HAIKUS: September 2021
By Peter Y. Chou |
These haikus were written as exercises in mindfulness an attempt to catch the fleeting moment in my daily walks, while reading, listening to music, and pondering about life. (Underlined words are not for emphasis but to web links.) This web page best viewed with Times font size 14. |
Wednesday, September 1, 2021, 7:35 am Mountain View: Woke up at 1:35 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:35 am LORFO = FLOOR; TBHOC = BOTCH; SIUFNE = INFUSE; RHYTTI = THIRTY Cartoon Answer He'd been addicted to online sports gambling, but after he quit, he was FO BOT FE TR = "BETTOR" OFF |
Wednesday, September 1, 2021, 4:15-5:50 pm Mountain View: Walked to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post"; & "Metro" Shop at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff) 5:27 pm; Bus #40 @ 5:41 pm to Montecito Ave and walked home 2 La Terra Fina Quiches @ $11.99 BOGO Free = $11.99; 2 Nestle CoffeeMate Coffee Creamers @ $3.00 = $6.00; 24 oz MGroveFarms Sugar-Free Maple Syrup @ $3.99. |
Wednesday, September 1, 2021, 2:41-3:00 pm KDFC: 104.9 FM: Hilary Hahn plays violin Colin Davis directs London Symphony Orchestra to Ralph Vaughan Williams's The Lark Ascending (1914); (CD); (YouTube: Hahn 1, Hahn 2, Hahn 3) Hahn said "The Lark Ascending" is one of her all-time favorite classic music to play. |
Wednesday, September 1, 2021, 3:00-3:13 pm KDFC: 104.9 FM: Monica Huggett plays violin as Ton Koopman conducts Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra to Johann Sebastian Bach's Violin Concerto in a BWV 1041 (1716); (CD); (YouTube: Huggett, Hahn, Joshua Bell, Jascha Heifetz) Lovely listening to two violin masterpieces back-to-back today. |
Wednesday, September 1, 2021, 6:30-9:30 pm Mountain View: Composed yesterday Birthday-iPhone: August 31 in HTML (6:57 pm); June 11 (11:07 pm); September 6 (11:57 pm) Couldn't print iPhone background in Chrome and Safari browsers; Successful printing in Firefox with background, letter size and 95%. |
Wednesday, September 1, 2021, 6:30-9:30 pm Mountain View: Chrome browser still the best in printing documents, centering files & resizing Printed "Alliterations Attract Attention" @ 66%; "Alliterations Attract Attention II" @ 68%; "Alliterations Attract Attention III" @ 67%. |
Thursday, September 2, 2021, 1:10 pm Mountain View: Woke up at 11:55 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 1:10 pm LUVAT = VAULT; RNIKB = BRINK; PRXIEE = EXPIRE; GRINIO = ORIGIN Cartoon Answer There were 100 people at the swap meet VAT RK EIE OG = GIVE OR TAKE |
Thursday, September 2, 2021, 3:00-4:20 pm Mountain View: Ann picked me up @ 3:00 pm for trip to Kaiser Hospital (555 Castro St) for diabetic medication (3:24 pm) and stop by Valero Gas Station for "Daily Post" 3 Veils Humulin @ $12.00 = $36.00; Bottle of 100 tablets Glipizide @ $8.33; One Touch Test Strips (300) & Lancets (300) = Free. |
Thursday, September 2, 2021, 6:00-9:58 pm Mountain View: Wrote poem "Alliterations Attract Attention IV" instead of revising first 3 poems with new lines of alliterations Chef cooks cous cous Daffodils, daisies, dogwoods Every evening everlasting |
Thursday, September 2, 2021, 10:15 pm Mountain View: Steve Gould's email @ 6:35 pm has an article from C&EN (July 19, 2021, p. 6) on "Protein Folding" The RoseTTAFold software predicted hundreds of new protein structures, includind this model of human interleukin-12 bound to its receptor. |
Friday, September 3, 2021, 7:25 am Mountain View: Woke up at 4:10 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:25 am LYANRO = RAYON; TVIOP = PIVOT; TUUSNJ = UNJUST; NNARYC = CRANNY Cartoon Answer It was obvious that the happy, long-haired kitty was a RAN PI UST CRA = "PURR-SIAN" CAT |
Friday, September 3, 2021, 5:45-7:25 pm Mountain View: Left apt at 5:45 pm; Bus #40 @ 6:57 pm; Chef Chu's news bins for "Palo Alto Weekly"; Ditmer's bins for "Daily Post"; No time for Safeway shopping Better to get to bed early tonight Al Guzman picking me up @ 11:00 am to see "Black Widow" at Shoreline (noon). |
Friday, September 3, 2021, 7:25-10:25 pm Mountain View: Steve Gould's 9/3 email @ 1:43 am sent Bruce McCall's New Yorker cover of "King Kong" after reading my poem "What Is This Monkey Thinking?" New York Historical Society had recent exhibition of fifty years of New Yorker covers by Bruce McCall. |
Friday, September 3, 2021, 10:25-12:00 pm Mountain View: Emailed Rudy and Karen to see "Black Widow" at Shoreline Century Cinema 16 on Saturday, September 4 (noon) with Al and me Dinner of Gorton fish fillets, slice of Florentine quiche, and chocolate milk. |
Saturday, September 4, 2021, 12:00-2:25 pm Mountain View: Al Guzman woke me up @ 11:00 am; Got to his car @ 11:20 am for drive to Shoreline Century Cinema 16 (1500 N. Shoreline Blvd) to see "Black Widow" (noon) Directed by Cate Shortland; starring ; Florence Pugh; David Harbour; O. T. Fagbenle; Olga Kurylenko; William Hurt; Ray Winstone; Rachel Weisz. |
Saturday, September 4, 2021, 2:55-4:30 pm Mountain View: Sports Page & Grill (1431 Plymouth St.) Al Guzman treated me for lunch Veggie Burger & French fries; (Film Reviews: 1; 2; 3; 4); (YouTube: 1; 2; 3); Nap: 5:00-7:05 pm Al and I rated the "Black Widow" a "6" confused by storyline of girl (Yelena) looking like a boy in the Ohio family. |
Saturday, September 4, 2021, 9:39 pm Mountain View: Woke up at 11:00 am; Didn't solve Jumble Puzzle Cartoon @ 9:39 pm LISAA = ALIAS; LEOHL = HELLO; CERNAP = PRANCE; BYIULS = BUSILY Missed Cartoon Answer For Mom, having a baby involves a lot of ALA HLO PRC BSIY = PHYSICAL LABOR |
Saturday, September 4, 2021, 9:40-10:48 pm Mountain View: Reading Time Magazine, Sept. 13/Sept. 20, 2021; "Everything is expensive" (Taking 106 days from factory to door) (By Alana Semuels, Time, 9-13-2021, pp. 46-51) Jani, a 4-foot plush giraffe, cost around $87 is now $116 due to shipping costs from China. |
Sunday, September 5, 2021, 12:00-1:00 am Mountain View: "Willard Scott, TV's Clown Prince of Sun and Showers, Is Dead at 87" (By Margalit Fox, NY Times, 9-4-2021) Mr. Scott, who played both Bozo the Clown and the original Ronald McDonald on television, was a longtime weather forecaster on the "Today" show who emphasized showmanship over science. |
Sunday, September 5, 2021, 12:00-1:00 am Mountain View: "Ed Asner, Emmy-Winning Star of 'Lou Grant' and 'Up' Dies at 91" (By Anita Gates, NY Times, 8-28-2021) Best known as the gruff newsman he first played on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show", he was also a busy character actor and a political activist; won 7 Emmy Awards. |
Sunday, September 5, 2021, 4:00-5:30 pm Mountain View: "The Many Faces of Mooncakes" (By Taner Halicioglu, NY Times, 9-4-2021) Mooncakes; Mid-Autumn Festival; Moon Goddess Chang'e Celebration of the luminous autumn pastry the signature dish of the Mid-Autumn Festival, which commemorates the full moon and the fall. |
Sunday, September 5, 2021, 4:00-5:30 pm Mountain View: Oakland podcast startup aims to stay atop field after pandemic boost (By John Woolfolk, Mercury News, 9-5-2021, E1-E2) Rockwell Felder, SquadCast founder & CIO saw revenues grow tenfold over pandemic, helps clients record audio & video podcast. |
