Rudolf Arnheim, The Power of the Center(A Study of Composition in the Visual
University of California Press, Berkeley, 1982, 227 pp. (LA)
Anthony Blunt, The Art of William Blake,Columbia University Press, NY, 1959, 122 pp. (PA)
Léo Bronstein, Kabbalah and Art,Brandeis University Press, Waltham, 1980, 120 pp. (FH)
Paul Brunton, Notebooks of Paul Brunton,Vol 9, Part 2: The Arts in Culture,
Larson Publications, Burdett, NY, 1987, 100 pp.
Lewis Calvin & Dorothy B. Walmsley, Wang Wei: the Painter-Poet,Tuttle,
Tokyo, 1968, 182 pp.
Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth(with Bill Moyers), Doubleday, NY, 1988
Chung-yuan Chang, Creativity and Taoism(A study of Chinese philosophy, art, & poetry),
Harper Colophon Books, NY, 1970, 247 pp. (original: 1963)
François Cheng, Empty and Full(The Language of Chinese Painting),
Shambhala, Boston, 1994, 158 pp.
J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols,Philosophical Library, NY, 1962, 400 pp. (FH)
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, The Transformation of Nature in Art,
Dover, NY, 1956 (original: 1934), 245 pp.
J. C. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols,
Thames & Hudson, London, 1978, 208 pp. (FH)
George Ferguson, Signs & Symbols in Christian Art(with Illustrations from Renaissance Paintings),
Oxford University Press, NY, 1961 (original: 1954), 192 pp. (FH)
John Ferguson, An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mysticism & the Mystery Religions,
Thames & Hudson, London, 1976, 228 pp.
Wen Fong, Sung and Yuan Paintings,Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, 1973, 162 pp. (PA)
David Fontana, The Secret Language of Symbols(A Visual Key to Symbols and
their Meanings),
Chronicle Books, 1994, 192 pp.
Fred Gettings, The Occult in Art,Rizzoli, New York, 1978, 176 pp. (LA)
Robert Goldwater, Symbolism,Harper & Row, NY, 1979, 286 pp. (FH)
James Hall, Dictionary of Subjects & Symbols in Art,Harper & Row,
NY, 1974, 345 pp. (FH, LA)
Robert Henri, The Art Spirit,Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1923, 284 pp. (FH, LA)
Shin'ichi Hisamatsu, Zen and the Fine Arts,Kodansha International, Tokyo, 1971, 400 pp. (FH)
Stewart W. Holmes & Chimyo Horioka, Zen Art for Meditation,Tuttle,
Tokyo (1973), 115 pp.
René Huyghe, Art and the Spirit of Man,Abrams, NY, 1962, 526 pp.
Sylvia Shaw Judson, The Quiet Eye(A Way of Looking at Pictures),
Regnery Gateway, Chicago, 1982, 68 pp. (original: 1954) (PA)
Wassily Kandinsky, Concerning the Spiritual in Art,Dover, NY, 1977, 57
pp. (original: 1914) (FH, LA)
Lin Yutang, The Chinese Theory of Art,Putnam's, NY, 1967, 244 pp. (FH)
Peter London, No More Secondhand Art(Awakening the Artist Within), Shambhala, Boston, 1969, 190 pp.
Bates Lowry, The Visual Experience,Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1963, 272 pp. (FH)
Jacques Maritain, The Responsibility of the Artist,Scribner's, NY, 1960, 120 pp. (FH)
Rollo May, My Quest for Beauty,Saybrook, San Francisco, 1985, 243 pp. (PA)
Dorothy Norman, The Hero: Myth/Image/Symbol,Anchor Books, NY, 1970, 247 pp. (original: 1969)
Erwin Panofsky, Idea(A Concept in Art Theory),
University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, 1968, 268 pp. (FH)
Erwin Panofsky, Meaning in the Visual Arts(Papers in & on Art History),
Doubleday, NY, 1955, 362 pp. (PA)
Raymond G. Piper & Lila K. Piper, Cosmic Art(ed. Ingo Swann), Hawthorn Books, NY, 1975 (FH)
Mario Praz, Mnemosyne(The Parallel between Literature and the Visual Arts),
Bollingen Series XXXV:16, Princeton University Press, 1970, 261 pp. (LA)
Auguste Rodin, On Art and Artists,Philosophical Library, NY, 1957, 252 pp. (FH)
Michael Sullivan, Symbols of Eternity(The art of landscape painting in
Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1979, 205 pp. (FH, PA)
Michael Sullivan, The Three Perfections(Chinese Painting, Poetry, Calligraphy),
Braziller, NY, 1980, 64 pp. (PA)
Mai-mai Sze, The Way of Chinese Painting(Its Ideas and Technique with
Selections from the 17th century Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting),
Vintage Books, NY, 1959, 456 pp.(FH)
Leo Tolstoy, What Is Art?,Oxford University Press, NY, 1962 (original:
1898) (FH)
James Wasserman, Art & Symbols of the Occult(Images of Power & Wisdom),
Destiny Books, Rochester, VT, 1994, 128 pp.
Alan Watts, The Spirit of Zen(A way of life, work and art in the Far East), Grove Press, NY, 1958, 128 pp.
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