HAIKUS: June 2022
By Peter Y. Chou |
These haikus were written as exercises in mindfulness an attempt to catch the fleeting moment in my daily walks, while reading, listening to music, and pondering about life. (Underlined words are not for emphasis but to web links.) This web page best viewed with Times font size 14. |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 5:08-6:10 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 6:10 am; Woke up @ 2:10 pm (8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 6:10 am NEBDL = BLEND; TOBOH = BOOTH; WLAUFL = LAWFUL; DRURED = RUDDER (Answered "BED" AND HOLLOW) & fell asleep) Missed Cartoon Answer The first people to see the Grand Canyon were surprised and thought BLN OOH AWL DDE = "LOW" AND BEHOLD 74.91% of 1730 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 5:10-6:12 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 5:10 pm; Missed Bus #40 & Red Bus to CVS to use 40% off & 30% off CVS coupons; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post"; No time to shop at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); 5:55 pm Red Bus to Montecito Avenue & walked home Since I couldn't log on to Cavada's last week tape on "Embedding Videos" (5-25-2022) because of Zoom Password, didn't want to miss his talk today @ 6 pm. |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 6:12-6:30 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Zoom class Skills Workshop with William Cavada Showed how to Paste file title into a document; Copy (Command-X) and Paste (Command-V); and "Clear Formatting" in Google Drive (Upper Right). |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 6:30-7:00 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Zoom class Q&A Session with Kim Randall Kim says that Cavada needs to adjust his Zoom settings for me to view his talk on "Embedding Videos". |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 8:18-8:30 pm Mountain View: On May 29, Pinterst sent video of "Three Bears Waiting on Top of Waterfalls to Catch Sockeye Salmon"; Recall Thomas Mangelson's photo "Catch of the Day" (1988), inspiring poem "Three Bears Waiting" Not as lucky as Goldilocks, a salmon leaps into jaws of a brown bear for his feast. |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 8:30-10:00 pm Mountain View: After Cavada adjusted Zoom settings, his LINC-405 Skills Workshop talk "Embedded Video" (May 25) is now readable without password; Will study his talk to complete Assignment #5 "Embedding Video" Cavada embeds video of my favorite poet Rumi "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself." |
Thursday, June 2, 2022, 12:00-1:20 am Mountain View: Pinterst sent heartwarming photos @ 8:03 pm of cute animals Squirrel Appeals to Heaven; Bird & Squirrel with Snowball; Squirrel Photographing Bird; Bird Feeding Baby Chick; Boy Walking with Goose; Boy & Barn Owl on Branch; Bird on Mushroom Eyeing Squirrel. |
Thursday, June 2, 2022, 1:20-2:40 am Mountain View: Pinterst sent heartwarming photos @ 8:03 pm of cute children with animals Girl Petting Fox; Boy Talking to Rabbit; Boy Feeding Raccoon; Girl with Porcupine; Girl with Porcupine 2; Girl Feeding Duckling; Girl Kissing Duckling; Girl with Calf; Girl Eyeing Calf; Girl Eyeing Fawn; Girl with Penguin; Boy Hugging Dog; Girl with Toucan. |
Thursday, June 2, 2022, 12:00-12:22 pm Mountain View: Went to bed @ 4:40 am; Woke up @ 3:05 pm (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 12:22 pm MHYER = RHYME; NDFOR = FROND; MTGAIB = GAMBIT; TERETL = LETTER Cartoon Answer To create the traveling Wilburys, the individual artists needed to RHE OND GAB TTE = BAND TOGETHER 20.58% of 1108 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Thursday, June 2, 2022, 5:10-6:12 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 5:30 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 6:05-6:30 pm; 7:09 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Avenue & walked home 14 oz No Sodium Banana Chips ($5.79) @ $5.00; 4 Planter's No-Salt Peanuts ($5.49) @ $1.99 = $7.96; 12 oz Lemon Perfect Mango Water @ $1.99 = FREE; 7 oz Bitchin Sauce Spinach-Artichoke @ $5.99 = FREE. |
Thursday, June 2, 2022, 6:15-8:30 pm Mountain View: MLB: Miami Marlins beat SF Giants 3--0; Listening to 95.7 FM; Golden State Warriors vs. Boston Celtics in NBA Finals Playoffs Game 1 at Chase Center Warriors leads Celtics 32-28 in 1st quarter; Celtics leads Warriors 56-54 in 2nd quarter; Warriors leads Celtics 92-80 in 3rd quarter; Celtics beats Warriors 120-108 in 4th quarter. |
Thursday, June 2, 2022, 9:00 pm-1:00 am Mountain View: Pinterest sent video of "Puppy and Hen"; Puppy Under Hen's Wing; Puppy Riding On Hen; Write poem "Animals Camaraderie" (incomplete) Puppy Carries Duckling; Puppy Racing Ducklings; Husky Dog & Kitten; Goat & Sheep Snuggling. |
Friday, June 3, 2022, 3:00-3:14 am Mountain View: Happy 15th Birthday Sophia; 15th Birthday Poem (15 stanzas & 60 lines) June 3 Birthday iPhone; Happy Birthday June 3; On the Number 15. |
Friday, June 3, 2022, 3:14-3:50 am Mountain View: Happy Birthday June 3; Notable people born on June 3 Jefferson Davis (1808); Raoul Dufy (1877); Josephine Baker (1906); Tony Curtis (1925); Allen Ginsberg (1926); Rafael Nadal (1986). |
Friday, June 3, 2022, 5:36-5:46 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 6:20 am; Woke up @ 2:00 pm (8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 5:46 am MMMEDO = MODEM; NUAAF = FAUNA; AUQINT = QUAINT; POYDOR = DROOPY Cartoon Answer When the giant Asian bears fought over the last of the bamboo, it was MM AUN AIN DOP = "PANDA-MONIUM" 17.11% of 1081 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Friday, June 3, 2022, 5:00-9:20 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 5:00 pm; Red Bus @ 5:21 pm to Showers Drive's Wal-Mart bins for "Daily Post"; Walk to Chef Chu's news bins for "Palo Alto Weekly"; Shopping at CVS (2630 W. El Camino Real) 5:30-5:53 pm; 9:10 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Avenue & walked home Golden Emblem Deluxe Mixed Nuts ($12.49) @ $4.82; 40% off online coupon + 30% off & $1 off Golden Emblem Deluxe Nuts mail-in coupons for $7.67 or 61% savings. |
Friday, June 3, 2022, 5:53-9:00 pm Mountain View: Lost my wallet at CVS counter; CVS manager Lena's video showed customer behind me putting his wallet on top of mine & took both; He had a Safeway cart filled with tote bag inside; she thinks he's homeless; Phoned Mtn View Police Waited 2 hours before Mountain View police Josh Gould (Badge #10) showed up at 8 pm; Lena showed him video, which I couldn't see; Had to catch 9:06 pm Bus #40 home. |
Friday, June 3, 2022, 9:49-10:15 pm Mountain View: Wells Fargo emailed me @ 9:49 pm & 10:15 pm of $121.58 purchase at One Stop Market and $40.00 Purchase at Shell Station in East Palo Alto that were both declined; Phoned 1-800-869-3556 if I suspect these were fraudulent activities; Spoke to Chris in Philippines, who cancelled my Wells Fargo debit card. She'll send new Wells Fargo card in 7 business days; Phoned Cal-Fresh @ 11:20 pm and spoke to Angie (CA); She asked several questions before cancelling my card; Will send new Cal-Fresh card in 7 business days. |
Friday, June 3, 2022, 11:25 pm-1:00 am Mountain View: My wallet had $80 cash, but no credit cards; Never used my Wells Fargo debit card; Need to get new Kaiser Permanente Card, Medi-Care card, Foothill ID Card; Phoned Mountain View Police 11:25 pm; Left message for Officer Josh Gould told him looter of wallet tried to cash-in my Wells Fargo debit card in East Palo Alto. |
Friday, June 3, 2022, 11:25 pm-1:00 am Mountain View: "Key Moments from the 2022 Scripps Spelling Bee" (By Maria Cramer, NY Times, 6-2-2022) Harini Logan & Vikram Raju were last spellers left onstage, having bested 227 other contestants. Harini wins Spelling Bee, spelling correctly charadriiform & tauromachian |
Saturday, June 4, 2022, 7:30-7:41 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:40 am; Woke up @ 12:55 pm (9 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:41 am FRATG = GRAFT; PNITE = INEPT; EQLUES = SEQUEL; HYRPOT = TROPHY Cartoon Answer She was buying the run-down corner market so she could RT IE SE TRO = RESTORE IT 16.73% of 849 responders had trouble with "SEQUEL". |
Saturday, June 4, 2022, 3:45-5:10 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 3:45 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station for "Daily Post" & "Peninusula News"; No Shopping at Safeway without Cal-Fresh card lost in wallet; 4:55 pm Red Bus to Montecito Avenue and walked home Also lost in my wallet Los Altos Library Card; California Photo ID, address & birthday (Identity theft?); Business cards of Subramuniya, Karen, & Safeway manager; 2 Foothill College IDs with faculty & Al Guzman phone #s. |
Saturday, June 4, 2022, 6:20-9:34 pm Mountain View: "Embedding Videos in Google Slides" 1. Cavada's Skills Workshop (7:19 pm); 2. Videos of Joc Pederson's 3 Homers (7:51 pm); 3. NBA Western Finals: Warriors vs. Dallas Mavericks (8:20 pm); 4. Three Bears Waiting for Salmon (8:43 pm); 5. North by Northwest (9:10 pm); Share with Al Guzman, William Cavada, Kim Randall, Gene Tognetti (9:34 pm) "Embedding Video" done first in HTML; Cavada showed how to do it in Google Forms, Sheets, & Slides; I'm comfortable with Google Slides. |