Sunday, September 5, 2021, 4:00-5:30 pm Mountain View: "Seniors flocking to TikTok" (By Larry Magid, Mercury News, 9-2-2021, C7-C8) ConnectSafely.org/Seniors; Teens make up about a quarter of TikTok's estimated 100 million active users in the U.S. 64% are between 20-55 & 11% are over 50. |
Sunday, September 5, 2021, 4:00-7:00 pm Listening to KNBR 104.5 FM baseball game SF Giants leads LA Dodgers 6-1 end of 4 innings Yesterday: Dodgers beat Giants 6-1; tied 1st place; Walker Buehler was 7-0 against Giants overall; but they scored 6 runs today against him. Giants won 6-4, and are in first place. |
Monday, September 6, 2021, 8:30-8:55 am Mountain View: Woke up at 12:30 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:55 am LEKTN = KNELT; VSARO = SAVOR; RALENY = NEARLY; SWOIMD = WISDOM; Cartoon Answer For the earth, rotating once every 24 hours is KNL SAR ALY WIDO = ALL IN A DAY'S WORK; Quick breakfast of 3 waffles, butter, maple syrup, coffee Red Bus to Showers Dr.; ICON Theater @ 3:12 pm; Too late for "Candyman" (2:55 pm & 5:55 pm); Just in time to see "Shang-Chi" Free @ 3:12 pm without Previews. |
Monday, September 6, 2021, 3:12-5:19 pm Mountain View: ICON Theater (2575 California St.); Free Monday Movies: Destin Daniel Cretton directs "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" (2021) with Simu Liu; Awkwafina; Meng'er Zhang; Fala Chen; Florian Munteanu; Tony Leung Chiu-wai; Benedict Wong; Ben Kingsley; Michelle Yeoh; (Film Reviews: 1: 2; 3; 4); (YouTube: 1, 2) Marvel Comics showcases Chinese martial arts fighters in their movie with father as powerful evil character. |
Monday, September 6, 2021, 6:00-10:30 pm Mountain View: Al Guzman is bypassing Free Movie on Monday at ICON Theater to be with his wife Sheila on Labor Day; Mercury News Weekender (9-4-2021) gave "Cinderella" 2.5 stars; "Candyman" 3.5 stars Planned to see "Candyman" but got up late to see it since last Bus #40 @ Showers Drive is 5:43 pm which I made in time after "Shang-Chi". |
Monday, September 6, 2021, 6:00-10:30 pm Mountain View: While sleeping, more lines of alliterations tumbled out; Wrote poem "Alliterations Attract Attention V" instead of revising first 4 poems (Alliterations I; Alliterations II; Alliterations III; Alliterations IV) with new lines of alliterations Charlie Chan craved Donald Duck's drink Alice asleep awakens. |
Tuesday, September 7, 2021, 7:25-7:37 am Mountain View: Woke up at 12:35 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:37 am TYEPT = PETTY; SLAOS = LASSO; WNROAD = ONWARD; WULALF = LAWFUL Cartoon Answer Their teenage son had been oversleeping and missing the school bus ETT LO OA LAF = A LOT OF LATE (No "Daily Post" printed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) |
Tuesday, September 7, 2021, 3:25-3:44 pm Mountain View: No time to shop 9/2 to 9/6; Walk to Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Avenue); 80 ct MediWiper Hand Sanitizing Wipes ($4.99) = Free 3 lb Sig. Café Mustard Potato Salad @ $4.75; 2 bottles Sig Sel Sparkling Water @ 98¢ = $1.96; 2 Planters Peanuts lightly salted (16 oz) @ $1.99 = $3.98; 16 oz Land O' Lake Black Forest Ham @4.50 - 75¢ = $3.75. |
Wednesday, September 8, 2021, 7:55-8:07 am Mountain View: Woke up at 12:50 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:07 am TETLYS = STYLE; XMMAI = MAXIM; RMHEPA = HAMPER; OTTPIE = TIPTOE Cartoon Answer She sold Earl Grey, Oolong, Darjeeling, tc. her customers really enjoyed her STE AX ER TPE = "EXPERT-TEAS" |
Wednesday, September 8, 2021, 4:15-4:35 pm Mountain View: Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 4:45 pm Red Bus home 3 lb Reser's Deviled-Egg Potato Salad 50% off @ $3.74; 2 bottles Sig Sel Sparkling Water @ 98¢ = $1.96; Sig Sel Lemon Pudding Ring @ 50% off @ $1.99. |
Thursday, September 9, 2021, 11:35-11:50 am Mountain View: Woke up at 11:05 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 11:50 am MOUHR = HUMOR; SCMIU = MUSIC; LATELB = BALLET; KUEERB = REBUKE Cartoon Answer He jokingly called the wood he used to make the hancrafted bed UMR MUS BLLE REB = SLUMBER LUMBER |
Thursday, September 9, 2021, 12:05 pm Mountain View: 9:38 am Email from Cynthia Haven on Another Look webinar Zoom discussion of Dorothy Strachey's 1949 novel, Olivia. on Wednesday, October 13, 5:00-6:30 pm with Professors Robert Pogue Harrison, Tobias Wolff, & Italian Studies PhD candidate Maria Florence Massucco. |
Thursday, September 9, 2021, 12:55-1:30 pm Mountain View: Carrier delivered yesterday's Mercury News (Sept. 8) instead of today (Sept. 9); Need to call before 9:30 am; Phoned but couldn't speak to anyone live; Reading e-Edition Did Jumble Puzzle online; Read Weekender Chuck Baney's "Impeachment", and Comics Section B10-B11. |
Thursday, September 9, 2021, 1:30-2:00 pm Mountain View: 1:18 pm Mimi Robins's email from Swami Chinmayananda's Boston Study Group (1972-1979); We reconnected on 1-3-2015, and are both writing poetry Mimi's latest poems & drawings "Conduit" "Play your part as an actor on the stage of Now as directed by Destiny." |
Thursday, September 9, 2021, 3:50-5:00 pm Mountain View: 4:08 pm Gray Bus to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Metro"; No "Daily Post" left in bins; Refund $1.49 for 9/8 overcharge shopping at Safeway Rolled cart to Jane Lane news bins for last copy of today's "Daily Post"; Connie passed on 5 years ago today. |
Thursday, September 9, 2021, 5:15-7:30 pm Mountain View: Found 3x5 inch paper where Dad answered my query What's the 5-word poem before "Tao Te Yuin Kuang Hsiang"? (circa 1999) Dad wrote: "Wen Chang Hua Kuo Chia" "Literary essays glorify country home" inspiring me to write "Family Poem". |
Thursday, September 9, 2021, 8:30-9:20 pm Mountain View: Birthday iPhone for Sister-in-law Yu Dan Chou born on August 1 in HTML Chose U.S. #2094 stamp of novelist Herman Melville (born 8-1-1819) instead of U.S. #962 Francis Scott Key (born 8-1-1779), lawyer-poet, for iPhone illustration. |
Thursday, September 9, 2021, 9:30-10:08 pm Mountain View: Birthday iPhone for niece Emily Chou, born on April 23 in HTML Born April 23: Shakespeare, Max Planck, Frank Borzage, Lester Pearson, Warren Spahn, Shirley Temple. |
Friday, September 10, 2021, 12:00-12:36 am Mountain View: "Albert Einstein Letter On Relativity To Iowa High School Teacher Sells For $53,503.75" (By Jewish Business News, April 2, 2017) On September 3, 1953, Einstein wrote the letter to Arthur L. Converse, a teacher from Malcolm, Iowa; Envelope postmarked September 7, 1953, Princeton, NJ. |
Friday, September 10, 2021, 12:00-12:36 am Mountain View: Albert Schweitzer autographed letter postmarked 12-27-1960 for sale @ $1250 by Abe Books; Schweitzer Autographed Photo @ $2000 by Raptis Rare Books Albert Schweitzer autograph with photo of Arthur Briskier @ $1360 by History For Sale. |
