HAIKUS: November 2023

By Peter Y. Chou

These haikus were written as exercises in mindfulness—
an attempt to catch the fleeting moment in my daily walks,
while reading, listening to music, and pondering about life.
(Underlined words are not for emphasis but to web links.)
This web page best viewed with Times font size 14.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 2:27-2:37 pm
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:30 am;
Woke up @ 2:20 pm (13 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 2:37 pm

Cartoon Answer— The marathoner's
ongoing tally of her miles was a
22.9% of 1022 responders had trouble with this answer
Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 4:50-5:50 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt @ 4:50 pm; 40-minutes walk to
Jane Lane for 3 copies "Daily Post"; Valero Gas Station bins (Middlefield Road) for "Metro; "Daily Post" all gone;
No Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) today;
5:30 pm Red Bus to Montecito Ave & walked home 5:50 pm

Don't want to be late for Cavada's LINC-405 Zoom class;
He wants me to write a poem about Autumn;
Send him my poem on "October" (10-1-2023),
illustrated by 20 images related to October.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 7:02 pm
Mountain View: Gene Tognetti's Nov 1 email @ 7:02 pm
on why I missed getting in his Tuesday LINC-405 class:
"I figured it out - I used the wrong Zoom ID! Oops.
I liked your poem! I particularly liked the line
"A book of verse, wine, and loaf of bread,
watching leaves turn from green to red."

The line Gene likes is from
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Verse XII: "A Book of Verse".
Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 11:00-11:15 pm
Mountain View: After watching cute video from Pinterest (10/31), wrote poem "Puppy & Duckling" with 8 couplets & 7 photos—
"Puppy carries Duckling / in his mouth up the hill, / then down the town / with tender loving care. // He gives chase as / Duckling runs ahead. // It's so nice when they / watch a sunset together.

Puppy pets Duckling
on the head gently.
Duckling cozies up
as close as they can be.
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 5:15-5:24 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:40 am;
Woke up @ 12:35 pm (11 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 5:24 am

Cartoon Answer— He hoped that maybe his
lazy teenage son would get a job if he'd just
33.04% of 230 responders had trouble with this answer
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 1:00-1:40 pm
Mountain View: While sleeping, changed poem "Puppy & Duckling" to rhyming 8 couplets— Puppy carries Duckling / up the hill lovingly, // then down into town / as they play around. // He gives a merry chase / as Duckling runs to place // to watch a sunset / they'll never forget. // Puppy pets Duck gently / on the head almost saintly. //

Nuzzling as fond friends / lovingly without end. //
Duckling cozies up / closely to her pup. //
If we behave like this, / there'll be world peace.
(Photo of "Butterfly on Puppy's Nose" symbolizes "Peace")
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 4:05-4:15 pm
Mountain View: Went to Mid-Pen Housing to see
Asst Manager Tracy Cheng to change appointment
for Annual Recertification on Nov. 9 @ 11:00 am,
as Stanford Jewish Morris Hirshfield Event is same time

Manager Mirana Mikhaylenko opened locked door;
Changed appt schedule to Tues., Nov. 14 @ 3:00 pm;
Gave her $1242 check for November apartment rent.
(Still no $10 refund for duplicate keys Jose never made).
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 4:15-5:35 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt 4:15 pm; Bus #40 @ 4:30 pm
to Valero Gas Station bins (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post"
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:40-5:00 pm;
5:20 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Ave and walked home.

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.18;
Pudding Ring Chocolate Chips @ $5.99, 50% off = $2.99;
Lucerne Hazelnut Creamer 32 oz @ $3.99, 25% off = $2.25;
2 Ken's Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette @ $2.50 x 2 = $5.00.
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 8:00-9:00 pm
Mountain View: For poem "Circles-Space & Time", found images—
Eyes; Clock; Sun in Sky; Moon at Night; Planets Motion: Coins;
Bugatti Car Wheels; Matte Black Bicycle; Vivaldi's "Four Seasons";
Buttons; Calendar November 2023; Cup & Saucer; Cans & Bottles

Sun in the morning,
Moon at night, shining
our mind with delight.
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 9:20-9:40 pm
Mountain View: Foster Museum sent email @ 8:15 pm
"Travelers in the Cé:ennes"— Robert Louis Stevenson, Tony Foster, James Ravilious; presentation by Roger Swearingen;
Followed by Pizza Reception in the Exhibition

Saturday, November 11, 2023; 3:30 pm - Doors Open;
4-5:15 pm - Talk with Q & A; 5:15-6 pm - Pizza Reception;
6 pm - Museum Closes. Event is Free, but need to register.
Friday, November 3, 2023, 4:37-5:53 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 6:00 am;
Woke up @ 2:20 pm (8 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 5:53 am
(I guessed “TAXIQUART 'MOON'”)

Missed Cartoon Answer— Groucho's "I refuse to join
any club that would have me as a member" was in
55.72% of 1206 responders had trouble with this answer
Friday, November 3, 2023, 3:48-4:00 pm
Mountain View: While sleeping, revised poem "Circles-Space & Time", recalling Emerson's "Circles" essay (1841)— Eye is the first circle / from which flows miracles / of this world's spectacles. // Two feasts for our eyes— / Sun in the day, Moon at night, / orbs shining in the skies. // No more writer's block / watching the wall clock / going tick-tock, tick-tock. // Planets motion not circular / Kepler finally came to grips / but rotating in an ellipse. // Just look all-around— / buttons & coins are round / as all collectors have found. // Travel on bicycle or car— / wheels you need to go far / guided by the North Star. // Cup & saucer for coffee or tea / under a ripe olive tree / with Oreo cookies as treats. // Cans & bottles have round / openings for drinking / isn't that profound? // From Monday to Sunday / recycling of the week— / returning in seven days. // Four seasons in a year— / after Winter, Spring appears, / that's the reason for good cheers.
Friday, November 3, 2023, 9:35-10:00 pm
Mountain View: Didn't go to Stanford Theatre to see films
"Counselor-at-Law" (5:55 pm) & "Back Street" (7:30 pm)
after learning from Jack Mullen's Nov. 2 email @ 7:30 pm
that he has bladder cancer & Sunnyvale house was burglarized

Waiting for Bus #40 (7:28-7:55 pm), thought of more circular things— Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Hockey Puck, Traffic Lights, Headlights, Steering Wheel, Frying Pan, Olive & Cucumber Slices, Egg Yolk, Letter "O".
Friday, November 3, 2023, 5:45-8:17 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt 5:45 pm; Bus #40 @ 6:19 pm to Chef
Chu's bins (San Antonio Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"
Shopping at Safeway (645 San Antonio Road) 6:50-7:28 pm;
7:55 pm Bus #40 to Central Xpwy Stop and walked home.

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.18;
Sliced Cinnamon Swirl Cake @ $5.99 - $2 Bakery = $3.99;
3 Pringle Potato Chips @ $1.99 x 3 = $5.97; (for Rudy).
(Jack Mullen phoned 10:20-10:45 pm, Milpitas Care Center)
Saturday, November 4, 2023, 1:00-1:50 am
Mountain View: "UFO: Goldie Hawn recounts alien encounter"
(By Emily St. Martin, Los Angeles Times, 10-27-2023)

It was the mid1960s and Hawn, then 20, was working as
a dancer in Anaheim. Months later, Hawn was working another dance job, this time in West Covina. After getting into the car to sleep, Hawn said, "I got this high-pitched sound in my ear, this high, high frequency." She opened her eyes to look out the car. "I saw these two or three triangular-shaped heads", Hawn recalled. "They were silver in color, slash for
a mouth, tiny little nose, no ears." She couldn’t move, like during sleep paralysis. Eventually, the young dancer was able to shake free. “It was like bursting out of a force field,” She said "Oh, my God. I think I made contact with outer space." Hawn said "They touched my face, and it felt like the finger
of God. It was the most benevolent, loving feeling. This was powerful. It was filled with light."
Saturday, November 4, 2023, 1:50-2:30 am
Mountain View: "BUSINESS: Beware of ‘smishing’ scams"
(By Larry Magid, Mercury News, November 3, 2023, C7-C8).

Wrong number text messages are one of several examples of "smishing" scams. The name is derived by combining "SMS" (short message system) with "phishing." A common "smish" comes from post office, UPS, Amazon or other delivery service. Got one from "US Postal", saying "your package is on hold for an invalid recipient address. Fill in correct address info by this link." I didn't click on that link because I'm quite sure it was a scam site. Lot of text messages that appear to come from Netflix informing me that my account has expired, or I need to update my password or payment info. There is a link to click on or perhaps a phone number to call. Scam is to get you to provide info that can help criminals gain access to your online accounts as a way to steal your money and/or your identity or expose you to malicious code (malware).
Saturday, November 4, 2023, 4:55-5:09 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 5:10 am;
Woke up @ 1:05 pm (8 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 5:09 am

Cartoon Answer— Would they be able to catch
salmon in three feet of water? They'd need to
23.93% of 819 responders had trouble with "FEDORA"
Saturday, November 4, 2023, 3:14-3:37 pm
Mountain View: Ann comes @ 3:00 pm; Drives to Valero bins
(Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post" & "Peninsula News";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:14-3:37 pm;
Gave Ann bag of newspapers, 3 poems ("Halloween Haikus 2023",
"Puppy & Duckling", "Circles: Space & Time"); Ashoc Energy Drink
Peach Paradise
; Wheat Thins; Basil & Reduced Fat Crackers

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.18;
4 Sparkling Drink Pineapple-Mango @ 90¢ x 4 = $3.60;
Lucerne Hazelnut Creamer 32 oz @ $3.99, 25% off = $2.25.
Saturday, November 4, 2023, 5:10-5:20 pm
Mountain View: KDFC 104.9 FM: Gustavo Dudamel conducts
Los Angeles Philharmonic to First Movement of Beethoven's
5th Symphony in C minor, Op. 67 (1808); CD; YouTube:
Dudamel; Paavo Järvi ; Herbert Von Karajan; Jeannette Sorrell

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony's opening
"dun dun dun DUN" is the most
famous four notes in music—
telling us to "WAKE UP!"
Saturday, November 4, 2023, 5:30 pm-12:09 am
Mountain View: Poem "More Circular Things" 18 images: Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Hockey Puck, Traffic Lights, Headlights, Steering Wheel, Frying Pan, Olive & Cucumber Slices, Pancakes, Egg Yolk, Ring, "O", Tic-Tac-Toe, Rice Bowl, Vinyl LP, Toothpaste Cap

Olives and cucumbers sliced
dinner with a bowl of rice.
Vinyl records are round
music lovers like this sound.
Sunday, November 5, 2023, 5:17-6:17 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 6:20 am;
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 6:17 am—

Cartoon Answer— Having two cartoons
in the same Jumble puzzle was

51.14% of 913 responders had trouble with this answer.
Sunday, November 5, 2023, 2:08-4:48 am
Mountain View: Poem "More Circular Things-2" with 21 images: Holes in Swiss Cheese, Crop Circle, Cannon Camera, Carousel, Uroborus, Mandala, Tree Rings, Marbles, Pearls, Potter's Wheel,
Soap Bubbles, Water Ripples, Kolo Dance-Men, Kolo Dance-Women, Halo of Saints, Kadinsky-"Circles Within a Circle", Church Bells

Giotto's Circle,
Bird's Nest,
Apple Pie,
Sunday, November 5, 2023, 7:18-7:30 pm
Mountain View: Dan Piraro's Bizarro Comics Found hidden objects: UFO: left side of Clock panel; Eyeball: bottom of left column; Firecraker: on floor bottom center; Apple Pie: on floor right center; Pipe: pocket of policeman walking by whale; Arrow: on back of man walking right center; Rabbit: on coat of man lower right; Crown; on man bottom center; Upside-down Bird: in whale's teeth.

