Issue #3 Wednesday, July 1, 1998 Edited by Peter Y. Chou
On this day, July 1—
1847 Franklin stamp 1847 Washington stamp The first United States postage stamps were issued on July 1, 1847 featuring Benjamin Franklin (1st Postmaster General) on the 5 ¢ stamp and George Washington (1st U.S. President) on the 10¢ stamp. In 1997 these stamps were re-issued to honor the 150th anniversary of U.S. stamps. Visit the USPS Web Site Search Page and type "first postage stamps" in the Search Box. You should get 4 results. Click the first one with search terms highlighted.
Where were these new stamps issued.
What's the denomination of the new Franklin and Washington stamps?

Mr. Zip On July 1, 1963 the USPS used Mr. Zip to encourage people to use 5-digit codes in their address.
Go to the Acronym & Abbreviation Server: and find what does ZIP stand for? (in Post Office abbreviation)
Another source is Acronym Finder with 54,246 acronyms in the database.
If you like to download some pictures of Mr. Zip, Visit Zip Codes.
Where & When was the first Zip Code stamp isssued? (See First Day Cover)

Visit the History of Stamps website.
When & where was the first stamp issued in the world?
Five other countries beside the U.S. also issued their first stamp on July 1. Name these countries & the year of their first issues.
Give the name of the first woman who appeared alone on a U.S. stamp.

Born on This Day, July 1—
Gottfried von Leibniz Gottfried von Leibniz (1646-1716) was born July 1, 1646 in Leipzig, Germany. He invented calculus independently of Isaac Newton in 1684. He also invented a calculating machine to do trigonometric and astronomical tables (1692). Visit the History of Mathematics Archive at the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, University of St. Andrews, England, where you'll find over 1000 biographies of mathematicians.
Click Biographies Index & then L in the Alphabetical index to find Leibniz.
To find what mathematicians were born on a certain date, click the Anniversaries for the year link. When the calendar page appears, click July 1 to find Leibniz.
Leibniz worked on many mathematical curves. What shape does these curves resemble— Astroid, Hypocycloid, Epicycloid? Bookmark the ones you like.
Where are the streets named after Leibniz in Paris?
Bleriot's plane
Louis Blériot (1872-1936), a pioneer in aviation was born on July 1, 1872 in Cambrai, France. What feat did he accomplish on July 25, 1909?

Estee Lauder Estée Lauder, businesswoman, was born on July 1, 1908 in New York City. Her company Estée Lauder Inc., emphasized skin care (Youth Dew fragrance and bath oils) and outsells all other department store cosmetic lines in the 1990s.
When was her company founded?
What's her company's growth from 1958-73?
What's the name of her book and secret of her success?

HTTP is an acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP is the set of rules, or protocol, that enables hypertext data to be transferred from one computer to another, and is based on the client/server principle. Hypertext is text that is coded using the Hypertext Markup Language. These codes and HTTP work together to link resources to each other. HTTP enables users to retrieve a wide variety of resources such as text, graphics, sound, animation and other hypertext documents, and allows hypertext access to other Internet protocols.

A URL is a Uniform Resource Locator. URLs provide a standard, hierarchical way of identifying & locating Internet resources on the World Wide Web. URLs include letters, numbers, and punctuation. The first section of a URL specifies the type of resource to be accessed and the protocol to be used to transmit the resource, for example HTTP. The remainder of the URL indicates the name of the computer and its domain, the port number if different than 80, and often includes the directory path and file name for a specific resource.

HTML is an acronym for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is a set of standardized codes, or tags, that have been derived from the SGML standard. HTML defines and describes the structure of a web page and is used to prepare documents for the World Wide Web. In addition, HTML documents are portable— they can be viewed with any web browser on any type of computer. The tags used in HTML consist of a code in between two “wickets.” For example, <I> and </I> are the starting and ending tags used to indicate an area of text as italic. Some tags, such the paragraph break, do not require an ending tag.

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© Peter Y. Chou, Foothill College, 12345 El Monte Rd., Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
email address: (7-1-98)