Friday, September 10, 2021, 4:00-4:50 pm Mountain View: Left Apt @ 4:00 pm; 4:11 pm Bus #40 to Chef Chu's news bins for "Palo Alto Weekly"; One copy "Daily Post" left at CVS bins; None at Lam's news bins One bag Raw Wheat Germ (19 oz) @ $2.99; Discount Racks Specials @ 99¢ Cherry & Macadamia Nuts Granola; but checkout clerk says they're $6.99 (not bought). |
Friday, September 10, 2021, 5:00-5:44 pm Mountain View: Can't find Rosina Meatballs ($7.99) @ $5 Friday Specials at Safeway (645 San Antonia Road); 6:16 pm Bus #40 to Central Xpwy Stop & walked home 2 Gorton Grilled Salmon Fillets @ $5.49 = $10.98; 16 oz Land-O'-Lakes Black Forest Ham @ $4.50; 4 Cans of Pringles Potato Chips @ $1.29 = $5.16. |
Friday, September 10, 2021, 11:35-1:20 pm Mountain View: Woke up at 12:00 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 1:20 pm NUDOR = ROUND; SEPIO = POISE; CCLIOA = CALICO; RYUGEN = GURNEY Cartoon Answer Shutting down while all 18 holes were repaired was their RUN OSE CLO REY = ONLY RECOURSE |
Friday, September 10, 2021, 7:00-9:00 pm Mountain View: After writing "Family Poem", Ancestral spirits made me write "Family Poem 2" with the help of Chou Tun-yi's portrait before me "Yung Lè K'ang P'ing An" "Eternal joyful healthy tranquil peace" will bless five more generations. |
Friday, September 10, 2021, 9:00-10:30 pm Mountain View: Ann wonders whether Connie's granddaughters have fond memories of grandma Read "Playground at Grandma's Place" (2006) at Waverley Writers (1-5-2018); "Rumpelstiltskin selling Baby Parker on eBay" (4-3-2002) when granddaughter born. |
Friday, September 10, 2021, 9:00-10:30 pm Mountain View: Connie loved her granddaughters Parker & Cory, driving 3 hours to see them in Mariposa When Connie showed me a photo of Cory, I said "she looks chubby"; Connie retorted "It's all muscles! She's the swimming champ!" |
Saturday, September 11, 2021, 9:00-9:23 am Mountain View: Woke up at 3:15 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:23 am DAYHN = HANDY; LRYOG = GLORY; BEMRIL = LIMBER; GTTISH = TIGHTS Cartoon Answer They had no choice but to do what the octopus wanted after being ND OR MER GTS = STRONG ARMED |
Saturday, September 11, 2021, 4:50-6:06 pm Mountain View: Left apt 4:50 pm; Bus #40 @ 5:00 pm to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd & Rengstorff Ave) for today's "Daily Post"; No "Daily News" in news bins No shopping at Safeway since last Bus #40 comes at 5:43 pm; Red Bus came at 5:50 pm; Got off at Montecito Ave and walked home. |
Saturday, September 11, 2021, 6:15-9:30 pm Mountain View: After getting off Red Bus at Montecito Ave, saw flag flying at half-staff at Mountain View Fire Department #3 (301 N Rengstorff Ave) honoring firefighters who died on 9-11-2001 Mallard Fillmore Comics (9-11-2021) Today we remember those who lost and gave their lives and this unifying spirit of shared humanity they brought out in all of us. |
Saturday, September 11, 2021, 6:15-9:30 pm Mountain View: Don't remember where I was when 9/11 bombing of WTC happened; Must be at Foothill Computer Lab, Palo Alto; Wrote Number 911 (9-11-2002); Poem 911 (7-19-2005) Made "911" entry in Numbers "366-999" on Terroists attacks on Tuesday, 9-11-2001; Half of the web links on 9/11 are now gone; Solemn day to remember those who sacrificed. |
Saturday, September 11, 2021, 6:15-9:30 pm Mountain View: While composing 911 in "366-999" found eight files Marissa9.html to Marissa16.html in Numbers folder that her birthday is 4-11-1993 Born on April 11 Dale Messick (1906); Christopher Smart (1722); Oleg Cassini (1913); Howard W. Koch (1916); Joel Grey (1932); Mark Strand (1934). Can do "April 11 birthday on iPhone" in HTML. |
Saturday, September 11, 2021, 9:55-11:03 pm Mountain View: Only stamp for illustrating April 11 birthday on iPhone is U.S. 3000 (issued 10-1-1995) honoring Brenda Starr created by comics illustrator Dale Messick (born 4-11-1906) Finished Birthday on iPhone in HTML for my brother's family Jimmy (August 31), sister-in-law Dan (August 1), niece Emily (April 23), niece Marissa (April 11), and nephew Byron (June 11). |
Sunday, September 12, 2021, 7:50-8:05 am Mountain View: Woke up at 12:30 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:05 am SLORCL = SCROLL; SPOPEO = OPPOSE; TGOHUH = THOUGH; CSIETB = BISECT; SAREUS = ASSURE; KAQWUS = SQUAWK Cartoon Answer The artist had never sold a painting until now. This was his first SCR SE THH BIC SU SUW = BRUSH WITH SUCCESS |
Sunday, September 12, 2021, 4:00-6:30 pm Mountain View: New York Times Weekend News Briefings: "A Vermeer Restoration Reveals a God of Desire" (By Catherine Hickley, NY Times, 9-9-2021); Click on author to read article FREE from pubic.uk.com instead of $1 to NY Times Restorers uncovered a strip underneath painted rectangle, about part an inch broad. Now not best was once the brushwork at the Cupid unmistakably Vermeer's. |
Sunday, September 12, 2021, 4:00-6:30 pm Mountain View: "ART: First Cupid, now a wine glass? More revelations emerge from restored Vermeer painting in Dresden" (By Martin Bailey, The Art Newspaper, September 9, 2021) Vermeer's Girl reading a Letter at an Open Window (1659) showing the base of the wine glass and a Cupid painting hanging on the back wall. |
Sunday, September 12, 2021, 4:00-6:30 pm Mountain View: SPORTS: Max Scherzer struck out 3000 and tied record for most immaculate innings (3 strikeouts on 9 pitches) 3x (By USA TODAY, 9-12-2021) (lost perfect game in 8th inning) Record shared between Boston Red Sox's Chris Sale, LA Dodgers' Sandy Koufax, and Max Scherzer striking out 3 Padres on 9 pitches in 2nd inning. |
Sunday, September 12, 2021, 4:00-6:30 pm Mountain View: "4 spectacular Bay Area public gardens to explore close to home" (Jackie Burrell, Mercury News, 9-12-2021, F7-F8) 1. 4-block long Salesforce Rooftop Park in San Francisco; 2. Gamble Garden in Palo Alto; 3. Flower Piano at Golden Gate Park; 4. Botanical garden in the Berkeley hills (My trip to Gamble Garden, 1-1-2008) |
Sunday, September 12, 2021, 4:00-6:30 pm Mountain View: "Flores homers, Giants beat Cubs 6-5 for 7th straight win" (Andrew Seligman, Chicago Daily Herald, 9-12-2021) Chicago had bases loaded with one out in 7th when submarining right-hander Tyler Rogers caught Willson Contreras looking at an 84 mph fastball on a 3-2 count; then struck out Alfonso Rivas at a 3-2 pitch. |
Monday, September 13, 2021, 1:15-3:15 pm (film time) Mountain View: "FILM: "Card Counter explores haunted vet" (By Jake Coyle, Daily Post, September 10, 2021, p. 38) Screenwriter for "Taxi Driver" (1976) Paul Schrader is the writer-director of "Card Counter"; Film rated 3 stars out of 4 stars, produced by Martin Scorsese. |
Monday, September 13, 2021, 1:15-3:15 pm (film time) Mountain View: Showplace ICON Theater (2575 California St.) showing "Card Counter" movie Free: @ 1:15, 4:05, 5:05, 6:45 pm Last Zoom class for LINC-405 @ 6:00 pm; Need to see movie @ 1:15 pm to make class; Can I get up early to see this movie? |
Monday, September 13, 2021, 7:20-7:22 am Mountain View: Woke up at 11:30 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:22 am SRAHH = HARSH; GITID = DIGIT; VORMEE = REMOVE; TGEHNL = LENGTH Cartoon Answer She made her own sweet pickle condiments, and her customers RSH DIT EME LEH = RELISHED THEM |
