Kim Randall's photo of Whale Shark
Shark Photos
in Google Slides

LINC-405: Assignment #6

Peter Y. Chou

November 30, 2022

Preface: On November 30, 2022, 6:15-7:05 pm, in LINC-405 Zoom class Skills Workshop plus Q&A Session with Kim Randall, she showed how to format elongated documents (14"x17") in Google Drawings. Gene Tognetti joined the Q&A Session (6:30-7:05 pm). Kim then imported some of her underwater shark photography she did in the Maldive Islands with a friend. Unfortunately, her beautiful nature photography are invisible at her web sites. I managed to retrieve a polka-dotted whale shark photo on her Facebook site. On Sunday, July 18, 2021, Mercury News printed a picturesque article "Big Fish" by Kurt Snibee. Bookmarked these large fish according to their weight in my Numbers collection. I've rounded up seven Shark photos in Google Slides for Assignment #6.

1. Thresher Shark weighing 575 pounds
is the third largest catch off California
coast on May 26, 2007 at Carlsbad.
The scythe-like tail constitutes nearly
50% of shark's total length. See "Big Fish"
(By Kurt Snibbe, Mercury News, 7-18-2021, B22).

2. Shortfin Mako Shark weighing 1098 pounds
is the largest catch off California coast on
1-24-2010 at Anacapa Island. It can reach
a size of 13 feet in length. Lifespan of 30 years.
In December 1998, a tagged female shark
swam over 1,725 miles. See "Big Fish"
(By Kurt Snibbe, Mercury News, 7-18-2021, B22).

3. Hammerhead Shark weighing 1,280 pounds
was caught by Captain Bucky Dennis, in Port Charlotte.
It took over nearly 6 hours to catch this 14.5-footer on
May 23, 2006. Shark dragged his 23-foot skiff 12 miles
out to sea. Grabbed his bait, a hefty stingray, around noon
in Boca Grande Pass. Largest hammerhead on record was
a 991-pounder caught off Sarasota in 1982. (NY Times,
5-27-2006). "Big Fish" (Kurt Snibbe, Mercury News,
7-18-2021) lists this as the 9th largest catch in the world.

4. Sixgill Shark weighing 1298 pounds is the
8th largest catch in the world on 11-21-2002
by Clemens Rump off Ascension Island in the
Atlantic Ocean near the U.K. Length was 16 feet.
"Big Fish" (Kurt Snibbe, Mercury News, 7-18-2021).

5. Greenland Shark weighing 1708 pounds
is the 3rd largest catch in the world on 10-18-1987
taken on a herring bait off Trondheimsfjord, Norway.
400-year-old Greenland shark is oldest vertebrate animal.
See "Big Fish" (Mercury News, 7-18-2021, B22).

6. Tiger Shark weighing 1785 pounds
is the 2nd largest catch in the world
on 3-4-2004 off Ulladulla, New South Wales,
Australia. Travel over 4,660 miles, round-trip,
each year between coral reefs of Caribbean
& open waters of mid-North Atlantic.
"Big Fish" (Mercury News, 7-18-2021, B22).

7. Great White Shark weighing 2664 pounds
is the largest catch in the world on 4-21-1959
by Alf Dean off the coast around Ceduna,
Australia. It was 16' 10" in length. He reeled
it in only 50 minutes on 130-pound line. "Big Fish"
(By Kurt Snibbe, Mercury News, 7-18-2021, B22).

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