(811 BC-701 BC)

Vatican City #388 Isaiah
(issued June 16, 1964)

Moreover the light of the moon
shall be as the light of the sun,
and the light of the sun
shall be sevenfold,
as the light of seven days,
in the day that the Lord
binds up the breach of his people,
and heals the stroke of their wound.

Isaiah XXX:26


The sun shall be no more
thy light by day;
neither for brightness
shall the moon
give light unto thee:
but the Lord
shall be unto thee
an everlasting light,
and thy God thy glory.

Thy sun shall
no more go down;
neither shall thy moon
withdraw itself:
for the Lord shall be
thine everlasting light,
and the days
of thy mourning
shall be ended.

Isaiah LX:19-20

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