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| Conferences | Singularity Thinkers |
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Singularity Definitions
Definition: Singularity
(Webster Collegiate Dictionary)
Definition: Singularity
(Oxford English Dictionary, 1989)
Definition: Singularity in Mathematics (Math World: Wolfram Research)
a singularity is a point at which an equation, surface, etc., blows up or
becomes degenerate. Singularities are often also called singular points.
Definition: Singularity in Physics (Science World: Wolfram Research)
A singularity is, roughly speaking, a region of extremely
high density into which matter or light is attracted.
What is singularity and why do all laws of physics break down at singularity?
(Physics & Astronomy Online: PhysLink.com)
Ask an Astronomer
Given that the universe may have started from a singularity in a Big Bang,
and that it seems that an awful lot of the universe is going to end
up at the singularity inside a Black Hole, is it possible there is
a connection between the two?
(Michael Loewenstein & Amy Fredericks, NASA)
Is the big bang a black hole?
(Philip Gibbs, 1997)
Singularity Organizations
Singularity Watch (Understanding Accelerating Change)
(Web site founded by John Smart in 1999)
Institute for Accelerating Change
(Non-profit community founded in 2002)
Singularity: The rise of super intelligent life
Singularity Action Group: Working toward a positive Singularity
(Singularity, AI, Nanotech, Biotech)
The Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
(incorportated on July 27, 2000 in Kennesaw, GA)
World Transhumanist Association (Willington CT)
(founded in 1998 by Nick Bostrom Ph.D. & David Pearce)
World Future Society (Bethesda, MD)
(how social & technological developments are shaping the future)
Innovation Watch (David Forrest)
(Tracking change of the emergent future)
National Nanotechnology Initiative
Mike Roco, Director)
(NNI Reports, Activities, Participants, Education Info, R&D Info)
Singularity Conferences & Forums
Nanofair 2003 [nanotechnology in automotive, electronics, life sciences,
materials & optics] (Sächsischer Landtag, Dresden, Germany, Nov. 20-21, 2003)
Accelerating Change Conference 2003
(Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, September 12-14, 2003)
ACC2003 Issues and Speakers Page
(Analysis, Speculation, and Action in Regard to Accelerating Change)
The Accelerating Change Conference Questionnaire
(Weblog By William Grosso, Sept. 8, 2003)
John Smart: Understanding the Singularity
(Official Teach-In for ACC2003 & Stanford Lecture, May 20, 2003)
Nanotechnology Leaders Discuss National Research Priorities & Challenges
(NNI 2003, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C., April 2-4, 2003)
Extro 5: Shaping Things to Come
(Extropy Institute, San Jose, CA, June 15-17, 2001)
Singularity Discussion Forums
(Michael Asnissimov, Administrator: 234 posts)
Singularity Arts' Virtual Conference Room
(commercial site that provides scientific visualization productions)
Singularity Thinkers (listed alphabetically)
Damien Broderrick
(novelist, futurist, author of The Spike & Transcension)
Eric Drexler
(Founder & Chairman of the Foresight Institute)
Ben Goertzel
(AI, Computer Science Dept., University of New Mexico)
Bill Joy
(Chief Scientist, Sun Microsystems)
Ray Kurzweil
(inventor Hall of Fame, best-selling author)
Ralph C. Merkle
(Professor, College of Computing, Georgia Tech)
Mark Pesce
(inventor of VRML & FireUp!, author)
John Smart's Bio
[The Watcher (Intrigued Skeptic) Who Runs the SingularityWatch.com Site]
Big Thinkers: John Smart
(from JurzweilAI.net)
Vernor Vinge
(links from a CalTech web page)
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
(Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence)
Singularity Articles & Interviews
The Singularity
(24 articles at KurzweilAI.net)
What is The Singularity? (By Vernor Vinge)
(VISION-21 Symposium sponsored by NASA, March 30-31, 1993)
Watching the Singularity Watchers
(E. Moritz, Futures Edge, July 28, 2003)
Exploring the Technological Singularity: Drivers of Accelerating Change
(Email Interview with John Smart, June 2001-Feb. 2002)
Staring into the Singularity 1.2.5
(By Eliezer S. Yudkowsky, The Low Beyond, May 27, 2001)
A Dialog with the New York Times
on the Technological Implications of the September 11 Disaster
(By Raymond Kurzweil, NY Times, Sept. 22-23, 2001)
(By Raymond Kurzweil, Edge, August 4, 2001)
Kurzweil's Future Coming Fast
(By Mark K. Anderson, Wired News, April 25, 2001)
Making HAL Your Pal [Eliezer Yudkowsky]
(By Declan McCullagh, Wired News, April 19, 2001)
The Law of Accelerating Returns
(by Ray Kurzweil, KurzweilAI.net, March 7, 2001)
What is the Singularity? by John Smart
(Originally published February 27, 2001 at Singularity Watch)
Nanotechnology: What Will It Mean?
