HAIKUS: March 2023
By Peter Y. Chou |
These haikus were written as exercises in mindfulness an attempt to catch the fleeting moment in my daily walks, while reading, listening to music, and pondering about life. (Underlined words are not for emphasis but to web links.) This web page best viewed with Times font size 14. |
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 8:35-8:40 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:10 am; Woke up @ 1:00 pm (10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:40 am RUYCL = CURLY; RUFYR = FURRY; ROSWOR = SORROW; GSATEK = GASKET Cartoon Answer When the two attorneys talked business while playing basketball, it was a CUL FR OOW AT = COURT OF LAW 19.57% of 884 responders had trouble with this answer |
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 3:40-5:10 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 3:40 pm, Half-hour walk to Valero Station (Midddlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Shopping @ Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:20-4:38 pm; Red Bus @ 4:55 pm to Montecito Ave & walked home @ 5:10 pm Got lots of free items for Rudy, but haven't seen him since 12-23-22. 5 Yoplait Yogurt @ 39¢ x 5 = $1.95 - 50¢ = $1.45; 2 Chunk Imitation Crabmeat @ $2.00 x 2 = $4.00; Hormel Mashed Potatoes ($5.99) 50% off @ $2.99; Chobani Dairy Creamer Hazelnut 24 oz, @ $5.99 = Free. |
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 6:00-6:52 pm Mountain View: Foothill College LINC-405 Zoom Sessions Skills Workshop with Will Cavada & Q&A with Gene Tognetti Will was on vacation last week in Miami, FL with friends; Gene will go to Scotsdale, AZ to see SF Giants Spring Training Will showed formatting in Google Slides, changing horizontal size to 8"x11" for poems; Downloaded Rumi in Wikipedia & reduced to one poem; Gene showed photo of hawk on tree he took in his backyard. |
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 7:35-8:00 pm Mountain View: Foothill's Winter Quarter is half over, and I've not turned in one assignment in LINC-405 yet; Told Tognetti I spent 1.5 month working on "Number 46" for Elisa's 46th birthday; He'd like to see what I've done Elisa's March 1 email @ 5:02 am "Awwww, thank you so much, Uncle Peter! This is such a lovely and special birthday tradition and gift from you every year." |
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 8:00-8:30 pm Mountain View: March 1 email @ 7:53 am from Young Chen, son of cousin Anna Tseng who died in 2013; Young is 65, and lives in Taiwan; Received old family photos he sent to sister-in-law Yu Dan who forward them to me 3-17-2022 Young attended May Cheung's wedding (4-22-2000); sent him photos I took where Elisa was the bridesmaid; Steve Gould's 3/1 email @ 5:59 am his EPA co-worker James Haklar sent Jupiter-Venus conjunction photo (2-28). |
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 8:45-10:10 pm Mountain View: Emailed Gene Tognetti as requested my projects (Jan. 15-Feb. 27, 2023) "Number 46"; Poem: "Meditations on 46"; Notes to Poem: "Meditations on 46"; Web Page for Elisa's Birthday; Need to submit lessons taught by Will Cavada & Gene Tognetti Dinner: Ling Ling Vegetable Fried Rice; 2 Scrambled Eggs; Imitation Crabmeat; Vegetable Stir-Fry Vegetables; Walnuts, Sliced Almonds, Sunflower & Pumpkin Seeds. |
Thursday, March 2, 2023, 7:52-8:02 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:00 am; Woke up @ 11:00 am (9 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:02 am HURTT = TRUTH; SETRC = CREST; IKEORO = ROOKIE; GTLIPH = PLIGHT Cartoon Answer The containers in the two-pack of Elmer's glue were happy they could TRT CES OKE IGHT = STICK TOGETHER 9.87% of 689 responders had trouble with "ROOKIE" |
Thursday, March 2, 2023, 1:10-2:10 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 1:10 pm, Bus #40 @ 1:40 pm to Valero Gas Station (Midddlefield Road) for "Daily Post"; No Shopping @ Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); Freezer full; Bus #40 @ 1:51 pm to Montecito Ave & walked home @ 2:10 pm Got lots of free items for Rudy, but haven't seen him since 12-23-22. Dinner cooked yesterday will last 2 days; Sea Pak's Popcorn Shrimp good for 3 meals; Gorton's Unminced Fish Fillets (10 ct) good for 5 meals; Stouffer's Tuna Casserole & Swedish Meatballs for 2 meals |
Thursday, March 2, 2023, 12:47-1:00 pm Mountain View: Classic Music station KDFC 104.9 FM Theodore Kuchar conducts Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra Bedrich Smetana's "The Moldau" (1879) Recording: "Smetana: Ma Vlast" Wrote poem "Yellow-Veined Leaf Sings" (10-6-2017) containing Smetna's "The Moldau" one of Cay Horner's favorite classical music. |
Thursday, March 2, 2023, 3:14-4:30 pm Mountain View: Doing assignment in LINC-405 Gene Tognetti Downloaded "Aquarium" image in Google Drive (2-22-2023); Cropped photo; Resized photo; Rotated photo; Locate Mutts Comics "Valentine" image (Feb. 13-18); Comic appeared on February 18 "Love is" with Earl the Dog running in snowy background, six hearts following & "Love is" on top of strip. |
Thursday, March 2, 2023, 4:30-8:00 pm Mountain View: Doing assignment in LINC-405 "Download Images in Google Drive" (HTML) Gene Tognetti Downloaded "Aquarium" image in Google Drive (2-22-2023); Cropped photo; Resized photo; Rotated photo; Locate Mutts Comics "Valentine" image (Feb. 13-18); Comic appeared on February 18 "Love is" Swans necking to form Valentine heart. |
Thursday, March 2, 2023, 8:20-10:00 pm Mountain View: Did first assignment in LINC-405 Download Images in Google Drive Mutts Comics "Love is" Swans necking forming Valentine Heart Dinner: Ling Ling Vegetable Fried Rice; 2 Scrambled Eggs; Imitation Crabmeat; Vegetable Stir-Fry Vegetables; Walnuts, Sliced Almonds, Sunflower & Pumpkin Seeds. |
Friday, March 3, 2023, 8:30-8:46 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 10:40 pm; Woke up @ 10:10 am (11.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:46 am UEGS = GUESS; METOP = TEMPO; CERAAD = ARCADE; KEREAU = EUREKA Cartoon Answer Purebred golden retrievers are great with kids, which the whole family GE TP ADE RE = "PET-AGREED" 31.46% of 1351 responders had trouble with this answer |
Friday, March 3, 2023, 12:50-2:20 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 12:50 pm, Red Bus @ 1:25 pm to Showers Drive at Wal-Mart bins for "Daily Post"; Bus #21 @ 1:40 pm to San Antonio Road to Chef Chu's news bins for "Palo Alto Weekly"; CVS Pharmacy (2630 W. El Camino Real); Bus #40 @ 2:05 pm to Central Xpwy & walked home @ 2:20 pm Whenever my vitamins run low, I think of Rudy Men's Multi-Vitamins 120 tablets @ $11.79 BOGO @ 50% off = $17.69 - $4.54 coupons = #13.14 + tax = $14.34 (Bargain CVS vitamins savings for Rudy). |
Friday, March 3, 2023, 5:40-5:47 pm Mountain View: Classic Music station KDFC 104.9 FM Herbert Blomstedt conducts San Francisco Symphony & Chorus to Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana: O Fortuna" (1937) Recording: "Carl Orff: Carmina Burana"; YouTube: Atlanta Symphony Orchestra; Music is energetic good for soldiers on the battlefield marching forward! |
Friday, March 3, 2023, 6:00-6:30 pm Mountain View: While waiting half-hour for the bus at Montecito & Rengstorff Ave today (1:00-1:25 pm), composed lines for poem "March Fourth Sonnet" March Fourth sounds like marching forth a day of action spring geese flying north! Not time to procrastinate or delay finish your work so you may play. |
Saturday, March 4, 2023, 7:46-8:01 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 11:15 pm; Woke up @ 9:50 am (10.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:01 am LIVAL = VILLA; SRFEH = FRESH; DGIOIN = INDIGO; MOOATT = TOMATO Cartoon Answer She was very happy when her grandfather gave her his car, but VIA EH NG TAT = THAT (WAS) A GIVEN 27.84% of 765 responders had trouble with this answer |
Saturday, March 4, 2023, 3:00-4:30 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 3:00 pm with Ann; Drive to Valero (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Peninsula News"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:15-3:42 pm Ann waits and gives me ride home; Rain stopped when we got to Safeway; Took awhile to start her car due to low batteries Smartwater Alkaline 33.8 oz $2.50 = Free; Land-O-Frost Black Forest Ham 16 oz @ $5.99; Florida Natural Orange Juice Most Pulp, 57 oz @ $3.19; 4 Sparkling Water Mango Pineapple @ 96¢ x 4 = $3.94. |
Saturday, March 4, 2023, 2:20-2:40 pm Mountain View: "CALFRESH AID: 'It's going to be devastating': End of emergency food benefits expected to impact millions of Californians" (By Grace Hase, Mercury News, March 4, 2023, A1, A6) Nearly 3 million receive CalFresh benefits each month. Emergency aid of $281/month has come to an end, and eligible households will lose at least $95 a month in benefits, with some seeing their benefits dip to as low as $23 a month. Benefits are determined by income and household size. |
Saturday, March 4, 2023, 4:30-5:00 pm Mountain View: Young Chen phoned long distance from Taiwan; We chatted about our family history; Received 15 old family photos he sent to sister-in-law Yu Dan who forward them to me 3-17-2022; Young wants to send me 100 more photos, and is writing "Family History" in Chinese with later Google translation to English Young Chen is 65 & a single bachelor like me; I have 5x7 wedding photos of his Mom, Anna Tseng, & will send them when I find Mom's photo albums; Sending him web links to Memories of Dad & Mom; Lost touch with family friends after Mom died (12-25-2005). |
Saturday, March 4, 2023, 3:00-4:30 pm Mountain View: Rudy never showed up, so gave Ann 24 ct Mini-Apple Strudels; Also printed following five files for Ann Poem "Meditations on 46" (85%) with Notes (81%); Elisa Birthday Page (60%); "March Fourth Sonnet" (90%): "10th Birthday Poem" for grandniece Lilly (3/5) (63%); [Number 46 (30 pp. @ 60%) for Elisa too long to print]. |
Saturday, March 4, 2023, 5:00-7:30 pm Mountain View: USPS informed mail too large for photo Open Space Spring 2023 Newsletter & Time Magazine (March 13-20 Issue) Open Space has hikes (March 1-May 29) with photos of flowers & wildlife by hikers; 144 Time covers collaged for their "100th Birthday Cover" & stories from archives. |
Sunday, March 5, 2023, 6:48-7:13 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 11:15 pm; Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:13 am GLARUF = FRUGAL; NPHOCO = PONCHO; MYRAEM = YAMMER; RMRIRO = MIRROR; BDLAEB = DABBLE; BESUUD = SUBDUE Cartoon Answer The letter "O" is very old and has been FA ONO YR RR DAE SU = AROUND FOR YEARS 39.18% of 513 responders had trouble with "YAMMER". |
Sunday, March 5, 2023, 9:50-11:43 am Mountain View: Woke up @ 9:50 am, after 10.5 hours sleep; No "Daily Post" printed on Sunday; Stayed home to work; Breakfast: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, Wheat Germ, Yogurt, 33 Blueberries; No heat, temperature plunged down to 67oF; Phoned Emergency: Ashley answered, will send maintenance Paulino came at 11:43 am; Tapped pilot light area with wrench and heat came back Good to feel warm again! |
Sunday, March 5, 2023, 12:22-1:00 pm Mountain View: Had cup of hot coffee & Stassen Tea while waiting for heater to be fixed; No "Daily Post" today to solve "Hocus Focus" puzzle; Searched for 11 items in Dan Piraro's "Bizarro" (3-5-2023) In a jungle setting, found "UFO" (upper right); "Eyeball" (bottom); "Firecracker" (right below tree); "Apple Pie" (left corner); "Fish Tail" (bottom center); "Rabbit" (behind tree with monkey); "Crown" (center); "Upside Down Bird" (right center below Firecraker); "Pipe" (top center); "K2" (upper left); "O2" (lower right). |
Sunday, March 5, 2023, 9:50-11:43 am Mountain View: Woke up @ 9:50 am, after 10.5 hours sleep; No "Daily Post" printed on Sunday; Stayed home to work; Breakfast: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, Wheat Germ, Yogurt, 33 Blueberries; No heat, temperature plunged down to 67oF; Phoned Emergency: Ashley answered, will send maintenance Paulino came at 11:43 am; Tapped pilot light area with wrench and heat came back Good to feel warm again! More on Bizarro: Found "Arrow" on Elephant's ear, but not "Shoe". |
Sunday, March 5, 2023, 1:00-1:53 pm Mountain View: "THE LIST: Ten Best Biking Cities" (By CNN, Mercury News, March 5, 2023, F7) 1. Antwerp, Belgium; 2. Bern, Switzerland; 3. Copenhagen, Denmark; 4. Leipzig, Germany; 5. Melbourne, Australia; 6. Montreal, Canada; 7. San Francisco, California; 8. Strasbourg, France; 9. Tel Aviv, Israel; 10. Utrecht, Netherlands. |
Sunday, March 5, 2023, 1:53-2:44 pm Mountain View: "Concord's Vibrant Todos Santos Plaza" (By John Metcalfe, Mercury News, March 5, 2023, F7-F8) 1. Galindo Home and Gardens; 2. Creative Concord's Murals; 3. Sidegate Brewery & Beer Garden; 4. The Hop Grenade; 5. Aung Burma; 6. Lima; 7. Concord Historical Society; 8. Happiest City in U.S.; 9. Todos Santos Plaza; 10. Dave Brubeck Memorial. |
Sunday, March 5, 2023, 3:19-5:20 pm Mountain View: LINC-405: "Translating Text & Importing" Images in Google Sheets"; On Feb. 8 Zoom Session, Skills Workshop, Will Cavada imported "Concert" image and translated text from Italian to English Decided to translate Baudelaire's; "L'Albatros" from French to English; Import two images of postage stamps France 666: Baudelaire & French Antarctica C3 "Albatross". |
