HAIKUS: April 2022

By Peter Y. Chou

These haikus were written as exercises in mindfulness—
an attempt to catch the fleeting moment in my daily walks,
while reading, listening to music, and pondering about life.
(Underlined words are not for emphasis but to web links.)
This web page best viewed with Times font size 14.

Friday, April 1, 2022, 10:45-11:10 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 4:00 am; Woke up
at 1:05 pm (9 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle
@ 7:45 am— GAMIE = IMAGE; BTRIO = ORBIT;

Cartoon Answer— When the grizzly joined
choir, people were nervous about the new
14.82% of 1066 responders had trouble with this answer.
Friday, April 1, 2022, 2:45-4:08 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 3:05 pm; Bus #40 @ 3:25 pm to
Los Altos Library to return "Journey to the West" Vol. 2; (3:49 pm);
Bus #40 @ 4:01 pm to Chef Chu's bins for "Palo Alto Weekly" & "Daily Post"; 4:33 pm Bus #40 to Valero for "Peninsula News";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:45-5:09 pm;
5:18 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home

4 Planter's Honey-Roasted Peanuts ($5.49) @ $1.99 = $7.96;
3 lb Reser's Deviled-Egg Potato Salad ($8.99) @ $5.00;
3 Sig Sel Sparkling Water @ 87¢ x 3 = $2.61.
Friday, April 1, 2022, 6:50-7:15 pm
Mountain View: Added 10 more favorite quotes
to "42 Quotes" compiled for "52 Favorite Quotes"
last night from 7:49 pm to 1:57 am; Slept at 4:00 am

Sappho 7:49 pm; Balzac 8:30 pm; Tennyson 9:01 pm;
Delacroix 9:26 pm; William Carlos Williams 9:53 pm;
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 11:09; Friedrich Schiller 11:53 pm;
Beethoven 12:28 am; Chu Hsi 1:25 am; Kerouac 1:57 am.
Friday, April 1, 2022, 7:15 pm-12:45 am
Mountain View: Number of quotes compiled based on
sacred numbers— 28 (2nd perfect number); 33
(highest degree of Masons); 42 (Galaxy's secret on the
meaning of life
); 55 (Platonic Λ: "Soul of the Universe")

3 more quotes to add— e.e. cummings (1894-1962);
Sixth Zen Patriarch Hui-Neng (638-713);
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) (India 1159).
Saturday, April 2, 2022, 10:05-10:09 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 4:45 am; Woke up at 1:00 pm
(8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 10:09 am—

Cartoon Answer— After their children were
able tp leave home, the eagle parents were
14.82% of 776 responders had trouble with this answer.
Saturday, April 2, 2022, 3:10-4:45 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 3:10 pm; Half-hour walk to
Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:40-4:10 pm;
Next Bus #40 4:53 pm; Rolled cart home 4:20-4:45 pm

4 cans Pringles Potato Chips ($2.79) @ $1.25 = $5.00;
Planter's Honey-Roasted Peanuts ($5.49) @ $1.99;
4 Sig Sel Sparkling Water @ 87¢ x 4 = $3.48;
5 cups Lucerne Lite Yogurt @ 39¢ = $1.95.
Saturday, April 2, 2022, 7:00-8:00 pm
Mountain View: Interesting News—
SCIENCE: Hubble Space Telescope
Spots Earliest and Farthest Star Known

(By Kenneth Chang, NY Times, 3-30-2022)

Its light twinkled some 900 million years after
the Big Bang, astronomers say. Dot of light that
shone 12.9 billion years ago is nicknamed Earendel
Old English for "morning star". It's 50 times our sun's mass.
Saturday, April 2, 2022, 7:00-8:00 pm
Mountain View: On Apri 1 @ 9:54 pm,
Pinterest sent 17 cute animal photos
mostly jack rabbits, but this one of a
Goldfinch was purely a burst of sunshine

Raphael: "Madonna of the Goldfinch" (1506);
Tiepolo: "Madonna of the Goldfinch" (1770);
American Goldfinch; Goldfinch Flying;
Wikipedia: Goldfinch; Goldfinch Symbolism.
Sunday, April 3, 2022, 10:35-11:05 am
Mountain View: To bed at 4:25 am; Woke up @ 12:25 pm;
(8 hours sleep) Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 11:05 am—

Cartoon Answer— MacArthur's "I Shall Return"
is one of the best military quotes of all time,
29.31% of 447 responders had trouble with this answer.
Sunday, April 3, 2022, 2:40-2:53 pm
Mountain View: Jack Mullen came @ 2:40 pm;
Drove me to Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave)
for 4 Sig Sel Sparkling Water @ 87¢ x 4 = $3.48;
Drove to Wal-Mart (Showers Dr) to meet Birabwa Mutebi;
Jack invited us to Panera Bread (1035 El Camino Real) for tea

Jack met Birabwa sleeping on a Sunnyvale bench;
She is making a film on homelessness, and wants
to experience their plight; Born in Minneapolis,
parents from Uganda; Asked questions on spirituality.
Sunday, April 3, 2022, 3:30-7:00 pm
Mountain View: Panera Bread (1035 El Camino Real);
While having Ginseng Peach Tea, Birabwa tells about
her playing soccer, piano, and violin; worked with
congressmen; making films on health & homelessness

Her name Birabwa means "I speak
of the things that I am in awe of" and
Mutebi "one who overcomes challenges".
Sunday, April 3, 2022, 3:30-7:00 pm
Mountain View: Panera Bread (1035 El Camino Real);
Birabwa asked about my spirituality; Told her my protein
structure research
and love for poetry teaching kids in CPITS; Platonic Λ "Soul" manifests itself when we walk & breathe

Balzac; Krishnamurti; Descartes' pineal gland and
three dreams; Anthony Damiani & Paul Brunton;
10th Oxherd Drawing: Sage in the Marketplace.
Monday, April 4, 2022, 1:05-1:13 pm
Mountain View: Went to bed at 4:25 am; Woke up at 12:45 pm
(8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 1:13 pm—

Cartoon Answer— When they subdivided the
property into individual home sites, the result was
6.58% of 882 responders had trouble with this answer.
Monday, April 4, 2022, 4:30-5:45 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 4:30 pm with Rudy; Drove
to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:00-5:26 pm;
Rudy picked up 2 bags of newspapers & 8 bags groceries

2 gallons Lucerne nonfat & reduced fat milk @ $3.99;
2 Breyers ice cream (Rocky Road & Snickers) = $6.79;
Raspberry Coffee Cake $5.00 - $2 Reward off = $3.00;
(Sig Sel 1.5 qt ice cream @ $2.34 expired March 31).
Monday, April 4, 2022, 6:38-11:11 pm
Mountain View: For Karen's birthday, composed "Happy Birthday! April 5" web page— 6 Born on April 5; 6 Events on April 5;
April 5 Postmarks on Postage Stamps; April 5: Journal Writings
on this Date; April 5: Birth Flower, Birthstone, Zodiac Sign

Found journal entries on April 5—
from Goethe's Italian Journey (1786-1788),
Journal of Eugène Delacroix (1823-1850),
and Journals of Henry David Thoreau (1837-1861).
Monday, April 4, 2022, 6:38-11:11 pm
Mountain View: For Karen's birthday, composed "Happy Birthday! April 5" web page— 6 Born on April 5; 6 Events on April 5;
April 5 Postmarks on Postage Stamps; April 5: Journal Writings
on this Date; April 5: Birth Flower, Birthstone, Zodiac Sign

April 5, 1960; 4-5-1960;
What happened 4-5-1960;
April 5, 1900 Hawaii postmark;
April 5, 1945 Canal Zone postmark
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 8:23-8:33 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 3:00 am; Woke up at 12:50 pm
(10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:33 am—

Cartoon Answer— Their first few flights barely
got off the ground, but the Wright Brothers were
14.16% of 791 responders had trouble with "ITALIC".
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 3:13-4:30 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 3:13 pm; No walk on Sunday &
Monday when Jack & Rudy came & drove; Half hour walk today
to Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:40-4:09 pm;
4:20 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Avenue and walked home

8 oz Sig Sel Pecan Halves ($5.99) @ $2.99;
15 oz Land-O-Lake Light Butter ($5.49) @ $2.99;
2 jars 16 oz Planter's Peanuts ($5.49) @ $1.99 = $3.98;
4 cans 5.5 oz Pringles Potato Chips ($2.79) @ $1.25 = $5.00.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 5:00-7:30 pm
Mountain View: Did "On Number 62" for friend Arline
in 2004; Format dozen of lines running across the page
without line breaks <"BR">; All links in #170 Numerology
are outdated with dead links; Made fresh links to them—

Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 7:30-8:10 pm
Mountain View: While updating the outdated
web links (done 2004) in #170 Numerology
whose words & phrases add up to 62, realized
their combination may be arranged into a poem—

Philosophy: beauty knowledge,
divine Enneads love beauty truth—
Wisdom return pearl spirit,
silver light space-time earth.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 8:10-10:40 pm
Mountain View: THINGS TO DO: Where can
you see earthquake faults in the Bay Area?