Adjusted radio & oven clocks to Pacific Standard Time
("Fall Back" 2 am to 1 am); Got up at 3:15 pm;
(9 hours sleep); Had late breakfast (6:00-7:15 pm).
Sunday, November 5, 2023, 4:31-5:34 pm, 11:24-11:34 pm
Mountain View: Poem "More Circular Things-3" with 22 images:
Manhole Cover, Shower Head, Sink Drain, Flashlight, Door Knob, Lamp Shade, Plumbing Pipes, Smoking Pipe, Washing Machine, Washers, Ceiling Lights, Alba Madonna, Madonna della Seggiola,
Oranges, Cantaloupe, Geodesic Dome, Sunflower, Daisies

Circles in Music: Drum,
French Horn,
Sunday, November 5, 2023, 8:15-9:20 pm
Mountain View: "THINGS TO DO: Explore limestone caves
at Mitchell Caverns, a hidden gem in the Mojave Desert"

(By Maggie Downs, Mercury News, November 5, 2023, F7-F8)

Name Mitchell Caverns pays tribute to Jack & Ida Mitchell, who bought land in early 1930s. View caves: El Pakiva (Devil’s House) & Tecopa (named for a Shoshone chief). Explore Mary Beal Nature Trail, easy, half-mile trek on a self-guided loop showcasing high-desert flora. Niña Mora Trail, moderate half-mile loop, offering sweeping vistas. Camping: Hole-in-the-Wall Campground, 15 miles from caverns. Mitchell Caverns is located in the Providence Mountains State Recreation Area in eastern Mojave Desert.
Sunday, November 5, 2023, 8:15-9:20 pm
Mountain View: "TRAVEL LIST:
7 must-see spots in Southern California’s deserts"

(By Jackie Burrell, Mercury News, November 5, 2023, F7)

1. Joshua Tree National Park;
2. Fortynine Palms & Oasis Trail at Joshua Tree;
3. Death Valley National Park;
4. Mitchell Caverns;
5. Palm Springs Aerial Tramway;
6. Indian Canyons, Palm Springs;
7. Coachella Valley Preserve.
(No web links given on the above 7 sites).
Monday, November 6, 2023, 5:50-5:58 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 6:10 am;
Woke up @ 2:15 pm (8 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 5:58 am

Cartoon Answer— Her doctor previously
told her to lower her blood pressure, and she
9.73% of 781 responders had trouble with this answer
Monday, November 6, 2023, 5:30-6:00 pm
Mountain View: Poem "More Circular Things-2" (3:38 am),
& Jumble Puzzle (5:58 pm) before sleeping; Leave apt @ 5:30 pm; Half-hour walk to Valero bins (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 6:05-6:21 pm;
6:45 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Avenue & walked home.

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.18;
Saffron Road Tofu Pad Thai ($6.49) @ $4.47:
3 Pringle Potato Chips ($2.99) @ $1.99 x 3 = $5.97;
O Organics Baby Arugula Salad ($5.99) - $3 off = $2.99.
Monday, November 6, 2023, 7:30-8:20 pm
Mountain View: Brought "Daily Post" to mailbox racks
for Mid-Peninsula neighbors; Cal-Fresh adds $274.69 to my
November acct; Watermelon & Sparkling Drink (7:30-7:50 pm);
(Rudy's Nov. 4 email @ 11:16 pm on visiting Jack in Milpitas)

Pinterest sends Nov. 6 email @ 3:10 pm
of "Polar Bear Sleeping on Block of Ice"
that will inspire a poem on this image.
Monday, November 6, 2023, 8:50 pm-12:36 am
Mountain View: 24 Circular Images: Pepsi Cola; AT&T; Life Saver Candy; Life Saver Swimming; Necco Wafers; Pepperoni Pizza; Telescope; Binoculars; Microscope; Stethscope; Pitcher's Mound;
Metal Trash Can; Olympic Rings; Parker Pen Cap; Medicine Tablets

Roman Colosseum; Magnifying Glass:
Circus Ring; Pulley; Beret; Fountain;
Cannon; Cannonballs; Golf Hole & Golf Ball.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 7:58-8:13 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 4:10 am;
Woke up @ 1:10 pm (9 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:13 am

Cartoon Answer— To teach his
grandchild how to tie a tight knot, he
24.69% of 1003 responders had trouble with this answer
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 3:45-5:40 pm
Mountain View: No "Daily Post" on Tuesday; Stay home to work;
Jack phoned 3:45-4:00 pm on hard to contact Microsoft; Rudy
comes at 4:15-5:30 pm to talk logistics on picking up Arline
on Thursday @ 10:30 am for Stanford Jewish Event @ Noon,
followed by free lunch & visit to Cantor Art Center @ 2:00 pm

Printed Map & Driving Directions with Google Maps
My apartment to Arline's Mountain View house; From
Arline's house to Oshman Hall, McMurty Bldg, Stanford.
Also free Foster Museum Event, Sat., Nov. 11 @ 3:30 pm.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 7:00-7:45 pm
Mountain View: Foothill College LINC-405
"ReSkills Workshop" with Gene Tognetti;
Missed last Tuesday' October 31's class
because Gene was on wrong Zoom Session link

Submitted my poem "Halloween Haikus 2023",
comparing 9 of my rhyming 17-syllables Haikus
with those AI generated Haikus & ChatGPT.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 8:00-11:30 pm
Mountain View: Poem "More Circular Things-3" with 23 images:
Manhole Cover, Shower Head, Sink Drain, Flashlight, Door Knob, Lamp Shade, Plumbing Pipes, Smoking Pipe, Washing Machine, Washers, Ceiling Lights, Alba Madonna, Madonna della Seggiola,

Oranges, Cantaloupe, Geodesic Dome,
Sunflower, Daisies, White Clover;
Circles in Music: Drum, French Horn, Cymbals, Flute.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 7:10-7:16 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:10 am;
Woke up @ 1:10 pm (11 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:16 am

Cartoon Answer— You can look to the East
to see the Sun rise and to the West to see it set
18.28% of 941 responders had trouble with this answer
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 3:25-5:00 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt @ 3:25 pm; Half-hour walk to
Valero station (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro";
Shopping t Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:08-4:29 pm;
Bus #40 @ 4:47 pm to Montecito Avenue and walked home
(Rudy phoned @ 3 pm; will pick me up @ 10 am tomorrow)

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.14;
4 Sargento Sliced Cheese ($2.99) @ $1.97 x 4 = $7.88;
Lucerne Chocolate Milk 64 oz @ $3.49, 25% off = $2.56;
2 Budding Black Forest Ham 8 oz ($3.99) @ $2.50 = $5.00.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 7:00-7:45 pm
Mountain View: Foothill College LINC-405
"ReSkills Workshop" with Will Cavada;
Composed web page for LINC-405 (Fall 2023)
summarizing assignments done each week.

Gene said I need gmail to register
Google's Bard, since I couldn't get in;
Tried again & it worked: Repeat Gene's Prompt:
"Racecar in the forest" & Haiku on this image.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 7:07-7:48 pm
Mountain View: Cavada didn't show up for his
LINC-405 Zoom Session today; I experimented
with Google's Bard, repeating what Gene Tognetti
did yesterday; Got one image, and Haiku

Forest road unfurls,
Racecar's sleek form blurs through trees,
Engine's fiery song.
(Better image of "Racecar")
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 8:33-8:45 pm
Mountain View: Cavada didn't show up for his
LINC-405 Zoom Session today; May have lumped
Location & Password as one word, so as Zoom
swirled for Cavada to open Workshop, it never happened

Location: "https://fhda-edu.zoom.us/j/5825048716?pwd=RysxY2FTN21HTEF5R0hEdzhPSU8vZz09"
Should have separated "Location" from
"Password" to get into Zoom Session.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 8:45-11:48 pm
Mountain View: Poem "More Circular Things-4" with 29 images:
Crystal Ball; Wheel of Fortune; Roulette Wheel; Temple Gong; Cake; Lollipop; Spinning Top; Cheerios; Oreos; Soup Ladle; Ice Cream Scoop; Basketball Hoop; "Family Circus"; Salami Slices; Checkers; Chinese Checkers; Game of Go; Hula Hoop; Frisbee;

Ferris Wheel; Round Table Knigths;
Oxygen Atom; Toilet Paper Roll; Earth Rise;
Mushroom; Slinky; Thimble; NBA Players Rim Fights.
Thursday, November 9, 2023, 5:49-5:53 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:50 am;
Woke up @ 8:45 pm (7 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 5:53 am

Cartoon Answer— When it came to
being a lead singer, Diana Ross did a
11.03% of 941 responders had trouble with "UTMOST"
(Diana Ross of The Supremes, 1967-1970)
Thursday, Novmber 9, 2023, 10:30 am-3:00 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt @ 10:30 am; Rudy drives to
Valero Gas Station (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 10;40-10:52 pm;
6 Bagels Everything ($5.99) 50% off = $2.99 - $2 Bakery = 99¢
(free for Rudy); Drive to Stanford University

Shaina Hammerman's Nov. 8 email @ 1:15 pm on
"Jewish American & Garment Industry", parking at
Roth Way Garage next to McMurty Bldg's Oshman Hall for Noon Lecture; Lunch (1:30 pm); Prof. Richard Meyer's Tour "Morris Hirshfield Rediscovered" (Cantor Museum, 2 pm)
Thursday, November 9, 2023, 3:00-4:20 pm
Mountain View: While Prof. Richard Meyer lectured
on Morris Hisrshfield's art in the Cantor Art Center,
I left & took some 20 photos without flash of Hirshfield's
paintings until my photo chip was full; The spare chip
was also full; Rudy will drive to Best Buy for a new chip

Went to Best Buy at 715 E. El Camino Real
and bought SanDisk 64 GB Ultra Plus SDXC
for $9.49 + .87 tax = $10.36 (My old chip had 8 GB).
Thursday, November 9, 2023, 7:50 pm-12:17 am
Mountain View: Wrote poem "More Circular Things-4" (30 images):
Crystal Ball; Wheel of Fortune; Roulette Wheel; Temple Gong; Cake; Lollipop; Spinning Top; Cheerios; Oreos; Soup Ladle; Ice Cream Scoop; Basketball Hoop; "Family Circus"; Salami Slices; Checkers; Chinese Checkers; Game of Go; Hula Hoop; Frisbee;

Ferris Wheel; Round Table Knigths; Raindrops; Tear Drops;
Oxygen Atom; Toilet Paper Roll; Earth Rise; Mushroom;
Slinky; Thimble; NBA Players Rim Fights.
Friday, November 10, 2023, 7:22-7:44 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:25 am;
Woke up @ 12:40 pm (10 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:44 am

Cartoon Answer— When he showed his
son how to solve math problems, he was
50.99% of 1312 responders had trouble with this answer
Friday, November 10, 2023, 3:15-5:32 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt @ 3:15 pm; Bus #40 to
Chef Chu's bins for "Daily Post" & "Palo Alto Weekly"
Shopping at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd) 4:10-4:40 pm;
Bus #40 @ 5:09 pm to Central Xpwy Stop & walked home 5:32 pm;
Didn't go to Stanford Theatre for two movies (1, 2) seen before