Monday, September 13, 2021, 2:15-4:37 pm Mountain View: Missed Bus #40 & Red Bus @ 1:15 pm; 1:45 pm Red Bus to Showers; ICON Theater (2575 California Street); Too late to see Card Counter (1:15 pm) or Candyman (1:10 pm) "Malignant" is showing 2:30 pm in Theater 5; Got seat D-2 to see this horror film which was not in my planning. |
Monday, September 13, 2021, 2:15-4:37 pm Mountain View: ICON Theater (2575 California Street); Free Monday Movies: James Wan directs "Malignant" (2021) with Annabelle Wallis; Maddie Hasson; George Young; Michole Briana White; Jean Louisa Kelly; Marina Mazepa; Susanna Thompson; Jake Abel; Jacqueline McKenzie; Christian Clemenson; Ingrid Bisu; (Film Reviews: 1: 2; 3; 4); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4) Supernatural horror film of Gabriel with terrific strength killing those in Seattle hospital & the police after him. |
Monday, September 13, 2021, 5:00-5:20 pm Mountain View: Walked from ICON Theater to shop at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd) 2 bottles Sparkling Water @ 98¢ 4 cans Pringles Potato Chips @ $1.29; Nestle Coffemate Creamer @ $3.00; 5:48 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy Stop & Walked home by 6:07 pm in time for last Zoom class LINC-405 with William Cavada; Jing Baughman, a student in class asked questions on Google gmail Apparently Cavada registered me in LINC-405 (roll-over) for Fall 2021; Assignments done in Summer need not be repeated in Fall quarter. |
Monday, September 13, 2021, 6:33 am Mountain View: Mimi Robins (92) from Brookline, Mass. emailed me 6:33 am answering my 9/12 email questions about former Chinmayananda's Boston Study Group (1972-79) Lost in touch with Patrick Brennan; Ram Kirpalani died August 2021; Sheela lives in NJ; Susheel Bibbs doing well, living in Sacramento. |
Monday, September 13, 2021, 1:15-3:15 pm Mountain View: San Francisco Giants beat San Diego Padres 9-1 first team to clinch playoffs, won 8 in a row, record 94-50, 2.5 games ahead of Los Angeles Dodgers in NL West 4 homers off Yu Darvish by Tommy La Stella, Evan Longoria, Mike Yastrzemski, and Brandon Belt, with 217 team homers in 2021. |
Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 6:24-6:32 am Mountain View: Woke up at 12:30 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 6:32 am BTHIA = HABIT; SMYUT = MUSTY; BFIREB = FIBBER; GONLUE = LOUNGE Cartoon Answer The newly-hatched, worm-like baby beetle needed cleaning because it was so B Y BR UG = GRUBBY |
Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 2:06-2:15 pm KDFC: 104.9 FM: Gordon Hunt plays oboe with Norrkoping Symphony Orchestra to Domenico Zipoli's Elevazione (1716); (CD); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4) I voted #1 Zipoli's "Ascension" in KDFC's Ultimate Playlist of favorite classic music. Came out #166 this year; was #183 last year. |
Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 3:24-3:45 pm Mountain View: Ann picked me up @ 3:00 pm and drove to Mountain View Post Office (211 Hope St.) to pay renewal fees $146.00 yearly to 9-30-2022 P.O. Box 390707 rented for WisdomPortal.com web site (10-12-1998) for around $70; Fee has more than doubled since then. |
Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 4:00-4:15 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed Tuesday; Ann drove me to Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) to shop, as I forgot to buy grapes & spinach Monday Sig Sel Cranberry & Raspberry Water @ 98¢; 8 oz Sig Farms Fresh Spinach for Salad @ $1.99; 2.02 lb Red Seedless Grapes @ $1.69/lb = $3.41. |
Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 6:30-7:07 pm Mountain View: "Santa Clara County Names First Youth Poet Laureate" (Still in high school, Anouk Yeh writes passionately for her generation) (By Mighty Mike McGee, Metro, 9-8-2021, p. 9) In her poem, "Ode to Teenage Girls", Yeh writes, "what is more teenage girl than constantly mourning / the way your body turned into someone else's gaudy souvenir." |
Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 7:30-10:20 pm Mountain View: Summarize assignments done in LINC-405 "Beginning Technology Skills" this summer at Foothill College Seven assignments done in LINC-405, Google Sheets not completed; Will do more and different ones this Fall 2021. |
Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 7:35-7:52 am Mountain View: Woke up at 12:30 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:52 am YBLOB = LOBBY; LUWDO = WOULD; BRRAHO = HARBOR; KTCTIE = TICKET Cartoon Answer When the last member of their bowling team arrived, they were LOY OLD ARR ET = READY TO ROLL |
Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 3:20-4:45 pm Mountain View: Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post"; Chat with Deborah at her Bamboo Bushes; Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:26 pm; 4:45 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home 24.5 oz Gorton Fish Fillets (12 pieces) @ $5.99; 64 oz O-Organics Vanilla Soy Milk @ $2.50 - $1 = $1.50: Waterfront Imitation Crabmeat Chunk @ $1.99 - $1 = 99¢. |
Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 1:19-1:23 pm KDFC: 104.9 FM: Itzhak Perlman plays violin with John Williams conducting Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra to John Williams's Schindler's List: Main Theme (1994); (CD); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4) Williams displayed both depth & maturity of his musical gifts and training, producing a score with sad, evocative melodies frequently carried by the violin of the great Itzhak Perlman. |
Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 6:27-6:33 pm KDFC: 104.9 FM: Nicola Benedetti plays violin with Daniel Harding conducting London Symphony Orchestra to Jules Massenet's Thais: Meditation (1894); (CD); (YouTube: Benedetti, Maxim Vengerov, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Sarah Chang) I voted #2 Jules Massanet's "Thais: Meditation" in KDFC's Ultimate Playlist of favorite classic music. Came out #79 this year; Was voted #80 in last year's poll. |
Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 7:54 pm Mountain View: Ann's email: "Sad work day: my company Theravance's press release: 75% of us will be laid off." Theravance to lay off 75% of employees with larger restructuring Lay off 270 employees, or 75% of its workforce, some at the end of November and some in February. Will save company approximately $165 million. After drug izencitinib failed (8-2021), stock price fell 30%. |
Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 9:30-9:50 pm Mountain View: "It's Never Too Late to Follow Your Spiritual Calling" (By Mainstream Machine, NY Times, 9-14-2021) At 56, Ms. Vica Steel retired as a public-school teacher for 24 years; She's studying at Wartburg Theological Seminary, in Dubuque, Iowa, on a scholarship with the purpose of becoming a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (or E.L.C.A.). |
