Issue #1 Monday, June 29, 1998 Edited by Peter Y. Chou
Internet Invocation
The Internet is not just the information superhighway (earth) or surfing the web (water), but about air (instant communication) and fire (illumination of mind & spirit).
The Internet is a mindplace for spiritual communion and celebration. Lao Tzu says “The net of heaven is cast wide” (Tao Te Ching, LXXIII) and the word “inter” may be interpreted as “between terra” so that Internet is “between earth & heaven.” In the spirit of the Internet, let us make this class one of cooperation and inspiration, helping and sharing with each other our learnings as we transmute global knowledge to universal wisdom. May joyous discovery awaken us as we soar into the infinite.

Internet Metaphors
Aristotle said (Poetics, Book XXII) that a poet must "have a command of metaphor. This alone cannot be imparted by another; it is the mark of genius, for to make good metaphors implies an eye for resemblances."
Copy & paste definitions for "metaphor" and "simile" along with two examples from the website A Glossary of Literary Terms to your Word document. You may bookmark this web page for future reference.

Vice President Al Gore said the “Internet is the information superhighway.” In his Second Inaugural (1-20-97), President Clinton used two metaphors when he said: “Ten years ago, the Internet was the mystical province of physicists. Today it is a commonplace encyclopedia for millions of school children.”

Find this quote in the Washington Post archive by using "Find in Page" (Command-F) in the Edit menu. Type "Internet" in the Find box and check Wrap Search. Click the Find button to verify the above quote. Copy the quote to your Word document along with the URL (web address) for reference.
Start thinking about some original Internet metaphors of your own. Write them down in your notebook. Submit them to me by July 8 so I'll compile an “Internet metaphor” list for class handouts on July 10.
Visit the World Wide Web Consortium at and bookmark this page for future reference. Click the link "People of the W3C" and then click "Berners-Lee" in the Who's Who directory. You'll find this short bio of Tim Berners-Lee: Tim invented the World Wide Web in late 1990 while working at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. He wrote the first WWW client (a browser-editor running under NeXTStep) and the first WWW server along with most of the communications software, defining URLs, HTTP and HTML. Prior to his work at CERN, Tim was a founding director of Image Computer Systems, a consultant in hardware and software system design, real-time communications graphics and text processing, and a principal engineer with Plessey Telecommunications in Poole, England. He is a graduate of Oxford University. Tim is now the overall Director of the W3C. He is a Principal Research Scientist at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.
What is Berners-Lee's email address?
What is his office address?
Download Berners-Lee's one-page personal history of the web that he wrote on May 7, 1998 from his Short Bio page. Read it for homework.
29 MacArthur fellowships were announced on June 11, 1998. Go to the MacArthur Foundation website and find out his award citation and prize money.
In what issue of Time magazine did the article "The Man Who Invented the Web" appear? Go to Time's website at and enter "Tim Berners-Lee" in the Search box. Hit the "go" button. You'll find 24 articles but none on Tim Berners-Lee. Why? Because the database is for the last month only. Click the "all" button on the bottom of the search result page and hit "go" button. This time you'll find the article as hit #1 of 393 documents. Try entering "Tim+Berners-Lee" to see how many results you get. (You should get only 4 documents from the entire archive and 0 hits from the last month).
On this day, June 29—
George Washington Goethals (1858-1928) was born on June 29, 1858, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He graduated from West Point (1880). In 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt appointed him as chief engineer to construct the Panama Canal. Supervising over 30,000 workers, he completed the project six months ahead of schedule in 1914 at a cost of $367 million. President Roosevelt, said it was "the greatest task of its own kind that has ever been performed in the world." United States pays rent to the Panama and will yield control to the Panamanians in the year 2000. Goethals remained as governor of the Canal Zone until 1916, when he retired from the army.

Answer these questions from the web page
Panama Canal: Excellence in Engineering:
How long is the Panama Canal?
How many ships pass through per year?
"A man, a plan, a canal— Panama!" is my favorite palindrome, a word or sentence that reads the same forward & backward. Other examples include: "No lemons, no melon" and "Was it a cat I saw?" Visit the Palindrome Home Page and click to the "Simple palindromes" page. Copy and paste five palindromes you like to your Word document.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) was born on June 29, 1900 in Lyons, France. He wrote poetic narratives about aviation in Night Flight (1931), Wind, Sand, and Stars (1939). He's best known as the author of The Little Prince (1943), a beautiful tale for children and adults. He was lost in combat action in World War II. Visit The Little Prince website to read an English edition of the book with beautiful drawings by the author.
Answer these questions from the website:
What was the drawing he did as a child which the adults thought was a hat? (Ch. 1)
What little planet (asteroid) did the Little Prince come from? (Ch. 4)

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© Peter Y. Chou, Foothill College
12345 El Monte Rd., Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
email address: (updated 6-29-98)