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.14;
2 Large Cheesecake Slice @ $4.99 BOGO = $4.99;
2 Sargento Sliced Cheese @ $3 instead of $1.97 (returned);
Sig Sel Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream 1.5 qt ($5.99) @ $3.99.
Friday, November 10, 2023, 6:48-8:20 pm
Mountain View: Wrote 42 poems so far this year Poems 2023;
This past week, wrote 5 poems on circular things (Nov. 4-9)—
(Found 108 circular things) "Circles: Space & Time" (13 images);

"More Circular Things" (19 images);
"More Circular Things-2" (23 images);
"More Circular Things-3" (23 images);
"More Circular Things-4" (30 images).
Friday, November 10, 2023, 8:30-11:00 pm
Mountain View: Emailed (9:39 pm) William Cavada on class
he taught Wednesday, Nov. 8, as I missed his Zoom Session
due to typing erroneous password in Calendar to get into the class

Update LINC-405 (Fall 2023)
Gene Tognetti taught in his Tuesday Nov. 7 class
on AI generated photos & haikus with Bard,
and using "Duet" in Google Slides.
Saturday, November 11, 2023, 9:48-9:52 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:30 am;
Woke up @ 12:40 pm (10 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 9:52 am

Cartoon Answer— The hockey game
had more penalties than you could
9.95% of 553 responders had trouble with this answer
Saturday, November 11, 2023, 3:00-9:00 pm
Mountain View: No need for Safeway shopping today; Leave apt
@ 3:10 pm; Red Bus @ 3:37 pm to Showers Dr. for "Daily Post";
Bus #22 to Train Depot; "Peninsula News" at University Ave bins; Stanford Theatre to see "Destry Rides Again" (4:20-5:55 pm),
and "The Bank Dick" (6:05-7:20 pm)

"Destry Rides Again" is Jimmy Stewart's first Western
and one of my favorites; Have not seen "Bank Dick" before; After film (9:05 pm), to Train Depot, take Bus #22 (9:36 pm)
to Rengstorff Ave (10:03 pm) & walked home (10:46 pm).
Saturday, November 11, 2023, 4:46-5:55 pm; 7:30-9:05 pm
Palo Alto: 26 minutes late to Stanford Theatre: George Marshall
directs Destry Rides Again (1939) with Jimmy Stewart, Marlene Dietrich, Mischa Auer, Charles Winninger, Brian Donlevy, Allen Jenkins, Warren Hymer, Irene Hervey; Una Merkel, Billy Gilbert, Samuel S. Hinds, Lillian Yarbo; Reviews: imdb; Rotten Tomatoes; TCM; Criterion Essay; YouTube: Trailer; Marlene; Film Review.

The newly arrived, mild-mannered
deputy sheriff, who drinks milk at
the saloon & refuses to wear a gun,
isn't exactly what he seems.
Saturday, November 11, 2023, 6:05-7:20 pm
Palo Alto: Stanford Theatre: Edward F. Cline directs
"The Bank Dick" (1940) starring W.C. Fields, Cora Witherspoon,
Una Merkel, Evelyn Del Rio, Jessie Ralph, Grady Sutton, Franklin_Pangborn, Shemp Howard, Dick Purcell, Heather Wilde, Russell Hicks; Reviews: imdb; Criterion Essay; Randy Skretvedt Essay; Roger Ebert Essay; YouTube: Trailer; Review; Classic Review

W.C. Fields is at his very best
in this insane story of an impecunious
inebriate who becomes a bank guard;
the car chase scenes are hilarious.
Sunday, November 12, 2023, 5:23-5:44 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:20 am;
Woke up @ 12:20 pm (10 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 5:44 am—

Cartoon Answer— Their wedding reception was
the perfect place for the bride and groom to NME DTR

31.55% of 466 responders had trouble with this answer.
Sunday, November 12, 2023, 1:15-2:15 pm
Mountain View: No "Daily Post" on Sunday; Stay home to work;
NFL: SF 49ers defeats Jacksonville Jaguars 34-3 with dominant defense; 5 Photos didn't show: Stanford Theatre Marquee & display windows of December Deanna Durbin Schedule, Destry Rides Again, Bank Dick, Saboteur, Scarlet Street; Camera "Memory Card Error"
with 64 GB chip; Return chip to Best Buy for 32 GB camera chip?

Alfred Guzman's 11/12 email @ 12:39 pm—
"Sorry to hear that your Photoshop & Cyberduck are not working. If you come to the campus (10 am to 7 pm),
I can try to work with you to resolve this".
Sunday, November 12, 2023, 5:00-6:00 pm
Mountain View: "THINGS TO DO: Snow time 2023:
Get ready for another epic season at Tahoe and beyond"

(By Janet Fullwood, Mercury News, November 12, 2023, F7-F8)

8 million-plus skier visits during the 275-day, 2022-2023 season. Plus a massive 723 inches of snow that buried
houses at Tahoe, created 20-foot drifts on the sides
of the roads closing highways & resort operations.
Tahoe Resorts:
Boreal/Woodward Tahoe; Diamond Peak; Donner Ski Ranch; Granlibakken Tahoe; Homewood Mountain Resort; Palisades Tahoe; Mammoth Mountain; ; Sierra-at-Tahoe; Sugar Bowl; Soda Springs; Tahoe Donner; Vail Resorts; Ski California; Tahoe Adventure.
Sunday, November 12, 2023, 5:00-6:00 pm
Mountain View: "TRAVEL LIST:
Lonely Planet’s top places to go in 2024"

(By Maureen O'Hare, CNN, Mercury News, November 12, 2023, F7)

1. Mongolia;
2. India;
3. Morocco;
4. Chile;
5. Benin;
6. Mexico;
7. Uzbekistan;
8. Pakistan;
9. Croatia;
10. St. Lucia.
Sunday, November 12, 2023, 6:00-7:48 pm
Mountain View: "NATURE: Spider season:
Here are a few things you may not know about them"

(By Kurt Snibee, Mercury News, November 12, 2023, B16)

The world is home to about 50,000 species of spiders. Almost all are venomous but only a few can harm you. Only 25 have venom that can cause harm to humans. So just 1/20 of 1% of spiders are dangerous to humans. About half the species catch prey with silky webs, while the others use it to make nests, cocoons or egg sacs. Many spiders replace their entire web every day. Spiders' webs are stronger than steel and if human-size, would be tough enough to snag a jetliner.
Sunday, November 12, 2023, 6:00-7:48 pm
Mountain View: "ENGINEERING: Here are a few things
that might surprise you about the Golden Gate Bridge"

(By Kurt Snibee, Mercury News, November 5, 2023, B15)

Suspension span: 6400 feet (1.2 miles); Width of bridge is
90 feet; Anchorage took 1 million tons of concrete to make; January 1933 to May 1935: San Francisco anchorage; Completed in 1937; Cable composed of 27,572 wires; Main cable is 7650 feet long; Primary Engineer: Joseph B. Strauss spent $27 million to build the bridge, paid $1 million with
free lifetime pass. CMYK colors of Bridge: Cyan 0%,
Magenta 695, Yellow 100%, Black 6%.
Sunday, November 12, 2023, 8:00-8:22 pm
Mountain View: Dan Piraro's Bizarro Comics Searched for objects: UFO: Not found; Eyeball: behind wall in line with Apple Pie; Firecracker: on floor bottom left before door; Apple Pie: on floor right center; Pipe: Not found; Arrow: Not found; Rabbit: Not found; Crown: on brick bottom center; Upside-down Bird: Not found;
K2: on brick lower right; O2: Not found.

Peter: writing poem "Polar Bear Dreaming" at home;
Rudy: painting exterior of Dad's old house for sale in Lodi;
Jack: resting at Milpitas Care Center from bladder cancer;
Ann: vacationing & attending a wedding in New Orleans;
Karen: recovering from knee operation in New York City;
Al Guzman: helping Foothill College students (Room 4201).
Sunday, November 12, 2023, 8:00-9:00 pm
Mountain View: "MOVIES: Siskel & Ebert changed the way we talked about movies. A new book shows how"
(By Patrick Sauer, Mercury News, November 9, 2023)

Matt Singer's new book, Opposable Thumbs: How Siskel
& Ebert Changed Movies Forever
, reveals how Chicago film reviewers became a phenomenon.) Siskel died of brain cancer in 1999, at the age of 53. Ebert kept the show's spirit alive,
but in 2013, he too succumbed to cancer at age of 70.
What made them so successful for so long, is the authenticity of their relationship. Unique Siskel & Ebert chemistry never wavered. Siskel gave sci-fi movies a thumbs-down. Ebert loved sci-fi. Gene didn’t share Roger’s love for dog pictures.
Sunday, November 12, 2023, 8:30-11:07 pm
Mountain View: Wrote poem "Polar Bear Dreaming" after photo
from Pinterest (Nov. 6) on "Polar Bear Sleeping on Block of Ice"

Polar Bear sleeping on a block of ice—
Is she dreaming of something nice?
Living north in the Arctic cold—
everywhere is white to behold.
Sunday, November 12, 2023, 12:30-2:00 am
Mountain View: Dinner of Authentic Asia Shrimp Wonton Soup with Noodles; Microwave 2 minutes; stir; micowave another 3 minutes

Boil in pot: Fla-R-Pac Asparagus Stir Fry;
Cubed Azumaya Extra Firm Tofu; 2 Eggs
for Egg-Drop Soup; Ken's Asian Sesame Dressing;
Chunk Imitation Crabmeat; Kadoya Sesame Oil; 3 meals.
Monday, November 13, 2023, 5:12-5:14 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:10 am;
Woke up @ 1:10 pm (11 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 5:14 am

Cartoon Answer— When the nurse told the patient
with the broken arm a joke, he appreciated her
10.6% of 802 responders had trouble with "NINETY".
Monday, November 13, 2023, 4:15-5:40 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt @ 4:15 pm; Half-hour walk to
Valero Gas Station (Middlefirld Road) for "Daily Post";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:40-5:10 pm;
Red Bus @ 5:24 pm to Montecito Avenue & walked home 5:40 pm
(Safeway's shopping cart wheel stuck 50 yards from Bus Stop)

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.14;
2 Ken's Lite Salad Dressing @ $2.50 x 2 = $5.00;
5 Yoplait Yogurt Low Fat @ 37¢ = $1.85 - 50¢ = $1.35;
Sliced Blueberry Cake, 10 ct @ $5.99 - $2 Bakery = $3.99.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 6:10-6:13 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 11:30 pm;
Woke up @ 10:10 am (11 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 6:13 am

Cartoon Answer—
When he described his catch, his story
14.62% of 677 responders had trouble with this answer.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 3:00-4:00 pm
Mountain View: Mid-Pen Housing Annual Recertification with
Assistant Manager Tracy Cheng (from Taiwan); She photocopied
6-months statements from Wells Fargo & Fidelity Investments
(June-Oct. 2023); Quarterly Statements: TIAA-CREF & CAL-STRS;
Filled out 5-pages Tenant Income Certification Questionnaire

Verification Benefits Letter from
Social Security Office with date,
still has not arrived yet. On Oct. 31,
Tammy said VBL will arrive in 10 days.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 5:20-5:38 pm
Mountain View: "BUSINESS: Google Sues Scammers
Over Fake Bard AI Chatbot That Downloads Malware"

(Emily Birnbaum, Bloomberg, Mercury News, Nov. 14, 2023, C7)

Fraudsters tricked users into installing malware onto devices; Google does not know identities of the scammers, who are behind Facebook profiles called "Google AI", "AIGoogle", "AiGoogle", "AIGoogle.Plus", "AIGoogle Bard FB", and "AIGoogle-Bard". Scammers used Google's logo to promote their scheme. Fraudsters set up dozens of Google acoounts & used them to submit thousands of false copyright claims against their competitors. Two individuals created over 65 Google accounts to submit thousands of fraulent notices of copyright infringements against more than 117,000 websites
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 7:00-7:45 pm
Mountain View: Last Tuesday, Nov. 7, after Gene Tognetti used
Google Bard in LINC-405 Zoom Session to create AI generated
"Racecar in Forest" and Haikus, I repeated assignment in Google Bard; Did I go to authentic Google Bard instead of the Scammers?