(By John Metcalfe, Mercury News, 4-3-2022, F8)

Best way to see California's earthquake faults is to go to HBO Max and stream "San Andreas", a 2015 action movie starring the Rock and Paul Giamatti that holds up surprisingly well. UC Berkeley's stadium runs right over the Hayward Fault. Hike at Los Trancos Open Space Preserve and nearby Monte Bello Preserve, you'll encounter another unique water feature— "sag ponds" depressions caused when two sides of a fault move.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 10:40-12:00 pm
Mountain View: Angel cake bought on March 30
for $2.99 was like "Devil's cake", hard as a rock;
Returned it to Safeway today (3:40 pm) for refund

Foothill College Spring Quarter begins tomorrow
April 6; Will LINC-405 Zoom class Skill Workshop
begin @ 6:00 pm with Gene Tognetti or Will Cavada
lecturing followed by Kim Randall Q&A Session at
6:30-7:00 pm; Rudy thought Foothill's classes begin
next Monday on April 11; He's going to VA Hospital
on Thursday, & wants to see movie at ICON Theater with
Al Guzman and me. Sent movie schedule for Al to decide.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 9:18-9:30 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 3:00 am; Woke up at 2:05 pm
(11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:30 am—

Cartoon Answer— The twins got in
trouble a lot because they were often
24.44% of 1023 responders had trouble with "ITALIC".
Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 4:30-5:30 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 4:30 pm; Half hour walk to
Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:00-5:09 pm;
5:20 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Avenue and walked home

2.26 lb Red Seedless Grapes ($3.99/lb) @ $1.68/lb = $3.80;
No time for shopping to make 5:18 pm Bus #40 home in
time for LINC-405 Zoom class Skills Workshop @ 6 pm
with Will Cavada as Foothill Spring Quarter begins today.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 7:57 pm-2:01 am
Mountain View: No LINC-405 Zoom class today;
Added 9 more in "My Favorite Quotes" compilation
from 55 quotes (Platonic Λ) to 64 (I Ching hexagrams)—
Heraclitus 7:57 pm; William Bulter Yeats 8:29 pm;

Georges Braque 9:32 pm; Marcus Aurelius 10:04 pm;
Edna St. Vincent Millay 10:20; Muriel Rukeyser 11:05 pm;
Robert Frost 11:40 pm; Wei Wu Wei 12:55 am; PB 2:01 am.
Thursday, April 7, 2022, 2:30-4:00 am
Mountain View: 4 minutes to microwave
Ling Ling Pho Chicken Noodles after adding
imitation crabmeat chunks, sesame oil, a cup
of water for faster dinner tonight & sleep.

Planter's No-Salt Peanuts,
Pringles Potato Chips, and
Vanilla-Almond Milk.
Thursday, April 7, 2022, 9:47-10:13 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 4:30 am; Woke up at 2:25 pm
(10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:30 am—

Cartoon Answer— The TV documentary on
the Apollo 11 moon landind mission was a
36.05% of 1642 responders had trouble with "GOTCHA".
Thursday, April 7, 2022, 5:15-7:00 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 5:15 pm; Half hour walk to
Valero Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 6:00-6:21 pm;
6:50 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Avenue and walked home

Sig Sel 2 lb Frozen Green Beans ($2.29) @ $1.75;
Sig Sel Blueberry Waffles (10 ct) ($2.49) @ $2.00;
Sig Sel Thin Crust Supreme Pizza ($6.99) @ $2.26;
Rudy didn't show up today for a Free Apple Pie ($5.99).
Thursday, April 7, 2022, 1:44 am-3:40 am
Mountain View: 5 Emails bonaza from Steve Gould
(former roommate Cambridge, MA, 1970-1971)—
1:44 am: Likes my poems "Reaching for the Apple",
"Dog Leaps Across River", & "Worm Moon" (sent 3/25)

Adventures with wife Anita— 1:55 am: Art of Oscar Howe
at National Museum of the American Indian; Dinner at Manhatta (60 stories high); 2:07 am: Drinking Bird at Whitney Museum; 2:08 am: Jim Haklar's photo of Venus, Saturn, Mars (4-4-2022); 2:40 am: Beethoven's "Emperor Concerto" notes (1, 2) at New York Philharmonic (3/30).
Friday, April 8, 2022, 12:38 am
Mountain View: Ann's 10:09 pm email:
"Your collection of favorite quotes is
like a commonplace book" with link
to wikipedia's Commonplace Book

Learned something new today—
Commonplace books include those of
Leonardo (1508), Giacomo Leopardi (1900),
Issac Newton (1664), Virginia Woolf (1916),
Robert Burns (1785), John Milton (1876),
John Locke (1706), Ronald Reagan (1983).
Friday, April 8, 2022, 8:38-8:40 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 5:00 am; Woke up at 3:10 pm
(10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:40 am—

Cartoon Answer— Successfully
making a triple play in baseball requires
59.89% of 1446 responders had trouble with this answer.
Friday, April 8, 2022, 5:15-6:45 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 5:15 pm; Red Bus @ 5:40 pm to
Showers Dr. Wal-Mart bins for 6 past issues "Epoch Times"
(12-15-2021 to 3-2-2022); Walk to Chef Chu's news bins
for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"; No shopping today;
6:25 pm Bus #40 to Central Xpwy Stop and walked home

While waiting for the bus, composed
"Goldfinch Greetings" inspired by photo
Pinterest sent on 4/1 of a radiant goldfinch.
Friday, April 8, 2022, 3:00-5:00 pm
Mountain View: Listened to opening day baseball game
on KNBR 104.5 FM— SF Giants vs Miami Marlins;
Logan Webb pitched well; Tyler Rogers & Jake McGee
allowed no runs in relief; Leading 4-2 in the 9th inning,
Camilo Doval gives up 3-run homer as Marlins lead 5-4

Austin Slater's walk-off double
in 10th scored Darin Ruf from first
as Giants wins thriller over Marlins 6-5.
Friday, April 8, 2022, 7:49-11:23 pm
Mountain View: For poem, rounded up paintings of
"Madonna of the Goldfinch" by Raphael (1506) and
Tiepolo (1770); Postage stamps showing goldfinch—
San Marino 451 (1960), Switzerland B386 (1969),
Canada 1772 (1999); Image of Goldfinch flying

This goldfinch— a burst of sunshine
greeting us on a warm spring day
so our work may sparkle like gold.
Saturday, April 9, 2022, 9:53-10:04 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 5:00 am; Woke up at 12:45 pm
(7.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 10:04 am—

Cartoon Answer— Though they weren't likely
to win he marathon, they were happy to be
22.05% of 694 responders had trouble with "NUANCE".
Saturday, April 9, 2022, 3:08-4:15 pm
Mountain View: Ann came @ 3:08 pm for two bags
of newspapers; Drove me to Valero for "Peninsula News" and
"Daily Post"; Shop at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff) 3:15-3:49 pm;
4:00 pm Red Bus to Montecito Avenue and walked home

8 oz Sig Farms Pecan Halves ($6.99) @ $2.99;
Sig Sel Apple Sauce Cinnamon Cups (6 ct) @ $2.29;
2 cans of Dole's Pineapple Chunks ($2.79) @ $1.50 = $3.00;
Open Nature Almond Butter ($8.99) = Free for Rudy, gone.
Saturday, April 9, 2022, 7:30-8:10 pm
Mountain View: Phoned Fidelity Investments
on 2021 Tax Forms; After 10 minutes wait
(7:30-7:40 pm) was cut off; Told of long wait
time and get faster answers at Fidelity.com

Opened new online account: Typed User Name,
Password, Answer to Personal Question; Access blocked;
Phoned again; Juan Chavez (Texas) will mail Tax form.
Saturday, April 9, 2022, 8:30-10:30 pm
Mountain View: New book on "My Favorite Things"—
Have done so far: Favorite Books, Favorite Musicals,
Favorite Films, Favorite Quotes; Still to compose—
Favorite Paintings, Favorite Music, Favorite Poems

