Selected Poems 2018
![]() ![]() ![]() "This Book Was Meant for You" (2-4-2018) recounts my first visit to the Boston Public Library (1970). I was awed by Edwin Abbey's fifteen panels Quest of the Holy Grail in the Card Catalogue Room. The old lady in the bookshop sold me the last copy of Abbey's book for $1.00 original 1936 price. She tells me "No one asked for it. This book was meant for you." "This Treasure Was Meant For You" (2-6-2018) tells about my visit to Cohasset's Vedanta Centre, with Larry Rosenberg (1971). Overjoyed to find a slim 50-pages The Vedanta Philosophy Swami Vivekananda's Q&A at Harvard's Philosophy Department on March 25, 1896, published in 1901 for 25¢. Showed this book to Mataji, saying this rare volume should be kept in their library. She smiled telling me to put a quarter in the box. "You found it this treasure was meant for you." Noticed three giant sequoias on Montebello Ave, Mountain View, and have designated them as my new "Three Graces". Recalling my visit to Yosemite Mariposa Grove's "Bachelor & Three Graces", assembled photos of these trees, & wrote poem "The Three Graces on Montebello Ave" (2-11-2018). In Notes to Poem (2-14), discussed Botticelli's painting Primavera (1478) showing The Three Graces dancing, as well as photos of Morris Dancing. "Fifth Birthday Poem" (3-5-2018) was written for my grandniece Lilly's 5th Birthday. Fun to round up photos of 5 fingers from Cave Art, Leonardo's Vitruvian Man, the 5 senses, 5-pointed starfish & sand dollar, Demuth's painting The Figure 5 in Gold, and Beethoven's 5th Symphony "Linkage of Souls of Scientific Geniuses?" (3-14-2018) was written when Stephen Hawking died on Pi-Day, also Einstein's birthday (3-14-1879). Didn't know that Hawkings was born (1/8/1942) exactly 300 years when Galileo died (1/8/162). Since Newton was born (12/25/1642) the year Galileo died, & Einstein was born the year Maxwell died (11/5/1879), wondered if there is a linkage of souls of scientific geniuses. "First Day of Spring" (3-2-2018) was written on the Vernal Equinox and seeing Google Doodle. Wrote rhyming poem of 16 lines. Published in Waverley Writers' Fresh Hot Bread (April 2018). "That's My Eyeball" (3-26-2018) was written after my retinopahy exam (3-26). The blood vessels in veins appeared like tree branches soaring to the sky or river rivulets flowing to the sea. There was a circle of yellow glowing light to the right which was compared to sunrise from the east. Later the ophthalmologist told me it's my optical nerve which I didn't know writing this poem. "MEDITATIONS ON 41: Mystic Knot of Star Lovers" (4-10-2018) was written for my niece Elisa's 41st birthday on February 27, 2018. After compiling On Number 41, used the writer's words appearing in verse 41, sonnet 41, chapter 41, line 41, or page 41. The poem was arranged essentially in chronological order from "Delight thee with the juice" in Rig Veda I.41.6 (1500 B.C.) to "Be merciful and raise me up" Psalms 41.10 of King David (1000 B.C.) and to Mary Oliver's "Beyond what I see, I imagine more" from Poem 41 "Imagine" in Evidence (2009). Notes (4/11). "Neighborhood License Plates" (4-15-2018) brewed in my head for over ten years after seeing the license plate 4ETU315, that I associated with "Ides of March". Since then, deciphered hundreds of California license plates as mental puzzles. Jotted some 60 license plates in Mountain View neighborhood. 16 license plates were selected for this poem. Car models bearing 3 letters that triggered the words & phrases are given. Fun writing this poem and compiling Notes on automobiles (terrestrial) & visionary sages (celestial). "Shih-Tao's Vision" (5-21-2018) was written after reading about Chinese artist Shih-Tao (1642-1707). He proclaimed "Mountain is the sea & sea is the mountain." Universal flowing & embracing circular movement of mountain & sea. A dot of yin in yang, dot of yang in yin & the magic of transformation. "Above & Beyond" (5-24-2018) was written for Lisa DeLapo's "Project-Based Learning" class. We were assigned to watch the 5-minutes "Above & Beyond" video and give our reaction to this story. The video suggests that "Above & Beyond" is better than "Below & Staying Still" Keep moving ahead faster & faster (warp speed in Silicon Valley). Then