LINC-90C: Module 4a
Learning Padlet

Instructor: Kim Randall

March 26, 2021

By Peter Y. Chou

Module 4a Assignment—
Collaborative tool Padlet, began in 2008 with a different name
"Wallwisher". The idea was to "be a simple place to put stuff
on the web." It developed over the years to much more than that,
and today offers a space for multiple people to place their ideas
and thoughts in one place, including the ability to add images,
audio files, upload items, add web links, draw, and much more!
The website is
• To start a new response on the padlet, click the pink circle with
the plus (+) in the bottom right-hand corner. You will then see a box
pop up where you should be able to enter your name and start typing.
• You should be able to do this right in Canvas. If it does not work,
here is the link to the padlet:
• When you are finished with your response, click anywhere on the
padlet except for your box and it will add your reply to the padlet wall.
Feel free to try some of the other options as well.
Discussion Prompt: If you were to design your own collaboration tool,
what would it do? What features would it have? What would people
use it for? Reminder: Please respond to this on the padlet wall below.


Doing this Assignment "Module 4a" in HTML

1) What is Padlet?
Padlet is a software to use making and sharing content with others. Somewhere between a doc and a full-fledged website builder, Padlet empowers everyone to make the content they want, whether it's a quick bulletin board, a blog, or a portfolio. This collaborative virtual wall was created in 2013 by Nitesh Goel and Pranav Piyush. Padlet's logo looks
like an origami paper-folded crane with head at right, tail at left. Body's
center resemble a church steeple or a bishop's mitre. In Japanese culture,
it is believed that the crane's wings carry souls up to paradise. So there
is a spiritual element in Padlet.

2) Sign Up for Padlet
Padlet offers free signup with Apple, Google, Microsoft, or Email. I chose Email: with 14-letternumber password Checked in box "I'm beautiful" and clicked the "Sign Up" button. Clicking Make a Padlet, gave 8 choices— Wall, Canvas, Stream, Grid, Shelf, Backchannel, Map, Timeline. Can't see pink circle with the plus (+) in the bottom right hand corner. Did screenshot showing all 8 Padlets, and selected Wall Padlet & Map Padlet, combined in Photoshop for the image at left. Kim said we should be able to do this right in My Portal/Canvas. If it does not work,
here is the link to the padlet:
Kim asked: "If you were to design your own collaboration tool, what
would it do? What features would it have? What would people use it for?"

3) LINC-90C Students Responses on Creating Collaborative Tool
My response to
Kim's query:
Having taught kids
in the K-12 program
of CPITS to write
poetry, I would
create a collaborative
tool to engage & inspire
them to brainstorm
together, sharing ideas,
photos, videos, to make
their work livelier.
Canva templates can
help them with designs,
Pinterest photos have
images to illustrate their
poems, YouTube videos
and Google Earth can
take them travelling afar.
I have used "Geometry Playground" for students to choose "Circle, Square, Cross, Triangle, Spiral"
in writing their poems. My "Geometrical Figures Compilation" with dozens of examples will stir
students to action. If they are interesting in travel, "Literature Trips to Points of Inspiration" will
offer another avenue for exploration.

4) My Response to Kim's Query Pasted in Wall of Padlet
My response
to Kim's query
was pasted into the
Wall of Padlet along
with responses from
six other classmates
of LINC-90C.
However, none
of the web links
showed up in Padlet.
Typed the URL of
my web page—
so they may
be viewed.

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P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (3-23-2021)