Sunday, March 5, 2023, 5:44-5:48 pm Mountain View: Classic Music station KDFC 104.9 FM Kathleen Battle, soprano, singss Spirituals in Concert Chorus and Orchestra to Traditional's "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"; Date it was composed is unknown; J.B.T. Marsh published text in 1876. Recording: "Spirituals in Concert"; YouTube: Kathleen Battle at Carnegie Hall; Swing low, sweet chariot, Coming for to carry me home. |
Sunday, March 5, 2023, 6:40-7:17 pm Mountain View: "OP-ED: The power of art in a political age" (By David Brooks, Mercury News, March 5, 2023, A13) A piece of art has quieted the self-conscious ego voice that is normally yapping away within, A piece of art has served as a portal to a deeper realm of the mind. It has opened up that hidden, semiconscious kingdom within us from which emotions emerge, where our moral sentiments are found. Beauty impels us to pay a certain kind of attention. It startles you and prompts you to cast off the self-centered tendency to always be imposing your opinions on things. It prompts you to stop in your tracks, take a breath and open yourself up so that you can receive what it is offering, often with a kind of childlike awe and reverence. |
Sunday, March 5, 2023, 7:17-7:45 pm Mountain View: "Why Californians are shelling out for eggs" (By Lisa M. Krieger, Mercury News, March 5, 2023, E1, E3) This is a time of radical challenges in the poultry business. The cost of a dozen large eggs in California has soared, averaging about $4.50, up from $2.35 at this time last year. And the prices for any food that uses eggs as an ingredient, such as mayonnaise & baked goods, are also climbing. Eggs and 'broiler chickens' are now major commodities, providing the most popula and cheapest animal protein in the nation. Avian influenza lost around 50 million egg-producing hens. That's 50 million eggs almost a day. Cage-free eggs have increased cost; California used to be the number one egg-producing state in the nation. Now it's around the 10th. |
Monday, March 6, 2023, 7:58-8:03 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 10:35 pm; Woke up @ 10:10 am (11.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:03 am TETEH = TEETH; LOYHL = HOLLY; CHIPCU = HICCUP; JNCIET = INJECT Cartoon Answer The android could say "Hello" in any language and loved showing off its T H HC IE = "HI"-TECH 20.71% of 821 responders had trouble with this answer |
Monday, March 6, 2023, 12:25-2:45 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 12:25 pm; Red Bus @ 12:55 pm to Wal-Mart news bins (Showers Drive) for "Daily Post"; Shopping at Safeway (645 San Antonio Roadd) 1:15-1:47 pm; Bus #40 @ 2:31 pm to Central Xpwy & walked home 2:45 pm Safeway doesn't give rainchecks on Just-For-U sold-out items Smartwater Alkaline 33.8 oz @ $2.50 = Free (all gone); 2 Stouffer's Swedish Meatballs @ $2.49 x 2 = $4.98; 2 Stouffer's Spinach Soufflé @ $2.49 x 2 = $4.98; Bear Claw Danish @ $5.99 - $2 off bakery = $3.99. |
Monday, March 6, 2023, 5:30-6:20 pm Mountain View: "Jeremy Lin documentary "38 at the Garden" moves Linsanity beyond basketball" (By Jevon Phillips, Los Angeles Times, 2-10-2023) Now streaming on HBO Max, "38 at the Garden" chronicles that special season, culminating exactly 11 years ago at a Feb. 10, 2012, game against the Lakers when Lin scored a remarkable 38 points; and when Kobe Bryant stepped on the court at Madison Square Garden, it was total pandemonium. Film is going to be about humanity. It's going to be about what's going on right now post-pandemic with the [anti-] Asian violence that we've been seeing, about minorities and people who are fearing for their lives in this critical moment in history.) (Trailer) (Jeremy Lin News Stories) (Number 38) |
Monday, March 6, 2023, 6:20-6:45 pm Mountain View: "Alligator tears through metal fence in Florida" (By Pete Thomas, Yahoo News, YouTube, 3-6-2023) Check out this big guy bend the aluminum bars and plow right through it this week in Placida,' Matt Devitt, Chief Meteorologist for WINK News wrote on Facebook. "He eventually got through according to viewer who shot the video. Only in Florida!" Devitt stressed in the comments section, which contained input from nearly 2,000 followers, that the bars were not as formidable as wrought iron. Still, many were impressed by ease with which the gator clawed through the barrier. Longest alligator in Florida: 14'3.5". Weight: 1,043 lbs. Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) says 1.3 million alligators in Florida, |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 6:26-6:43 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 10:40 pm; Woke up @ 9:50 am (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 6:43 am TETEH = TEETH; LOYHL = HOLLY; CHIPCU = HICCUP; JNCIET = INJECT Cartoon Answer The android could say "Hello" in any language and loved showing off its T H HC IE = "HI"-TECH 20.71% of 821 responders had trouble with this answer |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 10:30-11:55 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" on Tuesday or need for shopping; Safeway Flyers came in mail on Monday; Stayed home to work; After telling Ann that my heater was fixed & I'm warm again, she emails poem (3/6 8:39 pm) by Simon Barraclough From "Sunspots" (Solar Furnace) (Dec. 2015) written in the style of Christopher Smart's "Ode to his cat Jeoffry" (c. 1763) For she plays Miss Prism in The Importance of Being Furnaced... For she will kill you with the loving of you. For she can shine. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 12:00-12:30 pm Mountain View: Pinterest sends cat photos (3/6 @ 10:30 pm); Recognized child photo of Albert Einstein A 5-year-old Albert Einstein, Munich, 1884 his left hand is in the wisdom mudra pose (thumb & forefinger touching) a Bodhisattva! (Lost Einstein mudra photos when USB lost 8/28/2016). |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 12:45-1:37 pm Mountain View: "BUSINESS: Investing according to Warren Buffett" (By Jill Schlesinger, Mercury News, 3-6-2023, C7-C8) Impressive track record that 92-year-old Warren Buffett & 99-year-old Charlie Munger have racked up (1965-2022), Berkshire Hathaway has grown at an annualized rate of 19.8%, versus 9.9% for the S&P 500 index fund. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 1:50-2:30 pm Mountain View: Dreamt of Yo-Yo Contest last night, and designing web page of Yo-Yo Ma's concert schedule; On waking: yo-yo's maneuvers with champion Mark Hayward Around the World; Walking the Dog; Rocking the Baby; Sleeper (with another demonstrator). |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 2:40-4:30 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Assignment 2: Translate Text Baudelaire's "L'Albatros" French to English & Import postage stamps in Google Sheets; Assignment 1: Import Video to Google Docs "34 in the Garden" and Jeremy Lin in 2012 with NY Knicks While working on "Number 46" (1/15-2/27), fell behind with many LINC-405 assignments; Need to catch up before semester over on 3/31. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 8:31-9:37 pm Mountain View: Wrote "Alligator Tears Through Metal Fence" poem (sonnet) after watching video by Florida man. Metal fence keeps creatures inbound, these aluminum bars are not so sound. Giant alligator tears through with ease, on to the other side as it flees. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 9:40-10:36 pm Mountain View: "Awakening the Sacred Feminine" (By Lama Tsultrim Allione, Lion's Roar, March 6, 2023) Sapchu Rinpoche: "The dakini is a messenger of emptiness and also appears in dreams to guide the meditator... She is a force of truth: wherever we cling, she cuts; whatever we think we can hide, she reveals." |
Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 5:37-5:54 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 12:10 am; Woke up @ 9:20 am (9 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 5:54 am VANIA = AVIAN; ZALEB = BLAZE; TGRATE = TARGET; HETRAR = RATHER Cartoon Answer To learn how to set up their sleeping shelters, the young campers needed to VIN BE TET ATE = BE ATTENTIVE 22.6% of 960 responders had trouble with "AVIAN" |
Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 12:05-1:40 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 12:05 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Shoppimg at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 12:40-1:00 pm Red Bus @ 1:25 pm to Montecito Avenue and walked home Earlier rain stopped; Time for LINC-405 class @ 6:00-7:00 pm Fresh Strawberries 16 oz ($4.99) @ $1.48; Artisian French Baguette @ $2.69 = Free (for Rudy); Cup of Mixed Fruit 10 oz @ $3.22 - $3 Coupon = 22¢; Loaf Cake Blueberries @ $5.99 - $2 off bakery = $3.99. |
Thursday, March 9, 2023, 7:26-7:30 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 12:20 am; Woke up @ 2:30 pm (14 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:30 am NIHYS = SHINY; WTHIC = WITCH; IODNGI = INDIGO; RFTOGE = FORGET Cartoon Answer When they accessed an online dictionary on their new 4K monitor, it was HIN ITH INDI FOGE = HIGH DEFINITION 56.16% of 1412 responders had trouble with this answer |
Thursday, March 9, 2023, 4:30-6:35 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 4:30 pm; Half-hour walk to Jane Lane for "Daily Post"; Valero bins empty of "Post" & "Metro"; Shoppimg at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:15-5:54 pm Bus #40 @ 6:20 pm to Montecito Avenue and walked home; Wet, windy, and raining; Too cumbersome to use umbrella Fresh Strawberries 16 oz ($4.99) @ $1.48; Flav-R-Pac Broccoli Normandy 12 oz ($3.79) @ $2.59; Authentic Shrimp Wonton Soup 9.1 oz ($5.49) @ $3.99; Land-O-Lake Black Forest Ham @ $5.69 - $1 off = $4.69. |
Thursday, March 9, 2023, 8:25-10:55 pm Mountain View: Write poem "Lion & Elephant at the Well" after watching video "Elephant Sprays Water on Lion" This is a modern South African tale of Lion & Elephant by a drinking well. Lion is regarded as the jungle king let's see what this encounter will bring? |
Thursday, March 9, 2023, 11:00-12:00 pm Mountain View: After writing "Lion & Elephant at the Well" poem, had dinner of Cauliflower Pepperoni Pizza to free some freezer space for 2 Supreme Pizzas Not much green onions left for Pizza; Sliced 9 Manzanilla Pimiento Olives; Pringles Potato Chips & Spinach Dip. |
Friday, March 10, 2023, 6:22-6:32 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:00 am; Woke up @ 12:10 pm (9 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 6:32 am SHOWE = WHOSE; SEDSR = DRESS; PAAPER = APPEAR; CXEEUS = EXCUSE (Rain stopped; Got newspapers & groceries 2:45-5:25 pm) Cartoon Answer She got an advance on her credit card at athe ATM because she was HSE DS APR ECS = PRESSED (FOR) CASH 14.84% of 876 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Friday, March 10, 2023, 2:45-5:25 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 2:45 pm; Red Bus @ 3:23 pm to Showers Drive; Bus #40 @ 3:34 pm to Chef Chu's news bins for "Daily Post" and "Palo Alto Weekly"; Shoppimg at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:22-4:41 pm Valero bins for "Peninsula News"; Wheels of shopping cart not locked so rolled cart home with heavy groceries (4:55-5:25 pm) Cup of Mixed Fruit 10 oz @ $3.22 - $3 Coupon = 22¢; 2 Sig Sel Ultra-Thin Supreme Pizza @ $2.50 x 2 = $5.00; Reser's Deviled-Egg Potato Salad @ $5.00 - $1.50 = $3.50; 6 Ken's Salad Dressing Vidalia Onion @ $1.67 x 6 = $10.00. |
Friday, March 10, 2023, 7:00-8:32 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Assignment 4: March Fourth Sonnet Took two screen shots of poem Assembled them as an image "MarchFourthSonnet(540x780).jpg" Imported this image to Google Docs. Web links not done as was in HTML version. |
Friday, March 10, 2023, 8:40-11:15 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Winter 2023 Summarized 4 assignments done so far 1) Import HBO Video to Google Slides; 2) Translate French to English; 3) Download Images in Google Drive; 4) Import Image to Google Docs. |
Saturday, March 11, 2023, 7:37-7:40 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:00 am; Woke up @ 11:50 am (9.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:40 am TROAA = AORTA; RWILH = WHIRL; NVLEEE = ELEVEN; NYOLFD = FONDLY Cartoon Answer They missed their chance to buy the boathouse, but they weren't going to OT WIL EN DL = DWELL ON IT 7.88% of 723 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Saturday, March 11, 2023, 3:00-3:45 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 3:00 pm with Ann; Drive to Valero news bins (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post"; Shoppimg at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:15-3:33 pm; Gave Ann newspapers; Apple strudels; "Alligator Sonnet" & "Lion & Elephant at the Well" poems; 4 LINC-405 assignments Gallon Lucerne Nonfat Milk ($5.99) @ $2.92; Cup of Mixed Fruit 10 oz @ $3.22 - $3 Coupon = 22¢; Land-O-Lake Black Forest Ham @ $5.69 - $1 off = $4.69; Sig Sel Apple Strudels 6 ct @ $5.00 - $2 off bakery = $3.00. |