Favorite Cities, Favorite Photos,
Favorite Stamps, Favorite Birds, Trees,
Favorite Sages, and Favorite Sculptures.
Sunday, April 10, 2022, 11:22-11:49 am
Mountain View: To bed at 1:40 am; Woke up @ 1:05 pm;
(11 hours sleep) Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 11:49 am—

Cartoon Answer— The former airline
pilot purchasred the farm so he could
57.14% of 490 responders had trouble with this answer.
Sunday, April 10, 2022, 3:05-4:50 pm
Mountain View: No 'Daily Post" printed on Sunday;
Left apt @3:05 pm; Half-hour walk to Safeway
(580 N. Rengstorff Ave) to exchange 3 jars of
Salted Planters Peanuts for Unsalted Peanuts;
4:40 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave and walked home

Sig Sel Thin Crust Supreme Pizza ($6.99) @ $2.26;
Open Nature Almond Butter ($8.99) = Free for Rudy;
Shaikh says Natural MaraNatha Almond Butter is NOT
"Open Nature", but still gave me the $10.99 bottle Free.
Sunday, April 10 2022, 6:30-7:00 pm
Mountain View: Lion's Roar sent email @ 3:09 pm on
their May 2022 issue; Read Pico Iyer's essay "My Flight
from the Real"
(4-6-2022)— (He would find what is truly real
by going off to a Kyoto monastery, but he was really fleeing it.
Dropping his spiritual romaticism, he found it in ordinary life.)

The obvious lesson is that life has plans for us
far wiser than the ones we devise, and that we
don't know what to look for till we find it.
Sunday, April 10, 2022, 7:00-7:40 pm
Mountain View: Lion's Roar sent email @ 3:09 pm on
their May 2022 issue; Read "The Spirit of Plum Village"
by Mitchell Ratner (4-6-2022); Thich Nhat Hanh— "You do not
have to practice intensively. Just being in a sangha where people
are happy, living deeply the moments of their days, is enough."

"When you are alienated from your roots,
you seek buddhas. When you are in touch
with who you really are, you are a buddha."
Sunday, April 10 2022, 6:30-7:30 pm
Mountain View: MOVIES: Man of Mystery! Nicolas Cage
Calls Himself the 'American Loch Ness Monster'

(By Nicole Pajer, Parade, April 10, 2022, pp. 6-8)

During quarantine, he binged Ingmar Bergman & Akira Kurosawa films as well as silent classics. Expecting a child in September, and Cage is ready to spend his mornings in a rocking chair with his new child. "I find it like a meditation; you're rocking and you're singing "Three Blind Mice".
Sunday, April 10, 2022, 8:30-9:15 pm
Mountain View: Spry Living (4-10-2022), p. 6
"Happiness 401(K)"— Stay busy; Relationships with
friends; Try something new; Mind your physical health;

Ann's 4/10 email @ 6:48 pm lists her favrite cities—
Bolzano, Carson City, Cincinnati, Colorado Springs, Glasgow, Hilo, Honolulu, Krakow, Nanjing, Ottawa,
Punta Arenas, San Francisco, Shanghai, Stockholm,
Verona, Warsaw. Asked for my favorite cities.
Sunday, April 10 2022, 9:15-9:30 pm
Mountain View: Ann must have seen my list of
"My Favorite Things" listing "Cities" (Haikus 4/9)

Kyoto, Nikko, Salzburg, Vienna, Montreux,
Vevey, Zurich, Florence, Rome, Heidelberg,
Paris, Boston, Ithaca, New York, San Francisco.
Sunday, April 10, 2022, 9:30-10:30 pm
Mountain View: Dinner of 1/2 Ultra-Thin-Crust Supreme Pizza,
chopped 3 green onions & 8 Linday Pimiento Manzanilla olives

Planters Unsalted Peanuts,
Pringles Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips,
Cup of Butterscotch Pudding, and Nonfat Milk.
Monday, April 11, 2022, 9:25-9:29 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 12:10 am; Woke up at 1:55 pm
(13 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:29 am—

Cartoon Answer— The dart player
celebrated his vicory with a drink that
11.58% of 777 responders had trouble with "SPIRAL".
Monday, April 11, 2022 4:35-7:00 pm
Mountain View: Left apt 4:35 pm; Red Bus @ 4:50 pm
to Showers Dr; "Daily Post" out at Wal-Mart & CVS bins;
5 copies @ Chef Chu's bins; Shop at Safeway 6:00-6:20 pm;
6:53 pm Bus #40 to Central Xpwy Stop and walked home

Florida Natural Most-Pulp Orange Juice ($4.49) @ $3.00;
Sig Sel Ultra-Thin Crust Supreme Pizza ($6.99) @ $2.26;
Open Nature Almond Butter ($8.99) = Free for Rudy out;
16 oz Once Again Tahini Spread ($10.99) Free for Rudy.
Monday, April 11, 2022, 2:44-3:00 pm
KDFC: 104.9 FM: Paavo Järvi, conducts
Cincinnati Symphony to Maurice Ravel's Boléro (1928);
(CD); (YouTube: Torvill & Dean's 1984 Olympic Gold,
Gustavo Dudamel, Blake Edwards "10" with Bo Derek)

Torvill & Dean skating to "Bolero" music
at 1984 Olympics in Canada winning
Gold with record of 13 perfect 6.0s.
Monday, April 11, 2022, 4:30-4:35 pm
Mountain View: It's so windy and cold out,
came back to apartment to switch light
jacket for heavier Denim Jacket
and beanie to cover my cold ears

West Wind Zephyrus is wild & furious today—
He has yet captured Chloris, the Spring Maiden
who has eluded his grasp (Painting, Shelly's Poem).
Monday, April 11, 2022, 8:20-8:35 pm
Mountain View: Safeway sent FREE items to pick up
Saturday-Monday; Often they're gone picked by other
earlier shoppers; Try to save these special bargains for Rudy

Violife Vegan Provolone Cheese ($4.99) = Free (for Rudy);
Ling Ling Pho Chicken Noodles ($4.99) = Free (for Rudy):
16 oz MaraNatha Almond Butter ($10.99) = Free (for Rudy);
16 oz Once Again Tahini Spread ($10.99) = Free (for Rudy).
Monday, April 11, 2022, 8:35-9:00 pm
Mountain View: Thought of "Favorite Songs" to include in
compilation of "My Favorite Things"— Alma Mater songs from
Columbia "Sans Souci" & Cornell "High Above Cayuga's Waters";

"Somewhere Over the Rainbow"; "Shall We Dance";
"I Could've Danced All Night"; "A Fool Such As I"
"Imagine"; "Norwegian Wood"; "The Bells Are Ringing";
"Singing In the Rain"; "Garden Party; "As Time Goes By"
Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 8:38-8:45 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 1:00 am; Woke up at 12:55 pm
(12 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:45 am—

Cartoon Answer— The unemployment rate drops
when the number of people getting jobs goes
19.27% of 1074 responders had trouble with "IGUANA".
Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 3:50-4:05 pm
Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed on Tuesday;
or need for shopping; Stayed home to work; Last night
at 10:25 pm, Laptop went dark despite electricity on;
Got Internet connection back plugging to bedroom outlet

Cyberduck used to ftp and upload
files to WisdomPortal.com hosted by
Network Solutions not working anymore;
Cyberduck worked today at desk after reconnection.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 5:25-5:45 pm
Mountain View: Email @ 1:03 am from 92-year-old artist
Peter Milton (mentored by Josef Albers at Yale) with paintings
"The Deluge" (4-11-2022) & "Paris Under Siege" (4-2-2022)

After writing a poem (2009) on his
"Interiors VI: Soundings" (1969),
Milton added my poem to his website;
I love his inventiveness & imagination.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 6:00-7:40 pm
Mountain View: While sleeping last night, more favorite
songs floated by— Don Giovanni "Là ci darem la mano";
"Ave Maria"; "Silent Night"; "Scarlet Ribbons for Her Hair";

Ikiru's "Snow Song"; "Mary's a Geand Old Name";
"Give My Regards to Broadway"; "Climb Every Mountain";
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"; Impossible Dream";
"If All The World Were Paper"; "My Favorite Things".
Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 7:00-9:00 pm
Mountain View: Cynthia Haven emailed 4/11 @ 1:19 pm on
Stanford's Another Look Book Discussion on 4/12, 7:00 pm
at Bechtel Conference Center in Encina Hall (didn't go) hosted
by Prof. Robert Pogue Harrison with Tobias Wolff & Ana Ilievska