(By Ralph C. Merkle, IEEE Spectrum, January 2001)
Why the future doesn't need us.
(By Bill Joy, Wired Magazine, April 2000)
PBS NewsHour: Ray Kurzweil on Spiritual Machines
(Interview with David Gergen, September 13, 1999)
Ray Kurzweil Interview: Soul of a New Machine
(By James Daly, Business 2.0, January 1, 1999)
How Long Before Superintelligence?
(By Nick Bostrom, Int. Journal of Future Studies, 1998, vol. 2)
Arterati On Ideas: Vinge's View of the Singularity
(By Natasha Vita-More, Extropy, February 1998)
Singularity, Nanotechnology, & Robotic Articles from the New York Times
WHAT'S NEXT: For Simpler Robots, a Step Forward
[MIT's knee-high robot Toddler can walk naturally]
(By ANNE EISENBERG, Feb. 24, 2005)
SCIENCE: Tiny Is Beautiful: Translating 'Nano' Into Practical
[Nanoparticles of various sorts are already found
in products like sunscreen, paint and inkjet paper]
(By KENNETH CHANG, Feb. 22, 2005)
LETTERS: When Robots March Off to War (7 Letters)
(Peter C. Raich, et. al., Feb. 22, 2005)
TECHNOLOGY: A New Model Army Soldier Rolls Closer to Battle
[$127 billion project called Future Combat Systems
is the biggest military contract in American history.]
(By TIM WEINER, Feb. 16, 2005)
WHAT'S NEXT: Beyond Voice Recognition, to a Computer That Reads Lips
[IBM & Intel labs are developing digital lip-reading
systems to augment the accuracy of speech recognition]
(By ANNE EISENBERG, Sep. 11, 2003)
TV: 'JAKE 2.0': A Hero for Today: He's Super Techie!
[Jake turns bionic & "interface with technology", talking to computers]
(By VIRGINIA HEFFERNAN, Sep. 10, 2003)
WHAT'S NEXT: It's Tricky, Grafting Brando's Sneer to Bogart's Shrug
[Researchers are trying to deconstruct the basis of what makes humans look human]
(By ERIC A. TAUB, Sep. 4, 2003)
For Student Essayists, an Automated Grader
[Criterion Online Essay Evaluation Service, a Web-based program in writing]
(By J. GREG PHELAN, Sep. 4, 2003)
STATE OF THE ART: The Robot Returns, Cleaning Up
[Sony's Aibo plastic dog & Roomba, a "robot vacuum cleaner"]
(By DAVID POGUE, Aug. 28, 2003)
WHAT'S NEXT: Strike Up the Band: An Electronic Accompanist Jumps In
[electronic accompanist that can riff with a musician]
(By ANNE EISENBERG, Aug. 28, 2003)
CIRCUITS: It Mulches, Too? Robotic Mowers Gain in Appeal
[blind couple use a robotic lawn mower to cut the grass]
(By JOHN R. QUAIN, July 31, 2003)
SCIENCE FICTION: A Face That Launched a Thousand Quantum Teleporters
[Dan Simmons, Ilium: self-proclaimed gods moving around in time & space at will]
(By GERALD JONAS, July 27, 2003)
OP-ED: Is Google God?
