HAIKUS: August 2021
By Peter Y. Chou |
These haikus were written as exercises in mindfulness an attempt to catch the fleeting moment in my daily walks, while reading, listening to music, and pondering about life. (Underlined words are not for emphasis but to web links.) This web page best viewed with Times font size 14. |
Sunday, August 1, 2021, 3:05-6:50 pm Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:45 am; Woke up at 3:05 pm after more than 12-hours sleep; Didn't solve today's Cartoon Jumble Puzzle SOHECN = CHOSEN; CLAITI = ITALIC; CXTIEE = EXCITE; SBDRAU = ABSURD; BEHLAR = HERBAL; SNNEEU = UNSEEN Cartoon Answer: When the jogging path crossed the road, they COE ITC XI SUD RA EEN = EXERCISED CAUTION. |
Sunday, August 1, 2021, 6:50-10:30 pm Mountain View: Bookmarked three Mercury News artcles: 1. Keep your operating systems up to date (Larry Magid, Mercury News, 7-30-2021); 2. TV pitchman Popeil dies at 86 (Andrew Dalton & Ted Anthony, AP, Mercury News, 7-30-20210; 3. Bay Area Outdoors: 4 gorgeous redwoods hikes to soothe the soul (By Melissa Ozbek, Mercury News, 8-1-2021) 1. UC Berkeley Botanical Garden; 2. Shoup Park to Redwood Grove Preserve, Los Altos; 3. Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park, Oakland; 4. Mt. Madonna County Park, Watsonville. |
Sunday, August 1, 2021, 6:50-10:30 pm Mountain View: Continue work on Number 70 Did Items #199-#208 last night; #202 Tomas Tranströmer's "Grief Gondola #2 VIII" (Robert Bly's translation) I dreamt that I was to start school but arrived late. Everyone in the room wore white masks on their faces. It was impossible to know which was the teacher. |
Sunday, August 1, 2021, 6:50-10:30 pm Mountain View: Ann's 8/1 email @ 4:19 After reading Tranströmer's poem on "everyone wore white masks", she wants to read his autobiograhy; Wikipedia: Tranströmer My poem "What Is the Address?" (5-21-2008) and Notes inspired by Tranströmer's poem given to Robert Bly in his Stanford office. |
Monday, August 2, 2021, 7:00-7:20 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:00 am; Woke up at 7:00 am, solved today's Jumble Puzzle, and returned to sleep till 12:30 pm UPODR = PROUD; LVANA = NAVAL: TRUAGI = GUITAR: XSPOEE = EXPOSE Cartoon Answer: The teenager looked a lot like his father, the resemblance was very PR NA TA PE = APPARENT. |
Monday, August 2, 2021, 3:00-3:30 pm Mountain View: Ann picked me up at 3:00 pm by my apt for ride to Los Altos Library (3:17 pm) to pick up 3 books on hold that didn't come in on 7/27; Also got today's "Daily Post" at Chef Chu's news bins Kenneth Koch, Collected Poems (2005); e.e. cummings, Complete Poems (1991); Anna Akhmatova, Selected Poems (2006). |
Monday, August 2, 2021, 6:00-6:45 pm Mountain View: Went to Zoom for LINC-405 class; William Cavada was Instructor today instead of Ray; He tried to help me with Google Spread Sheets Google Sheets: LCC Shirt Sale Data can't be opened or imported; Cavada sent Solution, but databoxes are truncated & not aligned. |
Monday, August 2, 2021, 7:40 pm-10:40 Mountain View: With 3 books from Los Altos Library, was able to finish "Notes to Meditations on 70" and poem "Meditations on 70: Up, up, my feathers! barefoot with joy" 8 GB USB full again Had to reduce size of photos from (1306x949).jpg to (600x450).jpg in order to get more space on my drive. |
Tuesday, August 3, 2021 5:00-6:00 pm Mountain View: Interesting News INTERVIEW: School's In for Joyce Maynard ("Count the Ways" author Joyce Maynard, now 67, discusses new novel, her return to Yale and her time with J.D. Salinger) (By Allen Pierleoni, Mercury News, 7-29-2021, G4 "Good Golly Miss Molly: MDMA Goes Mainstream" (MDMA, also known as Ecstasy or Molly; Dr. Stanislav Grof said, "Psychedelics are to the human consciousness what the microscope is to biology and the telescope is to astronomy." (By Jane Vick, Metro, July 21-27, 2021) |
Tuesday, August 3, 2021, 6:00-8:26 pm Mountain View: Interesting News file for NY Times has virus corruption from 9-26-2013 to 7-13-2013; Misspelling everywhere; All texts are italicized; line breaks not rendered; Online file also corrupted Al Guzman made a duplicate 8 GB USB in 2008: Luckily the NY Times articles bookmarked from 9-26-2013 to 7-13-2013 are intact; Copy & paste this section to restore this large 1.1 MB file. (Wasted an hour correcting misspellings) |
Tuesday, August 3, 2021 8:30-10:05 pm Mountain View: My 8 GB USB (six years of use) is full that I can't save "Meditations on 70" poem (2 KB) to my drive; Spent 2 hours reducing size of many photographs to half-size to create more space Next to Al Guzman's 8 GB USB is a 16 GB USB that Al put Microsoft Office (1.82 GB) on 5-30-2020. Lots of space to put all my work on this drive (over 45,000 items in 1.5 hour). |
Tuesday, August 3, 2021, 10:00-11:55 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed on Tuesday, or need for shopping; Stayed home to do more work; After finishing "Meditations on 70" and Notes to Poem, can return to LINC-405 assignments that I'm behind Had trouble with Google Spreadsheets; Don't have Google gmail, and will substitute search by correspondents, subjects, & dates using Yahoo Mail; Google Sites should be easy. |
Wednesday, August 4, 2021, 3:30-4:00 pm Mountain View: While throwing away old Mercury News yesterday, came across "Lighting the Holiday Way" (By Angela Ruggiero, Mercury News, 12-1-2020, B2) that was saved because it showed the Jack London Square Christmas Tree in the Platonic Λ shape Oakland's Christmas Tree is extra special since it's 55-foot tall, and 55 is the sum of the Platonic Lambda Λ called by Plato as "Soul of the Universe". |
Wednesday, August 4, 2021, 4:30-6:00 pm Mountain View: Leave 4:30 pm; Walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for copies of today's "Daily Post"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:00-5:18 5:30 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave and walked home; (Didn't leave apt Sunday & Tuesday; Got exercise today) 2 Quaker Instant Oatmeal Fruits (@ $5) @ $1.69 = $3.38; 2 Quaker Instant Oatmeal Walnuts/Dates @ $1.69 = $3.38; 3 Lucerne Sliced Swiss Cheese ($3.49) @ $1.47 = $4.41; Lemon Pudding Ring ($5.00) 50% off = $2.50 (for Rudy). |
Wednesday, August 4, 2021, 8:00 pm-1:00 am Mountain View: Apartment inspection tomorrow; Threw away old Mercury News & newspapers; Garbage collected today so recycle bins are empty Threw away 4 bags (saved 1) for Jack Mullen who didn't come to pick them up; Threw away 5 bags in my apt (under chairs & box by bathroom). |
Thursday, August 5, 2021, 1:00-1:30 am Mountain View: Finished project (began 7-7-2021) in time for Cathy's birthday "Number 70"; "Meditations on 70" and "Notes to Poem" Didn't go to Krause Center Lab that opened July 13 Tue., Thurs., Sat., 10:30 am-4:30 pm; More efficient to type from books I have at home. |
Thursday, August 5, 2021, 3:30-4:00 pm Mountain View: Leave 5:15 pm; Walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for today's "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:45-6:14 pm 6:36 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home; 3 lbs Sig Café Mustard Potato Salad @ $6.49; 3 Mott Apple Sauce (6 ct) @ $2.49 - $3 off = $4.47; Nestle CoffeeMate Unbound Creamer ($3.99) = FREE. |
Thursday, August 5, 2021, 7:45-11:00 pm Mountain View: Mid-Penisula Housing inspection never showed up today; Was up to 1 am yesterday throwing away 9 bags of newspapers to make my apt appear less cluttered; Saved "Bloom Magazine" (Mercury News, 3-21-2021) for Ann "Lisa Troutner" (Tomato growing taken to an art form at Carmel Bella Farm) By Jessica Tadegaran (pp. 26-27); "Spotlight on Organic Gardener" (By Deepak Mehla). |