Book discussion on Robert Louis Stenson's
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886)
Arline & I attended many of these discussions for years.
She took me to Pearl Kruss Gallery last time (3-8-2020).
Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 7:40-9:40 pm
Mountain View: More favorite songs rumbling in my head—
"Can You Read My Mind"; "Thank Heaven for Little Girls";
"I'm Glad I'm Not Young Anymore"; "Wishing Upon a Star";
"I Got No Strings to Tie Me Down"; "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah"

"Ol' Man River"; "Sweet Caroline"; "White Christmass";
"Old Dogs Children & Watermelon Wine";
"Blowing in the Wind"; "Scarborough Fair";
"Fortune Teller"; "I Can't Get No Satisfaction".
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 12:35-1:52 pm
Mountain View: Went to bed at 1:00 am; Woke up at 12:20 pm
(11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:45 am—

Cartoon Answer— There will be jumble cartoons
every day as long as the cartoonist doesn't
15.71% of 980 responders had trouble with "ALIAS".
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 3:35-5:00 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 3:35 pm; Half-hour walk to
Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post";
Shop at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:00-4:37 pm;
4:50 pm Red Bus to Montecito Avenue and walked home

4 jars 16 oz Planter's Peanuts ($5.49) @ $1.99 = $7.96;
Sig Sel Ultra-Thin Crust Supreme Pizza ($6.99) @ $2.26;
La Terra Fina Broccoli Quiche ($10.99) 50% off = $4.99;
16 oz Open Nature Almond Butter ($8.99) = Free for Rudy.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 6:00-7:42 pm
Mountain View: More songs to add to "My Favorite Songs"—
"Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Off To Work We Go"; "Easter Parade";
"Baubles, Bangles, & Beads"; "Good Night Sweetheart";
"Begin the Beguine"; "The Man on the Flying Trapeze"

"To All The Girls I've Loved Before"; "Eidelweiss";
"Some Enchanted Evening"; "June Is Bustin Out All Over ";
Tex Ritter's "Do Not Forsake Me, O My Darling";
The Mamas & The Papas' "California Dreamin".
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 7:42-9:00 pm
Mountain View: More songs to add to "My Favorite Songs"—
Grateful Dead's "Ripple"; David Bowie's "Starman";
Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone"; Fiddler on the Roof's
"Sunrise, Sunset"; Roger Miller's "King of the Road"

Don McLean's "American Pie"; "Frère Jacquez";
Doris Day's "Que Sera Sera"; "Sound of Silence"
"Yesterday"; The Police's "Every Breath You Take";
Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Falling in Love" (1968).
Thursday, April 14, 2022, 11:18-11:25 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 12:10 am; Woke up at 11:10 pm
(11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 11:25 am—

Cartoon Answer— When the U.S. Mint
asked its employees to work overtime, they
27.8% of 964 responders had trouble with "HYMNAL".
Thursday, April 14, 2022, 12:40-1:15 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 12:40 pm with Rudy to
Valero Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 12:50-1:01 pm;
(Al Guzman email @ 11:05 am: coffee with Rudy & me on Easter)

Sig Sel Apple Pie @ $5.99—
Free for Rudy who came from
VA Hospital monitoring his heart.
Rudy going to Lodi to help sister on Easter.
Thursday, April 14, 2022, 2:00-4:20 pm
Mountain View: All gunho on doing my 2021 taxes
and realized don't have the California 540 tax form
& booklet of Instructions, just the Federal 1040 forms

Left apt @ 3:00 pm; Bus #40 @ 3:25 pm to
Los Altos Library (Hillview & San Antonio Drive);
Picked up CAL 540 Tax Form & Instruction Booklets;
4:00 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy Stop & walked home.
Thursday, April 14, 2022, 4:40-7:05 pm
Mountain View: Using my 2020 Federal & State filings
to expedite my 2021 tax filings— An hour to do the
Federal tax (4:40-5:44 pm) Copied duplicate 5:55 pm;

22 minutes to do the State tax (6:15-6:37 pm);
Copy duplicate (6:48 pm); Address for mailing
not in booklet, but on the tax form. Mailed both
envelopes in Outgoing Mail Slot at Apt Mailboxes
Thursday, April 14, 2022, 8:40-8:50 pm
Mountain View: Karen's 4/14 email @ 4:17 pm shares
a favorite song "We Don't Talk About Bruno" (Lyrics)
from recent Disney movie "Encanto" (11-3-2021)

YouTube video has 390,978,807 views—
Bruno says, "It looks like rain"
Why did he tell us?
In doing so, he floods my brain.
Thursday, April 14, 2022, 9:00-9:55 pm
Mountain View: More songs to add to "My Favorite Songs"—
Liza Minnelli's "Cabaret"; Frank Sinatra's "Young at Heart";
Rachel Zegler's "I Feel Pretty"; "Home on the Range" (1874).

Brewster Higley's original lyrics with music
by Daniel E. Kelley, published in 1874;
Modern versions by Roy Rogers (1952),
Gene Autry (1947), and Bing Crosby (1933).
Friday, April 15, 2022, 8:01-8:15 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 1:35 am; Woke up at 1:45 pm
(12 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:15 am—

Cartoon Answer— The retriever that was better
than the other dogs at playing fetch was a
32.19% of 1171 responders had trouble with this answer.
Friday, April 15, 2022, 5:30-7:40 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 5:30 pm; Red Bus @ 5:52 pm to
Showers Drive for "Daily Post"; Walk to Chef Chu's bins
for "Palo Alto Weekly"; 6:30 pm Bus #40 didn't stop at corner of
El Camino Real; Shop at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd) 7:03 pm

3 lb Reser's Deviled-Egg Potato Salad ($8.99) @ $5.00;
12 oz Coca-Cola With Coffee ($2.49) Free for Rudy gone;
Rolled shopping cart to Showers Drive Stop so Bus #40 @
7:26 pm stopped; to Central XPwy Stop and walked home.
Friday, April 15, 2022, 10:17-10:30 pm
Mountain View: Al Guzman's 9:46 pm emails inviting
me out for breakfast @ 10 am; I said yes, since he's so
busy working at Foothill's Sunnyvale Campus, we don't
get together as often as before seeing movies anymore

Tomorrow is Easter Eve and Full Moon on April 16
(7:44 pm EDT) known to Native Americans as the
"Pink Moon" & Crees call it "Frog Moon"
it's a good day for celebration!
Friday, April 15, 2022, 10:30-11:20 pm
Mountain View: Karen's April 15 email @ 12:46 am
on another favorite song "Surface Pressure" from
Disney movie "Encanto" (2021), sung by Jessica Darrow;
Lyrics by: Lin-Manuel Miranda (wrote play Hamilton, 2015)

221,627,610 views on YouTube—
Who am I if I don't have what it takes?
No cracks, no breaks
No mistakes, no pressure.
Saturday, April 16, 2022, 8:10-8:20 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 1:10 am; Woke up at 9:05 am
(8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:20 am—

Cartoon Answer— The church created its own
workout facility hoping people would use it
12.64% of 870 responders had trouble with "YELLOW".
Saturday, April 16, 2022, 10:01-11:45 am
Mountain View: Al Guzman picked me up @ 10:01 am;
Drove to Valero for "Daily Post" & "Peninisula News";
Long drive to Los Gatos Café (15662 Los Gatos Blvd)
for breakfast; 25 minutes wait at this popular restaurant

Shrimp Omelette with asparagus &
Hollandaise sauce, Herb potatoes,
Toasted rye bread with butter;
2 glasses of ice water.
Saturday, April 16, 2022, 12:15-3:15 pm
San Jose: Al Guzman drove me to his house at
Clovercrest Drive, San Jose (first time visit) to see
James Cameron's "Avatar" (2009) on Disney Channel

Al's house is beautifully decorated with three
small Buddha statues (1, 2) in the backyard;
Spent half-hour helping Al setting upright a
fallen birdhouse with mother bird & her babies.
Saturday, April 16, 2022, 12:15-3:15 pm
San Jose: Watch on TV James Cameron directs "Avatar" (2009) with
Sam Worthington; Zoe Saldaña; Stephen Lang; Sigourney Weaver; Michelle Rodriguez; Laz Alonso; Giovanni Ribisi; CCH Pounder