Saturday, March 11, 2023, 1:56-2:39 pm Mountain View: LINC-405: Alligator Sonnet in Google Docs; Image of "Alligator bending metal fence in Florida" imported to Google Docs; Link to YouTube Video; Trouble finding text box to type 14-line sonnet; Used Footnotes to import the text Erased "1" in Footnote in Adobe Photoshop Took screen shots of "AlligatorSonnet-Top" & "AlligatorSonnet-Bottom"; Assembled together to form AlligatorSonnet-GoogleDoc(682x800).jpg |
Saturday, March 11, 2023, 5:00-7:00 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Winter 2023 Summarized assignment #5 "Import Video & Text to Google Docs" (Alligator Tears Through Metal Fence in Florida) Summarized assignment #6 "Import Video & Text in Google Slides" (Lion & Elephant at the Well in South Africa) In LINC-405 Skills Workshop on Wednesday, March 8, Will Cavada showed how to use four Templates in writing one's Resumé Will do this for Assignment #7. |
Sunday, March 12, 2023, 9:05-9:19 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 10:50 pm; Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 9:19 am AUPIOT = UTOPIA; CELOAL = LOCALE; CNATAV = VACANT; SFNUIO = FUSION; DBTGEU = BUDGET; CRUIHN = URCHIN Cartoon Answer To him, the barber one floor up from the mattress store was TA AE VT USO BE RC = A CUT ABOVE (THE) REST 18.16% of 358 responders had trouble with "UTOPIA". |
Sunday, March 12, 2023, 12:44-1:40 pm Mountain View: Woke up @ 10:55 am, after 12 hours sleep; No "Daily Post" printed on Sunday; Stayed home to work; Breakfast: Blueberry Oatmeal, Wheat Germ, Yogurt, 7 Strawberries; Raining all night; Wet & cold outside; No heat last Sunday, but it's warm in apartment now LINC-405 Winter 2023 Work on assignment #6 (5:00-5:44 pm) "Import Video & Text in Google Slides" (Lion & Elephant at the Well in South Africa) |
Sunday, March 12, 2023, 2:00-2:30 pm Mountain View: "THINGS TO DO: It's spring, time to visit a Marin creamery and hold baby lambs" (By John Metcalfe, Mercury News, March 12, 2023, F7-F8) At Toluma Farms, a supplier to Michelin-starred restaurants, you can sample 3-day-old chèvre & cradle a 3-day-old lamb Creamery & Farm Tours: 1. Toluma Farms and Tomales Farmstead Creamery; 2. Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Company; 3. Bohemian Creamery; 4. Pennyroyal Farm. |
Sunday, March 12, 2023, 3:22-4:00 pm Mountain View: "What is the healthiest fruit? This one is high in antioxidants & has cognitive & cardiovascular benefits" (By Clare Mulroy, USA Today, Yahoo News, 3-12-2023) While all fruits are healthy, registered dietitian nutritionist Danielle Crumble Smith recommends one nutrient-packed fruit in particular wild blueberries. Blueberries contain lots of fiber, which keeps you fuller for longer. They also rank among the fruits & vegetables with the highest antioxidant content. Antioxidants prevent or delay cell damage. |
Sunday, March 12, 2023, 4:30-5:00 pm Mountain View: "NUTRITION: What Are the Best Fruits for You?" (By Beth Czerwony, Cleveland Clinic, 11-10-2022) 1. Blueberries; Reduce age-related memory loss. Help fight off cancer. Protect your body's cells. Boost heart health. 2. Raspberries; 3. Blackberries; 4. Oranges; 5. Apples; 6. Star fruit. |
Sunday, March 12, 2023, 4:30-5:00 pm Mountain View: 3/12 Email @ 10:46 am from LINC-405 Instructor Gene Tognetti on "Number 46" "Oh my goodness Peter this is stunning! I just cannot believe the amount of interesting details that are here. I will look more closely today but to say I am speechless is a good start!" |
Monday, March 13, 2023, 6:31-6:34 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 12:00 am; Woke up @ 10:20 am (10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 6:34 am SYESA = ESSAY; LUFDI = FLUID; FNXIUL = INFLUX; DHINED = HIDDEN Cartoon Answer She'd be done applying lacquer to the table when it was ES ID NF HI = FINISHED 7.17% of 683 responders had trouble with "INFLUX" |
Monday, March 13, 2023, 3:00-3:45 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 3:00 pm with Ann; Drive to Kaiser Pharmacy (555 Castro St) going short route Jack Mullen showed Hackett Ave turn right to Beatrice Ave, turn left to Wright Ave, right to Shoreline Dr, left to California St., right to Castro Street (7 minutes) Church St. news bins (Castro St) for "Daily Post"; Kaiser has my diabetic medications Glipizide, Simavastatin, & Lisinopril at no cost. |
Monday, March 13, 2023, 12:00-12:30 pm Mountain View: Daylight Savings Time: Turn clock an hour forward at 2:00 am Mnemonic: "Spring forward, Fall back" Couldn't change clock time on my Whirlpool Oven Went online for directions and changed time from 10:51 to 11:51 am. |
Monday, March 13, 2023, 12:30-1:00 pm Mountain View: Today is Connie's 85th birthday; Wrote poem to honor her when she died 9-10-2016; She was like a big sister angel to me She drove Dad & Mom to Kaiser Hospital, took me to visit them in their Senior homes; Drove me to Stanford lectures & Bay Area hikes, and my partner in ballroom dancing at Cubberley. |
Monday, March 13, 2023, 1:30-2:30 pm Mountain View: "BUSINESS: The chatbots are here, and the internet industry is in a tizzy" (By Tripp Mickle, Cade Metz, & Nico Grant, NY Times, Mercury News, March 13, 2023, C9-C10) CEO of Box Aaron Levie's reaction to ChatGPT was typical of the anxiety and excitement over Silicon Valley's new new thing. Chatbots have ignited a scramble to determine whether their technology could upend the economics of the internet, turn today's powerhouses into has-beens or create the industry's next giants. Not since the iPhone has the belief that a new technology could change the industry run so deep." Lawyer Bradley J. Hulbert: "The world is facing a new technology and the law is groping to find ways od dealing with it.". |
Monday, March 13, 2023, 1:30-2:30 pm Mountain View: "AI Could End Some Online Businesses, But It's a Boon to Those Who Figure Out How to Work With It" (By Kevin O'Keefe, LexBlog CEO & Founder, AI in Publishing, March 8, 2023) When I started playing with OpenAI's ChatGPT in the middle of January it was an immediate feeling of this is amazing, this is going to impact my company in a big way potentially in a negative way, and we need to act now to figure out how to leverage GPT in a way that serves our publishing lawyers and organizations. Today, like many other companies, LexBlog has a large customer base using a web based SaaS solution. We have the ability to pivot, using OpenAI's API. Good news is we are already running an AI enabled publishing platform. |
Monday, March 13, 2023, 4:30-6:30 pm Mountain View: Composed Peter's Resumé in HTML for assignment #7 "Resumé Templates in Google Docs" Did LINC-405 Assignments #1-6 first in HTML; Because Assignment #7 used Resumé Templates in Google Docs, it was done before HTML version which had web links & added photo. |
Monday, March 13, 2023, 6:30-7:30 pm Mountain View: Took Ann 7 minutes (3:12-3:19 pm) today driving from my apt to Kaiser Pharmacy (555 Castro Street) When Ann was on Beatrice Ave, told her "Turn left to Wright", she had a chuckle; Al emailed: he eats blueberries every morning; Rudy emailed: Selling his Dad's old house in Lodi. |
Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 7:49-7:54 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 10:20 pm; Woke up @ 9:30 am (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:54 am ALGEE = EAGLE; KORJE = JOKER; CPNKAU = UNPACK; PPPUTE = PUPPET Cartoon Answer When the clouds parted allowing them to see the summit, they got a EAE KE AK PPT = PEEK AT (THE) PEAK 10.12% of 731 responders had trouble with "UNPACK" |
Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 11:15-12:34 pm Mountain View: Today is Albert Einstein's 144th birthday and also "Pi Day" started by Exploratium's Larry Shaw (1988); March 14, 2020 was last time I was at Foothill College Krause Center to use their Mac Computers; Closed due to Pandemic COVID-19 crisis. "How America Celebrates Pi-Day" (3-14-2014); "Stephen Hawkings died on Pi-Day" (3-14-2018); "Steph Curry's 35th birthday on Pi-Day" (3-14-2023); Poem: "Einstein's 137th Birthday & Pi-Day" (3-14-2016). |
Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 12:30-1:30 pm Mountain View: Steve Gould lives 10-15 minutes away from New York's Lincoln Center, attends many concerts there; Sent 3/12 program of Michael Tilson Thomas conducting his own "Meditations on Rilke" (Premiere, 2019) & Schubert's "Symphony in C major" (1828) with New York Philharmonic My ex-roommate in Cambridge, MA (1970-1971) when we were post-docs at Brandeis University, reconnected with me (2005), sends photographs of his museum visits & concert outings that are enjoyable. |
Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 1:30-2:10 pm Mountain View: Rudy emailed @ 10:11 am He's now at Palo Alto's VA Hospital today, going to Radiology for C-scan; 20 patients ahead of him; He fell while trimming grape vines in Lodi, and hurt his waist; They gave him pain-killers, reducing his pain; He'll come tomorrow after his 11:00 am appointment at VA Hospital Karen is a minimalist. Sends one-line emails from her iPhone almost daily until February 16 when she was hospitalized (released 3/13); Didn't hear from her until today @ 4:35 am; She got 963 unread emails. |
Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 6:24-7:40 pm Mountain View: Have not checked my emails @ wisdomportal.com since 12/13/2012; Typed mail.wisdomportal.com in Safari browser but password was invalid; Phoned Network Solutions @ 6:24 pm (1-866-908-3442), Alex answered @ 6:35 pm; Gave me 6-digit code & new password; Still can't access emails; He wants to erase all History on Safari as well as Cache & want remote control of my computer by Network Solutions; Sent phone # but didn't connect. Phoned Network Solutions @ 1-800-362-0533 @ 7:01 pm, Shirley answered, gave 6-digit code & new password; Used email peter@wisdomportal.com instead pyc8@yahoo.com; Finally accessed emails 329 reduced to 209 deleting spams. |
Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 7:40-9:40 pm Mountain View: Network Solutions doesn't have a good Spam filter like Yahoo Mail; Need to pay extra for Professional Email service which I declined; Checked emails one-by-one, clicking on Spam for most; Deleting Cornell Alumini & business proposal emails; keeping emails with notices on dead links; Have not replied to any emails sent so far to my website; May reply to those finding good info on my website as potential readers of my books when they're published Di touched by "Primavera" page (2-9-2023); Karen: Four showed up for Coffee & Meetups (1-20-2023); Ballroom dancer Gillian: Happy Chinese New Year (2-1-22); KCI's Lisa DeLapo: First email to website (5-31-2018). |
Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 7:52-7:59 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:05 am; Woke up @ 12:05 pm (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:59 am GURSH = SHRUG; WITAA = AWAIT; VORNEP = PROVEN; KREADR = DARKER Cartoon Answer Their approach to teaching about circles, squares, triangles, etc. was SHG AIT PN AKE = TAKING SHAPE 21.96% of 879 responders had trouble with this answer |
Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 5:00-5:53 pm Mountain View: Rudy came by at 4:30 pm after his Palo Alto VA Hospital visit; Made a tub of butter popcorn for him; Drove to Valero (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:00-5:53 pm. Pepsi Diet Soda liter @ $2.79 = Free (for Rudy); Dreyers Kit Kat Ice Cream ($6.99) 1.5 qt @ $2.99; Blueberries 6 oz @ $3.99 Buy 2 Get 2 Free = $7.98: Sig Sel Cookie Fig Bar 14 oz @ $2.99 (free for Rudy); Coffee French Roasted 24.2 oz @ $7.99 (free for Rudy). |
Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 6:17-7:00 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 & Q&A Zoom Sessions with Will Cavada; He didn't receive Assignment #5: "Alligator Tears Through Metal Fence" (HTML) & Assignment #7: Resumé in Google Docs (HTML); LINC-405 (Winter 2023) Assignments Summarized Cavada showed what Chatbot did arranging an HTML Assignment for him with sectional headings and texts after he provided four cartoon drawings of a man with a balloon. |
Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 8:00-9:30 pm Mountain View: Jack phoned twice during my LINC-405 Zoom & Q&A Sessions with Will Cavada (6:17-7:00 pm) which I didn't answer as I was 17 minutes late already after shopping with Rudy at Safeway (5:00-5:53 pm); What Chatbot designed for Cavada's HTML Lesson was quite impressive KDFC 104.9 FM played (7:51-8:03 pm) my favorite Antonio Vivaldi's "Winter" from his "Four Seasons"; I wrote a poem "Love at First Listen" (9-26-2019), how it inspired my first poem "I See Joy" (6-15-1968). |
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 6:47-7:11 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:40 am; Woke up @ 11:05 pm (10.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:11 am SEYZT = ZESTY; FROEF = OFFER; DAZICO = ZODIAC; GIRION = ORIGIN Missed Cartoon Answer If there was a science about the study of effervescence, it would be ZS F ZC II = "FIZZICS" 25.94% of 983 responders had trouble with this answer (I had "SCI-FIZZ" as the answer) |