Friday, August 6, 2021, 1:20-2:30 pm Mountain View: Rudy comes @ 1:20 pm; Drives to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post" & "Daily News"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 1:30-2:01 pm Special Offers Just-For-U bargains for Rudy 4 Quaker Instant Oatmeal ($4.99) @ $1.69 = $6.76; 3 Lucerne Sliced Cheese ($3.00) @ $1.47 = $4.41; Gallon Value Corner 2% Milk @ $3.59 - $1 off = $2.59. |
Friday, August 6, 2021, 5:00-11:00 pm Mountain View: Mid-Penisula Housing inspection postponed till August 19; Notice that Mailboxes tampered AGAIN! Back of mailboxes wide open for looter to steal mail; Call Fidelity & Wells Fargo before accounts are wiped out Financial institutions need to ask sensitive ID questions before conducting any transactions to make sure it's legitimate. |
Friday, August 6, 2021, 5:00-10:00 pm Mountain View: Phoned Fidelity Investments (5:40-6:05 pm); Jared answered after 15 minutes wait; Read him my balance from July 1-31, 2021 statement just received today and my acc't number; asked to send $9000 check to mailbox He was ready to do transaction without asking for my birthday and other sensitive questions; Told me they have "voice recognition" to know it's me. Warned him of mailbox pilferings and be extra careful. |
Friday, August 6, 2021, 5:00-10:00 pm Mountain View: Rudy told me to do paperless transactions with banks & Kaiser Hospital so thieves couldn't steal any financial & medical information; Cyber-hackers can also steal emails sent; Is there anything still safe? Matthew 6:19-21: "But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." |
Friday, August 6, 2021, 10:00 pm-12:44 am Mountain View: Worked on LINC-405 Google Sheets, but couldn't get spread sheet show up when it is opened or inserted in Google Drive; Copy & paste didn't work; Cavada's emailed Solution, but boxes are truncated Web page on Google Sheets not on accomplishment, but frustration doing this assignment; Summary says project 83% completed, but more likely 25% done. |
Saturday, August 7, 2021, 11:25 am Mountain View: Al Guzman wakes me up, tells me he'll take me out for movie and lunch, after I emailed him yesterday that Karen's job was terminated 8/6, and needs cheering up After losing her job, Karen says she's "in a tailspin, downward spiral". She thanked me for this get-together. |
Saturday, August 7, 2021, 1:00-3:30 pm Mountain View: Cinema 16 (1500 N Shoreline Blvd) Al treated me for movie $12 to see "The Green Knight", Directed by David Lowery; starring Dev Patel; Alicia Vikander; Joel Edgerton; Sarita Choudhury; Sean Harris; Ralph Ineson; Kate Dickie; Barry Keogha; Erin Kellyman; Megan Tiernan Rotten Tomatoes gave this film 88% Critics ratings producing an absorbing adventure that casts a fantastical spell. |
Saturday, August 7, 2021, 3:30-4:30 pm Mountain View: Sports Page & Grill (1431 Plymouth St.) Al Guzman treated me for lunch; Veggie Omelette potato tots, toast with butter & jam ($9.75); We sit on outside patio; large crowd here; Karen has 5 pm appointment with friends Al didn't enjoy "The Green Knight" movie; I tell him Joseph Campbell's version of story to Bill Moyers in "Power of Myth". |
Saturday, August 7, 2021, 5:47 pm Mountain View: Al gave me ride to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post"; Gave Al two Biscotti & two Thin Additives; Solved today's Jumble Puzzle ARPTA = APART; LIHDC = CHILD; SRUUPE = PURSUE; CRUUSK = RUCKUS Cartoon Answer: They had a large conifer planted in their yard to PT CI PSE RUU = SPRUCE IT UP |
Saturday, August 7, 2021, 8:30-11:00 pm Mountain View: Even though Google Sheets was not 100% completed, was able to move on to next project Google Gmail; I don't have "gmail.com" and will use Yahoo Mail for this assignment; Saw Ray Tognetti's Zoom class on using gmail.com more efficiently (7-29) Search by correspondents; Search by subjects or topics; Search by dates. |
Sunday, August 8, 2021, 3:50 pm Mountain View: Woke up at 2:10 pm; Stayed home as no "Daily Post" printed on Sunday; Did not solve today's Cartoon Jumble Puzzle TEDONR = RODENT; DAYRLH = HARDLY; GUHNOE = ENOUGH; SOWHOH = WHOOSH; LUURYN = UNRULY; SECCSA = ACCESS Cartoon Answer: When she wanted the dog to go for a walk in the heat of the day, the dog got RT DL NU OOH RL ACE = HOT UNDER THE COLLAR |
Sunday, August 8, 2021, 5:34-9:00 pm Mountain View: Left out Google Gmail assignment: "Insert images, photos, and videos in gmail texts"; Can't do this in Yahoo Mail except as Attachments, Emailed Al Guzman using gmail on "Wisdom Mudra" with 3 images & one video inserted; Google Gmail; 1980 Wisdom Mudra Seminar at WPI; Book cover: Einstein in wisdom mudra pose; Feynman with double wisdom mudra; Feynman Video. |
Sunday, August 8, 2021, 5:20 pm Mountain View: Ann's 8-8 email informs me on "Internet Search Tips" from gwern.net; Another Expert; Who is the Google Search Expert William Cavada shared with his class? Internet Class: Part 1 (Dec. 2, 2017); Internet Class: Part 2 (Krause Center); Daniel Russell is the Google Search Expert. |
Sunday, August 8, 2021, 8:00-11:30 pm Mountain View: Google Drawings assignment: Open a Google Drawings template; Size of canvas; Background color; Text box; Image from the web; Design a Promotional Flyer; Past flyers designed Albert Elsen's Matisse Lecture (9-15-1992); Poetry Reading at Gates of Hell (8-28-1993); Neighbor Donald's Yard Sale (1-23-2020). |
Monday, August 9, 2021, 12:08-12:14 pm KDFC: 104.9 FM: Itzhak Perlman plays violin while John Williams conducts Boston Pops to Max Steiner's Now, Voyager: Theme (1942) (CD); Steiner won 1943 Academy Award for Best Music; YouTube: Itzhak Perlman; Trailer; Movie Ending Olive Higgins Prouty's 1941 novel's title is from Walt Whitman's poem "The Untold Want" "The untold want by life and land ne'er granted, Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find." |
Monday, August 9, 2021, 2:10-4:40 pm Mountain View: Leave @ 2:10 pm; Red Bus 2:48 pm to Showers Drive for "Daily Post" & "Epoch Times" (4); Walk to Chef Chu's news bins for "Palo Alto Weekly"; Shopping at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd) 3:30-4:12 pm; 4:20 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy stop and walked home Sig Sel Key Lime Sparkling Water @ 98¢; Apple Turnovers (5) @ $5 - 50% off = $2.50; 5.3 oz Silk Greek Coconut Milk Yogurt @ $1.99 = Free; Gorton Fish Fillets (12) @ $5.99 (overcharge $9.79). |
Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 2:55-4:18 pm Mountain View: Leave @ 2:55 pm; Red Bus 3:25 pm to Showers Dr.; No "Daily Post"; Free "Epoch Times" all gone; Shopping at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd) 4:00-4:18 pm 8 oz Sig Farms Fresh Spinach for Salad @ $1.88; Sig Sel Cranberry-Raspberry Sparkling Water @ 98¢; Returned 24.5 oz Gorton Fish Fillets (12) for $9.79 refund. |
Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 4:20-5:30 pm Mountain View: CVS $3.59 Folgers Coffee expired Aug. 6; Shopping at Sprouts (630 San Antonio Rd) 4:20-4:34 pm; 5:16 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy stop and walked home 2 Bags Raw Wheat Germ (19 oz) @ $2.99 = $5.98; 0.64 lb Lemon Meringue Almonds ($10.99/lb) @ $2.99/lb = $1.91; 0.64 lb Chocolate-Blueberry Almonds = $1.91. |
Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 6:30-10:30 pm Mountain View: Can't connect with instructors @ 6 pm yesterday for LINC-405 Zoom class; Had questions on Google Sheets, Google Gmail, and Google Drawings. Frustrating using Templates in Google Drawings; Couldn't resize 10"x7.5" canvas to 8.5"x11" or color background; Easier to do project in HTML. |
Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 6:30-10:30 pm Mountain View: Deleted 10 messages not read in Foothill College MyPortal on students' activities; Need to do Infographics project in Google Drawings Research a topic & find reliable data Create and design an infographic in Google Drawings for LINC-405. |
Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 4:15-5:45 pm Mountain View: Leave @ 4:15 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for copies of today's "Daily Post"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:45-5:04 pm; 5:24 pm Google Red Bus to Montecito Ave & walked home 64 oz Lucerne Creamy Chocolate Milk @ $2.49; 19.45 oz Van der Kamps Crunchy Fish Fillets (10) @ $4.99; 6.5 oz Land-O-Lake Butter (flax, chia, hemp seeds) @ $1.49. |
Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 6:00-10:30 pm Mountain View: Jazzed up my Google Infographic Design with U.S. Olympics Gold & Silver Medalists in 400-Meters Hurdles Sydney McLaughlin & Dalilah Muhammad (WWD. 8-4-2021); Centered "Olympics Rings" so three images are evenly spaced After a tight race, 21-year-old McLaughlin slightly edged out Muhammad to take the gold and broke her own world record in the process, setting a time of 51.46 seconds. |
Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 6:00-10:30 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Google Gmail Assignment Always did one email at a time, so didn't do "multiple emails" Google assignment; To complete this Gmail project Send multiple emails to Al, Rudy, and Karen on next movie at Shoreline's Century Cinema 16 "Black Widow" (Superheroes adventure) @ 12:20 pm. |
Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 6:00-10:30 pm Mountain View: As faculty & student at Foothill College, got Time Magazine at StudentMAGS @ $25/year. Time Magazine offered 2-years subscription @ $39.36 (1-10-2021) My Time subscription expires Aug. 2, 2023. Time Magazine had $15/year deal with credit cards; Asked to pay by check instead, and just received bill. |
Thursday, August 12, 2021, 2:20-4:20 pm Mountain View: Leave @ 2:20 pm; Bus #40 @ 2:48 pm to Chef Chu's news bins for today's "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Shopping at Sprouts (630 San Antonio Rd) 3:00-3:29 pm; 4:05 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy stop and walked home 2.29 lbs Roma Tomatoes @ 98¢/lb = $2.24; 1.45 lbs Walnut Halves & Pieces @ $3.99/lb = $5.79; 2.05 lbs Walnut Halves & Pieces @ $3.99/lb = $8.18; 2.56 lbs Lemon Meringue Almonds ($10.99/lb) @ $2.99/lb = $7.65; 2.56 lbs Chocolate-Blueberry Almonds = $7.65. |
Thursday, August 12, 2021, 4:20-6:00 pm Mountain View: "Milwaukee Brewers' Corbin Burnes becomes third pitcher in major-league history to strike out 10 in a row" [Aaron Nola (6-25-2021) & Tom Seaver (4-27-1970) struck out 10 in a row] (Tom Haudricourt, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8-11-21) Burnes became only third pitcher in major-league history: yet the second this season to strike out 10 batters in a row, keeping the Milwaukee Brewers in command after a seven- run first inning that propelled them to a 10-0 victory over the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field on Wednesday. |
Thursday, August 12, 2021, 6:00-7:20 pm Mountain View: Went to Zoom class with Gene Tognetti on LINC-405; He lectured on Google Forms today Sending RSVP Birthday Party Invitations for His Son 1) Are You Coming?: Yes, No, Maybe; 2) Bringing Anyone?: Short Answer; 3) Bringing Food: Pizza, Chips, Drinks? Send Form by Email to friends & relatives and view their responses Ruth Gray asked questions on Google Drive assignment 6:35-6:53 pm; Gene helped me 6:53-7:20 pm on Google Drawings to resize their Template from 10"x7.5" to 8.5"x11", and insert light blue background color. |
Thursday, August 12, 2021, 7:40-10:00 pm Mountain View: While working on Google Infographics and Google Gmail assignments yesterday, listened to radio KNBR 104.5 FM on SF Giants vs Arizona Diamondbacks baseball game; Giants defeated Diamondbacks 7-2 with 4 homeruns; Giants now 73-41, leading Dodgers by 4.5 games & Padres by 8 games (By Jake Montero, KNBR, 8-11-2021) Buster Posey's 15th homer (3rd inning); LaMonte Wade Jr.'s 14th homer (4th inning); Brandon Crawford's 19th homer (7th inning); Alex Dickerson's 13th homer (8th inning). |
Thursday, August 12, 2021, 7:00-10:00 pm Mountain View: While working on 8/12 Haikus, listened to radio KNBR 104.5 FM on Giants vs Diamondbacks baseball game; Giants defeated Diamondbacks 7-0 with Giants now 74-41, leading Dodgers by 5 games & Padres by 9 games (By Sam Hustis, KNBR, 8-11-2021) Logan Webb pitches 6 scoreless innings, & hits 395-ft single, a near grand slam in 4th inning; LaMonte Wade Jr. hits 15th homer makes it 7-0. |
Thursday, August 12, 2021, 9:30-11:00 pm Mountain View: Gourmet Dining Seafood Medley: added three scrambled eggs, Brazil nuts, walnut halves, sliced almonds, cashews, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, Ultimate Veggie Stir-Fry, Imitation Crabmeat Chunks in sesame oil, pepper, onion powder, Ken's Balsamic Vinaigrette & Asian Sesame Salad Dressing After adding all the extras, stretched one meal to four meals; can relax cooking next four days. |
Friday, August 13, 2021, 12:20-1:00 pm Mountain View: Rudy came by at 12:20; Went to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for today's "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Shopped at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 12:30-12:45 pm; Got Alfaro's Bread (reg. $4.49) @ $1.77 (Just-For-U) for Rudy 3 lbs Reser's Deviled-Egg Potato Salad @ $5.00; Sig Sel Tater Treats & Onion Rings @ $2.49 = $4.98; 29.6 oz Sig Sel Homestyle Blueberry Waffles @ $1.74; 2 Alfaro's Artesano Bread (Brioche & Potato) @ $1.77. |
Friday, August 13, 2021, 3:30-9:30 pm Mountain View: Woke up at 9:00 am; Thought I solved today's Jumble Puzzle @ 9:37 am but got Cartoon puzzle wrong; Jumble Puzzle LYRTU = TRULY; TRAAO = AORTA; YBNOED = BEYOND; ALZABE = ABLAZE Cartoon Answer: Devil's Tower was in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" because it was a TRU TA BE LE = REAL BUTTE. (My answer was TRUE TABLE). |
Friday, August 13, 2021, 4:20-7:30 pm Mountain View: Devils Tower (aka Bear Lodge Butte) stands 867 feet from summit to base. Add to Numbers 367-999 U.S. 1084 3¢ postage stamp was issued 9-24-1956 to honor the 50th anniversary of being named the 1st national monument. |
Friday, August 13, 2021, 4:20-7:30 pm Mountain View: After inserting Devils Tower at 867 feet in Numbers 367-999, included 4 greatest catch of fish in California #2: 692 lbs Blue Marlin, #3: 575 lbs Thresher Shark, #4: 563 lbs Giant Seabass, #5: 452 lbs Swordfish, from Kurt Snibee, Mercury News, 7-18-2021. |
Saturday, August 14, 2021, 12:20-1:00 pm Mountain View: Woke up at 11:55 am; Solved @ 12:50 pm Jumble Puzzle EHTTE = TEETH; WNHOS = SHOWN; RJNUIE = INJURE; RUTMET = MUTTER. Cartoon Answer She'd been given a large lollipop and was taking TEE SHW IRE MTE = HER SWEET TIME. |
Saturday, August 14, 2021, 2:40-4:10 pm Mountain View: Left apartment at 2:40 pm; Red Bus @ 2:53 pm to Showers Drive for today's "Daily Post"; Walked to Chef Chu's news bins for "Palo Alto Weekly" No need for shopping at Safeway or Sprouts; Waited 38 minutes for Bus #40 @ 3:48 pm to Central Xpwy stop and walked home. |