In Hinduism, "Avatar" is incarnation of a deity on Earth;
The film has a blue tinge because Avatar Krishna is blue;
Cameron directed "Titanic" (1997) box office $2.202 billion;
"Avatar" (2009) broke record with box office $2.847 billion.
Saturday, April 16, 2022, 4:00-4:15 pm
Mountain View: Al drove me home (3:36-4:00 pm)
& fixed lamplight (off since 2/6) on my desk saying
there was some loose connection in the lamplight

Gave Al gifts— 2 lbs Salted Pistachios; 8 oz Half Pecans;
16 oz Slivered Almonds; 3 bags Late July Potato Chips;
2 Ken's Dressing (Raspberry Vinaigrette & Vidalia Onion).
Saturday, April 16, 2022, 8:00-9:00 pm
Mountain View: URL of YouTube Videos 30" long
when using Google or Yahoo Search, but just 2.5" long if
searched directly in YouTube.com; More favorite music—

"I Left My Heart in San Francisco";
"The Gambler"; "An Affair to Remember";
"My Melancholy Baby"; "America the Beautiful".
Saturday, April 16, 2022, 10:00-11:00 pm
Mountain View: Searched for Pink Moon photos—
Boston; Vancouver; Bulan Purnama, Indonesia; (Mercury News
"Pink Moon" photo may appear in Sunday April 17 issue)

April's Moon is called the Pink Moon
due to "moss pink" or "wild ground phlox"
one of the first spring wildflowers to appear.
Saturday, April 16, 2022, 10:00-11:00 pm
Mountain View: "Pink Moon" (Scott Sutherland, Yahoo News,
4-13-2022); "Full pink moon to shine this entire weekend"
(By Angie Orellana Hernandez, CNN, Mercury News, 4-14-2022)

Dakota tribe dubbed it the "moon when the streams
are again navigable", while the Tlingit tribe
called it "budding moon of plants and shrubs".
Sunday, April 17, 2022, 8:04-8:54 am
Mountain View: To bed at 2:50 am; Woke up @ 2:05 pm;
(11 hours sleep) Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:54 am—

Cartoon Answer— Easter Candy was
now on sale "Buy one, get one free" to
37.43% of 490 responders had trouble with "SEPTUM".
Sunday, April 17, 2022, 5:50-6:32 pm
Mountain View: No 'Daily Post" printed on Sunday or need
for grocery shopping; Stayed home to work; "Happy Easter!":
(Poem: 4-4-77); Patrick McDonnell's Mutts Comics (4-17-2022)—
"Here comes Peter Cottontail hoppin' down the bunny trail,
Hippiy Hoppity, Easter's on its way." (lyrics); "Easter Bunny Hunt"

"Fabergé Eggs" (By Kurt Snibbee, Mercury News,
4-17-2022, B20); 52 Imperial Eggs made (1885-1917).
Ten are at Kremlin Armory; Nine at Fabergé Museum
in St. Petersburg
; Five at Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Sunday, April 17, 2022, 8:11-9:55 pm
Mountain View: Wrote Poem "Pink Moon"
celebrating April's Full Moon with 9 images;
Christians call it Paschal Moon at Easter

I missed seeing the Pink Moon
at moonrise, but listened to
"Carolina Moon" by Connie Francis
and Audrey Hepburn singing
"Moon River" to celebrate
Christ's resurrection on Easter.
Sunday, April 17, 2022, 11:00-11:55 pm
Mountain View: "13 awesome things to do along
Highway 1 from Santa Cruz to San Francisco"

(By John Metcalfe, Mercury News, 4-17-2022, F7-F8/A>

1. Seymour Marine Discovery Center; 2. Venus Spirits;
3. Beauregard Vineyards; 4. American Abalone Farms;
5. Año Nuevo State Park; 6. Pie Ranch; 7. Arcangeli Grocery; 8. Downtown Local, Pescadero; 9. Harley Farms Goat Dairy; 10. Dad's Luncheonette; 11. 337 Mirada ART; 12. Wyatt Earp's grave; 13. Sutro Baths, San Francisco.
Sunday, April 17, 2022, 10:00-10:30 pm
Mountain View: 7-year-old Drew Barrymore's Classic
First Appearance on Johnny Carson Show

Drew appeared on Spielberg's ET (1982);
She has a crush on her dentist;
and demonstrates big scream.
Sunday, April 17, 2022, 10:30-11:00 pm
Mountain View: Steve Harvey interviews 6-year-old
Ariana Jalia
, one of best children appearing on his show (2018)

Ariana opened online store,
wrote two books & web site by 6-year-old,
invented emotional sensory toy from facial expression.
Monday, April 18, 2022, 9:08-9:12 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 5:05 am; Woke up at 2:20 pm
(9 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:12 am—

Cartoon Answer— For the Boston Marathon,
it's better to have stamina than speed
10.77% of 845 responders had trouble with "UNWISE".
Monday, April 18, 2022, 4:50-6:30 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 4:55 pm; Half-hour walk to
Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:20-5:48 pm;
6:18 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Avenue and walked home

8 oz Sig Farms Fresh Spinach for Salad @ $2.09
12 oz Coca-Cola With Coffee ($2.49) Free for Rudy;
2 Lucerne Sliced Swiss Cheese ($3.99) @ $1.99 = $3 98;
Forgot to purchase Fresh Asparagus ($4.99/lb) @ 99¢/lb.
Monday, April 18, 2022, 8:00-8:30 pm
Mountain View: My Columbia roommate for 4 years
(1959-1963), Huai-Han Kung's 4/18 email @ 8:30 am—
"it just happened that 3/25/2022 was our 50th wedding
anniversary when you sent the 26 poems of 2022"

Some 15-18 years ago, in his daughter's apartment
in Philadelphia, Huai-Han looked up to the clouds
and had these reflections on "Ribbons of Life".
Monday, April 18, 2022, 8:30-9:00 pm
Mountain View: Surprise 4/18 email @ 5:10 am from
Prof. Stuart J. Edelstein "Hi Peter Y, I'd like to join your LinkedIn network"; He's President & CSO at Scipio Bioscience, Paris;
We've lost touch with each other since 1974 for almost 50 years!

Edelstein was at Cornell Biochemistry Dept (1968-1980);
Biochemistry Dept. University of Geneva (1986-2006);
Enlightened by Subramuniya, he was a spiritual mentor.
Monday, April 18, 2022, 9:45-10:50 pm
Mountain View: Ann's 4/18 email @ 9:37 pm on some old songs—
"Mirie it is while sumer ilast" (1225) (YouTube); "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" (1852) (YouTube); Beach Boys' "God Only Knows" (1966) (YouTube); Also Pascua Florida holiday on April 2
(Ponce de León's Florida arrival), celebrating "feast of flowers".

More Songs: Platters' "Only You" (1955) (Lyrics);
Nat King Cole's "Unforgettable" (1951) (Lyrics);
Otis Redding's "On the Dock of the Bay" (1968) (Lyrics).
Monday, April 18, 2022, 11:00-12:00 pm
Mountain View: Time Magazine April 25, 2022 issue
"Shohei Ohtani Is What Baseball Needs" Ohtani is a baseball savant doing what has never been seen in MLB history. The Los Angeles Angels all-star pitcher from Japan hit 46 home runs and recorded 156 strikeouts in 2021, and was named the American League MVP

Last player to both pitch & hit at an elite level was Babe
, a century ago. But the Bambino stopped pitching
relatively early in his career to concentrate on hitting.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 5:05-5:55 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 2:30 am; Woke up at 2:10 pm
(11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:12 am—

Missed Cartoon Answer—
The stairs made of granite featured
22.7% of 1088 responders had trouble with answer.
(Spent an hour and couldn't get it right).
Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 4:10-5:30 pm
Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed on Tuesday
or need for grocery shopping; Stayed home to work;
Great to hear from Stuart Edelstein's email @ 5:40 am
President & CSO of Scipio Bioscience, Paris, France

Sent poems "Alone But Not Lonely" (4-27-2020) and
"Memories of Professor Harold A. Scheraga" (9-22-2020);
Master Subramuniya signed "The Self-God" (6-15-1999)
that he gave me at Cornell (6-14-1970) at Barnes & Noble
(Redwood City) when he spoke on "Merging with Siva".
Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 5:30-7:13 pm
Mountain View: Listening to MLB game at KNBR 104.5 FM
San Francisco Giants (7-2) vs New York Mets (7-3); Mets won
1st game
in 10th inning 5-4; Mets won 2nd game 3-1.