• Threw away three bags of newspapers—
"Daily Post", "Metro", "Palo Alto Weekly",
"Peninsula News", unread & accumlating for months.
• Found several emails in my Draft Box to Ann, Rudy,
Karen (2), & Steve Gould (3) (2020-2023) not sent,
and resent them today, some of them 3 years late.
• Al Guzman emailed Nov. 14 @ 5:41 pm— will see me
in Room 4201 after his meeting Thurs. Nov. 16 at 3:30 pm;
No KCI email from Will Cavada on lesson taught on Nov. 8.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 7:00-7:28 pm
Mountain View: Foothill College LINC-405
"ReSkills Workshop" with Gene Tognetti;
Gene was tired & had short Zoom Session today;
Covered Google Drive: Files-Folders-People

Gene likes "My Drive" (all contents); "Shared with Me"
("Bette Davis Eyes" I sent him); Recent (revised material);
"Health People Pursuits Places" found on a Retirement site.
(Sent me Cavada's High School email: cavadaw@esuhsd.org).
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 9:00-9:27 pm
Mountain View: Gene forgot web site where he found
"Health People Pursuits Places"; Searched Google Images
& found "Health Quadrant" (not Gene's "Mountain image")
Wrote 8 rhyming couplets poem "Health People Pursuits Places"

Health is more important than wealth always—
like warmth and light of the sunshine rays.
Music, art, poetry, are lovely pursuits—
to nourish your spirit like ripened fruits.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 7:09-7:10 pm
Mountain View: Karen's Nov. 14 email @ 7:09 pm
(takes painkiller OxyContin after her knee surgery,
putting her "into a blurry, woozy bliss. I only take it at night.");
Email @ 7:10 pm (I liked your list of “my favorite things“)

"My Favorite Things" was unsent 1-24-2021,
and found in my Draft Folder; re-sent 11-14-2023;
Forgot the 14 chapters outline written on 1-22-2021.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 8:16 pm
Mountain View: Ann's Nov. 14 email @ 8:16 pm—
Many tombs; a woman's tomb the size of a small house;
Jack & I also visited Cabildo, building where New Orleans
was officially transferred from France to the U.S in 1803.

Louisiana Purchase agreement signed in Paris on April 30,
but transfer was completed in the Cabildo on December 20 after the purchase treaty was ratified on October 20.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 5:35-5:40 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:10 am;
Woke up @ 12:20 pm (11 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 5:40 am

Cartoon Answer— When the cartoonist asked his
daughter to spot the bunny in his drawing she
24.54% of 986 responders had trouble with this answer.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 3:00-4:40 pm
Mountain View: Revised 1st & last couplets of "Health People Pursuits Places"; Leave apt @ 3:00 pm; Half-hour walk to
Valero news bins (Middlefield Rd) for "Daily Post" & "Metro";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:33-4:09 pm;
Bus #40 @ 4:22 pm to Montecito Avenue and walked home

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.18;
Land-O-Lake Black Forest Ham ($7.49) @ $5.62;
4 Lucerne Sliced Swiss Cheese @ $1.97 x 4 = $7.88;
4 Planter's Honey-Roasted Peanuts @ 1.77 x 4 = $7.08.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 1:54-1:58 pm
Mountain View: Steve Gould's Nov. 15 emails—
@ 1:54 pm— Followed Swami Chinmayananda: "Be enlightened";
@ 1:58 pm— Dad left Shanghai in 1949 for UN job in NYC;
Steve responding to two emails unsent from 2.5 years ago

Poem "Family Tree" unsent 6-26-2021, resent 11-14-2023; Poem "Big Blunder by Little Chicken" unsent 6-23-2021, resent 11-14-2023. (Dad didn't go to Taiwan like Mom & us).
Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 5:14-5:34 pm
Mountain View: Steve Gould's Nov. 15 emails—
@ 5:14 pm— Julliard: Tchaikovsky Symphony #4 in F minor, Op. 36;
@ 5:17 pm— NYP: Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61;
@ 5:34 pm— Elephants at American Museum of Natural History

"The Secret World of Elephants" (Nov. 13, 2023)
How do elephants "hear" with their feet?
Use the 40,000 muscles in their trunks?
Thursday, November 16, 2023, 6:27-6:30 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 12:35 am;
Woke up @ 1:10 pm (13.5 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 6:30 am

Cartoon Answer— Maria's hope that they
could watch the scary movie together had a
34.87% of 1087 responders had trouble with this answer.
Thursday, November 16, 2023, 2:40-5:40 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt @ 2:40 pm; Bus #40 @ 3:27 pm;
Didn't bring umbrella; drenched with downpour of rain;
Because Bus #40 was late, got to Foothill College
Los Altos Campus, 37 minutes late; Room 4201, where
Al Guzman helped to restore Adobe Photoshop, 4:07-5:40 pm

Logged in to My Portal; Al went to Application 365,
but Microsoft Office doesn't have Adobe Photoshop;
Went to Adobe Cloud site, but download didn't work;
Got Cyberduck 2 installed, Version 6.0.4 (24953), 2017.
Thursday, November 16, 2023, 4:07-5:40 pm
Mountain View: Foothill College Los Altos Campus,
STEM Room 4201, where Al Guzman help tutoring students
in English & Math; Gave Al 2 Planters Honey-Roasted Peanuts
and 2 boxes Wheat Thins crackers for his generous help.

Biochemist Peter Dunten came by to say "hello" (4:43 pm);
He knows about the Chou-Fasman Method of Protein
Structure Predictions; Al wanted us to meet awhile back;
Great to get old version of Cyberduck to upload my files.
Thursday, November 16, 2023, 6:05-7:40 pm
Mountain View: Took Bus #40 from Foothill College to
Valero news bins (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 6:43-6:59 pm;
Bus #40 @ 7:28 pm to Montecito Avenue and walked home

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.18;
4 Triscuits Crackers ($5.49) @ $1.77 x 4 = $7.08;
Land-O-Lake Black Forest Ham ($7.49) @ $5.62;
O Organics Baby Arugula Salad @ $5.99 - $3 off = $2.99.
Thursday, November 16, 2023, 10:50-11:06 pm
Mountain View: "MOVIES: Stanford Theatre
bringing back a beloved holiday tradition this year"

(By Sal Pizarro, Mercury News, November 16, 2023, B1-B2)

"It's a Wonderful Life" returns for Christmas Eve for the first time since 2019. The two Dec. 24 screenings— at 4 pm and
7 pm— will cap a month of holiday favorites (and Deanna Durbin movies) with a lineup that includes "Show Boat" (Nov. 25-26); "It Started With Eve" (Dec. 2-3); "White Christmas" (Dec. 9-10); “The Bishop's Wife" (Dec. 14-15); "Meet Me in St. Louis" paired with "Miracle on 34th Street" (Dec. 16-17); and a double-feature of "The Shop Around the Corner" & "The Wizard of Oz" (Dec. 21-23). "It's a Wonderful Life" had been an annual event at the Stanford since 1989, consistently playing to a sold-out house. But COVID-19 pandemic put a stop to this tradition in 2020 and 2021.
Thursday, November 16, 2023, 11:15-11:55 pm
Mountain View: Was so happy to see files at my
web site wisdomportal.com with Cyberduck 2
(not seen since Oct. 18), but can't upload any files.

• Tried to upload Feb. 2, 2022 Haikus— rejected;
Upload LINC-405(Fall2023) folder— rejected;
Upload 167 files in Poems2023 folder— rejected.
• Will need to find Cyberduck version letting me upload files;
Also find Adobe Photoshop version that works like before;
As my Mac Sierra 10:12:06 is old (2016), newer upgrades
cancels older version so it no longer works; much frustration.
• Dinner: Gorton Potato Crunch Fish Fillets;
Bowl of O Organics Baby Arugula Salad;
Ken's Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette Dressing;
Pringles Potato Chips; BitChin Spinach-Artichoke Dip;
Whole Cashews, Sliced Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Milk.
Friday, November 17, 2023, 7:25-7:33 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:20 am;
Woke up @ 12:10 pm (10 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:33 am

Cartoon Answer— The retail employee's
on-the-job headaches were often
41.64% of 1119 responders had trouble with this answer.
Friday, November 17, 2023, 12:40-1:09 pm
Mountain View: "BUSINESS: Olive oil prices surge
over 100% to record highs, sparking cooking oil thefts""

(By Lee Ying Shan, CNBC, September 18, 2023)

Olive oil prices spiked to fresh records as severe droughts
in major producing continue to crimp supplies— driving desperate people to resort to stealing it. Some 50,000 liters of extra virgin olive oil was stolen from one of Spain's oil mills in late August. That’s more than €420,000, or about $450,000, worth of olive oil.
Friday, November 17, 2023, 4:00-4:40 pm
Mountain View: Fidelity Investments (2580 West El Camino Real, Suite 9), Consulted with Hannah Lam on bounced check #2025
paid to Mid-Pen Housing on Nov. 2 for Apt rent of $1242.00.
Fidelity Oct. 31 statement showed $1445.09 in checking account

11/2 Kaiser Permanente $79 reduced checking to $1366.09;
11/3 Public Storage $191 reduced checking acct to $1175.09
that was insufficient to cover $1242.00 Nov. rent payment.
Friday, November 17, 2023, 5:00-6:20 pm
Mountain View: Chef Chu's bins (El Camino Real)
for "Palo Alto Weekly; CVS bins for "Daily Post";
Shopping at Safeway (645 San Antonio Rd) 5:15-5:54 pm
Bus #40 @ 5:57 pm to Central Xpwy Stop & walked home 6:20 pm

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.19;
4 Triscuits Crackers ($5.49) @ $1.77 x 4 = $7.08;
C4 Energy Drink Peach-Mango 12 oz @ $2.99 = Free.
Friday, November 17, 2023, 8:00-8:30 pm
Mountain View: "BUSINESS: Survey sheds
light on parent, teen feelings about Generative AI"

(By Larry Magid, Mercury News, November 17, 2023, C7-C8)

45% of U.S. teens agree that their parents know more than they do about GAI. Kantar study on behalf of Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) found that both parents & teens are not only aware of GAI but also mostly optimistic about its impact. Study of teens (13-17) & their parents completing online survey with 1,000 participants in U.S., Japan, Germany. Parents & teens picked job loss as No. 1 top concerns followed by spread of false information. Parents picked "loss of critical thinking skills" as No. 3, while teens worried about "AI surpassing humans." Google Bard, Microsoft Bing & ChatGPT all offer free access to GAI services.
Friday, November 17, 2023, 8:30-9:30 pm
Mountain View: "OP-ED: Don't repeat
post-9/11 Islamophobia during Israel-Hamas war"

(By Sara Haghdoosti, Mercury News, November 16, 2023, A6)

It's critical that political leaders responsibly discuss the conflict, not conflate Hamas with Arab Americans and Muslims. Hamas' heinous attacks and Israeli government’s response— collective punishment of 2 million people in Gaza— have created one of the most combustible and escalatory moments in the Middle East in a half-century. With more than 11,000 Palestinians already dead, according to health ministry in Gaza, and many more injured & countless at risk, we cannot afford to continue making the same mistakes. We're seeing calls in Florida to ban pro-Palestinian groups from colleges in fear of terrorism.
Friday, November 17, 2023, 5:55-9:30 pm
Palo Alto: Stanford Theatre: Robert Siodmak's "The Suspect"
(5:55 -7:20 pm) & Alfred Hitchcock's "Saboteur" (7:30-9:20 pm).