Saturday, June 4, 2022, 9:40-10:30 pm Mountain View: Write poem "Animals Camaraderie" (13 images) Puppy Racing Eight Ducklings (Ducklings follow puppy / as they slowly roam / all the way home); Bird Feeds Fish to Baby Chick (Bird feeds fish / to baby chick / his dinner dish); Husky Dog Caring for Kitten (Husky dog takes care / of tiny kitten / they're a nice pair); Four Kittens Following Goose Kittens following goose in a country lane they'll pass again. |
Sunday, June 5, 2022, 12:06-12:15 pm Mountain View: To bed at 2:05 am; Woke up @ 11:55 am; (10 hours sleep) Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 12:15 am IKINBI = BIKINI; RWHOGT = GROWTH; VNAASC = CANVAS; ROFAFD = AFFORD; HIRTEE = EITHER; MUMNSO = SUMMON Cartoon Answer The accuracy of the atomic clock could be counted on III GT ANA AD ETE MMN = TIME AND TIME AGAIN 15.5% of 413 responders had trouble with "EITHER". (Laundry before listening to 95.7 FM; Warriors vs. Celtics in NBA Finals Playoffs Game 2 at Chase Center) |
Sunday, June 5, 2022, 4:30-5:00 pm Mountain View: "THINGS TO DO: World's top 10 most beautiful national parks includes a California gem" (By Jackie Burrell, Mercury News, 6-5-2022, F7) 1. Torres del Paine National Park, Chile; 2. Namib- Naukluft National Park, Namibia; 3. Glacier National Park, Montana & Canada; 4. Serengeti National Park, Tanzania; 5. Yosemite, California; 6. Fiordland National Park, New Zealand; 7. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming; 8. Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica; 9. Kakadu National Park, Australia; 10. Canaima National Park, Venezuela. |
Sunday, June 5, 2022, 4:15-4:22 pm Mountain View: Phoned Los Altos Library 650-948-7683; Spoke to staff member Phyllis who will cancel my card; Will issue new card with my CA ID (also stolen) or passport Since no password required to checkout books, looter could checkout lots of books which I need to pay if not returned. |
Sunday, June 5, 2022, 4:40-4:45 pm Mountain View: Phoned Medi-Care 1-800-MEDICARE; Spoke to Steve who will issue new card in four weeks; (Need Medi-Care # to get COVID-9 shot at CVS Pharmacy) Kaiser Permanente gave me 1-800-464-4000 number to call on Saturday, but a robot wants to send a Free Emergency Phone which I refused. |
Sunday, June 5, 2022, 5:00-8:00 pm Mountain View: MLB: SF Giants beats Miami Marlins 5-1; Listening to 95.7 FM; Golden State Warriors vs. Boston Celtics in NBA Finals Playoffs Game 2 at Chase Center Warriors leads Celtics 31-30 in 1st quarter; Warriors leads Celtics 52-50 in 2nd quarter; Warriors leads Celtics 87-64 in 3rd quarter; Warriors beats Celtics 107-88 in 4th quarter. |
Sunday, June 5, 2022, 6:25-7:08 pm Mountain View: Pinterest sent 16 heartwarming photos June 2 of cute children with animals which were downloaded but needs to resize & format in Adobe Photoshop Girl & Porcupine; Girl & Porcupine 2; Girl & Kittens; Girl Feeding Duckling; Girl Kissing Duckling; Girl with Calf; Girl Eyeing Calf; Girl Eyeing Fawn; Girl Petting Fox; Girl & Penguin; Girl with Toucan. |
Sunday, June 5, 2022, 3:45-8:45 pm Mountain View: Lots of people doing wash and dry in laundry room, so did just one load (5 pajamas, 6 towels, 2 T-shirts, 6 shorts, 33 socks); Will do bed sheets on Monday. Golden State Warriors beats Boston Celtics 107-88 in NBA Finals Playoffs Game 2 at Chase Center in a must-win game; Warriors outscored Celtics 23 points in 3rd Quarter; Stephen Curry scores 29 points. |
Sunday, June 5, 2022, 6:25-7:08 pm Mountain View: Pinterest sent 16 heartwarming photos June 2 of cute children with animals which were downloaded but needs to resize (height=500 pixels) in Adobe Photoshop Boy Talking to Rabbit; Boy Walking with Goose; Boy & Barn Owl on Branch; Boy Feeding Raccoon; Boy Hugging Dog. |
Monday, June 6, 2022, 6:25-6:37 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:25 am; Woke up @ 1:55 pm (10.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 6:37 am CONEU = OUNCE; PMKIS = SKIMP; TBUNTO = BUTTON; DARTNS = STRAND Cartoon Answer The campground was closing for good. So any future talk about it would be NE SP TT STA = PAST "TENTS" 18.43% of 868 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Monday, June 6, 2022, 4:45-5:50 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 4:45 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station for "Daily Post" (none left); Red Bus @ 5:22 pm to Showers Drive Wal-Mart bins for "Daily Post"; 5:38 pm Bus #40 to Central Xpwy Stop and walked home Neighbor Don didn't pick up newspapers left on his screen door for three days; His front door opened today; Says he can't walk; Gives me his keys to get his mail (2) & throw away big bag of recycles. |
Monday, June 6, 2022, 6:50-8:45 pm Mountain View: Not many people doing wash & dry in laundry room today; Wash two bed sheets, pillow case, large floor towel, two pants) Al Guzman's June 6 email @ 11:40 am Likes to treat me for breakfast on Saturday June 11; Cathy's June 4 email @ 7:06 am; Going with Larry to Tanzania for 3 weeks vacation to visit his niece. |
Monday, June 6, 2022, 7:30-8:00 pm Mountain View: "Mystery solved: UK Queen Elizabeth II shares secret with Paddington Bear at Buckingham Palace" (By Danica Kirks & Sylvia Hui, AP, Mercury News, 6-5-2022, A3) Bear told Elizabeth how he always had a reserve supply of marmalade sandwiches with him, lifting up his red hat to reveal his favorite treat. "So do I," the queen responded before opening her bag and declaring: "I keep mine in here." |
Monday, June 6, 2022, 10:30-10:47 pm Mountain View: "Steph Curry leads another electric 3rd quarter run, Warriors best Celtics to tie NBA Finals at 1-1" (By Madeline Kenney, Mercury News, 6-6-2022, C1) Curry scored 14 of his 29 points in the third, helping Warriors outscore the Celtics 35-14 to take a 23-point lead heading into the final 12 minutes. Jordan Poole hits two 3-pointers, including a highlight worthy pull-up shot from 39-feet to beat the buzzer. |
Monday, June 6, 2022, 10:47 pm-12:17 am Mountain View: After seeing "Boy & Barn Owl on Branch", Ann's June 6 email @ 8:32 pm includes photo of boy with owl similar to photo of both on a branch (her boy looks older) Pinterest sent animal photos & videos @ 8:40 pm Chimp Hugs Kitten; Raccoon Hugs Dog; Goat on Donkey; Girl Kissing Fawn; Tiger & Condor; Ducklings & Goose; Hawk on Tortoise; Dog & Goose; Chick Befriends Bunny; Beaver & Birds; Orca Leaps Up; Pizza Delivery Geese. |
Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 8:48-9:00 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:25 am; Woke up @ 1:30 pm (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:00 am CNEEI = NIECE; DMOME = MODEM; WNRAID = INWARD; GREATT = TARGET Cartoon Answer The mail was being delivered to California by the Pony Express in 1860 IEE OM IND RT = "RIDE" ON TIME 30.19% of 1166 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 5:00-6:06 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed on Tuesday Stayed home to work; Restoring cards lost in stolen wallet; Phoned Kaiser (Jolina) @ 4:55 pm; told to phone 800-464-4000 without "1" for Member Services @ 9 am tomorrow Emailed CVS Manager Lena Huey @ 5:30 pm for photo of wallet looter (DAEMON mail undelivered); Sent CVS Response email @ 5:50 pm, hope for Lena Huey's reply; 6:06 pm email to Rick Edwards for Foothill College ID. |
Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 7:00-8:00 am Mountain View: More animals photos from Pinterest Hen with Kittens; Cat & Puppy Napping; Pig Sleeps by Lamb; Have 15 animal photos to compose another poem, (June 10); "Animals Camaraderie" (6/6): "Cute Children with Animals" (6/8) Surprise phone call from Karen She's doing well in NYC; Concerned about my stolen wallet (her gift) and lost ID cards. |
Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 8:00-9:00 pm Mountain View: Had sumptuous breakfast Dill Rye Bread, Butter & Tahini spread; 2 Fried Eggs, 8 Black Forest Ham, 4 Swiss Cheese, Bowl of Spinach, two Pickles, Coffee and 2% Fat Milk Have enough food in refrigerator to last ten days until I get cash from Wells Fargo & Cal-Fresh card for food. |
Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 7:04-7:06 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:00 am; Woke up @ 1:15 pm (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:06 am TDUOO = OUTDO; TIHLG = LIGHT; RLOHEL = HOLLER; UCERPS = SPRUCE Cartoon Answer When their new air conditioning unit broke down so quickly, they OTOLITHOLSRCE = LOST THEIR COOL 40.11% of 1107 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 3:00-3:30 pm Mountain View: "Joy, sadness in Normandy at the D-Day commemorations" (Several thousand attended a ceremony at American Cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach, Colleville-sur-Mer.) (Sylvia Corbet & Jeff Schaeffer, Mercury News, 6-7-2022, A1, A5) 7000 boats used on D-Day, 1944 On that single day, 4,414 Allied soldiers lost their lives, 2,501 of them Americans. More than 5,000 were wounded. |
Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 3:45-5:10 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 3:45 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post"; Lost Cal-Fresh card in stolen wallet to shop at Safeway; 5:00 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave and walked home Lost in wallet Business card of Dr. Michael Cornelison, Cupertino Podiatry (10353 Torre Ave, Suite 3, Cupertino); Sister-in-Law Dan's gift $200 Visa Card (approx $100 left); Two Safeway $5.00 Reward Credit Cards. |
Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 6:06-6:30 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Zoom class Skills Workshop with William Cavada; Mara MacDonald present (asked when is last class as she won't make June 15 session); Last class is June 22 Showed Google Sheets Data: Split Text; Alphabetize names, Cavada, Chou, MacDonald; Couldn't verify his email "cavadaw@esuhsd.org"; Suggest I can do "Poets" in Google Sheets |
Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 6:30-6:50 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Zoom class, Q&A Session with Kim Randall; also present William Cavada; Kim watching Warriors vs. Boston Celtics game Celtics leading Warriors 33-22 in 1st quarter; Kim enjoyed my "Embedding Videos" in Google Slides: Joc Pederson's 3-Homer Game; Warriors-Mavericks Playoff; 3 Bears Waiting for Salmon; North by Northwest Videos. |
Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 6:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: MLB: SF Giants beats Rockies in 10th 2-1; Listening to 95.7 FM; Golden State Warriors vs. Boston Celtics in NBA Finals Playoffs Game 3 at Boston Garden Celtics leads Warriors 33-22 in 1st quarter; Celtics leads Warriors 68-56 in 2nd quarter; Celtics leads Warriors 93-89 in 3rd quarter; Celtics beats Warriors 116-100 in 4th quarter. |
Thursday, June 9, 2022, 5:05-5:25 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:50 am; Woke up @ 1:50 pm (12 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 5:25 am PMILE = IMPEL; ONAPI = PIANO; CAROTF = FACTOR; GIOIRN = ORIGIN Cartoon Answer To the cow, how her milk would end upbeing used was a IM PO TO ON = "MOO" POINT 17.69% of 1159 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Thursday, June 9, 2022, 4:00-5:00 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 4:00 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; No Shopping at Safeway without Cal-Fresh card lost in wallet; 4:49 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Avenue and walked home Also lost in my wallet Walgreens Reward Card; Al Guzman email @ 8:33 am Will pick me up on Saturday @ 1:30 pm; Go over his house for movie on TV and dinner afterwards; Rudy can join us. |
Thursday, June 9, 2022, 6:00-6:55 pm Mountain View: Al suggests films "Jungle Cruise"; "War Horse"; "Spider-Man: No Way Home"; Spielberg's: "West Side Story". Movies I like to see "Forbidden Games" (1952); "The Matrix" (1999); "Matrix Revolutions" (2003); "The Matrix Resurrections" (2021); "Top Gun" (1986). |
Thursday, June 9, 2022, 6:55-8:30 pm Mountain View: Summary of LINC-405 Assignments #1-5 done in Spring 2022 Quarter at Foothill College May 25 Assignment #5: Embedding Videos; June 1 #6: Clearing Formats in Google Slides; June 8 #7: Arranging Poets in Google Sheets. |
Thursday, June 9, 2022, 8:30-9:00 pm Mountain View: Interesting News "Angler catches rare fish of a lifetime' on his last cast of day in Tennessee" (By Alison Cutler, Yahoo News, 6-8-2022). Angler Victor Siwik catch on May 29, 2022 was a 41-pound, ghost-white carp from near Reelfoot Lake. |
Thursday, June 9, 2022, 8:30-9:20 pm Mountain View: "NBA: On this day: Parish, McHale's pick traded for; Bird, Ainge drafted" (Red Auerbach got most lopsided trades in NBA history in 1980. (By Justin Quinn, Yahoo News, 6-9-2022) Celtics got Robert Parish & draft pick for Kevin McHale. Forward Larry Bird, already drafted, completed the trio that win NBA titles together in 1981, 1984 and 1986. |
Friday, June 10, 2022, 5:05-5:25 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 12:00 am; Woke up @ 11:10 pm (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 5:25 am CKANK = KNACK; CNIWE = WINCE; RLIGEL = GRILLE; ROXHAT = THORAX Missed Cartoon Answer When interviewing Christopher from "Catch me if you can", the host was KNA WN ILE ORA = "WALKEN" ON AIR 52.53% of 1266 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Friday, June 10, 2022, 3:00-4:00 pm Mountain View: Ann came @ 3:00 pm to get bag of newspapers; Drive to Chef Chu's bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"; No Shopping at Safeway without Cal-Fresh card lost in wallet; Gave Ann 3 animal poems & LINC-405 "Embedding Videos" LINC-405 "Embedding Videos" (64%); Poem: "Animals Comaraderie" (70%); Poem: "Cute Children with Animals" (77%); Poem: "More Delightful Animals" (68%). |
Friday, June 10, 2022, 4:15-5:30 pm Mountain View: Phoned Kaiser Permanente; Spoke to Regina (4:15-4:40 pm) for appointment with Dr. Liteh Chang; on annual physical checkup on Monday, June 13 @ 2:50 pm; Phoned Kaiser Permanente 1-800-464-4000 Member Services; Spoke to Justine (4:40-5:00 pm); She'll send new Kaiser Card in 10 business days with identical ID #. Phoned Police Josh Gould (left message) on seeing him. |
Friday, June 10, 2022, 6:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: MLB: SF Giants beats LA Dodgers 7-2; Listening to 95.7 FM; Golden State Warriors vs. Boston Celtics in NBA Finals Playoffs Game 4 at Boston Garden Celtics leads Warriors 28-27 in 1st quarter; Celtics leads Warriors 54-49 in 2nd quarter; Warriors leads Celtics 79-78 in 3rd quarter; Warriors beats Celtics 107-97 in 4th quarter. |
Saturday, June 11, 2022, 7:06-7:10 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 11:25 pm; Woke up @ 10:15 am (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:10 am OPSLI = SPOIL; USMEA = AMUSE; DCLDUE = CUDDLE; VIDLER = DRIVEL Cartoon Answer The tug-of-war was going well until he SPL AMUE CUL DEL = PULLED A MUSCLE 18.29% of 771 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Saturday, June 11, 2022, 1:30-6:00 pm Mountain View: Al Guzman came @ 1:30 pm to pick me up; Drive to Valero bins for "Daily Post" & "Peninsula News"; Drive to his home in San Jose to see movie "Top Gun" (1986); Dinner at Vietnamese Pho (4546 El Camino Real, Los Altos) Rudy never showed up to join us Al treated me for large bowl ($18) Egg Noodle Soup with Shrimp, (no squid) & Fried Fish Cake (4:50-6:00 pm). |
Saturday, June 11, 2022, 12:30-12:55 pm Mountain View: Wells Fargo sent new debit card; When I tried to activate card, they say there were excessive use of card recently (by looter's theft of my card who doesn't know access code) New EBT Card received from Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Phoned Customer Service @ 8:55 pm (spoke to Angelina) She tells me I can use my Cal-Fresh Card with old password. |
Saturday, June 11, 2022, 8:00-8:30 pm Mountain View: Rudy phoned saying he was at Sunnyvale Library; Told him about emailing him twice & phoned him at home without replies; Al phoned (Rudy's cell phone broken); That's why he didn't join us today for movie and dinner that he would have enjoyed. Rudy said when his backpack was stolen; the looter used his credit card to buy $7000 Apple laptop at Best Buy; but bank refurburshed illegal use. |
Saturday, June 11, 2022, !0:00-11:00 pm Mountain View: "154th Belmont Stakes 2022: Mo Donegal won @ 2:28.28 with Jockey Irad Ortiz Jr. aboard" (By Mark Inabinett, al.com, 6-11-2022) Order of Finish: 1. Mo Donegal, 2. Nest, 3. Skippylongstocking, 4. We the People, 5. Creative Minister, 6. Rich Strike (Derby winner), 7. Barber Road, 8. Golden Glider. |
Saturday, June 11, 2022, 11:07 pm-1:05 am "Assignment #6: Clear Formats in Google Slides" "GoogleDocs ClearFormat" (11:07); "ClearFormattingQuickly" (11:21); Pederson3Homers "GoogleSlides" (11:57); "HTML" (12:00 am). "HTML-3BearsWaiting(500x248).jpg" (12:43 am); "GoogleSlides-3BearsWaiting(500x277).jpg" (12:53 am); "LINC405(Spring2022)-6-ClearingFormats.html" (1:05 am). |
Sunday, June 12, 2022, 11:20-11:49 am Mountain View: To bed at 3:30 am; Woke up @ 1:00 pm; (9.5 hours sleep) Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 11:49 am TVINIE = INVITE; TWHICS = SWITCH; PRAYAL = PARLAY; BNEBIL = NIBBLE; MPEXTE = EXEMPT; LNFENU = FUNNEL Cartoon Answer They looked east from their new Denver highrise condo and saw the IVI SWI PAA NIL EP NNL = PLAINS IN PLAIN VIEW 42.57% of 545 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Sunday, June 12, 2022, 3:00-5:00 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed Sunday; Left apt @ 3:00 pm; Gray Bus @ 3:15 pm to Middlefield Road; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:20-3:55 pm; Wait for Bus 4:07 pm; Dark Clouds above; Slight drizzle; 4:44 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home 5 Lucerne Non-fat Yogurt @ 39¢ = $1.95; 2 Kellogg's Waffles ($3.99) @ $1.99 = $3.98; International Delight Hazelnut Coffee Creamer @ $2.98; Open Nature Cauliflower Pepperoni Pizza ($7.49) = Free. |