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 1:00-2:00 pm Mountain View: Rudy came by at 1:00 pm after his Palo Alto VA Hospital visit; Made a tub of butter popcorn for him; Gave him bag of free groceries; Drove to Villa Ave looking for Recycle Center near Hwy 101 but couldn't find it; Went to Valero Station (Middlefield Ave) for "Daily Post"; Gave Rudy 3 bags of Safeway's Sparkling Water bottles for 5¢ each refund @ Nob Hill Recycle Center, but they don't give refunds anymore; Connie would take me to Recycle Center at end of Villa Ave, but couldn't find it today; Exact Refund location: 935 Terra Bella Ave. |
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 3:30-4:01 pm Mountain View: Lights at my table are not working; Rudy checked my three 60-watts halogen light bulbs with his energy tester all 3 light bulbs are dead; Went to Wal-Mart (600 Showers Drive) 3:30-4:01 pm Bought 4 LED 12 Watts Light Bulbs for $9.04 LED stands for Light-Emitting Diode 60 watts light bulbs (life 0.9 year; brightness: 650 lumens); 12 watts light bulbs (life 9 years; brightness: 1100 lumens); New light bulb is doubly bright & will last 10 times longer. |
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 6:10-7:00 pm Mountain View: Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023 sent by Lion's Roar (48 hours free access to talks); March 16-20; Thupten Jinpa: "Essence of Dalai Lama's message to the world"; Robert A.F. Thurman: "On reality, buddhanature, & Buddhism as a path to cultivate goodness" Lisa Miller: "On positive psychology and the Dalai Lama's message"; Rev. Matthew Fox: "On the Christian view of what the Dalai Lama teaches"; The Sacredness of Creation; Meditation from The Stations of the Cosmic Christ. |
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 7:15-8:00 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Jan Willis: Welcome (4:28); Thupten Jinpa (51:45), Meditation (8:27); Robert A.F. Thurman (63:37), Meditation (15:23); Lisa Miller (43:04); Matthew Fox (46:31) & (13:08) The Talks & Meditation Sessions by four speakers on Day 1 take about 4 hours. Watch all at once? |
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 7:30-8:00 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Since there are 48 hours to view each day's talks & meditations, perhaps it's better to view them in two days; Buddhist's teachings are like nectar too sweet to drink all at once. Will share insights from talks & meditations from speakers in my haikus each day. Told 9 friends about Dalai Lama event. |
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 8:00-8:23 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Thupten Jinpa: "Essence of Dalai Lama's message to the world" Dalai Lama's message and practice Self-restraint, kindness, generosity. First do this on yourself, then society will follow. |
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 8:23-8:53 pm Mountain View: Robert A.F. Thurman: "Alright Already: Secret of Dalai Lama's Enduring Cheerfulness" & Guided Practice". Thurman likes Russian's "Da" meaning "Yes"; Brihdaranyaka Upanishad V.ii.3: Thunder roared: "Da, Da, Da" Self-control, sharing, compassion. |
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 8:53-9:06 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Lisa Miller: "On positive psychology" in spirituality Lisa Miller's The Awakened Brain (77% 5-stars) Spirituality can ward off depression & teenage suicides; MRI: difference between spiritual & unspiritual persons. |
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 9:06-9:39 pm Mountain View: Rev. Matthew Fox: Hildegard of Bingen & Stations of the Cosmic Christ . Quotes Thomas Merton crossing the street in Louisville, Kentucky (3-18-1958). seeing "all walking around shining like the sun." |
Friday, March 17, 2023, 6:43-6:47 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:15 am; Woke up @ 11:05 pm (9 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 6:47 am DLREE = ELDER; RNTOS = SNORT; GAGEEN = ENGAGE; GHLAEG = HAGGLE (Solved puzzle in 4 minutes & slept another 4 hours) Cartoon Answer Even during a drought, the golf course's sprinkling system could keep the ER SNR ENE GGE = GREENS GREEN 6.68% of 748 responders had trouble with this answer |
Friday, March 17, 2023, 3:33-4:02 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 1:55 pm; Red Bus @ 2:30 pm to Showers Drive bins for "Daily Post" & "Vision Times"; Walk to Chef Chu's bins for "Palo Alto Weekly" @ 2:45 pm; Bus #40 @ 3:20 pm to Valero (Middlefield Rd) for "Peninsula News:"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:33-4:02 pm; Bus #40 @ 4:18 pm to Montecito Ave and walked home Pepperidge Farms Cookies: Chessmen & Verona Apricot-Raspberry@ $2.50; Brussels & Milano Orange @ $2.50; InnovAsian Vegetable Lo Mein 14 oz ($5.49) @$3.99; Cherry Strudels 24 ct @ $5.99 - $2 off bakery = $3.99. |
Friday, March 17, 2023, 7:24-8:00 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Jan Willis: Welcome (3:38); Philippe Goldin: "Science & Practice of Compassion Meditation" (35:44); Cyndi Lee: "Tend & Befriend + Grounding Touch practice" (33:00); "Exploring Unconditional Friendliness" (9:33) Pamela Ayo Yetunde: "Creating a Just & Compassionate Society" (44:23) & "Guided practices, 3 in 1" (13:30); Tony Butterfly Pham: "How Deepening into Compassion Calls Us Towards the Practice of Social Justice" (35:06) & "Guided practice: Working with an Image to Evoke Compassion" (55:55) (Around 4 hours of talks & meditations in Day 2). |
Friday, March 17, 2023, 7:50-9:00 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Jan Willis (7:50-7:57 pm): Our focus today is on compassion. Dalai Lama says 'Be kind whenever possible.' The 8th century Buddhist poet Santideva said 'All the joy in the world is wishing happiness to others. Miseries in the world is due to selfishness.' Philippe Goldin (8:20-8:58 pm): Life is uncertain, complex, & ambiguous. Change negativity to positive flexibilty. Pablo Casals: "I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance." Meditation leads to more compassion for others, decreases anxiety & depression. Dalai Lama: "Love & compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." Einstein. |
Friday, March 17, 2023, 9:40-10:34 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Cyndi Lee: "Tend & Befriend + Grounding Touch practice" (9:40-10:10); "Exploring Unconditional Friendliness" (10:10-10:34) Motivation is the start of all spiritual path. Sama vritti: Breathe in 2, 3, 4, 5. Breathe out 2, 3, 4, 5. I vow to increase my capacity to be a more compassionate person. Inhale hands touching, Exhale hands apart. Head turns left, right, and center. Tend & befriend is a behavior response, not "flight or fight". Ahimsa non-harming brings Matri loving kindness> Dalai Lama says "Everyone I meet is my friend." Meditation (Living Room): White-haired husband in yogic corpse posture, pillow on chest, legs raised on two cushions; Cyndi sits nearby with eyes closed meditating; White poodle dog sleeping quietly on couch. (Video was stuck & didn't move for 10 minues) |
Friday, March 17, 2023, 10:34-11:30 pm Mountain View: Pamela Ayo Yetunde: "Creating a Just & Compassionate Society" (10:34-10:41) & "Guided practices, 3 in 1"; Invite in confidence and courage: Bring opposing energies together; Bring in compassionate right action. Meditation; Sit on a chair, gaze to the floor; Transform all evil & mishap into the Bodhisattva. Breathe in suffering, Breathe out relief. Offer a life of service. (10:41-10:55). • Tony Butterfly Pham: "Deepening into Compassion" (11:04-11:27) Compassion is seeing the suffering of others & relieving them from the pain. Compassion can heal and awaken us. & "Guided practice: Working with an Image to Evoke Compassion" (11:27-11:48) May I be free from suffering, free from fear & anger. Invite image of sage, cloud, sun, in your heart, bringing you love. |
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 9:08-9:11 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:30 am; Woke up @ 12:46 am (10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 9:11 am TDHIC = DITCH; SFYIH = FISHY; NRCYAA = CANARY; KAEWAN = AWAKEN Cartoon Answer The Jack, Queen and King were able to talk using the mouths on their DC FS CAR AE = FACE CARDS 12.03% of 740 responders had trouble with "CANARY" |
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 3:00-4:03 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 3:00 pm with Ann to to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post" and ride home; No Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave); Ann went hiking at Huddart Park with fallen trees on trails; Gave Ann bag of newspapers and 24 mini-Cherry Strudels "BUSINESS: Scammers get trickier pursuing your money" (Check and recheck before clicking on links, text messages or even search findings. FBI lists Common Scams & Crimes) (By Larry Magid, Mercury News, March 17, 2023, C7-C8). |
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 4:15-5:43 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Downloaded 25 photos of speakers at Dalai Lama 2023 Talks; Will design web page of each speaker's presentation This is what I did 1.5 years ago for "Dalai Lama Compassion Conference" (October 14-18, 2021), outlining titles of talks with photo of each speaker. I'm taking notes and posting them in my daily "Haikus-Journal"; Will include these highlights on web pages. Spent an hour and half formatting 20 photos of this year's speakers. 50,000 viewers have signed up for this year's Free Summit 2023 sponsoed by Lion's Roar & Tibet Hose. |
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 6:45-8:00 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Day 3 "Ethics: Upholding Universal Human Values" Jan Willis (6:40-6:46 pm): Our focus is in Ethics, Meditation, & Wisdom Ven. Tenzin Priyadarshi (6:48-7:15 pm): "Ethical Imagination and Compassionate Leadership" Need a set of principles to guide us in emerging technology of AI. Easier to be compassionate to those with the same belief system. Ethical imagination keeps us centered and us going. Need to move away from tribalism. We live in a world of leadership deficit. We need more Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Desmond Tutu, Dalai Lama. Leadership is about caring. "Guided Practice: Aspiring to 4 Immeasurables" Brahmavihara: 1. loving-kindness or benevolence (metta); 2. compassion (karuna); 3. empathetic joy (mudita); 4. equanimity (upekkha). (7:16-7:20 pm) |
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 8:00-8:30 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Jan Willis: Welcome (3:38); Ven. Tenzin Priyadarshi: "Ethical Imagination & Compassionate Leadership" (24:48); "Guided Practice: Aspiring to 4 Immeasurables" (6:00); Brother Phap Luu: "Guided practice: Seeing 5 Mindfulness as a Way Out of Suffering" (13:18) & "Ethics as a Foundation in a Time of Crisis" (43:06) Joe Loizzo: "The New Sciece and Practicae of Leading with Compassion & Altruism" (56:52) & "Guided practice in internalizing & emulating a mentor of compassion and altruism" (12:11); Tenzin Geyche: (in dialogue with Melvin McLeod) on the Dalai Lama & nonviolence (37:24) (Around 3.5 hours of talks & meditations in Day 3). |
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 7:50-9:30 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Brother Phap Luu: "Guided practice: Seeing 5 Mindfulness as a Way Out of Suffering" (8:30-8:49 pm) Imagine a thread coming out from the top of your head; Sit comfortably on chair; Breathe in to be aware of those suffering; Breathe out for those who are victims of violence & social injustice, for those hurt by wrongful words. "Ethics as a Foundation in a Time of Crisis" (8:50-9:30 pm). Be vegetarian to stop killing animals to eat; Ghosting is stop connecting with others, cutting them off; Keep dialogues open with all; Inspire joy & hope in my speech; Live more simply; cultivate generosity; True love is more compassion & loving kindness. Roots of anger, think others as malicious; walking meditation good to reduce anger; Consumption of food, books, movies, contribute to our happiness or misery. |
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 9:46-10:44 pm Mountain View: Joe Loizzo: "The New Sciece and Practice of Leading with Compassion & Altruism" (9:46-10:44) Stress & trauma undermine performance & well-being; Need new way of radical consciousness; overcome our ego-centeredness; get out of destructive mode; need to learn to be a happier human being; we become what we focus on; harness power of attention can shape our genes for the better; Darwin stressed cooperation instead of "survival of the fittest" (the most aggressive ones survive) Individual, social, embodied flow; feel, think, act; Self-Awareness, Clarity, Presence, Balance, Unbiased, Compassion, Fearlessness; "Guided practice in internalizing & emulating a mentor of compassion and altruism" (10:45-10:51); Envision someone whom you admire; Invite your mentor to enter your heart to grow your being into clarity & compassion. |
