LINC-405: Google Sheets

Beginning Technology Skills
Foothill College: Summer 2021

Instructor: Kim Randall

August 6, 2021

By Peter Y. Chou

Google Sheets Assignment—
In this interactive lesson, you will learn
and practice the following skills:
• Navigate a spreadsheet • Duplicate sheets • Edit the contents of cells in a spreadsheet • Add values to cells • Insert rows and columns • Delete rows and columns • Format with different fonts and colors • Merge cells
• Add borders • Resize rows & columns • Add data validation • Sort data
1. Pause & Refect—
What are some lists you currently
make at home, work, or school?
Don't use spread sheets, but have lists of favorite movies, music, books, paintings.

2. Frustration Doing this Assignment—
Spread Sheet of Lakeside Community Center Shirt Sales

3. Can't Open or Import Spread Sheet in Google Drive—
When Spreadsheet is opened in Google Drive: Sheets,
the above code is shown instead of rows & columns.

4. William Cavada Sends Solution—
When I copy & paste the "Google Sheets: LLC Shirt Sale Data", I get the spreadsheet, but the columns are NOT aligned, & I can't get in any fields to correct data. I tried the URL William Cavada sent— Sheets link
but the boxes are truncated, and not properly aligned. Watched all the videos, however could not do all the assignments described. At Summary, was informed 83% completed, but accomplished much less than that.

5. Spread Sheets & Scenarios Matchups:

6. Lesson Reflection:
Tell us about a work or school project you might
be able to organize better with a spreadsheet.

European Poetry Journey: Sites where poets had
epiphany for their poems; Cost to travel by trains
to these spots and experience transcendence.

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P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (8-6-2021)