[Google, combined with Wi-Fi, is a little bit like God]
(By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, June 29, 2003)
* Those Intriguing Nanotubes Create the Toughest Fibers Known
(By KENNETH CHANG, June 17, 2003)
a Better Robot, One With Social Skills and a Smile
(By CLAUDIA DREIFUS, June 10, 2003)
BUSINESS/MEDIA: The 'Matrix' Invented: A World of Special Effects
(By ERIC A. TAUB, June 3, 2003)
* SCIENCE: Chess Champion Faces Off With New Computer
[Napoleon lost to Turk chess-playing automaton in 1809.
Now Kasparov will play Israeli computer program Deep Junior]
(By PAUL HOFFMAN, Jan. 21, 2003)
WORD FOR WORD: Wanna Bet? [Mitch Kapor bets Ray Kurzweil $10,000
that no computer in the next 27 years will be able to impersonate
a human well enough to fool a human judge (Turing test)]
(By AMY HARMON, Sept. 1, 2002)
BOOKS: 'MIND CATCHER': A Boy's Essence Uploaded And Adrift in Cyberspace
[John Darnton's fiction on a human mind entering a computer.]
(By JIM HOLT, Aug. 7, 2002)
SCIENCE: They've Seen the Future and Intend to Live It
[Dr. Ralph C. Merkle, leading theorist of molecular nanotechnology]
(By BRUCE SCHECHTER, July 16, 2002)
SCIENCE: It Slices! It Dices! Nanotube Struts Its Stuff
[stronger than steel, far sharper than a pin, shoots electrons, draws away heat]
(By KENNETH CHANG, July 16, 2002)
* Robots Find a Muse Other Than Mayhem
[Columbia's Douglas Irving Repetto: "ArtBots" at Brooklyn's Pratt Institute]
(By DAVID F. GALLAGHER, May. 30, 2002)
SCIENCE: Machines Are Filling In for Troops
[autonomous sentinels on the ground, in the air and in orbit are probing
battlefields with heat detectors, radar, cameras, microphones & other devices]
(By JAMES DAO & ANDREW C. REVKIN, Apr. 16, 2002)
COMPRESSED DATA: On a Futurists' Forum, Money Backs Up Predictions
[Ray Kurzweil, an artificial intelligence expert, bet Mitchell D. Kapor,
the founder of Lotus Development, that by 2029 "a computer or
'machine intelligence' "will pass the Turing test, which states that
artificial intelligence will be proved when a machine's conversation can
be mistaken for a person's. Each man wagered $10,000 of his own money.
(By ANDREW ZIPERN, April 1, 2002)
YAMATO JOURNAL: Rover's Just a Robot, but a Great Pal for All That
[Sony's $1600 Aibo Dog Robot can simulate dog behavior and emotions]
(By HOWARD W. FRENCH, Nov. 22, 2001)
INCOMING Letters to the Editor: Defusing Catastrophes
[Let us heed Mr. Kurzweil's advice and start decoupling the most centralized and
potentially catastrophic systems in energy, banking and travel and on the Web]
CIRCUITS: In the Next Chapter, Is Technology an Ally?
[Interviews with Ray Kurzweil, Peter Neumann, Bruce Sterling,
Lawrence Lessing, Severo Ornstein, and Whitfield Diffie]
(By KATIE HAFNER, Sept. 27, 2001)
TECHNOLOGY: Robots Can Learn Much From High-Tech Playthings
[Honda's Asimo, a four-foot tall walking robot can help humans]
(By MICHEL MARRIOTT, March 22, 2001)
CIRCUITS: Artificial Intelligence Hasn't Peaked (Yet)
[Chess-playing Deep Blue & robotic artist Aaron]
(By KATIE HAFNER, Dec. 28, 2000)
TECHNOLOGY: Humanoids That Can Do Tricks, Kick a Ball and Climb the Stairs
[Sony robot SDR-3X, can kick a ball and balance on one shiny robot leg]
(By SHELLY FREIERMAN, Nov. 23, 2000)
TECHNOLOGY: Mobile Robot Spy Can Keep an Eye on a House or a Human
[Invented by Henry Thorne & sells for $995]
(By CATHERINE GREENMAN, Nov. 23, 2000)
TECHNOLOGY: A Robot That Knows When It Needs a New Diaper
[Rodney Brooks, chairman of iRobot, with the My Real Baby doll]
(By KATIE HAFNER, Nov. 16, 2000)
WHAT'S NEXT: Seeking Computers That Can Feel
[Haptic ("to touch") interfaces in medicine & future robotic surgery]
(By ROBERT HERCZ, Nov. 9, 2000)
Do Androids Dream? M.I.T. Is Working on It
[MIT's Cog and Kismet Robots have humanoid features and social skills]
(By CLAUDIA DREIFUS, Nov. 7, 2000)
TECHNOLOGY: Web Site Offers Cartoons That Interact, With Feeling
[Otto, the letter O, is a cartoon character at an interactive Web site]
(By JOHN MARKOFF, Sept. 12, 2000)
SCIENCE: Robotic Telescope Affirms Assumption on Universe's Birth
[By measuring the distances to 100,000 galaxies scattered across billions
of light years of space, a robotic telescope in eastern Australia has produced
the first detailed, large-scale map of the Milky Way galaxy in the universe.]