Saturday, August 14, 2021, 4:30-5:07 pm Mountain View: "How comic book culture's biggest day was born in the Bay Area" (By Jim Harrington, Mercury News, 8-13-2021, A1, A5) Joe Field of Flying Colors Comics in Concord, CA, started "Free Comic Book Day" on 5-4-2002. It draws 1.5 million attendees each year to stores in 60 countries, has generated millions of dollars for independent comic book stores. |
Saturday, August 14, 2021, 4:30-5:07 pm Mountain View: "MUSIC: Tony Bennett, 95, a Bay Arrea favorite, retires" (By Jim Harrington, Mercury News, 8-14-2021, A1, A6) Famed crooner is a New Yorker born Aug. 3, 1926, in Queens but he's also a honorary citizen of Northern California, thanks in large part to his legendary signature song "I Left My Heart in San Francisco". |
Saturday, August 14, 2021, 5:30-9:30 pm Mountain View: Time Magazine, Aug. 23-Aug.30, 2021 "Call Her Daddy's Alexandra Cooper $60 million 3-year Spotify deal"; "4 Civilian Astronauts. 3 Days in Orbit"; "Billie Jean King: 6 Questions" (p. 119), Not online. |
Saturday, August 14, 2021, 5:30-9:30 pm Mountain View: Epoch Times, June 9-15, 2021 "Rediscovering the Healing Power of the Great Outdoors"; "Inspiring World-Class Art & Design: Victoria & Albert Museum in London"; "Bouguereau Dealt With Grief". |
Saturday, August 14, 2021, 10:00-10:45 pm Mountain View: Diamondbacks' Tyler Gilbert throws no-hitter vs. Padres to break MLB record (By Ryan Young, Yahoo News, 8-14-2021) Arizona Diamondbacks rookie Tyler Gilbert threw 8th no-hitter of the season on 8/14 night in just his first major league start. |
Saturday, August 14, 2021, 10:00-10:45 pm Mountain View: Kyle Freeland super-sharp as Rockies beat Giants 4-1 (By Patrick Saunders, Denver Post, 8-14-2021); Kansas City Chiefs beat San Francisco 49ers 19-16 Video: 49ers rookie QB Trey Lance has his first splash play a nice 80-yard touchdown toss. |
Sunday, August 15, 2021, 11:10-11:45 am Mountain View: Woke up at 11:10 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 11:45 am EHGWORT = GROWTH; TOSHOE = SOOTHE; ZEEMYN = ENZYME; RAVCIA = CAVIAR; FNSUIE = INFUSE; HUNEOG = ENOUGH. Cartoon Answer When math symbols were being developed and standardized, "x" was GTH ST EM IA IFS ENO = A SIGN OF THE TIMES. |
Sunday, August 15, 2021, 2:20-3:30 pm Mountain View: "A Madonna Who Shows the Beauty in Going Overboard" [Parmigianino's "Madonna of the Long Neck" (1540) pictures mother of Christ stretched out like bubblegum.) (By Jason Farago, NY Times, 8-13-2021) Her dainty head seems to be plopped on an oversized curving body. Jesus is asleep. Yet, Parmigianino has made him look like he's already dead.. |
Sunday, August 15, 2021, 3:50-9:20 pm Mountain View: "The Metal of Medals" (By Kurt Snibbe, Mercury News, 7-25-2021, B13) 12 medals from 1896 Greece to 2020 Tokyo shown; Medals size in mm for Numbers: 0-99 1896 Greece; 1900 Paris; 1904 St. Louis; 1924 Chamonix; 1932 Lake Placid; 1960 Rome; 1968 Mexico; 1972 Munich; 2008 Beijing; 2012 London; 2016 Rio; 2020 Tokyo; |
Sunday, August 15, 2021, 9:46-11:00 pm Mountain View: "Aviation: Out with the Boom" (By Kurt Snibbe, Mercury News, 8-15-2021, B15) X-59 & length of aircraft; Overture Airliner's length 99 feet, 7 inches length for X-59 QueSST; 205 feet length for Boom Overture Airliner; for Number pages 0-99 and 101-366. |
Monday, August 16, 2021, 7:38 am Mountain View: Woke up at 1:10 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:38 am TUSEG = GUEST; AFDUR = FRAUD; MRCOEH = CHROME; NGLEET = GENTLE Cartoon Answer They grew Iceberg, Romaine, Butter, and Leaf, and the supervisor was the UET FAD CHO ETLE = HEAD OF LETTUCE. |
Monday, August 16, 2021, 3:00-3:21 pm Mountain View: Ann came at 3 pm to pick up newspapers saved for her; Drove to Valero Gas Station for "Daily Post"; Shopped at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:10-3:21 pm 16 oz Sig Farms Honey Ham @ $2.99; 16 oz Sig Farms Smoked Ham @ $2.99; Sig Sel Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream @ $3.00. |
Monday, August 16, 2021, 4:30-6:00 pm Mountain View: San Francisco Giant beat Colorado Rockies 5-2 as Alex Wood goes 6-2/3 innings for his 10th win Video: Lamonte Wade, Jr. guns down Rockies Elias Diaz trying to score in 7th inning with direct throw to Casali for putout. |
Monday, August 16, 2021, 4:30-6:00 pm Mountain View: Ad in "Daily Post" (8-14-2021, p. 11) that MV's ICON Theater offers "FREE MOVIE MONDAYS" Free tickets one hour prior to each showtime by person on day of show; Tickets cannot be reserved online. |
Monday, August 16, 2021, 6:00-6:30 pm Mountain View: Went to Zoom class on LINC-405; William Cavada didn't lecture like Gene Tognetti Ruth Gray asked questions on Google Sheets assignment; Michelle Booth needed to ask Kim Randall & left Zoom; William Cavada helped me with Google Forms |
Monday, August 16, 2021, 6:30-8:30 pm Mountain View: Took Screen Shots of Google Forms; Arranged six of them in LINC405-GoogleForms Emailed six people using Google Forms: Movie at Shoreline Century Cinema 16 on Saturday, August 28, 2021? |
Monday, August 16, 2021, 9:00 pm-1:00 am Mountain View: Found links to largest 10 fish caught in the world, bookmarked in Numbers 1000+; Poundage 1. White Shark 2664, 2. Tiger Shark 1785, 3. Greenland Shark 1708, 4. Black Marlin 1560, 5. Bluefin Tuna 1496, 6. Atlantic Blue Marlin 1402, 7. Pacific Blue Marlin 1376, 8. Sixgill Shark 1298, 9. Hammerhead Shark 1280 lbs., 10. Mako Shark 1221 lbs. |
Monday, August 16, 2021, 9:00 pm-1:00 am Mountain View: While working on "10 Largest Fish Caught" listened to radio KNBR 104.5 FM on SF Giants vs NY Mets Giants defeated Mets 7-5 Kris Bryant hit two home runs; Brandon Crawford had four hits; Pinch-hitter Brandon Belt homered; Kevin Gausman's career high 12 wins. |
Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 4:00-4:45 pm Mountain View: "How to Meditate" (By David Gelles, NY Times, 8-17-2021) (Today's New York Times News Briefings) Meditation is a way to train the mind. It brings us back to the present moment, gives us tools we need to be less stressed, calmer & kinder to ourselves and others. |
Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 4:00-4:45 pm Mountain View: Happy to receive email from Deborah Oakley, Architecture Professor at UNLV (My WPI student whom I shared PB's teachings) She listens a lot to non-dual spiritual teachers Adyashanti, Mooji, Rupert Spira, Francis Lucille, and Gangaji. |
Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 4:45-5:30 pm Mountain View: On Friday, August 13, sent emails to my past roommates Huai Han Kung (Columbia, 1959-1963); Leonard Wan (Cornell, 1967-1969); Steve Gould (Brandeis, 1970-1971). |
Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 4:45-5:30 pm Mountain View: Leonard Wan wrote August 14 he was sad his younger brother passed away; Sent him to soothe pain Music: Domenico Zipoli's "Elevazione"; Art: W-A Bouguereau's "Dealing with Grief"; Poetry: Mary Oliver's "When Death Comes". |
Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 5:30-7:30 pm Mountain View: Images for "Monkey" poem Monkey & Music Box; Koko the Gorilla; Dawn of the Planet of the Apes; Curious George; Monkey King What is this monkey thinking? "No more music box collections for me. I am a superhero the Monkey King!" |
Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 5:30-7:30 pm Mountain View: "Planet of the Apes" (1968); Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014); "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" (2011); "War of the Planet of the Apes" (2017) Rodin's "Thinker" (1880) at Cantor Art Museum; "The Thinker", Papua New Guinea Garden (1994); Monkey wonders "Will Stanford have a place for me?" |
Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 5:32-10:30 pm Mountain View: Rounded up 8 photos for poem "What Is This Monkey Thinking?" placing Monkey between two "Thinkers" at Stanford Replaced Superman and Batman with The Hulk & Thor since Avengers superheroes are from Marvel Comics. |
Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 11:35 am Mountain View: Woke up at 11:05 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 11:35 am TMELA = METAL; CORUC = OCCUR; MCEAAR = CAMERA; LLWIWO = WILLOW Cartoon Answer They visited Death Valley National Park in August and got a MEA OR CME WLW = WARM WELCOME. |
Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 12:05-12:15 pm KDFC: 104.9 FM: John Mauceri conducts Hollywood Bowl Orchestra to Bernard Herrmann's Vertigo: Prelude & Scene d'Amour (1942) (CD); echoing "Liebestod" from Richard Wagner's Tristan und Isolde; YouTube: 1, 2, 3, Movie Trailer Professor Jean-Pierre Dupuy's lecture "Time and Vertigo" at Stanford, October 17, 2008. |
Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 2:10-3:30 pm Mountain View: Leave @ 2:10 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for copies of today's "Daily Post"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 2:45-3:12 pm; 3:18 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave and walked home 4 Quaker Instant Oatmeal ($4.99) @ $1.49 = $5.96; 5 Yoplait Yogurts (5.3 oz) @ 39¢ - 50¢ for 5 = $1.45; Received $2.50 refund on overcharge Just-For-U Specials. |
Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 6:30-11:50 pm Mountain View: Los Altos Library renewed 7 poetry books now due 9/7/2021: Neruda's 100 Love Sonnets; Tranströmer's Half-Finished Heaven; Creeley's Selected Poems; Bly's Stealing Sugar from Castle; Oliver's Evidence; Richardson's By the Numbers Poem 46 in e.e. cummings' 73 Poems not online, so had to type this sonnet "out of midsummer's blazing most not night". |
Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 6:30-11:50 pm Mountain View: Three poetry books checked out August 2 Kennth Koch's Collected Poems; e.e. cummings' Complete Poems; Anna Akhmatova's Selected Poems to type for Number 46 and Number 72 projects before returning these book to the library Is Kenneth Koch's "History of Jazz" fiction? Can't find his Madeleine Reierbacher in Ted Gioia's book "The History of Jazz". |
Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 11:30 pm-12:30 am Mountain View: Los Altos Library renewed 7 poetry books now due 9/7/2021: Mary Oliver's Evidence has 46 poems; 46th poem is "Another Summer Begins" Summer begins again. How many do I still have? Not a worthy question. |
Thursday, August 19, 2021, !0:00 am Mountain View: Woke up at 12:25 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 10:00 am TAHOD = HOARD; RFITG = GRIFT; CANULY = LUNACY; FPNUIF = PUFFIN Cartoon Answer In 1955, TWA proposed different cabin styles, some thought it was a HOA GFT LCY FFIN = FLIGHT OF FANCY |
Thursday, August 19, 2021, 2:00-2:50 pm Mountain View: "BOOKS INTERVIEW: Joyce Carol Oates talks Marilyn Monroe clones and more in 'Night, Neon' story collection"" (Iconic author will be appearing on SCNG's free virtual event Bookish Friday, July 16 at 5 pm) (By Samantha Dunn, Mercury News, 7-22-2021, G4) Oates: I am reading Edith Wharton's Ghosts. I am more interested in the backgrounds in Wharton than in the "ghosts" themselves. |
Thursday, August 19, 2021, 2:00-2:50 pm Mountain View: "What's wrong with online learning? We asked Sal Khan, the world's most prolific tutor" (With free lessons in math, science & humanities in 46 languages, Khan Academy is used in 190+ countries with more than 118 million registered users) (By John Woolfolk, Mercury News, 2-7-2021, E1, E3) Sal Khan: "My style is very conversational. I'm not afraid to share my thought processes as I'm thinking it through." |
Thursday, August 19, 2021, 3:00-4:00 pm Mountain View: "A Passion to Win"" (White Sox manager Tony La Russa, at age 76, is back with the same old fire. Team in 1st place 10 games ahead) (By Mark Gonzales, Mercury News, 8-16-2021, C1, C5) Career wins: 1. Connie Mack 3731, 2. Tony LaRussa 2796, 3. John McGraw 2763. |
Thursday, August 19, 2021, 3:00-5:15 pm Mountain View: Mid-Penisula Housing inspection never showed up August 5; Inspection today also didn't come; Cleared top of refigerator; threw away dozen of yogurt tubs and 30 apple sauce cups in storage space beneath the sink Threw away two bags of newspapers, bag of cardboard boxes (cereal, fish, pizza), milk cartons, plastic bottles of creamers & juice. |
Thursday, August 19, 2021, 5:15-7:10 pm Mountain View: Waited half-hour for 5:53 pm Bus #40 to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; 6:50 pm Bus #40 to Montecito & walked home Missed today's 6:00 pm Zoom class LINC-405 as well as 6:30-7:00 pm Q&A session with Kim Randall & Gene Tognetti. |
Thursday, August 19, 2021, 7:30-8:30 pm Mountain View: e.e. cummings' Complete Poems is a heavy book; Type Poem 46 from 1x1 (1944) before returning it to Los Altos Library open your heart: i'll give you a treasure of tiniest world a piece of forever |
Friday, August 20, 2021, 11:20 am Mountain View: Woke up at 11:00 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 11:20 am LIUTG = GUILT; SOARE = AROSE; NKLEEN = KENNEL; MYSHIW = WHIMSY Cartoon Answer The fashion model complained that always being on a diet was GIT ARE NN WHI = WEARING THIN |
Friday, August 20, 2021, 3:10-4:30 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 3:10 pm; Bus #40 came @ 3:25 pm; Chef Chu's news bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"; 4:08 pm Bus #40 to Central Xpwy stop and walked home Notice posted on my door Mid-Penisular will do Apartment Inspection on Monday, August 23 from 8 am to 5 pm. |
Friday, August 20, 2021, 6:00-7:08 pm Mountain View: After finding images of 4 baseball cards (2:40-2:53 pm) and Pizza Chicago (2:09-2:36 pm), had much fun writing "Chicago Baseball Poem" He pierced the banks, served a sauer fox in the field by the park. |
Friday, August 20, 2021, 7:15-9:34 pm Mountain View: Type Poem 72 from Robert Bly's Stealing Sugar from the Castle: Selected & New Poems 1950-2013 (2013) with Wallace Stevens epigraph before returning it to Los Altos Library And the man And the woman And the blackbird are one. |
Saturday, August 21, 2021, 12:52 pm Mountain View: Woke up at 12:30 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 12:52 pm CANRH = RANCH; PRUTE = ERUPT; FROPTI = PROFIT; PSMUTE = SEPTUM Cartoon Answer When asked if he liked having the densest coat of any animal, the sea otter said R EU RF SU = "FUR" SURE |
Saturday, August 21, 2021, 2:40-4:00 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 2:40 pm; Walked to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post"; No "Daily News"; 3:50 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave and walked home 5 Yoplait Yogurts (5.3 oz) @ 39¢ - 50¢ for 5 = $1.45; 64 oz Lucerne Chocolate Milk @ $1.99 - 50¢ = $1.49; 2 bottles Sig Sel Sparkling Water @ $1.00 = $2.00. |
Saturday, August 21, 2021, 5:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: "MUSIC: Tom T. Hall, 'The Storyteller' of country music, dies at 85"" (By Matthew Leimkuehler, Nashville Tennessean, 8-20-2021) He joined Kris Kristofferson & Billy Joe Shaver in bringing a class of storytelling to country music unlike those before them. |
Saturday, August 21, 2021, 5:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: Country singer Tom T. Hall dies; wrote award-winning "Harper Valley PTA" (By Kristin M. Hall, Yahoo News, 8-20-2021) Sang about life's simple joys as country music's consummate blue collar bard, died at 85. |