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 10:54-11:06 pm Mountain View: Tenzin Geyche: (in dialogue with Melvin McLeod) on the Dalai Lama & nonviolence (10:54-11:06) There is so much violence an injustice in the world. Dalai Lama teaches peace & harmony. Respect for other religious orders. Practice compassion an kindness. Disappointing Western countries not criticizing Chinese creating injustice to the Tibetan people. McLeod recommends Tenzin Geyche's book (2020) "His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama: An Illustrated Biography" blessed by His Holiness himself is the most authentic & intimate profile of world's greatest living spiritual figure. Tenzin Geyche Tethong, a close aide of His Holiness for 40 years, offers readers unprecedented access to Dalai Lama in this book. Dalai Lama's youngest brother, Ngari Rinpoche Tenzin Choegyal, is a personal friend of Tethong and the mentor for this book project. |
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 6:13-6:26 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:20 am; Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 6:26 am HNPEYH = HYPHEN; TUQAEE = EQUATE; TIRRWE = WRITER; WTVEEL = TWELVE; HRUYOL = HOURLY; VANEHE = HEAVEN Cartoon Answer They bought new camping equipment and attire so they could HE ATE WRT TWE HR HEAE = WEATHER THE WEATHER 12.96% of 463 responders had trouble with "TWELVE". |
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 1:30-2:30 pm Mountain View: Woke up @ 12:00 pm, after 8.5 hours sleep; No "Daily Post" printed on Sunday; Stayed home to work; Breakfast: Peach Oatmeal, Wheat Germ, Yogurt, 40 Bluberries; Raining all night; Now sunny & dry; Design web page for "Dalai Lama Summit 2023" Arrange photos of 20 speakers with their talks and meditation sessions; Will include highlights typed from my haikus-journals at the end of my web page, that was not done in 2021. |
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 7:30-8:00 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Jan Willis: Welcome (4:15); Dan Zigmond: "Meditation as Social Action" (12:47); "Guided full awareness breathing meditation" (12:06); Daniel Goleman: "Dalai Lama: A Meditation-informed Visionary Social Activist" (24:21) & "Guided loving-kindness meditation" (6:26) Ven. Thubten Chodron: "The Three Levels of Wisdom" (61:14) & "Guided reflection: Hearing, Thinking, & Meditating on the Dharma" (13:34); Spring Washam: "The Roots of Presence (Embodying Loving Kindness)" (39:40) & "Guided loving-kindness and compassion meditation" (12:30) (Around 3.5 hours of talks & meditations in Day 4). |
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 8:37-9:00 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Dan Zigmond: "Meditation as Social Action" (8:37-8:52); After the rain, lots of snails come out; Be attentive not to step on them; Buddha saw suffering, impermanence, No-self; There's no boundary between myself & others; Meditation is not escape; Meditation allows us to see more clearly. "Guided full awareness breathing meditation" (8:52-9:00). Sit with your back straight and upright. Be aware of your In-breath & Out-breath. Give your attention to this sitting & breathing; If thoughts arise, no need to push them away, let them be; Keep your full attention to this moment and the next moment. I'll ring the bell, be aware of your In-breath & Out-breath. Open your eyes. Thanks for meditating together. |
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 9:30-9:50 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Daniel Goleman: "Dalai Lama: A Meditation-informed Visionary Social Activist" (9:30-9:50) Dalai Lama admires Irish Richard Moore who was blinded at 10 years old by rubber bullet; Dalai Lama says "Each of us has a sphere of influence"; Altruistic motivation Act now even you won't know the fruit of your action. We can act to make the world a better place. "Guided loving-kindness meditation" (10:11-10:20). May your life be safe, happy, healthy; May you thrive; Send good wishes to those you love; The more mindfulness you do, the more benefit comes. |
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 8:37-9:00 pm Mountain View: Ven. Thubten Chodron: "Three Levels of Wisdom" (10:24-11:00) I've been a nun for 45 years; Motivation determines the path we take; 3 pots: upside down, hole in pot & leaks out; pot right side up but dirty inside; Buddha makes us a better character not just going into samadhi easily. Hearing teaching from a Master better to watch online; Anything that's a product of causes is impermanent; Everything changes and is impermanent; Understand syllogisms. "Guided reflection: Hearing, Thinking, & Meditating on the Dharma" (11:10-11:24) Remember a motivation to become a wise person; Reflect on hearing, thinking, meditating, and the benefits; Establish foundation for your spiritual practice. |
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 11:25-11:58 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Spring Washam: "The Roots of Presence (Embodying Loving Kindness)" (11:30-12:00) Everything is unstable in the world, except our mind & heart; Loving kindness practice will heal the world and is an antidote to fear; May I be happy & peaceful to feel energy within; These practices helps us to see our true nature "Guided loving-kindness & compassion meditation" (11:49-11-59). Generate self-love & friendliness within ourselves; Breath coming in & out from our heart; May I be happy and peaceful, live with ease, joy, & well-being. |
Monday, March 20, 2023, 1:23-2:30 am Mountain View: Dinner: InnovAsian Vegetable Lo Mein; Fried 2 eggs, Flav-R-Pac Asparagus Stir-Fry; Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Sliced Almonds, Pumpkin Seeds, Imitation Crabmeat Chunks; Black Pepper, Garlic & Onion Powder, Cinnamon, Sesame Oil, Ken's Lite Raspberry Vinaigrette Salad Dressing; Cup of Milk; Slice of Loaf Cake Blueberries; Dreyers Kit Kat Ice Cream Cooked enough for three meals; Crabmeat hardens when microwaved so better to stir-fry everything in a wok; Blueberry cake softer to eat than apple strudels. |
Monday, March 20, 2023, 9:12-9:17 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 4:20 am; Woke up @ 1:15 pm (9 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 9:17 am NYAFC = FANCY; SAYET = YEAST; ZLGUEZ = GUZZLE; TBRUET = BUTTER Cartoon Answer With just the right amount of wind, sailing was AY YES ZE BER = EASY-BREEZY 17.01% of 982 responders had trouble with this answer |
Monday, March 20, 2023, 4:12-4:37 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 3:30 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:12-4:37 pm; Red Bus @ 5:00 pm to Montecito Ave and walked home; Watch Day 5 of Dalai Lama Summit 2023 (last day of talks) Lucerne Chocolate Milk Quart ($3.79) @ $1.99; 4 Triscuits Crackers ($5.49) @ $1.77 x 4 = $7.08; 4 Imitation Chunk Crabmeat 8 oz @ $2.00 = $8.00; Mini-Apple Strudels 24 ct @ $5.99 - $2 off bakery = $3.99. |
Monday, March 20, 2023, 4:12-4:37 pm Mountain View: Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4 Triscuits Crackers 8.5 oz ($5.49) @ $1.77 x 4 = $7.08 1) Garden Herb; 2) Roasted Garlic; 3) Four Cheese and Herb; 4) Avocado, Cilantro & Lime. |
Monday, March 20, 2023, 7:15-7:22 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Jan Willis: Welcome Introduction to Day 5 's Talks "Wisdom" After Buddha's meditation under the Bodhi Tree the monks asked him "Are you a magician?" No; "Are you a man?" No. "Then what are you?" Buddha said simply "I am awake." |
Monday, March 20, 2023, 6:30-7:15 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Jan Willis: Welcome (6:52); Robert A.F. Thurman: "Heart Sutra: Entering Shakyamuni's Illumination of the Profound Samadhi with Lord of Compassion" (62:46) & "Guided reflection on openness" (19:51); Thupten Jinpa: "The Middle Way of Wisdom" (42:55) Dr. Vandana Shiva: "Wisdom for Our Environment Crisis + Guided reflection/prayer" (22:54); Pema Khandro Rinpoche: "Wisdom in the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism" (49:14) & "Guided zhine (calm abiding) meditation" (16:01); Closing & dedication with Robert A.F. Thurman & Lion's Roar editor-in-chief Melvin McLeod (13:16) (Around 4 hours of talks & meditations in Day 5). Will compose "Dalai Lama Summit 2023" page after talks. |
Monday, March 20, 2023, 8:05-9:11 pm Mountain View: Robert A.F. Thurman: "Heart Sutra: Entering Shakyamuni's Illumination of the Profound Samadhi with the Lord of Compassion" (8:05-9:04). We'll chant the Heart Sutra. Ghost, goblins, and demons don't like to hear this chant. Thurman beats a wooden fish while chanting Matter is Void. Void is matter. Non-dual knowing is the deepest knowing. Female Buddha has transcendental wisdom like Sophia of Gnosticism. "Thus have I heard" is like "Once upon a time". When you know, you'll be happy. If you understand emptiness, you have no fear of death. Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha (Gone, gone, gone to the other shore, awakening, svaha) "Guided reflection on openness" (9:05-9:11 pm) Solidity is illusory. Gene Kelly dancing in the rain, is like figure skater doing a triple axle. |
Monday, March 20, 2023, 10:10-11:15 pm Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023" Thupten Jinpa: "The Middle Way of Wisdom" (10:10-11:15) Nargajuna teaches the Middle Way (Madhyamaka). Compassion (Karuna) & Wisdom (Prajna) are wings of a bird. Compassion needs action. Wisdom opens the door to liberation. Emptiness represents something deeper within ourselves; Ultimate truth is beyond language & concepts. Impermanence and change are part of our reality. We like to blame others instead of looking at ourselves. Dalai Lama's book "Essence on the Heart Sutra". Attachment is clinging to others. Compassion is giving to others. Wisdom makes us a better more insightful, peaceful, and spacious person. |
Monday, March 20, 2023, 11:15-11:40 pm Mountain View: Dr. Vandana Shiva: "Wisdom for Our Environment Crisis + Guided reflection/prayer" (11:15-11:40). We are interconnected with everything on earth. May the peace of the air, and the earth be with you. The Himalayan Mountains provide half of the water for the earth; Petrochemicals & synthetic fibers make the earth sick; Currency means not to finance, but to flow. Currency is the river that flows; Nutrition flows through the web of life. Sacred duty for us to honor this currency of life. Dalai Lama asked me to give a talk on his 60th birthday. I talked about seeds, its diversity, that nurtures us. Dalai Lama said "We should make others happy." Quotes David Bohm. This world of constant creation is the wisdom we need. Prayer from the Rig Veda: "The Earth is my Mother. I am a Child. The law of the land is giving not grabbing. Food creates life. Our body is the partaker of food." |
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 12:21-1:30 am Mountain View: Pema Khandro Rinpoche: "Wisdom in the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism" (12:21-1:20) & "Guided zhine (calm abiding) meditation" (1:20-1:30) Bodhicaryavatara, 9:1 "Those who wish to pacify suffering, should generate wisdom" Shantideva, "Bochicayavatara" (8th century); Longchenpa, "Treasury of Words & Meaning" (14th century;) Longchenpa, "Finding Comfort & Ease"; Wisdom sees illusory nature of things; end illusions; Emptiness as path to liberation; Wisdom as the Ground; Ground: Ordinary Consciousness, kunzob gi she pa; Underground: Subconscious Latent Karmas, alaya vijnana; Ultimate ground: Ground below Ground, ye shes, gnosis, wakefulness, luminous. Earth has periphery & core. Everything is illusion. 3-fold nature of reality empty essence, lucid presence, responsive compassion; We have intrnsic wisdom at our core. Meditation: Bring the mind back, Exhale with the breath. May all beings have joy. |
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 1:32-1:48 am Mountain View: Closing & Dedication with Robert A.F. Thurman, President of Tibet House & Lion's Roar editor-in-chief Melvin McLeod Melvin McLeod: I had a talk with Tenzin Geyche Tethong which I found enormously inspiring. Like Martin Luther King, Jr, & Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai Lama practices non-violence teachings. Robert Thurman: My great gratitude to Dalai Lama and Thupten Jinpa. Dalai Lama is not up on the throne. This planet is Buddha Land, it's not all problems. Buddha is not gone when he died (Parinirvana). Pari is not final but total. Buddha is omnipresent everywhere. Seeing His Holiness as someone who exemplify the Buddha. Tibetan people are peaceful, to conquer oneself instead of others. Lion's Roar is minimizing violence but being more positive. Melvin McLeod: I admire the work at Tibet House to promote Tibetan culture. Bob Thurman chants and invokes Avalokitesvara of 1000-eyes, dedicating merit to all beings. |
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 8:10-8:20 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 5:10 am; Woke up @ 12:50 pm (7.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:20 am SOYBS = BOSSY; RUHNC = CHURN; ZAIWRD = WIZARD; NEMECT = CEMENT Cartoon Answer When told the pricy headphones he loved were on sale, it was OSS CU IAR MET = MUSIC TO (HIS) EARS 8.58% of 793 responders had trouble with this answer |