(By JAMES GLANZ, Oct. 26, 2003)
HOW IT WORKS: Pull Up a Lawn Chair and Watch the Robot Mow the Grass
[For Homeowners Who Dream of Electric Sheep, Robomow RL-500
is one of several robotic lawn mowers on the market; costs $795]
(By MINDY SINK, May 18, 2000)
* TECHNOLOGY; Technologists Get a Warning and a Plea From One of Their Own
[Bill Joy warns of the dangers of genetics, nanotechnology and robotics]
(By JOHN MARKOFF, March 13, 2000)
WHAT'S NEXT: Shape-Shifting Robots From Xerox
[Intelligent, morphing robots slither and hop along battlefields]
(By DANIEL SORID, March 9, 2000)
[Cute robots resembling our favorite pets have hit the marketplace.
But Hugo de Garis's 'Robokoneko' may have something they don't
a mind of its own.]
(By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF, Aug. 1, 1999)
BOOKS: Machine Dreams (2 Letters on Colin McGinn's book review of 1/13/99)
[Can a robot skate? Read a book? Tie shoes?]
[uncomprehending human symbol-manipulator would pass the Turing test]
(By Alex Lippincott & Paul Post, Jan. 31, 1999)
BOOKS REVIEW: Hello, HAL (Three books examine the future of
artificial intelligence and find the human brain is in trouble)
[Ray Kurzweil, The Age of Spiritual Machines
Hans Moravec, Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind
Neil Gershenfeld, When Things Start to Think]
(By COLIN McGINN, Jan. 13, 1999)
Return of the Luddites (By William Safire)
[Ned Ludd destroyed two knitting machines in Leichestershire in 1779]
(New York Times Magazine, Dec. 6, 1998)
Is it O.K. to be a Luddite? (By Thomas R. Pynchon)
[The next great challenge to watch out for will come when the curves of research
& development in artificial intelligence, molecular biology and robotics all converge]
(New York Times Book Review, 28 October 1984, pp. 1, 40-41)
MORE NEWS: Cybernetics, Nanotechnology, Robotics, Transhumanism
Researchers announce watermelon picking robot
[VIP ROMPER correctly identified melons ripe for picking 85% of the time]
(Globes Online, Israel, Sept. 11, 2003)
Quantum Computing Has Limits
[quantum computers likely to always need very large amounts of power]
(Technology Research News,ĘSept. 11, 2003)
University of Georgia Brings Virtual Poetry to the Streets of New York
[E.L.I. (Electro-Linguistic Imagination) programmed to generate random poetry
from text database]
(By Mark Callahan, UGA News, Sept. 11, 2003)
RAT sticks its nose into sniffer dogs' business
[Professor Andy Russell's robot the RAT (reactive autonomous testbed)
is capable of following a chemical odour through a maze of tunnels.]
(By Garry Barker, The Age, Melbourne, Sept. 11, 2003)
* Nanotechnology set to change the world
[Almost 64 years after Richard Feynman's prophetic paper on
nanotechnology was published, nanotechnology is on the rise]
(By Andrew Lorenzo, Cavalier Daily, Charlottesville, VA, Sept. 10, 2003)
Deepest Musical Note Detected In Outer Space
[A monstrous black hole has been humming B flat for billions of years.