Had planed on seeing these two movies
and catch the last Bus #40 @ 10:24 pm home,
but the drenching rain made me decide otherwise.
Friday, November 17, 2023, 11:30 pm-1:00 am
Mountain View: Dinner: 2 Gorton Parmesan Crusted Fish Fillets;
Large Bowl of O Organics Baby Arugula Salad;

Ken's Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette Dressing;
Pringles Potato Chips; BitChin Spinach-Artichoke Dip;
Whole Cashews, Sliced Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Milk.
Saturday, November 18, 2023, 6:51-7:39 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:00 am;
Woke up @ 12:10 pm (10 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 7:39 am
(I guessed "ROUTA OF FENCER")

Missed Cartoon Answer— When Mark Trail stopped
the poacher in the forest, he found out Mark was a
50.69% of 582 responders had trouble with this answer.
Saturday, November 18, 2023, 3:00-4:00 pm
Mountain View: Ann came by @ 3:00 pm; Drove to Valero
Gas Station news bins for "Daily Post" & "Peninsula News";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:12-3:44 pm
Gave Ann bag of newspapers; 2 Planter's Honey Roasted Peanuts,
2 Triscuits, C4 Energy Drink; 6 Poems: "Polar Bear Dreaming",
"More Circular Things" (1, 2, 3, 4), "Health People Pursuits Places"

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.19;
4 Sparkling Water Pineapple-Mango @ 90¢ x 4 = $3.60;
4 Planter's Honey Peanuts @ $3.50 = $14.00 (returned);
2 Quaker Instant Oatmeal @ $2.67 x 2 = $5.64 - $1 = $4.64.
Saturday, November 18, 2023, 5:15 pm
Mountain View: Steve Gould's Nov. 18 email @ 5:15 pm
on Tradiional Chinese Medicine (TCM); Article in C&EN (2023) how malarial drug, artemisinin, was discovered by poring over historical TCM data. Before I was born in Chengtu (6-25-1941), Mom lost her 3-year old son & 2-year old daughter to diphtheria while pregnant with me. After I was born, my Mom lost her 5-year old son who visited me in the hospital to celebral meningitis & died in July 1941. They were all treated with TCM. Penicillin was not available yet.

Sun Yat-sen also treated with TCM. Because no good effect was produced, Sun Yat-sen was also treated with traditional Chinese herbal medicine, prescribed by native practitioners.
(Dad had a friend who used herbal treatment to cure jaundice.)
Saturday, November 18, 2023, 4:00-6:07 pm
Wrote poem "This Is the Sage" with photo of Paul Brunton and
8 rhyming couplets— "Sincerity is the foundation of the sage— / whose mind is fresh & young without age. // He is impervious to heat and cold, / his actions— courageous and bold.// Sees one in the many, many in the one— / his vision is second to none. // With wings— compassion & wisdom— / everywhere he goes is his kingdom. // The sage is not a walking encyclopedia— / no need for fame & fortune from social media. //

He is calm, serene, always at peace— / In his presence, you will feel at ease. // The sage is someone sweet & sublime— / living his life beyond space and time. // No one is so generous and kind— / The sage is best treasure you will find."
Saturday, November 18, 2023, 8:40-9:09 pm
Mountain View: "TECHNOLOGY:
OpenAI's board pushes outfirm's chief executive"

(By Cade Metz, NY Times, Mercury News, Nov, 18, 2023, C8)

Sam Altman, the high-profile CEO of OpenAI, who became the face of the tech industry's artificial intelligence boom,
has been pushed out of the company by its board of directors, OpenAI said in a blog post Friday aftrnoon. Mira Murati,
who previously served as the company's chief technology officer, has been named interim CEO, the company said.
Saturday, November 18, 2023, 8:30-9:22 pm
Mountain View: "FOOD: The Best
Olive Oil You Can Buy at the Store"

(By Michael Sullivan, NY Times, August 31, 2023)/

Extra-virgin olive oils for cooking & salad dressings.
Best all around: 1. Graza Sizzle Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
2. Cobram Estate California Select Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
3. Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil (bought 11-22-2021),
4. Bono Sicilia PGI Organic Sicilian Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
5. Kirkland Signature Extra Virgin Olive Oil California)
Sunday, November 19, 2023, 5:05-5:10 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:10 am;
Woke up @ 1:10 pm (12 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 5:10 am—

Cartoon Answer— The couple visited
Big Ben after deciding it was NME DTR

30.22% of 493 responders had trouble with this answer.
Sunday, November 19, 2023, 1:15-5:25 pm
Mountain View: No "Daily Post" on Sunday; Stay home to work;
NFL: SF 49ers defeats Tampa Bay Bucaneers 27-14 with Brandon Aiyuk's 76-yards TD; Not going to Stanford Theatre for Fritz Lang's Scarlet Street (4 pm) & Robert Siodmak's Phantom Lady (5:50 pm).

"UFOs: Stanford professor hunts for alien life"
[Biotech entrepreneur launches 'Stardust Repository' & Palo Alto foundation to study Unidentified Aerial Phenomena— (UFOs). Stanford's immunologist Garry Nolan suggests object that fell in Council Bluffs, Iowa, (12-1977) was an UAP]
(By Lisa M. Krieger, Mercury News, Nov, 19, 2023, A1, A8)
Sunday, November 19, 2023, 5:00-5:40 pm
Mountain View: "THINGS TO DO: Hawaii escapes:
Exploring Oahu’s North Shore and windward East Side"

(By Ben Davidson, Mercury News, November 19, 2023, F7-F8)

The sacred historical site of Waimea Valley on Oahu boasts lush a botanical garden and waterfall, where you can take a swim. Visit: Jenny's Shrimp Truck, Turtle Bay Resort, Kuilima Farm, Waimea Valley, Climbworks, Courtyard Oahu North Shore, Polynesian Cultural Center, Kualoa Ranch.
Sunday, November 19, 2023, 5:00-5:40 pm
Mountain View: "TRAVEL LIST: Wanderlust's
10 top islands in the world include some jawdropping spots"

(By Jackie Burrell, Mercury News, November 19, 2023, F7)

1. Cuba; 2. Taiwan;
3. Tobago; 4. Palawan, Philippines;
5. Tasmania; 6. Mauritius;
7. Langkawi, Malasia; 8. Sri Lanka;
9. Saint Helena; 10. Barbados.
Sunday, November 19, 2023, 5:40-6:20 pm
Mountain View: Dan Piraro's Bizarro Comics Searched for objects: UFO: On table bottom center; Eyeball: behind foot lower left; Firecracker: on ceiling upper center; Apple Pie: in painting right of window; Pipe: on table next to UFO; Arrow: Not found; Rabbit:
in painting next to Apple Pie; Crown: on painting below K; Shoe:
on painting next to window Upside-down Bird: Upper left on lamp;
K2: on painting upper left; O2: on painting upper left.

Peter: wrote poem "This Is the Sage" at home;
Rudy: returning to Sunnyvale on Monday to Best Buy;
Ann: saw lots of white pelicans at Shoreline on Saturday;
Karen: ice relieves her pain after knee operation in NYC.
Sunday, November 19, 2023, 6:30-7:02 pm
Mountain View: Use ChatGPT & Google Bard to generate
photos of sage & write rhyming 8-couplets poem "This Is the Sage"

ChatGPT: I can't directly show you images, but you can easily find photos of sages or wise individuals by searching online. Sages are often depicted as elderly individuals with a serene and wise demeanor, sometimes with long white beards and dressed in robes, reflecting their wisdom and experience. If you're looking for a specific type of sage or representation, providing more details could help me assist you better!
Google Bard: Gave photos of "plant sage"; then "wise sage".
Sunday, November 19, 2023 7:05-7:11 pm
Mountain View: Asked ChatGPT to write
rhyming 8-couplets poem "This Is the Sage"

In a garden where wisdom's bloom unfurls,
Resides the sage, amidst ancient pearls.
With eyes that gleam like stars in the night,
He shares the truths that shine so bright.

His voice a melody, a soothing song,
Guiding lost souls where they belong.
In whispers soft, his wisdom flows,
Like a gentle breeze, it kindly shows.

He speaks of love, a boundless grace,
And paths to tread, life's intricate maze.
With patient words, he calms the storm,
Teaching lessons, wisdom's form.

The sage, a beacon, a timeless guide,
In his presence, doubts subside.
In reverence, hearts find their stage,
For in his words, this is the sage.
Sunday, November 19, 2023 7:11-7:17 pm
Mountain View: Asked Google Bard to write
rhyming 8-couplets poem "This Is the Sage"

In the realm of wisdom, where knowledge takes flight,
Dwells the sage, a beacon so bright.
With eyes that pierce through the veil of the unknown,
And a heart that holds secrets of ages long flown.

His words, like whispers from the wind so wise,
Carry tales of truth that never dies.
He speaks of the cosmos, of stars and of dreams,
Of the power within us, of love's radiant gleams.

With a gentle touch and a calming gaze,
He guides the lost through life's intricate maze.
He teaches us patience, compassion, and grace,
To find inner peace in this ever-changing race.

Oh, sage of wisdom, your spirit so pure,
Your presence a blessing, forever endure.
May your wisdom enlighten, your guidance inspire,
As we journey through life, with hearts set afire.
Sunday, November 19, 2023, 10:00-10:34 pm
Mountain View: Amazing that it took ChatGPT just 6 minutes (7:05-7:11 pm) to write the rhyming 8-couplets poem "This Is the Sage"; Google Bard also did it in 6 minutes (7:11-7:17 pm); It took me 2 hours to compose this poem (4:00-6:07 pm); No wonder Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool to reckon with.

ChatGPT didn't provide images for sages, even names given in Prompts; Selected Shankara image on my own; Google Bard gave 4 images of sages; bearded sage on mountaintop, Dalai Lama, Hindu Guru, Native American Shaman;
Arranged poems in 3 columns & printed @ 80% landscape.
Sunday, November 19, 2023, 10:40-11:01 pm
Mountain View: Ann's Nov. 19 email @ 4:10 pm— "On my first trip to China, my friend took me to a huge TCM store on Nanjing Road with all the ground-floor merchandise in glass cases and an interior that reminded me of the Nieman Marcus; on the top floor, was a pharmacy looking much like a Walgreens or CVS, & shopped there."