Sunday, June 12, 2022, 5:00-6:00 pm Mountain View: "THINGS TO DO: Top 10 historical landmarks in the U.S. include two California sites" (By Jackie Burrell, Mercury News, 6-5-2022, F7) 1. Yellowstone, WY; 2. Harriet Tubman National Historic Park, NY; 3. Brooklyn Bridge, NY; 4. Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, CA; 5. Colonial Williamsburg, VA; 6. Grand Canyon, AZ; 7. Hearst Castle, San Simeon, CA; 8. Jackson Square, New Orleans, LA; 9. Mesa Verde National Park, CO; 10. Independence Hall, Philadelphia, PA. (By Jackie Burrell, Mercury News, 6-12-2022, F7). |
Sunday, June 12, 2022, 6:05-7:35 pm Mountain View: Phoned Network Solutions 1-866-507-1946 concernimg my web site WisdomPortal.com not visible online since June 7; Al Guzman sent receipt paying $119.98 for SSL Spoke to André (Philippines) for hour & half. Received Network Solutions email @ 6:26 pm "Your SSL Certificate (Xpress) is Validated; Exp. Date: 2024-06-08" Told André I'm owner of WisdomPortal.com (WhoIs) that won't expire until 10-11-2022; He said I'm not Internet connected; Told me to do "Control-h" & erase all my history; Erased all history in Safari & Chrome; Finally website is on! |
Monday, June 13, 2022, 8:35-8:40 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:30 am; Woke up @ 10:20 am (8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:40 am PTZOA = TOPAZ; NIHYS = SHINY; UISNFE = INFUSE; CLOTEK = LOCKET Cartoon Answer The mime had the winning bid at the TOA SIN INU LCET = SILENT AUCTION 16.76% of 931 responders had trouble with this answer. (Gave Rudy 2 bags of free food, bag of newspapers, and 6 refundable Sig Sel Sparkling Water bottles) |
Monday, June 13, 2022, 9:30-4:15 pm Mountain View: Rudy came @ 9:30 am to take me to Wells Fargo to get my debit card activated; Drive to Valero bins for "Daily Post" (11:30 am); Mtn View Police 1000 Villa St (12:30 pm), Josh Gould works Fri.-Sun. 3 pm-3:30 am; Mtn View Library: Rudy works with laptop in Newsroom (1 pm): Kaiser appt: Dr. Liteh Chang (1:30 pm) Dr. Chang saw me @ 1:45 pm for annual check-up; Arareli washed ears with warm water to disloge earwax (2:15 pm); Angie Lun gave me Moderna COVID-19 vaccine Booster Shot (2:36 pm); Jerome gave me Blood Test (3:15 pm) $0 co-pay; 4:03 pm Bus #40 to Central Xpwy Stop & home. |
Monday, June 13, 2022, 7:00-7:30 pm Mountain View: No breakfast since Rudy came @ 9:30 am; Blood Pressure: 134/66, Pulse 65, Weight 142 lb at Kaiser; Blood Sugar= 77 mg/dl; Orange Juice; V-8 Vegetable Juice; 3 Kellogg's Eggo Waffles; Butter; Syrup; Kettle Onion & Sour Cream Potato Chips; Bitchin' Spinach & Artichoke Sauce; Bowl of Planter's Unsalted Peanuts. |
Monday, June 13, 2022, 6:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: MLB: SF Giants beats Kansas City Royals 6-2; Listening to 95.7 FM; Golden State Warriors vs. Boston Celtics in NBA Finals Playoffs Game 5 at Chase Center Warriors leads Celtics 27-16 in 1st quarter; Warriors leads Celtics 51-39 in 2nd quarter; Warriors leads Celtics 75-74 in 3rd quarter; Warriors beats Celtics 104-94 in 4th quarter. |
Monday, June 13, 2022, 9:30-10:00 pm Mountain View: Full Moon of June (6-14-2022) is Strawberry Moon (Farmer's Almanac); Los Altos Library renewed Bruchac's "Thirteen Moons on Turtle's Back" (Due 7-5-2022) Strawberry Moon 2022 at Stonehenge; 'Strawberry Girl"; Strawberry Moon 2022 at Yorkshire; Pondering Girl; Algonquin Strawberry Moon; Strawberry Moon; U.S. 3296 Stamp; San Marino 808 Strawberries Stamp. |
Monday, June 13, 2022, 1:45-2:15 pm Mountain View: Dr. Liteh "Diego" Chang likes my poems; Gave him 5 recent "Animal Poems" for his reading pleasure Poem: "Dog & Ducklings" (5-27-2022) Poem: "Three Bears Waiting" (6-1-2022): Poem: "Animals Comaraderie" (6-6-2022); Poem: "Cute Children with Animals" (6-8-2022); Poem: "More Delightful Animals" (6-10-2022). |
Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 4:50-5:07 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 5:20 am; Woke up @ 1:45 pm (8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 5:07 am SYPOU = SOUPY; SOEMO = MOOSE; CFILEK = FICKLE; TRBOEH = BOTHER Cartoon Answer The husband and wife purchased matching wriswatches a SUP MOE FICL OTE = COUPLE OF TIMES 39.25% of 1144 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 4:00-5:30 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed on Tuesday; Left apt @ 4:00 pm; Half-hour walk to Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) before Specials gone June 15; 5:18 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home 2.04 lbs Red Seedless Grapes @ $1.88/lb = $3.84; 5 Lucerne Non-fat Yogurt 6 oz (59¢) @ 39¢ = $1.95; 2 Van der Kamps Fish Fillets ($.7.99) @ $4.99 = $9.98; Sig Sel Strawberry-Watermelon Sparkling Water @ $1.10. |
Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 5:30-6:20 pm Mountain View: Listened to KNBR 104.5 FM: MLB: SF Giants beats Kansas City Royals 6-2 last night; Broadcaster mentioned "Supermoon & Strawberry Moon" inspiring me to write poem. Slight pain in shoulder of Moderna Shot, otherwise no dizziness or adverse reactions from Kaiser outing. Spent six hours gathering photos and writing poem last night on "Strawberry Moon" (9:28 pm-3:05 am). |
Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 7:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: For LINC-405 (Spring 2022) class, composed Summaries of Assignments #1-7; Need to finish "Poets in Google Sheets" for Zoom Session tomorrow. Gathered postage stamps of 6 poets to arrange in Google Sheets Name, Dates, Biography, Poem Jalal al-Din Rumi, Dante Alighieri, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, William Blake, Rainer Maria Rilke, Emily Dickinson. |
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 7:01-7:40 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:10 am; Woke up @ 1:44 pm (10.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:40 am PRAAK = PARKA; HSIOT = HOIST; SRUTYT = TRUSTY; GNININ = INNING Missed Cartoon Answer When the ghost offered to buy drinks for all the other ghosts, they said PRA HST TST II = THAT'S (THE) SPIRIT 41.59% of 1056 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 3:45-5:35 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 3:45 pm; Gray Bus @ 4:14 pm to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:20-4:53 pm 5:25 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home Sig Sel Kiwi-Strawberry Sparkling Water @ $1.00; Sig Sel Mango-Pineapple Sparkling Water @ $1.10; Land-O-Frost Black Forest Ham 1 lb ($6.99) @ $5.07; Open Nature Pepperoni Cauliflower Pizza ($7.49) = Free. |
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 6:02-6:30 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Zoom class Skills Workshop with Gene Tognetti; William Cavada was absent today Gene showed how to enlarge photo in Google Sheets Inserted photo of Currant Chapparal Flower; Enlarge photo by expanding cell size; Trouble placing texts below. |
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 6:30-6:50 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Zoom class, Q&A Session with Kim Randall; Background in her Zoom Session is "Bora-Bora" photo taken (Dec. 2020) when she visited there. Kim went to see SF Giant beat LA Dodgers 2-0 in 3-game sweep at Oracle Park; Will check William Cavada's Skills Workshop tapes of missing 6/8 Session on Google Sheets. |
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 8:15-8:30 pm Mountain View: Kaiser Permanente Test Results Non-fasting Blood Sugar HbA1c = 8.4% (6/13/2022); Last test result was lower 7.8% (5/25/2021) Past Results 8.3% (8/13/2020); 7.6% (11/12/2019); 8.3% (7/24/2019); 8.3% (3/11/2019); 7.6% (6/11/2018). |
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 8:30-8:50 pm Mountain View: "Steph Curry's brilliant Game 4 should silence his critics forever" (By Dieter Kurtenbach, Mercury News, 6-12-2022, A1, A8) Steph Curry's 43-point Game 4 performance saved the Warriors season, put Golden State in a position to win the title and ended any debate about his greatness. |
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 8:50-11:00 pm Mountain View: Tried to enlarge cell size like what Gene Tognetti did with "Currant Chapparal Flower" without success. "How to Make Cells Bigger" Could not find "Resize Column" anywhere in Google Sheets. |
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 11:05 pm-12:00 am Mountain View: Frustrating making cell size larger in Google Sheets; Will have dinner now before exhaustion. Left arm near shoulder with Moderna Shot hurting less now. Open Nature Pepperoni Cauliflower Pizza Chop and dice 3 stalks green onions and slice 8 Lindsay pimiento olives. |
Thursday, June 16, 2022, 4:45-5:10 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:00 am; Woke up @ 11:50 am (10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 5:10 am EVAWE = WEAVE; DBUYD = BUDDY; SCIMOA = MOSAIC; NHOCOH = HONCHO Missed Cartoon Answer On the breezy day, Mount Rushmore's Presidents were experiencing WE DD SAI NH = HEADWINDS 32.38% of 1084 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Thursday, June 16, 2022, 12:00-12:11 am Mountain View: Interesting News (June 13-14, 2022) "BASEBALL: Cardinals' Paul Goldschmidt matches an MLB feat last done by Ty Cobb in 1925" (By Pete Grathoff, Yahoo News, 6-15-2022) Paul Goldschmidt is the first MLB player to have 9+ hits, 9+ RBI, 6+ runs scored, 5+ extra-base hits, 4+ home runs, 0 strikeouts, ... over a 2-day span since Ty Cobb did so from May 5-6, 1925. |