Giants in 2nd place NL West (7-2),
Mets in 1st place AL East (7-3),
Mets swept double-header due to rain yesterday.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 7:15-9:00 pm
Mountain View: Can I replicate "Happy Birthday April 5"
in HTML with Google Slides? Finish project for Cavada's
LINC-405 Zoom class Skills Workshop @ 6:00 pm on April 20

Google Slides for "Shell Ridge" (3-9-2021);
"Cicada Art on Sidewalk" (12-3-2021);
"Elephant Postage Stamps" (7-29-2021).
Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 8:10-11:11 pm
Mountain View: "Happy Birthday: April 5" in Google Slides
Fragonard to Gregory Peck (8:10-8:53 pm); Events on April 5:
Alexander Nevsky to Julie Andrews & Rex Harrison (9:05-9:23);
April 5 Postmarks (10:10 pm); Birthstones & Zodiac (11:00 pm);
Shared work done with Rudy and Al Guzman (11:11 pm).

Easy to insert 25 images from my Laptop files;
Harder to type text & align them next to images;
Can't weblink in Google Slides as in HTML version.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 1:37 am
Mountain View: Didn't send email to Stuart Edelstein until 1:37 am
as I was working on "Happy Birthday: April 5" in Google Slides;
Found February 16, 2018 email to Steve Gould on my web site
travails, shutdown of WisdomPortal.com (5-28-2015) for 2.5 years,
Al Guzman helped to get back online with https (SSL Cerificate)

Sent poems "Alone But Not Lonely" (4-27-2020) and
"Memories of Professor Harold A. Scheraga" (9-22-2020);
Will write about Master Subramuniya in another email.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 5:08-5:18 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 5:00 am; Woke up at 1:20 pm
(8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 5:18 am—

Cartoon Answer— It was the rabbits'
first time sleeping in a tent, and they were
20.8% of 976 responders had trouble with this answer.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 3:40-4:30 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 3:40 pm; Half-hour walk to
Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post";
No shopping at Safeway to be home early for Cavada's
LINC-405 Zoom session at 6:00 pm that I missed last week

Will ask William Cavada and Kim Randall
in today's Skills Workshop and Q&A session of
LINC-405 on doing weblinks in Google Slides
that's easily done in HTML.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 6:00-7:00 pm
Mountain View: Frustration not getting into Zoom
class for LINC-405 Skills Workshop with Kim Randall
(6:00-6:30 pm) or Q&A session with Gene Tognetti
(6:30-7:00 pm) from 4/20 Calendar Links & password

Missed last week's Zoom class on April 13;
Emailed Kim Randall when I couldn't get in
her Skills Workshop today, but received no reply.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 7:00-8:00 pm
Mountain View: Cavada is not doing LINC-405
Skills Workshop or Q&A Session this Quarter;
Gene Tognetti's site says "Waiting for the host
to start this meeting" but it never opened up.

Need to see LINC-405 Skills Workshops
so I can follow what was taught in my
weekly assignments. Tapes not available.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 8:00-10:28 pm
Mountain View: Happy Birthday: April 23US 1250 Shakespeare (1554) (8:23); Germany 9N92 Max Planck (1858) (8:30);
Frank Borzage (1894) (8:43); Lester Pearson (1897) (8:54);
Warren Spahn (1921) (9:04); Shirley Temple (1928) (9:11)

Events: Me at the Zoo: 1st YouTube (4-23-2000) (9:46); King Edward III founded Order of the Garter (4-23-1344) (10:00); Mozart's Shephard King premieres (4-23-1775) (10:12); Washington's Mansion (4-23-1789) (10:20).
Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 10:30 pm-12:24 am
Mountain View: Happy Birthday: April 23Carl Hubbell wins 17th straight on way to 24 straight victories (4-23-1937) (10:46);
Ted Williams hits 1st of 521 home runs (4-23-1939) (10:53);
Hank Aaron hits 1st of his 755 homers (4-23-1954) (11:00)

April 23 postmarks on postage stamps—
US1019-Washington Territory (4-23-1953);
GB402-Shakespeare (4-23-1964) 1st Day Issue;
US1488-Copernicus (4-23-1973) First Day Cover.
Thursday, April 21, 2022, 9:44-9:50 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 3:15 am; Woke up at 9:40 am
(6.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:50 am—

Cartoon Answer— It's a good thing sweet potatoes
can't talk, if they could, there'd be a lot of
35.41% of 915 responders had trouble with this answer.
Thursday, April 21, 2022, 9:50 am-12:30 pm
Mountain View: Rudy was at VA Hospital; Said he'd come by
at 9:30 am, but came at 12:30 pm to give me a shopping cart
to carry my groceries; Gave him free jar Creamy Peanut Butter,
16 oz bag Brown Rice, VioLife Cheddar Cheese & newspapers

While waiting for Rudy, composed "Birthday-April 23"
Born April 23; Events April 23; Postmarks April 23;
April 23 Birth Flower, Birthstone, Zodiac Sign;
Not done yet: April 23 Journal Writings.
Thursday, April 21, 2022, 12:30-7:00 pm
Mountain View: Rudy too busy to drive me to Valero for
"Daily Post"; Went back to sleep 2 hours; Left apt @ 5:30 pm;
Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station for "Daily Post" & "Metro";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 6:00-6:17 pm;
6:50 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home

2 Lucerne Coffee Creamer ($4.49) @ $2.50 = $5.00;
Sig Farms 16 oz Sliced Almonds ($5.00) @ $1.25;
Sig Sel Homestyle Waffles (10 ct) @ $2.00;
6 oz Michelina Pizza Rolls ($1.99) @ $1.25.
Thursday, April 21, 2022, 8:01 pm-1:01 am
Mountain View: Email @ 8:01 pm from LinkedIn to connect
with Paul Cash, publisher at Larson Publications; We were connected before; LinkedIn sent hundreds of photos of people
with mutual connections; Lost dozen connections from Stanford's Singularity Conference when web site went offline for 2.5 years.

Consult Journals books for April 23 entries—
Goethe (4-23-1787), Delacroix (4-23-1847, 4-23-1849),
Thoreau (4-23-1841, 4-23-1852, 4-23-1856),
Helen Luke (none), for "Birthday: April 23".
Friday, April 22, 2022, 8:29-8:32 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 3:45 am; Woke up at 12:00 pm
(8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:32 am—

Cartoon Answer—
Farms that grow fruits and vegetables
27.87% of 1062 responders had trouble with this answer.
Friday, April 22, 2022, 3:00-5:00 pm
Mountain View: Ann picks me up and drives to
Kaiser Pharmacy (555 Castro St) for me to pick up
3 vials of Humulin, Drives to Valero Gas Station
(Middlefiel Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Peninsula News"

Waited half hour (3:25-3:56 pm) at Kaiser Pharmacy
for 3 vials of Humulin ($30.00); Paid $36 on Dec. 23;
All my diabetic drugs are now free since Jan. 2022
except for Humulin whose price went down $6.00.
Friday, April 22, 2022, 4:30-5:30 pm
Mountain View: After Ann dropped me at Valero Gas Station,
Shopped at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:30-4:57 pm;
Bus #40 @ 5:20 pm to Montecito Ave and walked home

32 oz Lucerne Non-fat Vanilla Yogurt ($3.49) @ $1.87;
Waterfront Nova Wild Alaskan Salmon ($5.99) @ $5.12;
Sig Sel Blueberry Pudding Cake ($5.00) 50% off @ $2.50;
2 Buddig 8 oz Black Forest Ham ($5.98) @ $2.50 = $5.00.
Friday, April 22, 2022, 7:00-9:00 pm
Mountain View: Phoned Mid-Peninsula (Billy-Joe) @ 7 pm,
on Ceiling Lights going out; Both light bulbs in hallway between bathroom & bedroom, one light bulb in kitchen above stove & sink

For Emily's "Birthday: April 23"US3338-Olmsted;
US3272-RabbitYear; US3290-SnowyOwl; US3294-Blueberries; US3295-Raspberries; US3296-Strawberries; US3297-Blackberries; (Images); US3351k-Butterfly
Friday, April 22, 2022, 2:30-2:41 pm
Mountain View: "Patrick Carlin, brother and collaborator of comedian George Carlin, dead at 90" (By Peter Sblendorio,
NY Daily News, Mercury News, 4-19-2022, B6)

"He was my dad's hero," said Kelly Carlin, daughter of George Carlin. "A lot of his thinking in the last 25 years
of George's career were fed by and connected to Pat."
Friday, April 22, 2022, 7:42 pm-3:00 am
Mountain View: Composed web page for Emily's 33rd birthday
with 33 petals Prominent Rose, 14 U.S. 33¢ postage stamps,
and 33 as sacred number with 33 bones in spinal column