I recall the teachings of sages that Heaven is here and now on Earth, so I'm staying home right here residing within. "Mountain Images in Tarot Cards" (7-3-2018) was written after finding 6 Tarot cards with mountain images. Many suggests that climbing to the mountain peak is a symbol of climbing success. However, Sir Edmund Hillary, the first to scale Mt. Everest, said "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." Saw the movie A Wrinkle in Time with Al Guzman on April 22, 2018 at AMC Mercad 20 in Santa Clara. Three good witches tells Meg & Charlie that they're warriors of light fighting Evil to bring their father back. This book is my niece Elisa's favorite, which she shared with me when she was 8-years old. Wrote rhyming poem "A Wrinkle in Time" (7-9-2018) on this science-fiction fairy tale. "Montecitohenge" (7-11-2018) was written after seeing the sunset aligned to Montecito Avenue, Mountain View on June 28 and July 2, 2018. It reminded me of Stonehenge (Summer Solstice) and Manhattanhenge (May 29-30 and July 12-13) with the Sun similarly aligned. "Meditations on 67: Be Glad and Sing for Joy" (8-5-2018) was written for my friend Cathy's birthday after compiling On Number 67. Selected writer's words appearing in verse 67, sonnet 67, chapter 67, line 67, or page 67. Poem was arranged essentially in chronological order from "Be glad and sing for joy" Psalms 67.4 of King David (1000 B.C.) and "sing prayers within your heart" in Rig Veda I.67.2 (1500 B.C.) to Pablo Neruda's "Give me your kisses" in Love Sonnet 67 (1960) & e.e. cummings' "mountains are dancing together" from Poem 67 in Xaipe (1950). Notes "One and the Many" (8-8-2018) has 29 couplets showing examples of Many and the One. While most people see the Many or multiplicity around us, the Sage or Mystic view Oneness underlying the multitude. Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling shows the Biblical flow of Many to the One. "Elephant Rock at Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada" was written on 11-5-1993. Just found the calendar photo of Elephant Rock at Valley of Fire State Park. Reformatted this poem (8-15-2018) with photos of Ganesha, African Bull Elephant, Lauren Hutton, and her near-death experience. "Memories of Cay Horner" (8-19-2018) was written after her daughter Jane Mulcaster told me she died on July 22. Read poem on Sept. 8 at Memorial Gathering at Cay's house. Since Cay was Connie's best friend, & we went on many hikes together, this poem brought back fond memories of us together. "White Dog on Montebello Ave" (8-21-2018) was written about the dog at 276 Montebello Ave, Mountain View. I pass by this dog when coming home. Thought it was an albino St. Bernard or Maremma Sheep Dog. A friend says it's a Golden Retriever. Finally found out from its owner it's a Clumber Spaniel, named "Wilber". It doesn't bark when I stop by to pray to the Platonic Lambda Λ Pepper Tree next door. "Lost Keys Found" (9-11-2018) was written about losing my house & mailbox keys on August 15 & finding them again a week later on August 21, at Bus Stop #40 Bench, that was not there before. "Fire Safety Medal" (9-15-2018) was written about finding my bronze medal won in the 5th grade (1951) for writing the best essay on "Fire Safety at Home". After realizing it was found on 9/11/2018, 17 years from WTC collapse, I'll treasure this medal awarded by the NYC Fire Dept. "Goosepen" (10-1-2018) was written about the fire cavity at the bottom of tall redwoods where farmers hide their chickens, ducks and geese during rainstorms. Found Goosepen photos during Redwood hiking trails for this poem. Interesting to find Λ shape at top and bottom of Redwoods. "Meditations on 97: Practice Pure Prayer" (10-18-2018) was written for my Cornell Professor Harold A. Scheraga's 97th birthedy. After compiling On Number 97, selected the writer's words appearing in verse 97, sonnet 97, chapter 97, line 97, or page 97. The poem was arranged in chronological order from King David's Psalms 97 (1023 BC) and Hymn 97 in Rig Veda (1500 BC) to Pablo Neruda's "Love Sonnet 97" (1960) & Poem 97 in Robert Bly's Stealing Sugar from the Castle (2013). Peter Y. Chou Mountain View, December 11, 2018 |
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