Thursday, June 16, 2022, 2:15-3:00 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 2:15 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; 2:50 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave and walked home No shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); Come home early and prepare to listen to Game 6 of NBA Finals at Boston Garden; Will Warriors win their 4th title in 8 years? |
Thursday, June 16, 2022, 6:00-8:30 pm Mountain View: MLB: SF Giants plays Pittsburgh Pirates Friday; Listening to 95.7 FM; Golden State Warriors vs. Boston Celtics in NBA Finals Playoffs Game 6 at Boston Garden Warriors leads Celtics 27-22 in 1st quarter; Warriors leads Celtics 54-39 in 2nd quarter; Warriors leads Celtics 76-66 in 3rd quarter; Warriors beats Celtics 103-90 in 4th quarter. |
Friday, June 17, 2022, 8:37-8:44 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 12:30 am; Woke up @ 12:00 pm (11.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:44 am EMFYOA = FOAMY; HWERT = THREW; INWRYE = WINERY; UTDBIO = OUTBID Cartoon Answer The author of the book about the U.S. Interstate Highway system had the FA EW WRY OTI = "WRITE" OF WAY 24.18% of 881 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Friday, June 17, 2022, 1:45-2:15 pm Mountain View: Height of obelisks Washington Monument (Washington DC) and Cleopatra's Needle (Westminster, London) for Numbers collection 367-999 and 0-99; Washington Monument erected in 1884; London's Cleopatra's Needle installed in 1878. Washington Monument is 555 feet 5.125 inches high, world's tallest structure (1884-1889) until Eiffel Tower (984 ft). Cleopatra's Needle (London & Central Park, NYC) is 69 feet tall; the obelisk in Paris is 75 feet tall. |
Friday, June 17, 2022, 4:28-6:30 pm Mountain View: Rudy came @ 4:38 pm to take me to Mountain View Police Station, 1000 Villa St (5:00 pm), Officer Josh Gould not in; Drove to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Peninsula News"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:30-5:58 pm Sig Sel Wild Cherry Sparkling Water @ $1.10; Sig Sel Tangerine Lime Sparkling Water @ $1.00; 3 lbs Reser's Deviled-Egg Potato Salad ($8.99) @ $3.50; 3 lbs Reser's Macaroni Salad ($8.99) @ $2.50 (free: Rudy); 2 Gallons Value Corner Nonfat Milk @ $4.79 (free: Rudy): Jessie Lord 8" Blueberry Pie ($6.99) @ $5.00 - $2 = $3.00; Q Tonic Soda Grapefruit 4 pack 7.5 oz ($5.49) = Free. |
Friday, June 17, 2022, 8:00-11:00 pm Mountain View: Steve Gould's June 17 email @ 5:48 am included photo of June's Super "Strawberry Moon" taken by his EPA co-worker James Haklar's "Moonrise on June 14, 2022" over Edison, N.J.; Will send Steve my poem "Strawberry Moon"; Photos for poem "Warriors Win 4 NBA Championships in 8 Years" Warriors Beats Celtics 103-90 in Game 6; Curry wins NBA Finals MVP Award; Klay Thompson vs Celtics in Finals; Stephen Curry; Klay Thompson; Draymond Green; Andrew Wiggins. |
Saturday, June 18, 2022, 8:46-9:46 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:40 am; Woke up @ 1:35 pm (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:46 am TPYET = PETTY; NWIET = TWINE; RONCEE = ENCORE; SCAAUB = ABACUS Missed Cartoon Answer For the novice golfer, the first shot of the round came with ETT INE ENR ACU = "UNCERTAIN-TEE" 71.03% of 1405 responders had trouble with this answer. (After an hour, I guessed "NINETREAT-CUT") |
Saturday, June 18, 2022, 3:00-4:30 pm Mountain View: Ann's 6/17 email contained link to "Obelisk"; She came by to pick up bag of newspapers and latest poems "Strawberry Moon" & "Warriors Win 4 NBA Championships", also LINC405-Assignment #7: Poets in Google Sheets" Ride to Chef Chu's to pick up "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly". CVS Pharmacy for BOGO free CVS Vitamin D3 (300 capsules) (still out); Shop at Safeway for free Q Tonic Soda Elderflower 4 pack 7.5 oz; Wait for 4:41 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy Stop and walked home. |
Saturday, June 18, 2022, 3:50-4:18 pm Mountain View: Shop at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd); Wait 20 minutes for Bus #40 (4:39 pm) ride home Bunch of Green Onions (7 stalks) @ $1.69; Sig Sel 16 oz Walnut Halves & Pieces ($5.00) @ $3.99; 2 Stouffer's Swedish Meatballs 11.5 oz @ $3.50 = $7.00; Q Tonic Soda Elderflower 4 pack 7.5 oz ($5.49) = Free. |
Saturday, June 18, 2022, 7:00-8:00 pm Mountain View: "Kerr's coaching masterpiece" (By Dieter Kurtenbach, Mercury News, 6-18-2022, A1, A6) Steve Kerr now has 9 NBA championship rings five as a player and four as a head coach; Kerr's adjustments throughout these NBA Finals were critical for the Dubs in claiming the series and a fourth title under his reign. |
Sunday, June 19, 2022, 11:12-11:49 am Mountain View: To bed at 12:05 am; Woke up @ 11:00 am; (11 hours sleep) Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 11:49 am ITONOL = LOTION; MEDAIR = ADMIRE; TECOIP = POETIC; DIALNN = INLAND; PDNUIA = UNPAID; HAROTT = THROAT Cartoon Answer The fact that he was a good Dad was obvious and LO ARE PT LN PA AT = APPARENT TO ALL 32.08% of 477 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Sunday, June 19, 2022, 1:30-2:30 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed Sunday or need for grocery shopping; Stayed home for more work; College friend Richard Hanauer phoned (12:45 pm) from Furlong, PA; He & Arlene are visiting Calgary Canada, will come by to see me on Tuesday, July 12 for get-together Richard roots for Philadelphia Phillies who have not done well in baseball for awhile; I tell him about superstardom of Stephen Curry's 3-pointers & coaching genius of Warriors Steve Kerr. |
Sunday, June 19, 2022, 2:30-3:30 pm Mountain View: TRAVEL: Take a trip to live-jazz paradise at Half Moon Bay's Bach Dancing & Dynamite Society (By John Metcalfe, Mercury News, 6-19-2022, F7-F8) The haunt of Art Blakey and Etta James was named when a local yahoo blew up explosives on the beach. Jane Bunnett and Maqueque, an all-female Afro-Cuban band, played a show in May 2022.. |
Sunday, June 19, 2022, 2:30-3:30 pm Mountain View: "THINGS TO DO: Top 10 summer travel destinations for 2022" (By Jackie Burrell, Mercury News, 6-19-2022, F7) 1. Venice, Italy; 2. Nassau, The Bahamas; 3. Capri, Italy; 4. Puerto Escondido, Mexico; 5. Tamarindo, Costa Rica; 6. Quepos, Costa Rica; 7. Florence, Italy; 8. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; 9. La Paz, Mexico; 10. Méida, Mexico. |
Sunday, June 19, 2022, 4:30-4:45 pm Mountain View: Police Officer Josh Gould of Mountain View came by and showed me photos on his cell phone of the looter of my wallet at CVS on June 3 stocky black guy, 5'9" tall Showed Officer Gould email of Central Park photos ex-roommate Steve Gould (1970-71) sent me today; Gave him my poem "Warriors Win 4 Championships"; Josh gave me his email to read my revisions & other poems. |
Sunday, June 19, 2022, 5:00-5:30 pm Mountain View: Steve Gould's June 19 email @ 6:11 am of 8 photos in New York's Central Park's "Climbing Walls" & Rainbow Flags at Rockefeller Center's skating rink Rockefeller Center was celebrating Gay Pride Month with its skating rink surrounded by Rainbow Flags. The flags, which were designed by a gay activist from Kansas, Gilbert Baker, who died 5 years ago at age 68. |
Sunday, June 19, 2022, 6:15-6:30 pm Mountain View: Today is Father's Day (began 6-19-1910); (Interesting that Rudy Perez, Jack Mullen, Al Guzman, and I are not Dads); I reminesce of my Dad, his excellent memory even to the age 98 treasure the newsclippings he left in my books Composed web pages of Dad when he passed on December 13, 2000; Fond times together when he visited me in Paris (August 16-30, 1979). |
Sunday, June 19, 2022, 7:00-8:15 pm Mountain View: Rudy's 6/17 email of favorite animal photos "Puppy Racing Ducklings"; "Boy Feeds Raccoon"; "Ducklings Follow Goose"; Karen's favorites (6/16): "Chick Befriends Bunny"; "Puppy under Hen's Wing"; "Puppy & Hen"; Ann's favorite (6/13): "Squirrel Appeals to Heaven"; Al prefers Mother & Child photos. My favorites: Puppy Riding Hen; Baby Chick Befriends Bunny; "Girl Kissing Duckling" (Blissed out). |
Monday, June 20, 2022, 7:46-7:52 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:40 am; Woke up @ 1:20 pm (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:52 am SAHTS = STASH; PMLIE = IMPEL; GLEEDN = LEGEND; KNYEMO = MONKEY Cartoon Answer The optometrists' new facility made for improved TS IE E EY = "EYE-SITE" 11.59% of 897 responders had trouble with "LEGEND". 9.23% of 897 responders had trouble with "IMPEL". |
Monday, June 20, 2022, 4:00-6:00 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 4:00 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) to pick up "Daily Post"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:30-5:15 pm 5:46 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home 8 oz Sig Farms Fresh Spinach for Salad @ $2.49; 7 oz Sargento Sliced Swiss Cheese ($4.49) @ $1.99; Int Del Caramel Macchiato Coffee Creamer @ $2.98; Q Tonic Soda Ginger Ale 4 pack 7.5 oz ($5.49) = Free; Yerba Sparkling Cranberry-Pomegranate @ $3.11 = Free. |
Monday, June 20, 2022, 7:20-8:30 pm Mountain View: "Steve Kerr's 4 Core Values" Joy, Mindfulness, Compassion, Competiveness (1, 2) Photos: Joy; Mindfulness; Compassion; Competiveness. |
