The Cross |
The cross represents the cosmos, the horizontal line stands for the earthly feminine principle,
and the vertical for the heavenly masculine principle. The intersection is the still point where
heaven & earth meet, as symbolized by Christ on the crucifix (Christianity). The spokes on
the wheel (Buddhism) also form crosses. At the extremities of the cross are the four cardinal
points on the compass: north, east, south, west. Like the Tree of Life, the cross stands for
the world-axis. Placed in the mystic center of the cosmos, it becomes the bridge or ladder
by means of which the soul realizes God. The horizontal line symbolizes the flow of time,
and the vertical line, the ascent to eternity. Since the cross has two lines intersecting,
it represents the relationship of two people, and a symbol for sharing. Cross Page Links: Infoseek found 3,018,522 pages containing the word cross.
Dali's Corpus Hypercubus (1954) |
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© Peter Y. Chou, P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: (updated 7-28-98) |