Thursday, September 16, 2021, 8:35-8:49 am Mountain View: Woke up at 1:45 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:49 am WKATE = TWEAK; MTTPE = TEMPT; LPBEEB = PEBBLE; VLSIAH = LAVISH Cartoon Answer The cost to use the facility's new rock-climbing walls seemed TEA TET PLE LIS = A LITTLE STEEP |
Thursday, September 16, 2021, 4:25-5:10 pm Mountain View: Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; 5:00 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave & walk home; Cavada's 5:30 pm Zoom class not on Canvas Email from Kim, Gene, Will, Kas LINC-405 closes at midnight on 9-17-2021; New course (Automatic roll-over) opens 9-20-2021. |
Thursday, September 16, 2021, 4:01-4:09 pm KDFC: 104.9 FM: Andre Previn conducting London Symphony Orchestra to Gustav Holst's "The Planets: Jupiter, The Bringer of Jollity Op. 32" (1919); (CD); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4) Gustav Holst's "The Planets" "Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity" is most popular section in this symphony. |
Thursday, September 16, 2021, 6:55 pm "50 Academy Award Medley" conducted by John Williams, Boston Pops Orchestra, Boston, 2002 "Casablanca", "Citizen Kane", "The Magnificent Seven", "Gone with Wind", "The Godfather", "Dr. Zhivago", "Star Wars", "Jaws", "ET The Extraterrestial". |
Thursday, September 16, 2021, 7:15-9:30 pm Mountain View: Columbia Magazine (Fall 2021) What This Bird Can Teach Us About Memory (p. 44) The tufted titmouse, a songbird native to the eastern US, has long amazed ornithologists with its ability to remember thousands of locations where it has stashed away seeds for future consumption Neuroscientist Dmitriy Aronov has discovered secret to the bird's extraordinary powers of recall, finding that it has a specialized brain region for making mental maps of its physical surroundings. |
Thursday, September 16, 2021, 7:15-9:30 pm Mountain View: Columbia Magazine (Fall 2021) "Oh God, Make Me Brave for Life" (Whimsical spirit & positive wisdom of artist & storyteller Ashley Bryan '50GS.) (by Paul Hond, Columbia Magazine, Fall 2021, pp. 16-23) At 98, Bryan still bubbles and brims with enthusiasm and delight and believes unshakably that the most important moment of his life is the one he's living now. In his nineties alone, he has published seven books. |
Thursday, September 16, 2021, 7:15-9:30 pm Mountain View: Columbia Magazine (Fall 2021) "ALUMNI: This Watch Entrepreneur Turns Time into Money" Benjamin Clymer is founder & executive chairman of Hodinkee; (By Ian Scheffler, Columbia Magazine, Fall 2021, pp. 52-53) Clymer's favorites: OMEGA Speedmaster MK40; Rolex Daytona; A. Lange & Söhne Lange 1; Patek Philippe Nautilus, Tiffany-signed. |
Thursday, September 16, 2021, 7:15-9:30 pm Mountain View: Columbia Magazine (Fall 2021) "BOOK REVIEW: Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch: a Novel by Rivka Galchen (By Adam Kirsch, Columbia Magazine, Fall 2021, p. 60) True story of a witch hunt from the 1610s Katharina Kepler accused of witchcraft, defended by her son Johannes Kepler, astronomer & mathematician. |
Friday, September 17, 2021, 7:25-8:05 am Mountain View: Woke up 12:25 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 12:55 pm SEYSA = ESSAY; RHIDT = THIRD; TRUUHN = UNHURT; PIGMEA = MAGPIE (Couldn't solve Cartoon puzzle @ 7:25-8:05 am; Went back to sleep and solved it @ 12:55 pm) Cartoon Answer The dog that destroyed his morning newspaper and flowers was an ESS TIR UHRT PIE = IRISH "UPSETTER" |
Friday, September 17, 2021, 3:15-5:15 pm Mountain View: Left apt 3:15 pm; Bus #40 @ 3:35 pm to Chef Chu's for "Palo Alto Weekly"; "Daily Post" all gone; 4:03 pm Bus 40 to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post"; Shop @ Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff) 4:55 pm; 5:05 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home; Kellogg's Eggo Blueberry Waffles @ $1.99; 16 oz Land-O'-Lake Black Forest Ham @ $3.99; Bear-Claw Coffee Cake @ $2.50 - $2.00 off = 50¢. |
Friday, September 17, 2021, 2:20-2:57 pm KDFC: 104.9 FM: Michael Tilson Thomas conducting San Francisco Symphony to Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony #5 in c 67 (1808); (CD); (YouTube: von Karajan, Paavo Järvi, Riccardo Muti, Leonard Bernstein); Wake Up! I voted #3 Ludwig van Beethoven's "Symphony #5" in KDFC's Ultimate Playlist of favorite classic music. Came out #7 this year; Was voted #8 in last year's poll. |
Friday, September 17, 2021, 5:55-6:55 pm KDFC: 104.9 FM: Monteverdi Choir sings with Sir John Eliot Gardiner conducting Revolutionary and Romantic Orchestra to Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony #9 "Choral" in d Op 125 (1824); (CD); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4) Anthony Damiani played Beethoven's 9th Choral Symphony for me when I slept over his house (1970) before leaving Cornell; KDFC's Ultimate Playlist of favorite classic music voted it #1 this year; Was also voted #1 in last year's poll. |
Friday, September 17, 2021, 7:30-11:00 pm Mountain View: 1022: "Dante and the Early Astronomers" by M.A. Orr (p. 288) "I say that the starry heaven displays a multitude of stars to us, for as the Sages of Egypt have perceived, "including the last star which appears to them in the south, they reckon one thousand and twenty-two starry bodies, of which I am now speakiing." (Convivio II. XV. 18-22) |
Friday, September 17, 2021, 7:30-11:00 pm Mountain View: "Dante and the Early Astronomers" by M.A. Orr, London, Gall & Inglis (1913); "horn of the Celestial Goat touching the sun" (p. 3) Ursa Minor as a Horn. Par. xiii.10 (p. 299) Ending of Virgil's Aeneid, Book VI Gates of Horn & Ivory from Underworld. |
Saturday, September 18, 2021, 9:30-9:36 am Mountain View: Woke up 1:10 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:36 am LTZIG = GLITZ; DLAEL = LADLE; MRHTIE = HERMIT; TARTHO = THROAT (Gave crossword puzzle page to neighbor Don) Cartoon Answer The popularity of London's famous clock tower was an GI LLE HMI HAT = ALL-TIME HIGH |
Saturday, September 18, 2021, 3:35-5:15 pm Mountain View: Left apt 3:35 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post"; Shop @ Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff) 4:00-4:23 pm; 4:55 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home 16 oz Sig Sel Sparkling Peach Creme Water @ 98¢; 32 oz Lucerne Sugarless Hazelnut Creamer @ $2.79; 32 oz Lucerne Sugarless French Vanilla Creamer @ $2.79. |
Saturday, September 18, 2021, 6:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: "Protecting mental health on Instagram" (By Larry Magid, Mercury News, 9-17-2021, C7-C8) Wall Street Journal article revealed internal Facebook documents proclaiming that "Instagram is toxic for teen girls." Online interactions can take an emotional toll if you're negatively comparing yourself with others. |
Saturday, September 18, 2021, 6:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: "100 Most Inflential People of 2021: Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex" (By José Andrés, Time, September 27, 2021, pp. 103-104) They turn compassion into boots on the ground through their Archewell Foundation. They give voice to the voiceless through media production. They run toward the struggle. |