The intensity of the sound is comparable to human speech. But the pitch
of the sound is 57 octaves below middle C from the Perseus Cluster]
(By Jonathan Cohen, Daily Music News, Sept. 10, 2003)
Researcher finds novel method to define genetic 'words' in the human genome
[Stuart Kim: Scientists can now listen in on what genes are 'saying']
(By Amy Adams, Stanford Report, Sept. 10, 2003)
Make Robots Not War
[Steve Potter, Atlanta's Lab for Neuroengineering, has created the Hybrot, a machine
controlled by rat neurons sealed in a patented dish spiked with micro-electrodes]
(By Erik Baard, Village Voice, Sept. 10-16, 2003)
Honda's Asimo comes a calling
[Humanoid robot Asimo (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) came to
New Delhi, did a jig, ran up and down the stairs, and talked, quite literally.]
(By Gaurav Bhagowati, Times of India, Sept. 9, 2003)
* That's how AI evolved
[History of AI: logic, cybernetics, formal languages, personal computers,
game playing, official birth of AI in mid 1950s]
(By Jaspreet Bedi, The Tribune, Chandigarh, India, Sept. 8, 2003)
Ghost in the Shell: Man-Machine Interface 2 #6
[Review of Masamune Shirow's comic book of a futurist world]
(By Paul Dale Roberts, SilverBulletComicBooks, Sept. 7, 2003)
Robotics moves forward in Alle-Kiski Valley
[Growing robotics industry in the Pittsburgh area]
(By Michael Aubele, Valley News Dispatch, Sept. 7, 2003)
How Nanotechnology Will Change Health Care as we Know It
[Nanotechnology can address disease at the cellular and molecular levels]
(By Dr. Joseph Mercola, Sept. 6, 2003)
Do we need men?
[The decay of the Y chromosome points to the extinction of men]
(By Bryan Sykes, The Guardian, Taipei Times, Sept. 6, 2003)
Nanotechnology: Can it leap from lab to fab?
[Technical Insights: by 2015, the nanotech market will surpass US$1 trillion]
(By Nick Helm & Steven Keeping, ElectronicsNews.com.au, Sept. 5, 2003)
Age of Molecular Nanotechnology Is Closer than We Think
[Limited version of molecular nanotechnology should be much easier to accomplish]
(By Chris Phoenix & Mike Treder, Sept. 5, 2003)
Dragonfly inspires UBC robotics team
[British Columbia engineers creating a literal fly on the wall]
(CBC News, Sept. 5, 2003)
Molecules of life come in waves
[Compounds found in cells show quantum behaviour]
(By Phillip Ball, Nature Science Update, Sept. 5, 2003)
A Spinless BEC [A spinless BEC, a Bose-Einstein condensate that is insensitive
to any external magnetic field, has been created by researchers at Kyoto University]
(By Phillip F. Schewe, et. al., Physics News Update, Sept. 4, 2003)
Three Decades After Schumacher Is Small Beautiful?