Monday, June 20, 2022, 8:30-9:00 pm Mountain View: Last night watched interviews of Golden State Warriors' basketball players Broadcaster mentioned Steve Kerr's "4 Core Values" Joy, Mindfulness, Compassion, Competiveness If you have the first three, the fourth comes naturally. |
Monday, June 20, 2022, 9:00-10:00 pm Mountain View: "BUSINESS: How to make Google search safer or more precise" (By Larry Magid, Mercury News, 6-17-2022, C7-C8) Google offers lots of search options, including "SafeSearch", which filters out links to explicit content as well as the ability to use "operators" to fine tune your search; Refine your search to either news, videos, images, books & other options (maps, shopping, flights and finance) by selecting from the menu that appears above your search results. |
Monday, June 20, 2022, 9:00-10:00 pm Mountain View: Ann's June 19 email She found a 1828 poem by Felicia Hemans on a marble monument between a nursing facility rear parking lot & San Francisquito Creek, Palo Alto. Yes, it is haunted this quiet scene, / Fair as it looks, and all softly green; / Yet fear thou not for the spell is thrown, / And the might of the shadow on me alone. // Have I not, under these whispering leaves, / Woven such dreams as the young heart weaves? / Shadows yet unto which life seemed bound, / And is it not is it not haunted ground?. |
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 9:17-9:20 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:15 am; Woke up @ 1:15 pm (10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:20 am ROPFO = PROOF; PGYUP = GUPPY; CRAGIL = GARLIC; BEMUNR = NUMBER Cartoon Answer As the U.S. midwest was being settled in the early 1800s, farms began PRO PP GIC NU = CROPPING UP 11.9% of 849 responders had trouble with "GARLIC". |
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 3:15-6:00 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed on Tuesday; Summer Solstice today, longest day of year, 5:14 a.m. EDT, when sun reached a point directly overhead of the Tropic of Cancer (latitude 23.5o north). Summer Solstice used to be my favorite day of the year because it has more daylight than the other 364 days. But from this day forward each day gets darker and darker. |
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 3:15-4:50 pm Mountain View: "Dubs Hit the Streets of San Francisco" (By John Metcalfe, et. al., Mercury News, June 21, 2022, A1, A8) Fans break through barriers as Klay Thompson's bus makes its way down Market Street with crowd of 800,000; Thompson celebrated with fans assembled in front of the Ferry Building along the Embarcadero before start of the parade. Draymond Green stopped for ice cream. (Valentine Mints Poetry Plaque opposite Ferry Building) |
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 3:15-4:50 pm Mountain View: Watching "Top Gun" film (1986) with Al Guzman (6/11), one of the songs played was Otis Redding's "On the Dock of the Bay" (1967); 1968 U.S. Billboard Hot 100 Number #1 "Sitting on the the Dock of the Bay"; Song with Lyrics "I left my home in Georgia, and headed for the 'Frisco bay". Interesting, my poetry friend Denise did the opposite She worked at Hewlett Packard, lived in the Bay Area, and moved to Atlanta, Georgia, with her family. |
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 5:00-6:00 pm Mountain View: Mail from San Diego, CA Replacement of Kaiser Permanente Card lost in stolen wallet at CVS on June 3 Half of 8 cards in stolen wallet replaced; Still to recover Foothill College ID, Los Altos Library Card, Walgreens Reward Card, & California Photo ID Card. |
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 6:00-6:50 pm Mountain View: More Free items for Rudy from Safeway & Grab-and-Go Table at apt Q Tonic Soda Ginger Ale, 4 pack 7.5 oz ($5.49) = Free; Kirkland Albacore White Tuna in Water ($4.89) = Free; Roberts A-1 Premium Long Grain Enriched Rice = Free; 16 oz Allegra Enriched Spaghetti ($1.99) = Free; 16 oz Doria Spaghetti ($2.29) = Free. |
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 8:00-9:00 pm Mountain View: Notable people born on June 25 (iPhone) Carly Simon, singer (1945); Willis Reed, basketball (1942); June Lockhart, actress (1925); Sidney Lumet, director (1924); George Orwell, writer (1903) (photo); Walther Nernst, Nobel chemist (1864) (photo); Antoni Gaudí, architect (1852) (stamp: Spain 1874). |
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 9:00-9:25 pm Mountain View: Events on June 25 Battle of Little Big Horn (1876); Taoist monk Wang Yuanlu discovers Dunhuang manuscripts in Mogao Caves (1900); Stravinsky's ballet The Firebird premiered in Paris (1910); The Diary of Anne Frank published in Amsterdam (1947); Korean War began (1950); Rainbow Flag flown (1978). |
Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 5:10-5:16 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:30 am; Woke up @ 12:40 pm (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 5:16 am ROPFO = PROOF; PGYUP = GUPPY; RPHESE = SHEEP; EGUGO = GOUGE; ANNFIT = INFANT; GMITAS = STIGMA Cartoon Answer The family's clock had been handed down for generations with the SEP GOE FAT SIMA = PASSAGE OF TIME 15.48% of 943 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 3:35-5:35 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 3:55 pm; Red Bus @ 3:53 pm to Showers Drive; Wal-Mart news bins for "Daily Post"; Bus #40 @ 4:05 pm to San Antonio Rd & El Camino Real; Shopping at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd) 4:15-4:55 pm; 5:25 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy Stop and walked home 12 oz La Choy Chow Mein Noodles @ $2.69; Sig Sel Sparkling Water Mango-Pineapple @ $1.10; Didn't buy 16 oz Walnut Halves @ $3.99, now $7.99; Q Elderflower Tonic Water, 4 cans 7.5 oz @ $5.79 = Free. |
Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 6:09-6:30 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Zoom Class Session Skills Workshop with William Cavada; He was sick last week, and didn't show up; Told Cavada of my trouble enlarging image of Currant Chapparal Flower in Google Sheets He inserted photo of Maya Angelou and dragged down Row 1 and both cell & photo were enlarged. |
Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 6:45-7:00 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Zoom Class Q&A Session with Gene Tognetti; He didn't reply to my 6/16 email, but answered on my Google Sheets Actually, when you go to the margin where you see row 1, 2, 3, etc.... hover over and then when you see the little arrow, pull down. Can do that for the row also hover between A and B and you'll see an arrow. |
Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 8:00-8:48 pm Mountain View: "MOVIES: Stanford Theatre roaring back to life after 2 years in July" (By Sal Pizarro, Mercury News, June 22, 2022) Fred Astaire double feature "The Gay Divorcee" and "Top Hat" will open Palo Alto's classic movie house on July 9; "Casablanca" which is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year, is slated for July 16-17. A double feature starring late Sidney Poitier "To Sir, With Love" and "In the Heat of the Night" plays July 23-24 |
Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 9:00-10:05 pm Mountain View: "It's showtime: Stanford Theatre to reopen on July 9" (By Heather Zimmerman, Palo Alto Weekly, 6-21-2022) Palo Alto venue's summer lineup includes Judy Garland musicals & silent comedies. Theater reopens July 9-10 with swanky Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers "The Gay Divorcee" and "Top Hat", followed by two Deanna Durbin comedies "It Started With Eve" & "100 Men and a Girl" (July 14-15); Bogart's "Casablanca" & "In a Lonely Place" on July 16-17." |
Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 10:28 pm-12:11 am Mountain View: Images for Birthday-June25.html Antoni Gaudí 10:28; Firebird Suite 11:11; Stravinsky 11:30; Diary of Anne Frank published (6-25-1947) 11:45 pm; Korean War Declared (6-25-1950) 11:57 pm; Rainbow Flag Flown (6-25-1978) 12:11 am. |
Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 12:30-1:27 am Mountain View: Postmarks on covers for June 25 as part of images for Birthday-June 25.html U.S, 332, Harry S Truman's letter to Bess (6-25-1912); U.S. 1735c Freehold, NJ, Monmouth Battle (6-25-1978); U.S. C25 Airmail 6¢ First Day Cover (6-25-1941). |
Thursday, June 23, 2022, 5:34-5:48 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 5:55 am; Woke up @ 1:30 pm (7.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 5:48 am LYOHL = HOLLY; LIDYO = DOILY; VRYAIA = AVIARY; LOAJEC = CAJOLE Cartoon Answer Many small stores had opened in the community, which created a HOY DL VI OLE = "LIVELY-HOOD" 54.56% of 1853 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Thursday, June 23, 2022, 4:40-6:10 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 4:40 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:10-5:42 pm; 5:55 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave and walked home Int Del Hazelnut Coffee Creamer ($4.49) @ $2.98; Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream ($6.49) @ $1.97; 2 Van der Kamps Fish Fillets ($7.99) @ $4.74 = $9.48; Q Grapefruit Tonic Water, 4 cans 7.5 oz @ $5.79 = Free. |