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 2:40-3:30 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed Tuesday; Stayed home to work; Breakfast: Raisin-Date-Walnut Instant Oatmeal, Wheat Germ, Yogurt, 55 Blueberries; Heavy rain this morning; Do web page on "Dalai Lama Summit 2023" (5 days of talks); Add Haikus-highlights of speakers talks & meditation to the page. Bookmarked 3 interesting articles from Mercury News "OP-ED: AI is about to transform childhood in a big way"; "Your 2023 Bay Area guide to cherry blossom festivals"; "Top 10 places to see cherry blossoms around the world". |
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 5:20-5:45 pm Mountain View: "THINGS TO DO: Your 2023 Bay Area guide to cherry blossom festivals and peak flowering" (By John Metcalfe, Mercury News, March 19, 2023, F7-F8) Just gazing at cherry blossoms in urban parks for a few minutes each day, according to 2019 research, is enough to lower blood pressure & relieve anxiety. 1. "Hanami" night viewings at Hakone, Saratoga; 2. Japanese Tea Garden, San Francisco; 3. Blossom Festival, Saratoga; 4. UC Botanical Garden, Berkeley; 5. Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival; 6. Filoli Historic House & Garden, Woodsider |
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 5:20-5:45 pm Mountain View: "THE TRAVEL LIST: Top 10 places to see cherry blossoms around the world" (By Jackie Burrell, Mercury News, March 19, 2023, F7). Sure, tulips are lovely, and roses sublime. But the pale pink froth of sakura or cherry blossoms is extraordinary. 1. Tokyo, Japan; 2. Kyoto, Japan; 3. Washington, D.C.; 4. Paris, France; 5. Taipei, Taiwan; 6. Stockholm, Sweden; 7. Brooklyn, New York; 8. Seoul, South Korea; 9. Curitiba, Brazil; 10. Vancouver, Canada. Tripadvisor lists 3 more with photos for 13 sites & links 11. Amsterdam, Netherlands; 12. São Paulo, Brazil; 13. Portland, Oregon. |
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 5:45-6:00 pm Mountain View: "TECHNOLOGY: Google Releases Bard, Its Competitor in the Race to Create A.I. Chatbots" (By Nico Grant & Cade Metz, NY Times, March 21, 2023 The internet giant will grant users access to a chatbot after years of cautious development, chasing splashy debuts from rivals OpenAI & Microsoft. The release represents a significant step to stave off a threat to Google's most lucrative business, its search engine. Chatbot can instantly produce answers in complete sentences that don't force people to scroll through a list of results, which is what a search engine would offer. Like similar chatbots, Bard is based on a kind of A.I. technology called a large language model, or L.L.M., which learns skills by analyzing vast amounts of data from across the internet. This means the chatbot often gets facts wrong and sometimes makes up information without warning a phenomenon A.I. researchers call hallucination. |
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 5:45-6:00 pm Mountain View: "TECHNOLOGY: Google Officially Releases Bard, Its ChatGPT Competitor" (By Alex Woodie, Datanami, 3-21-2023). Bard is a lightweight and optimized version of LaMDA, the large language model (LLM) based on the Transformer neural network architecture that Google first launched back in 2017. LaMDA itself was trained on a huge corpus of data from the public Internet encompassing trillions of words, and contains up to 137 billion parameters. "You can use Bard to boost your productivity, accelerate your ideas, and fuel your curiosity," company officials write in a blog post today. "You might ask Bard to give you tips to reach your goal of reading more books this year, explain quantum physics in simple terms, or spark your creativity by outlining a blog post." Instead of generating one response, Bard will often give users a series of possible responses. The user is then asked to pick the response that's the best starting point. |
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 6:00-7:00 pm Mountain View: 338th Birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach (3-21-1685 to 7-28-1750); Beethoven said: "Bach means brook, but for me, Bach is an ocean". KDFC's 250 Ultimate Playlist of Classical Music (2022) lists 13 Bach compositions 65. Toccata and Fugue in D Minor 101. Sheep May Safely Graze 129. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring 155. Mass in b minor; 162. Cello Suite #1 166. Brandenburg Concerto #5 169. Concerto for 2 Violins 175. Brandenburg Concerto #3; 189. St. Matthew Passion 231. Brandenburg Concerto #2 240. Brandenburg Concerto #6 245. Sleepers Awake; 250. Brandenburg Concerto #4 |
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 6:00-7:00 pm Mountain View: "OP-ED: AI is about to transform childhood in a big way. Are we ready?" (By Tyler Cowen, Mercury News, March 21, 2023, A6) Every middle-class kid will grow up with a personalized AI assistant; With introduction of GPT-4 & Claude, AI has taken another big step forward. GPT-4 is human-level or better at many hard tasks; Your child will learn to read and write much faster & better, and will do better in school. Teenagers can speak with AI therapists. AI might be the 21st century version of television. |
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 6:37-6:56 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:05 am; Woke up @ 1:10 pm (12 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:20 am ZOWYO = WOOZY; CTHAH = HATCH; KNOPES = SPOKEN; SNRPIG = SPRING Cartoon Answer How does "Legally Blonde" star Reese eat cereal? WOO HTH PEN SRI = WITH HER SPOON 5.91% of 778 responders had trouble with this answer |
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 3:30-5:00 pm Mountain View: Breakfast: 8 Black Forest Ham, 2 Swiss Cheese. 8 Triscuits; Dole Juice; Coffee Leave apt @ 3:30; Half-hour walk to Valero for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; Shopping at Renstorff Safeway Red Bus @ 5:00 om to Montecito Ave and walked home. Lucerne Chocolate Milk Quart ($3.79) @ $1.99; 4 Triscuits Crackers ($5.49) @ $1.77 x 4 = $7.08; 4 Imitation Chunk Crabmeat 8 oz @ $2.00 = $8.00; Mini-Apple Strudels 24 ct @ $5.99 - $2 off bakery = $3.99. |
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 5:00-6:00 pm Mountain View: Google Doodle honors the 100th birthday of mime artist Marcel Marceau; (3-22-1923 to 9-22-2007); I've seen his performaces in Boston (4-20-1974) & Worcester, MA (3-25-1982); Poem "My Moment with Marcel Marceau" (10-5-2007) His flat palms glide on invisible glass and you feel trapped like him in a cage. When he slides backwards in his walk you sense his struggles against the wind. |
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 6:00-7:00 pm Mountain View: Foothill College Los Altos Campus closed due to power outage; Online classes still open; Leave apt @ 4:00 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; No Shopping at Renstorff Safeway; Bus #40 @ 4:50 pm to Montecito Ave & walked home 5:05 pm LINC-405 Zoom Skills Workshop: with Will Cavada Electricity is out (since 4:15 pm), all is dark in apartment; Battery is on Laptop, no Internet Connection till 6:20 pm Missed Class with Cavada but OK with Gene (6:30-7 pm). |
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 7:47-8:11 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 12:00 am; Woke up @ 11:40 pm (11.5 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:11 am NGORP = PRONG; RYEPK = PERKY; VICAAR = CAVIAR; BSTIUM = SUBMIT Cartoon Answer Our view of the night sky is changing as a result of so many satellites PNG PEK CAA SUIT = TAKING UP SPACE 43.14% of 1254 responders had trouble with this answer |
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 3:30-5:00 pm Mountain View: Breakfast: Raisin-Date-Walnut Instant Oatmeal, Wheat Germ, Yogurt, 55 Blueberries; Leave apt @ 3:10 pm; Bus #40 @ 3:30 pm to Valero Station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Renstorff Ave) 3:50-4:58 pm; Bus #40 @ 5:16 pm to Montecito Ave and walked home. Authentic Shrimp Wonton Soup 9.1 oz ($5.49) @ $3.99; Pepsi Cola No Sugar 20 oz @ $2.49 = Free (for Ruday); 4 Yoplait Yogurt 6 oz (94¢) @ 39¢ x 5 = $1.95; Sig Sel Apple Juice 64 oz ($3.49) @ 99¢. |
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 1:30 pm Mountain View: Al Guzman phoned @ 1:30 pm; Will pick me up tomorrow @ 9:00 am for breakfast and see a movie afterwards; Emailed Rudy @ 8:15 pm to join us by phoning Al to see where we're going, or coming to my apartment before 9 am Rudy is devastated after his sister Julie died January 8 in Lodi; would be good for him to air his grief and sorrow among friends. |
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 3:50-5:00 pm Mountain View: Went to restroom at Safeway, left two plastic bags in shopping cart; when I came out, they were gone; Safeway worker Eric found dark bag with "Daily Post" copies in a cart outside the store. But white bag was gone; Video showed a young fellow with white cap swiping bags from my cart; He rode away on a bicycle Phoned Mountain View Police Dept; Officer Thrower (Badge #5) came & filed charge "Trespass Warning"; Bag contained small umbrella, scarf, Time magazine; Printouts of Safeway Just-For-U Coupons. |
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 8:50-9:17 pm Mountain View: CULTURE: New Study Raises Doubts About San Jose State's Famous 'Lock of Beethoven's Hair' (By Gina Kolata, San Jose Inside, 3-23-2023) A paper released today by an international group of researchers in the journal Current Biology concludes that the San Jose State center's lock of hair was not Beethoven's, but rather from an Ashkenazi Jewish woman. Lock of hair said to be Beethoven's was auctioned by Sotheby's for $7,300 bought by Ira F. Brilliant. It was clipped by Ferdinand Hiller, a 15-year-old composer & ardent acolyte who visited Beethoven four times before he died. Hiller clipped a lock of his hair. He gave it to his son decades later as a birthday gift. It was kept in a locket. William Meredith speculates that the authentic hair from Beethoven was destroyed and replaced with strands from Sophie Lion, the wife of Ferdinand Hiller's son Paul. She was Jewish. Five locks with identical DNA were of different provenances and two had impeccable chains of custody, which gave the researchers confidence that they were hair from Beethoven. Five people in Belgium whose last name is van Beethoven are not genetically related to Ludwig van Beethoven. |
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 8:50-9:17 pm Mountain View: "ARTS: Locks of Beethoven's hair reveal secret family history and health issues" (By Ashley Strickland, CNN, 3-22-2023) Before Beethoven died on March 27, 1827, it was his wish that his ailments be studied and shared so "as far as possible at least the world will be reconciled to me after my death." Now, researchers have taken steps to partially honor that request by analyzing Beethoven's DNA from preserved locks of his hair and sequencing composer's genome for the first time. A study detailing findings published in journal Current Biology. In addition to hearing loss, he had severe liver disease & recurring gastrointestinal complaints throughout his life. Researchers determined that San Jose's Hiller Lock, long attributed to Beethoven, was actually a hair sample from a Jewish woman. Through combination of DNA data and archival documents, they observed a discrepancy between Ludwig van Beethoven's legal and biological genealogy. The researchers think the affair occurred sometime between the 1572 conception of Hendrik van Beethoven, an ancestor in the paternal Beethoven line seven generations removed from the composer, and conception of Beethoven in 1770. |
Friday, March 24, 2023, 7:18-7:28 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 11:50 pm; Woke up @ 8:00 am (8 hours sleep); Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:28 am XSYIT = SIXTY; IREEE = EERIE; TTPIEE = PETITE; ALRBPU = BURLAP Missed Cartoon Answer Don Rickles had such funny put-downs and insults because it was his SXT ERE ETE AP = "EXPERT-TEASE" 53.45% of 1680 responders had trouble with this answer |
Friday, March 24, 2023, 9:00-10:30 am Mountain View: Al Guzman picked me up @ 9:00 am; Drove to Chef Chu's bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"; Went to Smart Shop on Foothill College Los Altos Campus; New manager Adiel Velasquez made me a new Foothill ID Card; Checked my VTA Bus Clipper Card (good till Dec. 31, 2023) Since Foothill campus was closed for long periods during the pandemic (2020-2023), Smart Shop had lots of extra unused paper; Al took 50 reams for storage at Sunnyvale Campus. |
Friday, March 24, 2023, !1:00 am-12:30 pm Mountain View: Breakfast at Dinah's Restaurant (4261 El Camino Real, Palo Alto); Al invited me here two times before; The two bronze elephants outdoors are covered in a plastic rectangular cubicle to avoid the rain; Ambience at this restaurant is better than others we've gone I had California Omlette Bacon, cheddar, avocado, tomatoes, crème fraiche, toast with strawberry & blackberry jam, has browns, orange juice. Al had Breakfast Burrito; We sat outside by pool in a tent. |