[Pat Mooney: nanotechnology will widen the gulf between rich and poor]
(By Jeremy Lovell, Yahoo News, Sept. 3, 2003)
* At your robotic service
[International Federation of Robotics website says there were
at least 757,000 industrial robots on the go at the end of 2001]
(By Vincent Blake, Australian IT, Sept. 2, 2003)
* The Man Who Mistook His Girlfriend for a Robot
[K-Bot got 24 servomotors covering the major muscles in the human face]
(By Dan Ferber, Popular Science, Sept. 2003)
Applied Materials invests in spinning electrons
[Stanford's Physics Professor Soucheng Zhang's research in spintronics]
(By Radhika Kaushik, Aug. 29, 2003)
Welcome to Nano Reality TV, Where the Show Is Mistaken for Truth
[Religious and secular are united in this fear of the coming Nanotech Age]
(By Howard Lovy, Small Times News, Aug. 29, 2003)
Fighting the Nanotechnology Threat
[Feynman's 1960 nanotech article interested Soviet weapon developers]
(By Lev Navrozov, NewsMax.com, Aug. 29, 2003)
Nanotechnology: Homeward Bound
[Duffield Hall, home of the nation's oldest federally sponsored nanotechnology center]
(By JESSICA LIEBMAN, Cornell Daily Sun, Aug. 28, 2003)
New spin for electronics
[Spintronics (spin transport electronics) has increased disk capacities 100x in 5 years]
(By Gary H. Anthes, Computerworld Australia, Aug. 27, 2003)
Nanotechnology's Societal Impact to Be Studied
[Two NSF grants of more than US$1 million to study nanotechnology's societal implications]
(By Dwayne Hunter, Better Humans, Aug. 27, 2003)
Scholars meet to map nanotechnology's future
[200 scholars from four Texas universities are meeting this week in Austin]
(Associated Press, Fort Wayne News-Sentinel, Aug. 25, 2003)
Diplomats delighted by dancing robot
[Japan's Asimo talking & dancing robot entertains at Prague's state dinner]
(ITV.com News, Aug. 22, 2003)
Computer system 'can land aircraft without air traffic controllers'
[British Aerospace scientists have developed a revolutionary airborne computer system
that they claim can land aircraft safely without human air traffic controllers]
(By Elizabeth Day, Telegraph, UK, Aug. 24, 2003)
First game-playing DNA computer revealed
[Maya, an enzyme-powered tic-tac-toe machine that cannot be beaten]
(New Scientist, Aug. 18, 2003)
Transhumanism is Not a Dead End!
[If the human brain uses noncomputable processes at some important level,
it will probably be possible to build machines using the same processes.
A small change in direction such as that doesn't make the original path a dead end.]
(By Vivespertilio, SciScoop, Aug. 16, 2003)
Transhumanism is a Dead End!
[Transhumanists ignores so many aspects of humanity that we have yet to understand]
(By Sylvia Engdahl, SciScoop, Aug. 15, 2003)
The Wannabe Cyborgs Grow Up
[Transhumanism: Uploaded consciousness in a supercomputer]
(By Ricky James, SciScoop, Aug. 14, 2003)
* Sandia team develops cognitive machines
[Machines infer user intent, remember experiences
and allow users to call upon simulated experts]
(By Ricky James, Sandia National Lab News, Aug. 13, 2003)
The Wannabe Cyborgs Grow Up
[The transhumanist philosophy and movement have matured]
(By George Dvorsky, BetterHumans, August 11, 2003)
'Spintronics' could enable a new generation of electronic devices, physicists say
[New 'Ohm's Law' days electron spins can be transported without any energy loss]
(By Dawn Levy, Stanford Report, Aug. 8, 2003)
Linux-Powered Robot Swarm Descends On LinuxWorld
[SRI's Centibots explore and map an area that is inaccessible
to human, such as a building full of toxic gas or smoke.]
(By Mark Hachman, ExtremeTech, Aug. 5, 2003)
* Robot Challenge: Putting Artificial Intelligence to Work
[The Robot Grace attended a conference, registered,
located a meeting room and delivered a lecture]
(By Rosanne Skirble, VOA News, Aug. 4, 2003)
Robot 'guard dog' protects Wi-Fi setups
[A robot that sniffs out network vulnerabilities]
(By Declan McCullagh, CNET News.com, Aug. 4, 2003)
* Robots Help Doctors Better Install Heart Pacemakers
[Doctor Claims Robot Has 100% Success Rate]
(Dr. Max Gomez, WNBC, Aug. 1, 2003)
* Refills at Robo-pharmacy
[Robotic prescription dispensing system that does the
work of three pharmacy technicians and reduces errors.]
(By ROSELEE PAPANDREA, Daily News, Jacksonville, NC, July 30, 2003)
Robotics to play major role in future warfighting [Project Alpha]
[By 2005, autonomous robots on the battlefield will be a norm]
(By JO1(SW) Ron Schafer, USJFCOM News, July 29, 2003)
Tiny Gripper Can Manipulate Molecules
[US patent awarded for a tiny wireless gripper that
can manipulate microscopic objects such as proteins and
genetic components, a step towards nanoscale robots that can
do such things as clean your arteries and eradicate tumors.]