Thursday, June 23, 2022, 7:27-8:00 pm Mountain View: Rudy & Jack Mullen phoned back-to-back (4:00-4:30 pm); Rudy finished video project for his finals Data-Analysis class; Heading to Lodi, will come back on Monday 6/27 for VA appt on his cataract eye exam Jack responded to my 6/22 email on Stanford Theatre reopening on July 9: Mercury News & Palo Alto Weekly stories. He's excited seeing the old classic movies again. Two Deanna Durbin movies will play which he'll love. |
Thursday, June 23, 2022, 8:00-11:22 pm Mountain View: Using Sophia's Birthday-June3.html as template to compose Birthday-June25.html for my birthday; Birth Flower (Rose) and Birthstone (Pearl) are the same, but Zodiac Sign (Gemini) needs change to Cancer. Calendar for June 25; No June 25 entry in Goethe's Italian Journey; Found Goethe's 6-25-1829 letter to Carlyle; Thoreau's June 25 Journal (1840, 1858, 1860); Delacroix's June 25 Journal (1832, 1847). |
Friday, June 24, 2022, 5:18-5:38 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:20 am; Woke up @ 1:30 pm (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 5:38 am AWEA = AWAKE; CHIRB = BIRCH; PINTAC = CATNIP; NSYAWK = SWANKY Cartoon Answer After seeing the damage to the car, there would be a lot to WE IRH CTI WNK = "WRECK-IN" WITH 46.22% of 1361 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Friday, June 24, 2022, 4:15-6:15 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 4:15 pm; Bus #40 @ 4:48 pm to Chef Chu's bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"; Shopping at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd) 5:20-5:38 pm; 6:05 pm Bus #40 to Central XPwy Stop and walked home Ashoc Accelerator Guava Energy Drink ($2.99) = Free; Q Elderflower Tonic Water, 4 cans 7.5 oz @ $5.79 = Free; 20 oz Sig Sel Tomato Ketchup ($2.49) + 1 Reward = Free; Cinnamon Swirl Slices ($5.99) 50% off + 1 Reward = $1.04. |
Friday, June 24, 2022, 9:00-10:00 pm Mountain View: "Enlarging Portraits" in Google Sheets make web links to Biography in Wikipedia Jalal-al-Din Rumi; Dante Alighieri; Wolfgang von Goethe; William Blake; Rainer Maria Rilke; Emily Dickinson. |
Friday, June 24, 2022, 9:00-10:00 pm Mountain View: "Enlarging Portraits" in Google Sheets make web links to Poem to Read in my web site Rumi Quatrain 1246; Dante Paradiso 33; Goethe Faust II.V; Blake Auguries of Innocence; Rilke Winged Energy; Emily Dickinson Poem 111. |
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 7:46-7:55 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:25 am; Woke up @ 2:30 pm (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:55 am DIHWT = WIDTH; ENKLE = KNEEL; DRYLAH = HARDLY; NCATEC = ACCENT Cartoon Answer After casting so many sinister spells in a row, the evil witch had a WIDH KEE HAD ACCE = WICKED HEADACHE 27.36% of 932 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 4:00-5:10 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 4:00 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Peninsula News"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:20-4:37 pm; 4:55 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave and walked home Ashoc Accelerator Mango Energy Drink ($2.99) = Free; Q Ginger Ale Tonic Water, 4 cans 7.5 oz @ $5.79 = Free; Terra Spinach-Artichoke Quiche ($12.99) 50% off = $6.49; 4 cans 5.5 oz Pringles Potato Chips ($2.49) @ $1.50 = $6.00. |
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 5:00-5:30 pm Mountain View: Notable people born on June 25 (iPhone) 3 hours to do this: Spain 1874 stamp of architect Antoni Gaudí Walther Nernst, Nobel chemist (1864); George Orwell, Writer (1903); Sidney Lumet, Director (1924); June Lockhart, Actress (1925); Willis Reed, Basketball (1942); Carly Simon, Singer (1945). |
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 5:00-5:30 pm Mountain View: June 25 Events Battle of Little Big Horn (1876); Taoist monk Wang Yuanlu discovers Dunhuang manuscripts (1900); Stravinsky's ballet The Firebird premiered in Paris (1910); The Diary of Anne Frank published in Amsterdam (1947); Korean War began (1950); Rainbow Flag flown (1978). U.S, 332, Truman's letter to Bess (6-25-1912); U.S. 1735c Freehold, NJ (6-25-1978); U.S. C25 Airmail 6¢ FDC (6-25-1941); Three days to do June 25 Birthday for my birthday. |
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 5:30-7:00 pm Mountain View: "BUSINESS: Instagram testing age verification technology" (By Larry Magid, Mercury News, 6-24-2022, C7-C8) Meta has started to test new ways to verify age, including Face-Based-Age-Prediction (FBAP) technology that can anonymously determine a person's approximate age, based on a video selfie, along with "social vouching". Instagram requires users to be 13 or older & offers some features and content that are available only for those who are over 18. |
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 7:00-8:30 pm Mountain View: Finished Assignment #8: Enlarge Portraits in Google Sheets & Summaries of Projects in LINC-405 (Spring 2022) 1. Google Slides: April 5 Birthday (4/19); 2. Google Drive: "All Seats Full" (5/1); 3. Download Photos from Google Images (5/10); 4. Making Links: Warhol's Marilyn (5/18); 5. Embedding Videos in Google Slides (5/25); 6. Clearing Formats in Google Slides (6/1); 7. Arranging Poets in Google Sheets (6/14); 8. Enlarging Portraits in Google Sheets (6/22). |
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 8:30-9:00 pm Mountain View: Giants hit 4 homers to beat Reds 9-2: Bill Laskey interviews Doug Flynn of Cincinnati Reds (Champions 1975-1976) Doug Flynn; 1975 Cincinnati Reds 108-54, best record in MLB & 20 games ahead of LA Dodgers; Won NL Series against Pittsburgh Pirates in 3 games; Won World Series in 7 games against Red Sox; Reds went 64-17 at home in 1975, best home record ever by a National League team; 1961 Yankees' 65-16 at home is the MLB record. |
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 9:00-10:15 pm Mountain View: Reminesce about "Big Red Machine" Cincinnati Reds of 1975 and 1955 (saw Klu play against Brooklyn Dodgers) 1975 Reds: Johnny Bench, C; Tony Perez, 1B; Joe Morgan, 2B; Pete Rose, 3B; Dave Concepcion SS; George Foster, LF; César Gerónimo, CF; Ken Griffey, RF; Don Gullet, P; 1955 Reds: Smokey Burgess, C; Ted Kluszewski, 1B; Johnny Temple, 2B; Roy McMillan, SS: Rocky Bridges, 3B; Stan Palys, LF; Gus Bell, CF; Wally Post, RF; Joe Nuxhall, P. |
Sunday, June 26, 2022, 8:35-8:58 am Mountain View: To bed at 2:30 am; Woke up @ 1:20 am; (11 hours sleep) Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 8:58 am SOLISF = FOSSIL; TAHAYP = APATHY; RDEGED = DREDGE; BMDYOE = EMBODY; XSCESE = EXCESS; PHLIUL = UPHILL Cartoon Answer The cheapest unit in the apartment complex was FS AAT RE OD EES LL = LEASED FOR (THE) LEAST 62.17% of 497 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Sunday, June 26, 2022, 3:00-3:30 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed Sunday or need for grocery shopping; Stayed home for more work; "BASEBALL: Astros throw combined no-hitter against Yankees after Cristian Javier's dominant start" (By Chris Cwik, Yahoo News, 6-25-2022) Yankees came into Saturday's game 52-19, best record in baseball. Cristian Javier threw 7 no-hit innings with 115 pitches & 13 strike outs; Hector Neris & Ryan Pressly blanked Yankees in 8th & 9th innings to win 3-0. |
Sunday, June 26, 2022, 3:15-3:40 pm Mountain View: Mercury News E-Edition June 26, 2022, E2 Personal Finance: The Motley Fool: "Get to know Warren Buffet" Buffett turns 92 this year. He has topped lists of the richest in the world many times. Over 57 years, Buffett has grown Berkshire Hathaway's value by an annual average of 20% per year, double the growth rate of S&P 500 turning a $1000 investment into more than $34 million. |
Sunday, June 26, 2022, 3:50-4:18 pm Mountain View: Patrick McDonell's comics Mutts June 26, 2022 Mooch the Cat climbs Magic Beanstalk, and at the top says "Cool Beans" (Didn't know meaning). "Cool beans" is slang meaning "wonderful", expresses excitement or approval. Told Karen about Al Guzman driving to SF's Ferry Building to see my Poetry Plaque (11-10-2018), Karen's Nov. 26, 2018 email at 8:26 pm "Wow. You were honored for your poetry in sf. Cool beans." |
Sunday, June 26, 2022, 3:15-4:00 pm Mountain View: "THINGS TO DO: Mendocino shipwrecks, lighthouses and the ultimate fish and chip" (By Jackie Burrell, Mercury News, 6-26-2022, F7-F8) Places to Go: Point Arena Lighthouse; Point Cabrillo Light; Noyo Fish Company; Gallery Bookshop and Bookwinkle's; Mendocino Jams & Preserves; Out of This World; The Brickery; Mendocino Headlands State Park; Luna Trattoria. |
Sunday, June 26, 2022, 5:00-6:30 pm Mountain View: Cathy's June 4 email: She's vacationing in Tanzania for three weeks, seeing Larry's niece; Favorite Tanzania stamps (My 1975 Scott Catalogues are outdated; Found more at colnect) Tanzania 12: Mount Kilimanjaro (12-9-1965); Tanzania 47: Black-bordered Charaxes (12-10-1973): Tanzania 164: Honey Badger: (10-1-1980); Tanzania 318: Nymphaea caerulea (6-25-1986). |