Saturday, August 21, 2021, 5:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: "Tom T. Hall, Country Music's 'Storyteller', Is Dead at 85" (By Bill Friskics-Warren, NY Times, 8-21-2021) Known to his fans and fellow musicians as "the Storyteller", Mr. Hall imbued country lyrics with newfound depth & insight in the 1960s and '70s. |
Saturday, August 21, 2021, 5:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: Tom T. Hall is my favorite country-western singer; Lyrics to "Watermelon Wine" typed in Notes to Poem "Concerning Pets" (8-20-2021) Video of Tom T. Hall singing "The Year That Clayton Delaney Died"; "Old Dogs and Children and Watermelon Wine". |
Saturday, August 21, 2021, 5:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: Oakland A's leading SF Giants 5-2 at end of 6th inning; 2 homers in 7th & 2-run homer in 9th as SF Giants beat A's 6-5 with 1.5 game ahead of Dodgers Brandon Belt's solo homer in 7th; Darin Ruf's solo homer back-to-back in 7th; Lamonte Wade Jr.'s 2-run homer in 9th wins the game. |
Saturday, August 21, 2021, 5:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: Typed Poem 72 from Kennet Koch's "A Poem of the Forty-Eight States" in Collected Poems (2007) before returning this book to Los Altos Library O sea, you are more beautiful than any state! You are fuller and bluer and more perfect than the most perfect action. |
Sunday, August 22, 2021, 8:37 am Mountain View: Woke up at 12:20 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:37 am CAPUTE = TEACUP; SANFET = FASTEN; NCUITD = INDUCT; IGNNNI = INNING; NOGDUR = GROUND; SUIDSC = DISCUS Missed Cartoon Answer When competitive authors argued about time travel, there was EC FSE IC NNI RO IC = SCIENCE "FRICTION" |
Sunday, August 22, 2021, 2:40-4:10 pm KNBR 104.5 FM: While working on 8/22 Interesting News, listened to SF Giants vs Oakland Athletics's baseball game; Giants defeated A's 2-1 with Giants now 80-44, leading Dodgers by 2.5 games (By Kerry Crowley, Mercury News, 8-22-2021) Donovan Solano's pinch-hit 2-run homer in 8th inning as Giants beats the A's 2-1 winning their Oakland series 3-2. |
Sunday, August 22, 2021, 2:40-5:15 pm Mountain View: "Seven Waterfalls in Hawaii" (By Tom Bentley, Mercury News, 8-22-2021, F7-F8) Hawaii's Rainbow Falls, Pe'epe'e Falls, Wal'ale Falls, Onamea & Boulder Creek Falls, 'Akaka Falls, and Bridge Falls. |
Sunday, August 22, 2021, 2:40-5:15 pm Mountain View: "Sprouts Farmers Market debuts new look" (By Samanta Gowen, Mercury News, 8-22-2021, E1, E3) Sprouts has 362 stores in 23 states, 138 in California. CEO Jack Sinclair is focusing on keto & plant-based food. |
Sunday, August 22, 2021, 5:00-6:00 pm Mountain View: "SPORTS: Tigers slugger Miguel Cabrera joins exclusive 500-home run club" (He's 28th player in MLB history to hit 500 home runs. It was his 2,955th career hit as he chases an elite 32-player group that finished careers with 3,000 hits. (By Cassandra Negley, Yahoo News, 8-22-2021) Six players in the 3,000/500 club: Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, Albert Pujols, Eddie Murray, Alex Rodriguez and Rafael Palmeiro. |
Sunday, August 22, 2021, 5:00-6:00 pm Mountain View: Cooked yesterday P.F. Chang's Shrimp Lo-Mein: Added 2 scrambled eggs, Brazil nuts, walnut halves, sliced almonds, cashews, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, 1/3 Ultimate Veggie Stir-Fry, Imitation Crabmeat Chunks in sesame oil, pepper, onion powder, Ken's Balsamic Vinaigrette & Asian Sesame Salad Dressing After adding all the extras, stretched one meal to three meals; can relax cooking next two days. |
Sunday, August 22, 2021, 6:00-8:26 pm Mountain View: "50 years later, these are the most influential albums of 1971"" (By Peter Larsen, Mercury News, 8-19-2021, G1-G2) 1. "What's Going On" Marvin Gaye; 2. "Blue" Joni Mitchell; 3. "Led Zeppelin IV" Led Zeppelin; 4. "Tapestry" Carole King; 5. "Hunky Dory" David Bowie; 6. "Sticky Fingers" Rolling Stones; 7. "Coat of Many Colors" Dolly Parton; 8. "Imagine" John Lennon; 9. "There's a Riot Goin' On" Sly & the Family Stone; 10. "Fragile" Yes; 11. "At Fillmore East" Allman Brothers Band; 12. "John Prine" John Prine. |
Sunday, August 22, 2021, 6:00-8:26 pm Mountain View: "MUSIC: Don Everly of early rock 'n' roll Everly Brothers dies at 84" (By Kristin M. Hall, Mercury News, 8-22-2021) In the late 1950s and 1960s, the duo of Don & Phil drew upon their rural roots with their strummed guitars and high, yearning harmonies. Their 19 top 40 hits included "Bye Bye Love", "Let It Be Me", "All I Have to Do Is Dream", and "Wake Up Little Susie", influenced the Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel. Phil Everly, died in January 2014 at age 74. They broke up in 1973, & reunited in 1983, "with a hug". |
Monday, August 23, 2021, 10:55-11:07 am Mountain View: Mid-Pen Housing Inspection & Preventive Maintenance with Abraham & Zeb (Didn't show uo on August 5 & August 19) Fixed my clogged bathroom sink and put in new batteries for the smoke alarms. |
Monday, August 23, 2021, 12:15-2:00 pm Mountain View: Walked to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post"; Shop at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff) 1:34 pm; 1:47 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave and walked home 2 Sig Sel Thin-Crust Supreme Pizza @ $2.99 = $5.98; Clio Granola Yogurt Bar ($2.49) = Free; Sig Hand Sanitizer ($1.79) = Free; Mediwiper Wipes (99¢) = Free. |
Monday, August 23, 2021, 7:10-9:17 pm Mountain View: ICON Theaer (2575 California St.); Free Monday Movies: Jaume Collet-Serra directs "Jungle Cruise" (2021) with Dwayne Johnson; Emily Blunt; Édgar Ramírez; Jack Whitehall; Jesse Plemons; Paul Giamatti; (Film Reviews: Atlantic: Rolling Stone; AV Club; (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4) Small riverboat captain takes a scientist and her brother through Amazon jungle in search of the Tree of Life. |
Monday, August 23, 2021, 12:15-2:00 pm Mountain View: Ad in "Daily Post" (8-14-2021, p. 11) that MV's ICON Theater offers "FREE MOVIE MONDAYS"; Free tickets hour prior to showtime by person on day of show: Al Guzman sent link to Free Movies; Karen wants to see "Jungle Cruise" @ 7:10 & eat at Sajj beforehand @ 5 pm; Al couldn't join us today for the free movie I'll eat after the movie, my frig is full leftover P.F. Chang's Shrimp Lo-Mein dish plus three boxes of frozen Thin-Crust Supreme Pizzas. |
Monday, August 23, 2021, 5:00-5:50 pm Mountain View: Karen picks me up at 5 pm, drives to Sajj Mediterranean Restaurant (2580 W El Camino Real), Tina & A.J. joined us; they had bowls of salads; I didn't eat Karen played paddle ball with Tina and A.J. in San Francisco yesterday; A.J tells his remodelling a house putting up walls; I tell him about proteins & poetry. |
Monday, August 23, 2021, 7:10-9:25 pm pm Mountain View: ICON Theater (2575 California St., Suite 601); Karen changes her mind and wants to see "Respect" about Areatha Franklin; Tina & A.J. follows her to see free movie @ 7:30 pm Since I wrote Haiku at 4:00 pm about "Jungle Cruise" including 4 videos already, I preferred seeing this adventure movie alone. |
Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 1:50 pm Mountain View: Woke up at 12:20 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 1:50 pm FJFIY = JIFFY; LUFAT = FAULT; RYOHNT = THORNY; GREETR = REGRET Cartoon Answer When the dictator's neckwear wasn't to his liking, he went on a I AT TN RE = "TIE-RANT" |
Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 7:10-9:25 pm pm Mountain View: NY Times News Briefing of popular article: "What Makes People Charismatic, and How You Can Be, Too" (By Bryan Clark, NY Times, 8-15-2019) Three pillars of charisma: presence (residing in the moment), power (remove self-doubt), warmth (signal kindness and acceptance). |
Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 4:00 pm Mountain View: Voting for KDFC's Ultimate Playlist of Classical Music 1. Domenico Zipoli: Elevazione; 2. Jules Massenet: Thais: Meditation; 3. Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony #5. |
Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 4:00 pm Mountain View: KDFC asked reason for selecting these favorites These are meditative music making our mind serene to wake us up! |
Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 5:00-7:30 pm Mountain View: Like to see "Black Widow" (2021) starring Scarlett Johansson, but it's no longer playing at ICON Theater in Mountain View Movie still playing at Century Cinema 16 Shoreline Blvd on Saturday at 12:30 pm; Reviews Critics: 80%; Audience: 91%. |
Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 5:00-7:30 pm Mountain View: Karen thought we may not get seats at ICON Theater due to their FREE MONDAY MOVIES, but there were lots of empty seats; Next free movie to see Free Guy @ 7:30 pm; Reminiscence @ 5:30 pm; The Night House @ 5:50 pm or 8:25 pm. |
Wednesday, August 25, 2021, 7:23 am Mountain View: Woke up at 12:00 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:23 am WFREE = FEWER; NUREP = PRUNE; FROFET = EFFORT; DUPOMI = PODIUM Cartoon Answer The restaurant's food & services kept getting worse, and customers EW PRE EF DU = WERE FED UP |
Wednesday, August 25, 2021, 2:30-3:06 pm Mountain View: Left apt at 2:30 pm; Red Bus @ 2:47 pm to Showers Drive Wal-Mart news bins for "Daily Post"; Bus #21 to CVS (2630 W. El Camino Real) Folgers Instant Coffee ($8.79) @ $3.49 Special; 40% off online coupon - $1.40 = $2.09; 30% off mail coupon - .63 = $1.46. |
Wednesday, August 25, 2021, 3:10-3:25 pm Mountain View: Shopping at Sprouts Farmers Market (630 San Antonio Road) Bunch of Organic Green Onions @ 99¢; 0.93 lb Sweet Banana Chips @ $3.49/lb = $3.25; 3 Pina Coloda Almonds (0.64 lb) @ $2.99/lb = $5.86. |
Wednesday, August 25, 2021, 3:30-3:55 pm Mountain View: Shopping at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd); 4:06 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy stop and walked home 1.94 oz Clio Granola Yogurt Bar @ $2.49 = Free; 32 oz Lucerne Sugarless Hazelnut Creamer @ $3.00; 2 Gorton Fish Fillets 24.5 oz (12) @ $9.79 BOGO Free. |
Wednesday, August 25, 2021, 5:00-6:00 pm Mountain View: "Charlie Watts, Bedrock Drummer for the Rolling Stones, Dies at 80" (By Gavin Edwards, NY Times, 8-24-2021) Reserved, dignified and dapper, Mr. Watts was never as flamboyant, either onstage or off; He played 50 years with the Rolling Stones, but his first love was jazz. |
Wednesday, August 25, 2021, 6:50-7:03 pm Mountain View: Listened to KNBR 104.5 FM SF Giants leads NY Mets 3-2; Jake McGee in relief Tense 9th inning: Belt drops foul ball; Slater drops ball in centerfield; Bases loaded after Nimmo walked; Alonso popped out as Jake McGee saved game to win 3-2. |
Thursday, August 26, 2021, 3:10-3:25 pm Mountain View: Woke up at 11:50 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:23 am KOPRE = POKER: WATRL = TRAWL; SCRCIU = CIRCUS; SNLEET = NESTLE Cartoon Answer To finish his book about the continental railroad soon, he'd need to stay OKR TAW CIR NTE = "WRITE" ON TRACK |
Thursday, August 26, 2021, 3:00-5:00 pm Mountain View: Red Bus @ 3:20 pm to Wal-Mart news bins for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Shop @ Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd); 4:45 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy stop and walked home 18 Value Corner Large Eggs @ $1.97; 12 oz La Choy Chinese Crispy Noodles @ $2.79; 2.49 lbs Red Seedless Grapes @ $1.61/lb = $4.01. |
Thursday, August 26, 2021, 6:02-6:30 pm Mountain View: Zoom class with Gene Tognetti on LINC-405; He lectured on Google Slides today Gene showed how to make color gradient on page; restore missing items from History Version; Place image in shaped formats; Grouping. |
Thursday, August 26, 2021, 6:02-6:30 pm Mountain View: Gene tells me he comes to LINC-405 Zoom sessions Thursdays 6:00-7:00 pm My next LINC-405 project is Google Sites; Gene says "You don't have to know HTML making web pages with Google Sites. |
Thursday, August 26, 2021, 6:30-8:00 pm Mountain View: "Appreciation: Michael Morgan redefined what a 'classical' concert is all about" (By Georgia Rowe, Mercury News, 8-26-2021, G8) Oakland conductor brought new styles to orchestra concerts; One eclectic Morgan program featured music by Stravinsky and Ravel, with encores by Stevie Wonder and Prince. |
Thursday, August 26, 2021, 6:30-8:00 pm Mountain View: "Deflecting asteroid before impact may take multiple bumps" (By Katherine Kornei, NY Times, 8-27-2021) A roughly 525-foot piece of rock known as Dimorphos, is in no danger of hitting Earth. NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission will meet it Sept. 2022. |
Thursday, August 26, 2021, 6:30-8:00 pm Mountain View: Save comic for "Number 34" collection; Bizarro by Wayne Honath & Dan Piraro (8-26-2021) Feb. 3 is 34th day of year [Born February 3: Felix Mendelssohn (1809); Simone Weil (1909)] Solitary Contentment: Day 34: Another blissful day of sun, ocean breezes and no social obligations. I hope the rescue team never comes. |
Thursday, August 26, 2021, 6:30-8:00 pm Mountain View: SPORTS: Chris Sale tied Sandy Koufax's record for most immaculate innings (3 strikeouts on 9 pitches) (By Jack Baer, Yahoo News, 8-26-2021) Record shared between two southpaws Boston Red Sox's Chris Salethrew 3rd immaculate inning of his career, striking out 3 Minnesota Twins on 9 pitches in 3rd inning. |
Friday, August 27, 2021, 7:00-7:38 am Mountain View: Woke up at 7:00 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:38 am LDUEE = ELUDE; BREET = BERET; DFAERO = FEDORA; INCORI = IRONIC Cartoon Answer She suggested that they get married on horseback, and he thought it was a ED BE DA IRI = "BRIDE" IDEA |
Friday, August 27, 2021, 3:08-4:15 pm Mountain View: Red Bus @ 3:24 pm to Target (555 Showers Dr.) No Blood Pressure Tester; For Sale: Omron Blood Pressure Monitor @ $68.99; Wal-Mart has Blood Pressure Tester but not working Rudy told me Target has Free Blood Pressure Tester, bur they didn't; May go to Foothill Health Office for test. |
Friday, August 27, 2021, 4:30-4:57 am Mountain View: Wal-Mart news bins for "Daily Post" and Chef Chu's news bins for "Palo Alto Weekly"; Shopping at Safeway (645 San Antonio Road); 5:16 pm Bus #40 to Central Xpwy Stop & walked home) La Terra Fina Quiche Lorraine @ $11.99 BOGO = $5.99; La Terra Fina Spinach & Artichoke Quiche BOGO = $5.99; O Organic Almond-Coconut Milk @ $2.50 - $1 off = $1.50. |
Friday, August 27, 2021, 6:30-9:30 pm Mountain View: Wrote two poems in semi-sleep state "Alliterations Attract Attention" (Adam ate apple); "Alliterations Attract Attention II" (Angel aims arrow); Cranach's "Adam & Eve" (1526) & Botticelli's "Primavera" (1480) Silent sage speaks Towering tall trees Unveil unending universe |
Saturday, August 28, 2021, 7:45-7:55 am Mountain View: Woke up at 2:00 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:55 am XYSTI = SIXTY; RUYCR = CURRY; GNLUEJ = JUNGLE; VSROYA = SAVORY Cartoon Answer The marathon runner retired after her career SIT CRR UNE SAO = RAN ITS COURSE |