Rudy's Nov. 19 email @ 4:01 pm. I’m scheduled to pick up my repaired laptop at Best Buy on 11/20/23 at 2:40 pm; swing by your place @ 2:15 pm; In my Culture Anthropology class, spoke on cinnamon in hot water as a potent anti-inflammatory, & anti-microbial, Cumin eased gastrointestinal issues.
Monday, November 20, 2023, 4:34-4:43 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:40 am;
Woke up @ 11:05 am (9.5 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 4:43 am

Cartoon Answer— The fishing enthusiast
invented a new lure and hoped it would
6.56% of 671 responders had trouble with "WEALTH"
Monday, November 20, 2023, 2:15-5:00 pm
Mountain View: Rudy came by @ 2:15 pm; Drove to Best Buy
(715 E. El Camino Real); He had appt there on his Apple Laptop,
but it was too busy; Returned SanDisk 64 GB chip ($10.36) for
SanDisk 32 GB chip ($11.99 = $1.08 tax = $13.07 - #10.6 + $2.51)
Even though Target had lower price @ $8.39, saved Rudy time &
paid $2.71 so they'll install chip to my camera to see if it worked

Since Shaikl from Safeway wants Rudy to get him
a bottle of Lodi Zinfandel Wine, we stopped by
Bev Mo— Had bottle of "Lodi Zin" for $15.99.
Monday, November 20, 2023, 4:05-5:00
Mountain View: Rudy drove to Valero bins for "Daily Post";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 4:05-4:40 pm
Free for Rudy: 5 lbs Idaho Russet Potatoes ($3.99) @ 97¢; Sig Sel Nuts & Grain and Oats & Nuts Breads ($3.99) @ $3.49 x 2 = $6.98;
C4 Cherry Berry No-Sugar Energy Drink @ $2.50 (Should be Free).

French Fried Onions ($6.49) @ $4.49;
Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.19;
Lucerne Coconut Creme Coffee Creamer @ $2.82;
4 Planter's Honey-Roasted Peanuts @ $1.77 x 4 = $7.08;.
Monday, November 20, 2023, 5:40-8:10 pm
Mountain View: Since Al Guzman has the same Canon A590
Powershot Camera
as mine, asked him "What GB chip used in
your camera?" Al's Nov. 20 email @ 3:34 pm "Yikes, I don't know. Also, I misplaced camera so I am unable to check." Since Best Buy clerk opened SanDisk 32 GB chip, I paid $3.60 over Targett's price.

Rudy said Best Buy will match Target's lower price,
but they're not doing it now due to Black Friday Sales;
Wanted to save Rudy time from driving to Target for
lower price deals, and paid extra at Best Buy today.
Monday, November 20, 2023, 8:00-8:50 pm
Mountain View: "OBITUARY: Rosalynn Carter,
outspoken former first lady, dead at 96"
(By Bill Barrow
& Michael Warren, AP, Mercury News, Nov, 20, 2023, A1, A3)

Former first lady Rosalynn Carter, closest adviser to Jimmy Carter during his one term as U.S. president & their four decades thereafter as global humanitarians, has died at age of 96. "Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished," Carter said. "She gave me wise guidance & encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me." The Carters were married for more than 77 years, forging a "full partnership." Unlike many previous first ladies, Rosalynn sat in on Cabinet meetings, & represented her husband on foreign trips. Carters did not serve hard liquor at public functions, though Rosalynn did permit U.S. wine. Fewer evenings of ballroom dancing and more square dancing
and picnics. Jimmy Carter is longest-lived U.S. president. Rosalynn Carter was second longest-lived of the nation’s
first ladies, trailing only Bess Truman, who died at age 97.
Monday, November 20, 2023, 9:30-10:40 pm
Mountain View: "FRENCH AUCTION:
A hat worn by Napoleon sold for $2.1 million"

(By Associated Press, Mercury News, Nov, 20, 2023, A2)

The signature broad, black hat— one of a handful still in existence that Napoleon wore when he ruled 19th-century France and waged war in Europe— was initially valued at 600,000 to 800,000 euros ($650,000-870,000). It was the centerpiece of Sunday's Osenat auction in Fontainebleau of memorabilia collected by a French industrialist who died last year. Napoleon wore his with the ends pointing toward his shoulders. The style— known as "en bataille" or in battle— made it easier for his troops to spot their leader in combat. The hat on sale was first recovered by Col. Pierre Baillon, a quartermaster under Napoleon, according to the auctioneers. The hat then passed through many hands before industrialist Jean-Louis Noisiez acquired it. The sale came days before release of Ridley Scott's film "Napoleon" with Joaquin Phoenix, which is rekindling interest in the ontroversial French ruler.
Monday, November 20, 2023, 11:00-11:33 pm
Mountain View: "MARKETPLACE: Fake reviews
are rampant online. Can a crackdown end them?"

(By Stuart A. Thompson, NYT, Mercury News, 11-20-2023, C9-C10)

There is a billion-dollar fake review industry, where people and businesses pay marketers to post fake positive reviews to Google Maps, Amazon, Yelp and other platforms, and deceive millions of customers each year. Almost all fake reviews are positive endorsements, such as four-star and five-star reviews, that the businesses write themselves or are created by digital marketers, whose services can be purchased online for as little as a few dollars per review. Choosing the wrong doctor, lawyer, or contractor can ruin your life.
Monday, November 20, 2023, 9:00-9:36 pm
Mountain View: Rudy wants to see the new film "Napoleon"
(released 11-15-2023) directed by Ridley Scott's with
Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon & Vanessa Kirby as Josephine

Emailed Rudy @ 9:36 pm that ICON Theater
(2575 California St. Suite 601, Mountain View)
shows "Napoleon" on Tuesday, Nov. 21 @ 3:00-5:37 pm;
Movie 157 minutes long. $10.50 instead of $6.50 on Tuesday;
Order seats early to get good viewing; Rudy returning to Lodi
early on Thursday for Thanksgiving; Told him to phone if he
wishes to go to see this movie; Film Reviews: Official Website; imdb; Rotten Tomatoes: 67% positive from
Critics; No reviews from Audience yet; YouTube: Trailer.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 7:10-7:15 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:50 am;
Woke up @ 2:10 pm (11.5 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:15 am

Cartoon Answer— Their Budapest restaurant
has done well over the years thanks to all the
20.86% of 858 responders had trouble with this answer.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 2:46-6:13 pm
Mountain View: No "Daily Post" on Tuesday; Stay home to work;
Emailed Rudy 1:24 am on not seeing "Napoleon" at ICON Theater since they're charging $10.50 for this movie that's just released
and $6.50 for all the others; Since today's Jumbo answers had
"growl", "weary", "pepper", "crunch", it triggered a poem

Pepper weary— growl & crunch
as "Hungary" people sit and munch.
Jack Mullen was teary and cried
when his pet dog Pepper died.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 7:00-7:31 pm
Mountain View: Foothill College LINC-405
"ReSkills Workshop" with Gene Tognetti;
Gene showed "Animation in Google Slides";
Taped today's Zoom Session for me to study

Instructions from Kristen Higgins
making video; Gene downloaded
a red racecar and a traffic cone
with car speeding by traffic cone.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 10:30-11:55 pm
Mountain View: After writing poem "Jumble Puzzle Budapest"
with 8 rhyming couplets (3:30-6:13 pm) & attending
Gene Tognetti's LINC-405 class Zoom Session on
"Animation" (7:00-7:31 pm), had late breakfast today

8 slices Black Forest Ham,
2 slices Swiss Cheese,
8 Triscuits Crackers,
Coffee with Hazelnut Creamer.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 8:30-8:40 pm
Mountain View: Pinterest sent 3:18 video @ 8:26 pm
Russ Tamblyn Dancing in "The Fastest Gun Alive" (1956)

Saw Russ Tamblyn dance in movie
"Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"(1954)
and in "West Side Story" (1961) that Rudy likes.
Russ is now 88 years old, his athleticism is amazing!
Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 9:00-9:37 pm
Mountain View: Pinterest sent 3:00 video on Nov. 20 @ 2:27 pm
"Gifted Pianist Takes “Boogie Woogie” to New Level"

Boogie Woogie (popular in the 1920s) playing upbeat
jazz music on the piano with an incredibly fast beat.
Nicknamed the “Boogie Man”, the only thing scary
about Tommy Johnson is the insane amount of talent he has.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 12:35-12:50 am
Mountain View: For Tognetti's LINC-405 assignment on
"Animation in Google Slides", downloaded image of
"Red-tailed Hawk" from Sacramento Audubon Society

Need to find image of "Mountains"
with light blue background
or no background at all.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 1:01-1:53 am
Mountain View: Several restaurants offering free Thanksgiving dinner, but I don't eat chicken or turkey, so no need to go,
or the free Thanksgiving Luncheon at Mid-Pen Housing

Will go to Safeway to get Bob Evans Mashed Potatoes
@ $3.50; Cook Shrimp Fried Rice, Broccoli Normandy,
Imitation Crabmeat, Almonds & Seeds, and Green Beans.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 5:38-5:42 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 4:00 am;
Woke up @ 1:05 pm (9 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 5:42 am

Cartoon Answer— Chubby Checker
determined his Rock 'n' Roll future in 1960 with
20.28% of 922 responders had trouble with this answer.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 3:15-4:40 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt @ 3:15 p; Bus #40 @ 3:30 pm
to Middlefield Road Valero news bins for "Daily Post";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:43-4:11 pm;
Bus #40 @ 4:22 pm to Montecito Avenue and walked home;
(Emailed Rudy on Free Apple Pie for his folks at Thanksgiving)

Lucerne Swiss Cheese ($4.49) @ $1.97;
Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.19;
C4 Energy Drink Watermelon 12 oz @ $2.99 = Free;
Apple Pie 9-inches ($12.99) @ $6.99 - $2 Bakery = $4.99.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 7:00-8:00 pm
Mountain View: William Cavada never showed up
for today's LINC-405 Zoom's "ReSkills Workshop"
though it was scheduled the day before Thanksgiving.
Waited from 7:00-8:00 pm, but he never opened the class.