Sunday, September 19, 2021, 7:42-7:57 am Mountain View: Woke up 12:30 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:36 am CERNDH = DRENCH; LAXHEE = EXHALE; SNDUIA = UNSAID; MHSUUM = HUMMUS; GHNROT = THRONG; TIQUYE = EQUITY Cartoon Answer They visited Mahu Picchu at almost 8,000 feet after it was DRC ELE NID HMM HOG EY = HIGHLY RECOMMENDED |
Sunday, September 19, 2021, 2:00-3:00 pm Mountain View: While sleeping September 18, 2021, thought about animals A-Z, one for each letter of the alphabet. Have to find a postage stamp for each of the animals. Links to interesting facts and poems or stories about the animals. After waking up, found a web site AZAnimals listing hundreds of animals from A-Z. Filled gaps with Umbrellabird and Xerus. Have an outline for a children's book on animals. |
Sunday, September 19, 2021, 5:00-7:30 pm Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", one for each letter of alphabet. Kenya 22: Aardvark (1966) Mauritania 141: Aardvark (1963) A Animals: Albatross, Alligator, Angelfish, Armadillo. |
Sunday, September 19, 2021, 5:00-7:30 pm Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", one for each letter of alphabet. Mozambique Co. 179: Zebra (1937); Nyassa 170: Zebra (1921); Z Animals: Zebra finch, Zebra shark, Zebu. |
Sunday, September 19, 2021, 5:00-7:30 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed Sunday; No need to go outside; Stayed home for more work done Sad day for SF Giants: shutout by Atlanta Braves 3-0; Happy day for SF 49ers: defeated Philadelphia Eagles 17-11; Al Guzman busy & can't go to Free Monday movie at ICON. |
Sunday, September 19, 2021, 6:00-9:00 pm Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", one for each letter of alphabet. Canada 1694: Bear (1997); Australia 1223: Cat (1991); Hungary 1151: Dog (1956). |
Monday, September 20, 2021, 7:42-7:59 am Mountain View: Woke up 10:40 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:59 am LALFI = FLAIL; NHIYS = SHINY; GROOFT = FORGOT; VIEEDC = DEVICE Cartoon Answer The soccer player's new contact lenses gave her a better FLI SIN FOO DVIE = FIELD OF VISION |
Monday, September 20, 2021, 12:05-12:39 pm Mountain View: Showplace ICON Theater (2575 California St.) showing "Card Counter" movie Free: @ 1:40 pm, 4:25 pm, 7:15 pm First Zoom class for LINC-405 @ 6:00 pm; Need to see movie @ 1:40 pm to make class; Got here an hour early for seat D-2 in Theater 5. |
Monday, September 20, 2021, 1:40-3:40 pm Mountain View: ICON Theater (2575 California Street); Free Monday Movies: Paul Schrader directs "Card Counter" (2021) Martin Scorsese, executive producer; with Oscar Isaac; Tiffany Haddish; Tye Sheridan; Willem Dafoe; (Film Reviews: 1, 2, 3, 4); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4) Film written & directed by Paul Schrader who wrote screenplay for Taxi Driver this is an intense gambling & revenge film. |
Monday, September 20, 2021, 6:00-6:30 pm Mountain View: Al Guzman can't come to free movie on Monday at ICON Theater as he's tutoring to 6 pm at Foothill Sunnyvale Campus; Rudy in Lodi helping aunts; Walked from ICON Theater to California St. & Showers Dr. for 4:21 pm Bus #40 to Central Xpwy and walked home I'm the only one in LINC-405 Zoom class @ 6:00 pm with William Cavada for Fall 2021; Class will not be dropped as he'll have 60 high school students enrolled. |
Monday, September 20, 2021, 9:28 pm Mountain View: Ann emailed 9:28 pm after reading "Animals A-Z"; wonders if I can find stamp for Xerus French Afars & Issas 314 Ground Squirrel (Xerus rutilus) (issued 9-25-1967) Bird stamps from Peru helped locate the Umbrellabird (Cephalopterus ornatus) Peru C337 (issued 6-19-1972) at colnect.com |
Monday, September 20, 2021, 5:14-10:11 pm Mountain View: Was not thinking about "Animals A-Z" in bed last night, but "Zeus Juice" poem completed after Zoom session with Cavada, who told me to use "wrap" in Photoshop for placing a label on bottle Nos Bottle; Zeus; Zeus Bottle; Zeus Juice. Zeus Juice favorite of Olympics champions. No wonder they're sold out. |
Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 7:07-7:14 am Mountain View: Woke up 11:40 am; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:14 am SRHHA = HARSH; NIOAP = PIANO; DLIFED = FIDDLE; GLANOL = GALLON Cartoon Answer For the happy couple, being in love and taking walks together HAH NO DD GAN = GO HAND IN HAND |
Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 2:28 pm Mountain View: Shaheen Lotia, assistant to Dr. Liteh Chang emailed from Kaiser on blood pressure test; Call 408-366-4345 for appointment to check your blood pressure here in the clinic. If your first blood pressure reading is greater than 135/85, please rest 10 minutes and recheck again and include both readings in this e-mail. |
Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 2:30 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed Tuesday; No need to go outside; Stayed home for more work done Rudy phoned from Palo Alto VA Hospital. Will drop by (5 pm) to pick up specials & several free items from Safeway. |
Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 8:00-10:00 pm Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", one for each letter of alphabet E, F, G Angola 364: Elephant (1953); U.S. 2335: Red Fox (1987); Angola 381: Giraffe (1953). |
Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 5:00-5:30 pm Mountain View: Rudy shares story from his Anthropology class "The Mysterious Case of Gil Pérez, the Man Who Allegedly Teleported From Manila to Mexico" In 1593, a Spanish soldier claimed he traveled over 9,000 miles in just a few seconds when asleep. |
Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 5:30-6:30 pm Mountain View: "Beam me up Scotty!"; "Photon Teleportation"; Heard first on "teleportation" (circa 1973) from Swami Chinmayanananda telling Hindu physics students at MIT, how Sai Baba teleported gold ring from a jewlery store in downtown Bombay into his hand to give to a poor bridegroom. |
Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 9:05-9:15 am Mountain View: Woke up 12:50 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:15 am DJEGU = JUDGE; FIYNT = NIFTY; MARHEP = HAMPER; CDROOT = DOCTOR Cartoon Answer The group of lions they considered to be their family was their JD NIY APE DOR = PRIDE AND JOY |
Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 4:40-6:00 pm Mountain View: Left apt at 4:40 pm; passing by Hackett Ave, Montebello Ave, Montecito Ave, Rengstorff Ave; Touch these trees 9 heart-shaped leaves on Redbud trees (courtyard); 6 tops of Λ-Butterfly Bushes (Montecito Ave); Leaves on 2 Bamboo Bushes (356 Rengstorff Ave); 4 tops of Platonic Λ-shaped Bushes (364 Rengstorff Ave). |
Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 4:40-6:00 pm Mountain View: Left apt at 4:40 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post": Shop at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:15-5:44 pm; 5:50 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave & walked home 3 Lucerne sliced Swiss Cheese @ $1.77 = $5.31; Land-O'-Lakes Spiced Butter ($3.29) @ $1.99; 1.44 lbs Broccoli crowns @ $1.49/lb = $2.15; 2.28 lbs Tomatoes-on-Vine @ $1.49/lb = $3.40. |
Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 4:40-6:00 pm Mountain View: Mimi Robins (92) from Brookline, MA, emailed 9/13 about former Chinmayananda's Boston Study Group (1972-79); Sad to learn Ram Kirpalani died August 2021; Sheela lives in NJ; Wished to send condolences to Sheela Kirpalani Sheela's email Mimi gave me returned as mailer-daemon; Send snail mail (9/23 7:45 pm) for healing Music: Zipoli's "Elevazione"; Art: Bouguereau's "Dealing with Grief"; Poetry: Mary Oliver's "When Death Comes". |
Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 8:00-11:11 pm Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", one for each letter of alphabet H, I, J U.S. 2643: Hummingbird (1992); Angola 367: Impala (1953); Ryukyu Islands 80: Jellyfish (1960). |
Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 11:11 pm-12:55 am Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", one for each letter of alphabet K, L, M Australia 171: Koala (1940); South Africa 247: Lion (1961); PRC China 713: Monkey (1963). |
Thursday, September 23, 2021, 8:18-8:39 am Mountain View: Woke up 3:50 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:39 am GIFNE = FEIGN; CROUC = OCCUR; LABEVI = VIABLE; GATIMS = STIGMA Cartoon Answer Seeing the bridle with its mouthpiece made the young horse EIN OUR VB STA = A BIT NERVOUS |
Thursday, September 23, 2021, 5:22-6:45 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 5:22 pm; Bus #40 @ 5:57 pm to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for"Daily Post" & "Metro"; 6:35 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home Missed LINC-405 Zoom class: Gene Tognetti (6-6:30 pm); Made Q&A session with William Cavada (6:55-7:32 pm); Listened to queries: Mara MacDonald, Barb Singleton, Su C. |
Thursday, September 23, 2021, 8:45-10:48 pm Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", one for each letter of alphabet N, O, P Canada 480: Narwhal (1968); North Borneo 186: Orangutan (1931); PRC China 709: Panda (1963). |
Thursday, September 23, 2021, 10:50 pm-1:49 am Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", one for each letter of alphabet Q, R, S U.S. 1957: Quail (1982); Bulgaria 1004: Rabbit (1958); Russia 2219: Swan (1959). |
Friday, September 24, 2021, 10:45-11:25 am Mountain View: Woke up 4:15 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 11:25 am SUTJO = JOUST; ALYLR = RALLY; KTHESC = SKETCH; MEBANO = BEMOAN Missed Cartoon Answer His son washed and waxed his car but did a JUT RLL SKC BEOA = LACKLUSTER JOB |
Friday, September 24, 2021, 6:00-7:30 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 6:00 pm; Bus #40 @ 6:40 pm to Chef Chu's news bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"; 7:17 pm Bus #40 @ Showers Dr. to Montecito Ave & walked home SF Giants beats Colorado Rockies 7-2 with La Stella homer in 1st inning and Yastrzemski's 3-run homer in 7th for 100th win. |
Friday, September 24, 2021, 9:30-11:25 pm Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", one for each letter of alphabet T, U, V India 365: Tiger (1963); Peru C337: Umbrellabird (1972); Jugoslavia 404: Vulture (1954). |
Friday, September 24, 2021, 11:25 pm-1:14 am Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", one for each letter of alphabet W, X, Y, Z Fernando Poo B3: Whale (1982); Afars & Issas 314: Xerus (1967); Bhutan 7: Yak (1962); Nyassa 170: Zebra (1921). |
Saturday, September 25, 2021, 9:09-9:25 am Mountain View: Woke up 1:50 pm; Breakfast: Dill Rye sandwich of ham & Swiss cheese, spinach, pickles; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:25 am NIOGG = GOING; SMYOS = MOSSY; OGDTUU = DUGOUT; TWHISC = SWITCH Cartoon Answer The golfer's erratic play on the course resulted in GON MSS DO WI = MOOD SWINGS |
Saturday, September 25, 2021, 4:05-5:40 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 4:05 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Penisula News"; Safeway (580 N Rengstorff) 5:09 pm; 5:30 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walked home 29.6 oz Kelloggs Waffles (24) ($6.99) @ $4.99; 3 Lucerne Sliced Cheese ($2.99) @ $1.77 = $5.31; O Organic Brussels Sprouts ($2.50) - $1.75 = 75¢. |
Saturday, September 25, 2021, 8:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: Composed "Animals A-Z" in 7 days; Difficult to select one animal for each letter of alphabet Chose Aardvark over Albatross, Elephant over Eagle, Fox over Falcon, Hummingbird over Horse, Monkey over Magpie. |
Saturday, September 25, 2021, 8:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", Vol. 2; one for each letter of alphabet X, Y, Z Cuba 3915: Xoloitzcuintli, hairless dog (1998); Guinea Bissau 745: Yorkshire Terrier (1988); Madagascar 273: Zebu (1946). |
Sunday, September 26, 2021, 12:00-12:52 am Mountain View: Composed poem "A-Z Animals Zoo"; 26 lines for 26 lettes of alphabet Aardvark first word in the dictionary, Bears Goldilocks met three of them, Cat in the Hat favorite children's book, Dog movie stars Lassie & Rin-Tin-Tin. |
Sunday, September 26, 2021, 12:52-1:59 am Mountain View: Composed poem "A-Z Animals Zoo 2"; 26 lines for 26 lettes of alphabet Albatross walking awkard, majestic in flight, Butterfly Greek symbol of the soul, Camels provide water in caravans, Deer eyes so docile and innocent. |
Sunday, September 26, 2021, 9:50-10:00 am Mountain View: Woke up 2:50 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 10:00 am TRUHCC = CRUTCH; AEHMYM = MAYHEM; MZNYEE = ENZYME; BRIACF = FABRIC; VLVOEE = EVOLVE; CLIPSE = SPLICE Cartoon Answer Breakfast for passengers in first class included bagels with RC AHM ENE AC ELE SPE = "PLANE" CREAM CHEESE |
Sunday, September 26, 2021, 5:00-6:00 pm Mountain View: "4 epic coastal hikes mix sea views, tasty bites" Old Cove Landing Loop, Wilder Ranch State Park; Lands End and Legion of Honor, Lincoln Park; Franklin Point, Año Nuevo State Park; Pillar Point to Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, Pillar Point Bluff (By Melissa Ozbek, Mercuty News, 9-26-2021, F7-8) Soak in the coast from Santa Cruz to San Francisco through these four waterfront hikes, paired with nearby eateries. |
Sunday, September 26, 2021, 6:30-8:30 pm Mountain View: "10 most beautiful and eccentric gardens around the world" (By Jackie Burrell, Mercuty News, 9-26-2021, F7) 1. Las Pozas, Xilitla, Mexico; 2. Dubai Miracle Garden, Dubai; 3. Garden of Cosmic Speculation, Dumfries, Scotland; 4. Torre Guinigi, Lucca, Italy; 5. Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden, Pattaya, Thailand; 6. Salesforce Rooftop Park, San Francisco; 7. Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall, England; 8. Pinocchio Park, Collodi, Italy; 9. Forestiere Underground Gardens, Fresno, CA; 10. Butterfly Garden, Changi Airport, Singapore. |
