This book's origin sprouted surprisingly and suddenly
like a sparkling shooting star across the sky. This summer
my 8-year-old niece Elisa asked me about tesseract in a book
that she was reading Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time.
She was fascinated by the pictorial representations of the first,
second, and third dimensions as a line, a square, and a cube.
The book proceeds and "call the fourth dimension time" and
"the fifth dimension is a tesseract."
Being an avid reader, her precocious mind was already wondering
and imagining the higher dimensions.
While browsing through the book, I noticed numerous
foreign quotations sprinkled among the pages. At first they appeared
as faint echoes from far-away foreign lands, but soon I recognized
them as voices of verité from familiar friends. According to
the book's theme, the great souls of
the earth have been engaged
in a cosmic battle with the evil of darkness. The sixteen warriors
of light and many of the quoted authors mentioned have been my
heroic guides during my spiritual journey in the quest of cosmic
enlightenment. Now they seem to urge me in joining them
in this "grand and exciting battle" instead of sitting on the sideline
watching the show. Yes, it is time to participate!
This book is divided in three parts as follows:
(1) Polishing the weapons in preparation for battle.
The sharpest weapon is the diamond because it can cut
all other substances. But sharper than diamond is the mind,
so let us polish the mind. For as Christ said, "The light
of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single,
thy body shall be full of light" (Matthew, VI:22).
By identifying all the sources of quotations from the
angelic beings in A Wrinkle in Time, we tune
the mind to the frequency of cosmic consciousness
where the great souls abide.
(2) Dispelling the darkness and shedding the light.
Purifying the heart by locating the themes of light
from the lives and writings of the Warriors of Light.
(3) Sharing the fruits of the Quest.
Illuminating the soul by tracing the source of tesseract,
and glimpses from the higher dimensions.
Peter Y. Chou
Palo Alto, Summer, 1985
Retyped: Mountain View, January 19, 2021