Decided to compare my poem "This Is the Sage" with
those generated by AI. Asked ChatGPT & Google Bard
to write rhyming 8-couplets poem "This Is the Sage-3".
Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 10:42 pm-12:40 am
Mountain View: Rudy came by to pick up the 9-inches
Apple Pie to share with his folks in Lodi for Thanksgiving;
Wrote poem of rhyming 8-couplets "Thanksgiving 2023"

Thanks for this body that kept me well,
thanks for this mind in calmness dwelled.
Thanks to my parents, Mom and Dad,
thanks for siblings making me glad.
Thursday, November 23, 2023, 8:25-8:35 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:40 am;
Woke up @ 1:20 pm (10 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:35 am

Cartoon Answer— After eating so much
turey, stuffing, potatoes, etc., everyone was
20.4% of 647 responders had trouble with this answer.
Thursday, November 23, 2023, 1:42-2:48 pm
Mountain View: Sent "Thanksgiving 2023" poem
to Ann (1:11 am) and Karen (1:26 am); Images not showing for "Snoppy", "Happy Thanksgiving", "Cornucopia"; "Daily Post"
didn't say whether newspaper would be printed on Thanksgiving;
Read article "Who Really Killed JFK? After 60 Years" (1:32 am)

Will listen to SF 49ers playing Seattle Seahawks at
Lumen Field on the radio; Nice "Thanksgiving Greetings" from Karen in NYC (6:20 am, 6:50 am); Not interested in
all those cooked turkey images or lots of "Black Friday" ads.
Thursday, November 23, 2023, 3:50-5:45 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt @ 3:50 pm; Half-hour walk
to Jane Lane & Valero news bins, both with no "Daily Post";
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:26-4:57 pm;
5:24 pm Bus 340 to Montecito Avenue and walked home

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.14;
Bob Evans Mashed Potatoes 24 oz ($6.49) @ $3.50;
Land-O-Lakes Black Forest Ham 16 oz ($7.49) @ $5.99;
Sig Sel Apple Pie 8-inches @ $6.99 - $2.00 Bakery = $4.99;
C4 Energy Drink Cherry Berry Lime 12 oz @ $2.50 = Free.
Thursday, November 23, 2023, 6:50-8:30 pm
Mountain View: Sent "Thanksgiving 2023" poem to Rudy (7:15 pm),
Al Guzman (7:20 pm), Steve Gould (7:25 pm), Jack Mullen (7:30 pm); Images not showing for "Snoppy", "Happy Thanksgiving", "Cornucopia"; Sent Jack Mullen "Jumble Puzzle Budapest" (7:35 pm)

49ers beats Seahawks 31-13; 3 stanzas in poem "Jumble Puzzle Budapest" referred to Jack Mullen's love for dogs & cats. Ann's email @ 5:18 pm— Poem for Thanksgiving 1858 by magazine editor (Sarah Hale) who persuaded Lincoln to declare 4th Thursday of November a national Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 23, 2023, 8:30-9:00 pm
Mountain View: Ann's email @ 5:18 pm— Poem
for Thanksgiving 1858
by magazine editor (Sarah Hale)

All the blessings of the fields, / All the stores the garden yields, / All the plenty summer pours, / Autumn's rich, o'erflowing stores, / Peace, prosperity, and health, / Private bliss and public wealth, / Knowledge with its gladdening streams, / Pure religion's holier beams— / Lord, for these
our souls shall raise / Grateful vows and solemn praise.
Thursday, November 23, 2023, 9:00-9:30 pm
Mountain View: Sent "Thanksgiving 2023" poem to more friends
& relatives—Cathy (9:42 pm), Denise (9:40 pm), Anita (9:53 pm)

Theresa (9:56 pm); Mary Fry (10:00 pm); Images not showing for "Snoppy", "Happy Thanksgiving", "Cornucopia"; Huai Han (10:00 pm), Leonard Wan (10:05 pm), Frank Peter (10:08 pm), Elisa (10:11 pm), Emily (10:13 pm), David & Margaret (10:16 pm), Jimmy & Dan (10:20 pm), Byron (10:24 pm), Marissa (10:26 pm), Deborah (10:24 pm), Dupuy (10:37 pm).
Friday, November 24, 2023, 6:01-6:21 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 1:10 am;
Woke up @ 1:20 pm (10 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 6:21 am

Cartoon Answer— The cartoonist got fed up
with his unmanageable workload and said
29.23% of 325 responders had trouble with this answer.
Friday, November 24, 2023, 1:59-2:30 pm
Mountain View: KDFC 104.9 FM (1:59-2:15 pm)— Barry Griffiths violin as André Previn conducts Royal Philharmonic Orchestra to Ralph Vaughan Williams "The Lark Ascending" (1914); CD (2006);
YouTube: Hilary Hahn on "Lark Ascending" at the George Enescu Festival. Bird watchers took Hilary to a hill to see a lark ascending.

Karen phones from NYC (2:25-2:30 pm) to check out
if I'm doing well; She had nice Thanksgiving with family;
Told her I'm not lonely, cooked dinner Shrimp Fried Rice,
crabmeat, green beans, broccoli, cauliflowers for 3 meals.
Friday, November 24, 2023, 5:40-7:20 pm
Palo Alto: Stanford Theatre: Norman Taurog directs
Mad About Music (1936) with Deanna Durbin, Herbert Marshall,
Gail Patrick, Arthur Treacher, Marcia Mae Jones, Helen Parrish, Jackie Moran; Elisabeth Risdon, Nana Bryant, Christian Rub,
Sid Grauman, Franklin_Pangborn; Reviews: imdb; NY Times;
TCM; AFI Review; YouTube: Trailer; I Like to Whistle.

Deanna Durbin Sings "Ave Maria" with Boys Choir;
She convinced Herbert Marshall to play her father
from Africa to fool her classmates in Switzerland.
Friday, November 24, 2023, 7:30-8:55 pm
Jack Mullen would love to see Stanford Theatre: Henry Koster directs
"100 Men and a Girl" (1937) starring Deanna Durbin, Adolphe Menjou, Leopold Stokowski, Evelyn Del Rio, Alice Brady, Alma Kruger, Mischa Auer, Billy Gilbert, Frank Jenks, Jed Prouty;
J. Scott Smart: Reviews: imdb; Rotten Tomatoes; TCM; AllMovie; YouTube: Clip; "Mozart Alleluia"; Sings "La Traviata"; Full Movie

Deanna Durbin sings her way to
Leopold Stokowski to conduct for
100 unemployed musicians & her father.
Thursday, November 23, 2023, 4:57-5:24 pm
Mountain View: "Daily Post" not printed on Thanksgiving;
Apple Pie 9-inches @ $4.99 I got for Rudy all sold out;
Lots of Pumpkin Pies not to my liking;
Got last Apple Pie 8-inches @ $4.99.

While waiting for last Bus #40 @ 5:24 pm
nearly Full Moon Nov. 27 shined down straight at me;
Last year wrote poem on "Beaver Moon" (11-8-2022).
Friday, November 24, 2023, 9:42-10:26 pm
Mountain View: After Deanna Durbins movies at Stanford Theatre,
9:00 pm, got to Palo Alto Train Depot @ 9:10 pm; Caught Bus #22
@ 9:19 pm to Showers Dr. @ 9:42 pm; Bus #40 had left @ 9:34 pm;
Waited till Bus #40 @ 10:26 pm to Central Xpwy & walked home

It's very cold out tonight; should have worn
my heavier denim jacket with buttons, and gloves
and beanie; Had hot cup of ginseng tea to warm me up.
Saturday, November 25, 2023, 7:17-7:21 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 7:25 am;
Woke up @ 2:15 pm (7 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:21 am

Cartoon Answer— The housekeeping staff at
the hotel kept track of the bed linens by using a
16.26% of 812 responders had trouble with this answer.
Saturday, November 25, 2023, 3:00--3:34 pm
Mountain View: Ann came @ 3:00 pm; Drove to
Valero news bins (Middlefield Road) for "Daily Post";
Gave Ann bag of newspapers; 2 Pringles Harvest Blends
Potato Chips
, Wheat Thins Reduced Fat Crackers,
C4 Energy Drinks: Watermelon, Cherry Berry Lime

My Poems: "This Is the Sage",
"ChatGPT & Google Bard Poems".
"Thanksgiving 2023"; Cantor Arts Center Exhibit;
Stanford Theatre December Schedule Brochure.
Saturday, November 25, 2023, 7:13 am
Mountain View: USPS notified mail from Social Security; Tammy
said (10-31) "Verification Benefit Letter" will arrive in 10 days;
took 25 days; Emails from those who liked "Thanksgiving 2023"

Karen (11-23, 6:38 am); Prof. Dupuy (11-24, 7 am); Emily (11-24, 11:12 am); Leonard Wan (11-24, 5:35 pm); Ann (11-24, 6:22 pm); Steve Gould (11-25, 4:19 am); Al Guzman (11-25, 8:30); Cathy (11-25, 10:21 am); Rudy (11-25, 10:23 am).
Saturday, November 25, 2023, 3:16-3:34 pm
Mountain View: Ann saw 4 turkeys, 2 deer, and 30 small children
on rollerblades while hiking this morning on Sawyer Camp Trail;
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 3:16-3:34 pm

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.14;
Lucerne Chocolate Milk 64 oz ($3.99) @ $2.67;
C4 Energy Drink Blood Orange 12 oz @ $2.50 = Free;
4 Sparkling Drink Mango-Pineapple @ 90¢ x 4 = $3.60;
Sunday, November 26, 2023, 8:11-9:15 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 2:20 am;
Woke up @ 12:50 pm (10.5 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 9:15 am—

Missed Cartoon Answer— She picked up
the book featuring autumn foliage photos and
36.52% of 534 responders had trouble with this answer.
Sunday, November 26, 2023, 2:15-3:14 pm
Mountain View: No "Daily Post" on Sunday; Stay home to work;
49ers beats Seahawks 31-13 on Thanksgiving Thursday, so not playing today; Not going to Stanford Theatre for James Whale's
Show Boat (3:50 pm) & James Whale's One More River (5:55 pm).
Last Bus #40 on Sunday is 5:47 pm, not relishing taking Bus #22
to Rengstorff Ave and hour-walk home in the cold dark.

Emailed Al Guzman that Rudy likes to see
the new movie, Ridley Scott's "Napoleon";
Get $9.50 discount ticket at Foothill's
Welcome Center so we could go on weekend.
Sunday, November 26, 2023, 3:30-4:18 pm
Mountain View: Dan Piraro's Bizarro Comics
Searched for objects: UFO: Upper right corner;

Eyeball: lower left behind barbell; Firecracker: below bench; Apple Pie: on floor lower right; Pipe: on table next to UFO; Arrow: Not found; Rabbit: on T-shirt; Crown & Olive Oyl: on chest of weight lifter; Shoe: not found; Inverted Bird: below bench; K2: not found; O2: on wall poster.
Sunday, November 26, 2023, 4:20-4:54 pm
Mountain View: Watch Dolphin's Jevon Holland intercepts Jets quarterback Tim Boyle's hail mary & runs 99-yards for touchdown

Checked my emails (11-25, 11:52 pm) at Netscape Solutions.
Dozens of emails from host that I'm spamming, but I've never used my wisdomportal emails; Checked on Oct. 22; Deleted 26 Spams, 34 Trash; Saw Jack Mullen's 10-23 email asking
for my cell phone # (none) & Al Guzman's Foothill phone #.
Sunday, November 26, 2023, 6:30-7:00 pm
Mountain View: "THINGS TO DO: Searching for
the chicken in Petaluma, the former Egg Basket of the World"

(John Metcalfe, Mercury News, November 26, 2023, F7-F8)

It's no longer the biggest poultry center on earth. But the Sonoma city is still a fine place for farm stands, frittatas and Southern fried chicken. By 1925, Petaluma was the largest poultry center in the world with 2 million hens, and by the time World War II rolled around, it had hit peak production
of 612 million eggs a year. Visit: Stellina Pronto; Petaluma Historical Library & Museum; Tenfold Farmstand;
Hicks Mountain Hens; Barber Lee Spirits; Easy Rider.
Sunday, November 26, 2023, 6:30-7:00 pm
Mountain View: "TRAVEL LIST: 6 best farm
tours in the Western US include a Napa Valley entry"

(By Jackie Burrell, Mercury News, November 26, 2023, F7)

We like Harley Farms in Pescadero, Pennyroyal in Boonville, Ardenwood in Fremont, & Hidden Villa in Los Altos Hills.
1. Macaulay Salmon Hatchery, Juneau, Alaska;
2. Castello di Amorosa, Calistoga, California;
3. Greenwell Farms, Kealakekua, Hawaii;
4. The Farm, Las Vegas, Nevada;
5. No Regrets Farm, Albany, Oregon;
6. Tulip Town, Mount Vernon, Washington.
Sunday, November 26, 2023, 7:00-8:00 pm
Mountain View: "OP-ED: The fight for the soul of AI"
(By David Brooks, Mercury News, November 26, 2023, A12)

As it evolved, OpenAI turned into a fruitful contradiction:
a for-profit company overseen by a nonprofit board with a corporate culture somewhere in between. Many people at the company seem simultaneously motivated by the scientist's desire to discover, the capitalist's desire to ship product & do-gooder's desire to do this all safely. Events of the past week— Sam Altman's firing, all the drama, his rehiring— revolve around one central question: Is this fruitful contradiction sustainable? Can one organization, or one person, maintain
the brain of a scientist, drive of a capitalist and cautious heart of a regulatory agency? Or, as Charlie Warzel wrote in The Atlantic [5-17-2023], will the money always win out? Will a newly unleashed Altman preserve the fruitful contradiction,
or will he succumb to the pressures of go-go-go?
Sunday, November 26, 2023, 8:00-9:00 pm
Mountain View: Al Guzman's Nov. 26 email @ 8:04 am
on seeing movie "Napoleon" with Rudy and me

after Foothill's final exams are over (Dec. 9)
My last Zoom Session of LINC-405
with Will Cavada is Wednesday, Dec. 6;
Foothill Final Exams Week: Dec. 11-15.