Highest degree in Freemasonry is 33rd degree. 33rd U.S. President, Harry S. Truman was a 33o Freemason. Greatest NBA player, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, wore uniform #33.
Saturday, April 23, 2022, 6:28-6:34 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 6:40 am; Woke up at 2:10 pm
(7 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 6:34 am—

Cartoon Answer— He proposed with a self-made
jumble, and she said yes after seeing all the
28.51% of 912 responders had trouble with this answer.
Saturday, April 23, 2022, 5:30-6:30 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 5:30 pm; Bus #40 @ 5:47 pm;
to Chef Chu's bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly";
No time to shop at Sprouts; Walk to Showers Drive for last
Bus #40 @ 6:20 pm to Central Xpwy Stop and walked home

Sumptuous brunch (2:30-4:30 pm)— Dill Rye with butter
and Tahini spread; 2 scrambled eggs, 12 thin-sliced ham;
4 Swiss Cheese; Spinach; 2 Pickles; Coffee; Orange Juice;
Emily's 9:03 am email thanking "Birthday Pages" for her.
Saturday, April 23, 2022, 8:00-10:45 pm
Mountain View: Compose web page for "Birthday-May 8"
Born May 8: Edward Gibbon (1737); Harry S. Truman (1884);
Fulton J. Sheen (1895); Swami Chinmayananda (1916);
Don Rickles (1926); Gary Snyder (1930)

May 8, 2022 will be the 22nd anniversary
of meeting Cathy at Foothill College
Middlefield Computer Lab on 5-8-2000.
Saturday, April 23, 2022, 11:00-12:00 pm
Mountain View: Check for "Events on May 8"—
"On This Day: May 8"; Any Day in History: May 8;
Wikipedia: May 8; Done earlier: Date: May 8, 2000

Julian of Norwich's May 8, 1373 visions;
De Soto discovers Mississippi River May 8, 1541:
Mount Pelée's May 8, 1902 Volcanic Eruption;
May 8, 1945 NY Times: War in Europe Is Ended!
Sunday, April 24, 2022, 9:30-9:36 am
Mountain View: To bed at 3:50 am; Woke up @ 1:20 pm;
(9 hours sleep) Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:36 am—

Cartoon Answer— If you make a promise
to keep a secret, you should keep it, but that
46.32% of 516 responders had trouble with this answer.
Sunday, April 24, 2022, 4:34-5:30 pm
Mountain View: Patrick McDonnell's Mutts Comics (4-24-2022)—
Serene & peaceful scene with quote: "Because we all share this planet earth, we have to learn to live in hrmony and peace with
each other & with nature. This is not just a dream, but a necessity."
— His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Checked 270 unread emails at InBox Network Solutions
for peter@wisdomportal.com 2/1-4/24/2022; mostly spams;
dozens from Cornell Alumina events deleted; kept 32 emails
on web site's errors and outdated links; also offers to pay.
Sunday, April 24, 2022, 7:00-9:27 pm
Mountain View: Compose web page for "Birthday-May 8"
May 8, 1939, Vol. XXXIII No. 19, James Joyce
War Admiral wins Kentucky Derby 5-8-1939

5/8 Postmarks: Amelia Earhart's 1930 Flight Mexico to N.J.:
Hindenburg Zepplin 1936 Flight; Hindenburg Flight to N.J;
Austria 1930 ZeppelinFlight; U.S. Liberty VE-Day Cover;
U.S. C25 VE-Day Cover; Hong Kong 5-8-2010 Birds Cover.
Sunday, April 24, 2022, 11:38 pm-1:36 am
Mountain View: Compose web page for "Birthday-May 8"
May 8 Journal Writings: Goethe 1787; Eugène Delacroix 1853;
Ralph Waldo Emerson 1837; Henry David Thoreau 1852, 1859

May 8: Birth Flower (Lily of the Valley),
Birthstone (Emerald), Zodiac Signs
(Taurus, the Bull)— May 8 Calendar;
Took two days to finish this project.
Monday, April 25, 2022, 6:20-6:26 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 6:30 am; Woke up at 2:10 pm
(8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 6:26 am—

Cartoon Answer— When the author answered
every question asked, she was being
13.65% of 872 responders had trouble with this answer.
Monday, April 25, 2022, 4:35-6:00 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 4:35 pm; Half-hour walk
to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post";
Shopped at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:00-5:37 pm;
Bus #40 @ 5:50 pm to Montecito Ave and walked home

64 oz Silk Cashew Milk ($3.99) @ $2.50;
12 oz Coca Cola with Coffee ($2.00) = Free;
15 oz Land-O-Lake Light Butter ($5.49) = Free;
4 Planter's Peanuts 16 oz ($3.99) @ $1.99 = $7.96.
Monday, April 25, 2022, 7:00-7:20 pm
Mountain View: When passing by 276 Montebello Ave
today @ 4:45 pm, the Pepper Tree's Platonic Λ branch
was gone! Someone must have chopped it off.

It's a sad day when a sacred ritual
which you have reverence & pray to
is no more— will carry it in my heart.
Monday, April 25, 2022, 8:00-8:46 pm
Mountain View: It's my sister Margaret's birthday
today; Did April 25 Happy Birthday on i-Phone:
Need to make web links in HTML version

Use Emily's Birthday April 23 iPhone as template
to speed up HTML version for Margaret's April 25 since
their Birth Flower, Birthstone, & Zodiac Sign are the same.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 9:54-10:30 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 2:15 am; Woke up at 2:25 pm
(12 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 10:30 am—

Cartoon Answer— The doctor that treated
herons, egrets, cranes, flamingoes, etc had a
42.66% of 1366 responders had trouble with this answer.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 4:25-5:00 pm
Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed on Tuesday
or need for grocery shopping, stayed home to work;
Ann recalled my "Giant Rabbit at Giants Game" poem
a year ago (4-24-2021) and sent a photo of Clover

Flemish Rabbit from Maryland Zoo
These rabbits weigh 15 pounds on average
and can reach a length of 2.5 feet;
Life span: 8-10 years; Clover's age?
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 5:00-6:20 pm
Mountain View: Busy doing Birthday on iPhone
for niece Emily (4-23) and sister Margaret (4-25),
with no time to view Steve Gould's 4/21 email of photos

Steve & wife Anita's 4/20 Adventure NYC Outing—
59th Street Bridge; Anita on cable car with face mask;
View East River; Graduate Hotel Lobby (Roosevelt Island).
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 5:00-6:20 pm
Mountain View: Busy doing Birthday on iPhone
for niece Emily (4-23) and sister Margaret (4-25),
with no time to view Steve Gould's 4/21 email of photos

Graduate Hotel; View from 18th floor of Panorama Restaurant; Southern Part of Roosevelt Island;
Ruin of Smallpox Hospital designed by James Resnick Jr..
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 5:00-6:20 pm
Mountain View: Busy doing Birthday on iPhone
for niece Emily (4-23) and sister Margaret (4-25),
with no time to view Steve Gould's 4/21 email of photos

Smallpox Hospital on Roosevelt Island designed by
James Resnick Jr. (1818-1895), who also designed
St. Patrick Cathedral (1910) & The Smithsonian (1855).
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 5:00-6:20 pm
Mountain View: Busy doing Birthday on iPhone
for niece Emily (4-23) and sister Margaret (4-25),
with no time to view Steve Gould's 4/21 email of photos

Pepsi Cola Sign (1940) in Long Island City;
View looking south from FDR Memorial Park,
the land was known as Minnehanonck Island.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 6:20-6:30 pm
Mountain View: 4 Bookmarks on Steve Gould's April 21
email of 10 trip photos to Roosevelt Island and story
of Smallpox Hospital designed by James Resnick Jr.

Steve's photos with detailed commentaries
took me to a fantasy excursion to a NYC site
that I had never been to before— enjoyable trip!
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 6:30-6:44 pm
Mountain View: Karen's 4/25 email—
"No interesting activities to report in NYC.
The libraries are good."