Friday, March 24, 2023, 12:45-3:35 pm (Movie fee: $13.25) Mountain View: Al drove to Century Cinema 16 (1500 N. Shoreline Blvd) to see "John Wick: Chapter 4" directed by Chad Stahelski; with Keanu Reeves; Donnie Yen; Bill Skarsgard; Laurence Fishburne; Hiroyuki Sanada; Shamier Anderson; Rina Sawayama; Ian McShane; Scott Adkins. It's said Bruce Willis films have the most shooting, but this violent "John Wick" film has triple the amount; YouTube: Trailer; Behind the Scenes; Reviews: Rotten Tomatoes; IMDB. (Today was U.S. Premiere Showing.) |
Friday, March 24, 2023, 8:00 am Mountain View: Since Al treated me for breakfast and movie today, gave him two bags of groceries 1) Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Collection; 2) Triscuits Roasted Garlic; 3) 2 Pringles Party Stack (Sour Cream & Onion; Cheddar Cheese); 4) Quaker Apple Cinnamon Instant Oatmeal; 5) 2 Planter's Peanuts Honey Roasted; 6) Cream of Wheat Instant Cereal; 7) Apple Juice 64 oz. |
Friday, March 24, 2023, 3:45-4:30 pm Mountain View: Al drove to Social Services (1330 W Middlefield Road, Mountain View) Foothill College wants Al to help students apply for Cal-Fresh; He's interviewing me for the process; The office worker checked my EBT Card & said my re-certification is in October. All Cal-Fresh benefits will be reduced $95 in April. |
Saturday, March 25, 2023, 7:00-7:07 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:00 am; Woke up @ 12:00 pm (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:07 am RIYHA = HAIRY; SAAIL = ALIAS; CPATEK = PACKET; ARIPLS = SPIRAL Cartoon Answer She was delighted to be part of the Alaudidade family of birds and was HRY ALA PAK SPA = HAPPY AS A LARK 16.59% of 884 responders had trouble with "ALIAS" |
Saturday, March 25, 2023, 3:00-3:50 pm Mountain View: Ann picked me up @ 3:00 pm; Drove tp to Valero (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Peninsula News"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:10-3:32 pm Ride home @ 3:50 pm; Gave Ann bag of newspapers & Mini- Apple Strudels (24 ct); Apple Cider 64 oz ($3.49) @ 99¢ 3.29 lb Ripe Vine Tomatoes @ $1.00/lb = $3.29; Pound Cake @ $5.49 - $2.00 off bakery = $3.49; Sig Sel Spinach Dip @ $4.27 - 50¢ coupon = $3.77; Pepsi Cola No Sugar 20 oz @ $2.49 = Free (for Ruday). |
Saturday, March 25, 2023, 2:00-2:53 pm Mountain View: "BUSINESS: Is artificial intelligence the next search engine?" (By Larry Magid, Mercury News, March 24, 2023, C7-C8 We need to use our critical-thinking skills as we consume AI-generated information. Quarter-century-old Google search engine is looking pretty anemic compared with ChatGPT from OpenAI & Microsoft's "new Bing" which uses technology from OpenAI. But Google isn't sitting still. Launched its own AI chatbot, Bard. These chatbots work by analyzing very large language models from online books, articles, social media posts, blogs & pretty much anything they can find on the internet. With that vast amount of data at their disposal, they can answer questions or even carry out tasks, such as writing computer code or, drawing pictures based on what the user asks for. I used ChatGPT to write a script for one of my weekly ConnectSafely segments for CBS News Radio, & advice it gave was basic but spot on. |
Saturday, March 25, 2023, 2:00-2:53 pm Mountain View: "OBITUARY: Gordon Moore, Silicon Valley legend and Intel co-founder, dies at 94" (By Steve Johnson & Mack Lundstrom, Mercury News, March 25, 2023, A1, A6) Famed Silicon Valley pioneer known for 'Moore's Law' devoted his later years to philanthropy. Moore and seven co-workers now widely referred to as the Traitorous Eight quit Shockley's silicon transistors, to form Palo Alto chip maker Fairchild Semiconductor, a division of Fairchild Camera and Instrument. Robert Noyce, co-invented the microchip. With an investment of less than $3 million and a single-page business plan, the pair started NM Electronics in Mountain View, renamed Intel that year and later headquartered in Santa Clara. As Intel grew to dominate the chip industry, Moore became astonishingly rich from his stocks in Intel. His estimated worth $26 billion by 2000. Brother-in-law David worked at Intel as VP (1970-1990). |
Saturday, March 25, 2023, 5:00-5:56 pm Mountain View: "EDUCATION: California colleges rush to get more students on food assistance before pandemic rule ends" (By Jeane Kuang & Mikhail Zinshteyn, Mercury News, 3-25-2023) Before COVID-19 pandemic, 127,000 California college students received CalFresh, even though from 416,471 to 689,233 students were eligible. Starting June 10, students whose families could not contribute a dollar to their education or who are approved for federal or state work-study programs will no longer be eligible for CalFresh (food stamps). Instead, students will have to seek those benefits through a stricter set of eligibility rules that limit how many low-income people enrolled in college can receive food aid. |
Saturday, March 25, 2023, 5:00-5:56 pm Mountain View: "BASEBALL: Ohtani's out-of-this-world skills put WBC into orbit" (By Tyler Kepner, Mercury News, March 23, 2023, C1-C2) Shohei Ohtani celebrates with teammates after Japan beats U.S. 3-2 for 5th World Baseball Classics; After batting 4 times, he came to pitch in relief in 9th; Walked Batting Champ Jeff McNeil; Mookie Betts grounds out in double play; Struck out Mike Trout; Ohtani batted .435, .606 On-Base %; .739 Slugging %; Pitched 9-2/3 innings striking out 11 with 1.86 ERA; Won MVP for WBC honors. (Ohtani has been compared with Babe Ruth, who pitched for the Red Sox & became Home Run King with NY Yankees, but Ruth was never pitcher & hitter in the same season). |
Sunday, March 26, 2023, 7:10-7:31 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 12:05 am; Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:31 am TINEHZ = ZENITH; NCECTA = ACCENT; SGPIOS = GOSSIP; FGUTOH = FOUGHT; NNILEO = ONLINE; TBINET = BITTEN Cartoon Answer The viruses that cause the common cold can't be seen,but they're ZEH AEN OSI GT ONE TTN = NOTHING TO SNEEZE AT 54.49% of 490 responders had trouble with this answer. |
Sunday, March 26, 2023, 11:40-11:51 am Mountain View: Woke up @ 11:00 am, after 11 hours sleep; No "Daily Post" printed on Sunday; Stayed home to work; Breakfast: Raisin-Date-Walnut Oatmeal, Wheat Germ, Yogurt, 55 Bluberries; Listening to 105.3 DAVE FM Radio (Playlist) Queen: "We Are The Champions" (1977) (YouTube: Official Video; Lyrics) "We are the champions, my friends And we'll keep on fighting till the end... 'Cause, we are the champions of the world." |
Sunday, March 26, 2023, 1:53-2:19 pm Mountain View: Al Guzman phoned @ 1:48 pm to do 23-minutes Zoom Interview applying for Cal-Fresh for Foothill College students to get free food benefits Only Foothill faculty can see the interview to help their students apply for EBT program; To protect my identity, Al changed my name, SSN, address, phone number, & email in filling out the form. |
Sunday, March 26, 2023, 3:11-3:30 pm Mountain View: Sent Al email yesterday @ 7:34 pm "California colleges rush to get more students on food assistance before pandemic rule ends" Mercury News (3-25-2023, B1-B2) Told Al that he has lots of competition with other California College Administrators helping students getting on the EBT program. Good I completed application form in interview with Al. |
Sunday, March 26, 2023, 3:30-4:00 pm Mountain View: "THINGS TO DO: Warner Bros: Celebrate 100 years of movie magic by touring the studio"" (By Jim Harrington, Mercury News, March 26, 2023, F7-F8) Founded in 1923 by four brothers Harry, Albert, Sam and Jack Warner the studio moved a few years later to this Burbank location, which was originally constructed by First National Pictures in 1926. Over the decades that followed, Warner Bros. released such classic films as "My Fair Lady", "The Goonies", "42nd Street" & "The Dark Knight", as well as some of TV's biggest hits, including "Friends" & "The Big Bang Theory". Each tour is $69. Massive Stage 16 film scene of the "chicken run" drag race in James Dean's "Rebel Without a Cause" (1955). |
Sunday, March 26, 2023, 3:30-4:00 pm "THE LIST: Go behind the scenes with 3 more movie studio tours" (By Jim Harrington, Mercury News, March 26, 2023, F7-F8) 1. Universal Studios Hollywood ($109 Tours) Wreckage of Boeing 747 used for Spielberg's "War of the Worlds" (2015) to screaming in joy as trams rock & roll in intense King Kong 360 3-D experience. 2. Sony Pictures Studios (Tours $50) Original home of MGM, (1924 to 1986), birthplace of "Ben-Hur" (1959), "Mutiny on the Bounty" (1962), "Singin' in the Rain" (1952) & "Wizard of Oz" (1939). 3. Paramount Pictures Studios ($63 Tours) Highlights from "Sunset Boulevard" (1950) & "The Godfather" (1972) to last year's "Top Gun: Maverick". |
Sunday, March 26, 2023, 4:30-5:30 pm Mountain View: "OP-ED: AI will take us to terrifying and beautiful places. Are we ready?" (By David Plotnikoff, Mercury News, March 25, 2023, A12) At our own peril we fail to see that artificial intelligence could make us redefine the concepts of truth and reality. AI has already weaponized the news & made us question everything we see or hear from the media. McLuhan said medium is the message. Today "fake news" is the real news. Douglas Engelebart, was father of trivial things such as the mouse and the teleconference. He was Silicon Valley's own prophet without honor. Ability to fabricate truly heinous images that destroy people's lives is now in hands of anyone with access to a computer or a cell phone. Laws are based on our collective values, & legal world is piteously behind on setting boundaries for AI, which does not have any ethics of its own. For the time being, it exists outside the law. |
Sunday, March 26, 2023, 5:30-6:30 pm Mountain View: "OP-ED: The Cold War with China is changing everything" (By David Brooks, Mercury News, March 25, 2023, A13) We're in a new cold war. Rumblings of war over Taiwan. Xi Jinping vows to dominate the century. What will this cold war look like? A chief focus of the conflict so far has been microchips, the little gizmos that not only make your car and phone work, but also guide missiles and are necessary to train artificial intelligence systems. Whoever dominates chip manufacturing dominates market as well as the battlefield. More than 90% of the most advanced chips are made by one company in Taiwan. One Dutch company makes all the lithography machines that are required to build cutting-edge chips. If the West can block off China's access to cutting- edge technology, then it can block off China. Then an invasion of Taiwan may be more imminent. |
Monday, March 27, 2023, 6:13-6:22 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:50 am; Woke up @ 12:50 pm (10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 6:22 am RIHPC = CHIRP; UOYSP = SOUPY; NDLATE = DENTAL; ZENSEE = SNEEZE Cartoon Answer With her newly-sharpened axe, she was able to chop through logs in a CI SOP DTL SNE = SPLIT SECOND 26.46% of 922 responders had trouble with "DENTAL" |
Monday, March 27, 2023, 2:30-4:09 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 2:30 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post"; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:00-4:09 pm Red Bus @ 4:25 pm to Montecito Avenue and walked home Sig Sel Apple Cider 64 oz ($3.49) @ 99¢ 5 Yoplait Yogurt 6 oz (94¢) @ 39¢ x 5 = $1.95; Pepsi Cola No Sugar 20 oz @ $2.49 = Free (for Ruday); 2 Tapioca Pudding & 2 Orange-Strawberry Gels = $5.00; 4 Planter's Peanuts Honey-Roasted 16 oz @ $1.99 = $7.96. |
Sunday, March 26, 2023, 8:27 pm-1:15 am Mountain View: 5 hours gathering images and writing the poem "Names for My Children" about fatherhood; naming my son Shankara & daughter Emmelia They may not like the exotic names I gave them, but as time goes on, they'd appreciate and be proud of the names they were endowed. |
Monday, March 27, 2023, 7:07-10:19 pm "INNOVATORS: March is Women's History Month, so here are a few amazing women who had a great impact on the world" Pressreader did not show whole article, so spent 3 hours typing text from Mercury News hard copy, adding web links to the 13 women inventors: Paper Bag, Barbie, Polarization, Kevlar, Collapsible Parasol, Frequency Hopping, Step Pedal Trash Can, Windshield Wiper, Liquid Paper, Circular Saw, Monopoly, Letter Box, Autoradiograph. |
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 7:57-8:11 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:35 am; Woke up @ 1:50 pm (10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:11 am NCUKS = SNUCK; USISE = ISSUE; CEISNK = SICKEN; BINEBL = NIBBLE Cartoon Answer They were building a small lodging establishment and would soon SNU ISE SIEN NBB = BE "INN" BUSINESS 25.22% of 1003 responders had trouble with "SICKEN" |
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 3:40-4:00 pm Mountain View: No "Daily Post" printed Tuesday or need for shopping; Stayed home to work; Rain stopped; Checked mailbox: No Safeway coupons for shopping on Wednesday; Just-For-U Specials BOGO & Free items for Rudy Ann used ChatGPT as her assistant with mixed results; Have not used ChatGPT after its erroneous result of Hemingway as member of Golden Dawn to his dying day. |