Foothill Poet Denise's Nov. 26 emails @ 4:41 pm & 4:46 pm;
Sent 7 photos of family's Thanksgiving dinner in Wisconsin,
hiking, shopping, & getting Christmas Tree at Tree Farm.

Ann's Nov. 26 email @ 6:18 pm on Beaver Moon—
"If you're up after midnight & can see the moon from
a window, look for it a few minutes after 1 am;
Full Beaver Moon: Nov 27, 2023, 1:16 am"
Ann doing Beaver Moon-gazing at 6 am tomorrow.
Monday, November 27, 2023, 7:07-7:10 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 11:20 am;
Woke up @ 1:55 pm (10 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 7:10 am

Cartoon Answer— The installation
of the town's new traffic light had been
14.86% of 794 responders had trouble with this answer.
Monday, November 27, 2023, 3:29-6:56 am
Mountain View: Sent old friend Frances "Thanksgiving 2023" poem
on 11/26 @ 9:16 pm; She responded promptly in 5 minutes (9:21 pm);
Got up from bed & wrote poem "Music Art Poetry: Ascension"
in 3.5 hours. She asked me to check out "Songs of Ascent",
as theme of "Ascension" flowed by in music, art, and poetry.

Sent "Thanksgiving" poem to Frances McKenzie—
first date 60 years ago at Cornell in 1963.
Great old friends finding each other so soon—
on today's November's Full Beaver Moon!
Monday, November 27, 2023, 7:00-8:00 pm
Mountain View: Frances replied 11/27 @ 5:15 pm
"Beautiful poem" to my email @ 4:26 pm "Music Art Poetry:
; Read poems of Frances at Cornell's Student Union
Willard Straight Hall that brought us together for our 1st date in 1963.

Gordon Hunt is playing oboe on KDFC
my favorite "Ascension" of Zipoli.
Raphael's last painting "Transfiguration"
showing Christ ascending in elation.
Monday, November 27, 2023, 4:45-6:30 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt @ 4:45 pm; Half-hour walk to
Jane Lane bin (3 "Daily Post") & Valero bins (No "Daily Post");
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:22-5:53 pm;
6:15 pm Bus #40 to Montecito Avenue and walked home

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.14;
Wonderful Pomegranate Juice 8 oz ($4.99) @ $2.84;
C4 Energy Drink Blood Orange 12 oz @ $2.50 = Free;
O Organics Baby Arugula Salad @ $5.99 - $3 off = $2.99.
Monday, November 27, 2023, 11:21 pm-12:15 am
Mountain View: 25 Photos to Make You Look Twice
from za.investing.com— Photographs snapped at just
the right moment to create an illusion, so you say "Wow!"

I scanned through all 227 photos and selected two—
#37: Lynn Sessions: "Rock Eye" (Full Moon as Iris) (11:21);
#159: Three Birds forming a Smiling Face in the Sky (11:52).
Monday, November 27, 2023, 1:25-2:45 am
Mountain View: Dinner of Reser's Deviled-Egg Potato Salad;
O Organics Baby Arugula Salad; Cashews, Sliced Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, French Fried Onions, Banana Chips

5 tbsp of Kens Dressing Lite Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette for
Arugala Salad & marinated for nuts & seeds; Chocolate Milk;
Dessert: Blueberry cake with Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 7:30-8:00 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:40 am;
Woke up @ 1:40 pm (10 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble & Cartoon Puzzle @ 8:00 am

Cartoon Answer— Afterr their
old car had broken down again, they
49.72% of 1233 responders had trouble with this answer.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 3:30-6:00 pm
Mountain View: No "Daily Post" on Tuesday; Stay home to work;
Need to watch Gene Tognetti's Nov. 21 tape on doing animation
in Google Drive; He did "Racecar" passing a "Traffic Cone"
I'm doing "Hawk Flying" over "Mountains"; Finding Photo #155
"UFO Cloud" (lenticular) for poem "Photographs to Wow Us"

Photo: "Hawk Flying";
"Mountains" (transparent background);
Kristen Higgins: "Animation Video";
"UFO Cloud"; Lenticular Cloud.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 7:13-7:47 pm
Mountain View: LINC-405 Zoom Session with Gene Tognetti
Helped me with Animation of "Hawk Flying over Mountains"
published to web, every second with speed 250.

Gene taped "Animation 2" with "Dog chasing Squirrel"
downloading images with transparent background from
the web. His Dog never caught up with the Squirrel.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 8:15-9:15 pm
Mountain View: There will be two more LINC-405 classes
with Gene (12/5 & 12/12) & Will Cavada (12/6 & 12/13);
Al Guzman's email @ 11:30 am, seeing "Napoleon" on Dec. 9.

Was going to do "Cheetah catching Rabbit" or "Spaceship to the Moon"; Decided on "Bank Robber Running with Money" with "Police Chasing" (transparent background). Animation 2
Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 2:00-2:30 am
Mountain View: Frank Peter's Nov. 28 email @ 2:09 pm from Brasov, Romania, with first snow; Sent SFC news: "Fall Foliage in Bay Area"
(By Douglas Zimmerman, San Francisco Chronicle, 11-22-2023)

It's been a stunning fall color season across California, and nature’s most colorful display has descended from Sierra Nevada into San Francisco Bay Area just in time for the holidays. Leaves turn a bright red along the State Street Market area in Los Altos, on Nov. 11, 2023. Lara Kaylor, editor of California Fall Color, the go-to website to discover latest fall color conditions. Go to UC Berkeley Botanical Garden, for most spectacular non-native display of fall colors in the Bay Area. Fall colors are plentiful along Wildcat Creek Trail in Tilden Regional Park in Berkeley. Fall colors line many streets in Palo Alto.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 2:00-2:30 am
Mountain View: Ann's Nov.28 email @ 9:10 pm—
Learned today that the day after tomorrow, November 30th,
is now a national holiday in Scotland, St. Andrew's Day.

According to Wikipedia— it's a very Scottish holiday, an ordinary working day for most Scots. In 2006, Scottish Parliament passed the St. Andrew's Day Bank Holiday (Scotland) Act 2007, which designated Day as an official bank holiday. If 30 November falls on a weekend, next Monday is a bank holiday instead. Although it is a "bank holiday", banks are not required to close (and in practice will remain open as normal), employers are not required to give their employees the day off as a holiday. Likewise, schools remain open. University of St. Andrews traditionally gives the day for all
the students as a free holiday, but this is not a binding rule.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 5:08-5:40 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 3:40 am;
Woke up @ 1:40 pm (10 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 5:40 am
(I guessed TONS "EXERT"for Cartoon Puzzle)

Missed Cartoon Answer— The owner of the small
retail shop was worried about what was being built
8.75% of 320 responders had trouble with this answer.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 4:30-6:00 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt @ 4:30; half-hour walk to
Jane Lane bin & Valero news bins (No "Daily Post" left);
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 5:15-5:41 pm;
Bus #40 @ 6:17 pm to Montecito Ave and walked home at 6:37 pm,
in time for LINC-405 Zoom Session with William Cavada, whom
I've not seen in 3 weeks; He didn't come 11/22, before Thanksgiving.

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.14;
Lucerne Coffee Creamer ($3.99) @ $2.82;
Kraft Salad Dessing: Poppy Seeds ($5.99) @ $2.97;
Quaker Instant Oatmeal: Raisin-Date-Walnut @ $1.97.
Thursday, November 30, 2023, 2:00-2:30 am
Mountain View: "OBITUARY: Charlie Munger,
friend and business partner of Warren Buffett, dies at 99"

(By Paul R. La Monica & Krystal Hur, CNN, 11-28-2023)

Berkshire Hathaway, the investment firm where Munger served as vice chairman, said in a press release that Munger passed "peacefully" on Tuesday morning in a California hospital. "Charlie" was born on January 1, 1924, in Omaha, Nebraska. Munger, was worth $2.7 billion, according to Forbes. Munger met Buffett in 1959 at a dinner when Munger was in Omaha for his father’s funeral. Munger and Buffett struck up a fast friendship. “Berkshire Hathaway could not have been built to its present status without Charlie's inspiration & wisdom,” CEO Warren Buffett said. In late life, Munger spoke highly of China’s communist government, investing in its tech giant Alibaba.
Thursday, November 30, 2023, 2:30-3:14 am
Mountain View: "OBITUARY: Henry Kissinger,
American diplomat and Nobel winner, dead at 100"

(By Steve Holland & Arshad Mohammed, Reuters, 11-30-2023)

Henry Kissinger, a diplomatic powerhouse whose roles as a national security adviser and secretary of state under two presidents left an indelible mark on U.S. foreign policy and earned him a controversial Nobel Peace Prize, died on Wednesday at age 100. Kissinger, late in life, attended meetings in the White House, published a book on leadership style. In the midst of the Cold War in the 1970s, he had a hand in many of the epoch-changing global events of the decade while serving under President Richard Nixon. Kissinger piloted Nixon's historic summit in Beijing with Chairman Mao Zedong and the eventual formalization of relations between the two countries.
Thursday, November 30, 2023, 5:35-5:42 am
Mountain View: Went to bed @ 5:45 am;
Woke up @ 3:30 pm (9.5 hours sleep);
Solved Jumble Puzzle @ 5:40 am

Cartoon Answer— To leave 100% of their
wealth to chrity, they wee going to have to
25% of 1040 responders had trouble with this answer.
Thursday, November 30, 2023, 5:30-7:00 pm
Mountain View: Leave apt @ 5:30; Half-hour walk to
Jane Lane bin & Valero news bins (No "Daily Post" left);
Shopping at Safeway (580 N. Rengstorff Ave) 6:00-6:36 pm;
Bus #40 @ 6:44 pm to Montecito Ave and walked home at 7:00 pm,

Cup Fresh Watermelon ($3.99) @ $3.14;
Land-O-Lake Black Forest Ham ($7.49) @ $5.62;
Quaker Instant Oatmeal: Raisin-Date-Walnut @ $1.97;
4 Stouffer's Tuna Casserole (2) & Swedish Meatballs (2)
($4.99) @ $2.47 x 4 = $9.88.

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P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
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