(By Dwayne Hunter, Better Humans, July 22, 2003)
Japanese scientists invent dancing robot
[It can move any direction on four wheels and do the waltz]
(Ananova.com News, July 17, 2003)
Voices from the Grass Roots Call for Responsible Nano Policy
[Views of Mike Treder & Chris Phoenix, Center for Responsible Nanotechnology]
(Douglas Brown & Amanda Gefter, Small Times, May 13, 2003)
[F/x guru John Gaeta reinvents cinematography with The Matrix Reloaded]
(By Steve Silberman, Wired Magazine, Issue 11.05, May 2003)
Inside the Soul of the Web
[24 hours watching the world look for answers at Google.]
(By Michael S. Malone, Wired Magazine, Issue 11.05, May 2003)
The Lab that Fell to Earth
[Once the center of the technology research universe, MIT Media Lab is
now teetering on the brink of breakup or, even worse, irrelevance]
(By Brendan I. Koerner, Wired Magazine, Issue 11.05, May 2003)
Small is dangerous? Schumacher, science, and social development
[Humanity recklessly dabbles with science and technology at its peril]
(By Cowan Coventry, Open Democracy, Apr. 9, 2003)
* Tech's future smart dust and ratbots
[Smart dust, lily pads and ratbots, not yet household names, but
could one day be as significant as the microprocessor or the mouse]
(By Dawn Kawamoto, CNETAsia, Jan. 16, 2003)
Say no to gadgetry and take control of your life
(By Ken Ringle, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 12, 2003)
(original article: Washington Post, Dec. 29, 2002, F1)
* Businesses Need to Plant Nano Seeds in Schools, NNI Chief Says
[Two million nanotech-trained workers needed in the next 10-15 years]
(By Garry Kranz, Small Times, Dec. 3, 2002)
The Body Electric: An Anatomy of the New Bionic Senses
[an electrode implanted at the optic nerve of a blind woman with
retinitis pigmentosa enables her to see shapes and colors]
(Science News, Nov. 9, 2002)
The Transhumanists: The next great threat to human dignity
[Opposing viewpoint to human transgenic research]
(By Wesley J. Smith, National Review Online, Sept. 20, 2002)
Cornell nanotech center shows teachers how to excite students with physics
[Nanoscale research ranges from 1 nanometer (the width of three silicon atoms)
to 100 nanometers (100 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair)]
(By Lissa Harris, Cornell Chronicle, April 4, 2002)
Sony reveals singing robot
[SDR-4X can sing in 4-part harmony, shake its hips & wave its arms in tempo]
(BBC News, March 19, 2002)
An egg of a different sort to visit the North
[Oman, an egg-shaped robotic poet & photographer can speak 7 languages]
(By Panida Suvapiromchote, Bangkok Post, Jan. 7, 2002)
NSF awards $11.6 million to Cornell University to create
Center for Nanoscale Systems in Information
[Cornell receives largest grant; Columbia, Harvard, Northwestern,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Rice also receive awards]
(Cornell News, Sept. 19, 2001)
Luddites passed and present
[Those who defend & those who oppose technology need to
come together, otherwise cancer will ravage our society]
(Alan McCluskey, connected e-news, June 21, 2001)
* Virtual Humans
[computer-generated (CG) characters, called "synthespians" or "vactors"
are competing for roles with the flesh-and-blood variety in Hollywood]
(By Kelly Tyler, Nova Online, Nov. 2000)
Technophobia: A small band of hopefuls battles the giant of progress
[Only a society that understands its limits, and has a clear sense of values,
should tamper with nature and even that society shouldn't try to play God]
(By David Wright, Boston Phoenix, June 23, 1995)
The Computer Trap [Theodore Roszak explores the folklore of computers
and speaks critically of the money-making industry behind the technology]
(Interview by Judith Drake, 1988, updated April 2002)
Imagining Futures, Dramatizing Fears:
The Portrayal of Technology in Literature and Film
(By Daniel Chandler, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Jan. 6, 1988)