Monday, June 27, 2022, 7:53-7:57 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:00 am; Woke up @ 11:50 am (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:57 am CWIET = TWICE; ROHDC = CHORD; YTEALL = LATELY; WASAYL = ALWAYS Cartoon Answer The story the cow was telling was a TI RD AEY AL = "DAIRY" TALE 15.27% of 845 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Monday, June 27, 2022, 3:00-3:25 pm Mountain View: Rudy came by @ 3:00 pm; Drove to Showers Drive Wal-Mart bins for "Daily Post"; Went to Wells Fargo to see Bank Manager (not in); Spoke to Christian Hernandez & William Jurajuria July 3 email from Wells Fargo on Fraudulent charges at East Palo Alto: $121.58 at One Stop Market & $40 at Shell Station; Cancelled my Debit card on 6/3; Wells Fargo 6/16 statement shows $40 payment at Shell Station on 6/6. |
Monday, June 27, 2022, 3:35-4:05 am Mountain View: Rudy drove to underground parking lot at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd) 3:35-4:05 pm; Ashoc Accelerator Guava Energy Drink ($2.99) = Free; Q Ginger Ale Tonic Water, 4 cans 7.5 oz @ $5.79 = Free; Sig Sel Black Raspberry Chip Ice Cream ($6.49) @ $1.97; Sig Sel Java Chip Ice Cream, 1.5 qt ($6.49) @ $1.97. |
Monday, June 27, 2022, 6:00-7:00 pm Mountain View: June 30 Happy Birthday on iPhone (Photoshop with no links); Done in HTML with web links. Use June25.html as template to compose June30.html. Lots of information on "Dates: June 30" done in 2000 (22 years ago). Need to find June 30 postmarks on stamps & covers. |
Monday, June 27, 2022, 6:30-7:30 pm Mountain View: Notable people born on June 30 Czeslaw Milosz, Nobel poet (1911) 6:42 pm; Lena Horne, singer-actress (1917) 6:58 pm; Susan Hayward, actress (1918) 7:01 pm; Paul Berg, Nobel biochemist (1926) 7:13 pm; Harry Blackstone Jr., magician (1934) 7:24 pm; Michael Phelps, Olympic swimmer (1985) 7:31 pm. |
Monday, June 27, 2022, 7:30-9:11 pm Mountain View: Events on June 30 Blondin walks over Niagara Falls on tightrope (1859) 7:40 pm; Dale Messick's "Brenda Starr" comics debuts (1940) 8:55 pm Tunguska Meteor Event in Siberia (1908) 7:49 pm; Lincoln made Yosemite a National Park (1864) 9:08 pm; Mitchell's Gone with the Wind published (1936) 9:03 pm; Koufax first no-hitter against NY Mets (1962) 8:39 pm. |
Monday, June 27, 2022, 9:20-11:20 pm Mountain View: Found June 30, 1863 U.S. R81a postmarked $2 stamp in my Dates collection downloaded 2-15-2021; Traced source to RevenueCollectors.com; 4 more date stamps U.S. R46 (10-15-1863) 10:54 pm; U.S. R51 (4-17-1863) 10:59 pm; U.S. R58c (8-20-1863) 11:09 pm; U.S. R105 ( 12-1-1871) 11:18 pm. |
Monday, June 27, 2022, 11:50 pm-2:04 am Mountain View: Find Calendar: June 30 changed light blue background to light yellow (RGB: 255, 255, 153); Birth flower, Birthstone, and Zodiac sign are same as June 25 Postmarks Cancellations on June 30 U.S. R81a $2 Revenue. St. Johnsbury, VT (June 30, 1863); U.S. 995 Boy Scouts of America, FDC (June 30, 1950); GB 810 Air Anglia on QE II London Visit (June 30, 1977). |
Tuesday, June 28, 2022, 4:30-4:40 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 4:45 am; Woke up @ 12:50 pm (8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 4:40 am CCATKR = TRACK; REDLE = ELDER; SRYEJE = JERSEY; SDRIHA = RADISH Cartoon Answer The road was closed, and they were detoured, but they were not TR ED EE RD = DETERRED 11.37% of 941 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Tuesday, June 28, 2022, 3:00-3:40 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed on Tuesday or need for shopping; Stayed home for more work; Yahoo email not working last night; Could not read incoming mail (Inbox Empty) or send out any emails Yahoo Email works fine today; InBox has 999+ unread emails (Google News of Poetry & Enlightenment); Drafts & Sent boxes no longer empty; Could read emails from Ann & Cathy yesterday; What a difference a day makes! |
Tuesday, June 28, 2022, 3:45-4:00 pm Mountain View: "SPORTS: Where does Steve Kerr stand among the Bay Area's best coaches ever?" (4 highlighted) (By Jon Becker, Mercury News, June 28, 2022, C1, C4) Readers will help choose Mount Rushmore of pro coaches in the Bay Area: Al Attles (Warriors); Dusty Baker (Giants); Bruce Bochy (Giants); Tom Flores (Raiders); Steve Kerr (Warriors); Tony La Russa (A's); John Madden (Raiders); Bob Melvin (A's); Don Nelson (Warriors); George Seifert (49ers); Bill Walsh (49ers); Dick Williams (A's). |
Tuesday, June 28, 2022, 4:00-9:20 pm Mountain View: Finished 4 sections of Birthday-June30.html; Still to do: "June 30: Journal & Letter Writings on this Date" Will select entries done 22 years ago in "Dates-June 30" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Journal 6-30-1787); Henry David Thoreau (Journal 6-30-1852, 6-30-1853); Eugène Delacroix (Journal 6-30-1854); Edgar Degas (Letter 6-30-1898); James Joyce (Fragments 6-29-1900); Paul Klee (Dream 6-30-1925); Ken Wilber (Journal 6-30-1998). Should complete project in time before June 30, 2022. |
Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 6:00-6:16 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 6:20 am; Woke up @ 2:40 pm (8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 6:16 am UCONE = OUNCE; LYSYH = SHYLY; BPLEEB = PEBBLE; ALFTUN = FLAUNT Cartoon Answer The most popular sitcom episodes featuring the Brady family were the ONC SH EBB FUT = BEST OF (THE) BUNCH 22.99% of 1031 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 5:45-7:15 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 5:45 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 6:15-6:43 pm; 6:55 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave and walked home Ashoc Accelerator Cherry Energy Drink ($2.99) = Free; 2.51 lbs Red Seedless Grapes ($5/lb) @ $1.47/lb = $3.69; 2 Quaker Instant Oatmeal ($5.49) @ $2.49 = $4.98; 4 Planter's Peanuts 16 oz ($5.49 )@ $1.99 = $7.96. |
Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 8:00-8:40 pm Mountain View: Rudy phoned 8:10 pm on coming Friday to pick up 5 Free goodies & shop at Safeway for their July 1-4 Specials before leaving for Lodi Safeway Friday July 1 Specials Sweet Corn (50¢) @ 10¢ (limit 6); buy 6 more for Rudy; 3 lbs Reser's Deviled Egg Potato Salad ($8.99) @ $5.00; Hawaiian Maui Onion Potato Chips ($4.29) @ 3/$5.00. |
Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 8:40-9:30 pm Mountain View: Worked on Birthday-June30.html last night (6:49-8:48 pm) Image for "Jacob Wrestles the Angel", Degas, Henri Rouart, Ken Wilber; Journals & Letter on June 30. After completing June 30 project, began writing poem "Steve Kerr's Four Core Values" Images: Kerr Coaches Warriors (10:59 pm); Kerr's Winning Shot 1997 (11:19 pm); Warriors Championship 2022 (11:48 pm); Poem (3:04 am). |
Thursday, June 30, 2022, 7:45-7:50 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:00 am; Woke up @ 12:00 pm (9 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:50 am RYOWR = WORRY; TOAFO = AFOOT; OWSSHO = SWOOSH; TGONET = GOTTEN Cartoon Answer The eagle had pulled a muscle and was ORR AOO SOS OTTE = TOO SORE TO SOAR 21.4% of 1028 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Thursday, June 30, 2022, 2:35-4:00 pm Mountain View: Left apt @ 2:35 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:00-3:32 pm; 3:48 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home June Specials: Sig Sel Homestyle Waffles, 10 ct @ $2.49; Sig Sel Mint Moose Tracks Ice Cream ($6.49) @ $1.97; 2 Quaker Instant Oatmeal ($5.49) @ $2.49 x 2 = $4.98; Int Del Caramel Macchiato Coffee Creamer ($4.49) @ $2.98. |
Thursday, June 30, 2022, 5:00-5:30 pm Mountain View: Celebrate Arline's birthday today; She took me to Pearl's Gallery on March 8, 2020; Have not seen her in 2.3 years since COVID-19 Pandemic June 30 Happy Birthday on iPhone done in HTML with web links; Composed "Birthday-June30.html" using information on "Dates: June 30" done in 2000 (22 years ago). |
Thursday, June 30, 2022, 5:30-6:00 pm Mountain View: Cathy returned from Tanzania after three weeks vacation; Didn't visit Mount Kilimanjaro, but went to Olduvai Gorge and Ngorongoro Crater Went up in a hot air balloon over the Serengeti. It was a wonderful experience, and saw lions, zebras, giraffes, elephants, wildebeests, hyenas, jackals, hippos and buffaloes. |
Thursday, June 30, 2022, 7:00-9:00 pm Mountain View: FILM: "Elvis" biopic shakes, rattles and rolls (By Lindsey Bahr, AP Film Writer, U.S. News, 6-22-2022) Baz Luhrmann found a perfect star in Austin Butler, who fearlessly embodies the icon without ever slipping into impersonation. Luhrmann & Butler have created something gloriously messy a maximalist opera of contradictions, styles, truths, myths, memories and headlines. Running time: 159 minutes. 3 stars out of 4. |
Thursday, June 30, 2022, 7:00-9:00 pm Mountain View: "FILM: Elvis was complicated; so is new biopic" (By A.O. Scott, NY Times, Mercury News, June 30, 2022, G7) Luhrmann wants to shock Elvis back to life. Austin Butler stars as King of Rock & Roll and Tom Hanks plays his devious manager Colonel Tom Parker. Voice of Elvis can't be imitated, & movie wisely doesn't try, remixing actual Elvis recordings rather than trying to replicate them; Film is unsure if it wants to be a lavish pop fable or a tragic melodrama. |
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