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 3:48-4:00 pm Mountain View: Asked ChatGPT "Who is Peter Y. Chou?" and gave erroneous answer of the Taiwanese CEO billionaire Peter Y. Chou is a Taiwanese-American entrepreneur and former CEO of mobile semiconductor company, MediaTek. He co-founded the company in 1997 and served as its CEO until 2013. Under his leadership, MediaTek became a major player in the mobile device market, particularly in China, by providing affordable & innovative semiconductor solutions. Chou holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from University of California, Berkeley, has over 20 years of experience in semiconductor industry. He has also served on the board of directors for several other technology companies, including Sequoia Capital China, United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), & Applied Materials. |
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 4:02-4:15 pm Mountain View: Asked ChatGPT "What is wisdomportal.com?" and provided minimal answer of the web site I'm sorry, but I am not able to access the internet or browse websites as I am a language model trained to answer questions and provide information. However, I can tell you that "wisdomportal.com" is likely a website that provides information or resources related to wisdom, personal growth, spirituality, or other related topics. If you have a specific question or topic related to wisdom or personal growth, I would be happy to try and provide information on it. |
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 4:11-4:15 pm Mountain View: Asked ChatGPT "What is wisdom?" and gave this answer on wisdom (wikipedia) Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge, experience, & good judgment to make sound decisions & choices in life. It involves understanding fundamental nature of things, recognizing patterns, & discerning difference between right & wrong. Wisdom is associated with a deep understanding of human nature, ability to perceive & navigate complex situations, & a capacity to empathize with others. Wisdom is not just about knowledge or intelligence; it's using that knowledge & intelligence to make wise decisions that lead to positive outcomes. It involves a balance between intuition & reason, between analysis & synthesis, & between empathy & detachment. Wisdom is often associated with age and experience, but it can also be cultivated through deliberate effort & self-reflection. In summary, wisdom can be seen as culmination of knowledge, experience, & good judgment, and it is a valuable asset for navigating life's challenges and making the most of its opportunities. |
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 4:25-4:45 pm Mountain View: Asked ChatGPT "What is Chou-Fasman Method?" and provided this answer to predicting protein structure (wikipedia) Chou-Fasman method is a bioinformatics algorithm used to predict the secondary structure of proteins based on their amino acid sequence. Method developed by Peter Y. Chou & George D. Fasman in 1974, & it was one of earliest attempts to predict protein secondary structure from sequence data. Chou-Fasman method is based on observation that certain amino acids tend to occur more frequently in certain types of secondary structures. Helix-forming amino acids tend to have a high propensity for forming alpha helices, while sheet-forming amino acids tend to have a high propensity for forming beta sheets. Chou-Fasman method assigns a score to each amino acid based on its propensity to form each of three major secondary structures (alpha helix, beta sheet, random coil). These scores are then used to calculate a probability for each residue to be in a particular secondary structure, based on surrounding amino acids. Method uses a sliding window approach, so probability for each residue is calculated based on its neighboring residues. While Chou-Fasman method was one of first attempts to predict protein secondary structure, it has since been largely superseded by more sophisticated machine learning algorithms can take into account a wider range of features & can make more accurate predictions. |
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 8:35-9:35 pm Mountain View: Lion's Roar sent email @ 6:05 pm on their May 2023 issue; Read Jiryu Mark Rutschman-Byle's article "Can a Chatbot Share True Dharma?" (3-23-2023) Author contemplates the dharma implications of artificial intelligence and shares the story of "Roshibot", an AI bot he created and trained with the teachings of the late Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki Roshi (1904-1971). Roshibot has not only processed Suzuki Roshi's transcripts, but also the whole of human knowledge on the internet. Roshibot replied: "Expressing authentic dharma is always impossible. What I can do is support your practice, and maybe say something that can express my support. I am here with you. I am trying my best to be a kind and supportive friend." |
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 9:35-10:27 pm Mountain View: While the responses from ChatGPT (above) were disappointing, perhaps the AI bot designed by a Soto Zen Priest will be more enlightening. Tried Chat with Roshibot Asked: "If the many comes from the One, where does the One come from?". Roshibot: A very good question! The One comes from nowhere, and this is nowhere, you know? It is not a place. I guess by asking about the One and the many, you have seen something about non-dualism everything is just One. There is no 'two' anywhere. So to answer your question in another way, we can say that the One comes from itself, because there are only different manifestations of the Same. I hope my answer is not too philosophical. (Mang Gong: "Spring geese are flying north.") |
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 8:32-8:37 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:15 am; Woke up @ 11:00 am (10 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:37 am DHIEC = CHIDE; TWYIT = WITTY; TCLATE = CATTLE; FNTESO = SOFTEN Cartoon Answer The girls selling lemonade had new competition, but they felt they could HID WI ATT STN = WITHSTAND IT 21.46% of 876 responders had trouble with this answer |
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 1:00-2:20 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 1:00; Half-hour walk to Valero (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro"; (Hard to get papers out of the bins under umbrella in the rain); Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 1:35-1:49 pm 2:05 pm Red Bus to Montecito Avenue and walked home 2 Nellies Eggs Free Range Grade A Brown Large (12 ct) ($6.49); Raincheck @ $3.25 x 2 = $6.50; Due to heavy rain, not buying any more groceries. Will buy Sparkling Water & heavy items when not raining. |
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 6:00-6:30 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Zoom Session with Will Cavada (missed last week's class as power was off 4:25-6:20 pm) Today Cavada demonstrated in Google Sheets doing Average, Minimum, Maximum, & Sum after placing numbers in cells A1:C3. |
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 6:30-7:00 pm Mountain View: LINC-405 Zoom Session Q&A with Gene Tognetti (Will Cavada also attended); Chatted on ChatGPT & on waitlist for Google Bard Translation French to English in Google Sheets; compared to HTML version; 7 Assignments done for LINC-405 Winter 2023 (January 9-March 31). |
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 9:32-9:52 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 12:15 am; Woke up @ 12:00 pm (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 9:52 am VIHEC = CHIVE; RODPO = DROOP: PHAREM = HAMPER; NSTOAA = SONATA Cartoon Answer Whoever came up with the expression "turn on a dime" CIE DRO HPE SNA = COINED (A) PHRASE 45.58% of 1367 responders had trouble with this answer |
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 2:00-3:20 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 1:10; Bus #40 @ 1:50 pm San Antonio Dental (530 Showers Drive) for teeth cleaning with Dr. Mahroo Mofarrahi; Rofy took 15 mouth x-rays; Wal-Mart news bins at Showers Drive for "Daily Post"; 3:30 pm Bus #40 to Central Xpwy Stop and walked home Dr. Mahroo treated me on 9-2-2022 8 months ago for last cleaning; April 6 appointment for resin-based composite (4 anterior) for tooth 27 ($251), & core buildup & zirconia crown upgrade on tooth 4 ($986). |
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 6:00-8:11 pm Mountain View: The Motley Fool sends two emails each day to subscribe to their stocks picking newsletters; Since I don't read their emails, deleted everything they sent 2001-2003 one-by-one, since some legit emails were embedded along Motley Fool emails Deleted Pacific Catch weekly emails offering dining discounts; deleted 200 emails from CVS; Saved those offering 40% discounts; Deleted 84 Walgreens emails. |
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 8:15-8:30 pm Mountain View: Rudy emailed @ 5:18 pm "I've been at VA this morning at 8:30 and they have me return to nuclear medicine to image my spinal column for the fracture waist bone. First, they had me in radiology, then to therapy and now waiting in nuclear medicine... I will call you tomorrow." I rushed home after San Antonio Dental @ 3:45 pm, hoping to catch Rudy to give him free items saved for him after Friday outings with Al Guzman; but he's staying at VA Hospital longer. |
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 8:15-9:20 pm Mountain View: Asked "What month has the most patents?" Google Search: U.S. Patent Office has patents data 1963-2019; 2019 U.S. origin (285,113); Foreign origin (321,449); but no monthly data; Patent #1 & 1 million to 11 million; More Details Asked: "What month has the most music composition?" Google Search: Statista has no music compositions data classical, rock, jazz, rhythm & blues; nor any other sites. |
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 10:00-11:00 pm Mountain View: Dinner for tonight Tai Pei Chicken Fried Rice; Flav R Pac Stir Fry Vegetables Chow Mein; Green Beans Cut; Chunk Imitation Crabmeat; Walnut Halves; Sliced Almonds; Asian Sesame Dressing; Kadoya Pure Sesame Oil 2 Scrambled eggs; Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette; Black Pepper, Garlic & Onion Powder, Cinnamon Spice; Cup of Milk; Cooking in wok good for three hearty meals. |
Friday, March 31, 2023, 8:58-9:03 am Mountain View: Went to bed @ 12:50 am; Woke up @ 11:30 am (11 hours sleep); Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 9:03 am PAYOS = SOAPY; CRIEI = ICIER; SCECAS = ACCESS; HORTAT = THROAT Cartoon Answer Daniel Hayes began making mattresses in Sealy, Texas in 1881, and the SOY IIR ESS THRT = REST IS HISTORY 15.21% of 881 responders had trouble with "ICIER" |
Friday, March 31, 2023, 2:30-4:30 pm Mountain View: Leave apt @ 2:30 with Rudy to Chef Chu's news bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"; Return Light Bulbs 12-watts (1100 lumens) too bright at Wal-Mart ($9.04) for Soft White 10-watts 800 lumens ($7.60); Free Apple Pie ($5.24) for Rudy; Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:00-4:30 pm Flav-R-Pac Chow Mein Stir Fry @ $2.50; Flav-R-Pac Broccoli Normandy @ $2.50; 4 Sparkling Water Kiwi Strawberry @ 96¢ x 4 = $3.84; 2 Fresh Baked Jumbo Croissants 4 ct (@ $5.99) = $3.00. |
Friday, March 31, 2023, 4:30-5:00 pm Mountain View: Rudy checked my stove and power outlets (20 amps) & said I have a gas stove, not electric; My oven seems to be working again: Temp "350" instead of "LOC"; Stove top worked but oven off since March 18; Called Emergency Open-Pen Housing Maintenance on 3/23 but nobody ever came Gave Rudy free items Apple Pie ($5.34) at Wal-Mart; Pepsi Cola No Sugar 20 oz @ $2.49; Sig Sel Apple Cider 64 oz ($3.49); Can Sweet Corn ($1.99); 3 Power Energy Bars; 4 Ballpoint pens; Blue magic marker; Foothill College 2023 calendar card; Free Teeth Cleaning News by Foothill College Dental students; Smuckers Jam: Blackberry, Strawberry, Pure Honey from Dinah's Restaurant. |
Friday, March 31, 2023, 7:07-10:22 pm Mountain View: Ann emailed @ 7:07 pm "it's hard to determine when a composer started or finished a composition because they rarely date their scores." Dates I found J.S. Bach Cantata 46: Composed for 10th Sunday after Trinity & 1st performed 8-1-1723 in Leipzig; Chopin's Opus #46 is a piano piece published Nov. 1841; "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" (Mozart): Serenade completed in Vienna on 8-10-1787; "Für Elise" (Beethoven): "Original manuscript's title: "Für Elise 27 April 1810"; "Yesterday" (Beatles song): lyrics came to McCartney during trip to Portugal in May 1965: "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" (Rolling Stones): recorded track on 5-10-1965; "Love Me Tender" (Elvis Preley): performed on "Ed Sullivan Show" 9-9-1956. |
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