Saturday, August 28, 2021, 5:15-6:15 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 5:15 pm; Walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post": No "Daily News"; 5:52 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave and walked home No shopping at Safeway today since Saturday Busses run every hour, better not to wait and catch one home. |
Saturday, August 28, 2021, 6:30-9:30 pm Mountain View: Today is the 272nd anniversary of Goethe's birth; Homage to my mentor: (1, 2, 3); Have 212 Goethe citations on my web site Rebirth in Rome; Faust; Harz Mountain; Ginkgo Biloba; Alchemy; Heidelberg August 28 is 240th day of year; On this day Henry Hudson discovers Delaware Bay (1609); William Herschel finds new Saturn moon: Enceladus (1789). |
Saturday, August 28, 2021, 6:30-9:30 pm Mountain View: Karen & I both went to Cornell; She got invitation from CAAA on Private Screening of "Shang-Chi & Legend of the Ten Rings" @ $10 Redwood Downtown 20 and XD @ 7:45 pm & Happy Hour at Quinto Sol before the movie; She likes me to go I don't drink & have not attended any Cornell West Coast Alumni functions; Prefer to see free showing @ 7:00 pm on Monday, Sept. 6 at Mountain View ICON Theater. |
Saturday, August 28, 2021, 6:30-7:30 pm Mountain View: Listened to KNBR 104.5 FM SF Giants beats Atlanta Braves 5-0; Jay Jackson 3 K's in 9th Logan Webb's 3-pitch inning in 4th with 7 innings shutout; La Stella and Yastrzemski homers as SF Giants win 5-0. |
Saturday, August 28, 2021, 9:00-11:00 pm Mountain View: Wrote poem "Alliterations Attract Attention III" in waking state as first two poems came in dream-sleep state Always answer alerts Buy barn bargains Cabbage, carrots, cucumbers. |
Sunday, August 29, 2021, 11:22 am Mountain View: Woke up at 1:50 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 11:22 am BEFELE = FEEBLE; SRYGSA = GRASSY; NEOYRD = YONDER; UOQAEP = OPAQUE; FNITNA = INFANT; HMPIRS = SHRIMP Cartoon Answer When she saw that they were out of the drops she was looking for, it was EE GSS YOR OAE IF SHR = A "SIGH" FOR SORE EYES |
Sunday, August 29, 2021, 4:00-4:50 pm Mountain View: "Clayton was the best guitar picker in our town. I thought he was a hero and I used to follow Clayton around... I remember the year that Clayton Delaney died. Nobody ever knew it but I went out in the woods and I cried." (Lyrics; Video) My former WPI student and friend Deborah Oakley, UNLV Architecture Professor, wants to play the guitar when she retires. |
Sunday, August 29, 2021, 5:00-5:45 pm Mountain View: "Stanford football: ranking Cardinal's greatest QBs of all-time" (Harold Gutman, Mercury News, Kickoff, pp. 60-61) 1. Jim Plunkett (1968-1970), Super Bowls XV, XVIII; 2. John Elway (1979-1982), Super Bowls XXXII, XXXIII; 3. Andrew Luck (2008-11), NFL Passing TD leader (2014). |
Sunday, August 29, 2021, 5:00-5:45 pm Mountain View: "Will the Real 49ers please stand up?!?" (By Dieter Kurtenbach, Mercury News, Kickoff, pp. 20-25) Shanahan's team, is talented, experienced, out of excuses; Offense, defense, rookie quarterback or veteran it's time for results. |
Sunday, August 29, 2021, 9:49-11:12 pm Mountain View: After dinner @ 9:46 pm, checked emails @ wisdomportal.com which was done on 1-3-2021 @ 9:12 pm 709 unread emails from Jan. 1-Aug. 29, 2021; Kept 81 emails; Deleted 628 as spam except Cornell Alumni emails trashed. |
Sunday, August 29, 2021, 9:49-11:12 pm Mountain View: Many emails want to pay to place their blogs on my web site; Microsoft Inc. says my password expired Kept emails pointing to expired URLs on my website; Dr. Lessen wants photograph of Professor Gerry Fasman; Another to discuss Wei Wu Wei after reading his books. |
Monday, August 30, 2021, 1:02-1:33 am KDFC: 104.9 FM: Simon Rattle directs Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra to Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony #5 in c Op 67 (1808); (CD); (YouTube: Toscanini, Van Karajan, Bernstein, Gustav Duhamel); 5th Symphony's wake-up call I voted #3 Beethoven's "Symphony #5" in KDFC's Ultimate Playlist of favorite classic music. |
Monday, August 30, 2021, 11:49 am-12:00 pm KDFC: 104.9 FM: Gordon Hunt plays oboe with Norrkoping Symphony Orchestra to Domenico Zipoli's Elevazione (1716); (CD); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4) I voted #1 Zipoli's "Ascension" in KDFC's Ultimate Playlist of favorite classic music. |
Monday, August 30, 2021, 8:50 am Mountain View: Woke up at 10:50 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 11:22 am TBYAT = BATTY; CIPYS = SPICY; LEEIYD = EYELID; SOMHOT = SMOOTH Cartoon Answer If circles, ovals, triangles, squares, etc. came to life, they'd have BAY SPI EELD SOH = SHAPELY BODIES |
Monday, August 30, 2021, 10:30 am Mountain View: Al Guzman woke me up, likes to go to Free Movie at ICON Theater in Mountain View; Prefers 5:30 pm showing of "Free Guy" instead of 7:30 pm Checked Mountain View ICON Theater schedule "Free Guy" showings: 1:30 pm, 4:50 pm, 7:30 pm; so need to get free tickets @ 3:50 pm for best seats. |
Monday, August 30, 2021, 3:10-6:50 pm Mountain View: ICON Theaer (2575 California St.); Free Monday Movies: Shawn Levy directs "Free Guy" (2021) with Ryan Reynolds; Jodie Comer; Joe Keery; Lil Rel Howery; Utkarsh Ambudkar; Taika Waititi, Britne Oldford; (Film Reviews: 1: 2; 3; 4); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4) Science fiction action comedy film Bank teller discovers he is a character in an open-world video game to be deleted. |
Monday, August 30, 2021, 7:10-9:30 pm Mountain View: Al Guzman dropped me off at Wal-Mart news bins for "Daily Post"; He had a Zoom conference at 3:00 pm; Walked to MV's ICON Theater at 3:10 pm; Read "Daily Post" & "Mercury News" in lobby; Al came at 3:50 pm; We got free tickets for "Free Guy" @ 4:50 pm, Auditoriium #2 on 2nd floor, AA8-9 "Free Guy" plot's theme similar to "Matrix" film where our world is a computer simulation designed by programmers. Nick Bostrom's lecture (5-15-2006). |
Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 8:00 am Mountain View: Woke up at 1:50 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:00 am RKACN = CRANK; ASETE = TEASE; TARREH = RATHER; ARFOLM = FORMAL Cartoon Answer The mobile food vendor sold hot dogs,pretzels, soft drinks and more C TA RA AL = A LA "CART" |
Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 4:00-5:30 pm Mountain View: NY Times News Briefings links to "What is your love style" (Quiz by sociologist, determines how you define love in a relationship.) (By Terry Hatkoff, NY Times, 10-8-2017) "My Ridiculous Dating System Totally Works!" (NY Times, 4-9-2021); "What love looks like in NYC" (V. Safronova & Daniel Arnold, NY Times, 11-7-2017) |
Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 5:30-9:30 pm Mountain View: My brother Jimmy's 78th birthday today; Did web page "August 31" Date (8-31-2000); Other notables born on August 31 Hermann von Helmholtz (1821); Maria Montessori (1870); George Sarton (1884); Alan Jay Lerner (1918); Frank Robinson (1935); Itzhak Perlman (1945). |
Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 6:13-6:58 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed Tuesday; No need to get dressed; Stayed home to work; Compose Birthday-iPhone for August 31 in HTML Italy 1018 honors Maria Montessori, born 8-31-1870; August birthstone: Moonstone; Birth flower: Poppy; August 31 Zodiac sign: Virgo. |
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Wisdom Portal P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: ![]() |
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