Told Karen of NYC Libraries I enjoyed visiting;
Steve Gould's Muriel Rukeyser plaque "The universe is
made of stories, not of atoms"
inspiring my poem (2010).
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 8:20-10:44 pm
Mountain View: Use Birthday April 23 as template
for Birthday April 25April 25 Calendar;
Walter de la Mare (1873); Guglielmo Marconi (1874)

Wolfgang Pauli (1900);
Ella Fitzgerald (1917);
Cy Trombly (1928); Al Pacino (1940).
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 10:45-11:11 pm
Mountain View: Composing Birthday April 25
"Events on April 25"— "On This Day: April 25";
Any Day in History: April 25; Wikipedia: April 25

1719: Daniel Defoe publishes "Robinson Crusoe";
1886: Freud opens practice at Rathausstrasse 7, Vienna;
1953: Crick & Watson's discovery of DNA double helix.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 9:40-9:50 am
Mountain View: Went to bed at 4:00 am; Woke up at 1:50 pm
(9.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:50 am—

Cartoon Answer— When they reduced the cost
of skydiving lessons, customers loved the
(my first answer was "PRICING FELLAS")
30.78% of 1004 responders had trouble with this answer.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 3:15-5:15 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 3:15 pm; Bus #40 @ 3:55 pm
to CVS bins for "Daily Post" (none left @ Chef Chu's bins);
Shopping at Sprouts (630 San Antonio Rd) 4:10-4:40 pm
Bus #40 @ 5:00 pm to Central Xpwy Stop & walked home

2 Bags Mandarin Oranges 2 lb ($4.99) @ $1.49 = $2.98;
1.74 lb Black Seedless Grapes @ $1.98/lb = $3.45;
0.95 lb Dried Cranberries @ $4.99/lb = $4.74;
1.13 lb Brazil Nuts @ $8.99/lb = $10.16;
Bunch of Organic Green Onions (6) @ 77¢.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 6:20-6:50 pm
Mountain View: Kim Randall's email @ 6:16 pm
with URL link to William Cavada, got me into
LINC-405 Zoom Skills Workshop Session

No Calendar Link for April 27 Zoom Class;
Cavada showed me how to create web link
in Google Slides (very convoluted method).
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 8:00 pm-12:20 am
Mountain View: Completing Birthday April 25
April 25 Journal Writings: Goethe (8:41 pm);
Delacroix (10:14 pm); Thoreau (12:15 am)

Printed "Birthday-April 25" file
in 2 pages @ 66% in Chrome browser
without any images or texts cropped.
Thursday, April 28, 2022, 9:10-9:16 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 4:15 am; Woke up @ 2:20 pm
(10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:16 am—

Cartoon Answer— Talking about what type
of job she'd eventually have was becoming her
34.61% of 1283 responders had trouble with this answer.
Thursday, April 28, 2022, 6:15-7:30 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 6:15 pm; Half-hour walk to
Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 6:40-7:04 pm);
Bus #40 @ 7:15 pm to Montecito Ave and walked home

3 Stouffer's Meals: Spinach Soufflé ($3.79)
and 2 Tuna Casserole ($4.49) @ $3.26 = $9.78;
64 oz Open Nature Almond Milk ($2.99) @ $2.08;
Lucerne 15 oz Butter Spread ($4.99) 2 Rewards = Free.
Thursday, April 28, 2022, 9:00-9:40 pm
Mountain View: "Library of Congress
Acquires Neil Simon Papers"
(By Sarah Bahr,
NY Times, Mercury News, 4-26-2022, A2)
(Mercury News E-Edition, 4-26-2022, A2)

7700 of the playwright's manuscripts
and papers, including over a dozen
notebooks of his drawings.
Thursday, April 28, 2022, 9:45-10:15 pm
Mountain View: Ann asked "What is your favorite
movie that you've seen within the last 2 years or so?"—
Stanford Theatre (old movies) closed since February 2020

Enjoyed these movies at ICON Theater:
1. "Spider-Man: No Way Home" (12-28-2021);
2. Spielberg's "West Side Story" (12-14-2021);
3. "Jungle Cruise" (8-23-2021).
Friday, April 29, 2022, 7:25-7:31 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:45 am; Woke up @ 12:20 pm
(10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:31 am—

Cartoon Answer— When bats turned the
small cave's chamber into a shrine, it was a
52.49% of 1488 responders had trouble with this answer.
Friday, April 29, 2022, 2:30-5:10 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 2:30 pm; Red Bus @ 3:30 pm &
Bus #40 to Chef Chu's for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly";
Shopping at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd) 3:50-4:28 pm);
Bus #40 @ 4:55 pm to Central Xpwy Stop and walked home

3 lb Reser's Deviled-Egg Potato Salad ($8.99) @ $4.00;
Stouffer's 12.5 oz Sphagetti & Meatballs ($4.49) @ $3.26;
64 oz Silk Next OatMilk & Coconutmilk ($4.99) = Free;
[Sprouts 14 oz BBQ Potato Chips ($4.99) @ 99¢ Sold out.]
Friday, April 29, 2022, 9:17-11:59 pm
Mountain View: For 22nd anniversary of meeting Cathy
at Foothill College Middlefield Computer Lab (5-8-2000),
searched for 22 petalled flower "Pretty Penny Rose" (9:17 pm);
22nd Anniversary Cake (10:30 pm); U.S. 22¢ postage stamps—

U.S. 2246: Michigan: White Pine (11:05);
U.S. 2248: Love (11:18); U.S. 2271: Best Wishes (11:29);
U.S. 2287: Monarch (11:40); U.S. 2289: Hummingbird (11:49); U.S. 2290: Cottontail Rabbit (11:59).
Friday, April 29, 2022, 12:00-1:03 am
Mountain View: Searched U.S. 22¢ postage stamps—
U.S. 2297: Chipmunk (12:08); U.S. 2309: Bald Eagle (12:14);
U.S. 2352: Lacemaking (12:21); U.S. 2375: American Short-Haired Cat & Persian Cat (12:33); U.S. 2244: Madonna by Perugino (1:03)

Downloaded U.S. 2285: Boreal Owl (issued 5-28-1988), before realizing postage rate went up to 25¢; Went back to year 1986 and found U.S. 2244: Madonna by Perugino;
(10-24-1986). 11 U.S. stamps selected, no foreign stamps.
Saturday, April 30, 2022, 10:00-10:11 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 6:30 am; Woke up @ 2:10 pm
(7.5) hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 10:11 am—

Cartoon Answer— She had tried to reach the
par 5 in two shots for years, she finally did it,
34.52% of 1127 responders had trouble with this answer.
Saturday, April 30, 2022, 4:25-5:10 pm
Mountain View: Left apt @ 4:25 pm; Half-hour walk to
Valero (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Peninsula News";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:55-5:21 pm);
Bus #40 @ 5:43 pm to Montecito Ave and walked home

Stouffer's Tuna Casserole 12 oz ($4.49) @ $3.26;
Stouffer's Spinach Soufflé 12 oz ($3.79) @ $3.26;
64 oz Sig Sel Apple Juice ($2.99) Reward = Free;
Yuryana gave me $2.58 refund on two overcharged items.
Saturday, April 30, 2022, 10:00 am
Mountain View: Al Guzman phoned @ 10:00 am to go
out @ 11 am for breakfast & movie; Declined his offer
since I went to bed @ 6:30 am and am still sleepy

Replacing U.S. 2297: Chipmunk with
U.S. 2318: Blue Jay in selecting 22¢ stamps;
wished there was enough space for them both.
Saturday, April 30, 2022, 7:00-8:00 pm
"15 Most Deadly Eagle Attacks in the World" Videos: octopus,
fox with rabbit, grizzly bear, deer, cat, puppy, chickens, kangaroo,
seagulls, photographer, Donald Trump, paraglider, MLB player

Photo of eagle snatching baby lion
as mother lion giving chase;
Only octopus won the fight.
Saturday, April 30, 2022, 9:45-10:08
Mountain View: Karen's 4/28 email @ 12:45 pm
with link to Tony Foster's "The Four Sacred Mountains"
Tony's Talk "John Muir's High Sierra" at Foster Museum,
Friday, May 13, 3:00-4:30 pm (postponed to September 2022)

An introduction by Ravis Henry, a Diné park ranger
at Canyon de Chelly National Monument in Arizona, on
Navahos making 4 sacred mountains from 4 different stones.
Saturday, April 30, 2022, 10:08-11:16 pm
Mountain View: Second part of 18:37 video:
Foster Museum's Artistic Director, Kristin Poole,
interviews Tony Foster's experiences painting
the Four Sacred Mountains in the Southwest

Interesting dialogue between director
and watercolor artist on the creative
process painting the Navaho mountains.

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© Peter Y. Chou, Wisdom Portal
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (4-1-2022)