Sunday, September 26, 2021, 8:46 pm-1:09 am Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", Vol. 2; one for each letter of alphabet Did A-F today; Albatrooss; Butterfly; Camel; Deer; Eagle; Falcon; Gorilla; Horse; Iguana; Jaguar; Kangaroo; Lemur; Magpie; Nightingale; Owl; Panther; Quetzal; Rat; Snake; Tortoise; Uakari; Vampire Bat: Wolf; Xoloitzcuintli; Yorkshire Terrier; Zebu. |
Monday, September 27, 2021, 7:40-8:15 am Mountain View: Went to bed late at 4:05 am; Woke up 12:00 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:15 am TULEF = FLUTE; VAEEW = WEAVE; HEPNYH = HYPHEN; TECEDT = DETECT Missed Cartoon Answer They sat together with a bowl ofpork rinds and FTE WAE HHE DTC = CHEWED THE FAT |
Monday, September 27, 2021, 5:00-6:00 pm Mountain View: "ART: Jasper Johns: Divide and Conquer" ("Mind/Mirror", a monumental retrospective at the Whitney Museum and Philadelphia Museum of Art) (By Holland Cotter, NY Times, 9-23-2021) reveals an artist's protean talent, changing perspectives and resiliency over six decades (now 91 years old). |
Monday, September 27, 2021, 3:00-4:55 pm Mountain View: ICON Theater (2575 California Street); Free Monday Movies: Clint Eastwood directs "Cry Macho" (2021) with Clint Eastwood; Dwight Yoakam; Eduardo Minett; Natalia Traven; Fernanda Urrejola; (Reviews: 1, 2, 3, 4); (YouTube: 1, 2, 3) Clint Eastwood (Mike Milo) sent by his old boss to bring back his son (13-year old Rafo) from Mexico abused by his evil wife, "Macho" is cock-fighting champ. |
Monday, September 27, 2021, 1:15-2:30 pm Al Guzman emailed 8:24 am can't come to movie as he's taking 7-units Precalculus course; Left apt 1:15 pm; Red Bus @ 1:50 pm; ICON Theater @ 2:30 pm; Too late to see Copshop @ 1:30 pm; Closest showing was Cry Macho @ 3:00 pm (only 1-star rating) LINC-405 Zoom Q&A class @ 6:30-6:57 pm with William Cavada: Student Mara MacDonald asked questions on sharing files, view & comments. |
Monday, September 27, 2021, 5:10-5:37 pm Mountain View: Walked from ICON Theater to shop at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd) Surprise meeting with Eadie from Foothill Krause Center (haven't seen her since March 2020) 2 bottles Sparkling Water (Tangerine Lime) @ 98¢; 3 Lucerne Sliced Cheese ($2.99) @ $1.77 = $5.31; Clio Strawberry Yogurt Bar ($1.49) = Free (for Rudy). |
Monday, September 27, 2021, 10:17 pm-1:42 am Mountain View: Composing "Animals A-Z", Vol. 2; one for each letter of alphabet Did A-F yesterday; G, H, I done today after finding these stamps Belgian Congo 310: Gorilla (1959); PRC China 1390: Horse (1978); Ecuador 341: Iguana (1936). |
Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 10:37-10:47 am Mountain View: Went to bed late at 4:30 am; Woke up 3:12 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 10:47 am MNHAU = HUMAN; BHUYB = HUBBY; CPOCYU = OCCUPY; GATUCH = CAUGHT Cartoon Answer The "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5" and "Suite No. 2 in B Minor" would be played HA HBB OCC AT = "BACH" TO "BACH" |
Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 5:00-6:45 pm Mountain View: NY Times News Briefings link to "25 Modern Love Essays to Read if You Want to Laugh, Cringe and Cry" (By Danel Jones, NY Times, 2019) Didn't pay $1.00/week sign-up to read these essays moneyrf.com has free article, but only the titles and authors, with no texts to read. Book (Marisa Lascher 2017 article) |
Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 5:00-5:15 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed on Tuesday; Stayed home to work; Mercury News "Harvest" magazine on California apple farmers, wineries, and produce growers 72 pages September 27, 2021 issue with dozens of photos showing apples, grapes, strawberries, to whet your appetite. |
Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 7:26 pm-12:40 am Mountain View: Composing "Animals (A-Z)2"; J, K, L, M, N, O done today after finding stamps France 3314: Jaguar (2007); Australia 97: Kangaroo (1929); Madagascar 323: Lemur (1961); Cambodia 132: Magpie (1964); San Marino 447: Nightingale (1960); France 1339: Owl (1972). |
Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 10:37-10:47 am Mountain View: Went to bed late at 4:00 am; Woke up 3:30 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 10:47 am GDRI = RIGID; CGEOK = GECKO; TNIEEC = ENTICE; VAYCIT = CAVITY Cartoon Answer The breakfast buffet was opening, and the omelet chefs were ready to RGI GK ENC CAT = GET CRACKING (3 waffles for breakfast with butter & syrup) |
Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 5:50-7:50 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 5:50 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N Rengstorff) 6:25-7:04 pm; Last 7:35 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walked home 2 International Delight Creamers @ $1.99; 2 Quakers Instant Oatmeals Fruits @ $1.49; Sig Farms Fresh Spinach for Salads @ $1.99; 2 Ken's Vadalia Onion Salad Dressings BOGO @ $3.99. |
Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 9:27-11:28 pm Mountain View: Composing "Animals (A-Z)2"; P, Q, R done today after finding stamps Cuba 2168: Panther (1977); Guatemala 16: Quetzal (1879); Sierra Leone 1854b: Rat (1996). |
Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 11:39 pm-1:46 am Mountain View: Composing "Animals (A-Z)2"; S, T, U done today after finding stamps Romania 1677: Snake (1964); Ecuador 342: Tortoise (1936); Peru C412: Uakari (1974). |
Thursday, September 30, 2021, 9:30-9:37 am Mountain View: Went to bed late at 5:10 am; Woke up 2:50 pm; Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:37 am ZAREC = CRAZE; MEHET = THEME; NREYDT = TRENDY; LAVSUI = VISUAL Cartoon Answer Turning their property around the creek into a campground cread a RAE EME TREN VSU = REVENUE STREAM |
Thursday, September 30, 2021, 5:00-6:00 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 5:00 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; 5:40 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave & walked home in time for Zoom class LINC-405 (6:00-6:22 pm) & Q&A (6:50-7:15 pm) Gene Tognetti spoke on using Gmail Link to URL; Insert file from Google Drive; Insert photo (Mustang car); Insert "G" Logo. |
Thursday, September 30, 2021, 9:27-11:28 pm Mountain View: Composing "Animals (A-Z)2"; V, W, X, Y done today after finding stamps Paraguay 1484: Vampire Bat (1972); Jugoslavia 578: Wolf (1960); Cuba 3915: Xolo (1998); Guinea Bissau 745: Yorkshire Terrier (1988). |
Thursday, September 30, 2021, 11:39 pm-11:55 pm Mountain View: "Descending into the depths and brightness of van Gogh" (Jim Harrington, Mercury News, 9-29-2021, A1, A5) Vibrant images that populate "Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience" relay anything but darkness. San Jose show more satisfying than its SF counterpart, in making a priority to put the artist's work in perspective. |
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© Peter Y. Chou,
Wisdom Portal P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: ![]() |
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