Fitzgerald at Dingo Bar, Paris (May 1925); Hemingway, journalist for "Toronto Star"; 1st novel Sun Also Rises (1926) Fitzgerald's novels: This Side of Paradise (1920); Beautiful & Damned (1922); The Great Gatsby (1925). |
Friday, May 29, 2020, 1:48-7:30 pm Mountain View: 1.5-inch Beetle crawling on bathroom floor (5/27); Squash it with P.O. Mail gummed sticker? Scoop it with paper & flush it down the toilet? Ahimsa action: Trapped bug inside Aim's toothpaste box and let it outside of apartment Name: Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle. |
Friday, May 29, 2020, 1:48-7:30 pm Mountain View: Searched for poem "Solid Geometry Lesson" found in "The Crystal Stone: Poems of 1987" Type poem to be included on website 1987 poem recalling an 1959 event in high school happening 61 years ago. |
Saturday, May 30, 2020, 9:30-11:05 am Mountain View: Al Guzman came to my apt @ 9:30 am; Drove to Starbucks (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) to use their WI-FI for downloading MS Office 2016 (8.54 GB) from College Buys that expires on May 31. Stood by Starbucks store window and it took 24 minutes to download Microsoft Office 2016 from College Buys. |
Saturday, May 30, 2020, 1:15-7:30 pm Mountain View: Al left his Sprint Hotspot gadget so I'm connected to Internet, but lost connection; Neighbor Don gave me his WIFI password, so I'm on again; Took an hour to send email to Rudy Deleted 4 Haikus: May 29 & Interesting News for email to Rudy to go through. |
Sunday, May 31, 2020, 11:15-11:47 am KDFC: 104.9 FM: Simon Rattle conducts Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra to Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony #5 in c Op. 67 (1808); (CD); (YouTube: Daniel Barenboim; Nicolás Pasquet, Leonard Bernstein, Herbert von Karajan); Poem; Notes; Religious Beliefs Most famous four notes in music: Beethoven's Fifth dun-dun-dun-Dun! |
Sunday, May 31, 2020, 8:00-11:00 pm; Mountain View: Watching neighbor Don Richard's TV CBS Movie: Steven Spielberg directs Indiana Jones & Last Crusade (1989), starring Harrison Ford, Denholm Elliott, Alison Doody, Julian Glover, Sean Connery, John Rhys-Davies, Michael Sheard, Kevork Malikyan; (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); (Reviews: 1, 2, 3, 4) Father (Sean Connery) & Son (Harrison Ford) race against the Nazis in finding the Holy Grail that gives eternal life. |
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Wisdom Portal P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: ![]() |
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