TABLE 5: Canto Lines & Sum Symmetries in Dante's Commedia

Inferno Purgatorio Paradiso
Canto Lines Sum
1 1361
2 1427
3 1361
4 1517
5 1427
6 1157
7 1304
8 1304
9 1337
10 1361
11 1157
12 1394
13 1517
14 1427
15 1247
16 1361
17 1361
18 1361
19 1337
20 1304
21 1394
22 1517
23 1484
24 1517
25 1517
26 1427
27 1361
28 1427
29 1394
30 1484
31 1451
32 1394
33 1574
34 1394
Total: 47204
Canto Lines Sum
1 1361
2 1337
3 1451
4 1394
5 1361
6 1517
7 1361
8 1394
9 1451
10 1394
11 1427
12 1361
13 1541
14 1517
15 1451
16 1451
17 1394
18 1451
19 1451
20 1517
21 1361
22 1541
23 1337
24 1541
25 1394
26 1484
27 1427
28 1484
29 1541
30 1451
31 1451
32 1607
33 1451

Total: 47553
Canto Lines Sum
1 1427
2 1484
3 1304
4 1427
5 1394
6 1427
7 1484
8 1484
9 1427
10 1484
11 1394
12 1451
13 1427
14 1394
15 1484
16 1541
17 1427
18 1361
19 1484
20 1484
21 1427
22 1541
23 1394
24 1541
25 1394
26 1427
27 1484
28 1394
29 1451
30 1484
31 1427
32 1517
33 1451

Total: 47586
Total lines in Dante's Commedia = 14,233 = 1 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4

Sum = addition of numbers in lines (e.g. 148 = 1 + 4 + 8 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4)

Charles Singleton, "The Poet's Number at the Center," MLN 80 (1965) 1-10 (Purgatorio symmetry: Cantos 14-20)
J. L. Logan, "The Poet's Central Numbers," MLN 86 (1965) 95-98 (Purgatorio & Paradiso symmetry: Cantos 11-23)
Note: From the above table, we find Inferno sum symmetries at Cantos 8-12, 15-19, 29-33; Purgatorio sum symmetries at Cantos 1-7, 11-23; and Paradiso sum symmetries at Cantos 1-9, 11-23. These sums are outlined in bold with the central canto of the symmetry also underlined.

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (5-21-2001, updated 6-13-2001)